Fluttering Alert: Weather Alert

As expected, the more complicated the situation becomes for our couple, the more minutes the secondary characters acquire in this kdrama. The secondary characters are there as fillers.

Like this scene. Their exaggerated facial expressions remind me of buffoons or jesters in those comedy skits that old people like. They’re absurdly out of place in a modern romcom.

And this scene. Why are these two losers even relevant to the script? They’re minor characters commenting on YJ’s love life while they had none of their own.

And this scene. What’s the point? To get a recipe for spicy clam stew? Is she going to be a source of gossip for the roving reporter?

To me, scenes like these are fillers. They’re exceedingly annoying but they’re staged to pass away the time till our OTP are reunited again. For it’s rather obvious that WooHyun and YooJung are only temporarily separated. No matter how complicated the subplots become they’ll find a way to stay together. There’s no storm they cannot weather.

To me, there are only three heart-fluttering moments in this episode and they’re all interconnected.

The first is their reconciliation.

I liked that she was the one who persisted and found a way to meet him.

YJ: Were you not going to see me at all?
WH: (no answer, avoids looking at her by looking down)

She reaches out to hold him back. Remember what I said in the previous episode? She’s more handsy with him while he’s the hugger.

YJ:  You said we should date secretly. I don’t know what you heard from Unni after I left, but pretend you didn’t hear it. That’s not how I feel or what I’ve said.
WH: (sighs. Still looking down)
YJ: Do you…not like me?
WH: (looks up at her. I think he’s startled that she’s questioning his feelings.)

Then, he looks down again and shakes his head. He finally takes her hand in his.

WH: I wasn’t refusing to see you. I couldn’t see you. And my feelings for you only grow each day.

Then, he throws herself at her feet and wails…errr… I mean he embraces her. Note: she doesn’t return the hug.

WH: I missed you so much.
YJ: Then why are you avoiding me?

She’s too kind. I would have said, “They why the devil are you avoiding me, you elvish-mark’d, abortive, rooting hog!” (from Shakespeare’s Richard III) He needs to know that he’s rotten.

She hugs him back.

The second heart-fluttering moment is their date at the drive-in movie theater.

I thought this was a neat coincidence because I once commented that WH was such a newbie at dating that he probably didn’t know what happened at a drive-in movie theaters. lol. He didn’t. 

I especially enjoyed this scene because of the actress Yoon EunHye. She’s really something else. I wasn’t seeing a fictional character, YooJung on a date with WooHyun. I was seeing YEH on a date with WooHyun. lol.

To me, YEH is YJ. YEH’s personality shines through the character YJ. The way YJ giggles, squeals, whines and jokes is the way I would imagine YEH giggling, squealing, whining and joking. If my eyes didn’t deceive me, I think YJ even playfully punched WH’s shoulder which I think is something YEH will do in real life.

Anyway, I thought this scene is heart-fluttering because WooHyun is more concentrated on watching her reactions than he is watching at the film itself. He’s having fun – way too much, if you ask me – watching YEH get scared.

The third heart-fluttering moment is the poetry-reading session.

Here’s their dialogue.

WH: Did you make it inside safely?
YJ: You dropped me off right in front of my house, so of course I made it inside safely.

lol. Such a worrywart! But I don’t think he’s worried that she’s too feeble to make the 20 or so steps to get inside her condo or that the stalker’s hiding in the bushes. I think he’s worried that somebody, like her Unnie or her brother, spotted her returning from their date.

YJ: Are you listening to music?
WH: I spent a lot of time by myself ever since I was younger so I feel too empty and lonely if I don’t have music playing.
YJ: I thought that you liked being alone, WooHyeon-ssi.

Note: despite being given the permission to call him oppa, she still sticks to addressing him formally. I think this is one of the hooks of this romcom. We aren’t shown how she ID’ed him on her cellphone (surely, it’s not “lifesaver”) and now we don’t know what her term of endearment for him will be.

WH: More than preferring to be alone, I was just used to it.

He’s saying that he isn’t a loner or a person who avoids company and prefers to do activities on his own. This was probably the impression she got during their first breakfast together that he didn’t like to eat with strangers because “they try so hard to learn so much while eating a single meal together.” However, WH interacts well with other people like his hyungs. He’s just accustomed to being solitary because of his upbringing.

BTW, note the camera angles. They’re side views to show that both WH and YJ are wearing an earphone. They can talk to each other without holding the phone close to their mouths.

WH: What are you doing?
YJ: I’m reading a book.

