Start-Up: Appreciation Club and Rewatch

Ella is the new President of the Nam Dosan Appreciation Club.


#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

Nam Dosan is only the 3rd honoree on this blog’s “Best Drama Boyfriends.” He joins Xiao Nai of “Love O2O” and Lee Gon of “The King: Eternal Monarch” in our Hall of Fame.

Like Dalmi, we don’t really need to state why we think Dosan is one of the Best Drama Boyfriends.

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

But for those clueless JP fans lurking in this blog, here are the reasons, as written by @Ella, why Nam Dosan is joining our Hall of Fame.

I will try on keeping the focus on why DoSan is the Best Boyfriend material because i think he’s also the Best Man period. This is my first time ever writing a long essay so forgive my lacking. (My major in uni didn’t require me to do essays neither does my work LOL)

And to think that going into StartUp I did not expect much because the title is a bit dry and uninspired.

In my drama watching world when I contemplate on who deserves the best boyfriend award for a second to be honest I draw a blank, only one name come up and that is Moon Ha-Won from A Piece of Your Mind. If you also watched that you know I have a type here. *insert big grin*

Now DoSan came along, and Nam Joo Hyuk portray him so perfectly that I think for the foreseeable future I would compare to see if the other ML can compare.

Now allow me to count the way why I think DoSan is the Best Boyfriend:

1. DoSan showed up and he stepped up

How could we forget the first time DoSan ever showed up for DalMi at the networking party, this girl was a stranger, he read her letter about the music box and her desperate plea for him to come and he choose to showed up for her. In DoSan’s own word:

DoSan: “It was just for one day. I just wanted to make your dream come true for one day, and stop.”

As packmule3 pointed out, when he showed up he doesn’t just showed up he stepped up, how? he has to borrowed his suit from YongSan, he make sure he was properly groomed, he put all the necessary effort to get to the party by his own volition despite his limitations.

Another instances of when DoSan showed up for DalMi, the ransomware attack in Ep13. We have to remember the attack happened right after DoSan was misled to believe that DalMi has moved on to a new relationship, but once he heard that DalMi was in trouble he didn’t even think twice and decided to showed up and help her.

2. DoSan wears his heart on his sleeve

Flashback to Ep 3
ChulSan: “She’s practically a stranger to you.” “Why do you care whether she’s disappointed?” “It makes no sense.”
YongSan: “Do San.. Do you.. that woman Dal Mi. Do you like her?”
DoSan: *thinking* YES! *smiling*

DoSan is without pretense when it comes to declaring his love for DalMi. Everyone in his life can see how much he loves and cares for DalMi whether it’s his friends, parents, DalMi’s grandmother or even his foil.

And DoSan only has his eyes on DalMi, remember those Emotion Transistor device that light up when you get excited, when SaHa held his hand nothing happened but the moment DalMi touched his hand the device light up.

DoSan thinks meeting DalMi is as great a chance as winning a lottery.

How could I ever forget his swoon worthy declaration that he will love DalMi forever even if she doesn’t love him back.

Jp: “If you know that, will you give up already?”
DoSan: “That I can’t do.”
Jp: “What, then?” “You’ll love her forever knowing it won’t be reciprocated?”
DoSan: “ YES. I’ll love her forever.”

Plain and simple but yet with so much heart, his affirmation and declaration of love is just like DoSan, earnest and pure. He’s not ashamed of his love for DalMi. He told everyone in his office matter-of-factly that he will propose to DalMi when they win the smart city project and he work hard to make sure it happened.

His love is selfless and steadfast, even after DalMi broke up with him cruelly, he still worked on NoonGil and even found an investor to keep NoonGil going. He volunteered on the self driving car project at 2STO just in case DalMi decide to work on it as well. And true to his word he stays by DalMi’s side willing to work together with her regardless the status of their relationship.

3. DoSan listens and he takes action

During the hackathon remember when the SamSan tech boy got stuck with their algorithm,

DalMi: “Guys, I think—“
ChulSan: “We’re all busy now, so save it for later.” *brushing Dalmi off*
Dosan: “Dal-Mi, what is it?”

DoSan listened. He was not only humoring DalMi, he took in DalMi’s opinion and come up with the conclusion that they need to take in a different approach with their algorithm, on another instance:

DalMi: “Do you think we could make guide dogs talk?”
ChulSan: “We can’t because we’re developers, not gods.”

