The King: Eternal Monarch:: Ep 16 Happy/Sad Ending Theories

While waiting for  Episode 16, please share your theories for the ending here. They’ll be easier to access and we can keep the Eps 14 and 15 Open Thread focused on comments, and Questions/Answers about Eps 14 and 15.

All theories, big and small, will be welcomed here.

We can bash characters (they’re fictional, so who cares?) but I’m confident that, as Bitches, we know better than to diss each other.  We can disagree on a lot of things. But let’s not label one person’s angst about the ending as “paranoia” or another person’s optimism as “delusional.” I’ve already blocked a few comments.

People react to kdramas differently so try to be understanding. This is the time when the writer KES and the director are pulling all the stops to make us anticipate and respond viscerally to the Grand Finale.  Let’s not invalidate how other people feel about the last two episodes or the forthcoming one.  🙂

As always, thank you to the “old” timers for welcoming the new posters and answering their questions. Thank you for showing the spirit of a real Bitch. We have fun with our analyses; we’re comfortable in our skin; we help each other out.

Let’s have fun waiting for the finale with our theories and best wishes for the ending! I’m sure my best girlfriend @agdr03 wants one wedding, a honeymoon in — where is it again? Jamaica? Europe? — and three babies in Lee Gon and TaeEul’s future.


@lovebangwon starts us off with her theory:

From spoiler photo seems like JTE and LG happy ending was in time loop/they staying in the past, bcs their surrounding full of old style ppl arround year 1930’s or 1950 like they have mention in the drama.

So LG Probably the one who save Young lady noh.

@TB pointed this out:


Here are is a link to some spoiler photos refocusing our theories on TE and 2022

104 Comments On “The King: Eternal Monarch:: Ep 16 Happy/Sad Ending Theories”

  1. packmule3, reposting lovebangwon's comment here

    packmule3, reposting lovebangwon’s comment here

    From spoiler photo seems like JTE and LG happy ending was in time loop/they staying in the past, bcs their surrounding full of old style ppl arround year 1930’s or 1950 like they have mention in the drama.
    So LG Probably the one who save Young lady noh.

  2. No theories. Just a thank you for keeping this blog a safe place from internet hostility. Must be hard work. ♥️

  3. O please happy ending so our wrap up party won’t be a morose affair. We can drink to the Eternal Monarch (May his name endure forever) and his feisty Queen TE. We don’t want to be feeling particularly murderous and yelling at KES “Off with her head” for being a party pooper. Good trumps evil and we can toast well wishes to the ridiculously good looking Royal Couple and their beautiful progeny to come. 🥂.

  4. I think we will see JTE wishes fulfilled..watching movie, romantic date at the seaside, holding hands walking down the streets …Im just not sure …
    what will happen before these happy scenes the whole suicide mission is going to play out…
    But I know Lee ji hun will appear and JTE will cry very hard…

    So I HOPE the happy scenes will appear not only in the last 10mimutes !!!!

  5. I haven’t read the comments above but if he brings another good shooter to the past I see no reason for young Lee Gon to die while Lee Gon is focused on killing Lee Rim.
    And he’s bringing Yeong AND Tae Eul.
    So I see no reason for a sad ending at this point, only if the writer really wants to mess with us.
    The 3 of them go to the past, defeat Lee Rim, all the traitors AND save Lee Gon who remains with both halves of the flute.
    Lee Gon leaves him Tae Eul’s ID to make sure he goes to find her when he grows up.
    Lady Noh sees now both Lee Gon and Yeong and lets them go. They maybe tell her to make sure young Yeoung is befriends the child king
    They should also make sure to take care of the family of Shin Jae in the Kingdom so the poor child doesn’t die when the mother decides to suicide and kill him too with her.
    Take care of the circumstances that lead to Luna being a thug.

  6. I just want to say thank you to @packmule, through this blog I was able to understand and appreciate more the series. I love reading @mychoiyoung @GB @Wenchansteur’s comments. I feel like I need to rewatch again after this drama ends. ☺

  7. @nrllee I forgot about our party ! Yes please, to happy ending of course.

    But I agree with @ann, it IS a suicide mission. That’s why he asked “permission” of the two women he loves and who love him back. However, he might not have expected these people to follow him right up in the mission including Maximus, let’s not forget. Basically, all women (LADY maximus? Wrt this drama) who love him are present as he tries to orchestrate his own death. Ha ! You wish.

  8. Before I share some of my predictions, let me repost the FINALE PREVIEW here —

  9. Yes, thank you very much for this blog. This is a wonderful place to read other viewers insights and analysis of TKEM. With only one episode to go, I truly don’t want to dwell too much on the aspect of time travel. Though it’s confusing how they can manage to go back for another round without LR’s flute, but I’ll just wait and see.

    I am seriously concerned about the preview showing LJH in naval uniform walking past JTE. Here’s hoping it’s a fakeout. Because that Rooftop Prince ending really made me feel cheated.

    A happy ending for our LeeEul. Hopefully it won’t be at the last ten minutes of the show.

    All the needless doppelgangers were already taken care of. And since ES is safely on the other side, there is no need to sacrifice JY. Hurt but otherwise alive would be great.

    Just a little concerned regarding Luna/JTE. I forgot which episode it was where LG saw in a video clip JTE/Luna walking past Yoyo child dated 2022…

    Was that scene will have any relevance to this last episode? If that is still going to happen despite redo does it mean they are going to meet each other two years later? Or was that clip just a random scene to show bookstore for LG to find the traitors lair?

  10. I make almost no predictions in this drama, because there is already a lot to do just by analyzing the content. You have to figure that out to make predictions already, and there are a lot of grey areas.
    One of my only predictions was the cliffhanger Episode 13. It would have been nice and intense, but I actually took into account elements that may never have been true, such as characters from the future.

    For the ending, maybe something exotic.
    Jo-Yeong, Tae Eul, Lee Gon and Lee Lim will come back in 1994.
    There may be Shin-Jay too, to help Tae Eul guard Lee Lim.
    The moment when they appear is not yet very clear and definite.
    But it should be at the same time as the first time.
    The goal is to kill all the opponents and retrieve the flute.
    Normally the flute is already cut in half, with Lee Lim’s blood on it.

    There will be complications.
    As Tae Eul has proven to be totally incompetent despite her 4th Dan, she will be screwed by Lee Lim again.
    (note: There may be a turnaround, maybe Luna fooled her again and it is Luna who goes back into the past, LOL).
    Otherwise, there might be a sacrifice, the death of Jo-Yeong (and/or Shin-Jay) why not?
    But it doesn’t matter because they are characters from the future, and they will still be able to live their lives from their 1994 versions.
    Both Lee Lim are killed. An original idea is possible for the Lee Lim of the future, I don’t know which one.

    Lee Gon finally gets the two pieces of flute back.
    As a result, no one will travel from one world to another. There won’t be any problem with that. The 1994 Lee Gon and Tae Eul will never meet. The Lee Gon child will not have an ID badge. This Lee Gon marry PM Koo later, and Tae Eul marry another Shin-Jay from ROK (but this one isnt a looser, he’s 5th dan), Same for the 1994 Eun Sup and Jo-Yeong and Na-ri/clone.
    Then Lee Gon and Tae Eul use the flute to travel very far in the past when the flute appears (in 6xx). Then something mystical happens, I don’t know what.
    Maybe the flute is magically repaired in the tree, so that’s when the flute appears. So it’s an object created ex nihilo from a temporal paradox.
    Then, Lee Gon and Tae Eul end their lives together and happily in that distant time.
    Perhaps for some mysterious reason, Lee Gon also becomes the King at that time.

    It’s a beautiful ending, but not crazy mindblowing.

