This is my response to @agdr03. Her comment will be in blue; my reply will be in black.
First, a little back story because many of you might have wondered who @agdr03 is.
When the Hong sisters’ kdrama Warm and Cozy played in the spring of 2015, she and I bonded while watching and re-watching the show after the last episode. We scheduled “re-watch” days (or nights in @agdr03’s case because she lives Down Under) when we sat in front of our laptops and did a running commentary of the episode as if we were watching it “live” for the first time.
You see, similar to Fluttering Heart, that romcom Warm and Cozy was panned by self-claimed Arbiters of Good Taste. You know, those snobs. But although they pre-judged the show as “boring as fukc” we loved it to pieces and we analyzed every bit of it.
That kdrama thread was supposed to have been dead, but whenever we were on it, we lit the boards. We were on “hot topics” every time we posted that even the disinterested lurkers were entertained. There was nobody to reprimand us that we were “out of topic” because who cared?
I truly believe that the experience of watching a kdrama is enriched when you share not only your thoughts about the show but also your perspectives on life. This way, you connect with people and REALITY, not just fictional characters and FANTASY. It’s easier to understand and accept other people’s point-of-view, even if their opinions are antithetical to yours, if you see them as PERSONS, and not just posters.
The time was definitely “warm and cozy” for me, @agdr03 and the rest of our little coven.
On with the story.
How awesome was that drive in scene? 😍 😍 😍
There’s a brightened version of it in Soompi and I keep looking at it with a big 🙂 I don’t know how to transfer it here, I am not a techie person too hehehe. I’m not even surprised if the scene was improvised. I mean the director said act scared and go from there. So we got some teasing, laughing, holding hands, arms around the shoulder and a playful punch. Just right!
Ha! Like you, @agdr, I suspect that the brief scene was mostly unscripted. The director did an outside shot to situate the viewers that our couple was in a drive-in,
(that’s their car at the very back, right?)
and the actors were probably had this bit of dialogue on the script.
YJ: Oh, this is scary. I hate it.
WH: You’re calling it scary.
But the rest of the time when they were horsing around, THAT looked ad-libbed to me. As you said, YEH and CMJ were probably given the direction to act scared and to protect/comfort her, and the two pros just went from there.
To me, this romcom isn’t “character” driven as it is “personality” driven. The driving force of the narrative is the personality of the actress YEH. And CMJ reacts well to her body language and cues. If you wish, think of her driving as a metaphor. She’s the driver, controlling the tempo and the atmosphere of this scene while he’s the front side-passenger, coaching her and reacting to her unexpected moves.
That’s the real reason I posted that article about CMJ’s dating a gangster’s daughter. It wasn’t just a IRRELEVANT piece of gossip. (ha!)
If CMJ’s interview was honest, then his personality also showed in his portrayal of his role here. His character WooHyun is the type to mirror his partner and to step in only as needed. He’s a dominant, “take-charge” character BUT he isn’t a domineering, “my-way-or-the-highway” sort of person. Do you see what I mean? We wouldn’t have liked his character if we thought he was a bossy-boots with her. Sure, we don’t want a guy who’s a doormat, but we also don’t want the opposite extreme.
Another thing about horror movies.
Horror movies are good date movies because it literally scares the girl into the arms of the guy. The action will begin with a harmless hand-holding as the girl senses the impending danger or the looming ghost.
For example, YJ asked him to hold her hand, right?
Then after hand-holding, the girl will cower in fright. Take note: she always turns in toward the guy to hide her face. She doesn’t turn away from the guy.
YJ showed us how.
And that’s when the guy moves in to comfort her. Unless he’s a doofus, he’ll reassure her that it’s okay; nothing’s scary; she can look up now. And he’ll put an arm around her to calm her down. Of course, since the guy isn’t Elastic Man with an Elongated Arm, he’ll have to inch up to her to put that arm around her.
Just like what WH did here.
See that? WooHyun bridged that distance in 10 seconds, with the consent and full participation of YJ. Even a Porsche couldn’t travel that fast, lol.
Now, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the expression, “If the car’s a-rocking, don’t come a-knocking.” That expression refers to movements coming from inside the car.