She’s actually doing her nighttime regiment and putting on facial cream. But I guess she feels “pressured” to show that she’s also cultured since he likes listening to music that she blurts out that she’s reading a book.

WH: I’m reading a book, too. What book are you reading?

Her eyes widen because she isn’t expecting him to have a follow-up question. She can’t name a single book at the top of her head. In a panic, she pretends that her brother is calling her so she can look for a book. Remember now, she’s wearing her headset.

YJ: What, Yoo Joon? Hold on a minute. (talking to WH on the phone) I’ll be right back. YJ called me. One second.

She leaves her room then returns with a book which I presume is the closest book she could grab a hold of.

YJ: (muttering) Dang it, why did I choose a book on business management? What kind of book is this?

She looks flustered. She picks up her cellphone and continues conversation.

YJ: Hello? You asked me something earlier, right? About the book? It’s a book on gaining business management skills by a CEO.

On the other side of the split-screen, WH is hanging on her every word, fascinated. But when she says that it was business book, he grins. Of course, he knows there’s no way she reads that book. Remember from Episode 2 when she barged in his home and offered to compensate for the trouble she caused. She told him then that she had no money on her and that her manager usually took care of stuff like that.

YJ: (continuing) It looks boring but it gets interesting later on. “The Story of our Generation.”

She gives a small nervous laughter here. She probably thinks that she acquitted herself well and convinced him about the book.

WH: (fixing his earphone) Really? I’ll have to read it too then.

lol. This is really sweet of him. He catches on that she’s bluffing but he allows her.

Meanwhile, on the other end, she finally discovers that she’s wearing an earphone. She’s mortified that he heard her earlier muttering about the book. I love YEH’s facial expressions here. She looks totally believable.

Then, WH starts reading his book.

WH: I’m reading a book of poetry right now. “The wind blew. I staggered…”
YJ: “…and missed the one who walked with me.”

They both smile. They remember the painting that she gave him to hang in his office. Remember? She quoted those lines and wrote them on the painting.

The wind blew, I swayed, I missed the one who walked with me.
– “How to walk within the wind” by Lee Jung Ha

YJ: (sighing) I’m not scared all. No matter how great that chaebol daughter’s family is, she can’t destroy the life as an actress that I’ve built up piece by piece over the last ten years.
WH: Of course not. I won’t stand by and let her do that.
YJ: I may stumble because of a strong gale but you’re going to be walking with me.
WH: I won’t make you walk in the midst of a typhoon alone anymore. I will stand ahead of you, so walk behind me.

Awww…isn’t that romantic? He wants to be her shield and protector.😍

However, what truly gives me butterflies here is that he didn’t bring up this book simply out of the blue. I think there’s a good reason he mentioned this book and it’s connected to the horror movie they watched earlier. 😅 YooJung had been scared and she wanted to close her eyes badly. But he held her hand and put an arm around her. He convinced her that it was okay.

To me, the book reaffirms his resolve to be at her side during the reel and real scary times she’ll have to go through. Whether it be the ghost in the theater or the chaebol daughter, he’s decided to face them all with her.

Sure, he was momentarily persuaded by YJ’s Unnie to believe that separation from YJ was his best course of action to defend her. But after seeing how desperate she was to search for him at his stepbrother’s place and devastated she was to be left alone, he’s come to realize that his mother was right after all.

His mother had warned him that letting YooJung go wasn’t the “best road.” Based on her experience with his father, his decision would be a mistake.

She found out that WH and YJ broke up because the Wannabe Wife was bent on ruining YJ’s career and company.

WH: She obstructs and blocks her path. YooJung has incurred too much loss.
Mom: So what? You’re letting YooJung go?
WH: (drinks coffee to avoid answering her)
Mom: WooHyun, don’t do that. That’s not the best road for YooJung. The situation is a bit different but the chairman said the same exact thing in the past. That if I kept holding on to him, then it would be hard on me. That I’d get hurt too badly, so he was letting me go.

This is important. WH’s father’s decision back then and WH’s decision now are essentially the same. In order to protect their women, they both thought that withdrawing from the relationship and cutting the women out of their lives were the best option.

WH’s father told his mother that they should both let go of each other so she wouldn’t suffer. And now, WH is making the same assessment. He’s letting YJ go, too, so she won’t have to suffer any longer from Wannabe Wife who’s bent on destroying her. If WH lets her go, then Wannabe Wife won’t target her anymore.

Mom: (continuing) Whether the wind blows or a heavy rain falls, you should overcome it together. You should stay by her side, keep everything from harming her, and protect her. Okay?

Meet the new weather forecaster. lol. 