  11. Though Lee Lim is alive despite being dead! I think even if little Lee Gun dies the older one will stay alive. and also Lee Gun is wearing the same clothes with the time he gave Teh Ul the flowers(a small seen of those flowers growing up was shown before) then it was going to happen any way I mean Lee Gun changed the past with seeing little Teh Ul but the event of his childhood wasn’t changed. Then going past again ang giving her the flowers wont be a change in the past! Then I hope little Lee Gun stays alive.
    and about that child who saved Teh hul I think he is the soul of that key to change the worlds though he said he wants to be complete.
    And there is no heir for the kingdom which makes me belivve he’ll stay alive.
    and also I belive If he stays alive they will be togheter…

  12. After happy ending for tkem drama.
    (In preview) Just wondering if the one who stand and looking at lee ji hun walking is Luna.
    Not jte.
    Since two parallel world Ppl always stay close with their own family.
    They are just have different name and work and fate.
    Like nari + eunsup. Yeong + seung a.

    Please try first impression of two ep Kim soo hyun drama 🤣
    My sooman is back! 😍

  13. Yes, I’ll pick up Kim Soo Hyun’s drama next…if I’m still sane by then. The title seems to speak about me, “Psycho But It’s Still Okay.”

    Yes, hopefully it’s Luna for Jihyun. But poor SinJae. What about him?!

  14. @packmule3 if Lee Gon reseted everything, it means the real Shin Jae is still in the coma and our Shin Jae never came in ROK, so maybe he’s a cop in KOC? His boss and the other guy were cops in KOC too. So he wouldn’t be completely alone. Speaking about his boss, do we know who is Solitude? Or he became a bodyguard with Yeong and Jangmi!

  15. For some bold predictions —

    1. LG & LY will finish off LR when they go back to Night of Treason

    2. SJ accompanies TE & LR back to KOC cos how can SJ let TE go off alone, right?

    3. TE or SJ will be the one to save young LG. So he grows up to our LG, still with the ID. Dang it! I need THIS OTP we have been viewing to still be the one in the end.

    4. Combining 1, 2 & 3, things will go back to what they were supposed to be prior to LR’s treason.

    5. LJH (LG doppelganger) will live just like how the preview shows

    6. TE will be able to stay in KOC with LG. The memories of the past will only remain with LG, TE and JY (if he survives).

    7. Since they succeeded and the flute was never cut in half, LG and TE can now go to ROK/KOC without disturbing the balance. The spoilers where LG & TE are shown in old setting is probably one of their dates. Remember TE telling LG before letting him go, that one of her rules is that ‘’let’s do everything we skipped, like going to the movies’’

    8. Somebody dies during the Night of Treason – JY or SJ (ducks for cover from WDHoes & SJ empathizers(

    9. I think Luna dies too but feels loved cos she died among people who care for her.

    10. ES & Nari will also live happily ever after, with Nari’s continued success in business & ES’ car dealership thanks to the King!

    11. Our OTP sails into the sunset with Maximus of course! (the beach setting in the BTS)

    12. Yoyo kid is happy cos he is whole again. OkNam await for OTP babies. That makes the monarchy eternal.

    That’s my optimistic prediction. Do I have a pessimistic set? YUP> But I do not want to throw it to the ether cos they might come true – bahahahaha

  16. Considering that we now understand yo yo kid to be the spirit of the flute who wishes to be made whole, I think he will keep urging key players toward action that will result in restoring the flute.

    TE seems very clear about accepting her destiny whereas in the King’s conversation with PB he struggled with accepting or fighting destiny. Based on PB assessment your destiny is that you will give your whole life for. TE decided since the receiving her bouquet of flowers she was going to give her whole life for the King. I am not sure she has a articulated plan other than she intends to keep walking toward the King. During the kings 4month time in the inter dimensional gate the yo yo kid said he was chasing his destiny. He was walking through 26 years to get to TE. Even the King tells TE that them meeting in 2019 was their destiny. – he uses these words when he gave her the hair tie.

    When he got back to her he realized that great harm was still done by LL “because of him” according to his doppelgänger’s mother. He plans to reverse this even at the cost of his existence and his destiny (love with TE).

    HCL also seems invested in his future with TE. She has invested in those talismans, she saw him the night of the regicide, she unintentionally put those poems in his head as a child, and she accepted TE’s and him being together as their destiny and asked TE to take care of his majesty.

    We also still don’t know who Luna was. She still has a van in KOC stockpiled with cash in the care of yo yo boy.

    SJ seemed resolved to take LL to the bamboo forest and ready to die in the process, die so that others will live (perhaps as some atonement for past choices). He believes TE will die in there I cannot imagine that he will let TE die alone, he loves her most of all, he will go with her.

    There is always so much misdirection in the previews but the bts spoiler photos speak volumes.

    I expect a happy ending. If KES can muster a glorious ending she will be staging a coup of her own. What a way to reintroduce LMH and highlight GGone.

  17. @TB LR visits TE again with flowers , in his suit again so he must have gone before the mission?
    The dried blue flowers in her room disappeared in ep15, so I’m not sure whether some history has been rewritten again ?

    The girl who met Lee Jihoon should be TE, as she was seen crying on the street after that( from spoiler instagram)

    The 2022 TE was together with Sin it should be in KOC? Since if everything is reset, then Sinjae will not be sent to ROC

    The spoiler pics on the beach romantic dates should indicate a Happy Ending …* finger crossed*

  18. From all the spoilers found in IG, some are in ep15 and the rest are to be expected in ep16:
    1. LG with his whip and TE by the beach (this I think is going to be a flashback scene)
    2. JTE in pink hospital clothes: one scene from her front yard and 1 scene from the bamboo forest with LG
    3. JTE in a police uniform or what closely resembles to LJH’s naval uniform; has a pic in a frame wearing the uniform together with SJ
    4. Old era LG with his whip and JTE wearing the necklace, looking happy and very in love. My heart. KES please give us a good wrap-up.

    I really can’t have a concrete ending in mind because I know I’ll probably be getting the opposite next week. However, if we base on the spoilers, the ep16 preview and the happenings on ep15, 2020 LG, JY, TE and LL are the people who will travel to the past. LL will be eliminated. All lives lost caused by LL will be restored. A whole new life for them is rewritten. I hope JY isn’t going to be a casualty. From here I can see 2 possibilities:

    1. LG will be able to move forward to 2020 but would not meet TE. Not sure with TE but she must be traveling in a different time without LG, based from her spoiler meet-up with LJH. Or her life must also be rewritten, based from the naval/police uniform with only SJ in the photo frame.

    2. TE and LG will both travel through time until they get to 2020 or they will take time and live through whatever current time they are in, based on the old era spoiler.

    Curling my fingers both hand and feet for a happy ending. They deserve it. LG deserves it. His pain in ep15 was insurmountable, bearing all the responsibility, blame and grief. Spoiler says last scene of ep16 is in the palace. Let it be a wedding, writer-nim.

    PS. I’m not sure how 2022 TE is going to play a role on ep16, can somebody enlighten me of the possibilities?

  19. I am hoping for the unexpected redemption of PM Koo. She will die, of course, but not in vain, with her high heel shoes on!

    I have a bad feeling about SJ.

    I hope for LG and TE remaining in Corea after the portal is closed forever. Maybe a healed Luna will stay in Korea and have a chance with SJ or his double, now awake from the coma.

    I hope that both JY and ES stay alive and find happiness with their ladies.

    I hope that the world will heal, but the portal will not disappear forever. Grandpa King already used the portal to bring Lady Noh to Corea and as far as we know there were no other repercussions to this event.

  20. I thk CLN recognises LG as her king when he went back in 1994 and showed his face to her. Could it because he bore resemblance to the king she served? Was she the “JTL” back then? Thus the spoiler of JTL and LG in 1940s was the grandfather of LG and CLN?

    Also the book she showed JTL when she told her she was from ROK; was it the same book LG got for her from ROK? Meaning JTL and CLN “connection” of the poet?

    And LG sought permission from both CLN and JTL to let him go.

    And when she asked him why didn’t he ask her if he knew she was from ROK, he replied, he was scared she will ask to go back.

  21. Consider these pictures for your predictions:

  22. I think since LG and Yeong decided to go back together in the past..they will eventually kill LL but Yeong will be heavily wounded (pls don let him die), Ta-eul will be a great help as well but idk to what extend.

