Crash Landing on You: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread

I’m opening this thread so you can all post your comments, theories, observations, rants, and raves. I don’t mind spoilers…I love them, actually. So if you discover who ordered Seri’s kidnapping, spill the beans here.

I originally thought JH’s Dad was behind it. But now, I’m leaning towards Dan because of the “visuals.”  One of them was wearing a leather jacket and a newsie cap; the other one was wearing a beanie. lol. Those thugs looked too cool to be army guys. They look like mercenaries and only Dan can afford to hire their services.

You know the rules:

Don’t spam me with “I love Hyun Bin’s dimples” or “He’s so hawt!” because I give zero fuckoxanthin about his dimples and his royal hotness.

If you’re under-age, you can’t swear here. Under-age = younger than me

If you’re a new poster, please be patient. Newbie’s post goes to my spambox where I have to approve it manually. Since my personal iphone is not surgically attached to my palm,  you’ll have to wait until I check my blog. But you can try also try refreshing the page because your post might already be up.

Aside from my blog life, I have a professional life, a public life, and a private life. I’m not here 24 hours a day so please do have fun exchanging thoughts with the other posters here.

Let’s enjoy the show!


Random gifs:

1. This is the moment I realized I was way more familiar with kpop slang than the subber. I knew that the subber used the wrong terminology here.

It’s not “ultimate FAVORITE.” It’s “ultimate BIAS.” 🙂

And JungHyuk is a “bias wrecker.”

gif credit: islend’s tumblr

2. CLoY gifs courtesy of kdramanewbie’s tumblr

Me: thinking of how suitable Liam Neeson’s reaction would have been to Seri’s kidnappers.

Image result for i will find you and kill you gif

CLoY gifs: kdramanewbie’s tumblr


83 Comments On “Crash Landing on You: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread”

  1. He’s the epitome of cool dad Mr Neeson. 😍. “I don’t have money. But what I do have…is a particular set of skills…” Yeah you tell them Liam…you’re coming for your baby girl…and they are gonna pay BIG time.

  2. Don’t spam me with “I love Hyun Bin’s dimples” or “He’s so hawt!” because I give zero fuckoxanthin about his dimples and his royal hotness.

    Yang Yang is the only exception to this rule right? 😉😂. I’m taken aback by the zero fuckoxanthin. 😂 I don’t usually swear. 😜

  3. I understand, as others do, that the portrayal of North Korea in this series is certainly whitewashed. But it also provoked certain questions about how sure I was about my own notions of the isolated country, outside of Western media. If anything, the more serious turn CLOY has taken, together with the threats to Se-Ri and RJH’s life has made me feel uncomfortable about the NoKor setting of the series. As much as I enjoy the soldiers and ajummas, I’m also hungry Se-Ri to return to the south. The whole conflict in the North is suffocating.

    My only theory is that it’s either Dan or RJH’s father who had Se-Ri kidnapped. Or it could be an agreement between the two. Some of the stills released also shows Se-Ri and RJH playing the piano (maybe at his how in Pyongyang??). I don’t recall a piano in RJH’s village outpost. Do they play that elegy? And if they do remember each other from Switzerland, what’s the common kdrama trop that would suggest what happen next?

  4. I had to add this because of the obsession with his dimples… just saw this gif set… they are reading compliments sent in by fans to each other 😂🤣 Points for creativity 🤪

    And his response

  5. Yes. We bend the rules of Xiao Nai aka Yang Yang. He’s our “Best Boyfriend” Leader. Forever and ever.

    We can only ASPIRE to describe his ineffable beauty. 🙂 He’s beyond words.

  6. Bias wrecker. Uh huh. I like this, too: “When I see him my uwu machine breaks.”

  7. You beat me. I’ve never heard of an “uwu machine.”

    But nooo. Don’t tell me.

    Let me finish my write-up now. I’ve got 30 minutes before hubby and I leave for the beach. lol. There’s nothing like the cold wind in the lungs to clear a week’s worth of stress away.

  8. ‘Yes. We bend the rules of Xiao Nai aka Yang Yang. He’s our “Best Boyfriend” Leader. Forever and ever.’

    Oooohhhh spoken like a true leader yourself. 😍 I couldn’t agree more, forever and ever and ever. ❣️❣️❣️

    ‘We can only ASPIRE to describe his ineffable beauty. 🙂 He’s beyond words.’

    I applaud this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  9. Hi😊 i found this blog during Hotel Del Luna. From then on i love reading your posts regarding the dramas I’m watching.So far only HDL n CLOY😀I’m not HB’s fan but just liked him speaks English on his previous dramas esp movies. Bec my bias does not speaks on his dramas/movies ect.

    Who order seri’s kidnapping? I guess its Jung Hyuk’s father. Bec Seo Dan mentioned to JH on the hospital,she will do her best to protects him. Which she went to talk his father…so perhaps she went to seek help.

