61 Comments On “Sisyphus: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yay! Thanks @pkml3. I may not be able to watch it raw tonight, but I’ll definitely try!!! I aim to come up with some version of a theory, the wilder, the better!!!

  2. I was thinking about that.
    How can you be sure that there will be chases and fights in a drama?
    Put 3 different organizations on the backs of the heroes. ^^

    I don’t see how Tae Eul is going to be able to sit in his lab when he is so threatened. It all depends on the attitude of ICB. As an organization with the powers of the NIS, they can easily trace anyone.
    – On the one hand, they have the right to hunt down Seo Hae.
    – On the other hand, Tae Eul has a legal existence.
    ICB has chosen a legal way to get rid of Tae Eul.
    – First, they wanted to make a “MeToo” article or discredit it because of the pills.
    – But now, they manipulated Manager Eddie (perhaps with the complicity of Vice President Kim Han Yong) to sign Tae Eul’s resignation agreement.

  3. Spoiler alert
    She was 9 years when the war broke out. She’s finally remembering details of her childhood while spending time with TaeSul.

    Her original pink diary was given to her by Taesul. He gave her a new one, which looked similar to her old one, and she realized the significance.

    Taesul also gave her a cellphone. This is a kdrama boyfriend trope: guy giving GF a phone and insisting on a cutesy nickname. But Taesul just went with their first names.

  4. I didnt read your spoiler yet….. 🙂
    Im lauching ep5 download. ! !.!.!
    Just have to wait 10 min, then.. WATCH it.!!!!!!!!

    (* : male hysteria case)

  5. @packmule3 that would align with 120930 being her birthdate. But how does she not remember how to eat a banana 🙄? Maybe her dad’s wedding ring was not on because he was on duty or something. Ah well, might just sit back and watch to try to make sense of it.

  6. 🤪 This is kdrama. I wouldn’t be surprised if the writer used dissociative amnesia as excuse. Seohae blocked out most of her childhood memories (including how to eat a banana) because of the traumatic event of the nuclear Holocaust. But, by bits and pieces, the memories resurfaced because she’s in the company of Taesul — or something schmaltzy like that.

    Wedding ring wasn’t visible either during her birthday party. 😆 Another prop director fail.

    SeoJin isn’t part of the conspiracy. She’s beginning to believe the crazy ramblings of Taesul and his brother, who was also a former patient of hers.

  7. Yes, I readed all now.
    Not so many new thing in this quite slow episode. But of course, I watched it once, so I probably missed many.

    Other usefull information : the key open the box that contains some technicals paper writed by Tae Sul, about how to make time machine uploader. Maybe he don’t need this if he remember what. At the end of the episode, he build something, and check if Seo Hae sleep (if he built a uploader component, he don’t want she see him).
    But as it don’t look like super high-tech futuristic thing, maybe he’s just preparing is next McGiver stuff, for the next event, facing policeman Jung with a Barret M82 rifle. Look like it’s the same one used by the Sigma Killer of episode 3. ICB took the weapon and give it to Jung now.

  8. @PM3,
    I have an explanation for dissociative amnesia and don’t remember how to eat bananas.
    You know, when there is a nuclear explosition, there is also an EMP (Electromagnetic pulse).
    And this could affect the brain !!!
    Still, a bit pulled by the hairs. 😉

    Now, I watched season 6 of 24h, Jack Bauer take an huge EMP explosion 5 meters away (shut down all the city!), and didn’t have brain problems. But maybe is brain is more hardware than software stuff. 🙂

