Love Lasts Forever: Episode 1

For starters –

I’m not into manga but, to appreciate this Japanese drama (or dorama as they call it), I have to watch with the eyes of a manga aficionado. You see, there are certain conventions that are acceptable in a static frame of Japanese comic book

like this appearance: big eyes, no nose, tousled hair,

source: pinterest

which when viewed as moving pictures in a televised drama, look very ridiculous and exaggerated, like this wide-eyed look of the heroine when she’s shocked.

(This was brilliant though. To the hero, she looked like a one-eyed lunatic.)

and this Bugs Bunny grin when she’s excited.

(This was good, too. To Dr. Kendo, she looked like a sycophant.)

In watching this dorama, I must remember not to find fault in the director for making the actress act like this because this is probably how the character was drawn in the manga. The actress is merely performing in a STYLIZED manner consistent with a comic book character.

Moreover, these facial gestures serve a purpose. The character Nanase Sakura looks silly and “cartoonish” so we can sympathize with the male lead Dr. Kendo, and cringe at her behavior. The hero is (in)famous in the hospital for being difficult to work with because of his temper and perfectionism. But in Nanase’s case, we totally understand why he finds her such a nuisance.

Also, while watching this dorama, I was reminded of the Japanese theater or kabuki.

In a kabuki, the actors often “strike a pose” in the middle of a performance. The performer on stage freezes his body in a pose – or mie in Japanese – to spotlight an emotion or action. To a clueless viewer, this pause may seem theatrical (ha!) and disruptive to the flow of the dance, but these frozen moments are actually helpful. They signal the audience to direct their attention to a dramatic moment. If the performer doesn’t stop in mid-action, the audience can overlook the critical juncture in the story.

This is a mie. 

credit: quora

To me then, this mie in a kabuki is the equivalent of a dorama’s slow-motion, close-up, then freeze-shot of the heroine at the heat of the moment. In this drama, “Love Lasts Forever,” it’s the female lead Nanase Sakura, rather than the male lead, who’s shown posing for the camera. Just like a mie, her face expressions alert us that she’s experiencing an epiphany or a mind-blowing discovery.

Thus, I remind myself to consider her facial exaggerations and other character quirks as an acting style that has roots in traditional Japanese theater. They’re NOT at all comparable to the open-eyed, kiss-y face prevalent in kdramas.

No…this isn’t kabuki. This is kdrama. 

Things That KDramas Do That Don't Make Sense But We Love Anyway ...source: aminoapps

With all that said, let’s proceed with my review of Episode 1.


Right from the start, there’s no secret that Dr. Tendo is the answer to Nanase Sakura’s prayer. So, if the viewer is the type to dislike “fated” romance, then he/she is advised to stop right now and watch something else. This 10-episode dorama is unabashedly light-hearted and romantic.

When Nanase was 18, and fresh out of high school, she went to pray in the shrine of the God of Love. The shrine actually exists in Tokyo. It’s the Imado Jinja Shrine.

If you want to read more about it, here’s a link:

Nanase was precise in her prayers to this God of good relationships. She prayed to meet a man unlike the menfolk in her family. Her grandfather is talented but alcoholic, and her father is honest but spineless.

lol. She should have been careful with her prayers because the God of Love listens well. The Cat god sends her Kairi Tendo, a workaholic doctor who’s no pushover.

When it comes to cinematography, this dorama cannot compare to the artsy kdramas we’ve been watching lately. The camera work and the lighting in “Love Last Forever” (LLF) look like a low budget kdrama. However, I think the no-frills cinematography works out fine.

Take for instance, when Nanase sees Dr. Tendo for the first time —

To me, the cinematography works well here.


For one, since there isn’t any glitzy camera enhancement, their meeting feels authentic. We’re simply shown her face looking up at him as if he’s a lofty creature who descended on her. And since the scene seems authentic, her feeling of being thunderstruck is visceral…and earthy. There’s nothing polished about her first reaction to meeting him. And this is a fitting reaction for an innocent, 18-year-old girl.

For another, the fuzzy light as the male lead Kiari Tendo appears out of the blue, gives him a godlike aura.

The lighting creates the impression that Nanase is seeing an archangel coming down from the sky to answer her distressed call.

That’s how the camera work, simple as it is, sets up their first encounter. Never mind that their whole meeting transpires in a brief moment. It’s enough time for Nanase to elevate him to god status. He hears her cries, comes to her aid, and saves a woman’s life and so she’s smitten.

(Of course, it helps too that there’s a strong light shining on his handsome face. It makes him look otherworldly.)

