Start-Up: Ep 1 Rewatch Sat Jan 16th

Back by popular demand.

“There. There. We’ll have another rewatch. Don’t worry…”

#tvn start up from partofyournarrativecredit: haengoon’s tumblr

We’ll do another rewatch with the new viewers, @Growing_Beautifully and @Cleopatra.

15:00pm UTC

10:00am EST
7:00am PST
11:00pm Singapore, Philippines (who needs sleep, right?)
10:00pm Indonesia
05:00pm Greece
02:00am (Sunday) Sydney (whoops. Just join when you wake up, @agdr03)
8:30pm India

Join us! The more, the merrier.

207 Comments On “Start-Up: Ep 1 Rewatch Sat Jan 16th”

  1. Thank you @packmule3 🤗

  2. Thank you @packmule3 for the new thread!

    I am excited that we get to live watching Start-Up with all of you ! 🌹

  3. Yehey!!! Thank you for this!!!

  4. Omg yey! I can actually join a watch party for the first time! Haha. So excited for this!

  5. Happy Friday y”all!!! Great way to start the long weekend with a SU rewatch with these fine company. See you all tomorrow.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3!! And great to have you all watching with me. I’m quite excited… my first group watch party!!! I’ve already got myself snacks and may even have a siesta earlier so that I will be wide awake LOL.

    I should let you all know, that I am also doing this as a re-watch, because I’ve managed to slightly binge up to Episode 10. I really got interested and invested in the well being of the characters from Episode 3 onwards.

    I often do re-watch the 1st episodes because I miss so much, so I’m happy to be re-watching with you. See you all tomorrow!!

  7. @GB

    It will be my first rewatch of Ep1 🤣 lol..

  8. @GB and @Ella,

    It will be my first rewatch of Epi1 as well!

    @GB We are finishing the series tonight! I am waiting for our convos!

    Nice to meet you @Jen, @jinyangie and @Janey!

  9. Correction : @Gen!

  10. Hello I’m joining the re-watch of Start-Up! This is my first time to interact in a blog, hope i get how this works 🙂

  11. Hello Ladies! ☺️

    Enjoy the rewatch! Unfortunately I cannot join you as it’s way past my bedtime 😂

    But I am on episode 11 and I’m just in awe of DoSan. I’ve always been on his team. I can’t wait to finish it. ☺️

  12. I think I’ll join you all here. I’m yet to watch Startup from Ep.3 onwards – would be great to pick up the dicussion with everyone here on BoD 🙂

  13. @ Mye, you’re in. Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier.

  14. @Mye
    Welcome 👋🏻 glad you could join in our re-watch party, see you later.

  15. Hi all,

    I’m here, shall we start in 10 min. Give a shout when you’re ready.

  16. I’m here. Just clearing away breakfast plate.

    Just start at the appointed time.

  17. @Ella,

    I am here too!

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I am here and ready!! Hi Everyone!

  19. Hey @GB and @Packmule3 !

    I am ready too!

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yay! 3 minutes and counting!

  21. Let’s go!!!

  22. Kaja! Keyboard warriors!

  23. and…We Are ON AIR!

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I get quite a rise from all those drones speeding around and making those formations. I’m wondering if those are just computer generated and this show has a whole bunch of extras going ‘Wow!’.

    I like the transition into daytime.

  25. The light show for Sand Box at the top of the show was impressive. I see Cheolsan and Youngsan. But where’s Dosan? Was he working on last minutes improvements for the CODA?

  26. I really like the cinematography and the photography!
    The drones are epic initiating the Sandbox variable!

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I looked up Jang Yeongsil… there really was a person by that name in the Joseon era who worked under King Sejong: he was an engineer, scientist and inventor (according to Wiki).

  28. I like the transition, too: JP talking to Yeongshil.

  29. I see that Chul-san and Young-san was at Sandbox but no Do-san since we’re not supposed to meet him just yet.

    another note Sandbox office exterior was built using CGI.

  30. …and Dalmi is like an lioness!

  31. I’m here from Southern California, where it is 7 in the freakin’ AM, and I don’t do mornings. That’s how much I love you guys.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JP is complaining that Yeongsil does not understand a word he says… but grandma understood him completely when he was a kid and he hadn’t yet said a word.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hey @Welmaris!!! So good to see you awake and online with us!

  34. I like the fortune as well introducing the story. And very consistently shown in the show where JP exercises 😂😂

  35. Welmaris. Janey is also from CA. She’s been waking up at 3AM to join us for the rewatch. lol.

    I’ve been doing it at 6 am before work. lol.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I have watched up to Ep 11, therefore this response/retort from In Jae on how she takes her revenge gets to Yong San, since he’s on the revenge path.

  37. Good morning @Welmaris I hope you have a good night sleep

  38. Yes. Yeongshil has been consistent, right?

  39. Yes! Really loved the transitions from one character to another.

  40. My daughter has a friend who works on the Intel Drone Light Show team. I don’t know if they did the one for this drama, but they did the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

  41. @Hey Welmaris and @Gen

    And Young-san makes that question to In-Jae!
    We get to see anyone except DoSan!