DoSan: “Wait, we can do it.” “Dalmi, you’re a genius. How did you think of such a great idea?”

He listened to what DalMi’s trying to say beyond the “make guide dogs talk” and come up with the idea of combining Image recognition and AI speaker. And he’s not stingy in crediting DalMi for her contribution, he props her up.

Remember when DalMi was replying to NoonGil customer review. He saw that DalMi was upset and he worked to fix NoonGil per the review so that DalMi doesn’t get upset anymore. Not only that he read DalMi’s comments and the following morning he waste no time in taking DalMi and Halmeoni on a beach date to fulfil DalMi’s wish of showing Halmeoni a beautiful scenery. *doubleswoon*

He even listened to the derogatory remarks thrown at him, learn to filter it and use it to his betterment.

4. DoSan is a puppy with a big heart

DoSan is whipped for DalMi no one can deny that, have you seen him making googly eyes and smiling at DalMi like she’s an angel incarnate? One of my favorite things in the drama is hearing the way DoSan saying “DalMi-ya.. DalMi-ya..” *tripleswoon*

DoSan think DalMi is the prettiest thing ever:
DoSan: “But she looks pretty every day. How do I know if she looks extra pretty?
DoSan’s Mom: “She looks pretty every day?
DoSan: “Yes, really.” “Every single day. Every minute, every second.”

And his big heart is why he empathized so much with others, he creates NoonGil because he empathized with Halmeoni, he imagine himself not being able to see and come up with idea to create NoonGil to help her. He empathized with the older student when the teacher shamed the student for failing behind a grade school age student (DoSan).

If there is one thing I loathe with passion with typical ML in Kdrama are their condescending way, the forced kiss, the wrist grab, the yelling, *facepalm* gosh.. please spare me. A glorified reformed bully doesn’t sit well with me.

This is why DoSan shine, he’s a genuinely nice guy. I mean he’s not nicknamed Living Budha for no reason, isn’t he? When he’s frustrated or when people offend him, what do DoSan do? He knit. That cactus doll he gifted Halmeoni has got to be the most adorkable thing ever in dramaland world.

5. DoSan is a genius level smart and he’s a visionary trailblazer

I like my man smart and geeky, sue me idc.. I find it sexy when men talk nerdy, I think DalMi agrees with me judging by the way she look at DoSan adoringly when he start spouting his nerdy talks.

People called him lacking because he doesn’t come in our screen successful and rich *sneer*, but one thing you cannot fault him for is his lack of trying and efforts on his part, let’s see; those countless email he sent to SH, the CODA competition SamSan tech entered, his determination to enter SandBox. And after the time skip, his insistence on biding on the smart city project.

He never once look down on others despite his genius-ness, he doesn’t lord over his friends for being smarter, and he doesn’t think less of DalMi for not graduating from college. He celebrate his achievement as a team achievement.

And he sees his failures as a learning experience and built his strength from it.
For a man who breathes data, facts and algorithm DoSan sees beyond the facts at hand, he dreams big and sees what could be, not mere what it currently is.

6. DoSan’s hand

Dosan’s hand is a big part of the story, this is why it deserve honorable mention, let’s hear it from the best boyfriend himself shall we:

Dosan: “She likes me because I have big hands.” “That’s it.” “So I tried very hard to outdo all the memories that you two share with this one thing alone.”

And let’s hear it from DoSan’s ex-girlfriend now wife:

DalMi: “Yes! He held my hand.” .. “Then he reached out his hand to me, not InJae.” “Grandmother. That hand. His hand was the coolest thing ever.” .. “It looked very cool.” “I’m a nobody.” “Why hold my hand instead of InJae’s?”

DoSan is the best boyfriend because he use that one feature his hand and work his darndest to earn his stripes as who he is, away from the imaginary DoSan.

7. DoSan is the best companion

DoSan is DalMi’s peculiar answer to her prayer asking for a companion on her journey. This is I think the most important thing to look for in a partner for life’s journey.

Companion according to Dictionary:
1 A person with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.
2 One of a pair of things intended to complement or match each other.

In their journey DoSan always supported DalMi’s dreams and vision, he believes in her, encourage her, proud of her, gives her wings to shine, and he always got her back come what may.

DoSan: “I will support your decision no matter what you do.” This is DoSan giving DalMi courage to go after the smart city project.

DoSan: “SamSan Tech couldn’t have gotten here without you. I’m confident of that. So never question it.” This is DoSan boosting DalMi’s confidence on Demo Day.