If YooJung had been bouncing hard around in her seat because she was scared, and punching him because he was laughing at her, AND IF WooHyun was doubling up in laughter at her cuteness and struggling to put an arm around her, their combined body movements would have made the car SHAKE from the inside.
… like a jello.
In the olden days (my days), when a parked car was bouncing or rocking, it meant that the occupants were doing something amorous. Hence you didn’t go “a-knocking” because you didn’t want to disturb the people inside. This wise saying is also true for camping tents, “if a tent’s a-rocking, don’t come a-knocking” and any tightly enclosed space. (Of course, it’s different if you suspect that there’s a mass murderer or a bear prowling around. By all means, please go a-knocking….)
Anyway, when I watched WH and YJ playing around in the car, I couldn’t help thinking, “Awwww…that’s their amorous moment.”
lol. PG-13 = the action inside the car.
I was feeling YJ’s emotion when she asked WH if he does not like her. I’m glad she tried to hit his back before hugging him. He was avoiding her 😦 So hearing him say that he will stand ahead of her and she can walk behind him in all the storm gave me the reassurance that they should be ok.
Yes, I saw that she was resisting his hug and tried to hit his back, and I liked that. She had every right to feel indignant. That louse! 😊
As for his reassurances to walk in front of her… I’m in the wait-and-see mode. Words are cheap, as we all know. I want him to see how he’ll take on his father, the Wannabe Wife, AND his stepmother.
Yes, let’s not do a time jump. Unni said no boyfriends in 3 years. Hello! Let’s not do that please.
Yes, it did seem like the show was foreshadowing a time jump. But it doesn’t make sense now after his “I’ll walk in front of you” declaration.
I only realized that maybe it was the step-mom that created that accident years ago to WH after reading your post. And that the step-brother was the stalker. Makes sense now. Oh for WH to ask help from step-Mom says a lot just to protect YJ!
Yes. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. WH could have gotten himself and YJ in a worse situation by asking help from the stepmother.
But then again, what choice did he have, right? If Wannabe Wife wanted a “hidden card” from her father, then he had his own trump card from his stepmother. lol. I thought it was funny that they were both asking for a “favor” from a parent/stepparent.
Wannabe Wife’s conversation with her dad (from Episode 7):
WW: Father, please help me just once. I need a hidden card, too.
Dad: Chairman Cha prioritizes WooHyun being a doctor while we’re in the middle of raising our foundation up. He’s been interested in our biotechnology business.
WW: Our biotech business is something precious even to you.
This is an interesting revelation. I thought Chairman Cha wanted WH to handle the whole organization and was going to plop him as the leader of an enterprise (e.g., hotels & restaurant, entertainment) wherein he had no expertise. That would have been a dumb move because WH could easily crash and burn his company. But now, it appeared like Chairman Cha was interested in a specific medical industry which would “prioritize” WH’s skills as a doctor.
This is a snippet of WH’s conversation with his stepmother:
WH: I don’t want to see YooJung suffering anymore because of me.
SM: And you’re doing this because you’re worried that she’ll get hurt? (he nods and she smirks at the irony) KHJ can’t ever enter your heart no matter what she does to you. But she keeps choosing to do hateful things. She’s not doing it to get to your heart. She’s doing it to beat me. KHY was never your opponent from the very beginning. She was mine.
WH: I’m not interested in anyone else. This is the first and last thing that I’ll request from you.
This, too, is an interesting revelation. Why on earth would Wannabe Wife go up against Stepmother?
To me, these two female antagonists actually have a lot in common. Just like Wannabe Wife, the stepmother could never “enter” in her husband’s heart no matter what she — or her son — did. And she probably also kept choosing to do hateful things to win him.
If I myself find it strange and unseemly that the Chairman Cha dotes on the Wannabe Wife, then I can easily imagine how enraged stepmother must be to know that she’s soon going to have indirect control of the company with her arranged/forced marriage to WH.
It’s like waving the red flag to a bull (or purple cape).
But I’ve been letting all these backroom dealings simply “percolate” at the moment. I’ll look into them when things have progressed and we get more interesting revelations.
