Your Highness, Class Monitor: Episodes 1 to 6

I’m sure that I don’t have time to watch this with my regular “magnifying glass.”

But since @agdr03 and I need an outlet to chat about this, I’ll create a weekly open post for YHCM. I’m posting the highlights/lowlights here so YOU all don’t have to watch this.

The highlights from Ep 1:

One, the encounter between female lead, Su NianNian and the second male lead, Ye Xing Yu. She didn’t want to shake his hand though.

If he weren’t the second male lead, this would have had the schmaltzy background music. lol.

Two, the male lead, Gu Zi Chen, establishes the pecking order in the university. Nobody bullies him.

Episode 2 is remarkable because it had the “low”light instead of the highlights.

She tried this.

I don’t advise viewers of this Cdrama and readers of this blog to copy her behavior here. She could have been charged with first-degree assault.

This is the point when my allegiance switched sides and I started rooting for the guy.  I want NianNian to discover her false accusation and to redress the situation she created.

The other thing I remember from this episode was that the male lead’s father is named Gu Wei Ye. It reminded me of Gu Wei Yi from “Put Your Head on My Shoulder.”

Ep 3, the memorable parts for me were:

–the “almost kiss.”

This was after he vomited and she mopped the floor for him. In revenge, she doodled on his face.

–the elbow

I realized that this actress Fair Xing is good with physical action.

In Episode 4, we saw the second male lead advancing in the romance department. The girl has ripped jeans and he came out looking for her to offer his help. She pretended she was fine,

then admitted that she needed “rescuing.”

Of course, Zi Chen also went looking for her but he arrived too late. He went back to the classroom pretending he saw nothing.

Episode 5, NianNian and Zi Chen were caught by the campus paparazzi outside the convenience store at night. They denied that they were out dating. Zi Chen said that if they were really dating, he wouldn’t hide the fact. In response, NianNian said that even if earth started to rotate the other way round, there was no way they’d be dating. The paparazzi threatened to post their pictures and false report that they were dating. ZiChen broke the camera of the paparazzi.

The following day, she returned Xing Yu’s shirt to him. She ignored his presence the whole time.

I thought he would be piqued by her snub. He was staring at her intently the whole time.

He asked Xing Yu, “How nearsighted is that girl in the middle?” (lol he refused to call her name.) Xing Yu said he didn’t know so he answered that it must be “OVER 6.0 diopters.” He explained, “I stood in front of her and she didn’t see me. She’s nearly blind.”

I googled this. According to, this is how a cow looks like to a person with a defective vision of 6 diopters.

6 diopters

And I laughed because Zi Chen is chill. He knew she was ignoring him but he still managed to make a joke out of it.

The other funny moment was NianNian, as dorm monitor, stumbling in on shirtless Xing Yu in Zi Chen’s room.

She freaked out. “What are you doing?!” and she ran all the way back to the girls’ dorm.

As of Episode 6, the second male lead, Xing Yu, is winning the romance game. Thanks to Gu WeiYi of “Put Your Head on My Shoulder,” we’ve all become suckers for the tall protective and gentle guy.

Here are the swoony moments:

He recognized her footsteps. He was playing his guitar but he heard footsteps and recognized they were hers.

He covered her with his jacket. Why is this guy always undressing? lol. NianNian fell asleep while watching him practice. She was supposed to study.

When he walked her to the dorm and she snuggled. (lol. She heard a noise! She wasn’t flirting with him.)

Meanwhile the guy XinChen was in bed, smiling giddily, as he recalled his encounter with NianNian earlier. There was nothing to smile about. He was battered by NianNian.

They were caught by his dad’s secretary who was sent to check up on him. NianNian dropped her phone.

See that? There was nothing funny to remember about that incident but he chuckling to himself. “Such a bad temper,” he says, “I bet no one will marry you.”

He wanted to give her a new cellphone to replace her old one.

However, rather than graciously saying, “Thanks but no thanks,” she became uppity and told him that her old phone was a gift from her dad for winning first prize.

Sigh. This girl isn’t going to win Ms. Congeniality any time soon.

In most dramas, the male lead is the one expected to undergo the personal development and maturity while the female lead is written as a static character. I think that’s not the case in this Cdrama.

So, that’s it for Episodes 1 to 6. Last week, Episodes 7 to 12 were shown. And this weekend, Episodes 12 to 18 will be shown. I’ll keep this thread open for organization. It’s hard to remember where @agdr03 and I posted our comments because they’re all over the place.

Do I recommend this Cdrama?

Only if you have nothing else to watch. I call this a “perishable” drama. It has a limited entertainment value; many of the side stories aren’t fit for consumption; and the quality of the writing, editing and directing isn’t enough to sustain deep critical analysis. However, like @agdr03, I’m sticking around for the main leads as a “fan-service” for the actors. We’ll watch this so you don’t have to. We’ve got your back. lol.

