He’s Psychometric: Kim Gab Yong’s Boss

I know who ordered Kim Gab Yong “not to have loose ends.”

This will be controversial so I need you to buckle up and keep an open mind before proceeding.

I’ve been thinking this over since Episode 6 when Lee Ahn read the body in the suitcase because I didn’t expect this writer to go down this route. But after Episode 12, and the preview to Episode 13, I can’t ignore the corpse elephant in the room anymore.

Image result for elephant in my room gif

Before anyone of you start freaking out because of my theories, remember that we’re just discussing kdrama, and this is the Bitchesoverdramas’ blog? There are plenty of nice, fangirling recapping sites elsewhere if you’re the hyperventilating kind.

And here’s Lee Ahn’s bag just in case. Jaein won’t mind if you borrow it.

Okay, let’s get down to business.

In Episode 12, Lee Ahn had a nightmare which felt like one of his psychometric episode. In his dream, his mom was horrified to see her Sungmo stab his father. The dad only says, “if you want to kill someone with that short height, you shouldn’t stab here. But here. You should’ve stabbed me here.”  He then saw young Sungmo transformed into an adult Sungmo.

Like the tweeting bird (Ha! I told you to watch for the sounds!), this dream is supposed to be a foreshadowing but I’ll discuss this in another post.

In the following scene, we see Ahn driving Jaein home.

Ahn: The homeless murder case?
Jaein: Yes. The case that bothers me the most. The day Kang Geun Taek abducted me, he said his ID card was fake. I still haven’t found the real owner of the ID card.
Ahn: So he killed homeless people to get his hands on others ID cards.
Jaein: There are a few more murder cases like that. I’ll have to look into them first.
Ahn: There’s something I’ve been unable to understand.
Jaein: What?
Ahn: Who’s the person Kim Gab Yong mentioned?

Then, there’s a flashback of the scene in Episode 6. Lee Ahn remembered the final moments of the REAL Kang Hee Sook by doing psychometry on the body found in the suitcase. Ahn saw her killer Kim Gab Yong (KGY) say, “Hold on. Kang Hee Sook, I see you’re not dead yet. I’m sorry but my client wants no loose ends.”

After the flashback, Jaein said that she too didn’t know.

Jaein: In the worst case scenario —
Lee Ahn: Hyung…omoni?

lol. Hyung…(pause)…omoni. The director’s trolling us here. 

But nope, trust me. Hyung’s mother ain’t the worst scenario.

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In the next scene, we see Hyung’s mother walking past the Hardware store at night. She stopped in front of the window sign that reads “Knife.”

In a voiceover, Jaein said, “Kang Eun Joo attempted suicide the day she found out the deaths of Kang Hee Sook and Park Soo Young. It keeps bothering me.”

In my flash review of Episode 11, I explained that the mom attempted suicide because she couldn’t bear the guilt.

She realized that she acquired somebody else’s identity but in the process, two innocent people diedfor it (three, if you include Kim Gap Yong). In her mind, she has caused to many deaths in her attempt to escape her stalker/killer. She felt trapped and she wanted to die to avoid hurting more people. Hence, her suicide attempt.


THAT was an incomplete theory because I had been in denial.

Image result for no can't be gif

But let me tell you now. Her guilt wouldn’t be sufficient to explain why she left the ring behind.

That’s THE significant clue there: the ring. Why did she leave it behind?

To me, it’s simple. It was break-up.

She attempted suicide because she discovered that HER SON had been complicit in other people’s death. She left the ring because she didn’t want this heartbreak to continue.

Sungmo was Kim Gab Yong’s client.

Remember what they discussed about pain?

young Sunmo: Then what about killing? When you die, pain and all emotions disappear.
Mother: You absolutely can’t. Never. Ever. That will make you the same person as that person. Then, I’ll be very hurt.
young Sungmo: Even if you don’t bleed?
Mother: When it comes to pain, rather than wounds of the flesh, it is one in the heart, that hurts more.