I am ok with the fillers. Couldn’t agree more with the step-hyung and wifey hehehe But I liked that the YJ’s brother and reporter Jo acknowledged that he thought it was real between his sister and WH 🙂
Yah. I was writing a response to tsutsuloo’s comment but it disappeared as I was chatting with the sales rep on line (lol).
My problem with that stephyung is jaw-dropping. He’s always shocked or surprised or amazed about something and his favorite facial expression to show incredulity is to drop his jaw and open his mouth. Like this.
Still annoying to me. The fillers would have been less insufferable and more bearable to watch, had there been better acting by these minor actors.
OT. Did you sort out your clogs? I am yet to organize family Christmas gifts, I am very late already hehehe
Almost 60% done! I should get them all done by tonight. It’s CyberMonday and I’m looking for good deals on electronics and other gadgets for the guys in my family. However, I put off shopping for little stocking stuffers till the last minute…to get my adrenaline going. hahaha. I don’t like panic-shopping but for Christmas, panic-buying is obligatory. It adds to the charm stress of the season.
Gotta run.
@packmule3 and @agdr03—Once again I find myself silently chuckling at work while reading this blog. Except that I end up sounding like I’m gasping and need help. Thank you for brightening my Monday morning.
It’s @agdr03’s fault.
She does this ALL the time; she gets me started on WEIRD topics and it’s hard for me to maintain my …cough.cough… usual gravitas. 🙂
Awwwwwww 😍 I wish I can just send a video of my reply to you for this wonderful blog so I can say everything that I want to say but I can’t 🙂
Warm & Cozy was the very first kdrama where I got active in Soompi for the first time. I’ve never joined any forums even after watching lots of kdramas. But I got hooked to it and I’m so grateful that you were there because you made it so much fun, insightful and more meaningful. I’ll never forget those late nights/early mornings that we spent trying to break down a scene and/or see whether we missed anything. I can’t believe that was 3 years ago. Yes, we were very “hot topic” then 😃 I’m not sure what happened to the other Royal Ladies but I’m sure they’re still watching kdramas 🙂 I couldn’t agree more that during that time we didn’t care that it was not a hit, to us it was definitely our lifestyle and our religion! 😀
I will forever cherish Warm & Cozy because of YYS, KS, you and the other Royal Ladies! Hugs to you girlfriend!!! 😘
Okie, back to regular programming 🙂
Oh great minds think alike! 😉 So we got PG-13= Action in the Car. I’m satisfied because I couldn’t be happier at their amorous moment. I wish I can do the same with hubby, watching horror movies but I can’t. It will be the death of me, seriously 🤣
Ah, I get what you mean now by YEH & CMJ’s personality coming out from what we’re watching rather than their characters itself 🙂 They make the perfect pair then 🙂
Yes, I really do hope that WH’s words won’t be cheap. From the teaser he said ‘I promise my feelings won’t change’. I wonder where it will take us. I want to watch a drama that doesn’t need any time jump.
Oh you noticed that biotechnology business too. It pricked my mind but I played it down because I couldn’t connect it. So WH may still end up taking that business. And yes, what’s with the stepmom and wannabe wife? Looks like they’ve been fighting since early on even before KHJ started pursuing WH. Interesting.
Yes with wishing that the minor actors are played much better. I have noticed that jaw-dropping too 😀 He’s always OA!
Oh I’m jealous your 60% done with Christmas gifts! Good for you! I better start soon. Oh so many kids in the family, it’s not funny 😀
@tsutsuloo 🙂 It’s always good to have a good laugh hey? 😀
If I may ask, where are you from? 🙂
Ya, I don’t do it ALL the time 😃 We just have this bitches over dramas connection, that’s why 😉
Besides, it’s not my fault that the drive in scene turned out to be an amorous moment for our milk couple. 😍 I wonder though if we will get a ‘proper’ amorous scene in the coming episodes. 🤞
@agdr03 – such a coincidence. I converse with Icemaid in the Soompi underground (outcasts due to us being rather too cerebral for YSY fan girls). When I told her about PM3 she said she remembered rollicking good times in the W&C thread – yes she’s still a KSR fan. I’ll tell her you said hi. I reside Down Under too! And only recently opened the Narnian wardrobe door and ventured into the magical KDramaLand.