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Gen and thanks for the info on the CGI @Ella.

    I thought Dal Mi was kind of rude to grab that mike like that.

  43. Young-san later remember DalMi’s name because they met in this Q&A

  44. @GB,

    Yes she was determined to “expose” her sister. That’s why I said Lioness above!

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Interesting that of the 2 sisters, In Jae is polishing the music box so carefully. It was open but there was no music coming from it though.

    Their mother puts being secure and comfortable with a steady income before the needs of her husband.

  46. Liked how the keywords of the story were shown
    Start Up and Sandbox

  47. This is the first time DalMI and InJae met jp. Second was at the Q&A. Before her actual introduction at networking party but she did not remember both instances.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s also interesting that we begin on the theme of letters with In Jae and not Dal Mi, and In Jae had the opportunity to be friends, but rejected the boy and the letter. We see In Jae in later years without friends.

  49. There goes Dalmi walking on the bridge. She knew that her sister was coming so she planned this meeting.

    lol. This is why some people thought that JP would end up with InJae if he couldn’t end up with Dalmi. Because of Yeongshil’s voiceover about a strong winter wind coming to change life.

    But I think people misinterpreted that voiceover. That voiceover was meant for Dalmi. Dalmi’s life was going to be shaken by the arrival of her sister because her sister was the reason she went to look for Dosan.

    InJae and JP wouldn’t connect. (Thank goodness!)

  50. In one scene we got to see:

    A boy who gives a letter to Halmeoni for In-Jae.
    JP being hungry but sayin he is not.

    I think that was a foreshadow how Halmeoni think about the letters for Dal-Mi.

  51. I agree. Dalmi really was out to get her sister. She’d been waiting for this opportunity for so long.

  52. Loved how Injae called the guy in a red plaid shirt. Foreshadowing Dosan? since he is the red in RGB.

  53. Thank goodness indeed @packmule3

    @Cleopatra yup I think that is where Halmeoni got the idea for the letter.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, the Yeongsil prediction about meeting a breeze – a person met briefly in the past that could become a winter wind and change everything … that can apply to any of the 3, In Jae, Dal Mi or Grandma.

    I think asking kids which parent to follow is a horrible situation to put the kids in.

    Did DM deliberately call her sister by her old surname or she really forgot … first time deliberate and second time it was that she forgot.

  55. Hi All! Enjoy the rewatch party!

    @pm3 I remember Yeongshil did that voice over twice both in the airport with Injae and Alex. I really thought they were both the bad guys. Haha!

  56. @Packmule3

    Her mother and sister were MIA for 15 years. I really cannot understand it.

    And we have the voiceover that JP listens and the face he is seeing and we are seeing is Dal-Mi.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 The bridge motif appeared for both JP and DM. They both crossed a bridge that morning.

  58. I knew you thought InJae was a bad guy, Diane.

    She was… in the beginning. But this writer is from the “new generation” of writers. She wouldn’t make a female character be the “villainess” of the story. No way.

    It’s all about sisterhood.

    From what I read, she did the same thing in “Dream High.” All the “mean girls” resolved their differences and became friends.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Poor JP … between having a real family and a virtual investment, almost threw away and abandoned his investment award sign.

  60. Hey @Diane!

    @GB she did deliberately. Her words had a double meaning the others couldn’t understand.

    Hence we get to see what happened 15 years ago. In order to understand how the past mingles in their story.

  61. @GB
    I think DalMi wants to test her sister response by calling her Seo. After Injae firmly stating she’s a Wonlater on DalMi keep calling her a Won.

    Our first glimpse of Nam Do San on television winning the math olympiad.

  62. Several actors in this were also in other 2020 dramas. Kim Joo Hun (dad) in It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, Kim Hae Sook (grandma) in Hospital Playlist, Yoo Su Bin (Samsan Tech) in Crash Landing on You, Nam Da Reum (young HJP) in A Piece of Your Mind.

    Do Korean businessmen really beat their employees with impunity? There’s a little of that shown in Misaeng, although not nearly as violent as here.

    Mama loves her money, doesn’t she?

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What an angry youth JP was and he retains that anger and suspicion even as an adult. He is another character who does not have a friend (I don’t count Yeongsil!!)

  64. That Halmeoni though ! What a wonderful person!
    She understood that JP had nowhere to go and told him about her workplace.

  65. Also, another theme of the series! MONEY!

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Welmaris, it seems that in Korea, office violence and abuse is not uncommon. Shows make it even more ‘normal’. The culture of subservience before higher ups … hierarchy thing is strong.

  67. @GB this is why JP fans think Dosan is such a weak character bec he seemed to have a perfect life with family & friends unlike JP who had a very sad childhood.

    @pm3 Haha I think I mentioned that several times in your prev posts. I have yet to watch Dream High it’s still in my to watch list. Yes to sisterhood!

  68. Nam Da Reum is good, always like him. Halmeoni giving him the bank book i think because she felt guilty after thinking youth jp runaway with her money.