  9. Ep5 thoughts

    Scene opens at the bridge. They have divers looking for them.  Meanwhile, we see our intrepid duo at the shores (not sure how TSul managed to swim so far undetected in broad daylight but whatever).  The reeds don’t quite cover the fact that PSH flicks her hair off her face and re-positions her legs so that she looks like she’s passed out (👀)…which is exactly what SH is as TSul drags her limp body further up the embankment.   TSul notes that she’s not breathing!  No way!  Maybe her hair flicking and leg movements were just pure reflex?  Can’t have a stray strand of hair sitting in the middle of your face when TSul is doing CPR.  Conveniently her gun (when did that fall out?  and her diary (which is closed now) is lying just so next to them.  What a man,  TSul managed to salvage all that as well, even her backpack (which must’ve come loose because it’s not on her – they should sue. I am pretty sure she clipped and double clipped before she leapt off that bridge) on top of saving SH. 🥰.  But wait.  Those things were already further in the shoreline BEFORE he dragged her body up the embankment.  Which can only mean he did 2 trips.  Salvaged the items first…then went back in to save her?  But whatever.  What’s important is that she lives.  Thanks to TSul.  So much for her hubris about saving him.  That’s twice he’s saved her.  (And I have officially given up on the person in charge of props.  Not to be trusted so forget looking at them for Easter eggs).

    Kdrama Trope tick
    Accidental kiss – care of CPR – tick
    Piggyback ride – care of passed out SH – tick

    TSul takes her to…wait…why not his apartment?  I guess he realized CB would be swarming in all the usual places right now…so he takes her to his ex’s office.  Side note – she must earn big bucks because look at the size of her “office”.  Maybe she counsels multiple celebrities on the side.   TSul is adorably dorky complaining about his back and how exhausted he is as he tries to tend to her wound.  Just he finds the disinfectant, the lights turn on and…his ex SJ appears… Awkward… SJ makes to try to call security or dial 119.   TSul tries to explain.  SJ wells up because she thought he was dead… don’t fall for it TSul… but he does… he apologizes to her but acts super concerned as SJ tends to SH.    She pronounces, “She’s malnourished.”  Eh?  Don’t get me wrong but she doesn’t look anything but?  Never mind.   She puts SH on a drip.  Wow, for a psych she is fully kitted out.  Just for emergencies like this you know?  TSul spills everything to SJ.  She puts on her psych hat and tells him he’s delusional and needs hospitalization.  😂. SJ gives him an ultimatum.  Leave before the morning with your “gf”.  But not before TSul charms her into giving him her credit card (you know, for old time’s sake). Smooth…  As our OTP is allowed some alone time, TSul contemplates reading the diary.  But decides against it as SH is tossing having a nightmare(?) with a requisite aesthetic tear in the corner of her eye.  TSul rushes to her side and hears her mutter, “Omma”.

    She wakes the next morning and casually rips the catheter off without batting an eyelid (TSul winces on her behalf).  He passes her her backpack, then tells her he salvaged her gun and diary.  She glares at him with accusing eyes suspecting him of reading it. He assures her he didn’t.  Then gives her the locket…how?  Never mind… her face softens and she looks grateful?  He even bought her new clothes.  Marry him SH.  Marry him now.  He even took to heart what SJ said… and bought her boxes of pizza and Cola (yes don’t forget the Cola.  Never know when you might need to use them as projectiles to take out a Tact Team).  And even supplements.  😂. 💍. She tells him about the impending war.  And that she has to save him and stop him from inventing the uploader. When he asks her the critical question as to who gave her the mission.  Her eyes cloud over and she hesitates… and we don’t hear her reply.  They head to convenience store and TSul tells her to live a life without him (after giving her some cash which he withdraws from the ATM presumably with SJ’s credit card – the nerve of the man 🤣) and that he’ll work something out on his own.  SH says she’s relying on her diary as her life manual and reiterates that she has to stay by his side and protect him to avoid the war.  TSul is unconvinced.  I will do it alone.  She calls him a selfish jerk, bins the money he gave her but not before she tells him that there’s lots of money in the future too, but they use it to light fires (as fuel) and walks out in a huff. 

    Officer Jung’s story
    CB chief’s right hand man is literally just his “right hand man” because…well…his left arm is in a cast…that’s what you get for slapping a woman.  CB Chief decides to enlist Officer Jung.  He tells all.  Wait… the CB was formed in 2002?  When the first illegal immigrant was detected?  What happened to 2019?  🙄.  CB are utilizing the Lotto department to pick up illegals.  Banking on everyone being money grubbing greedy lowlifes wanting to win big.  Okay.  Great thinking.  🤔 Just as we echo Jung’s incredulity, CB Chief drops the news that his mom is dead.   Jung is released and heads back to the chaos in his mother’s home.  We see SH’s dad at the scene too.  And yeah CB Chief frames SH as the killer and painting the people in the future as greedy selfish individuals who take what is rightfully the property of people in the here and now.  Officer Jung is no more.  He is now Agent Jung with a licence to kill.