Had he looked a bumbling fool, like Mr. Bean here, I doubt she would have been star-struck. Watch Mr. Bean | Prime Video

He appeals to her because he’s nothing like the men in her family. He’s capable, decisive and calm, and above all, heroic. She’s impressed when she hears him addressing the EMT and identifying himself as Tendo, a doctor at the Hiura General Hospital.

It dawns on her that he’s literally a godsend. He’s the answer to her prayers. And she thanks the God of Love.

So, with a frown on her face, she watches the ambulance take him away from her. She’s worried because she knows that if she’s to meet him again in the future, it’ll be all up to her. She makes a life-changing decision to become a nurse.

Now, let’s pause here for a minute.

I understand why this idea can turn off some viewers. What?! She’ll become a nurse to follow the guy?!!! How shallow! How pathetic! How anachronistic!

All I can say in the writer’s defense is that it’s perfectly normal to be inspired by people we admire to pursue a career we won’t have otherwise considered. A teenager can be inspired by a favorite high school math teacher to study quantitative finance. A non-athletic, basketball fan can be inspired by Kobe Bryant to take up sports management. I personally was inspired by St. Thomas a Becket.

In Nanase’s case, she falls in love with Dr. Tendo’s heroism and he inspires her to become a nurse. She doesn’t stalk him like a fangirl. Instead, she sets a goal, studies hard, and carves a path which enables to meet him again. I find this self-determination and doggedness laudable despite the fact that the original motivation is… cough cough … as silly as infatuation. If only all teenagers’ puppy love can be harnessed to pursue higher studies and live productive lives, then hurray for puppies!

Anyway, to continue…

After five years of studying, she finally gets to meet Dr. Tendo at the hospital. As to be expected, their reunion turns out to be an absolute disaster.

The contrast in their appearance is obvious. He looks tired and sweaty because he’s been up performing a surgery. She’s bright as a button because it’s her first day at work.

Nanase: Dr. Tendo. Long time no see! I became a nurse so I could see you again. Every day in the last 5 years, I’ve…I’ve had a crush on you!

To be honest, when I first watched this, I was holding my breath. Although part of me cringed at her ludicrous declaration, I was optimistic about a happy reunion.


Because of the happy music. lol. I was trolled. Listen to it yourself. There isn’t any ominous music to warn us of the impending disaster. In fact, the background music swells up like in an epic movie.

Then, in slow-motion, the “hero” stretches out an arm and lays his hand on her head…

like he did in their last meeting.

For a second or two, it appears as if he’s blessing her because she found him.  But then he suddenly pushes her head up. lol.

His rough movement had the same effect on me as nails scratching on the blackboard. It was a rude awakening from a fanciful reverie.

Tendo: Who are you?!
Nanase: What?
Tendo: I said, who are you?

That is a good time to die laughing. This is good editing by the director.

Nanase: (stuttering) Uhm…5 years ago. Around 4 pm on November 23, 2015, we saved Watanabe near the temple…Do you…not remember… me?

And this is when I fell in love with the Nanase. In scenes like this, I would’ve rolled my eyes. But the character’s naivety, optimism, and bewilderment were so palpable that I fell for her.

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Around Nanase and Dr. Tendo, a crowd has gathered.

Her friend nurse1: What’s going on?
Her friend nurse2: Sakura??

Tendo: (coldly) You’re a newbie?! Just a stone slowing my work down. (becoming irate) Why are you confessing to me? Are you crazy? Is your brain working? Know your place, Boulder.

He walks off in disgust. Meanwhile, his colleagues can barely suppress their amusement.

His friend doctor: A confession. On her first day?
His nurse1: But she’s a complete newbie!
His nurse2: And she picked the Devil of all people!

Her friend nurse1: The Devil? Who is that?
Nanase: (dismayed) Is he really…Dr. Tendo?

(The subs are courtesy of

Here are my comments regarding this reunion: 

1. Dr. Tendo doesn’t appear to recognize her or remember their first encounter.

This is important because it immediately becomes clear to her that her infatuation is one-sided. She didn’t make an impression on him.

However, to her credit, she continues to cheerfully and attentively care for her patients despite being snubbed by Dr. Tendo. This signifies that, while he was her inspiration to pursue nursing, she’s sincere in actions and nursing is the right vocation for her.

Her exuberance isn’t lost on Dr. Tendo. He notices her random acts of friendliness.

Like here:

And here:

And here, too.