  10. I actually understand SD a little better now. She has had a crush on JH since middle school, but has never really gotten a chance to know him. I think she’s always had this perfect image of him in her mind, and she thinks she’s in love with him, but she could just be in love with her image and her idea of him. I also think she wants to show this perfect side of her to him, especially since he doesn’t even remember her from middle school. She’s always so uptight and insecure and I think nervous too, wanting to show him the best side of her. But it may have backfired since it isn’t the real her.

    Her real side shows up in front of SJ though. The preening in front of mirror, game playing, soup slurping, cussing when drunk SD. SD’s mum curses too! Is this a typical Kdrama trope? The man whom you are destined to end up with is the one who sees your real side. I’m really liking SD and SJ together. They’re cute, and comfortable, and natural. It helps that I like Kim Jung Hyun too.

  11. Dan got drunk?

    Who carried Dan when she was drunk? Who gave her a piggy back ride? That’s a trope!! 😂 The guy who carries the drunk girl home gets to keep her. 🤣🤪🤣

  12. @packmule3 it was our resident conman! Lol is that another kdrama trope? The list is getting longer!

  13. Alberto Gu aka SungJoon had Seri kidnapped?!


    For some reason I feel like applauding his effrontery.

    Wait till JungHyuk hears about this. Will he go Liam Neeson “I’ll find you and I’ll kill you” on SJ? 🤣

  14. still got unanswered questions on my mind… 1)the river scene check, they finally knew they have met each other that fateful afternoon… but still trying to get the link of the scene in the bridge… there must be something there…don’t they really realized they’ve met there too?
    2) who called SJ after he brought SD home?

    It was a sad farewell… 😥😥😥

  15. GO BACK RJH.. GO BACK. You’ll get stuck in the South!! Why no preview of episode 10?!!

  16. Are you here, @agdr03?

    Did you see that ahjumma’s reaction when JH was called back home because the State Security Dept was looking for Seri? She said, “He’s fuming mad, but that only makes him even more attractive.”

    Hahaha. She’s like me. We both like JH with the fearsome, squinting eyes that should be a trope.

    Oh no! What did they do to his poor tomato plant?? Those meanies!!!

  17. Was that the tomato plant that Seri gave to JH? The one he picked up while the SSD was going through his house?

    Was it 10 things too about JH that made up her happy thoughts? 😄

    1- boiling noodles
    2- bringing a candle
    3- knowing a scented candle
    4- covering her foot with the blanket
    5- turning the portable heater a little bit higher
    6- no need to see him off outside the house
    7- he doesn’t need food while on the train
    8- he’ll drink his medicine and sleep it off
    9- he’s fine with his foot on the land mine
    10- saying she’ll be fine as long as she’s in his sight.

    I like that ost. ☺️

    So funny what the kdrama guy said about kidnapping Seri because he’s seen it in the dramas 😂

  18. ‘Hahaha. She’s like me. We both like JH with the fearsome, squinting eyes that should be a trope.’

    I have to agree! He looks hot with the angry look. 😂

  19. SD – she’s dead.

    JH – tell my Father if she gets hurt in anyway, he’ll lose the only son he has.

    Beat that SD! Two can play this game 😆

    She is soooo poised when she’s with JH but sooo free when she’s with SJ. I do like their pairing definitely. 😄

  20. Whoops, sorry. Son #1 called. He’s prepping his taxes and had questions. 😂

    Will get back on the show.

  21. No worries 😄

    I searched up the Chopard watch of the brother and it’s about $12,900USD? There’s some awfully nice watches on the website. 😍

  22. I see a trope, @agdr03.

    She was in the back of truck looking up at the sky through the tear on the truck’s tarp. He was in jail looking through the barred windows of his cell.

    And they looked at the same sky. Hahaha. Trope! “No matter where you are, just know that we’re under the same sky.”

  23. Yes. Chopard watches are expensive. But between Chopard and Rolex, go with Rolex watches. Rolex is built tough; has better craftsmanship.

  24. I like how she was self-comforting herself in the truck. Other heroines would do that damsel-in-distress trope, but she calmed herself down by thinking of 10, just ten? hahaha. happy things.

    She actually said that she was going to think of happy things. But as it turned out, all the happy things were about JH. She didn’t set out to think of him, it just happened to be that way.

    Yes. That’s the tomato plant. I saw it indoors in Episode 6. It was on his study table, but the window. I assumed that he transferred it indoors because it was winter already. It wouldn’t survive outside.

    See, he was taking care of that plant.

  25. And there’s only one moon looking down on us! Add it to the trope list please. 😃

    Ah yes, I prefer Rolex, not that I have any. 😂

    I had to laugh when Seri assumed that the one who kidnapped her was SD’s father but it was JH’s father. 😂 She even described their facial similarities 😂

    So you’re right, it is JH’s dad who had her kidnapped.