  69. Hahaha…

    Young Dal-Mi says to young JP to stop following her!

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Ella… in our English spelling ‘Won’ is the same as the currency … so apt that her surname sounds like the money, since in the end that was her (In Jae’s) goal.

    Love how Grandma knows what JP needed without him ever having to ask.

    Once again JP ‘meets’ DM, but they do not know each other yet! He did not think he is following her. He should know who she is though by now, but she is not aware of him.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Here’s grandma looking into space but with a whole PLAN!!! All ready with writing paper and pencil and words to dictate to JP. LOL. Poor kid, no way he could get out of writing that first letter.

    Do we know if he always was dictated to or if he wrote future letters all by himself?

  72. I can’t remember the source but in one of KSH’ interview he mentioned that he tried to copy Nam Da Reum’s acting for consistency. NDR is really good (and good looking)!

  73. Turns out that DalMi 2nd time met jp was when she thought he was following her. But further proven my point, he did not leave an impression with her.

    Dosan has friends because he can make and keep his friends, not having friends is because of jp’s deficit in character lol..

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleopatra, in the end JP did follow her, ie tried to figure if she really was the Dalmi of his youth, and that’s how he met Grandma again.

  75. Sand Box = to prevent children from getting hurt. To protect entrepreneurs from getting hurt even if they fall. People who can get hurt.

    The Blue Ocean or Sailing without a map = for adults who are not going to get hurt when they fail. That’s why Dosan was encouraging Dalmi to take the risk with the smart city/smart car project. They were no longer newbie entrepreneurs. They were stronger and wiser. They wouldn’t get hurt if they venture out of the Sand Box.

    And the last scene with their new office worked well with the story. They were “out of” the Sand Box.

    As they should be.

  76. Hello everyone!!! I can’t believe I missed my alarm for 7am but woke up at 3Am on other rewatch occasions. LOL! But I’m here.
    The drone show is impressive start of the episode. I got to watch a live one and it was surreal, like stars aligning in the night sky.

  77. @Cleopatra
    “Stop following me!” little did she know that he won’t leave her alone later on lol.. I love all the foreshadowing this writer do.

  78. @Diane, yeah I think I saw that interview too.
    Nam Da Reum really is good with playing young JP. You can feel the emotions

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The wise words in the letter from Grandma … every moment is a gift… don’t regret lost opportunities to enjoy people… not enough time to regret.

    She gave DM a ‘friend’, but it backfires because then, DM waits for JP instead of going out on dates, etc.

  80. @GB,

    The person Jp wanted to meet was Halmeoni all along!

  81. @Ella I actually was expecting that Dalmi met Dosan when they were young and it will be a surprise that we will find out in the end. Even thought he was one of the kids in Halmeoni’s shop. Haha! But I’m glad StartUp did not follow the tropes.

  82. yes. The person fated for JP was Halmeoni.

    Much to the chagrin of the JP fandom.

  83. @Ella,

    That is when you watch it for the second or thirt time! You get to see more details that give meaning to the whole series.

    I mean look how loved was DalMi by her father. I really love all the scenes they had together…

  84. Appa saying the letter sounds too mature and figuring out her mom was behind it. Imagine if DoSan and Appa actually meet, they will really get along.

  85. No wonder JP has a prickly personality, as he had a rough start in life: parents died and no other family member to raise him, kicked out of orphanage before age of majority. I imagine orphanages aren’t as idealized as sometimes shown in shows (such as the Kdrama Mother). I used to have a neighbor who was raised in an orphanage; he ran away because he didn’t like the beatings he got from staff. But his residence in the orphanage was in the 1930s in the USA.

    As a youth, JP does let his soft side show to Halmoni.

  86. Dalmi had a hole in her sock from DDR.

    DDR = Dance Dance Revolution.

    It’s that video game where you follow the dance steps on the monitor. Injae said that she liked Pump better, and Dalmi immediately promised to play Pump too. She idolized her sister.

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Good morning @Janey!

    I like the way show conserves by keeping the scenes as a collage of meetings with the sisters and how IJ grows cooler and cold in the end, interspersed with the letters from and to JP and the dad’s attempts to start a business. The cherry blossoms seem to be a frequent backdrop, but instead of romance… it was a background to the breakup of the sisters.

  88. @Welmaris,

    JP he is weary of people in general. He didn’t get love and for that reason he cannot love first himself then the others.

    Yes, his life was shitty but he couldn’t become better after he met Halmeoni. She loved him for real and she was kind.

  89. It is sad to see in the vignettes of the sisters getting together at the cafe that the nature of their get-togethers changes. The unni becomes more and more reserved, distant, uninterested. By the last one she’s totally into her cellphone instead of her sister.

  90. I saw an article that the original title of the series was supposed to be”Sandbox” and there was even a promo blurb with that as working title. They changed it to Star Up because there’s an entity already named Sandbox but was able to retain it for the business incubator.

  91. @GB the cherrg blossom as backdrop is important all the way untilthe end. Love the cinematography in ep1!