That last example is particularly noteworthy, not just for its “jealousy” value. Sure, I find it amusing that Dr. Koichi’s plan to stir up jealousy and competition in his friend Dr. Tendo has begun without his knowledge. He’s too busy laughing with Nanase that he doesn’t notice Dr. Tendo passing by and spotting them together. He’s denied the satisfaction of seeing his plan work.

However, to me, what’s important here is not so much the feeling of jealousy as the feeling of being an outsider. Dr. Tendo sees the two of them together and they seem to be on very familiar terms. Unlike them, he doesn’t laugh easily and he’s hard to get along with. In fact, he had to be reminded by the Department head, Dr. Rokuru, to be kind to the nurses. So when he spots Dr. Koichi and Nanase, I’m sure the first thought that enters his mind is that their personalities both match well, while he’s very much different from them. Watching those two friendly and well-liked people connect effortlessly will make him aware of his own loneliness.

That’s why when Nanase catches up with him and confesses (again!) that she likes him, notwithstanding his personality, he’s insulted.

Nanase: Dr. Tendo, I’m requesting for cardiology.
Tendo: Even though you were useless?
Nanase: (undeterred by his insult) I might have hidden potentials!
Tendo: We reserve the right to choose. (meaning, he’s going to reject her request)
Nanase: (parrying him) And all the nurses told me, “Come back!” “Work here!” and “We’ll be waiting!” when I left.

She means that he can reject her, but the nurses welcome her.

Tendo: They’re just being polite. (he’s trying hard to deflate her enthusiasm but to no avail.)
Nanase: Ignoring your personality, I like you…as a doctor.

It’s funny that she adds that qualifier, “as a doctor” lest he misunderstands that she likes him as a person. Now, it’s Dr. Tendo who’s insulted. He stops in his tracks and protests.

Tendo: Ignoring my personality? (he’s offended) You’re in no position to speak.

See that? He isn’t denying that he’s bad-tempered and his personality is unfriendly, but he’s countering that she’s not all that great herself either. To me, this conversation is telling. It’s clear that he’s piqued by her comment about his personality. She’s been rebuffing his snubs,  but one joke from her, and he’s instantly triggered.

2. She admits to crushing on him for ages.

I find her honesty and lack of affectation quite refreshing. I believe that one of the themes of this dorama is empowerment. We’re used to hearing that adage “Faint heart never won fair maiden.” Now, we’re seeing the flip side, that is,  “Faint heart never won mean devil.” That’s the point of her moniker “warrior chick.” (The Japanese word sounds like “Yushan” to me, but I’m not Japanese.)

It takes courage to declare her feelings because she’s opening herself up to rejection.

And I like that Dr. Koichi tells her upfront that he’s on her side in defeating the devilish Dr. Tendo. He offers his help because he believes that she can make Dr. Tendo fall for her as a woman.

In a kdrama, a character like Dr. Koichi will be cast as someone with nefarious motives. But, as it turns out, his major flaw is that he isn’t a warrior himself. He’s afraid to risk everything for the love of one woman. He runs away.

3. She’s crushed and dismayed that Dr. Tendo is nothing like the admirable soul she remembered him to be.

I like that the story doesn’t waste time on her fantasies, and that the guy himself disabused her of romantic delusions.

BTW, Dr. Tendo is the reason I’m reviewing this dorama. I think he’s a good specimen of a male trope in Japanese drama: the male tsundere. Although I often use the word “tsundere” when discussing a hero in kdramas, I’ve never had a chance to analyze one in a dorama until now. I don’t see the attraction of a brusque man, and rudeness turns me off, so I want to understand why this tsundere character appeals to many female viewers.

The word “tsundere” is a hybrid of two words, “tsun tsun” and “dere dere.”

a combination of two Japanese onomatopoeia:

tsun tsun つんつん/ツンツン
dere dere でれでれ/デレデレ

Both words describe different attitudes. Tsun tsun refers to someone who acts cold, blunt, or curt. The onomatopoeia itself is actually the sound of someone sticking their nose up in the air, or turning away in disgust.

(packmule3’s additional notes: it’s similar to saying “Hmph!”)

On the other hand, dere dere describes someone who is affectionate or lovey-dovey. You may have seen dere dere people in a relationship. They’re cuddly and use pet names with each other.

So “tsundere” describes someone who is “tsun-tsun” at first, but eventually warms up and becomes “dere dere.”

Anyway, just like “Love O2O,” the first Chinese romcom reviewed in this blog made us fall in love with this cutie-patootie,

Love O2O – Bitches Over Dramas

I think Dr. Tendo has a fighting chance of opening our eyes (and hearts, lol) to the world of tsundere-ness.