    TSul and SH both have episodes – TSul seeing his brother everywhere and SH getting dizzy spells (is this radiation sickness?). SH instinctively does the one thing she’s been programmed to do…she breaks out into a run…right into the middle of a busy intersection where the cars screech to a stop and she stands bewildered amid the honking and yells.  TSul comes to her…again… that’s the 3rd time he’s saved her.  Yes I am counting.  She owes him big time.  And would you believe it?  The world metaphorically stops for them because they carry on a deep and meaningful conversation right there…in the middle of the intersection amid all the people spectating.  They make a pact right there as cars drive around to avoid them.  Way to let CB pinpoint their exact location. Forget subtlety or being covert.

    Turf war in the future. Lots of gunfire and swearing. Everyone has military grade guns but fruit cocktail is a luxury. Fancy that? Mental note – stock up on fruit cocktail in the bunker. Because it’s the currency of the future. I’ll trade you 1 tin for 100 rounds of ammo. We see SH and her dad reminisce about the past. Not sure how she can remember tteobokki lunches made by her mom when she was at school but conveniently forget how to peel a banana or what a sauna is. She must have been a very clueless 8yo (or maybe she was isolated as a child and had no fun outside of home and school). But whatever.

    Back to the present. TSul and SH at a sauna. She drinks the bath water. 😂. Much to the disgust of TSul. And she orders the meal her dad told her about. Thank goodness she still remembers how to eat with chopsticks. At least she has some decorum. She’s never seen a smartphone before either. He gives her a “new diary” to replace the one she lost. And she notes that that’s how she got it in the first place. They head back to TSul’s house because that’s where he hid the key (which is to the safe that contains blueprints for the uploader). They nearly get caught by Eddy but no…saved by a phone call. And they are stuck in his home for the night as security swarms around outside to prevent future break ins. She gets to sleep in his extremely large bed whilst TSul being the gentleman, takes the comfy leather lounge. Wait SH does remember how to use a cellphone. Flashback to her home life. Birthday celebrations with her family. 8 candles. So she’s 8 then. She gets a cell phone as a present. I guess time travel messes with her memories? She remembers some things but not others. They share a moment over beers. We learn that TSan is a train (!!!) maintenance worker. SH was at the train depot when she first arrived. He asks her where she would like to go. She wants to go to an amusement park and ride the Viking. TSul recounts how he used to work as the operator of the ride and people would vomit on him…and just when he’s getting to the best part…she nods off on his shoulder. Love is definitely in the air. ❤️ If you can talk bodily fluids with abandon, you’ve connected at a visceral level. TSul’s eyes wander over her face…and rests on her lips…and rips his gaze away. NO…I MUST resist…I will NOT kiss her. And he closes his eyes to try to forget that this beautiful sexy Lara Croft with the improbable mix of danger and naivety is just sleeping by his side.

    Scene change
    Officer Jung at the the Columbarium mourning over his deceased mother. CB Chief walks in to pay his respects. He hands Jung some money. It is customary to give money at Asian funerals to help cover costs. He tells Jung that he’s (Jung) been reported “missing”. So I guess that means he works for the CB now, not the Police. Next we see them at CB HQ and the team is running through the details about TSul and 250811.

    Time line. Busan where the pair were first seen. 3 days later, they get to Jung’s house and his mom is killed. 6 days have passed and their trail has gone cold. And somehow through the statements of other illegals (who though? 🤔 we’re not told) the CB have worked out where they will be in the future (the party). Jung wants in on the operation.

    SH is sleeping on the lounge and we see TSul back to his MacGyvering ways soldering something.

    Back at CB HQ, Jung is handed a sniper rifle whilst the rest of the team locks and loads their arsenal of weaponry.

    Show down next ep.

  10. 🤪 I noticed her brushing her hair off her face too! Park Shin Hye must not have heard the director call, “Action!”