So finally, Mommy Dearest comes to WH’s — and YJ’s — rescue. She’s telling him not to repeat the same mistake that she and his father did. He should go and stand with his woman to weather the gathering storm.

My reaction gif:
Who the heck are you? And what did you do to the real mom of WooHyun? Why are you so sane?

Image result for who are you gif

27 Comments On “Fluttering Alert: Weather Alert”

  1. “We aren’t shown how she ID’ed him on her cellphone (surely, it’s not “lifesaver”)”
    We are shown. In this episode. Its WooHyeon-ssi
    I have to go back and find exactly where.

  2. it’s at 56:07 – when she’s in the van and she gets a text from Kang Hye Joo (funny she had the contact saved in her phone – but I think that was just for the viewers to see who the text was from). And then she gets a text from “WooHyeon-ssi”. That’s how she had him saved.
    It is possible that she changed if after the break up to a more formal thing – so she won’t get caught that she’s still dating him.

  3. 😂 Thank you!! See? What would I have done without you? 😍

  4. OMG…I absolutely loved their date at the drive-in movie theater,yeh’s acting was too believable,& cjm seemed genuinely amused that she was scared of the movie given that she’s an actress & all,I loved this scene to the square of infinity $ back….. as for the other subplots with woo hyun’s step brother or so during the planned reunion,I felt it was very funny & when they bickered,i laughed & I noticed cjm laughed as well, it wasn’t completely unnecessary…. it’s always a pleasure to read your write ups,….. fighting

  5. OMG….I absolutely loved the drive in movie theater scene,I felt like it was yeh as well,& cjm laughter was so nice,they were both so believable,I simply love yeh so much…..& the other time when she took the business management book,lolzz,the way she said the title,I laughed with woo hyun, she’s simply funny to the bone….I didn’t really feel as though the dinner scene with the step brother & the nurse or is it wife (am not sure,I watch mine with subs)was funny,I didn’t understand them but I laughed at their interaction,if you noticed,woo hyun laughed as well,it was quite funny….. wannabe wife is really trying as an actress,……. it’s always a pleasure to read your write ups……. fighting!!

  6. @packmule3 Loved how you connected those three fluttering moments! I saw them as individual events but reading how you linked it made me appreciate those moments even more.

    Although the fluttering moments are getting lesser, they are quite intense to me… Really deep feelings I m getting from these two…

    I mentioned it at the soompi forum about the paparazzi..
    It is really interesting how the paparazzi sent by KHJ are always echoing my thoughts about YJ and WH…
    In episode 7 : when I think they aren’t dating, they seem like they are. And when they seem like a real couple, it feels suspicious..
    In episode 8:The two of them are still seeing each other and with such close and passionate atmosphere.. I planned to continue watching them even if you didn’t ask me to as I am curious about them.

    I find the paparazzi constantly echoing our thoughts… He said he would continue to watch them because he is curious… Those are my exact thoughts… I will continue to watch them as I am curious how their relationship will develop… 

    Something about mum.. These are my thoughts… From the conversation she had with WH about YJ…. Maybe she is a hopeless romantic searching for someone to give her that fluttering feelings she had with Chairman? That’s why she behaved the way she did? While searching for that love, she forgot about the love she should shower WH with…

  7. Hi there! Welcome to bitchesoverdramas!

  8. Good point about the paparazzi!

    I don’t mind the paparazzi as a subplot bec I think they *can* be used later to prove that the Wannabe Wife is the one behind all the blacklisting of YH and that she have a vendetta against YH.

    The mother? The cancer scare must have straightened her out. 👍 I thought she was going to sell out her son and stab YH in the back after her encounter with Wannabe Wife but it doesn’t seem like it now.

    Yes. I agree. She was searching for love. Remember that scene when she turned down the gift/whatever the Chairman was offering her? She said something like she wanted to forever remember their liaison as an act of love. 🤨 Okayyyyy.

    She might consider that love, but if the guy was married at that time, I have a more precise term for the relationship. It’s called adultery. 😂

    Yes, she’s a hopeless romantic with the emphasis on “hopeless” 🤪 as in hopelessly chasing after romance, hopelessly addicted to fairy tales, hopelessly jumping into a new relationship, hopelessly obsessed with feeling butterflies 🦋 in the stomach.

    But I must give her credit for that good piece of advice she gave WH. 🙂She’s been through so many bad break-ups that she should be able to counsel her son on how to avoid one with YH.