  26. But I wasn’t right then. Because I switched at the last minute. I thought it was Dan herself who ordered her kidnapped.

    Wait a second…I’m getting mixed messages here. Was it JH’s dad or SungJoon? I thought @ joongminfan said it was the JH who ordered the kidnapping? Maybe I misunderstood what she said then. lol. I had a brainFREEZE (literally) from walking outside in the snow.

  27. But it was the glaring eyes description that made me laugh out loud 😂

    Yes, she made herself calm down. She even started to think of what do they plan to do with her and if their watching her. She was right.

    That tomato plant was the first thing she gave him right? Or was it the finger heart 💖? 😂

  28. The tomato plant was supposed to be the first and last present.

    The finger heart was for the coffee that he prepared for her the morning after that failed paragliding scheme of hers.


  29. No it was JH’s dad’s men who kidnapped her. 😊 You were right.

    I liked that she’s all honest with his Dad, telling him that she likes JH but she thinks JH doesn’t return it. So all he did is just try to save his men. Interesting that JH’s mom is listening behind the living room wall. When you mentioned how similar she looks to Seri’s mom, I only noticed it then. Yes, I can see it.

    There goes Seri again, saying JH doesn’t have any power because he’s only a Captain , in his Dad’s face. 😂

  30. Okay, he’s telling Dan to relay a message to his father that if he hurts or harms Seri in any way, he’ll lose even the only son he has left for good.

    Isn’t that sort of an emotional blackmail?

    But I never really considered his Dad to be an evil guy…

    And Dan is looking pathetic now. If she has to keep her man in the detention center to ensure her marriage, what does she have to do to get him to sleep with her? Order him court-martial-ed?

    Ugh. This is embarrassing for her.

  31. Oh right. I remembered how much she loved that freshly made coffee so much that’s why she gave him finger hearts 💞😁

    Yup, I thought it was supposed to be her first and last gift to him. How many times have they said goodbye? The boat, the paragliding and the flight?

  32. Oh noooo! The watch ended up with The Rat again.

    I like that camera shot of the The Rat and son framed by the door of the tunnel.

    I approve of the sneaky way that Capt Pyo spread the news that JH is the son of the Director of the General Political Bureau. But did you see that?? He didn’t wash his hands after he peed!! Gross!!!

  33. ‘Isn’t that sort of an emotional blackmail?‘

    Yes, because he knows how much hurt his dad was about his Hyung. I agree that his dad is not evil because in the first place, he organised for Seri to be on that flight. Even if he had a condition which JH said yes to anyway.

    Yup, what else will SD do to make JH to be with her? She did looked pathetic because she’s grasping at things just so her marriage falls through.

  34. Three times. They said goodbye three times already.

    JH’s Ahjumma #1 fan is fangirling him hard now. She says, “his looks alone are revolutionary. And the way he talks and walks walks? I always thought he look too confident for a captain.”

    The other lady adds that judging by his broad shoulders, he was special.

    This trope is a variation of that “secret chaebol son posing as a commoner.” JH isn’t chaebol but in a communist state, I guess being son of the director of whatever military oversight department is as elite as a chaebol son.

  35. I think it was JH’s idea to spread the rumour but it was a good idea to start it in the toilet 😂 Yes, noticed it and ewww.

    It’ll be a long while yet till rat decides on what he’ll do because evil Chang ( forgot his name) have him under his control.

  36. Yes! The way they described his broad shoulders was funny to me 😂 I’m like, seriously? 😁

    I’ll have to go to Costco for a quick run then come back. I’m on the scene where JH’s mom took Seri to JH’s room and she recognised it.

    I’ll pause it here ok. ☺️ You can just continue and I’ll follow through later.

  37. Okay, will do. I’m way behind anyway.

  38. The Senior Ahjumma is now informing her clueless husband that JH is the son of the Director of the General Political Bureau. Why are the wives in North Korea portrayed to have more balls than than the wives in South Korea?

    Cool. How did Seri knew it was pine mushroom tea with just one sniff?

    Do you know who she reminds me off? The Princess in Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Princess and the pea.” She was sensitive that she could detect a pea placed under 20, 30 mattresses.

    She thinks JH’s dad and Dan had the same mouth, nose and GLARING eyes?? But don’t all glaring eyes look alike? They’re wide-open and angry?

  39. @packmule3 I meant that SJ our conman was the one who piggy-backed drunk SD home. I kind of feel sorry for SD who has had such a long-time crush on JH, but I didn’t like that she didn’t allow her uncle to call JH’s dad to save him. I hope that’s the end of her manipulative ways and she won’t turn out to be the typical tropey jealous second female lead. Unfortunately, I think that’s where she’s heading.

    Although I said I enjoyed the bar scene between SJ and SD, I don’t know if I want them to end up together. For one, I still wonder about SJ and how evil he could be. He has definitely shown moments of humanity and kindness, but the phone call he got after sending SD home sent my evilness radar beeping. I was hoping for a little more backstory about SJ because I want to know things like, why did he choose to be a conman when he obviously is very well-educated? Was SR’s brother the first person he conned? What other illegal things has he done? I think SD’s mum would flip if her daughter got involved with a criminal.