  92. InJae received letter from the boys and she just snubbed it, saying “Throw it away. Don’t they ever get tired? If they studied this hard, they’d win a prize.”

    Dalmi’s reaction: “Lucky you.”

    lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where the grandma got the idea that an adoring penpal would be good for Dalmi. lol.

  93. Even from the beginning, we get to see

    In Jae interested in money and Dal-Mi having a dream to do a start up!
    And here Dal Mi says the importance of Do-San in her life!

    She was bluffing but what she got in the end?

  94. Hi Janey. I told Welmaris that you’ve been waking up at 3AM for our rewatch sessions. lol. She’s from your corner of the world.

  95. Injae keep pressing DalMi to give her the name of DalMi’s partner and she blurt out DoSan’s name thinking Injae won’t remember her pen pal name.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In Jae takes meeting her long lost sister as an opportunity to bait her. What a shame!

    Unfortunately our DM falls for it. She refuses to lose out to her sister and gets bogged down by her lies. No wonder she bangs her head and acts like a lunatic.

    JP has started to follow her now!

  97. Injae pressing DalMi also because she wants to justify her choice in life because as she said she also doubt her choice. Deep down she must have some regret.

  98. @GB,

    IJ was always critical to DM, but that lie was the beginning of a lovely journey instead!

    I didn’t like that head banging part. It was awful to see…

  99. And the funny thing was mom and dad also exchanged letters, didn’t they?

    I thought it was mentioned later.

  100. Oh those DIMPLES!!!! (sic)

    *smiles innocently*

  101. Didn’t Suzy’s head hurt from banging her head lmao

  102. Hi @welmaris!!! US west coast represented here!

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What a horrid thing for In Jae to say that she thanks her sister for showing her what she’d have ended up like and saved her from regret. She does not have to doubt her choice.

    The other theme is choice and decision making in life and business and not regretting. JP later tells DM that regardless of what decision she makes, there will always be criticisms. But in choices, I guess, there should be no regrets, although we can’t help regretting some choices.

  104. Welmaris, I think the Halmeoni was a positive influence on JP. Goodness knows what would have happened to him if he didn’t meet her.

    If it weren’t for her, he would have grown up MORE bitter and angry at the world.

  105. @Cleopatra
    The dimples that launched a thousand assaults to Team Geek-Knitter lol..

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Ella yes … I feel that IJ did not want to admit that she did have regret… doubts about her choice.

    @Cleopatra, DM fortunately does not continue head banging in later episodes, but her hair tying is the sign of her girding her loins to start on something she may not like to do.

  107. @Ella,

    As an actor he is a handsome man and to be honest I have dated a man with dimples. I have dimples myself.

    Still, he was amused at that scene. He thought Dal Mi was crazy!
    And when he saw Halmeoni, JP was emotional…because he remembered his shitty attitude.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Ella and @Cleopatra, I liked those dimples since The Strongest Deliveryman

    I really like the OST.

  109. The thing that JP wanted in the world was “family.”

    We’ve been saying and this was established at the end. That’s why he was upset when he saw Dosan on the news with his family. And that’s why he picked his name from the newspapers.

    Dalmi only entered his head when Dosan began liking her. JP couldn’t let Dosan have something that he didn’t have. Dosan already had a family; he couldn’t have “his” penpal, Dalmi, too.

  110. In Jae doubted her choice to live with her mother? I doubt that. She likes money, just like her mother. Her words to her sister are so cruel, and chosen to cut as deeply as possible.

  111. @GB,

    I haven’t encountered Kim Sun Ho before.
    He has big hands too! *smiles innocently*

    Yeah to Director Yoon! I really like her!

  112. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleopatra… seeing that DM went to Grandma’s Corn Dog kiosk confirmed her identity for him. But it was seeing Grandma that got him emotional.

    What a great investor that he multiplied her savings by 10 times.

    He sees Grandma giving money to her son and his default suspicion, anger issues etc rises to the surface. Again the backdrop of the cherry blossoms.

    DM’s letter said she’d have cried for the falling flowers if not for JP’s letters.

  113. Hi there, @ melz. Welcome to the blog.

    Yes, I realized that I don’t mind Suzy’s acting in this kdrama. The only times I cringed where the moments when the director made her do exaggerated, cutesy, aegyo actions, like banging her head on the wall or jumping up like a deranged person.

    This role suited her personality…the “girl-next-door” type so there was no need to add those distracting, unnatural actions.

  114. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleopatra I love Dir Yoon!!! We need more people like her. She often has a ‘stiff neck’ LOL. Wonder why she wears that neck pillow so often at first.

  115. I was so happy for Dalmi’s father at that meeting with Director Yoon.
    She is really a MENTOR. Her ability for empathy is shown with a very subtle way.

    @GB Yes, the OST is really great!

    Halmeoni and JP’s scene: Powerful scene. and here lies the journy of Mr. REGRETs

  116. Appa getting hurt by the car but keep on pushing because he did not want to miss his opportunity.

    jp envy with Dosan came early and continue on until he learn to let go.

