Memories of the Alhambra: Game Logic Again

A poster from soompi asked me this question. I’m answering here. As usual, her post is in blue italics; my reply in black.

This does help me answer a lot of my question about the glitch/bug and how jinwoo could be a bug.
On all the theme and symbolism the post mention, i see that too and that is why i do like this drama a lot.
It still doesn’t answer a prime question about how can NPC kills Jinwoo or per say his secretary?
When new level one players or even hee-ju when she went looking for him and keep logging on and off, i would think thats she got slayed everytime? So why couldn’t her or any new tester die…..but professor cha or secretary can…? And why didn’t he die the first day he was playing the game, after getting kill so many times by NPC.
And how the technology works without a platform…?
lol maybe I should just accept it and see the beauty in it instead of picking through the logic of it lol


Oh noooo!!!! I must be a madman myself because I can understand and explain the game. 😱

NPCs could kill Jinwoo because he’s an error or a bug. He became an error when he killed HS in the game. Had HS killed him, then HS would have become a bug instead of him. The program doesn’t choose sides in a duel.

But in a way, HS’ death wasn’t meaningless. It did good, too. You see, because they fought and he died, Jinwoo was able to find out that there was problem in the software. He discovered that when two users became enemies and fought a duel within the game, the death of the user inside the game became real death in the real world.

This would have been a major catastrophe considering that this whole “Memories of the Alhambra” AR game was a battle simulation. It wasn’t SuperMario. The users expected to fight and duel in this game.

That’s why Jinwoo ordered the game showcase to be stopped and the launch delayed until he figured out how to solve the glitch. Just imagine what would have happened if the game launched and and the gamers dueled! They would have killed each other and spawned their own vengeful zombie NPCs!!

So Jinwoo wanted his company to stop the launch the game because he knew that there was a problem. Dir Park and the rest didn’t want to believe him because how improbable was that? Virtual game = real life??

It’s incorrect to think that Jinwoo stopped the launch ONLY for HIS sake or for Sejoo’s sake. No. He was also trying to avoid a worldwide catastrophe of gamers dropping dead for REAL while playing a VIRTUAL battle. Remember the title of the kdrama, “Memories of the Alhambra”. He didn’t want a repeat of the bloody bloodbath that happened in Granada during the Middle Ages.

These players could stage clan wars, without fear of being stabbed to death, due to Jinwoo sacrificing himself to eliminate the bug.  According to the news report, the injuries and accidents arising from the game were due to users’ inattention to their surroundings while playing the game (and not from battling NPCs and other users).

By the way, did anybody else find this gamer cute?? lol. 

As to how the NPC killed his Sec Seo, aiggooo, I already explained that here and here. lol. I guess, since I was the first one to point this out, nobody believed me….

Image result for okay, don't believe me gif

As for Heejoo, she was killed whenever she was automatically logged out by the game. Like here,

But she didn’t die like Sec Seo because she was NOT Jinwoo’s ally.

Jinwoo told her to just log out most likely so she wouldn’t have to be frightened NEEDLESSLY by the soldiers, his battle injuries, and the surprise attacks. Plus, he could have been taking extra precautions too lest there were other unexplained or unknown glitches.

Same with Director Park. He was NOT an ally so he had nothing to fear from NPCs.

Most likely Jinwoo gave them both permission to join the game but he had the settings re-progammed so Heejoo and Park did NOT have to choose to become his ally or enemy. They were ordinary NEUTRAL users/testers/gamers.

So just remember: people only died if they became allies of Jinwoo… although…hmmm… I think it’s also possible to be safe if they opted to become “enemies” of Jinwoo.

Why??? Because if they were enemies with Jinwoo, all they had to do whenever they encountered him was REFUSE to duel each other and/or walk away. Just like when Jinwoo stopped his duel with HS in Episode 3.

The NPCs wouldn’t be able to kill them in real life, only in the AR game, because they weren’t allies of Jinwoo. They did NOT share the same fate as Jinwoo.

Thus, if you think about this, for Heejoo and Park, being enemies with Jinwoo is better than being his ally.  Weird, right?

Re. Prof Cha.

Jinwoo gave Prof Cha thechoice to become his ally. If you rewatch that scene again (and the flashback, lol. The flashbacks are there for a reason you know) Prof Cha wanted proof that Jinwoo wasn’t a traitor. Jinwoo said he had proof. He could show the proof in the game if Prof Cha became his ally. Prof Cha agreed.

Once you became an ally, you shared life and death, as Jinwoo reminded Prof Cha. Just like Sec Seo.


Lastly, you asked how the game could work even when there was no platform.

The game worked even when:

a) the servers were down,

(in case you’re wondering how JW got rid of him in Episode 12, JW shot him of course. The director didn’t show it anymore because he thought it was obvious by now. lol)

b)  Jinwoo was a hundred miles away from the server,

*But why did Jinwoo order Prof Cha to leave Seoul in Episode 13? Answer: Because as I said, NPC HyunSuk ONLY surfaced for Jinwoo. When Prof Cha was away from the servers, NPCs wouldn’t attack him, AND when he was apart from Jinwoo, NPC HyunSuk wouldn’t attack him either. NPC HyunSuk’s primary target was Jinwoo and he only appeared around Jinwoo. Whoever was an ally of Jinwoo would be attacked by NPC HyunSuk, too, if the ally was in the vicinity of Jinwoo.

and c) JW, Prof Cha and Sec Seo weren’t wearing the lenses because

 Jinwoo was a BUG.

Normal game rules don’t apply to him (and his allies) because they were bugs.