    I think LG will be able to succeed, idk if we are going to be given a glimpse of another door in the universe where we saw Lee Ji hyun (doppelganger of LG in RK) grew and became a military officer and at the same time Ta -eul saw him and knew that LG didnt survive so she collapse on the floor crying (base on the fan acct I saw during filming),

    I think Ta-eul wishes will be fulfilled and one of those is their travel back to 1950;s, the date in the beach ( where all those 3 light rays that LG saw in ep 15)

    finally, this is just my crazy ramblings lol , but hopefully there is somewhat a satisfying happy ending coz both LG and TE deserves all the happiness for all the challenges they’ve encountered/experienced.

  23. Does anyone know did JTE mom died of cancer?
    Cos Luna has cancer.

    But if they were swapped, JTE doesn’t have recollection unlike SJ.

  24. No, I don’t think anybody here knows much about TaeEul’s mom’s cancer.
    And there’s nothing mentioned in Welmaris’ Cliff Notes that she prepared for us. And that had all the character info till Ep 13.

    I told y’all: Welmaris’ notes will come in handy exactly for times like this. 👍👍

  25. Good evening all,
    I was just thinking…. LG is going back to that fateful night one more to kill LR so that history can be reset in both worlds and to right all the wrongs that have occurred because of that night.

    In all of this, LGs father the king in 1994 was also a victim, wouldn’t it be something if LG kills LR before LR kills his father the king.

    Remember how current LR went back and told LR of 1994 to go to the prince’s room, kill him there. Having knowledge of the sequence of events I am surprised that LG has not thought of saving his father.

    Of course that would impact the LG and TE storyline, but, it would be an interesting twist. How would LGs life have proceeded if his father was still alive.

    In any case, I think we are in for a few more surprises….

  26. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. I’ve avoided the spoilers up to a point, but I can guess what will happen. In fact, @StoneJack already gave a conjecture that I agree with. The finer points, I do not yet know, therefore it’ll be fun to watch Ep 16 to let it unfold.

    If I have time, I may post my trivia of loose ends that I wished would get tied up. I don’t think they are essential for the the plot and resolution, but it’s just that curious minds would like to know.

    Cheers and stay safe!! 🌈 ☀️

  27. @packmule3 I’ve finally finished watching till episode 15 and know it will be really difficult to wait for Friday!

    I’m not going to make any predictions. All I want is a happy ending somehow – I was too sad at the goodbyes LG said to JTE and OCL Noh before leaving – because he truly deserves to be happy after all the sacrificeshe has made. I hope JY, JTE and SJ all go back to the night of treason to support him, unlike last time when he went without backup.

    The hospital scenes of LG taking care of JTE were very touching and LG has gone several notches up on my ranking of Best Boyfriends now 🙂

    Hopefully the writer will get it right in the last episode to leave us with happy memories and to make our Shallow Island wrap-up party truly enjoyable 😊😊😊🤞🤞🤞

  28. I finally caught up with all the comments from TKEM and I thank you all for adding insight and intel to my most “baffling drama of the year” All the actors/ actresses did an excellent job and there were golden moments in the show and KES the writer has such a beautiful but complicated story to tell us however I must agree with @WEnchanteur in ep 14/15 thread that the show had too many unnecessary characters to the point that it dilutes the quality of the show and even made us viewers like me lose track of the purpose and meaning of the plot ’cause my mind was asking why why why and how come? ..err what just happened?..sigh I got to rewatch it again (as if I got so much free time to rewatch) but I had to 😏
    If they did it as a 2 hr movie it would be clearer and cleaner to understand in my opinion.
    So Packmule3 would you be writing something for eps 14 and 15 please? I am waiting to see your gifs and read your thoughts🙏
    I hope you are doing ok in Washington. It’s a dreadful time in our world now and I try not to see or read too much about the current news though my husband turns on cable American news daily at nights 😔
    My take.. I am at ” Let it Go let it Go” humming to Frozen’s tune I can’t think no more I am just waiting for Packmule3’s call😉

    Am hoping for happy celebrations in Shallow Island if I may join? I will bring a makgeolli cocktail with me😄

    Sidenote so perverse I think..but what if TE is Luna that was stuck in time and forgot herself Haha

  29. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Hi @Carolstar You’re most welcome to come to our party! Makgeolli cocktails are the very thing!! Bring a dozen with you LOL!

    I too had toyed with the idea that the White Rabbit had been TE dressed as Luna, but that fell through. I’m not psychic like @pkml3 LOL. I still agree with @StoneJack. I feel Luna will stay on in ROK, get healed (maybe TE does help to replace the organ that is cancerous) and take TE’s place with her dad. Na Ri, ES and SJ will miss TE, but I think they can let her go.

    Here’s to a happy ending! 🥃 🍸 🍹 (Choose your poison lol!)

  30. @Phoenix @GB when when when are we having the party ? I’d take all three @GB is offering in addition to the makgeolli that @carolstar might be bringing. We’re going absolutely crazy here in my part of the world (not US) and I’m finding it very hard to care about how TKEM ends. I just want to have some nice romantic scenes (like they had in LBS) some fun and that’s all. Rest I’m waiting to party on Shallow Island.

  31. A note about overly complicated plot lines filled with bajillion different characters… Anyone remember GOT? Absolutely brilliant writing. But even with that brilliance, we don’t know when (or if) the conclusion will be in sight and there are ample and more opposers of how the show ended (including myself) to the extent that the director duo lost their next big project. There is a limit to how much complication we can handle with respect to fiction and a fundamental problem with the writer getting too carried away. Isn’t life itself complicated enough ?

    I remember @WEnchanteur mentioning somewhere that one should never forget that one watches a drama to relax. That is it’s primary purpose.

  32. @mychoiyoung I agree on your bold prediction #8.

    JY 2020 will die protecting his King. He will shield his Pyeha for as long as possible and as seen in Ep 16 preview, he was holding the whole flute, bloodied and a tear streaming down his face. He then will have been accomplished HCL Noh’s “plan” back in 1994 when she introduced him to LG. HCL Noh may have seen JY 2020 taking his last breatj on the night of treason.

    As for LL1994, he may have changed his plan and went straight first to kill young LG. Maybe that is why LG2020 was seen running as fast as he could to the crown prince’s location as seen in Ep16 preview.

  33. @Arihsi I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree here. I don’t think a drama’s primarily purpose is to relax people. A writer, a director and an actor want people to care about the character so that if one suffers, the viewers will feel distress, if the character is happy, the viewers will feel the same. That cannot (and shouldn’t) always be relaxing. And I also believe people aren’t looking for that either. People watch a drama because they want, at the bare minimum, to be entertained and that entertainment entails discomfort, sadness, happiness and a whole bunch of other emotions that people are willing to go through.

    Now, my prediction:

    1. LG and JY will kill both LLs. However, JY dies in the process.

    2. TE rescues baby LG and leaves the ID. SJ takes a bullet for TE and dies.

    3. LG and TE use the 1994 flute to open the big portal we saw in ep15 and they live happily ever after traveling across space and time, essentially becoming the guardians of the flute.

    Lame, I know.

  34. @Alxmar97 yes, you’re right 🙂

  35. Howdy! ☺️ I haven’t seen episode 14 and 15 but I just want LG and TE to have their happily ever after and a royal baby. I want it for JY, ES, Nari and SJ too if possible but most of all I just want WORLD PEACE! 🙏

    I hope you’re able to rest @pml3 and recoup at the beach house. Thank you again for keeping us safe here, you really are the Queen of Bitches and our Unbreakable Sword. 🙇🏻‍♀️

  36. Thank you @GB for welcoming me!😊🌴🍹

    @ Arihsi am sorry your part of the world is going crazy is it HkG? Stay safe please!
    May I ask you the full name of drama GOT? I couldn’t figure it out.

    @Alxmar97 I actually watch dramas to chill and forget my real life worries so yes I understood what @Arihsi meant about relaxing but I know what you mean too..Dramas are meant for entertainment and we go along for the ride to laugh and cry and and be spooked even! That’s why I am selective in choosing my dramas. I dare not go into horror or ghoul bloody dramas for instance. But TKEM gave me something more than I could chew on. I had to study math equations and figure out multiple time lines with the help of all the contributors here thankfully. It is STRESSFUL!