Note the Little Prince connection: What’s essential is invisible to the eye. The pain that one doesn’t see, like heartaches and childhood trauma, hurt more than the flesh wounds. When seen from this perspective,  young Sungmo can be compared to the Little Prince, being instructed by the fox, his mother. To his mother, Sungmo was everything precious and she didn’t want him to turn out like his dad.

The ring was her “link” to Sungmo.

It definitely wasn’t a ring from Sungmo’s father. Why would she wear his ring after being held in captivity? To me, the ring was probably worn to signify a new life. The mom was going to begin a new life, a new identity as a respectable widow. Sungmo found a way to get her a new identity through hiring Kim Gab Yong’s service. And five years ago, Kim Gab Yong gave her this new identity as Kang Hee Soo, a nursing home attendant.

Leaving the ring behind was the mom’s way of disconnecting from all that evil. She didn’t want to face the world where her most precious son had become the mirror image of the man she detested. She tried to commit suicide but she was stopped so giving back the ring was the alternative way.

The mother was heartbroken that her son was involved in the deaths. Although Sungmo didn’t physically kill those women, he employed Kim Gab Yong (KGY) in order to get his mother a new identity.

Certainly, Sungmo might or might NOT have directed KGY’s method of getting the new ID. Sungmo might or might not have ordered KGY to find homeless women who look like Kang EunJoo, kill the women, stuff their bodies in suitcases, dump the body in the river, etc. The suitcases appeared to be a copycat of his father’s suitcase but that could just be incidental.

I don’t know exactly what Sungmo ordered KGY to do, but I’m sure Sungmo knew that kind of business that KGY was involved in, and he employed KGY’s skill and expertise to give his mother a new life.

I assume that he ordered “no loose ends” because this was necessary to prevent his stalker/dad from ever finding his mother and abducting her. To KGY, “no loose ends” entailed any and all actions, including murder. KGY was expecting a carte blanche but he was unaware of the mom’s prime directive to Sungmo to “Do No Harm.” 

That’s how I view her attempted suicide.

The mom was fine with a fake identity as long as no crime was involved. When discovered exactly how she got the fake papers through the press conference of Jisoo, she fell into despair. Sungmo grew up to be to be like her jailer/his dad after all.

The word “knife” cut her up. We were shown both sides of the letterings on the glass window.  To me, that was to signify that father and son had become identical, or a mirror-image of each other.

That’s also my interpretation of Lee Ahn’s dream. He saw young Sungmo stabbing the father and being taught how to stab correctly. Ahn also feared that young Sungmo would grow up to be an adult Sungmo that killed like his father. Of course, we know this was an omen.

But why do I say that Sungmo hired KGY?

For one, Sungmo knew Kim Gab Yong.

Of all the lead characters, he was the only who had contact with KGY. We’re already on Episode 12 and I don’t expect new characters.

In Episode 7, his secretary came with a hefty file on KGY and was surprised that he didn’t remember KGY.

His secretary: But this man, his previous records are impressive. Fraud, assault and blackmail. Most of them ended up on probation but—
Sungmo: Thank you.
His secretary: Don’t you remember? When you were just starting out. You met him once as a suspect.
Sungmo: Is that so?
His secretary: You’ll remember when you see it.

His expressionless face does not necessarily mean he ignored his assistant’s comment.

Then, in the same episode, he briefed the Special Investigation Team on Kim Gab Yong. He reported that:

“The employment center, where Kim Gap Yong was the leader of the action team, was a human trafficking organization active in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do. Most of the victims, were feeble-minded people, older people, homeless, tramps, and credit delinquents. Men were sent to islands or offshore fishing boats, and women were turned over for prostitution. They stole their ID cards to make fake conditions and open cloned phones to derive the benefits.”

After his briefing, he mentioned in passing that he once experienced catching the tip of the tail when he was a new prosecutor. Note: he didn’t disclose that the person he met had been KGY himself.

It’s downright suspicious when he hid his connection with KGY. He pretended not to know KGY three times: one, when he examined him as a witness for the fire; two when his secretary reminded him of their previous encounter; and three when he briefed the Special Investigation Team.

