The King: Save the Date

Thanks for the follow-up news, @Table12200 and @agdr03.

“The King: The Eternal Monarch” is officially on Netflix.  Netflix didn’t say when it would start showing but I’m assuming that the kdrama will start after “Hyena,” the current Friday and Saturday drama on SBS, which ends on April 11.

So… mark your calendars. Friday, April 17 is for “The King.” Unless it’s delayed or something, we should have an entertaining weekend.

The Netflix trailer is out.


It isn’t any different from the Korea trailer released about two weeks ago. But I want to explain something about Kim Go Eun’s character, Jung Tae Eul, said in the trailer.

“I’m someone who still doesn’t believe that the earth is round.”

It’s understandable that people are shocked (and appalled) to discover that the female lead, Jung Tae Eul, is a “Flat Earther.” Her comment implies that she’s anti-science, and engages in conspiracy theories.

However, let’s give the writer KES a chance to explain what the character meant by this. We’re only seeing the trailer so it’s too early to judge Tae Eul based on a single statement.

For now, I’m having fun figuring out possible explanations.

One. It could be a subbing error. The translation didn’t get the right nuance of Tae Eul’s words.

Image result for nuance gif

Two. It could be a joke. Tae Eul was exaggerating when she said that in order to make a point. (“It’s a hyperbole, people! I didn’t mean it literally!”)

Three. It’s also possible that her character is a Doubting Thomasina.  She’s a skeptic. She don’t believe in events or phenomena that she hasn’t personally experienced, encountered, or seen.

Image result for prove it gif

But how to explain her belief in a flat world? Hmmm… For her, the world is flat because … because… hmmm…because wherever she goes, the horizon is always flat. lol.

She believes only in what she sees.

Image result for horizon is always flat meme

Shhhh… don’t tell her that the world is round or that a fantasy world exists where she’s the lover of handsome Lee Gon. She won’t believe it; it’s too good to be true.

Image result for lee minho handsome gif

And four. Sarcasm. She could have been sarcastic.

When His Majesty Lee Gon came to her and told her that there was another reality or another dimension where she existed as this person named Luna, she remembered Matrix,”

Image result for matrix what if i told you gif

and she rebuffed Lee Gon, saying, “Yeaaaaah, right. And I’m someone who still doesn’t believe that the earth is round.”

Image result for yeah right gif

See that? Her words could have been taken out of context. I’m sure the smart bitches here can think of creative ways to make this sound amusing: “I’m someone who still doesn’t believe that the earth is round.”

Let’s reserve judgment till the kdrama is out.

Here’s a new poster.  Source: allkpop

I’m sorry but I’m judging this one.  Concept: C+

It looks bland and outdated, unlike the poster for “Hotel del Luna.” That one was interactive; you have to look for the ghosts.

Image result for hotel del luna poster bitchesoverdramas


Found the other poster. I prefer this one.





11 Comments On “The King: Save the Date”

  1. Old American Lady

    In my neck of the woods, if you don’t believe someone, you tell them you have a bridge to sell them (the Brooklyn Bridge). So count me in the irony column.

    Thanks for all the fun, detailed analyses, cultural clarificstions, a dash of snark and overall greatness. You are my go to forum. Love K Dramas and your take on them.

    The best part of all the content is that it’s keeping me socially isolated for the foreseeable future-so many dramas, past, present and future to get through COVID 19.

  2. I think the other poster with only the ML and the FL is better.

    Maybe in one of the parallel univers, the Earth is flat :p

  3. O look we are currently detecting a potential influx of returnees to Cynical Island (welcome @OldAmericanLady 🎉). We can watch His Highness (May his name endure forever) with our binoculars. Social distancing of course on our deck chairs placed with the 1.5m (we’re metric here in the Commonwealth) apart. Now if we could only convince dishy Woo DoHwan in his spiffy Matrix garb to serve us drinks during his down time that would complete the picture. I am SO ready.

  4. Yeah, nothing interesting on that poster whatsoever. It’s so bland.

    Did you check out Hyena by the way? I’m watching it.

  5. After watching the trailer again, my take is that Kim Go Eun is a typical “cynical cop” who only believes in what she sees. Hence her soewhat sarcastic remark to Lee Gon who tells her he’s from a parallel universe. She doesn’t believe him, of course and emphasizes this with the comment ” I don’t believe the world is round.” Meaning, i’m not going to believe anything you say just because you say it. I don’t think she actually doesn’t believe in accepted science, rather it’s a remark just said to emphasize that she is not believing him. I guess we will see.

    Stay safe everyone.

  6. Yaay we have a release date for our launch party 🎉🎉

    I’ll go with @Table122000 on this one. I think her remark is just a way of saying that she doesn’t believe anything Lee Gon says, being a cynical cop who has seen the real world. Which must be very irri3for Lee Hon who is used to his subjects (and kegions of women) hanging on to his every word😛

    @nrllee: We want WDH on Shallow Island too to serve cocktails (maybe the Liquid Lust one 😛). His Highness (May his name endure forever) may deign us mere mortals too beneath his touch so socialize with 🙄

  7. *Which must be very irritating for Lee Gon

    Sorry for the phone has a mind of its own🙄

  8. Tell me about it. That’s why I dislike answering to your comments while I’m on my iphone. I’m either typing nonsense because of my long fingernails or auto-correction is murdering my thoughts.

    It’s better when I dictate on my phone, but I must be alone in the room for privacy. lol.

  9. It’s better when I dictate on my phone, but I must be alone in the room for privacy. lol.

    Ha! Otherwise a cat will be getting out of a bag. 😂

  10. Hi Everyone and thanks @packmule3 for the reminder.

    I believe I’ll drop by as and when I can and I’ll island hop vigorously. Of course your arguments may convince me to stay or trot, or even to go make my own island 😀

    Catch ya again!

  11. Pingback: The King: Eternal Monarch:: Bamboo or Tree? – Bitches Over Dramas

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