  40. Ahhh. SJ piggy-backed Dan.

    We still have 6 more episodes or three more weeks to go. There’s still plenty of time for both of them to be reformed.

  41. If I were the father of JH, I would find Seri very funny.

    1. She’s getting all her assumptions wrong when she claims that she’s very good at sensing things. She thinks JH’s dad is her nemesis Dan’s dad.
    2. The way she explains how she ended up in North Korea is the way she explained
    her situation to JH when she crash-landed on him. JH was convinced that she was telling the truth because of her frenetic explanation.
    3. She brags about running a company in SK with 14 branches. Did she really think this would be relevant to somebody who lived all his life thinking that capitalism is the root of all evil?
    4. She tries to put in a good word for JH. “Ri Jeong Hyeok helped me out of humanity.” But the dad misunderstands this and thinks JH assisted her in this illegal activity so she backpedals furiously.

    She didn’t make a case for herself but if I were the dad, I would think she was crazy-funny to come up with this wild story, and let her go.

    But her admission that she likes JH a lot and JH doesn’t return the feelings definitely swayed his mom to her side.

  42. “Ri JungHyuk is just a captain. He doesn’t have any power.”

    Welllll… as least they know that she doesn’t like their son for his wealth and status since she thinks he has no wealth and power.

    Her “aboeniiiiiiiimmm” as they drag her out was hilarious. That’s a trope, too. But usually they go, “Kajimaaaaaaaa!” or “Don’t gooooooooo.”

    I like that she was concerned about JH and asked if he was doing all right. She was hitting the right note with JH’s mom. She said that she didn’t want him in trouble or be punished because of her. And when the mom asked if she liked him that much, she avoided giving a straight answer. She said, “Well. that’s not it.”

    That was good. It reassured the mom that she wasn’t some shameless girl that JH dragged in from the nowhere.

  43. His aide wants to take Seri out that night but JH’s dad says, “Not such a late hour. My wife keeps insisting that we should let her get some sleep at least.”

    Trope alert! Heroes should have a personal home library, preferably with built-in bookshelves. Because, you know, heroes have to be well-read. Ascetic, bookish monk.

    And did notice that bed? It’s that a twin-size bed? It looks smaller than a twin. It looks like a child-size bed!!

    There was this kdrama, “The Jugglers,” where the hero only had comic books on his shelves. That was disappointing.

  44. Ugh!!!

    She’s now playing the piano. Don’t tell me she still hasn’t remembered JH from the past?

    Face-palming won’t cut. I’m head-desking. lol

  45. Is there such an emoji where you head-desk? 😂 I’d rather she did remember him bit from what you said it doesn’t look like it.

    I’m sorry I had to run before but I can’t stay now too because mom wants to check this shopping place with grandma and my cousin. I’ll comment on what you’ve posted when I get back. ☺️

  46. @packmule3 @agdr03 apparently they met face to face on the pier where he was playing the piano. Now I’m really wondering why on earth she didn’t remember him when the piano piece made such an impression on her. Plot hole?

  47. No problem.

    Will continue watching Ep 9 tomorrow. Heading to bed now.

    Their reunion was …?

    I don’t know. Anti-climactic?

    It looked, sounded and felt like a soap drama. It had all the hallmarks of a kdrama.

    On one hand, I like that her kidnapping was resolved already. The plot point didn’t drag on for one whole hour.

    But on the other hand, I feel like it was a whole big nothing-burger. That’s it? The dad kidnapped her to get to meet her?? What happened to engraved invitations?

    Was pulling a gun on her really necessary? Couldn’t he have just called her up to set up an appointment to meet her?

    Why this drama?

  48. I haven’t watched that scene yet, joonminfan. Sigh. I stopped at the bar scene.

    But it does seem like one big stinking plot hole, doesn’t it?

    This is turning out to be like “100 Days My Prince.” I told you about it right? In that kdrama, the girl kept calling her husband/the prince “Palpoongie” (something like dumbbell or village idiot) because he had amnesia and didn’t know how to live like a commoner (well he wasn’t a commoner that’s why he couldn’t remember living like one).

    I argued that, all things considered, SHE was the BIGGER palpoongie because SHE didn’t have amnesia to blame for her own inability to remember the prince. What was her excuse?

    And now this. Seri still can’t remember who he is?

    Sigh… Kdrama writers always mess up after the 8th episode. They have such a good beginning but they begin to derail after the 8th.

  49. @packmule3 oh she finally remembered him in Ep 9 after he played her the piano piece that she had remembered all this time. The scene in his room then cut to the pier in Switzerland where they were standing face to face looking at each other. I took it to mean that they saw each other, with her knowing that he was the one who played the piano piece that saved her life, and him most probably remembering her from the bridge where she almost jumped. But after that, what happened? Did they talk? Did anything happen between them in that short time? Then why didn’t she remember him at all in NK?