    And I agree. I didn’t mind so much that we’re down to three (wait. Am I sure?) fluttery moments in this episode because all these moments tied in anyway to the THEME of the episode which was (at least, to me) weathering the storm. They have to be together to face the strong winds of opposition. 🙂

  9. I’m still sorting this out:
    Their reaction to the fire that almost killed WH.
    WH’s mother had nothing to do with it. She was shocked to find out that WH’s life was threatened.
    The father looked confused when he accused him of trying to kill a child.
    The step-mother avoided looking at WH when he said that she wouldn’t have any good feeling for either him or his mother. She sipped coffee. She didn’t deny it.

  10. The stepbrother and the nurse is a jarring slapstick routine to me. I don’t get why they’re always hyper about something, especially the stepbrother. They remind me of the annoying trio in the currently showing Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter. They are “stock” characters meaning they’re written in the story to simply to move the plot along, provide comedic relief or help the main characters. Since their roles aren’t fresh and original, the actors try on different antics to stand out and be remembered by the viewers.

    As for YEH, she’s killing it. She was the romcom sweetheart before Park ShinHye, Suzie and there rest came along. YJ is her persona. 😀

  11. I love your detailed analyses of the scenes per episode. I always utter, “oh now, I get it,” after reading your reviews.
    Thank you! I like the subtleties and the frankness especially between yeh’and cjm’s characters… a love relationship between two adults without the sex and not bet kpop idols/teens 🙂 Please continue doing so!

  12. Remember now: my reviews are only one way of looking at the scenes. There may be other ways of understanding it.
    I just happen to blog and bitch about this. lol. Feel free to express your thoughts, too.

  13. Although the romantic moments in this chapter should be sought with a magnifying glass because they are very few. I love the appointment in the drive in-cines, Eun Hye Yoon is very funny and reminds me of watching the movie IT.

    A + for Woo Hyun’s mother for supporting their relationship here; VIVA LA SUEGRA. I liked she in this episode.

    The poem reflects a lot the relationship of our protagonists.

    I imagine that the two characters gossiping about the relationship of our protagonists represent all the fanes or antifanes who are Judges, juries and executioners of the actors in South Korea, as metaphor I say, because if there are not enough left over.

    Thanks is a great pleasure to read you.

  14. Yup my guess is the same as your.. Stepmum is the one who started the fire..

    I am also guessing that the man who stabbed WH is his stepbrother…

    For stepmum, WH and mum ruined her marriage..

    For stepbrother, WH took away his father as his father seemed to favour WH more than him… He could only get his father’s attention by doing all the mean stuff…

  15. @packmule3—a bloggin’ bitch who happens to “blog and bitch.”

    At first viewing, I initially viewed Ep. 8 as filler. “Oh boy, this is *a lot* of flashbacks.” But I’m rethinking this. We’re exactly at the halfway mark and shit’s about get real. My fingers are crossed that Show doesn’t go off the rails. I need the ratio of OTP:chaebol machinations not exceed 80:20!

    As irritating as they are, the Greek chorus of oddballs serve to comment on our OTP’s predicament. Like the paparazzi @Anna Tan noted above, these secondary and tertiary characters express varying levels of support for our OTP.

    You know how Korean performers ask their fans to “watch over them warmly” when they announce new projects or relationships? Yoo-Jung herself asked that of WH’s mom when she brought the gift basket. This episode shows that “watching” in action, for good and bad.

    That reconciliation scene … aigoo. Their somber expressions got me because I missed how their eyes usually danced when they greeted another.

    YJ’s little brother said my favorite line of the episode during his brief conversation with Reporter Joo: (42:01)

    Reporter Joo: But I thought that those two really became a couple.

    Yoon Yoo-Joon: Right? I’m not the only one, right? The air between them was good, and I had a good feeling about it.

    Preach, Dongsaeng. Preach.

  16. Despite what I said about secondary characters acting as Greek chorus, I’m nearly convinced Ahn Jung-Suk, who plays WH’s plastic surgeon step-brother, is tripping.

    Okay, that’s not true. He’s just terrible but in a funny way. He says something and I usually end up whispering, “Please close your mouth. Are you trying to catch flies?”

    I found two blooper clips making fun of Mr. Ahn:

    His character has to hobble after getting his shin kicked

    Sauna scene with a very shiny Oh Ji-Ho, where Mr. Ahn does multiple takes of a scripted stumble

  17. Sorry, the YouTube times didn’t work for Ahn Jung-Suk’s bloopers.

    Shin kick hobble: (1:49)

    Sauna stumble retakes: (8:13)

  18. Hello! Hello! How is everyone?

    Glad to be able to just sit down and read AND enjoy your posts 🙂

    I’ll comment as I go along but did anyone noticed that voice over of WH while he was thinking back on his memories of YJ in the rooftop? He called someone to ask if there was a 3 year work overseas, if it becomes available to let him know.