Image result for we'll take the bullet gif

9 Comments On “Your Highness, Class Monitor: Episodes 1 to 6”

  1. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Thanks so much for this @packmule3 for taking on this show for us! I really don’t think I can watch this show on top of the ones I really want to follow with some degree of thoroughness. I wish I had unlimited time and brain-width. LOL.

  2. I haven’t seen episode 13 onwards but I’ll catch up tomorrow hopefully.

    Funny my diopter is 6.5 so that’s my vision without my glasses. 😄 I can’t wear contacts all the time because my eyes dry quickly when I wear it. One day I’ll try laser but not anytime soon.

    Anyway, I was really shocked at that fork stabbing scene. 😬 I totally didn’t expect it. Up till now her Dad still hasn’t corrected her on what happened in the accident. Zi Chen and ZZ’s Dad talked about it already though.

    Xing Yu is the sweetest. 😊 He is a real gentleman.

  3. I scanned through Eps 15/16 this morning while having breakfast. All I can say is… their romance leveled up pretty quickly but…. just watch it. 😂 The poor Zi Chen!!

    My advice with laser is get it done before you need bifocals. 😂 You can correct myopia with laser but you can’t do anything about presbyopia. That’s goes with old age. So while you won’t need glasses/contacts for near-sightedness, you’ll still need reading glasses eventually.

  4. Oh wow, leveled up already but why poor Zi Chen? I’m curious now 😄

    I’m not sure when I’ll get laser done as I’m still saving up for it 😂 I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 13. 😬

  5. Just watch it when you have time. They moved at lightning speed.

    The flow of the story is really atrocious but the writer seems to be checking all the requisite boxes for a love-hate storyline. I keep telling myself that I’m only here for the main leads. 😂🤪 I want the actor playing Zi Chen (or Old Man) to do well. He’d been in Yang Yang’s shadow long enough. 🤣

    BTW, there’s somebody from SKorea reading this blog, most likely the posts on Angel’s Last Mission and somebody back-reading my old posts. Weird. I feel like I’m being stalked. 😱🤣🤣

  6. Oooohh. There’s a tad bit of news there, hopefully it’s a nice weird stalker. Is there such a thing? 😂

    I’ve been reading your posts on Angel’s Last Mission and I’m learning a lot especially the angels and old ladies. 😊 I just can’t get into kdrama this days though. I will however definitely watch the Suzy and Lee Sungi one.

    Agree that Niu Junfeng has been in Yang Yang’s shadow long enough. Hopefully he can show it here that he’s more than capable to show his talents. 😊

  7. When’s the Suzy and Lee Sunggi drama? Remind me, okay? I want to watch it.

    Oh! So that’s his name! Niu Junfeng! I can only think of one word to describe his acting: campy.

    It’s like watching Adam West play Batman or William Shatner play Capt Kirk in Star Trek. There’s something self-satirical about his acting. 😂 But he isn’t bad-looking so it works.

    Skimmed through Ep 1 Where are We Going, Daddy? with Deng Lun. I thought the dad with two kids was funny. He’d do anything but eat the raw squid.

    But I didn’t like the dad who told his son to shut up. I cringed when he said that. I hope it’s a mistranslation bec “shut up” is crude. I don’t thing it’s appropriate to use that around young children. It’s better to say, “please be quiet,” or “shhhh,” or “silence” or “not now, honey, Dad needs to think.” For me, “shut up” is a rough language. I don’t even tell my friends to shut up so why should I tell young ones to shut up.

    I hope it’s just the subbing.

  8. Howdy! I read somewhere that Vagabond (Suzy and Lee Sungi kdrama) has been pushed back in airing. Not sure when but I will definitely inform you. It will be shown in Netflix which is a good thing. 🙂

    I agree with Niu Junfeng’s acting as campy. He seems to always have that same expression and it only differs when he smiles. hehehe True too, he isn’t bad looking and I do like his voice. 🙂

    I actually had to watch it WAWGD again to see it and I think it’s the real thing. 🙁 I agree, ‘shut up’ should never be told to children ever. Not sure about that Daddy Chun but he is the older of the Daddy’s. Anyway I have seen his relationship grow more with Jasper and he cries a few times when they have their own individual interview. He said at the end, he cherished this time with him more than ever.

    Daddy Wu Zun with his 2 cute kids is the actor opposite Yang Yang in Martial Universe. 🙂 Like I said I enjoyed the kids interaction and they are very cute. Jasper and En Heng at one point will both like Paofu hahaha

    Sorry, I went on and on again. 🙁

  9. I’m up to date till episode 18. It’s pretty easy to watch and yes the romance went quick. 🙂 I can see that it might be Zi Chen’s Mother that will put a hindrance to the romance of the two. But did you see that scene where Zi Chen’s Dad recognized Nian Nian’s Dad as his student? Something like that. He wanted to talk to him but he had an appointment with the President of the University so they didn’t end up seeing each other.

    Poor Xing Yu, he likes Nian Nian too yeah?

    I thought that hospital scene where Nian Nian kissed Zi Chen was funny. Afterwards she says ‘what are you doing? we’re at a hospital!’. I was liked You kissed Him! Hello! 😄

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