4. Although her embarrassment is witnessed by their medical colleagues, none of them censures her for her impertinent behavior.

I like that nobody is inherently unkind in this dorama. One nurse even attempts to salvage Nanase’s romantic illusions by showing Dr. Tendo interacting kindly with a patient.

Nanase almost falls for it but when the nurse formally introduces her to him, Dr. Tendo insults her again.

Nurse: Doctor, is this a good time for introduction? This is our new nurse in training, Warrior—err…I mean, Sakura.
Nanase: (bowing) I’m sorry. I was out of line this morning. I’m sorry.
Tendo: (just staring at her)

She beams at him. (I swear, her grin is more infectious than coronavirus.)

Tendo: Why are you grinning?
Nanase: What?!
Tendo: Gross. (and he turns away)
Nurse: Oh shit! Why would you say that?!
Nanase: (dismayed again) Gross? What does he mean by that?

At this point, she’s stripped of any illusions that he’s a nice guy. She’s resigned that he isn’t the guy she had in her fantasy.

I rather like the simple logic behind the nursing staff’s support of her romantic aspiration. They indulge her efforts to win over the “devil” because they’re short of nurses. Due to Dr. Tendo’s bad reputation and bad temperament, new nurses don’t stick around the Cardiology department. It’s a win-win situation for the nursing staff to have Nanase crushing on Dr. Tendo because her infatuation guarantees her stay in the department.

In terms of the story development, however, I like that there’s a camaraderie among the nursing staff because this allows the focus of the dorama to be strictly on the relationship between Nanase and Dr. Tendo. Since the staff is rooting for her to succeed, there isn’t any need for complicated love triangles or prolonged rivalries or jealousy. I welcome this change from the convoluted plotlines of kdramas.

5. Three of Nanase’s nicknames will be conceived from this encounter:

“Kesseki” meaning stone or boulder,
“Baka” meaning idiot, and
“Yushan” (spelling??) meaning warrior chick.

Spoiler alert: I’ll mention this now because I’m bound to forget all this when we reach the final episode.

These nicknames, i.e., stone, idiot, warrior-chick, may sound like put-downs right now, but as the episodes progress, their meaning will evolve. In the finale, there’ll be a reversal in their usage, and the names will become terms of endearment.

For instance, she’ll live up to the name of “warrior.” When he sends her off, he gives her instructions like she’s his most-favored and trusted warrior going off on a medical crusade.

Also, he’ll no longer complain that she’s a stone to slow him down. In fact, he’ll give her a stone in the form of a diamond ring to tie her to him. And with that engagement ring, he’ll warn her not to cheat on him.

In response, she’ll call HIM an “idiot” for the very first time. She calls him idiot for thinking that she’ll cheat on him when she’s been stupidly in love with him all those years.

So pay attention to how these nicknames change their meaning over time as their relationship develops.

6. Lastly, Dr. Tendo remembers her after all. 

This whole embarrassing reunion would have clichéd if it weren’t for the nice twist at the end of the episode. Remember, he gave her the impression that he didn’t remember her.  And when Nanase recounted how that they met five years ago, “Uhm…5 years ago. Around 4 pm on November 23, 2015, we saved Watanabe near the temple…Do you…not remember… me?” he started scolding her, “You’re a newbie?! Just a stone slowing my work down. (becoming irate) Why are you confessing to me? Are you crazy? Is your brain working? Know your place, Boulder.”

Now, in the end of the episode, he reveals that he remembers everything.

Nanase: I wouldn’t have lasted much longer. I’m so glad you came. Thank you so much.
Tendo: If I have to say one good thing about you, it’s that you act quickly. It was the same on that day. Five years ago. Near the shrine. There was a kid who was shouting with a big voice. You saved her but you still look worried. And you keep looking at our direction. Nothing has changed since then.

There! I like this plot twist because not only does he remember their first meeting, he also correctly read her emotions.

She WAS worried at that time, worried that she would never see him again. The fact that he could correctly interpret her emotions meant that he wasn’t immune to her feelings even back then. They connected. She made an impression strong enough for him to remember her after five years.

And just like in their first meeting, he smiles at her and turns away. He thinks that his words were sufficient praise for her brave rescue. But Nanase answers back.

Nanase: That day. I saw it. My calling. I have nothing. I kept thinking what will I do when I graduate. Nothing. I can’t think of anything. But I found it. My calling. The road leading to you, sensei. I want to help someone. That’s my true calling. I will keep pursuing it. Wherever it may lead me.
Tendo: You. Do you know how terrible you look right now?