  117. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Welmaris, I feel that IJ’s regret would have been more in the area of abandoning her father and sister, but she was happy with getting the rich step dad and his money. She felt that her having money trumped DM’s staying on with Grandma.

  118. @cleopatra yes
    Miss Yoon is the definition of a real/great mentor

  119. This scene where DM’s dad says all these stuff about the future.
    He was a true VISIONARY that’s why DalMi is one herself.

    SHe is the daugther of the Father and to make things even better.

    My name in Greek Means: The Glory of her Father.

    Dalmi wanted to be : The Glory of her father too…So, she is like a Cleopatra to me…

  120. Hey @Melz!,

    I totally agree!

  121. @packmule3 yep that jumping scene was not it

  122. What’s with the sleep pillow around the neck of the venture capital company lady?

    She was the toxic mom in DDSSLLS.

    And I call bullshit on the dad being able to function with a head injury. I’ve had enough concussions to know the resulting headache, nausea, confusion, etc. And the nose bleed…what a trope. I guess we viewers had to see proof dad was suffering a brain bleed.

  123. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The irony is that if Dad had gone to the hospital, he would likely have survived that accident, however, he’d have missed the chance to meet Dir Yoon. It was because of that meeting and how he looked so pathetic with bleeding nose, and told that story of the sand under the swing for his daughter, that in the end there was Sand Box, and that DM got her future as an entrepreneur.

    That ‘chicken’ that DM asks for is so poignant. So much consideration, so much promise and she never got to receive it in the end.

  124. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleopatra wow “The Glory of the father” what a nice meaning to a name.

  125. What a beautiful name and meaning @Cleopatra! ❤️

    And yes, Ms Yoon is really the mentor here. I like her especially with her gray hair in the present. She is cool!

  126. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I thought that the Sand Box island is so cool… it does look like the sand one lays out under the swing… oval in shape under one swing. That girl on swing logo is so nice too. One pushes oneself to go higher and to keep the swing moving. Like in business.

    What pathos the chicken questions and when Grandma brings JP the shoes. Took such a long time for his prickles to go down.

  127. Yes, I remember you telling us that you hit your head, Welmaris.

    This whole traffic accident. I was wondering if the writer could have reworked that and had the accident AFTER the meeting, on the way to the chicken store, would it make any difference to the plot.

  128. @GB

    Your point got me so emotional. crying over how Dalmi’s father was still able to secure a future for Dalmi despite his death.

  129. Thank you @GB and @Janey!

    Κλεοπάτρα / Cleopatra : Κλέος (glory) (kleos) + Πάτρα από το Πατήρ (patra / pater )(Father)

    Ms Yoon’s gray hair shows her wisdom. Haelmoni has grey hair too.

  130. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL Grandma says the opposite of what’s expected with JP … he’s to only go to her when he’s in trouble, or she’d be jealous. He kept himself from crying out loud. It was so patently a lie of hers. At last he gives her the only thing she’d ever want from him … a nice warm hug and caring words.

    I like that he greeted her again with a hug too.

  131. Do the falling cherry blossoms have any significant meaning?
    As seen from the night Dalmi lost her father

  132. I think the production crew in charge of costumes did a good job. Although the neck pillow was funny for me but a lot of people in the IT industry dress up like that and uses neck pillow bec of all nighters. Even the SST boys nailed the programmers look with their plaid shirts/slip ons or sneakers. Even Saha, the “fashionable” people in our office are the designers. LOL! Even the Silicon Valley look (shirt and jeans with blazer and cool sneakers).

  133. I was so sad that one understood that Dad was having a stroke inside the bus…

  134. I’m ultra sensitive to depictions of head injuries in shows: blows to the head, even resulting in unconsciousness, then the victim continues as if nothing happened. My sister-in-law’s life changed forever after one fall (she just tipped over while standing on her own feet, not falling from a high place) when her head hit the hard floor and her skull was cracked in three places. She required two surgeries to stop the bleeding, and another surgery a month later to put in a permanent drain to release buildup of spinal fluid. She was in a semi-comatose state for two years, had to relearn to talk, walk, eat, etc. She will never be able to live independently, always needing 24-hour care.

  135. @packmule3

    I don’t think that would impact the storyline if they were to change the sequence of the accident because yes it’s rather unbelievable that he manage to do the presentation after getting hit by a car

    Little DalMi was very eloquent and philosophical, her letter doesn’t sound like it was written by 12 years old

  136. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Gen oh more emotion with that bus scene and not being able to talk anymore and to be thought of as drunk when he was dying. And the loss of the chicken that he took the trouble to buy.

    So much pathos that everyone left on that same night. JP left Grandma and dad, mum and IJ left DM.

    Grandma can’t possibly sweep up those petals…. so many trees are shedding, like tears. An impossible task.

  137. Sailing without a map topic is introduced here and Dir Yoon used the metaphor on her question to DM’s dad. “You’re drifting in a vast ocean, there 2 things that can happen… die of thirst or survive”. And “hold out drinking seawater until it rains”.