Although it’s possible that he genuinely didn’t remember KGY when he showed up as a witness to the fire AND that he had a senior moment of forgetfulness and forgot about encountering him as a junior prosecutor, what bugged me was that Sungmo avoided disclosure to Jisoo.

He lied by omission, and THAT was plenty suspicious in my books.

Aside from his acquaintance with KGY, Sungmo alone had motive to hire KGY.

He wanted his mother safe and he hired Kim Gab Yong (KGY) to protect her. KGY was his mother’s “handler.”

But it seemed like after three years of anonymity working as a nursing home attendant, Sungmo’s mom’s identity and location were finally discovered by the dad/stalker.

If I were to connect-the-dots here, the discovery forced KGY to take Sungmo’s mom from the clinic and hide her before the dad/stalker could kidnap her. KGY moved her to a safe place.

But in retaliation, the dad/stalker stabbed those poor women in Room 701 whom the Sungmo’s mom was caring for, and he burned the place down…just like he did in the Yungsung Apartment when he had discovered that she and Sungmo had left the place.

As I wrote elsewhere, he was enraged to find Sungmo and his mother gone. He only intended to kill Sungmo and leave the unknown female body in the suitcase with Sungmo’s body so it would appear as if the mother and son died in the fire. 

The difference with the nursing home fire is that KGY showed up as a wintess. He had no choice. In order to cover up the fact that the fire was started by a deranged man hunting down his client’s mom, KGY had to come out as a witness and cast suspicion on somebody else. See that?

Let’s look at the timeline:

2 years ago: HanMin Nursing Home fire

5 years ago: Two women were killed.

Jisoo suspected that they were killed because of identity theft. When she compared the sketch of the nursing aide to the pictures of the deceased women to Sungmo’s mother’s picture, she spotted the uncanny resemblance of Sungmo’s mother to them all.

But look at Sungmo. He took his sweet time delivering the sketch of the nursing aide to Jisoo. I said he was suspicious in Episode 6.

He knew that the sketch was that of his mom. As soon as the witness described “softer” eyes, he knew that his mom’s identity would be found out. But he had to be cautious because he was still searching for his mom.

5 years ago: Sungmo’s mother assumed fake Kang Hee Soon’s identity

This scene when they were searching for the nursing aide at the apartment would take on a different meaning. According to Jisoo’s investigation, the mother had been a recluse until five years ago. She had a poor credit rating then signed up for a credit repair services. She acquired a caregiver’s license and got a job at the nursing home.

Moreover, according to Jisoo, when people at the nursing home were given a photo of the REAL Kang Hee Soo, none of them remembered seeing her at the nursing home. However, when a nurse at the nursing home was given a photo of the Sungmo’s mother, she recognized the mother as a colleague.

Look at Sungmo here as Jisoo was telling that Kang Hee Soo was an invisible woman. He kept silent to protect his mother.

He asked what they were going to do next. She answered that she was dropping the case because she couldn’t do anything anyway. “We should report her missing and wrap things up. They’d think I’m crazy if I suggest looking at the arson case because I found a person suspicious.” At this point, he thought his mom was safely guarded by KGY.

He panicked when KGY was killed because he lost contact of his mother but believed her to have escaped the dad/stalker.

Also, earlier in Episode 2, Sungmo mentioned to Jaein that he was living in the house right in front of her rooftop because he “wasn’t doing so great financially.” In my opinion, he was paying for three households, his, Jaein’s and his mom’s, PLUS KGY’s services. That’s he wasn’t doing well financially.

Without Jaein and his mother to support, and without KGY’s service to pay, he had money to purchase a home. But I’m sure he didn’t buy living in that rooftop home as long as his mom and Jaein were safe.

For me, what made me suspect Kang Sungmo was his constant lying.  

For instance, what did he mean that Kim Gap Yong was LIKELY lying?

KGY was DEFINITELY lying but Prosecutor Kang couldn’t admit it.

Besides, why did nobody bother do a background check on KGY?