DoSan: “You’re our CEO who holds 71 percent of the shares. I am part of your shares, and I got your back. And we’ll always be a team no matter what happens. So trust me and don’t worry, okay?” This is DoSan affirming his support for DalMi regarding her position in the company.

DoSan: “I wanted to be your trophy, your pride and your dream. I wanted to be your comfort and your wings. As the real me.” (The speech was DalMi’s rambling when she was drunk but he took it to heart.)

He is protective of DalMi, that move he made shielding DalMi from InJae’s stepbrother *swoon* *swoon* *swoon*

If you are a visionary like DalMi whose dream is to change the world you need a companion like DoSan who’s not afraid to sail off without a map with you. Not afraid of storm because he believes together they will overcome it. Why do you think we have so many shots of DalMi and DoSan linking hands in the last episode? To me because they are in it together.

One last thing on why DoSan is the best boyfriend/companion is because he’s surrounded by people who loves him and support him, his parents, his best friends, even his cousin. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at the people surround them. Sure you can’t choose your family but his friends are as loyal to him as he is loyal to them.

There I rest my case your honor of why DoSan deserves the best boyfriend awards.

Good work, Ella! Good work, everyone!!! 

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

@Ella —

as president of the Club, you get to join @Phoenix over at the Shallow Island. As you know, I don’t allow oppa-isms in this blog, but as president of the Nam Dosan Appreciation Club, you get to bypass some of the rules.

The King-Eternal Monarch Launch Party Venue MapIllustration by Phoenix

You will also be in charge of welcoming new and late “Start-Up” fans. I expect that the squall named JiPyung has died down by now, so it’ll be smooth sailing for the Dosan and Dalmi. But should we get more “Start-Up” fans coming out of the woodwork, please feel free to share the love and guide them along.

Here’s our Dosan, leading from the front!

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

I have the utmost confidence in you, @Ella!

…Just like Dosan has full confidence in Dalmi. 

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

I’m giving you 4 coupons to do a rewatch of 4 Start-Up episodes of your choice.



You set the date convenient for you, and I’ll join you. @agdr03 and I always did a rewatch of our favorite shows.

Here’s an example: DDSSLLS: Rewatch Ep 5

We start viewing the show at the same time. Then as we watch, we post comments on the blog about things we notice and like/dislike. We also react to each other’s posts.

All other posters are invited to join us. The more, the merrier!! And I find that rewatches are the best way to find closure. 🙂

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr

I can do a rewatch starting at 6 am EST (Eastern Standard Time).

That will be:
10 pm in Sydney, Australia
11 am in the UK
7 pm in Singapore, Philippines, etc.
6 pm in Indonesia
4:30 pm in India

I usually have to end at 9 am, but the rest of you are free to continue.

Fridays and Saturdays are more convenient for me, but since this is the holidays, I have a more flexible schedule. So go ahead and pick your days and your episodes for a rewatch. Episode 1 is mostly about JP. Likewise, Ep 2. So I recommend skipping them.

Looking forward to your picks, Ella!

#kdramaedit from ✿ credit: winar’s tumblr


48 Comments On “Start-Up: Appreciation Club and Rewatch”

  1. Congrats Ella 👏🏿👏🏿

  2. Congratulations @Ella!!!! Truly well deserved. 💕

    I read the whole post as if I am reading it for the first time despite reading it a couple of times on the original thread hahaha. You did such an amazing job! I actually got shy posting mine because what you wrote was so beautiful that it really showcased Nam Do San.

    Do San truly deserves this honor. Hehe.For all my fellow single people, I hope we find our own Nam Do San. ❣

    The rewatch sounds amazing, hopefully if my schedule permits, i can join you guys too! Start-up is now available in more countries so hopefully we can get more people to appreciate the beauty of Start-up!

  3. Yeay Ella! Congratulations 🥰

  4. WOOOOWWW… 😳 I just finished OT at work and come home to this.. super super honored since I love reading everyone’s entry *me dancing giddily* and see many more people appreciate DoSan and his character.. Thank you @packmule3 😘 and yes let’s rewatch together sounds amazing. I’m flexible on time since I’m a night owl also welcome everyone’s feedback on their favourite episode for rewatch..

