If Hogwarts had Sorting Kisses instead of a Sorting Hat to determine the houses, this kiss
would have qualified YooJung to the Hufflepuff.
It wasn’t daring enough for a Gryffindor.
It wasn’t sinful enough to send her to Slytherin.
It wasn’t smoldering enough for a Ravenclaw girl.
It was a Hufflepuff sort of kiss. It was bland and typical of a kdrama first kiss.
It was the kind of kiss that would confound Hogwart’s headmaster Dumbledore, “What the hell is a Hufflepuff that kiss?”
It wasn’t what we expected from the great smoocher Yoon Eun Hye. I could have sworn she belonged to Ravenclaw.
But in her defense, WooHyun instigated the kiss and she was probably worried about landing on his injury or was too emotionally distraught to reciprocate.
But yes… I’m craving for a do-over that first kiss. It didn’t set my heart aflutter.
Kiss Rating: Hufflepuff
Edited to add the Letter Grade because @agdr03 wants it:
D for dud, disappointing, do-over please!
🤣 I thought it was a puff too! 🤣
Promise us you will do more analysis on our future Milk Couple’s kisses ok? 🙂
They better give us many!!!
Ah, the kiss. This is why you’re not allowed to drive yourself home after having had anesthesia. At least it was purposeful on Woo Hyun’s part, even if he “forgets” it later. An accidental lip press would’ve been unforgivable.
On the other hand, I give A+ for their repartee when Yoo-Jung woke up at the hospital after the fire. It’s so endearing way they make each other laugh.
While it was not the kiss of the alien of the Prince of coffee, I give it to A, by the effort the poor Woo Hyun was recently operated.