    And all her stuff conveniently washed up on the shore right up beside them. 🍌🍌

    This Director isn’t a rookie, though. He’s done City Hunter, Master’s Sun, Dr Stranger, and Legend of the Blue Sea.

    Re Taesul complaining about his back: I think that’s a running joke: he has a bad back. When they escaped Hyunsik’s place by jumping out the window, he also hurt his back. I think he doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with a young woman like a SeoHae. 😉

    Is the locket waterproof?

    Yah! I told you this drama reminded me of pizza and soda. 🍕🍕🥤I’m glad their first meal was pizza and coke, with a side order of burger and buffalo wings. That’s my go-to *breakfast* food, too. (Not!)

    I groaned when SeoHae trashed the money. Huh? A few days ago, she couldn’t even afford to buy herself a train ticket. I would have taken the money and watched over him from afar.

    I’ll continue this on the blog.

  11. I did not want to take a peek but I can’t resist reading @nrllee’s recap! 😂 And also other spoilers. This will calm me as I watch later tonight and keep an eye on stuff. Much appreciated!

  12. @PM3, you’re at 50% on your kdrama food comparisons!!! Incidentally, I’m having pizza for dinner tonight.

    And since you’re shelving/hiding your Girl Scout cookies and evading them for lent, Dear M release is delayed due the alleged bullying accusations on one of the actresses. Who knows, it may release in time for Easter.

  13. @nrllee,
    Some lol in your recap. I bounce back on this, because I forgot it.
    So, Tae Sul take all this money, but it’s So Jin money !!!
    He empty her bank account !!
    And where is all her money now ?
    10 second after being out of the bank store.
    In a garbage can !!!
    I hope the shop owner will think about to look in the garbage and become rich

    ICB and loto :
    My translation of the episode was bad, and I didn’t understand that when watching.
    Thanks !
    So what will happens to the blond young guy Sun ?
    He win loto then is emprisoned by ICB ?

  14. A new theory, one!


    Sigma is a mystery that viewers want to know.
    And the scriptwriters want to maintain this mystery.
    To do so, they use the characters, who ask themselves about who Sigma is.
    Tae Sul asks: Is it a person or an organization?
    The script insists on this, this assumption is repeated elsewhere in the episode.
    Person or organization?

    Here I recognize the process: making Sigma’s revelation incredible, and for that to happen, the characters’ assumptions must be wrong.

    So Sigma is neither a person nor an organization.

    Sigma is…


    Sigma is a concept !!

    I think of Sigma a bit like death in the movies “Final Destination”, or the absurd construction of the Cube in the movie Cube.

    Σ : we see that the symbol of Sigma becomes an infinite eight in the credits. ∞
    However, ∞ represents the myth of Sisyphus, the rock that you have to push every day.
    And my previous theory was that this myth is the eternal and unchanging time loop in which all the characters in the drama are trapped.

    Σ –> ∞

    Sigma is the process needed to ensure that the loop is forever.
    Sigma = Sum of all, sum of all the elements to make the loop complete.
    Sum of the global timeline : before, during, after.
    Everything that is missing for the loop to be forever, Sigma will complete it, and create the unnatural, non-human adjustments to make it happen.

    I’m thinking of the killer in episode 3, I don’t know if it’s a killer sent by the ICB of the future, or an agent of Sigma. But I think that his failure to kill Tae Sul was inevitable, even if the killer wants to accomplish his mission, Sigma does not. This attack just has to provoke other events. And the killer confirms this by telling Seo Hae, “You know how this will end”.

    If the time loop is not finished and unchanging, it means possible creation of paradox, or re-writing of this time zone. Rewriting time in this zone leads to the rewriting of all future tenses after this time zone.
    However, this is impossible for Sigma, because it is as if the Future has to change constantly.
    Whereas in my previous theory I put it this way, time is linear and is composed of :
    Time before the loop – Time during the loop – Time after the loop.
    The time before and after the loop must never change.
    So that the events of the loop, even if they involve time distortion effects (alterations, time travel) remain circumscribed within this time zone, and never cause a different consequence for the time after the loop. This zone is similar to a delayed, isolated and invariant quantum experiment of delayed choice.