Definition of a bug in MotA: A bug is an error or failure in the system that produces an unexpected result and causes a breakdown and more errors to crop up. Like a real-life cockroach, a bug generates more bugs and more incorrect results. Moreover, a bug can’t stop itself from reproducing. It can’t kill itself. That’s why Zinu can’t stab himself.

I really have to finish the blog on Jesus on the donkey….


8 Comments On “Memories of the Alhambra: Game Logic Again”

  1. Yes, everything makes much, much more sense now, thanks to you 🙂

    I’m still experiencing withdrawal symptoms because of my MOA addiction- will be feeling empty inside tomorrow (wwithout an MOA episode to watch). Don’t want to watch sageuks or rom-coms. Will need to wait for that Lee Seungi-Suzy action thriller ‘Vagabond. Hope that turns out to be at least half as exciting as MOA.

    I’m going to miss your in-depth analysis of MOA, which makes me fall in love with MOA all over again 🙂

    Hopefully we will find another such drama to analyse soon!

  2. I think I need two more blog posts (maximum: 3) and I’ll be done. I’ve to explain why the ex-wives, especially Yura, had minutes in the finale when we’re already winding down. I know fans were complaining about that…

    Yes, I’m waiting for LSG and Suzy’s show, too. I didn’t know it was a thriller. Oh no!! I’m a scaredy-cat. The Crowned Clown should be interesting but I’ll wait and see before joining in the discussion. It’s only in its 3rd week.

    Noona-donsaeng kdramas are unappealing to me especially when the story revolves around the RELATIONSHIP but I’m willing to check out this Lee Jong Suk kdrama, “Romance is a Bonus Book.” It’s on netflix so it’s no hassle for me to pick up. Otherwise, I’ll go back to my regular BBC shows like Father Brown mysteries. lol.

  3. Waiting for your remaining MOA posts, especially the Jesus on the donkey symbolism 🙂 Can’t say I really care about what happened to the ex-wives, but interested to know why they were given precious screen time in the finale (other than giving their story a proper closure).

    I’m worried that “Romance is a Bonus Book” would be too sugary for my tastes 😝😝😝 Will read some recaps before trying it out. Lee Jong Suk was not bad in ‘W’, so I may still try it out. Didn’t know it was going to be broadcast on Netflix! That’s convenient for me too.

    ‘Vagabond’ is indeed supposed to be a spy thriller, with a plane crash investigation and surrounding corruption and conspiracy. Another drama I’m interested in is “Item” which is again a thriller or mystery about searching for items with supernatural powers (this reminds me of Harry Potter’s horcruxes somehow), though again I will wait for reviews.

  4. Could you possibly work Prof. Cha’s ending into your post about the ex-wives, PM3? I saw people complaining about how he got a happy-ish?/respectable ending (a foundation in his name) that he didn’t really deserve. I think it may be a bit more nuanced than that—he was slain by his own son, after all, in a manner he spent most of the drama deriding. Also Soojin will prob not tell her son much about his grandfather so maybe, eventually, no one will remember him. But I am curious about why the writer ended his story that way and if you have any additional thoughts on his character/ending. 🤔

  5. Oh, but I don’t think Prof Cha had a happy-ish ending. Because he didn’t want to confess, he planned it so that the NPCs will kill JinWoo. To get rid of him. He was stupid and cruel and got the ending he deserved. He was killed by a NPC with the face of his son because he didn’t have JinWoo to protect him.

    Sure he got, after his death, a foundation in his name but it’s not like that warms the dead.
    The foundation was not about him anyway, not a way in which his family was honoring him, but about Soojin wanting to have nothing to do with his money or anything about him anymore. It was in his name because it was his money, that’s only fair but the fact that his only family didn’t want anything to do with him seems sad to me not happy-ish.

    And I looove how many posts packmule is writing about the ending. I saw with previous shows (except Fluttering Alert which also did not disappoint) how you stop writing about them when they get disappointing and, if not anything else, the number of posts after the show ending is telling that this story is worth it.

  6. Brava 👏 👏 Oli! You said it well!

    Prof Cha had a terrible ending. One, he knew he was a traitor. He was such a bug that he violated his own CODE of conduct.

    Two, remember as he was running away with his scribbled notepaper, he was muttering his defense, excuse for JW’s death? He was going INSANE with terror. Lol. If he didn’t die by NPC Hyunsuk’s sword, he wouldn’t be normal anyway after that.

    Three, he died, as @oli said, looking at his son’s face. And he was still spouting nonsense!

    Last but not the least, if you believe in heaven and hell, we know where he was heading.

    So what on earth are they talking about a “happy ending” for Prof Cha?

    The critics: facepalm 🤦‍♀️

    As for the foundation, @oli’s right too. The foundation glorifies his NAME only. He devoted his life to his sacred name so let him have that. He seemed to be an admired prof. For sure, Jinwoo respected him and even considered him a mentor before this whole sorry mess.

    But glorifying his name alone rings hollow. He won’t have descendants who’ll keep on his name and his “tradition”. 🙂 And in life that’s the important one. His memories as a man and father won’t continue for posterity. There’ll be no “memories of Alhambra” or “memories of Grandpa Cha” for him.

    Creation of the foundation post-mortem is cold comfort. He still didn’t build a House of Cha or his own lineage which he could be proud of. 🙂

  7. 😀 So you noticed that, Oli? When I dislike the ending of a kdrama, I either try to forget it as quickly as possible.

    Example: 100 Days My Prince. I was returning home when I heard about the ending so I didn’t bother to watch it.

    But if I like the ending, I write about it despite being pressed for time. Like with this MotA. 😀

  8. Oooh, thanks for the explanation about Prof. Cha and the foundation, Oli & PM3!

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