    I do hope your prediction about JY and SJ won’t come true I like them alot. Both are such faithful good men! I want them to hang out with us when we have our party in Shallow Island and I would like them all shirtless! 😁
    That would redeem the sleepless nights I endured whilst trying to figure out all the scenes in this drama!😎

  37. @Arihsi, tell me anytime you want to weep, I’m a sucker for those remember? 😉 I’m with you on watching dramas so I can relax and just enjoy seeing my favourite k-actors/actresses. I guess you can call me a lazy bitch. 🤣

    Like right now I’m exhausted because eldest son had 5 friends over, they walked over to McDonald’s for lunch but I had to finish a chocolate mousse and spinach dip for afternoon snacks. I thought I’d be able to sit down and watch TKEM but no. 😁 All good though because they all said they had a great time when their parents picked them up. 😊

  38. Hear! Hear! @agdr03 Here’s to happy endings 🙌
    @Arihsi The Shallow Island party is on Friday or Saturday, post wrap-up of drama. I will leave @agdr03, @GB, @nrllee and everyone here to vote on which day they would like to have it😊

  39. Thanks, agdr03, the quick beach getaway was what I needed to face another work week. The beach wasn’t crowded at all, thanks to the strict social distancing guidelines in effect. The good news: we found a cure for coronavirus. Apparently, the coronavirus only works in churches, shopping malls, and work places. So, if we riot in churches, loot in malls, and burn down our offices, there’s no social distancing required. See? I just need a change of logic and perspective. /end politics

    I tried to watch Ep 15 on the drive back but got carsick. 🤢 Will answer some questions before leaving for work.

  40. Hi @Phoenix, maybe the party starts as soon as episode 16 is finished and whoever can comment straight away here. I’m not fussed too. Give me a happy ending and I’ll drink my night away with WDH. He’s leaving for his military service so I’d like to spend the party with him. I dibs him, sorry @Table122000. 🤪

  41. Phoenix, do you mind writing your “opening speech” on why Lee Gon deserves to be the Bitches’ Best Drama Boyfriend?

    I’m sorry. I thought I hit “reply” to your comment but I must have “spamblock” my own post because I couldn’t find them in the comment section. 🤦‍♀️

  42. Nah! That perspective is rubbish! I’m sure you’ve put them in the bin already right? 😉You poor thing with being carsick. We have vomit bags everywhere in the car because boys were vomitrons when they were little.

    I’m actually back to work too since Monday so it’s nice and hopefully it will continue.

    I’m on the last episode of Love Is All. ☺️ I’ll watch the Psycho one too with you and the other bitches. Thanks 😊

  43. @Alxmar97
    It was more of a joke after the soompi fans froze the brain hernia trying to decipher an episode. Everyone was going half-crazy.
    My punchline came with a gif showing how this drama relaxes me:

    Sorry, I couldn’t read the comments that make predictions based on the preview of episode 16. I did everything I could to avoid spoilers.
    And I succeeded!! 😀

  44. Is Love is All good? You can tell me on the thread. Right now, I’m watching our mowers do our backyard. Lol. I reminded them of my ANNUAL instructions to vary the direction of their mowing: vertical one week, then horizontal another week, then diagonal the third week, etc. They keep forgetting in May.😀

    So I just ran out and told them I wanted the grass mowed “wavy” today, like in sea waves. 🌊 🤣😀 Sometimes when I make a joke like that, it comes across better than when I scold them.

  45. Are they doing it right? 😁 What’s wrong with May? 🤔😀

    I’ll comment on the LIA thread tomorrow. I just finished it. ☺️ There’s something that really clicked with Tang Tianyuan and Tan LingYin 😍 I’ll watch TKEM tomorrow.

    Have a good day! Good night to me! 😉

  46. @agdr03 Yaay let’s have the party right after ep.16 then😊 I’m not fussy too – all I want is a happy ending 😊 Goodnight!
    I really liked how LG took care of TE at the hospital – more ammunition for that Best Boyfriend story @packmule3😊 I will be happy to write something as introduction for that post. Should I add it to the earlier Lee Gon appreciation post or mail you?
    Hope you are feeling better. The beach getaway sounds relaxing!

  47. Please email me. That way it will be a “surprise” read. 🙂

    You can use the Xiao Nai post you made as guideline if you want. No rush. Thanks!!

  48. Will do😊 Is it okay if I share it on Saturday? It might be difficult to do the required research on swoonworthy scenes in every episode during weekdays 😓😓
    I always consider you as a wizard for managing to write such brilliant posts on working days🙏

  49. I came up with another fun ending idea.
    Once in the past, and all enemies killed.
    Lee Gon and Tae Eul recover the two pieces of flute from that time.
    Lee Gon takes his flute piece and Lee Lim’s flute piece (the ones from the future).
    Tae Eul takes the two pieces of flute that were just cut in half.
    Then, they each make a whole flute for themselves.
    Then, they go to the super-world that gives access to all eras.
    They never get old thanks to their flutes, they become Gods, and the super-world is their personal palace.
    Thus, the Eternal Monarch, the king and queen…
    HaPpY EnDiNg

  50. @agdr03 you are as kind as ever. Thank you so much for your support and solidarity. I had a weeping session by myself this afternoon and now I feel better. Ah. So much for hope. So easy to write essays about. So hard to keep.

    @Carolstar GOT is Game of Thrones. It is a series produced by HBO that is based on a novel by George Martin by the name A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s wildly popular (or rather was). This series has a very complicated plot and zillion different characters and geographical regions. The problem is, the first book was published in 1996 ! Two books out of the seven book series are STILL unpublished ! The show didn’t really do justice to what the books stand for and had an ending of its own. Many say the book series is still incomplete because well, the author got too entangled in the web he weaved himself.

    @Phoenix (YAYYY)^2 !!
    I’m very excited to read your piece on LG as an ideal drama boyfriend. Actually, I’m surprised you ladies considered him along with Xiao Nai! I haven’t seen Love O2 but I know he’s a favourite with BoD. At the beginning of TKEM, I’d have never imagined LMH, oops I mean LG to be considered along side the gold standard at BoD. Waiting for your post !
    And thank you for scheduling the party!! Midnight dishwashing will have to wait till morning once again because of LMH 😛

  51. @Arihsi Thank you😄 I do think Lee Gon is stellar boyfriend material. Will try to share my post on Lee Gon soon! I’m going to miss watching LMH twice every week😭😭

  52. @Carolstar you have same opinion with me, i do think Luna is TE that stuck in time, because i was watch interview promotion on sbscatch between Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun, Lee Min Ho said Luna is the strongest character in drama and Luna’s character has a lot of pain. I don’t know why but Luna’s background still vague and many things need to be explain. There are many things that makes me confused a lot like the same star in Luna’s car and TE’s room, same movement when touch her hair, TE promise to shinjae that she will come back and make up for all the times she upset him, same illness with TE’s mom and if its true that Luna is TE that stuck in time because tryin to help LG but can’t comeback to ROK and forgot herself, its trully sad for me.

  53. It just hit me that TE won’t get to see LG rowing. I haven’t seen anything related on Instagram so I take for granted it won’t happen. What a shame!

    LG kept bringing up he was a rower but KES just gave us one competition. Imagine the Queen cheering for his King. He wins and runs to her, lifts her in his arms,kisses her and then “the end” appears.

  54. I was so confused with the time travels. Thank goodness for the smart b*tches on this site. Thank you for the explanations and theories. I cannot wait until next week.

    I think that Luna = Tae Eul. Given that TE is presumably going to work her way into the planned time travel without LG knowing (hence 2020 Luna stealing LL, and TE pressuring SJ to give her the remaining 2020 flute half), I keep thinking something is going to go wrong and she will be stuck in time or space. Not having the math skills of LG she will kind of go crazy with the isolation etc and kinda forget who she is (hello @ceeu and @carolstar!) forget her family and friends until she catches up to 2020 and is reintroduced to her non bitter self. I think to balance it all off, SJ will die (or JY, but if i had to choose, please let it be SJ). Luna’s cancer will catch up with her. But TE and LG somehow get to have their happy ever after as king and queen in Corea.

