Fluttering Alert: Gifs Galore!

Courtesy of @jemrie from soompi! Thanks!!

The drive-in theater scene.



lol. She’s literally hitting on him. (to hit on somebody = to flirt, to show that you’re attracted to him)

I’m also glad that she’s over that ex-bf of hers. She didn’t mind it when she fed WooHyun popcorn this time.

She no longer remembered this.

I like this scene. I already explained it in another post. But I’ll copy and paste it here.


She was lying on her belly and he was lying on his back. If you put the two images together, she’d be sleeping on top of him. They slept peacefully through the night until morning because she was safe in his arms and he kept her there.

Kinda like this puppy and owner.  Do you see it? 😀

A man takes a nap on the couch, his dog lies on top of him.

Or this:

Related image

I’m looking forward to this, too.

She looks pretty here. Hmmm… is that dress something he’ll choose for her? Nice!


Oh! I like this kind of hug! The swaying, soothing, rock-a-bye hug.


Senior moment: I don’t recall this moment. When did this happen?  Fake news! This is from Missing You 2012 according to YEH fan, @Rrynw. Thanks!


7 Comments On “Fluttering Alert: Gifs Galore!”

  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Look at that amorous moment!!!! 😍 😍 😍 I die!!! 💓 💓 💓

    I hope her hitting on him will work in real life! hahaha

    I want to see them sleeping together, just sleeping. Period 🙂

    Yes! He bought that dress for her 🙂

    And I have not seen that anywhere from the episodes so far so maybe it’s coming up?

  2. Sorry, I have to add that WH’s smile was just pure! Sooooo nice to look at!

  3. Your last gif is from drama Missing You 2012

  4. really? lol. I’ve been deceived by a fake gif!!! grrr…

  5. The last one is from “I Miss You” after the day after Han Jung Woo kissing her (Lee Soo Yeon). They were at Harry’s home when HJW went to see her with a cake. It’s on episode 13.

  6. Thanks! Just edited it. 😀

  7. Oh. For some reason even though I love YSH and YEH, I didn’t finish Missing You. It was too dark for me. Though maybe if it was them as the main couple, I would have stayed 🙂

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