He means that she’s frightening him with her confession again. This is his tsundere side rearing its ugly head. It’s clear now that he shies away from emotional scenes.

Nanase: Huh?
Tendo: But words mean nothing. For now, you are still a newbie who always get in the way like a rock.
Nanase: I know! That’s why I’ll do my best.
Tendo: Listen, Sakura. Just because you notice something strange about the patient that doesn’t mean…
Nanase: “Sakura.” Doctor! You just said my name, Sakura. I knew you remember everything about me. Doctor!

Calling her by her last name is a slip of the tongue, and it makes her giddy with excitement. He knows he can’t undo it, so he beats a hasty retreat.

This is to me is the important distinction between this dorama and “Mischievous Kiss” or “Itazura na Kiss.” In Itazura, the girl could never get any lucky break from the guy. He dominated her throughout the whole story, and whenever she attempted to do anything to show her worth, it would either backfire on her or require his assistance. She strikes me as a pathetic character because she’s written that way.

In “Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo” or “Love Lasts Forever” (LLF), the writer favors Nanase over Dr. Tendo. Although Nanase finds herself in a spot of trouble, she goes from strength to strength. It is Dr. Tendo who alters his base opinion of her and finds a common ground with her.

Take for instance the “moral lesson” of the episode. According to the Department head, Dr. Rokuro, “A hospital has lots of patients. While doctors treat diseases, nurses care for the people. It’s a place to get better, but also a place to help you through life. That’s what a hospital is about.”

It’s been proven that Dr. Tendo is a talented and skilled physician. By his powers of observation and analysis, he diagnoses a disease and finds a treatment. In comparison, Nanase may not as skilled as since she’s only a nurse-in-training, but she’s also special with powers of observation and intuition.

They don’t realize that they’re both observant in their own way. He’s observant when it comes to the illness, but she’s observant when it comes to the emotional condition of the patients. Their talents are complementary, unlike in “Itazura” where the hero alone was the gifted one.

The writer made sure to highlight this strength of Nanase in this episode. I’m glad she didn’t try to undermine her heroine by depicting her as a secondary or inferior character to Dr. Tendo.

That’s it for now. I’ve to sleep.

46 Comments On “Love Lasts Forever: Episode 1”

  1. I’m about to drive with boys but just want to say arigato! 🙇🏻‍♀️

    I’ll read and comment later so I can enjoy it more. 🥰

  2. currently watching the dorama after reading your bitch talk:summer dramas and just finished ep 6.

    thank you for reviewing and keep me giggling while reading about tendo sensei ☺️

  3. Oh I watched it monthes ago, it was cute. Nothing new in the kind of story but cute.

  4. 😂 She comes across a whole lot better than Maggot. She looks cute. And at least she’s honest? None of this get someone to take secret pics of my crush or get him to set me up with him. Just do it yourself. Open, honest. Take charge.

  5. 😂😂😂 Why didn’t I think of Maggot?

    You’re right! Yes to this: Sakura-Chan is cute.

    But more importantly, this: She’s a GOOD person.

    1. She isn’t going to tell off a distraught mom for not knowing how to perform CPR and chest compression on her child. 😈

    2. She isn’t going to dissuade a doctor from performing a life-saving surgery because it’s too complicated.

    3. And she isn’t going to beg anybody to drop his religion for her. ☹️

  6. I knew it! You fell for Tendo sensei. 😂

  7. The Episode 2 is in the works. 😂😂

  8. Morning! 😊 For my first dorama, this is the best! Nanase learns from her mistakes and she grows from it, her goodness really shines. ☺️ She is definitely cute! That’s part of the reason I think Tendo-sensei couldn’t resist her after all. I mean how many times did she confess? 3-4 times? 😁 He was very honest too in rejecting her but that 0.00001% chance with him, she definitely earned! 😂

    I agree, it’s great that the staff are all nice and even if there’s issues now and then, they solve it and don’t hold any grudges.

    I thought Dr Koichi was a bit weird when he said straight away that he will help Nanase to get Tendo but he was genuinely helping her right until he started to like her too. But even then he knew when to stop. 😊

    Awww their first meeting, that blue hoodie then Tendo pulling it off, sigh. 🥰 I’ll be like Nanase for sure. 😍 True, I wish someone’s calling can be realised like that too, only if it’ll make you pursue a dream.