    In a nutshell, Sigma is: don’t piss off your mess on time!

    We can see Sigma as the conceptual avatar of the Gods. The force that obeys the will of the Gods to maintain the Sisyphus loop.
    Any individual, object, event can become an agent of Sigma without their knowledge.
    But they are not necessarily and only unconscious agents.
    It is also possible that Sigma has a cult, just as the Gods have a cult.
    A cult leader who is aware of all these phenomena and wishes to serve Sigma, believing that he is part of this great divine destiny. From this person’s point of view, Sigma is not a hostile or evil force, quite the contrary. It is the necessary and sacred principle to preserve time from chaos.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WEnchanteur and everyone, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and theories. Just a couple of things that occurred to me with Episode 5.

    After reading theories, I looked again at the title of this show and it ends off with ‘The Myth’. Horrors!! I imagine much hair pulling if all our protagonists are going through now where they continually fail to avoid a catastrophic future, is just a MYTH!!! Imagine if the diary entries are a myth or everything Broker Park described. I’d be most upset (to put it mildly) with ‘fake news’!

    However, I feel the objective of the plot is to make the future holocaust a myth. It looks like a Sisyphean task, but the boulder will not always be so huge or the slope will be less inclined, as more bits and pieces are added to the current knowledge, the way that Jung gave extra information to SH in this time line. Therefore in the end, what she came to prevent will become a myth indeed!

    Thoughts on Seo Hae: For all that she’s got training in armed and unarmed combat and how to survive, she’s really more like a naïve girl in her way of thinking, still into pretty pink girly stuff and BTS, and a bit idealistic too, to believe that if she follows the instructions she wrote to herself, she would save the world. I guess it’s a suicide mission for her. She went in likely knowing when she’d die (from the diary?) but she chose to go anyway.

    It is appropriate however that she has the right moves for a ‘soldier’ because her dad, being a cop, would have trained her well.

    An imperfect memory – she can remember that mum made Ddokbokki for her in school but she can’t remember Jajangmyeon (she was too young?). She had actually seen the Forbes cover with Tae Sul on it but had ignored him and torn out the page with BTS. She’d promptly forgotten Tae Sul until somehow his name cropped up in the diary.

    Thoughts on Tae Sul: I know his brother is his only family and that he regrets how harshly he sent him off before TSan disappeared, but he really ought to think that if his brother is avoiding him, there must be a compelling reason, and he should consider respecting his brother’s wishes. However he’s been so indulged for so long, he only wants what he wants and is all out to get it, regardless of the tragedy it might cause.

    He’s however still the caring soul. After hearing that SH is malnourished he’s tuned in to feeding her when she just looks in the direction of food. LOL

    He not only buys her old diary for her for 150 million won, but buys her a fresh diary, which ironically will loop the younger current SH back into the past.

    The fronts of the diaries look the same… a rabbit draped over a huge orange carrot. The diaries differ by their accessories. SH’s old diary had a dangling string of beads, with one dangling star and the new diary has 2 dangling stars.

    Thoughts on Seo Jin: She may be more disposed to believe Tae Sul, because she had been Tae San’s therapist as well. She decided not to report Tae Sul and Seo Hae in the end, otherwise the ICB would have heard it over the phone and would have been running all over her office. Next episode may see her change, though.

    Similarity between TSul and SH He hid his key in plain sight among many other keys and SH thought it was good that they hang out in a sauna busy with people. They were also standing for a long time in very plain sight, in a very busy intersection of the road, where there would surely be several CCTV cameras. I’ll have to see the next episode to know if this ever came to the knowledge of the all powerful ICB.

  16. @GB,

    Get it !
    Sisyphus is not reality, it’s “a myth” !
    Our heroes have to kill the myth, so make a better reality !
    But… How could you kill a myth made by gods ? damn !
    It’s why mortals always get problems with gods.
    They want to make thing only allowed for gods.
    Like to be more beautiful than Aphrodite.