  5. Woohoo!!! Congrats Ella! I want to join the watch (rewatch) party! Hahaha!

  6. Congratulations President @Ella!
    I would love a rewatch with all of you. I’ve been rewatching some episodes DN it will be so much fun to join BoD!!! Pls make it a Saturday time slot, pls…

  7. Okay, pick the day then.
    Friday Dec 18
    Saturday, Dec 19

    What episode do you want? Ep 3? Ep 4?

  8. Congrats Ella!!! 😀 Love your write up
    Would love to join ya’all!
    Start up is still No.1 on my Netflix it all the rewatching people are doing?

  9. Probably the rewatching. Are you joining us Grace?

  10. Congratulations Ella! <3

    I'm excited to hear which four episodes you will choose 🙂

  11. @pm3, Yeap quite likely will! friday or saturday is great by me.

  12. Congratulations, Ella! Well deserved! 🙂 You highlighted Dosan’s strengths as the best boyfriend and as an awesome human really, really well!

    I’m excited to rewatch with you. Hopefully I can catch at least one! 😀

  13. Congratulations Ella-love your post and well deserved. Now playing virtual Hail To The Chief,our American Presidential Introduction for you. Long may you reign….

  14. Is everyone okay with Saturday, 19th so Janey can join? I’m good either way. How about Ep 4? The start of DoDal’s SandBox journey?

    Thank you @BeingWritten @foreverinreverie @Idungkulitayam @Diane @Janey @grace @Kathy T @jinyangie @Old American Lady

    So happy I found you all here and I hope I can do you all justice

  15. Congrats Ella!! Your post really did justice for Dosan 🤩

    I wish i can join the rewatch but i am very swamped at work! I will try my best to join:)

  16. That’s good! I’ll open a thread and pin it up on top of the blog.

    Are the start times good with you?
    6 am EST
    That’s 3 am in California. You can catch up when you wake up.
    10 pm in Sydney, Australia
    11 am in the UK
    7 pm in Singapore, Philippines, etc.
    6 pm in Indonesia
    4:30 pm in India

  17. Yes, I’m good with the start time. After dinner, so perfect timing for me. It’s my drama binge time ever since the new norm.

  18. Well done, Ella! I’ll try to make it.

    I have to say that one of my favourite things about DoSan is that he could actually exist in Real Life. He is extraordinary as well as ordinary, too. That makes his character more meaningful to me.

  19. Congrats @Ella for being the club president! will try to join the rewatch if I’m out of the office early as Ep 4 is easily one of my faves thanks to the “big hand” scene, Chulsan’s hilarious reenactment/dubbing of Dosan’s self-sabotage in college, and Dalmi’s prayer for a companion on her journey <3 It's also awesome that I'm not the only one who's yet to move on from Dodal, yayyy!

  20. Congratulations @Ella! Yay!

    Your post explains the attraction and dynamics between Dosan and Dalmi so well and what makes him an awesome Kdrama boyfriend. Can’t wait to join everyone for the rewatch party!

  21. Alrighty! Will wake up early to join you on Saturday rewatch of ep4. Cheers!!!
    This is not helping me move on from Start Up but I don’t care. 😂 I’ll move on in 2021.

  22. Alright!! See you then, Janey!

  23. Wow congratulation Ella!!!
    You deserved to be the Club President yeaay… I hope I could join the rewatch too, episode 4 will be great 🎉🎉🎉 see you again 😊😊😊

  24. As a resident of Shallow Island, congratulations @Ella! 🎉 Well deserved! I just read your post on why DoSan deserves to be one of BOD’s Best Boyfriend and I’m blown away. DoSan sounds like a well grounded man with a big heart.

    I’ll try to join you tomorrow but I’ll make sure to watch episodes 1 to 3. I’m just trying to catch up on Mr Queen and True Beauty as well. ☺️

  25. Wooo congrats Ella!! Beautiful essay and best president for DoSan! Totally in for the rewatch!

  26. Hurrrrrry up, @ agdr03. so you can join us for Rewatch Ep 4 on Saturday.

    True Beauty is easy to watch.
    Same with Mr Queen.

  27. Thank you 🤗 @Sasa13 @Fern @hafunohane @moonriver272 @moonstar512 @agdr03 @asdf

    Everyone please join in the more the merrier can’t wait to see everyone and your live feed during rewatch.. Go Team Geek Knitter!!

  28. Hi @Ella,

    I’d like to join the rewatch party also 🙂

  29. Hi @Kathy T

    Yes pleaseee.. See you tomorrow.