    Tendo-sensei maybe rude but he’s a very dedicated doctor. I’ll vote for a tsun tsun dere dere if it’s like his character. ☺️ Ya, Xiao Nai was never rude, only to the guys. 🤣

  9. Yey! Episode 2 is coming! ☺️

    I’m on episode 9! I looooove that back hug from episode 8, the last scene when he called her. That’s what you call an I miss you so much hug! 😍

  10. I want to add that TendoSakura balance each other. When Tendo was trying to figure out why that husband couldn’t heal properly, he saw the notes that Nanase put in his medical file.

    Now after a few episodes, Nanase is very confident in following Tendo’s instructions. ☺️ Oh I thought it was a good scene too when she took blood from him just for practice. I liked that he wanted to help her because he knows she can be a good nurse.

  11. Wait till you see the back hug in Ep 10. 😂 You’ll understand why @Fern said YOU would like this dorama.

  12. Oh really? I’m so excited! 🥰

    I’m on episode 9 now and I’ll definitely see that hug tonight! 😂

  13. I’ve watched “Rich Man, Poor Woman,” then “Tatta Hitutsu no Koi” or “Love of my Life,” then “Mischievous Kiss,” and this drama about this a man hiring a wife to be his housekeeper, NigeHaji something something.

    This one is a good starter. It’s peppy.

    Yes, Xiao Nai was rude to guys. But remember that girl who was pestering him? He hung up on the phone on her. 😂

    OK, I’ve to focus soon on Episode 2. I’m off today. 🙂

  14. Oops, you’re right about Xiao Nai. I forgot about that girl too who gave him a ‘flyer’ of confession 😂 and he totally coldly walked past her. 🤣 poor girl! 😬

  15. @packmule3 yes to all 3 points. Good to see you posting again. 🙂.

  16. Oh my goodness! I was so ready for the ‘dont think you’re going to get any sleep tonight’ but the party 🥳 people came! 🙅🏻‍♀️ Party pooper! 😭

  17. I’m off today so I can post. I’m trying to catch up on “Psycho but it’s okay.” I saw the YT clip on MY wanting to have kids and that hooked me in again. 🙂

  18. I don’t know how many times they’ve been interrupted in the act of kissing already.

    I thought that was good though. The director was able to save it for the final episode.

  19. Thanks! Sigh of relief here! 😂 I’m looking forward to it. 🥰

  20. Wait! There aren’t any torrid kissing scenes okay? but it’s implied that they’ve spent the night.

    Hmmm. On second thoughts, maybe they didn’t “spend the night” in the manner that I’m thinking of. lol. I was using my “american” sensibilities here again. To me, if the girl was cooking breakfast in a guy’s condo first thing in the morning, I’d assume that they shared the same bed overnight. If they shared the bed overnight, then it wasn’t to play chess, if you know what I mean.

    But that’s just my cultural expectation. Maybe the Japanese are more monastic? practice abstinence? less sexy?

    I just realize something: the scrawny, hungry Asian guys I find attractive tend to look like Jerry Yan. Weird. I have to analyze this…

  21. I find it manly and sexy when Tendo sensei took off that hoodie as he heard Sakura-chan’s call for help. As a high school kid witnessing a life saving moment and just coming out from a shrine praying for good relationship, I would fall for this doctor as well!

    The rescue scene with Anri-chan was a bit thrilling, it’s Sakura’s first body contact with her prince! Tendo sensei’s character is not that attractive compare to that of the kdrama, but he’s got this bad boy look, a similar vibe with the character of Taiwanese star Jerry Yan as Dao Ming Si of Meteor Garden 2001. I guess some women prefer that type of men because there’s a kind of mystery behind the image and behavior. Unwrapping or to be able to uncover that mask is a challenge that comes with the feeling to be with that person.

  22. Waaaaaaa! I’m good without torrid kissing because I just saw how he recited all those things that he likes about her and ends it with I love you and he was in tears all that time! 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭 oh my heart! ❤️❤️❤️

    That’s one way to welcome you back by the man that you love! I love this couple! 😍

    PS. I think Nanase was ready when she prepared the romantic dinner night at her place. I saw that they got married in YouTube vids so all good without a bed scene. 😂 I’m so happy with this scene. ☺️

  23. Jerry Yan has a drama coming out with the small lady in All About Love/Meteor Garden (Shen Yue), you’re not into her but will you watch because it’s Jerry? 😂

    Jerry is hot though even if I haven’t seen any of his drama! 😍😂

  24. Wow, @pm3 my post came in late and you’ve mentioned Jerry Yan! I will always remember the name Dao Ming Si but I forget his showbiz name, I had to google it before posting. The original Meteor Garden was the mother of all drama in our country.

  25. Gasp!! I just mentioned Jerry Yan!! There’s something about Jerry Yan that I find sexually appealing. There! I said it “sexually.”