  55. I don’t think Luna = TE in any timeline simply because she tried to poison the love of her life. She watched in cold indifference as he struggled to breathe and then tried to steal from him! I don’t think TE, no matter how much she forgets or doesn’t have the initial memories to begin with, will ever try to harm LG. It’d just defeat the whole purpose of her character and their eternal love. In fact, in EP 1 when she calls him criminal and poop and so on, she still doesn’t register him in the police records as such and helps him, buys him meals and takes care of him in spite of herself.

  56. Thank you, @packmule for keeping this a safe space while still juggling all that is happening on your side of the world! I am feeling a little sad that this roller-coaster ride is going to end soon. I have really enjoyed reading and discussing aspects of the show here, this community rocks!

    Given how KES has managed to introduce many twists to the tale in the last few episodes, I am now more hesitant to make any predictions because they will probably all turn out wrong! LOL. But there are so many thoughts churning in my head so I’m just going to unload them here:

    1. The 5 that will help you:
    Just as LG has a list of 5 people in ROK that will help him no matter what, I’d like to think that the 1994 LG also has a list of 5 people in KOC that will help him in this final battle on the night of the regicide. (This show has so much duality & symmetry, so I thought that would be a nice touch.) The 5 would probably be: 2020 LG, JY, SJ, TE… and Lady Noh. We know LG and JY will be there, they were seen in the last part of Ep 15. I am assuming SJ will go along with TE, because I highly doubt he will let TE go off alone with LL. In the previous cycle, we see that Lady Noh was actually around on the night of the regicide, and she meets 2020 LG. And she knows LG is off again to go back to that night to kill LL. (Also, LG mentioned to LL about the one praying for him to die. Initially I thought that referred to TE, but I realized the one who had been shown doing the most praying was Lady Noh.)

    Won’t it be so cool if she turns up, the old lady shuffling along, holding a gun and she shoots down LL? Cue her fierce disapproving look which always makes LG quail: “Are you trying to send me to my grave again? Why did you try to go alone, when there are so many of us here to help you?”

    2. There will be 2 LLs again on the night of the regicide. I am a little worried about that, that the 2020 version tries to pull some stunt which gets someone hurt or killed.

    3. JY gets hurt/killed (I agree with your #8 @mychoiyoung). I am a little conflicted about this bit, because so far all the spoilers showing the good guys being hurt/shot/killed have just been red herrings, so I wonder if it is the same in this case. However, I think a perfect happy ending wouldn’t be realistic, we’ll prob see someone die just to introduce some tragedy into the ending. In the spoiler JY is bloody and he’s holding onto a flute half. Given that ownership of the flute seems to be based on marking with blood… I wonder if that has any implications on the plot later.

    4. I will assume that the 1994 LG isn’t killed this round, otherwise we shouldn’t see him popping up in the rest of the show. I’m hoping that they succeed in killing both LLs. Which means SJ will remain in KOC, Luna will be in KOC, Ji Hun is alive. But TE will be in ROK and will have no memories of meeting LG. So now LG has to figure a way to meet her, and woo her all over again? (This sorta reminds me of the ending of Il Mare actually.) But I am now confused about the portals. We know that crossing worlds is possible with the intact flute since Lady Noh has crossed much earlier. However later we see that putting the 2 broken halves together opens a different portal that leads to eternity and infinity. I can’t figure this out so I’m hoping KES is going to explain this bit properly in the finale.

    5. Spoilers:
    – The one with Ji Hun, I guess just points to LL being killed, so Ji Hun survives and grows up in ROK.
    – We see SJ talking to TE, who is dressed like when she was seen walking past Eosu bookstore in 2022. I wonder if that may be Luna instead, so she gets to meet SJ.
    – The 1940s scene at the movies: I wonder if that is to show that the couple finally get to do ordinary life together. But why back in the past? Perhaps it has something to do with Lady Noh, since this period coincides with the time of her crossing?

    6. Ginkgo tree:
    I’m a little perplexed that for all the hard work the production team has put in to put ginkgo trees everywhere in the show… there has been no mention about them so far in the show. @nrllee you mentioned they even crane-lifted a large one for one of the sets right? I am wondering if Yoyo girl might be the spirit of the tree… instead of the flute. The lightening hit the tree and split it, and that gave rise to the flute… so maybe, the returning of flute to where it came from might thus make Yoyo girl whole again?

    7. Narnia:
    A little off tangent but I kept noticing scenes where a solitary lamp post was featured. It reminded me of the Chronicles of Narnia (but I am not sure if KES might have read that). Many aspects of TKEM seem to be reflections of Narnia: the presence of an in between world, a villain that has royal blood but wants to be so much more, the search for the edge of the world, a king who sacrifices himself to save.

  57. @JT7 My theories are very similar to yours.

    I too think LG’s praying ally is Lady Noh and not JTE.

    I think JY will die and ES will live on, of course. That’s why that tearful farewell was included in the script.

    The LMH in uniform in ROK passing by JTE is LJH as LG grew up in KOC without ever knowing about ROK (or seeing JTE’s badge). JTE too has no memories of LG because the future didn’t happen. However, somehow JTE and LJH get together in ROK because they are fated to be together🙏

    Let’s see how mindbendingly creative KES can get in the last episode and still give us a happily ever after🤞🤞🤞

  58. @phoenix: yes give us that happily ever after! We need it, after working soooo hard at deciphering this monster of a plot. 😂

    Am so looking forward to your opening speech, plus the shallow island party! #teamLGforever

    (btw, @packmule I think there are now way more than 63 tkem posts already? Haha)

  59. @jt7 they crane lifted cherry trees (I read wrong) into the yard for TE’s house. But KES picked that house specifically because it already had a ginkgo tree growing in one corner of the yard. They needed more “trees” so they added other trees via a crane. So gingko trees do definitely mean something. Otherwise why pick that house to film? And she had LG ride in a gingko tree lined alley on Maximus. I don’t know why she’s kept mum about the reason for gingko trees. Is there some reason why TE’s house in ROK had to have that gingko tree in the corner of the yard? It would be superfluous if it meant nothing? What’s the whole point of having one there and going through all that effort of sourcing a house with a gingko tree in the yard to film? Why not just film in another house with no gingko tree in the yard?

  60. ^i think it’s was cherry trees. It’s some blossom tree to make the yard less bare. It’s in the article. I forget. 😂. But her house has a gingko tree in a corner of the yard. Has it been featured at all? I haven’t watched past Ep5.

  61. @nrllee oh thanks for clarifying! Yes I saw the cherry tree, it was in the scene where TE sits at the window of the Taekwondo center trying to attract boys… there were petals falling everywhere, made the scene so beautiful. (I was staring at the tree wondering if it was a cherry or a plum… because for all the plum blossom royal emblems we’ve been seeing in the show, I’ve yet to see a single plum blossom tree.)

    I don’t think the ginkgo in her yard was featured prominently thus far. But you are right, if she chose the house because of the presence of the tree, it has to mean something? Maybe some mumbo jumbo psychic connection between TE and LG since both of them have ginkgo trees in their yard/courtyards lol…

  62. @jt7 who knows what goes on in that head of KES? Maybe she wanted the gingko tree as a symbolic presence and a nod to LG’s immortality? So she conveniently littered them everywhere to remind us? 😂. Just in case we forgot? Or maybe she will get the pair of them to eat gingko nuts and magically remember each other? Not long now till final reveal. Hopefully she wraps it up tying up loose ends well.

  63. IMO, the ending will neither be sad nor happy.
    I agree with many bitches’ opinion that the final battle with LL will be carried out by LG and his friends like JY, SJ, TE and may be CLN. SJ and/or JY may/may not died. The young LG may be saved but he does not take the name tag and it is not necessary since he does not need to use the inter universe portal to look for TE.