  50. Maybe I’m in the minority here (or the only one) who didn’t mind that there was no big drama behind the “kidnapping”. I live in a culture where it’s very common for parents/family to disapprove the offspring’s choice of love or marriage on basis of economic status/social status or sometimes for no reason at all. It’s SUCH a troupe of movies of my country too. Father of the woman / man kidnapping/beating/ socially ousting the person their child loves. I’m so tired of this just like many other generations or not just people. But nothing changes.

    I loved that the dad probably had some logic. Probably he wanted to parcel her to South unbeknownst to his son (his aid wanted to take her out at night). I don’t think he simply wanted to meet her. He perceived her as a threat to his family and his son. But maybe he was not so much for harming her unnecessarily simply to punish his son. I really enjoyed this non dramatic version of a parent where their VERY grown up children were “allowed” their own love. There was no Parent Vs Child cliche drama. He was simply being logical and protecting BOTH. He assisted her move to South. But like I said, maybe I’m the only one who didn’t mind this.

  51. About the guns.. I don’t think she’d have complied otherwise. The Goodbye call probably would have been a real one if the dad had succeeded in sending her to South. And the gunshot was accidental. It wasn’t by design to scare JH. And he anyway was absolutely sure that she was alive.

  52. Episode 9 did not work for me at all. It felt like the entire staff (from director, editor to cinematographer) suffered a collective half way burn out. The first 8 episodes were strong, though I almost gave up after the paragliding scene where the male lead clung on to the female lead and floated down, so laughable. However, they were mostly strong. I particularly liked the two leads and the cinematography. But episode 9 felt like a bad episode of US soap opera. The pacing, emotional development did not work. It felt like it didn’t know whether to be an action thriller or romcom or melodrama. The last kiss was so cringey. Hope the staff get some rest with next week’s break, and pull themselves together. They may have just been too ambitious with the overseas shoots, etc.

  53. Agree that their reunion is not at all that noteworthy (ok we’ve finally realized we have crossed paths before then move on kind of thing)… but I would still like to believe that there is more depth than this… maybe they can redeem in the coming episodes… the scenes that moved me the most in this episode are: 1) when she was trying to think happy things and ended up thinking about RJH 2) the farewell

  54. I suppose the real reunion is still left? If a union in the middle of the series was made very noteworthy, the second/main will become uninteresting/dull ? I hope they do indeed redeem it.😌

  55. I believe that scene by the lake was only a representation or imagination of Se-Ri, and that they didn’t exactly meet in Switzerland the way it was portrayed. Notice how “magical” the start of the sequence was, and how there were no other people by the pier when in Ep 7 there were bystanders listening to RJH? The scenes by the lake served as to parallel the present, even the way both stood and faced each other both at the pier and in RJH’s room.

    I was actually underwhelmed by the reunion at Jung Hyuk’s parents’ house. Maybe because of how dramatic the series has gone I was expecting some over-the-top hugging and crying. The reunion was more sober than what I anticipated, and looking back, I think it was okay for it to be that way. I found the whole piano scene compensated for it, without the writer milking to death the whole fated to meet and love each other trope.

    My only quip was how easy it was for Se-Ri to cross the border? For the last 5 minutes I wanted the two of them to shut up and just get things done because I was worried some NK soldier would find them. And then she just goes over some barbed wire? Lol.

    I am intrigued by Se-Ri’s stepmom. Why the sudden remorse? And what is that shared memory she has with Se-Ri by the beach.

    Ep. 9 offers some resolutions but still left some doors open. I’m now genuinely curious as to how this would end. As much as I want a happy and predictable ending, I also want to be realistic (is that even possible in kdrama world)? Will they rendezvous in Switzerland? Will RJH defect? But what about his family? What about Dan? Unless this series ends with a reunification between SK and NK (which I wouldn’t want anyway because of how improbable it seems), there will be people left on either side of the DMZ.

  56. “We can only ASPIRE to describe his ineffable beauty. 🙂 He’s beyond words.”

    Hahaha! Yang Yang it is… only him!

    Been away from here for so long… thank goodness your blog popped up as a suggestion from google!

  57. I saw you lurking, nonski! And I was waiting for you to say hello. 😂

    Of course. Yang Yang’s character Xiao Nai is this blog’s ideal boyfriend. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought to myself, “Hmmm, if I only had a daughter…!” It would have been fun to have a son-in-law like him.

    🤔 Hmmm… you just gave me an 💡 idea for my next blog topic. Thanks!

    Yes, I don’t know how google analytics work, and why my blog pops up as a recommended read, but it’s quite distressing. I live in fear that my blog will be discovered by somebody I know. 😂🤪

    Are you watching this? Maybe you can join me and @ agdr03 as we do a play-by-play reaction for the next episode. Just like olden times.

