Fluttering Alert: Scarf Moment

The scarf scene is arguably THE defining moment of this episode.

I know the viewers are squealing because it IS kinda sexy… in a good innocent way. Hey! If this kdrama were 50 Shades of Grey, scarves would have a totally different use. Just think bondage.

Emotionally, I totally get the romance of deep gazes, longing looks, soulful eyes, haunted stares, and all the cliches that kdrama writers use to communicate “yearning” and repression.

But mentally, I was analyzing her desire to be 1/2 of a couple and to live in a stable relationship. This is the second time she’s done this. First, the ring and now, the scarf.

Hmm…actually, the third. The second time was the news report of their dating. She was busily scanning for news of their dating, remember? She was getting miffed that it wasn’t on social media yet. lol.

She wants to tie him down. To bind themselves.

She isn’t Beyonce who’s waiting for the guy to put a ring on her. Our YooJung is a true empowered diva.

Image result for put a ring on it gif

I also should have known that she loves him that much that she’s willing to throw away her “pride” and do the asking herself. She’s back to her exuberant self, and not the insecure, uncertain, cautious girl.

So why not propose to him?

She’s ready to spend the rest of her life with him, and she KNOWS that he feels the same way. So why not start the “rest of their lives” with each other as soon as possible?Β 

She’s only doing what Harry says here,

Image result for when harry met sally spend the rest of your life gif


Her marriage proposal shouldn’t have been a surprise. She’s been leading up to it all this time.


I’ll do my madcaps later.

13 Comments On “Fluttering Alert: Scarf Moment”

  1. Can’t agree more! Thank you for putting my thoughts into words! Love her bravery and directness!

    Also, I couldn’t help but recalling the scene in I Miss You in which YEH and PYC worn couple scarfs when YEH as YJ took out their couple scarfs here!

  2. You’re welcome! I had to write a “defense” in case we get “haters” saying that she was man-hungry or something. πŸ™‚

    So couple scarves are a thing with YEH’s dramas? Good to know that. πŸ˜€

  3. Oooohhh That last gif! 😍😍😍
    So much feels!!! ❀️❀️❀️ I just die!!! πŸ˜‚

    To the haters if there’s any- Haters gonna hate, hate, hate but I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake it off! πŸ˜‚

    Looks like WH said yes from the preview! Exciting!!! ☺️

  4. He did? He said yes?! πŸ€ͺ I’m shocked!! Shocked, I tell you!!! πŸ˜‚

    Are the previews out? I wouldn’t mind if the last two episodes are just plain fluff and romance. I want to see YEH in a make-believe wedding. And I want to see children too.

    I think the last kdrama that featured a wedding and babies was that Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I remember feeling cheated when I didn’t the leads in Reply 1988 get married.

  5. I’m all in. I love that she gave her pops a scarf too.

    They haven’t had much skinship since reuniting but, as Dongsaeng once observed, “The air is good between them.”

  6. Yes, we love this drama. The two leads are NOT superheroes, thank goodness! They are just your DECENT and caring individuals. Not perfect: as we can see their relationships with their parents are their blind spots. But good enough people.

    What I dislike about the critics of this drama is their superiority complex. They think they have better taste than us who like this movie. πŸ˜‚

    If they’re the same viewers who went gaga over Strong Woman Do Bong Soo, Devilish Joy, Fox Star Bride/Where Stars Land, Boys Over Flowers, AND Heirs, then I seriously doubt their standards and their ability to discern good from bad kdramas.

    I can easily demolish those trashy kdramas in 100 words or less. πŸ˜‚

  7. Can you please pretty please demolish those trashy kdramas? 🀣 Some comments on Viki were just outright nasty πŸ™

    Anyway, me too! I just want fluff and romance on the last 2 episodes. I saw the cast and crew group pic and it was our milk couple’s wedding. I haven’t seen YEH having babies in a drama. She only had a family picture in Princess Hours so I want one here but I’m doubting it. BUT I really want to see one especially with CJM πŸ™‚

    I cried when YJ gave her Dad a scarf 😒 It was a good scene.

  8. Same here, I love that scene when she gave Daddy a scarf that SHE made herself. That’s what I like about YEH’s character. Her gifts are handcrafted. Like the painting for WH, then the basket of food for WH’s mother, the food she prepped for WH’s reconcilation with his mom, and now the scarf for her dad and WH. Her character is very thoughtful.

    I do think that this kdrama tried to “rehab” YEH’s negative publicity and present her the way she is: thoughtful, caring, easy-going and multi-faceted.

    Oh? There’s a wedding for the milk couple in the works?

    The Viki comments were getting to be simply ridiculous I turned them off.

    Those silly posters are the reason that the more serious connoisseurs of kdramas, like us bitches, are given a bad rap as undiscriminating and oppa-crazy viewers.

  9. Awww yes, YJ’s gift all came and made with love from her heart πŸ™‚ I hope that the ‘rehab’ works because I really do like her. I believe you when you say that she is thoughtful, caring, easy-going and multi-faceted. That’s why her fans are very loyal indeed like you said.

    Yes, there’s a picture in IG. I hope it’s not the last scene for the episode though. I might shed a tear if it is LOL!

    Oh I will try to figure out how to turn off the comments in Viki. It is ridiculous.

  10. There’s a wheel icon. It’s same icon that you use when you want to turn off the subs.

    Click on wheel that and you’ll see the option to turn off the comments.

    BTW, I won’t be here for a recap on Wednesday. I have the second-to-last Christmas party of the season in the morning.

  11. Thank you! 😘 I turned it off last night before I watched episode 14 again πŸ™‚

    No worries about the recap. I look at ig for updates as soon as I wake up and go through it for about half and hour. πŸ˜€ Enjoy the Christmas party!

    Watching it again last night made me realized our milk couple is still calling each other Wh-ssi and YJ-ssi. Is it ever going to change? πŸ€” I know it’s more respectful but I want banmal πŸ™‚ Like what YJ’s Aboejji calls them – WH-ya and YJ-nga? Something like that.

    Also before WH always says to WW to stop it or this is not going to go anywhere. Now it’s a warning to stop. ‘If you hurt YJ, I will deal with you’. I wonder what he’s got on WW to put a stop on her.

    So you think it’s WW’s secretary that stabbed WH and Unni?

  12. I think the secretary did. He’s the only one left.

    Unless it’s bff again. πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‚

    Will post later. On our way to another … you guessed it… party!! πŸ₯³One more week to go through then I’m done.

  13. Enjoy! Enjoy! Eat for me too! πŸ˜€

    It is possible that the secretary did it yes without WW knowing it. But I’m doubting that because she lies. The Police said they’re not sure what’s the motive for Unnie being stabbed too. I’m not sure if BFF did it anymore after watching episode 14. He just accepted that people who are meant to meet did meet and even helped YJ about HJM issue πŸ™‚ I’m 50/50 on him because I’m still wondering about that scene where he punched WH.

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