    After the calamity to defeat LL and the the flute is not broken, I predict the two Universes will merge, KoC will merge to RoK. In episode 2, LG said the two Universes were one and shared the same history, and only split during the Crown Prince Sohyeon (of Joseon) period. In RoK, he died while in KoC, he lives and defended the country against the Qing invasion.

    The two Universes merge to become RoK. KoC is no longer exist. The double characters merge. They will not have memories of the RoK or KoC during the chaotic period cause by LL. So it is not a sad ending and not a happy one either for every one.

    However, since LG is the owner of the flute, he may continue to time travel, but there is no future path for him and no kingdom. But he and his wife TE (assuming they eventually get married) can travel into the past. In this way LG and TE can live like a normal couple, which what they had wished for. I do not think King LG wants to become a King any more, since the responsibility is huge. After the death of crown princess (daughter of PB) by car accident and during his parting scene with CLN, (as revealed to us) he did not name his successor.

    Or at worst, everyone will not remember anything after the merge, and the tragic drama is just a curious dream of the lead characters.

    See you on Friday for TKEM.

  64. I don’t want to see Prime minister Koo’s character changed to a good one, as she’s killed her doppelgänger and been horrible throughout. She’s great as a nasty, ambitious person. In fact she’s kind of an empty character now, worn down by her greed and selfishness. I think it’s important she stay true to her rather evil character. I love a show where the bad characters are true to their nature and good wins out. LL is such a fantastic evil guy.
    I can’t wait for the final episode. I love this series so much. Great writing, acting and directing.

  65. @nrllee LOL eating ginkgo nuts!!! Maybe they can do that while watching movies in the 1950s, instead of popcorn! 😂

  66. The truth episode is coming up.
    Episode 16 !

    Something that’s both ultra-sluggish and ultra messy.
    – No answer to anything, on the contrary, new weird and confusing stuff.
    – No explanation for who built the pillars or the flute, it’s like that!

    I predict five minutes of action, then nothing.
    – Jo-Yeong is badly injured, so we won’t see him afterwards and don’t know if he survives or dies.
    – The two main characters are separated and looking for each other.
    – They’re both losing their memories.
    – They meet on the esplanade once again, but no one hugs…
    – They are separated forever afterwards, and regain their memories after that.
    – During the whole episode, they cry and are desperate, depressed.

    Characters in a total blur.
    – The story of Lady Noh’s past in North Korea has no impact, besides we forget to talk about it.
    – We don’t see the Yoyo Kid again, who disappears completely without us ever knowing anything or what.
    – The PM Koo is totally forgotten and doesn’t appear in the episode. An unfortunate technical incident.
    – Luna doesn’t appear in the episode either, we can assume everything. But a very thin clue, such as a crumpled envelope on the floor with a hospital logo, will allow the most valiant spectators to guess that she died of cancer.
    – Nari appear in the PPL bar, but no Eun-Sup. As he already said goodbye to Jo-Yeong, he did the job he was asked to do in the drama.
    – In the end, Shin-Jay didn’t go into the past. So there will be a lot of scenes dedicated to him alone and to his mothers, for nothing.
    – Lee Lim is even more foolish. This time, it’s the Lee Lim of the future killing the Lee Lim of the past. With a cliché effect but illogical, it leads to his disappearance, even if he comes from another timeline, but who cares?
    – Maximus dies of old age.

    New characters never seen before, such as…
    – a royal grandfather half mad,
    – a mysterious notary with yellow hairs introduced by secretary Moo,
    – a character who may also travel back in time, with another mysterious object that we never see hidden in a golf club. This character will make disturbing allusions and maybe it is actually an already existing character, but this will never be shown or explained. Nobody know if it’s a man or a woman and he/she wear giant sunglasses.

    Dozens of new questions without clues or meaning will invade the episode.
    – a timestop of timestop,
    – a yellow three in a pink field in a glass snow bottle.
    – a new world both night and day with golf balls everywhere.

    There will be a very slow motion scene in which a voice-over will recite a 5-minute poem.
    Only 2.71828% of the audience will remain awake after that.

    The last scene will be strange and dreamlike, or nightmarelike who know ?
    – We will see Tae Eul and Lee Gon together, suddenly, out of nowhere, when they were separated forever before.
    – But we will have no context, and their dialogue will be enigmatic, hermetic, indecipherable.
    – We won’t know when and where they are, nor will we know if they are the same people who were in the drama.
    – Nor will we know whether they will become happy or not, because they are neither sad nor happy.
    – They are just looking into the distance, huddling together, and there is a lot of wind.

    No conclusion can be given to anything!

    I hope that the drama will not disappoint me, and will propose an ending episode of this kind! 😀

  67. I was curious because LG mentioned to Lady Noh that “Thanks to you, I was able to read a beautiful poem” (when referring to the book of poems by Kim So Wol). So I went digging to find out more, and I found this poem.


    When you turn away from seeing me and go,
    gently, without a word, I shall send you away.

    From Mount Yak in Yongbyon,
    azaleas I shall gather an armful and scatter them on your way.

    Step after step away on those flowers placed
    before you, press deep, step lightly, and go

    When you turn away from seeing me and go,
    though I die, no, not a single tear shall fall.

    This might not be the poem LG was referring to (there are so many in the book, and so many talk about longing and love and loneliness), but I read this commentary on this poem (from this site: and thought it was most interesting and relevant:

    According to the book I am Literature, his aunt was the very first person to pave Kim’s way to becoming a poet by repeatedly telling him traditional stories and singing folk songs throughout his childhood. Kim grew up to portray the Han sentiment through a female voice in his most well-known poems, including “Azaleas.”

    Kim So-wol effectively portrays Han in his poem “Azaleas” as the poem provokes an image of a woman, who is in absolute despair due to her separation from a lover but who conceals such feelings by spreading azaleas on his way. Spreading flowers is an act of blessing, an act contrary to the despondent situation that the narrator and her lover are facing. However, the azalea flower is not like any other flower. A wildflower found only in the deepest areas of secondary forests that were previously destructed due to wildfires or deforestation, azaleas are known for their endurance and long lifespan, as described in The Plant Book of Korea. These characteristics of azaleas suggest that Kim envisioned the female voice used in his poems to be that of a resilient figure faced with tragedy; determined not to outwardly show her weaknesses and perhaps even indicating that her love will survive its present misfortune and prove to be eternal.

    @packmule, I remember that you wrote that the 3rd poem was describing LG’s han moment. I think this one describes TE’s.

    With so many symbols of resilience and longevity around them (plum blossom, ginkgo, and perhaps azaleas), I am hoping this points towards a happy ending for the couple.

  68. Late comments but I like those new memories that LG created for TE so she can remember him. It was so touching and it was very emotional to see them reunited especially after TE’s stabbing. I would have cried more if the song is the Please Don’t Cry. LOL. I wasn’t feeling Gummy’s My Love ost so much.

    I love LG & TE’s hospital scenes together, ES and Y’s goodbye scene and when LG said to Lady Noh, please stay healthy with tears in his eyes.

    Only LMH can say ‘this face is my gift to you’. I’ll take it. Thanks! LOL.

  69. Oh sorry @pml3, my comment should have been on episode 14 and 15 thread. 🙂

  70. @agdr03 “this face is my gift to you”. Amen to that. We’ll make sure we have life size cut outs of LMH with that phrase plastered all over it lining the paths in Shallow Island in preparation for the after party.

  71. Oh! Great idea @nrllee! I’d appreciate that and I’m sure @Phoenix and @Arihsi too. 🙂

  72. And all the other Shallow Island citizens. 🙂

  73. @JT7 I feel you. The Han sentiment in Kim Sowol ‘s words gives me goosebumps. And I had no idea who is Kim Sowol until I read this blog!

    About the poem, LG mentioned to Lady Noh in Ep #15. It has not translated into English subtitles, but in its Korean’s original line, LG did mention the title of the poem(lullaby) specifically, which is “O mid her, O sister”.

    O, Mother O sister, let us live by the river.
    Where golden sands glitter in the garden,
    and beyond the back gate, the reeds are singing…
    O mother, O sister, let us live by the river.
    (David McCann)

    Azaleas is resentfully beautiful, but not a good choice for a lullaby.