  58. Regarding the intellectual deterioration of the female character, I have just come to accept it as a representation of existing social patriarchy. There was a time it used to frustrate me so much that I had stopped enjoying mainstream dramas or movies. Now I just accept it as a given and try to enjoy beyond (or in spite of) the same since it’s so ubiquitous. My defense of Ep 9 therefore is limited to the unusual take of the parents even if it washed down the reunion. 🙂

  59. I agree with @themanwashere. They didn’t really meet face to face in Switzerland by the pier. And it worked for me that she didn’t remember him. Sure, the song stuck with her but if she only saw him briefly would she remembered his face 7 years after?
    I wouldn’t.
    The only problem is that we were trolled that she might have remembered him when she looked at his application and said she thinks she saw that face somewhere.
    But it wasn’t certain from that scene if he did remember her from the bridge in Switzerland. He’d be dumb not to.

  60. Noted, that bed is only single. I can’t even say it’s king single? 😄

    The officer said he can take her out tonight but the excuse was JH’s mom. The dad is definitely not evil. JH was definitely rude when he was asking his dad wheeler Seri was. 😂

    I’m with you that the reunion didn’t have a lot of feels. After all the drama we just get Dad’s exasperated look. 😁

    I liked the drinking scene because SH was just honest. 😂 They’re cute together.

    Seri played the piano all night? Didn’t she feel embarrassed because it’s not her house? 😁

    Anyway, I just heard her tell JH about the piano piece but I can’t buy that she didn’t remember him especially when she decided then that she wants to LIVE after hearing it. Surely she’d have even just a little resemblance of him asking her to take a picture and the man playing the piano.

    But this is how it is. I’m stopping on that scene and going to bed now. My youngest had a question for me and we ended up talking for awhile so I couldn’t get on earlier.

    I’ll be back tomorrow. Have a nice day everyone! 😊

  61. @packmule3 YES, I’m watching CLOY and I’m so into it… going crazy every week and mad knowing next week we won’t have our weekly share.
    I will try to catch up since ISO audit this week. Looking at all your post topics I am itching on reading. You already know how much I love reading yours and others thoughts on kdrama.

    Okay on some points…

    “But on the other hand, I feel like it was a whole big nothing-burger. That’s it? The dad kidnapped her to get to meet her?? What happened to engraved invitations?”

    The gun-pointing maybe unncessary but I guess well, it’s kdrama. He wanted to beat the baddie Col and the greedy general or something to getting their hands on Seri.

    On Seri not remembering Jung-hyuk, I think she was so emotionally unstable at that time to remember who asked her to take a photo of them. She was on the verge on jumping that hanging bridge on top of her legs shaking from the height they’re on.

    On google analytics, my theory is that, they collect my actions on the web, saw that I had been constantly on the CLOY topic so your blog post appeared on top. Thankful to them for that, tho tbh I am quite scared of the net for this kind of power they have.

  62. Ok. So episode 10 was better than expected. The “mourning yearning” bit was short which makes me think there is something good ahead – if writer didn’t have story to fill next 6 episodes she could have dragged out RJHs Seoul search for Seri. Instead it was super easy (a mite disappointing iyam-my OH can’t find me in our house let alone in a big city – like seriously – what are the chances of him finding her so easily!!!). How did Jo get into her building???!!!! All these thoughts and questions – I’ll be crazy by 1st Feb.

  63. No worries, Síle Marie. 🙂 Sheila’s easy to pronounce. The Gaelic version is harder. People tend to say, “silly” or “sile” (to rhyme with tile).

    We can drag out our discussions on CLoY to last us two weeks. There’s so much to wade through in these last two episodes anyway.

    Is she back in Seoul then? With Jung Hyuk? What about the fab squad? Hahaha. Is she going to make good on her promises? Didn’t she promise that Drama Enthusiast a date with some Kpop star? And what about the maknae/the youngest? Too bad he took the corn instead of the 1M won.

  64. Whoops! Is ep10 not out where you are yet? I’ll stay quiet so lest I spoil it.

    Niamh, I’ve been called “Silly” manys a time and not always due to the Gaelic spelling of my name….! My OH thinks my love for kdramas (read time consuming obsession) is silly. Ho hum…

  65. I don’t mind spoilers. 🙂 Ep 10 is out already. But I haven’t time to watch it. Just glanced at the epilogue and saw Kim Soo Hyun in his green tracksuit.

    Apparently he was in this movie, “Secretly, Greatly” where he played a top North Korean spy disguised as the village idiot in order to infiltrate South Korean society. He wore green tracksuit.

