100 Days My Prince: More Dubious Characters

Huh? Did I miss the memo?

How come I didn’t know that this foolish guy was Minister Kim’s son?

Are there any more undisclosed familial relationships among the characters?

Also, there’s something about this guy JeYoon that I find dubious.

@dcuuyou said that there a poll conducted by the official tvN account asking who the audience thought was the biological father was of CPrincess’ baby. Was JeYoon one of the choices, by any chance? I want to pick him just because his baby-face face and his shifty character annoy me. Every time he has a scene, I question his purpose to the story. What IS his added value to the story is and why is he getting a lot of minutes?

I understand MooYeon’s screen time; he’s the brother after all. I understand Minister Jung’s presence, too; Minister Kim must have a counterweight and the Queen must have a representative. But what’s the point of JeYoon’s character? Not to mention his prosopagnosia? 

Hmmmm… given his prosopagnosia, would he still be able to identify WonDeuk as the CP and HongShim as the girl on the bridge? lol.

Really, whenever I see these dubious characters that the writer had tacked onto the show, I feel like WonDeuk, stepping into a crowd of suspicious villagers.

Who are you? 
credit: Kyungsoo’s tumblr

2 Comments On “100 Days My Prince: More Dubious Characters”

  1. only mooyeon, minister jung, and prince seowon were included as poll options!

    i think jeyoon will be instrumental in yool’s return to the palace once assigned as village magistrate, and they seem to be setting him up to later become yool’s new right-hand man based on the opening scene of ep. 1?

    i def think he knows the cp’s voice well enough to at least warrant a double-take lol

  2. Yeah I had to do a double take when that popped up too…what?? So he’s like CPrincess’s brother? He’s a bit of a dunce isn’t he? Why does he even have to be the brother and add another factor into the equation? Couldn’t he just be another random person? I get confused coz JeYoon’s friendship group includes some other guy that he went drinking with?? Who seemed to appear as part of the search party for the dead prince in the mountains? Maybe they just have forgettable faces.

    I thought JeYoon was an oddity too…a concubine’s son? Which concubine though? Does it matter? I guess it does because they seem to keep implying that he is some mud blood and therefore his pedigree somehow disqualifies him from enjoying the company of Gisaengs or moving up the ranks politically? Initially I thought his prosopagnosia (truly I have never once met anyone with this condition in real life but in DramaLand it seems commonplace popping up with the same regularity as asthma in the real world) was just his convenient excuse to ward off the Gisaeng who was hitting on him…but turns out it isn’t coz he pretty much tells HongShim she is the only one whose face he remembers – I forget (?Is that right?). Although he appears in the first few scenes and seems to be the ‘good guy’ as he appears to attempt to stop LY riding off to his imminent death to join the battle. I find his prosopagnosia inconsistent? He seems to recognize people like Minister Kim easily enough and his other friends… Maybe so the writer can use it as a convenient excuse for him not picking up that WD is the CP? And I guess he can also be LY’s only remaining ally for his fight against Minister Kim when he does return to don his princely robes. That’s the only reason I can come up with really.

    But yes like you I do find him somewhat annoying as a character even though comparatively LY is the character audiences are supposed to dislike because he is supercilious and arrogant yet surprisingly WD/LY is the one I find endearing and Mr Dimples (JeYoon) just grates on my nerves despite his seemingly clean as a whistle persona.

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