  138. @Welmaris oh my! So sorry to hear that. Must be so hard for your family esp her husband.

  139. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Although DM didn’t manage to say goodbye to her dad, at least in their phone call she’d said that she loved him.

    And so we get that magic petal that flies across country, peeps in at JP and Grandma but then goes on to the rooftop office of NDS and selects just that one person to land on. LOL. (I did read @pkml3’s post on it)

  140. The single wind-blown, wandering cherry blossom petal is very reminiscent of the feather in Forrest Gump.

  141. @Welmaris,

    So sorry to hear that too. 🙁

  142. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like Grandma’s first words to JP when they meet again. “Are you okay?”

    And at last he gets a chance to ‘pay her back’.

    Show teases us by showing us one guy after another before we get to see NDS.

  143. The petal of destiny make an appearance lol.. I saw these pictures of set designs for StartUp, it’s incredible in details.

  144. @GB yes, everyone left DM. Maybe, that was why she was very attached to the idea of Dosan in the letters because she felt that that person was the only one who could she rely on and find source of comfort from since he didn’t leave her during a tough or difficult time.

  145. Yes.

    Cherry blossoms in kdrama are supposed to evoke the transience or fleetingness of life. So when the Daddy passed away and the cherry blossoms drifted down, that scene meant that a life was cut short before it could live to its fullness.

    Here where I live (lol, I won’t tell you where) there’s a cherry blossom festival every year (except this year…covid). And timing is tricky. Once it blooms, I drag my hubby right away for a romantic walk under the cherry blossoms.

  146. @Janey Good catch on the intro of sailing off without a map from Dir Yoon’s words

    @GB the petal flying and landing on our best boy! 😍

  147. @Melz the falling cherry blossoms signify losing a person. DM lost her sister when she moved to US in that backdrop when they fought. Then the dad passed away. And lastly the letters also stopped since JP as DS pen pal moved away.

  148. everyone shall we continue to Ep2?

  149. Really loved the loading sign and then “face” to Dosan!!! Really creative in introducing Dosan plus his technology hahaha

  150. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Welmaris, you have mentioned your sister-in-law before… I heard of a similar case with a husband who just got out of bed, fell and hit his head. Head injuries are scary!!!

  151. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In the epilogue and the quick scenes of the future, we get to see a preview of what Do San’s programming will be able to do.

  152. I remembered something from our Archaaelogy class about the flowers petals meaning but I wasn’t sure. It was used in burial rituals.
    I have to check again the passage of the book I read it though.

    And Episode 1 came to an end!

  153. @Diane, my husband and I are responsible for her. Her husband died of a heart attack four years after her accident, and her stepchildren tried to cheat her out of all her savings and real estate. I don’t have a job outside the home because I leave myself free to arrange and take her to all her medical appointments, etc.

  154. For Episode 2 I am in! @Ella!

  155. Yes, thanks for reminding me.

    Dir Yoon did point that out about the ocean because dangerous.

    I reminded me of that Breton fisherman’s prayer.

    “Dear God, be good to me. The sea is so wide and my boat is so small.”

  156. So much loss for Dalmi on that spring night. 😢 that’s why the letter brought her so much comfort even if she did not meet the writer in person. And of course, grandma. I love her relationship with grandma, they are super close. But she did not have other close friends of her age which is kind of sad.

  157. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Gen… and Everyone… do we know if he kept up writing to her after that 1 year? He went off to University. Did he keep coming back to place a letter in the birdhouse?

    @Janey … no letters after JP moved away, right?

    @Ella, I don’t mind Ep 2 but not today/tonight of course!! LOL.

  158. @GB,

    No didn’t continue writing letters to her after JP went to the University.
    I believe DM was mourning the passing of her father too.

    As for Episode2 tell me the date and I am in!

  159. Did anyone else see The School Nurse Files. Nam Joo Hyuk played an odd character in that. The whole drama was odd, very odd. I’ll be glad to see him in a role where he doesn’t have to limp. I did like him in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.

  160. After losing so much that spring, 15 yrs later, the cherry blossom will start to bring back what Dalm lost and more -her sister, her Dosan, and her father thru her start up!
    The journey has just started!

  161. Halmeoni was pestering jp if something is wrong, well since he disappeared without words for 15 years no wonder if she thought something was seriously wrong.

    Are you married? Not yet. That’s a problem. Why is that a problem? You’re unmarried in your 30s. I’m too busy with work. Bullshit. Halmeoni doesn’t mince her word.

  162. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    For our friends in Australia, will it be possible to start another group watch earlier? Tentatively on Saturdays I may be able to keep a few nights free. How about 12:00 UTC (8pm SGT?) on a Saturday?

  163. @GB
    No basically the letter ended abruptly when Jp left. Halmeoni can’t really continue on as well she need jp’s handwriting.

  164. @Janey you are right!

    It is the cycle of life, like the four seasons. What an amazing though!

  165. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Janey I was thinking what irony that towards the end, all that left and could return, did return to DM… her penpal, her sister, her mum too!!