It boggled my mind that Sungmo did NOT recognize his father’s modus operandi in the nursing home care fire the minute he walked in this room.

Jisoo spotted the similarities right away. She insisted that the case was a perfect copycat of the Yungsung apartment case.

But it was Sungmo who resisted and dismissed the idea. “Stop telling me speculative stories, like a copy cat, ‘real culpit’ and coincidence. Show me something real.” In other words, he didn’t want to entertain suggestions of a connection between two fires because those wouldn’t constitute as real.

lol. And notice his body language, he knew Jisoo had a crush on him and he was charming his way out of this. (Snake charm, if you ask me.)

Aside from Jisoo, Jaein also quickly saw the common elements.

Just by studying all three files overnight, she concluded that the killer “shut down the security cameras beforehand and planned his murder thoroughly….The murdering method is very simple. The Yungsung Apartment case, the Hanmin Care Home case and the Kim Gap Yong case were all stabbings in the abdomen. There’s something unusual though.  The knife that was discovered at the site was not an established product. (meaning it was like self-made.)” 

The two women spotted the connection between the two fires right away yet Sungmo didn’t.

Take the knife, for instance. Jaein said it had been custom-made. In Episode 1, Sungmo surveyed the crime scene and saw the knife on the floor.

But even if he didn’t recognize the knife, when he saw the victims, the stab wounds, the  the room number #701 (like his former apartment number), he should have suspected that his father was behind it. The fire wasn’t meant to cover up the truth. It was meant to send a message to Sungmo that his dad knew that he hid his mother from him again.

Considering that he knew that an innocent person was languishing in jail and the real murderer/arsonist was still at large, he should have followed any leads. Normally, I think he would done so. But in this particular instance, protecting his mother was more imperative than getting Jisoo’s dad out of jail. He prioritized his mother.

I guess, this all fits in nicely with his rubik’s cube mindset. lol. We said the rubik’s cube was an important prop.

The challenge of the rubik’s cube is finishing all the sides. You can’t just complete one side of the six-sided object.  And here in the preview of Episode 13, he wanted Lee Ahn to complete the task. He instructed him, “Not this side, not that side. Without a hitch, I want it to be complete until the end.”

He meant that Ahn shouldn’t fixate on solving just one side. He should see the big picture, and to anticipate how the other pieces will react, and adjust according, whenever he makes his own move.

I think Sungmo was doing that here. He’s moving all his pieces and to help him create a white side.

He was going to set things right by moving the pieces himself. And although I hate this arrogance that he could manipulate people to do his will as if he were god, I don’t expect anything less from his character. We were already told from the beginning that Sungmo was a master puppeteer, right? Soooo, right now, he’s doing his best to pull all the strings.

I’m waiting for his next move to unfold. I hope that he makes good with his promise to Jaein to get her dad out of jail.






24 Comments On “He’s Psychometric: Kim Gab Yong’s Boss”

  1. Wow!! Tbh i had a feeling at the start of the drama that seung mo might not be as good as we think he is. But i sort of forgot about that mindset because i was so focused on Ahn and JaeIn. Also i was loving his chemistry with Ahn so i guess i turned a blind eye to it. But we have been given clues since ep 1. For example when he was following JaeIn in ep 1 and the tarrot card showed 10 swords. Also seung mo was the one who suggested a plan to his mum. He wouldnt make a plan where he cant ever see his mum again right? I mean they only had each other. So your interpretation seems plausible. Also in ep 13 ahn will be angry at seung mo for something. He also says at the end of ep 12 “the night were i lost my parents wasnt the scariest time of my life but it was that night, that moment” He clearly found something out about seung mo. After reading this interpretation i could connect the dots but who knows this drama has been full of surprises. We just have to wait and see. Right now the person im worried about is jisoo. I really dont want her to die. 😢😢