Oh! Hello there neighbor! ☺️ Nice to know I’m not the only one in kdramaland Down Under 😁
Icemaid was one of the Royal Ladies. We’ve messaged in Soompi a few weeks ago but please tell her I said hello 😊
I’m an avid fan of YYS too. I really admire him for his talents, traits and for his level headedness. He doesn’t let the whole showbiz stardom get to him. He will be one of my Oppa’s forever 😉
I like Kang Sora too. She’s one of the few actresses that I like and love to watch.
😂👍😂 Icemaid is in the underground too? Lol!! She’s so NOT guerrilla. She’s one of the sane, mainstream, conventional and likable posters over at soompi! What?! 😂
Btw, just so EVERYONE will know: The PM system (if you’re using that as the underground) in THAT FORUM is accessible by admins and mods. If you expect privacy, don’t. The “P” in PM stands for public. 😜
Just take your underground discussion elsewhere/off-site. I know of many good posters who have long moved to allkpop forum and mydramalist site. They drop by only occasionally at soompi now.
Good posters = stimulate conversation, dig up random tidbits about actors and kdrama and share with group, do fan-art, stalk the IGs of the drama and actors, post a lot… and
As for rabid YSY fans, I can guess who their self-appointed leader is. 😂
I was happy to see Kang Sora do a cameo here in Fluttering Heart. Have always liked her, too. I had a blast watching her play virtual wife of Leeteuk of SuperJunior in We Got Married.
YYS = Yoo Yoonseo, that guy in Warm and Cozy, and Mr Sunshine.
YSH = Yoo SeungHo that actor in Ruler of the Mask
Ooohhhh I didn’t know that mods/admins have access to the PM in Soompi 😱 Thanks for letting me know.
Whose YSY?
Good morning!
KSR is lovely. I will always watch her dramas. By the way, did KSR do a cameo in Fluttering Alert? I think I missed it 😨
Another Oppa’s of mine, YYS and YSH 😍 I haven’t seen Ruler of the Mask. Is it any good? ☺️
YSY = Yoon Shi Yoon. Well it’s kinda late with the PM chat system…our Chat Room page number count will rival the likes of the W&C thread – I went to take a quick look and W&C is at 637?!! There’s 4 of us in that underground chat. The mods know of our existence and thus far have left us to our own devices. We try to keep conversations in his drama threads civil (when we meet the other fangirls in the ring again) but we do get a bit angsty when all they want to talk about is his abs. 🙄 Icemaid acts as my wingman (as per Ice in TopGun 😂) when we delurk in the YSY thread with ‘updates’ from the underground – on the odd occasion when we feel the need, nay not for speed, but for posts that are actually newsworthy.
YSY 😜 I don’t know either. Sorry, I should have typed YSH for Yoo Seunghoo.
Yes, be careful with those PMs. I wish they just did a full disclosure: your PMs may or may not be monitored.
Sorry, again!!!!
See? I shouldn’t post before my second cup of coffee! ☕️ ☕️
No, she didn’t have a cameo here. My bad! I was thinking of another kdrama. Beauty Inside. Lol. Both shows opened with the lead females receiving an acting award.
Ah! I forgot about YSY = Yoon Shi Yoon. For some reason, I think of him as Donggu, his 2D1N moniker.
Really??! They spazz over his abs?! Lol. They should watch the recent 2D1N episode when the fangirls came. He was such a gentleman. There was a girl who was scared of handgliding and he paid special attention to her. (Hahaha! Too bad she beat the other fangirls!)
Heck! If I were a fangirl too, I’d pretend to be helpless about everything. 👍😜
But I think he was most impressed with this girl whose acting totally fooled him. His facial reaction when he figured out that he’d been had was classic. All along, he was saying that nobody could act that convincingly, especially a non-actor. And she tricked him! 😂
Hello my fellow Royal Ladies @packmule3 @agdr03!
The sane, mainstream and conventional one has become a bitch…hahaha.
@nrllee has informed me that you ladies are having tea here, cheers!
Oh yeah still very much a fan of kang sora and now also a fan of donggu!
Sipping tea as usual.
Hahaha. Glad you’re here, girlfriend!!!