    It’s a long three-day weekend here because of Martin Luther King Jr holiday tomorrow. We were supposed to spend the weekend at the beach house, for a change of pace, but ended up staying home. We had our sons and their girlfriends over for late lunch and they’re all watching football now. I’m hiding in the bedroom. 🙂

  66. I have mixed sentiments about Episode 10. I liked how it shone light on the supporting characters, and gave some resolution to existing conflicts. Man-Bok’s emotional confession was the true highlight for me. While the scenes between the leads have often left me emotional, Man-Bok’s moral dilemmas, especially in light of his family, are the ones which can really bring me to tears. Family is life ya’ll.

    Maybe if the series had a clearer timeline I’d have a better grasp of what was happening. How long had Se-Ri been back to SK, before Cho, RJH, and the NK gang followed? I was also hoping for an episode where Se-RI and RJH would be separated, even for a while. It would have made viewers probably yearn more for their reunion in the South. But I guess they didn’t want to leave viewers hanging for 2 weeks with so much yearning lol

    Still don’t understand why Cho didn’t get a death sentence? Like what was up with that.

    So yes, maybe a timeline, and more flashbacks in Ep 11, the way Ep 10 explained the events leading to SR’s return, could clear some hanging threads. Tbh, EP 10 feels like a second season of CLOY. I was quite satisfied with Ep 9 if it had ended there.

  67. I am seriously addicted to CLOY, it’s just sad to me I have no one around to talk to about it. I am glad to have found this site and enjoy all your comments. I just finished watching c drama Ashes of Love, I loved it but my reaction was very different with CLOY. There is a healing quality to CLOY, I feel genuinely happy watching this show. I guess that’s what good art can do. The idea of taking a Romeo and Juliet story with a more mature and sophisticated cast and set it against North and South Korea is just freaking awesome.

    At first I thought episode 9 was somewhat anti-climatic when they met up again after that incredible truck phone call, but after watching it a few times I liked it better this way. I was expecting something more sinister happened to her, but I also thought it was the father for sure who kidnapped Seri. I was also very very curious about his family, especially his mother. How on earth a father holding that position, who can make so light of “taking care” of someone in the middle of the night have two such outstanding and justice seeking sons. It seem more improbable than the weird tornado. The mother must be very special.

    When his mother told her son to breathe and brought a very calm and serene looking Seri in front of JH, it would be strange if they had a dramatic kiss or something. They are in front of his parents and his mother is really nice, their reunion was already very shocking for the parents. I think it made sense the dramatic kiss happened at the end when she walked back to S Korea.

    I worry for the plot though now that it moves to S Korea. JH would not find S Korea charming, other than Mr. Hong and the insurance guy, there is no one with any substance in her life. Her life and her persona in S Korea must be distasteful to him. I would be embarrassed If I were her, and If it was me I would sell my Seri’s Choice stocks and whisk him away to Switzerland ASAP.

  68. I enjoyed episode 10, Seri’s triumphant return to her own memorial service, haha, her smack down of the evil SILs, the kite scene was a nice touch… I wonder how they are going to handle the two leads’ story in Seoul. Like Josie said, Seri has a very different persona in Seoul. How is she going to balance that cold bossy facade with her NK sassy but heart of gold country girl persona. I feel like the next few episodes can go in so many directions, action thriller, comedy (with the ducklings), romance, can’t wait.

  69. Howdy! Have you finished episode 10?

    Should we take the comments here to 100? LOL.

  70. I found on youtube the piano piece JH played in a one hour loop. I listened to it at work today. First time I saw that scene by the lake I was kinda surprised the melody was so simple, I can practically repeat it without score, I was definitely expecting something more virtuoso if he is a piano genius. A simple piece in G major…the “happy” key I call it. He wrote it when he was happy but played it by the lake when he was sad…it was perfect. The notes were so clear it rings but in legato. It fits his character right? a perfectionist who likes to reduce goodness down to it’s most basic simplicity…the noodles, the drip coffee served in that one unassuming cup with a saucer, the melody.

    By contrast, Seri’s return to S Korea marked a distinct change back into her old style…her clothes so fancy again and gaudy. And that apartment, it was her sanctuary right? It is just so over the top. If she believed what’s on one’s shelf says a lot about a person’s character, a rather deep insight, it is strange her shelf is so full of accolades and pictures of herself, except the one of her mother. Maybe all that is her armor. I liked the part where she was alone at her desk wearing this loud fuchsia outfit but reading design magazines featuring black white and gray designs…more like his style I guess. I really miss her in N Korea, she was so adorable there.

  71. @Josie. I agree with you about the piano piece. I thought he changed it up a bit when he played it to Seri.

  72. @Josie, I agree about the piano piece. I thought he changed it up when he played it for Seri. You explained it better than I could, although I tried in the OST thread.

    As to Seri’s return, yes, well put. I don’t think she has the luxury of showing that she has changed. It could be taken as weakness. She is back into her armor to try to show others that she is the same Seri who will defend her company and herself. Except for her secretary, who sees the change. And when she said that she would forget that all of her managers agreed to her sister-in-law’s changes. I laughed, because I think they all agreed and she wouldn’t have had any management staff if she fired all of them on the spot. And when she can’t sleep in her really soft-looking cushy bed, actually wearing night clothes instead of her day wear.