  30. Congratulations, Ella on becoming the President of the Dosan Appreciation Club👏👏 As another permanent resident of Shallow Island (alomg with @agdr03), I wish you a warm welcome to our island where we fangirl over selected drama MLs 🏝 ❤
    Loved yoir post and the reasons you have mentioned for appreciating Dosan! 👏👏👏Sorry I’m late in my wishes as I hadnt had time to visit the blog earlier.
    Hope you enjoy the rewatch🙌🙌

  31. Thank you @Phoenix for your warm welcome, off to my hut while daydreaming about DoSan LOL

  32. Yes Queen! 🙇🏻‍♀️😉

    I’m on episode 2 right now. But I’m not sure if I can join the rewatch because I have to pick up son and his friend from their party. He said to pick him up at 11:30pm when he left but now he said 10:30pm so I might have to missed it.

    I’ll have to read your posts on Start Up too so I’ll be able to understand it better. But one thing after first episode, I was not into JP. ✌🏼

  33. Okay, @agdr03!

    Sniff sniff. I’ll be sad though…
    Just text if ever you’re waiting in the car. lol.

  34. Yup ok 😁 I’m catching up with the episode anyway so I should be good for the rest of the rewatch. ☺️

    Grandma’s corndog is different from Jun’s corndog. Grandma’s one has sugar? 🤔

  35. Just wanted to say that I love all the posts about Start Up. I’m firmly TeamDosan and on board of DoDal ship.

    Just wanted to share this beautiful fan made video and it really highlights how the writer wrote their love story in full circle:

  36. Sorry… wanted to correct the youtube link of the FMV. It should be: https//

  37. Thanks for sharing the video.


  38. @agdr03

    In Korea one of the common method is to dip corndog in sugar after frying besides the more common one put ketchup/ mustard on it.

    It’s actually one of the question for “chemistry test” Nam Joo Hyuk and Suzy did in their for fan video created by their management, I put the link below not sure if it works:

  39. Hey, just wanted to say I really appreciate this site and the commentary. I had tried to post a more lengthy excited comment, but I think I may have said the wrong things. Anyway, Im very similar to Dosan, and my wife kept commenting about how much like him I was (except im old) and I really got a lot out of my first Kdrama. Because this place is one of the few places with decent commentary, ill keep lurking for things to watch. Appreciate all of you and thanks.

  40. Sorry, Chaynes.

    Your earlier post must have been spamblock. Did you use four consecutive exclamation points?! (just kidding)

    I’m glad you enjoyed your first kdrama. My first Asian dramas (and second, and third, and fourth…) were duds. I didn’t get what the fuss was all about. 🙂

  41. Me neither at first PM. This one was special though, and I hope it isn’t the last time I feel a connection. When I was a kid, I had gotten an academic award, and was considered a prodigy, but as I got older, my family issues seemingly kept me from obtaining the success others expected out of me. I really connected with Dosan’s Chan ho park scene, because in adult life, I found a way to achieve happiness and fulfillment on my own terms. I even connect with his thought process toward Dalmi, when I decided that my ultimate success lie in building a family like I didn’t have as a child.

    Sorry, that was a little deep, but I became a big Dosan fan, and even appreciated (though everyone else…except here didn’t) that JP actually gives Dosan an opportunity to prove that men that do are better than men that talk. JP is a little pathetic, but I like to think a path to fulfillment is embodied in the last scene of the epilogue, where he is smiling and getting along with Dosan and Dalmi. I tend to work and not talk (I guess except in this comment section!) and I really loved the dynamic of Dosan’s hands being the driver of the company, his love and his life.

    Looking forward to more, thank you so much

  42. @Chaynes

    Hi there, would love to read your thoughts especially since this is your first kdrama. Also feel free to join our virtual viewing party 😁

  43. Yes! That will be great!

  44. President Ella and to the rest.. this is a good read:

    Always nice to find Dosan fans every now and then. Been seeing a lot of new tweets recently about viewers who just recently finished watching SU and loving our good boy Dosan and surprised about the bad reviews. This second wave of fans and good reviews are what we need. Finally!

  45. @Diane – awesome read! Thanks for sharing. I would also choose Nam Dosan. Forever. ❤️

  46. @Diane
    Thank you for sharing the post 😘 glad to see more and more people appreciate DoSan

  47. I just finished watching Start Up while reading the posts in parallel 🙂
    @Bitches I will never feel alone again -heat- -lol-

  48. Hi @Claudia

    Why do you feel alone? Mind sharing?

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