    Also thank you for another eye opening interpretation

  2. Wait, before i read all, i just read first paragraph and i think i know who. Now let me finish the reading..

  3. my gosh, you’re so.. blunt. lol.. i was just finished watching the ep last night and could not really settled my mind because of what Ian said, that his most painful memories is what happened in that abandon station. I remember you said that Ian’s live is revolving around Seongmo (when he confronts his math teacher), he look up to his hyung a lot, so knowing this brutal facts about his hyung is really painful for him. aah.. ian-ah.. :'(

    like what @sehrish said, i knew something were off about Seongmo eversince he called KGY when Jisoo asked for him to be re-interviewed, but it was distracted because KGY were killed by his stalker/dad and pretty much because of everything happened in the drama, ha.

    wow, am curious of what other story HIP will give us, we still have 4 episodes and i think this realization will be disclosed in episode 13. and am giving you a lil spoiler, something bad will happen to Jisoo, all your prediction might come true soon. 🙁

  4. I didn’t think it was Seongmo’s mum either. Unlike his mum, Seongmo has less compunction to pull off this scheme because she is his one and only priority whereas everyone is only there to serve his purpose.

    I have to say, I really love how this drama dropped clues in conversations (or a backstory i.e. Jaein’s aunt’s miscarriage and how she met Lieutenant Nam). So when something happens, it’s not exactly random but has been set up prior if one had paid attention.

    “He wouldnt make a plan where he cant ever see his mum again right?”

    @Sehrish – I think he would if it means his mum can escape her stalker. Seongmo is easier to find since he has already established his name and his job so not seeing his mum is the least he could do to keep her alive.

  5. thank you for the interpretations. i love reading them!

  6. Ahh…you think like I do PM3. I had my suspicions that SM had a hand in using KGY when the Superintendent complimented SM on ‘finding’ a witness to the HanMin Fire so quickly? Still I am hoping the writer will redeem him somehow in the end. For poor JiSoo and LA’s sake. 😬

  7. I cant predict anymore. I really2 hope seung mo is not a monster like the mask man. Really hope happy ending for everyone

  8. 👍 That’s why the show’s good. Even with all the twists and turns, there’s no plot hole…yet.

    Yes, I don’t want Sungmo to be a monster too. I want his character redeemed and rehabilitated. He did a good job steering Lee Ahn out of trouble the last few years so that should count for something, right?

    But I do feel sorry for Jisoo. Both her worlds are colliding and crumbling. 😕

  9. I know, right?

    He got that witness so fast like he pulled a rabbit out of his hat. Dodgy character spotted!

    I knew since Ep 6/7 when Lee Ahn read KGY from the dead woman in the suitcase, that the only logical choice as KGY’s Client was Sungmo. His mom “benefited” from the identity fraud so he had to be involved. But she of course wouldn’t tolerate the killing.

    If KGY was NOT lying about the “no loose ends” directive and did NOT just make it up on the spot to kill the woman, then the order could only have come from Sungmo.

    Wait. Have you caught with the show already?

  10. Yes, that conversation between Lee Ahn and Jaein about KGY’s client had me rolling my eyes 🙄. That was a give-away.

    Jaein: The worst case scenario…?
    Lee Ahn: Hyung… (pause)… omoni?

    Their worst case scenario is that Hyung hired KGY.

    But yes, many things have been set up a few episodes earlier (or even at the beginning). I was watching “Her Private Life” and you can tell the difference between a Webtoon story and a real well-developed script. A webtoon story caters to the cough, cough, people with short attention spans. 😂😈 There’s not a whole lot of story arcs because the reader cannot wait months to see the development. Like, the gal wants revenge on the bad boss? Poison him with coffee. Everything happens in one episode. There’s no delayed gratification and no slow exposition. And absolutely no finesse. It’s entertaining but so shallow that a ten year old will have no problems following the plot. 😆

    But with a good story, the writer creates a solid foundation in the first episode then slowly builds it up (if it’s romance) or unfolds the mystery (if it’s a thriller).