  73. The preview for episode 11. That wink of SJ though. ☺️ I have to say Binnie looks hot when he was pointing at the computer beside Seri. 😍✌🏼😜

  74. I shall have to look for it. It may not have been attached to the version I have. 😍✌🏼😜 as you say.

    I was wondering if she needed to attack her step-mom so completely. I think she was still reacting to the proposed take over, but possibly the step-mom bought shares to prevent the sister-in-law from being the majority shareholder or similar? I still have so many questions about the real relationships in Seri’s family as now it seems that the Dad might not have acted on the information given by the secretary and insurance guy.

  75. The one scene I wish was different was their piano playing in his room scene. I thought they botched it big time. The room
    part I liked, she had a very emotional moment and he was subdued in his reaction, like it didn’t surprised him all that much because he already knew they were fated.

    That scene could have been so much better if they didn’t do all that shifting to the lake and standing in front of each other bit, to me the visual was so jarring. Just let them stay in the room, let him play out the entire thing in that upright piano (now much out of tune) next to her would be so much more intimate, maybe just show the lake. Them having this chance in his room with that same piano (luggages by its side) for her to ask him about the tune was serendipity itself. The flashback just cheapened the moment and made the whole thing looked so unnatural when it could have been great. Plus his arm movement from the back by the lake clearly showed he wasn’t the one playing. Sloppy.

  76. I thought so too.
    The mom bought shares so “Seri’s choice” would continue to be managed and operated under Seri’s original mission. She told her mom it was her dream so the mom didn’t want it taken over by the Queen conglomerate.

    The names of the companies are interesting, no? The Queen, rather than the King.

  77. True. It appeared to me too that the father did NOT look for Seri even after hearing from the insurance guy and secretary. And he’s supposedly the biological parent.

    It’s the mom who cares about Seri.

    And being # 1 on the speed-dial is significant, I tell you. 😂 That should be a drama trope already.

  78. Yes, I noticed that the Dad didn’t do anything after the elevator door opened. It was a troll. The insurance guy was packing his stuff when he saw the news that Seri is alive. So obviously, he didn’t believe them or he plainly didn’t do anything.

    Seri only has a picture of her Mom too in her house right? It’s not even a proper picture, she took it while she wasn’t looking.

    I wonder what’s the rest of the story.

  79. Good comments!

    No. His composition wasn’t at all that remarkable but then the era when a gifted pianist has to be a gifted composer as well ended with Rachmaninov.

    Anton Rubinstein, whose album was shown on JungHyuk’s shelves while Seri was rummaging through his papers, was a collection of Rubinstein’s favorite piano pieces from Chopin. I don’t believe Rubinstein composed anything (of significance, that is). 🙂

    And oh. At one point, the male hands playing the piano in Ep 9 weren’t Hyun Bin’s. They were long and slender, and “correctly arched” over the keys. HB’s fake playing was okay. I’m not going to nit-pick further because I know he’s an actor.

  80. Right? It was a troll.

    The father didn’t do anything. Then, he looked flustered when the older son asked him where he’d been those 3 days that he went missing.

    Seeing a mistress? Seeing Seri’s birth mother or another woman? But Seri kindly covered up for him and said she was in a hospital with amnesia.

    And true, there were no family pictures. Only her mom’s picture…and even that picture wasn’t more than 10 years old.

    I’ve lots of pictures of my babies and husband in my office. But I don’t have pictures of my sons grown-up, so whenever they drop by at the office — to have lunch with me or something — jaws are always dropping.

  81. Hello!

    Just found your blog. Perhaps you can help.

    I am obsessed with the gorgeous incidental music that starts around minute 32 of episode 10 of Crash Landing On You (when Se-ri sees the kite)? The music continues with a little bit of words as she enters the house.

    Do you have any idea of what this music is? Forever obliged. Thank you.

  82. Let’s see if somebody here can help you.

    vaamika, are you still around? 🙂

    AGAIN WARNING: I don’t speak Korean. But this sounds like “scat” music to me. Scat singing or scat music is when the singer improvises the lyrics with nonsense words. It’s like when I sing in the shower “da-da-da-la-la-bobobido” because I don’t know the actual words of a kpop song.

    Scat music was done in Goblin:

    I liked that melody so much. But I knew it wasn’t french nor gaelic.

    My guess is this Ep 10 tune is also scat music and we’ll get the full song out later. It’s not on Itunes yet. 🙂

  83. But I don’t have pictures of my sons grown-up, so whenever they drop by at the office — to have lunch with me or something — jaws are always dropping.

    😂 What does your staff say? You’re son’s must be a chick magnet 😉

    I just thought about your face almost freezing yesterday while here now it’s over 41. degrees. 😬

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