  166. @GB about Dalmi’s hair tying indicating she’s getting ready for battle: Tae Eul also did that in TKEM. Shall we add it to our trope list?

  167. @Janey that makes a lot of sense now thank you so much

    From my first watch, I seemed to have missed a lot of stuff so I’m quite excited about these rewatch parties that are being held. Plus this such an amazing place to hold discussions after every episode after my horrible experience on other platforms. Can’t wait to do this again y’all have been amazing.

  168. @Welmaris what an amazing thought too!

    When Tae Eul was tying her hair Lee Gon was kinda afraid! LMAO!

  169. @GB
    I’m the most flexible in regards to timing for re-watch. Any agreed time and I will make it work hahaha..

  170. @Cleopatra and @GB – this is the gift of the rewatch and this blog… Seeing these connections. The writer did a great ep1!
    Thanks again for the rewatch. My kid saw me watching and said “Start Up again?!!!” LOL 😂

  171. @Welmaris I checked out The School Nurse Files and as odd as it was I surprisingly enjoyed it. I still don’t even know wth was going on but it was a cute show. Plus NJH portrayed Hong Inpyo quite well.

  172. About the childhood letter exchange: I know Halmoni initiated it, but it appears to me the words were all JP’s, with a little input from Halmoni on the first one. But every time she made a suggestion, he shot her down and wrote what he wanted. I think he is eloquent, and was so even as a youth. He’s deep, but emotionally guarded with people because he had such a rough upbringing. When he writes he may become less guarded.

  173. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Welmaris by all means … add on to the tropes list LOL.

    @melz yes, all who can get by our intrepid @pkml3 and enter here are welcome!!

  174. @Janey,

    My folks and I finished watching Start-up yesterday!
    So, my mum was here too. She even asked me if we are going to watch Episode 2! LMAO…

    That’s why for some Series I get to watch them two or three times.
    I have watched TKEM gazillion times. I have installed Netflix app on my smartphone and when I am on the metro I am watching the scenes I like.

    It was a great time watching Episode 1 with all of you! I really appreciate everyone and especially you ladies who woke up to be with us!

    I really enjoyed it and thank you for the company!

  175. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So @Ella and Everyone … do we want to set the next Group Watch for Ep 2 for next Saturday, 23 January? I’m boldly saying 12:00 UTC, (I have something on most of the day!!) but it should be night time for me, and so okay by then.

  176. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, ditto to what @Cleopatra says … Thanks everyone and @Cleopatra for accompanying me on this watch. It’s been great fun! This is a far better show than I expected.

  177. Yes. that hair-tying thing is now a trope.

    Also, I read/watched/heard somewhere that Korean guys find that part of the body sexy. You know, that nape. I guess, in lieu of cleavages, the nape does look sexy especially when the hair is tied up high in an innocent ponytail. lol.

  178. @Welmaris @Melz – I watch School Nurse Files. Did not understand much but just went on for the ride since it was only 6 eps. NJH acted that role pretty well, his aura looked different from NDS and his other dramas which I really like. I can differentiate his acting.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! Ep 2 is great with the networking meet up of DS and DM. And this has my favorite bike scene of DS with his curly nest of hair.

    I’m off to Uncanny Counter ep 13 or else, I can never catch up to what BoD is watching. 😉 cheers!!!

  179. Does anyone here understand why the young JP has to be so rude with the real estate agent guy? It really puzzles me. He doesnt mean anything offensive when he told JP to try investing for real since he has the talent.

  180. @GB,

    I believe that Start-Up is one of the best productions of 2020 for its realistic arc.

    I am in for next Saturday for Episode 2, as long as I have the time!

    Goodnight to you!

  181. @PM3 – hair tying trope… there’s one in ep10 of True Beauty when JK tied her hair when she started working on the coffee shop and SJ was mesmerized! 😊

  182. @Janey, what part of the West Coast are you in? I’m in the Greater LA area. And when COVID is over, I’ll be back to spending several weeks a year in Seattle.

    @Packmule3: an off-topic note. I haven’t watched any of Uncanny Counter, but I read your first few posts. In one you analyzed the meaning of counter in the title. In later posts, did you look into the meaning of uncanny? Have you heard of the term uncanny valley? It relates to animation and robotics: how there’s a point when a humanoid’s appearance, as it approaches what looks real, makes viewers increasingly uncomfortable because something just isn’t right.

  183. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Mye Young JP was a disenfranchised and angry young man with trust issues. He’d been kicked out of the orphanage without a means to continue to keep himself. He was also smart and knew the situation well. He was going to burst out at any time with anyone. His personality was not at all the subservient type, and not reasonable at that stage or age. He didn’t like how others jumped to conclusions about him or read him too well.

  184. @Mye
    He’s inherently a prickly guy and distrust people in general because of his background.

  185. @Welmaris – I’m based in NorCal, close to Bay Area.

  186. Hi everyone!

    Just want to share this pretty great read from Reddit but avoid the comment section haha! It’s an excellent write-up about SU’s cinematography.

