Bitch Talk: Shoutout to Dorotka

I swear I don’t filter the comment box so I don’t know why some of the messages come through and some don’t. Probably some messages are fated to be??

Some days, I feel like my wordpress is taunting me, too.
credit: letsflytoasiarenata

I happened to check my email yesterday and I saw this from Dorotka.


I don’t know why but I can’t post on your blog… at least sending my post from yesterday by e-mail (so you know you have more followers :–) ).
Good luck with everything!

This was meant as a comment for the Sunmi’s post:

Your post made me finally delurk 😁 (and the fact that I accidentally have a bit of time to write).

In defense of Sunmi, it is hard not to believe in the death bell when you grow up surrounded by ghosts, meet some demons with superpowers, see premonitions coming true…. etc…
Yes, I wish she were not so gullible…but then it wouldn’t be Samjang the Monk, I guess… and she probably was chosen exactly because of her purity and good heart. Ha, the selfless MONK meets the selfish MONKey 😉

But I looooooove the Great Sage and agree with everything you wrote about him. And yes, let’s hope he beats the Heavens…and teaches Samjang some of his selfishness 🙂
(BTW, whoever thougt about casting Lee Seungi here was a genius!)

Anyway, good luck with your blog, you have plenty of interesting ideas and opinions! (And yes, it’s also a good read while waiting for the subs 😉😂)


That’s why you deserve a special shout-out.

I understand how frustrating it is when you don’t see your post up after giving it great thought to write as well as taking courage to de-lurk. And I can imagine you feeling left out like our OhGongie here…

credit: addictingkdrama

I don’t know why some messages disappear in this black hole in the internet. But if you shoot me an email or tweet me, I’ll look for them in the spam or trash box next time.  Cheers!!!   

And oh yeah! LSG is the Monkey King. He rocks it (except when he’s wearing those heeled shoes….ugh.)