Btw, read my “rationale” for this blog BITCHESoverdramas. This site welcomes bitches and drama miscreants.
We have to get together soon for a good Donggu or Kang Sora romcom. I always thought of YSY as a serious sort of guy but 2D1N lightened him up. It’s fun watching him be covertly competitive during the games. He and Kang Sora should team up one day.
Btw, you WERE the saner one in the group.
Waaaa! @icemaid Chinggu is here too! 😘 Let’s have tea everyone! 🙂
Who else are we missing? 😀
Sorry @nrllee I misread the YSY to YYS hehehe I am not familiar with him though. I will have to check his abs, I mean check him out. 🤣
@packmule3 I thought it was Beauty Inside but then I got confused hehehe
Kang Sora looked pretty in her cameo though. She’s doing a movie at the moment. Hopefully we get to see her in dramaland soon. Oh yes why not with YSY 🙂
Have you had dinner already? It’s time for my morning tea 🙂
I wonder what we’ll see in tonight’s episode. I think we will get the beach get away. Looks like Unnie will find WH’s note to YJ and she will try to stop her from going so she’s rebelling by eating junk foods and saying she’ll get fat! LOL!
Hahaha. That preview was funny. Wasn’t she perched on her aerial hoop while going on a hunger strike… errr…binge strike?
Yup, she was! 🙂 It was funny hehehe and then that scene where she calls WH dressed like…. how do you described that outfit? 🤔 LOL!
“Sorry @nrllee I misread the YSY to YYS hehehe I am not familiar with him though. I will have to check his abs, I mean check him out. ”
Just skip Grand Prince. Your Honour/Dear Judge was good. Or try Secret Healer on Netflix – that was when I first fell in love with KDrama and Yoon Shi Yoon. The Best Hit was also good. Definitely skip GP ☹️ – that was how the 4 of us in the underground found each other – our shared love of him and equivalent loathing of the actress there. We got turfed out for being too vocal about her non-existent chemistry with him…she had (as Hermione put it) the emotional range of a teaspoon and she flirted shamelessly with him behind the scenes – yuck. 🤢 She ruined the drama for us 😒. Along with that drama came fan girls of the same shallow ilk as the aforesaid actress who proceeded to flock into the YSY thread and post inane gifs of kissing and shower scenes consecutively 😑. There’s only so much objectification we can take so we pushed the eject button and retreated to the underground. His abs are nothing to write home about honestly – existent but not as chiselled as Ji ChangWook 😂. We’re fans of his character off screen, his mind and his honesty in portrayal of roles on screen.
Best Hit!
That’s supposed to be on my To-Watch list. Thanks for reminding me. I can watch it during the holiday break.
Oh I see why the chemistry was non-existent. It’s her! I’ve never seen her have any chemistry with anyone. I’ve never liked her. LOL! Why is she still around?
Anyway, thank you for the recommendation. I will check out Secret Healer since it’s on Netflix.
The insane gifs of kissing scenes reminded me of our Warm & Cozy days. 🤣
Ouch!! –> “Why is she still around?”
What is her name? Jin SeYeon? Never heard of her before but I did watch a few minutes of Grand Prince Ep 1 and I didn’t like the “Queen for 7 Days” vibes so I backed out.
Sorry I meant why is she still around in kdramaland. LOL!
Hello chingu @agdr03! Yeah dropping by to sip tea!
@packmule3 don’t make me drool, Donggu and Kang Sora in a drama together?!!!
Sadly don’t think she is returning to dramaland anytime soon. She seems to want to hide in the movieworld even for small production…for now.
I am currently not watching any k-drama yet maybe next year lol. Only watching 1N2D.
“What is her name? Jin SeYeon? Never heard of her before but I did watch a few minutes of Grand Prince Ep 1 and I didn’t like the “Queen for 7 Days” vibes so I backed out.”
Yeah the one and only… wise choice backing out. The sane and sensible Icemaid did the same whilst the rest of us valiantly persisted to the very end…never again. 😒 I am forever scarred. The mere mention of her name triggers us. She remains she who shall not be named forevermore in our coven. We have coined many alternatives when we reference her in our conversations…none of which are terribly flattering I’m afraid 😳