    Pretty bummed I missed the watch party last night again (real life came calling), but gonna read through your discussion now! 😀

  187. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @jinyangie Sorry that you couldn’t be with us, and thanks for the link. Maybe join us for an earlier viewing next time?

  188. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Wow!! @jinyangie I’m soooo impressed by the writer of those Reddit posts with all the links showing exactly what she (I think it’s a she) means by the points she is highlighting. She is so thorough, going into so much detail. Although I’ve know about mis en scene and cinematography as an armchair viewer who’s vaguely interested and been watching videos on these things, I haven’t come across such an eye for detail and explanation as this writer has done. She deserves many pats on the back.

  189. @jinyangie
    Sorry you couldn’t join us yesterday and thanks for the warning on the comments section, also make me realize when reading anything StartUp related avoid the comments section is probably a good rule of thumbs 😆

  190. @GrowingBeautifully I was so amazed while reading the post, too, as I have no knowledge about cinematography. I appreciate all the examples and links she (i think she, too) and reminded of the discussions here. I like how she pointed out the petal scene, too!

    @Ella I sometimes catch myself reading the comment section, too, then I’d immediately realize why I don’t. Haha!

    Crossing my fingers that I get to join the next watch party!

  191. Great article @jinyangie! Thanks for sharing, I’m learning so much. The examples were good and having watched some of the scenes many times made appreciate it even more. Hope you can join us in the next rewatch.

  192. Hey Ladies!

    @jinyangie I really enjoyed the article! I took a theather & cinema lesson for my Uni degree two years ago, and we have discussed about (Ancient and modern) theather and cinema. We did learn about the origins of Cinema and the theory regarding it, so I have learned some things about it here and there.

    Those people who have written these ESSAYS, they know their material pretty well.

    As a student, I wrote two essays about two movies and we tried to see how the Director used expressive meanings in several plans, regarding the script. I love cinematography for that reason alone.

    The thing is that you cannot understand the scenes if you watch them just once. You have to rewatch it several times.
    I remember watching the movies twice or three times in order to discover the scenes that mattered to me in order to analyze them.
    And then to rewatch the specific scenes over and over again, so as to not miss anything while describing them!

    I am really grateful for BOD with @Packmule3’s wonderful blog threads and everyone’s comments, that makes me look for the international terminology in order to fully express myself – we mostly used the greek terms with some exceptions.

    @Jinyangie, I do hope you we get to see you in our next rewatch!

    Have a nice Sunday Everyone! <3

  193. Hello Ladies,

    Kalimera from my part of the world. I wanted to ask if we are going to rewatch Episode 2 this Saturday! And if yes, what will be the hour?

  194. should we just continue in this thread? can @GB join in earlier on saturday? so our friends down under can join in.

  195. Hey @Ella,

    I think I remember that @GB said something about 12:00 UTC but I am not that sure. Her comment is somewhere in this blog thread.

    Hopefully she will see this comment and will reply!

    Hope all is well with you!

  196. Ella, just set it an hour earlier if you wish so it’s not too late for the viewers in the Philippines, Singapore?

    Will open a new thread for you after the time, date and ep # are finalized. Thanks. 🙂

    @ agdr03 won’t be able to join us. 🙁

    More prayers for her and her family please.

  197. @Packmule3,

    Oh my! I will pray for her some more… 🙁

  198. Thanks, @ cleopatra. It’s her mother now who needs our prayer. Like Table122000, it’s hard to dispel our fears and anxieties when our family members are concerned. Because we can’t control what happens to them, we feel helpless.

  199. @Packmule3,

    You are welcome. I will pray for her mom then. I do hope everything turns out to be okay in the end.

    I totally understand what you are saying. We indeed worry about our loved ones. Especially our parents and siblings.

  200. @Packmule3
    Please give my regards to @agdr03 my prayer goes out for her mother for health and healing, also for her family for strength and comfort in difficult times.

  201. on the timing for the rewatch does anyone mind if we do it two hour earlier? 9pm singapore time?

  202. Dear @Ella,

    As long as you tell me the exact hour, I will try to be online.

    I have informed @GB to see this thread for the Episode’s 2 rewatch.

  203. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 Yes, we are praying for @agdr03’s mum. Even for myself, long term uncertainty and vague fear can take their toll. One does not realise one is constantly under stress.

    @Ella @Cleopatra
    I’m fine for 9pm Singapore time. In fact it’s probably better for me. I should be done with the day’s event and resting after dinner. 😀

    Thanks so much for organising this. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

  204. @GB thanks

    @packmule3 let’s lock in on Saturday, 23rd Jan 2021

    13:00pm UTC
    08:00am EST
    05:00am PST
    09:00pm Singapore, Philippines
    08:00pm Indonesia
    03:00pm Greece
    12:00am Sydney (Sunday)
    08:30pm India

    I hope I’m doing it right with the time 😁

  205. Hey Ladies @GB and @Ella,

    I am in! See you this Saturday (sort of speech)!

  206. Ok. Thanks! Will open a thread for us.

  207. See you on Saturday!!! Cheers!

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