    Is it the bad boy image as you said? Probably. Is it the messy hair? No. I don’t like oily, greasy hair. I feel like taking a comb and combing the hair so I can see the forehead.

    Is it the hungry look?

    I’m assuming it’s the hungry look. I feel like he must be fed with strawberries. Whipped cream. Smoked eel. Oysters. Avocados. Cherries. Asparagus. (hahaha. Aphrodisiacs.)

    You’re right, though. When he took off the hoodie in slow-motion, I was grinning. It was like an ad for “Old Spice.”

  26. Oooh. So you watched that scene already?! He’s funny though. When she asked him to repeat them, he refused.

  27. I’m sure he can repeat it again when she’s sick 😂

    Oh yeah yeah, the deed has been done because Tendo was extra sweet while Nanase was cooking breakfast! 🥰 He’s all handsy with her all of a sudden. 😈

    Here is Jerry Yan and Shen Yue. Want to watch? 😜

  28. Yes. I’ll try to watch that Jerry Yan and Shen Yue.

    Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping already?

    Ah. So I was right then? She spent the night with him? But how can two people can fit in that twin bed??!!

    The backhug kiss was sweet. He didn’t manhandle her. It was what I’d expect of him since he was her first BF. I always found it weird and unrealistic in dramas when after the “first time,” the guy would be rough with the girl. Uhhhh. No. I don’t think so….

    She’d need tenderness.

  29. Ha ha ha, Exactly @pm3! Bad boy image, messy hair like in manga look, hungry for something, that face who doesn’t smile… and there’s something in their eyes… kind of sharp but expressive! My goodness, nice feeling when you are in the 20’s!

    The first episode also put emphasis on someone’s passion, whether you are brought there by force, I mean some people are unaware of that, or like Sakura-chan she was enlightened by Tendo sensei and discovered her passion. I elso enjoyed the fact that the doctors in this dorama acknowledge being powerless despite the technological advancement. In the end, they can only perform their duty upon the limits under God’s mighty hand.

  30. Oh I thought they were in his apartment? I’m sure he has a bigger bed. 😉 And yeah I agree, tenderness is the key. They we’re having brunch so definitely no sleep. 😈

    I should be sleeping but I’m trying to finish it, I’ve got 40 minutes to go. You know me once I’m into it. 😝 I’m going to rewatch too so it’ll be much appreciated.

  31. But his bed was small, too? Check it out in Episode 2. Was that a full-size bed? There are different standards: single, twin, double, full, queen, king, etc. and the standard seems to vary from one country to another. For me, queen bed is the smallest I’d go for. The choices are Queen, King (wider) or California King (longer). I want space to roll around. 🙂

    The bread kiss was funny.

    And wait till you see her excited bunny jump. The actress is so cute. I want to squeeze her.

  32. True. I liked how the Cat God silenced everybody out in the streets so Tendo could her cries of help. At first, I didn’t understand what the Cat God was doing. When I realized that the deity was behind all that and he arranged everything, it made sense. It made sense that Nanase was all alone in the middle of the street when that incident happen. It was literal and metaphorical crossroad in life. She had to make a decision.

  33. Okay, @Packmule3, you convinced me. I’ll start watching this soon. I must watch PBIO this weekend, of course. I also am scheduled Saturday afternoon to host a virtual workshop for my college alumnae association, so everything else takes a back burner until that is done. (And no, I was not selected to teach my class “Falling in Love with Kdrama”; I’m providing the introduction for an amazing woman who will teach on the history of burlesque. She used to be a neo-burlesque performer, appearing and winning awards internationally, but is now retired.)

  34. Hi @packmule and BoD 😃. Yeah this dorama is a HIT in Japan. Just wanna say here that if you want the japanese abbreviation of this dorama (like Itazura for Itazura no Kiss), LLF is called KoiTsuDo by solid dorama fans 😁 teehee. I’m glad y’all are enjoying this dorama. Have fun and take care everyone 😅.

  35. When I saw the breakfast scene, I thought I had missed an episode and went back to check. I’m with @agdr03, the deed has been done, because she doesn’t flinch, does she? And there was the jenga scene, too. Just in case we didn’t believe it the first time.

    Haha, the ‘not sleep all night’ interruption. He looked even more messed up than she did. It boded well for the future…

    @agdr03, yes that final confession of all the things he couldn’t say when they were at her family home. Wow. One of many times this show made me cry.

  36. @packmule, a narrow bed is large enough, right?