  11. You’re welcome. Remember though it’s only “my” interpretation. Others can have their opinions, too.

  12. I haven’t watched episode 12 but from your blog it makes perfect sense. I mean right where Sungmo said to his Mom, ‘I have a plan’, that’s when everything about him became mysterious and it helped when he couldn’t give all information to Jisoo. Also even when Sungmo called KGY to discuss with Jisoo again, he wouldn’t say anything against Sungmo coz he is his employer. 😟

    Poor Mom, she couldn’t handle it anymore and so she had the two options. ☹️

    I heard the bird chirped in episode 11. So that meant that Sungmo and his Mom wants to be free now from the cage.

    I hope the drama can still maintain the lightness but with four episodes to go and with Jisoo’s life in danger now, I’m not sure.

    How are you anyway? Just finished Maundy Thursday mass.

  13. I’m watching more of the Martial Universe for lightness. 😂 But if they settle the mystery by Episode 15, then we can have the whole of Episode 16 for fun and lightness again.

    On my wishlist: a couple date at an amusement park to show that Lee Ahn’s slowly getting over his psychometric anxiety.

    Yes, the bird chirped!

  14. Martial Universe was light alright 😂 Light for my eyes because of Yang Yang and I think it’s only him that can pull off those costumes and hairdos anytime of the day. 😉 I liked his scene with his leading lady there further down the episodes. He stopped her from cultivating to become the Ice Master. Watch out for that one. Thought it was romantic. 😍

    That sounds nice, amusement park for a date. For my ending wishes I’ll say it after Easter Sunday. 🤭😆

  15. What episode please?

    I’m not into all the demon-fights.

    I watched a few episodes of The New Adventures of the Monkey King on Netflix a while back. And Merlin. I think those are my kind of demon-fighting.

  16. In Viki it’s episode 43, in YouTube it’s season 2, episode 3 😊 He’s kiss to her there was 🥰 Oh he becomes blind because he fought one of the demons ok, that’s why his wearing a mask.

    I watched up to episode 5 of our planet, the new season. 😁 I love episode 2, mostly ocean stuff. I have to finish it too. Oh I like Merlin! 😉

  17. “Wait. Have you caught with the show already?”

    Sadly no. My real life plight has been extended…mom wanted me to help her move to her new place. Except she got dates of the renovations for her new place mixed up (they were delayed) and I based my trip just gone based on that info…as my departure date drew closer she panicked and wanted me back on a plane to help her with the ‘real move’ and unpacking. Therefore I am back on a plane again in a week 😬🛫 after not long landing home. Meanwhile I am madly trying to settle the family here before I jet off again. 😂

    I am reading all the spoiler posts here though to weather me through the storm 😂. I don’t mind. Just sorry I can’t be more involved in the conversations. 🙂

  18. Although I think SM is behind KGY, I have my reservations about KGY being the killer of the 2 ladies in the suitcases. Only because remember how JI insisted LA look through the case files BEFORE doing a read on the carcass? I didn’t think that was smart. That’s like lining up the suspects BEFORE you witness a murder? She thought it would give him context but I always thought it skewed his reading. He would’ve been better doing it cold. There was a gap between him seeing the murder take place and seeing KGY bend over the body. The lady may have already been dead when KGY leaned in to reveal his face in LA’s vision. Note also that the big file of KGY included fraud, assault and blackmail but never went as far as to include murder? So I have my misgivings about him being the killer of the 2 women. As PM3 alluded to, SM must’ve met KGY years ago when he was a suspect and utilised his services to get a fake identity for his mom. So KGY knew of the death of the lady but didn’t actually kill her and provided SM with enough information for his mother to take her identity. He was doing the same for her at the hospital (?) before he was killed by SM’s father.

    I feel like this scenario would give the writer room to redeem SM in the end. I don’t think he would be ‘redeemable’ in my eyes if he ordered the killing of the ladies. ☹️

  19. KGY is the killer of the 2 ladies.

    Even without going through the case file, Ahn clearly saw the face of KGY. Going through the case files beforehand only saved them time searching for a match because Ahn already identified the guy. It’s the writer’s call.