    I don’t want a time jump. Hopefully not or that he was just thinking it because of the issue with YJ.

  19. I was online shopping when you posted. 😂

  20. Oh any good deals? LOL!

    I got a lot of notices here too for black friday deals hehehe But I didn’t get to do any online shopping as I was very busy. I was tired on Friday trying to do house chores and Saturday from my Godson’s 7th birthday party. It was very hectic as the party was at a bicycle park and we had to transfer everything there and pack it all up after.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed episode 7 and even episode 8 even if we only get the three fluttering scenes from our milk couple.

  21. No time jump, please.

    Doing volunteer work for Médecins Sans Frontières is a laudable idea.

    However, I wish he wouldn’t run away from his problem. He’s only delaying the inevitable confrontation with his dad and the Wannabe girlfriend.

  22. I was looking at Vineyard Vines for my nieces and my sons’ girlfriends. Many items are 40% off.

    I’m now on live chat too with a customer rep from American Eagle. lol. I want to order a pair of clogs but don’t know if I should order up or down. They don’t have half-sizes.

    See that? I’m not a techie but when it comes to online shopping… I’m a pro.

    It’s okay. I expected the fluttering scenes to occur during their contract dating. Now that THAT stage of their romance is over, I guess the fluttering scenes will decrease and turn to something else.

  23. Exactly!!! That’s it! 🙂
    Every time he expresses surprise, he must open his mouth wide and drop his jaw. “Jaw-dropping” is the adjective describing that somebody’s astounded, shocked, flabbergasted, etc. As an actor, doesn’t he have a repertoire of facial gestures?

  24. How awesome was that drive in scene? 😍 😍 😍

    There’s a brightened version of it in Soompi and I keep looking at it with a big 🙂 I don’t know how to transfer it here, I am not a techie person too hehehe. I’m not even surprised if the scene was improvised. I mean the director said act scared and go from there. So we got some teasing, laughing, holding hands, arms around the shoulder and a playful punch. Just right!

    I was feeling YJ’s emotion when she asked WH if he does not like her. I’m glad she tried to hit his back before hugging him. He was avoiding her 🙁 So hearing him say that he will stand ahead of her and she can walk behind him in all the storm gave me the reassurance that they should be ok.

    Yes, let’s not do a time jump. Unni said no boyfriends in 3 years. Hello! Let’s not do that please.

    I only realized that maybe it was the step-mom that created that accident years ago to WH after reading your post. And that the step-brother was the stalker. Makes sense now. Oh for WH to ask help from step-Mom says a lot just to protect YJ!

    I am ok with the fillers. Couldn’t agree more with the step-hyung and wifey hehehe But I liked that the YJ’s brother and reporter Jo acknowledged that he thought it was real between his sister and WH 🙂

    OT. Did you sort out your clogs? I am yet to organize family Christmas gifts, I am very late already hehehe

  25. Will reply to this in the blog. Wait a second….

  26. Hi, @packmule3. I just love your thoughts about everything in this drama.

    One thing that I fascinated about YEH is that she is really believable on potraying a woman who madly in love with someone. She is /was that good that I was curious that a girl that never any dating relationship with could do lovey dovey scene are believable. That you know she is convesing that she never dating anyone in her life on Kairos movement in Indonesia 2017 (church event for young people). She said that she had never any relationship with anyone cause she was in this industry in such a young age, and she also said that before had filming drama, she will get stressed about her project for approximately 1 month, and she just get drunk over time because she can’t do anything else, but drink alcohol.

    By taking this drama, I hope that she wouldn’t be that stress and feel pressured because this is her first project after 5years hiatus. I do hope she won’t feel pressured about what people talk to her, because she is a soft hearted person.

    And she also said her family was so poor back then that they lived in a small house that sleep together (the 4of them), and her mom borrow a camera from neighbor or other family to take a picture of her and her brother. Even she was take clothes from other church members untill she 3rd grade of Junior high school because they were so poor back then but she was happy and now after getting famous and had more money, she feel stressed and not happy.

    So I do hope she get a man that make her happy and protect her at all cost. (I am sorry for my poor English, hope you understand what I am writing here. 😊 And I am happy to know you.

  27. Thanks for taking the time to share with us what you know of Yoon EunHye.

    I didn’t know she came from a poor family! Awww… I can understand her being pressured to succeed when her family’s depending on her.

    Let’s send her prayers and good thoughts that she’ll have more success in the future!

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