    Back from the backlit, glowing 1st encounter to the 2nd. He then turns out to be not a god, but the devil. 😇v👿 I think another possible reason for the Cardiology staff to support Nanase is be that they are genuinely fond of Tendo and want him to lighten up. They can see that although since he’s such a grinch to staff, he’s truly kind and caring to the patients, so it’s in him but hidden. Plus some of them know his backstory.

    In addition to the hoody, Tendo often is seen with a towel over his head. Is this a trope or is it symbolic of him going between one persona to another? Or something else? Looks good on him, in any case…

  37. @agdr03 I am here! And you were right. This jdrama is not my cup of tea 🙊

    @pm3 I’m so happy you are posting again. It was very weird not to have your (new) posts on BoD although I’m not following PBIO.

  38. Hello there… I’m starting to watch this dorama. Thank you @packmule3 for updating this dorama.
    Gonna catch up the thread soon and also do binge watch until ep.3.

  39. Glad you can join us. Just post your comments.

    I don’t think you’ll be able to stop at Episode 3. I’m sure you’ll want to go all the way to Ep 10. So just post your comments wherever. lol.

    I’m watching Jerry Yan’s “Count Your Lucky Stars” Ep 1, and might do a “madcap” on it. I heard it’s not shown in the Philippines, so I’ll help our Filipino lurkers on the blog.

  40. Finished all ten episodes. The FL lead fits the trope of “plucky everywoman who charms all she meets without artifice.” Nanase did frustrate me from time to time with her “I can’t do anything right” moaning. Doesn’t she remember she played a major role in saving lives and improving medical outcomes? She needs to give herself credit for: yelling so Tendo would come aid Watanabe, holding onto Anri so she wouldn’t fall several stories, deducting from her observations that Shinji had asthma, and so on. These incidents demonstrate what it is about her that makes Tendo love her: kindness, decisive action, selflessness, being observant of others, etc. I understand that her character is humble, but humility doesn’t mean overlooking facts.

  41. After rewatching episode 1.

    I can’t blame Nanase for liking Tendo straight away because he looked her straight in the eye without blinking. He looked right into her soul. 😂

    I liked that the Head Cardiologist Doctor talked to Tendo about new nurses who quits after getting stressed from the work and all the cardio words so it’s important that the new nurses don’t quit.

    Ah when Nanase threw the toilet paper at him so she can check on Anri and saves her, that’s when he knew she’s got the potential to be a good nurse.

    He actually said her last name and he runs for it. 😂

    I thought it was nice that he actually remembered her from 5 years ago. ☺️

  42. I have to talk about that scene when they met 5 years ago. The bowing 🙇‍♀️ part. @welmaris mentioned it earlier.

    I’ll work on Ep 5 today after I put away the groceries. Went to an Asian supermarket to load up on Asian goodies: Bibigo dumplings, Korean pears, this Filipino “uve” ice cream which is soooo good (it’s my favorite ice cream for this summer) and a box of spicy ramen for my son. His GF introduced him to spicy ramen that can only be found in Asian stores.

  43. Ah yes ube ice cream is yummy 😋

    Did you get some quail eggs too? I’m going to make it tomorrow as I went to the supermarket today too. But I’m only making the simple one.

    The ramen that my sister discovered was the Jinri one? Anyway instead of water you put milk in it. I mean you boil the noodles then drain it then you put milk to it. It’s so good. I can handle that with medium spicy level. More yummy if you add some fish tofu.

  44. I couldn’t find the ones in cans that you mentioned (or maybe I just didn’t know where to look). I saw the ones with the shell and I balked. I’m too lazy to peel those.

    Milk in ramen? Fish tofu? You kidding me, right? 😂

    I tried the GF’s ramen. It was so spicy it burned the roof of my mouth. 😂😂 I swear I have permanent scars from that tasting.

  45. Oh the GF’s ramen is scary . 🙅🏻‍♀️ I can’t eat that ever.

    Hmm there has to be quail eggs in the can for sure. Anyway the one I bought today in a can is 850grams. 😱😂 No one’s going to fight over it. It’s like someone knew I’m looking for a big can. 😄

    I’m not kidding about the milk and fish tofu in the ramen. 😄 Next time I make it, I’ll send you a pic. You still use the spicies provided. There’s a video of it in YouTube, my sister saw it there.

  46. I never had fish tofu. Isn’t tofu from soy beans? 😂 so are there fish bits in it or just fish flavoring added to the tofu?

    Some fish flavoring gives me allergy.

    850 grams? How many eggs are in there? Lol. I’m a typical American. I think in ounces, pints and gallons. ☺️

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