    However, KGY’s remark that his client ordered that 2 ladies be killed is hearsay. 🙂 KGY could have just said that to justify his own act. That’s why I wrote that “Sungmo might or might NOT have directed KGY’s method of getting the new ID.” That’s the wiggle room I’m giving this screenwriter. We don’t know the exact terms of their agreement or contract so I’m giving Sungmo the benefit of the doubt because the writer hasn’t shown us anything.

    lol. We’re just ahead of the curve here in this blog, @nrllee. Nobody except for us here tried to connect the dots and pointed a finger at Sungmo being KGY’s “boss.” Everybody else is swooning at how handsome/hot this actor is with his new hairdo. (silly fangirls) But we’re predicting where the writer is going with her story solely based on the previous episodes. The writer can always twist this around since she has 4 more episodes left.

    But I totally agree with you. If SM ordered the killing, that would be a dealbreaker for me. (Just like it was a dealbreaker with Sungmo’s mom, when you think about it.) As it is, it’s already difficult for me to countenance that he allowed an innocent person to stay in jail when he knew the real killer’s out there.

  20. I was in denial too about Sungmo but it makes perfect sense for him to be KGY’s boss…

  21. “KGY is the killer of the 2 ladies.

    Even without going through the case file, Ahn clearly saw the face of KGY. Going through the case files beforehand only saved them time searching for a match because Ahn already identified the guy.”

    The reason why I hesitate to pin the murders on KGY is two-fold.
    1. Even the inspecting police seemed wary to pin it on him because it didn’t fit with how the organization functioned? Murder was never part of the deal. Unless KGY suddenly went rogue (or worse yet, he was pushed to because of SM – the secretary mentioned that KGY was a victim in the case where SM was supposed to have met him earlier on in his career? So not a suspect but a ‘victim’ (could be just bad subtitles of course)? So perhaps SM had something on him (KGY owed SM) and used that as leverage so KGY could be his man to provide his mother with new identities). I don’t like this arc – it would put SM in irredeemable territory for me – Alexithymia (?) or not.

    2. I rewatched the bit where LA ‘sees’ KGY’s face hovering over the body. Maybe the actor was really bad but the look on his face just didn’t seem to be one of a cold blooded killer gleefully peering over his victim. It just looked like a face which registered surprise or shock to find her. (To be confirmed of course as the episodes transpire).

    I watched 2 episodes (up to Ep 8) – YSS (?) Constructions seem to be the big bad wolf in the background. It wouldn’t surprise me if somehow they end up being the one(s) who made the call on the killing of those 2 ladies. That would tie it up nicely for me. I am not invested at all in those faceless men behind the Contruction company. I would be distraught for JiSoo, LA and JI if SM turned out to be the Monster he was trying to avoid becoming.

    The other thing that stood out for me is that if SM and his father were similar (both suffering from Alexithymia – a trait a lot of psychopaths share), how is it LA can read his father and not SM? SM’s pills – are they Beta Blockers (sometimes prescribed for anxiety – off label use) which have the side effect of actually blocking Noradrenaline release? Hence why LA can read his dad but not SM? I find that difference odd. I think the striking difference between the 2 is that SM seems to understand his propensity to head down that dark path so he surrounds himself with external deterrents, people who will show him the light, like LA, JiSoo and JI. With his mom out of the picture, he needed people around him to take her place to ‘police’ him. He’s connected with these 3 people in his life. JI who makes him smile/laugh. LA the ‘moral compass’ with his psychometric ability. And last but not least JiSoo who refuses to give up on him no matter how dismissive he is of her advances. 😍

  22. EDIT – O I see your subs (from pic above) translated the secretary’s words regarding SM meeting earlier on KGY as ‘suspect’ and not ‘victim’. 🙄 I guess doesn’t really matter either way, SM had the upper hand with KGY and as you surmised, he’s the master puppeteer, making sure all the pieces fall into place. I just hope not too many people end up as collateral damage when he finally solves his ‘real life’ Rubik’s cube.

  23. Pingback: He’s Psychometric: Ep 13 Quick Notes – Bitches Over Dramas

  24. Pingback: He’s Psychometric: Ep 13 On Manipulation – Bitches Over Dramas

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