  74. @JT7 that same scene you mentioned left an impression on me and thanks for the link. haven’t got time to research more as much as I hope to. I love how the poetry evoke so much feelings and connect Lady Noh and LG at a different level, her nurturing and worries for him like a Mother but she doesn’t cross that line.

    Just hope for a happy ending and hopefully most of the dots connect – but since KES has invented the parallel world, it is her “folktale” to end her way.

  75. @Arihsi Thank you for telling me about GOT! Yes I have heard of it but didnt watch it. I mostly watch K dramas now because of their “HAN ” moments!
    All thanks to @packmule3 who wrote an excellent essay in The King Azaleas poem #3 and yourself @JT7 in your detailed post. And i now know why I am so drawn to K dramas!
    I love the fact that there is always a book of poems or a book accompanying the famous dramas for example Goblin and You who came from the Stars. I actually bought the korean version of the poem book of Goblin even though my korean is at kindergarden level so that book is still unread.
    So knowing now about Azaleas by Kim sowol and the link you provided i can get the english version of it to read! Many heartfelt thanks @JT7 and i agee with you. That’s TE’s version! She is the Azalea to his Stream.
    Counting down the days to the finale on saturday! Seeing the spoilers coming out fr LMH fans all showing him goofying and smiling it has to be a satisfactory good ending!
    I will miss LG’s low calming voice whenever he speaks to TE. So am looking forward to reading @Phoenix ‘s post on LG as the ideal dramaboyfriend. :))0

  76. @agdr03 I know, right ? I mean we all can agree he’s good looking but saying “this face is my gift to you” with a straight and serious face is something. @nrllee oh dear! That can become a Shallow Island tag line (or an LMH tag line hee hee hee) ! I don’t know what they call it in other countries, but in mine, a special punch line for a product is called a “tag line”. For example, L’oreal has “because you’re worth it.”

    I do notice that kdramas (ALL) include excessive praise for physical appearance of its leads multiple times in the drama (handsome guy, pretty and SLIM girl, beautiful skin etc). My most disliked line so far is said by LMH too 😂 in LBS, he tells his wife, “oh you’re so slim that I keep forgetting” in context of her being pregnant. WHAT !

    Sometimes, it gets to the point where I feel like entering the screen and reassuring them, the whole world agrees you’re pretty. Now that we have that out of the way, please proceed with your actual character!”

    @WEnchanteur you’re funny as ever 😂

  77. @Kuroshio many times hardships translate into traditional songs. Sometimes these songs are sung by children too. Have you heard of a song “Ringa ringa roses”? It’s sung by children as a rhyme but there is debate as to whether it refers to the great plague. My own mother tongue has “children’s songs” I’d rather not sing to my child. But these songs come from a history of hardships, inadequacy, prolonged oppression of women etc like the current hit “Bella ciao”.

  78. Hi hi… 1 more day before the finale of TKEM, and I can’t wait for the ending and hopefully to understand the whole plot better.

    Just some thoughts… the story of Alice in Wonderland was introduced right from the start. And I was thinking:
    – In COR, Alice is LG and JTL is white rabbit (ref Ep 1 where JTL card was placed on the white rabbit in the book). JTL was the reason for LG to push his curiosity; studying maths & science & not to accept things as what they seem ie PB’s falsified death record of LL. In this, LG pursues to find the truth of LL & night of treason. JTL here as white rabbit serves LG (the Queen) in announcing his arrival. When LG travelled to ROK, he has no identity there.
    – In ROK, JTL is Alice as seen from her character who doesn’t believe in parallel universe initially (earth is flat statement) but got curious with the case she had (Lee Sang Do) and wanted to know the truth. Here, she chases LL as the white rabbit (based on attire, white coat & his pocket watch). LL here as white rabbit in always rushing to go back in time to try and correct his past actions so he can get the Manpasikjeok wholly. Similarly, in COR, JTL doesn’t have an identity & still trying to understand how & why despite being a COR citizen, Luna didn’t have an identity.

    I also think that both LL & LG had travelled through NMLand as cited by LG’s disappearance (travels) prior to him finding the obelisks & LG not growing old. Here, I think they could travel without the Manpasikjeok since LL had left his umbrella with PM’s mom for awhile before he reclaimed it. This I believe was the travel for infinity.

    I think LL could have followed his father before (or maybe told by his father) & he knows of the ability of the Manpasikjeok to allow to travel to places (infinity) and time (eternity). He recognised his father’s obelisks. Also, this can also support some parts eg. knowing the gender of the pregnant lady’s baby since he had travelled to the future before.

    I believe CLN’s plays a very big role in the story. She seems to have planned things for LG eg keeping & giving him the card & whip (half Manpajiseok), introducing JY to LG (his protector), hiring Seung-A as she will write the beautiful story for the King (his history as would be known to the world, his legacy).

    I still can’t fully figure out ROK’ Chief missing acts at night. He is an observant person since he could remember the car plate no for SJ.

    I don’t know who are the 5 impt person:
    1. SJ – cfm
    2. JTL – cfm
    3. ES/JY
    4. JTL’s father (?)
    5. Na-ri (?)

    As for the ending, I believe LG focus was to kill LL as believed that this was the beginning of the chaos & therefore should end before it begins. He knew LL will travel back to time & try to kill him but accepted this. JTL traveling back was to save the young LG.

    There’s also the theory that those who meet their doppelgängers would die ie JY & JTL though I really don’t want to see this.

    But I think the manpajiseok will not be cut in half & LG will have the ability to travel through time & place & becoming a supreme leader who ensures peace & balance (thus the eternal monarch).

  79. Oh btw the story also showed that those who fall on the wrong side in following LL (instead of taking their designated path) had/will have bad ending. The sage win over evil (the four tiger sword).

    And just another thought, that no matter how imperfect, we must stay in our own world as we complement each other. Although JY is seen as the better one as compared to ES, Na-Ri doesn’t think so. She said ES was better. JTL said she’s weird. Meaning we are supposed to fall in love with those in our own world.

    Thus, I question on JTL, whom both SJ & LG (both from COR) love.

  80. Some new screen stills (the official ones ) have come up. I can’t paste any link. It shows TE in the bamboo forest. It looks like LL duped her and ran away with the flute to the past by himself. I’m going to be so disappointed and angry if TE is left out of the final battle. Not only that,our strong and courageous FL would do something stupid and loose the flute. Why would they need to take the story there? Isn’t it just destroying her character?

  81. @Arihsi! I just saw the ig posts. We can only hope that TE is included in the final battle but the thing is we can never know until we see it. 🤞🏻😉

    When LG said ‘this face is my gift to you’ , I was like wow! Yeah ok! 😁 It was definitely something. I can’t believe we’re at the finish line. Another drama, another chapter of our k-drama life.

    I hope you’re much better now.

  82. When Lee Gon said, “this face is my gift to you” I would have answered, “Can I get refund?”
    Or how about a raincheck?
    Or an exchange?
    Can I get an exchange?
    Is there a limited time offer?
    What about a buy-one-get-one-free?
    Or how about a kiss instead? I’d settle for a kiss.

    lol. I can bug a guy like Lee Gon.

    Okay. I’m in a writing mode now. See you later.

  83. Waaa! I’d settle for a kiss too! 😄

    Go write away Queen! 🙌🏻 I’ll be heading to bed soon anyway. ☺️

  84. The multiple posts should be up when you wake up. I’m taking today off from work because tomorrow’s going to be hectic. 🙂

  85. Oh thank you for the posts that’s coming! 😍

    Enjoy your day off today! ☺️ Hopefully you’ll have time to have a breather tomorrow. 👊🏼

  86. Let’s see. 🙂

    I just got back from Chicago. I might have to go to NYC tomorrow. So I’m resting today and catching up on posting.

  87. Wow! Hectic indeed. Rest up then and relax. I’ll catch ya later! 🤗

  88. Hello everyone! I just wanted to request an explanation/analysis of the neck kiss of Lee Gon. I love it!

  89. Oh, hi there, hOckeyfan. Welcome to Bitches.
    Pm3 😜

    Maybe Phoenix and agdr03 can help you? They’re experts on hickeys…errr… hockey.

  90. @Arihsi
    Maybe that scene happens after the fight? If LG is successful, JTE won’t be back with LL. She’ll be back by herself. Let’s wait and see. I’m also scared of having JTE completely useless in this whole thing. She’s badass. She should have an awesome final act.

  91. One of the reasons why I like TKEM is its homage to several classic literatures, and the Catholic “undertones”.

    I can’t help but notice that the core of the story almost reminds me of the Corinthians verse, “And now these 3 remain – faith, hope & love. And the greatest of these is love.”

    When the going gets tough, LG & JTE would pray together as if uplifting all their struggles & worries to God.

    They say that “hope is the fuel that keeps faith alive in our quest to find love”. And so the 3 things that “always remain” couldn’t be any truer for the characters & the choices that they make – LG, JTE, JY, SJ, ES..

    That being said, I hope our King & Queen get their happy ending. LG will defeat LL at a great cost. SJ will most likely make the ultimate sacrifice. Luna is the interesting chess piece that I am forward forward to know tom. Will TE be stuck somewhere? Is she Luna? Is this all part of a hallucination/dream? So many questions still. We will know soon 🙂

    For now, I am sipping my MSD drink, hoping KSE won’t turn this into a Mr Sunshine kind of a ride 😊

  92. @Arihsi Thank you for your comment and imformation. I am happy that I have learnt something new today .I did not know about Ringa Ringa Rose, but I do have a chilren’s song which is really disturbing that I chose not sing to my child “Kagome Kagome”.

  93. My ESCO scheduled a power outage for tomorrow, the WHOLE f***** day!

    How lucky am I!!! 😭

  94. @Alxmar97 Eeeek. I sympathize. We’re in the middle of hurricane weather. Heaven knows why. Not only is it absurdly early for storms, my area typically has very nice gentle rains. But oh well. We had a scheduled full day Power cut for grid maintenance today.

    @agdr03 thank you so much for asking. I’m well. Thank God for that. I was getting tired of feeling hopeless. 🙂

    P. S. I had a shocking revelation today. Scented candles are useless, useless for providing light in power cuts. I was excited for some candle light romance but couldn’t see my own eye lashes after lighting not just one,but two of those. And mind you,they are from one of those highly popular and heavily marketed brands. Finally, had to rely on the emergency light to function and stay alive. Funny how things that actually work are most often far removed from popular imagination.

  95. It’s hard for me to predict the ending. The spoilers/promos don’t make sense on their own to me, so I’m not going to try to piece together plot specifics. But given what’s happened so far, here are my pre ep. 16 thoughts:

    Things that I want to see happen and think are plausible:
    • TE/LG will keep breaking their rules. Just like LG asked TE to break one of his rules (“don’t tell me to go”), now that TE has her necklace on she will ask LG to break one of her rules (“don’t ask me to come with you.”).

    • TE will save LG – little or big. Hopefully little, since she’s likely ahead of the coup by an hour. It would be pretty cool if our adult LG gets a memory update of TE saving his life and we get to see that on screen. I wonder if that is what is happening in that one shot where he is holding his throat in the promo and sheds a tear.

    • A quick, magical reset – I really hope they don’t belabor getting TE/LG/SJ/JY back to 2020. There’s a chance that we see some “traipsing across time” like in Ep. 14 because the whip still exists based on spoiler pictures and the promo. But we don’t have time! So I hope that the shot of TE on the floor of the bamboo forest is a TE that has just completed her destiny – saved little LG, and the whole flute – and was sent back to the future via flute magic. (If TE got knocked out by LL and never made it to 1994 Corea I will scream.)

    • Tears (not permanent of course). I love the hugs between the couple but hugs are about relief – I’d love for one of them to think the other one is truly dead/gone forever and cry it out. (Like, can you imagine LG thinking TE is dead? LMH would act the heck out of that moment.) In that respect Goblin capitalized more. And it’s a pity that we only have 80 minutes of run time because I just can’t see the show being leisurely with the love line with that timing.

    • LG is the Eternal Monarch because he has to live in the in between to protect the flute/to seal the gates. But TE will probably join him, because she will be his family. Maybe they only pop back out into the parallel worlds every 20 years. No idea if they actually get to rule anything.

    Things I don’t want to see happen (but probably will):
    • An overly long foray into 1950s Korea, maybe to see Lady Noh’s origins or to let Lady Noh go back to Korea one last time. Or maybe to enact an ever bigger reset? Who knows. In an earlier episode I wouldn’t have minded but I just don’t care for some weird grandfather paradox twist or a meandering trip to a new setting with TE and LG. I just think there would have been more satisfying ways to say goodbye to our characters than to have them smiling at each other in some random historical setting, but I’d be glad to be proven wrong.

    • JY dying, but then ES meeting the “new” JY that didn’t grow up to be such an intense Unbreakable Sword

    • Spending an unhelpful amount of time explaining Luna’s ending. Luna had an ending in Ep. 15 – she (in spite of nearly murdering TE and LG) was trusted with keeping TE’s dad safe. But with a reset, they’ll have to dedicate time to explaining where the heck she is (same with SJ). I don’t see this as profitable use of time because we didn’t spend long enough liking Luna. Anyways, because SJ is in the Kingdom, TE’s TKD place might have shuttered down in ROK. Maybe in this reset, SJ and Luna knew each other growing up, and Luna didn’t have a terrible life thanks to butterfly effect.

  96. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    My commiserations @Alxmarc97! Don’t feel too bad about not seeing the show exactly on time. I don’t watch on time either.

    If I want to watch the show raw, I still have to wait about 2-3 hours after it airs, but then, I have to bear with not knowing some of what they are saying.

    If the subbing team loves the show, I may get the subs in 3-5 hours after it airs. This will be too far into the wee hours of the morning, and so, if I don’t mind spoilers, I may only be able to drop in on the party for a bit before going to sleep and coming back hours later when there are some 100 plus comments LOL.

    I’ve avoided most of the spoilers so far, therefore I do not know what commenters are referring to. I will watch for myself and only read comments after that. It will be fun to see who’s been predicting some stuff that came to pass.


  97. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3 Just a gentle reminder that a thread for the end-of-show 🥳 party 🥳 will be needed soon. We could put on display our preferred party wear and prepare the food and decorations. 🤩 😉

    About party wear, I’m thinking of footwear, since we had that debate about shoes. Those dem shoes … there were LG’s 👞 shoes, bare feet 🦶🦶, PM Koo’s endless pairs of battle 👠 heels and TE’s sneakers. 👟 LOL Might as well put on our party shoes!!
    🥿👠👡👢🩰👞👟🥾 🥿👠👡👢🩰👞👟🥾 🥿👠👡👢🩰👞👟🥾

  98. Thanks, GB!

  99. Thanks @Arihsi. Stay safe!

    Thanks @GB. It’s such a bummer! Why do you have to wait so much to see the episode? You don’t watch it on Netflix?

  100. @Sofrito I enjoyed reading your thoughts ☺️ that’d be a much better path to take. But I’m afraid we’ll be stuck with 1950s and SJ like you fear.

    @GB excited to join you ! Will be in sneakers. Torrential rains and stilletos don’t go too well 😛

  101. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Hi @Arihsi! I had a couple of days of ☔ heavy ☔ rain too! Here, maybe these will help!! ☂️ 🌂 🤿 🧥 SEe ya! 😁

  102. @Arihsi – Thanks! Here’s to hoping *crosses fingers*

  103. @Arihsi, was the wicks of the candle too short? 😄 But did the scented candle smell nice? Just use it again later for romantic purposes 😉. I’ve been using a scented candle for our family prayer and my problem is the wick has gotten big that’s it’s gone through the jar halfway already. It does smell nice though.

  104. @Alxmar97, I’m with you in not seeing it as early as tomorrow as my day is planned out already but knowing that a happy ending is there is good enough. Just know that you’re not alone. ☺️

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