    Episode 6…
    … Download in progress….
    tic tac tic tac tic tac

  17. Too much to say about episode 6.
    I can’t do that now.

    But it was a – damn – good – episode. Oo

    2 plot twists from nowhere.
    Huge information in first scene.
    Evil woman psychiatrist and her father.
    (a theory I formulated on soompi, hey hey, I’m proud now !).
    They look like they are part of sigma, or serve it.

    Last scene : a guy and a lot of screens.
    Sigma leader or cult leader.
    Can you recognize this voice ?

    And top of it… Love story start to become deep.
    Not just a head on the shoulder !

  18. Did JaeSun win the lottery? Woohoo!

    @nrllee, am waiting for your funny recap…..


    🚨🚨 This is a warning to lurkers here:

    Do not plagiarize.

    Do not copy-and-paste any of our comments, theories, and recaps here onto other sites like soompi, Janghaven, Reddit, Dramabeans, Baidu, mydramalist, Facebook, etc. without crediting the original poster here on this blog. I shall report you to your moderators to be black-listed.

    Do not be an embarrassment like Rosa Mae Aguilar.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I absolutely loved LOVED Episode 6! Loved the gaslighting and the being gaslighted and wondering if we are still being gaslighted and if everything is really a MYTH, LOL. I ended up laughing out loud at the absurdity and incongruity of people on the run standing in full view on a bridge.

    This is a really dense episode with so much thrown in, I’ll have to watch it slowly to unpack it.

    I was pleased to see that my guess that SH and TSul are similar about hiding in plain sight and in a crowd of many similar others carried into the party this episode.

  20. Episode 5 was about the Kdrama romance while episode 6 got back to the mystery and intrigue. I guess it wouldn’t be Kdrama without the romance? Even though I’ve only watched a handful of Kdramas, I found the “falling asleep on the guy’s shoulder” thing to be very familiar. 🙂

    More twists and questions from episode 6… Are those guys in black Sigma? Looks like Taesul was the first person to be downloaded before the CB was formed – then, why did he make the trip and ignore his brother when he arrived? As for people being uploaded, one question I’ve had for a while – who is controlling the whole process? There have been over 250,000 people uploaded and someone or some group is facilitating the process and keeping tabs on the numbers. Seohae and her dad in the post-war Seoul – how did they survive the bomb and who/what are they working for?

    I was suspicious of Eddie in the beginning but looks like he’s in the dark. I think he’ll turn out to be a true friend in the end and help Taesul when he needs it, as he likely already did when he seemed to pretend not to see Taesul in the closet. Speaking of people on Taesul’s side, I’m wondering if/when the bodyguard will return.

  21. Wow we reached episode 6 already.. it’s supposed to be 16 episodes right? Then we’re almost at the half of it.. I am grateful for this website, I usually discuss movies or series with my friends but we rarely do it now.. because life happens haha. Seeing everyone’s key takeaways is surely reminded me of that precious time..

    I like how Seo Hae and Tae Sul finally reunited in the episode 6. I still amazed with how Tae Sul could connect the phone with certain frequency. 🤩 and I get curious on the scene of Seo Hae when she appeared in Tae Sul’s dream and telling him about the real time.. is it a dream? Or is it the way of communication between Seo Hae and Tae Sul to keep connected. And how come the glass suddenly fell..

    And the last scene of episode 6, why do i feel like i know his sound. The one who captured Tae San.. hmmm

    And about Eddy Kim. I think he will protect Tae Sul in the end.. even though now he is like the only one who not knowing anything. Yes he is after the position as a CEO. But I hope he will treasure his friendship with Tae Sul someday and help him somehow..

  22. Moonstar

    That Mysterious cat baddie: he sounds eerily like the evil genius boss in Pegasus Market. 😂 The actor Kim Byung Chul also that bad-minister-turned-undying-ghost in Goblin.

    Listen for yourself. Here’s a clip of him in Pegasus Market.


    That scene with SeoHae and the moon, I believe it’s a dream or hallucination.

    When he called up SeoHae from the darkened market street, THAT was the first time he spoke with her after the Aug 29 party. Hence, he asked her “Are you okay? Did you manage to escape that day?” And then he warned her about not believing everything the media said.

    Btw, I checked: On Sept 15 2020, the moon was indeed a waning crescent just like in Taesul’s hallucination. He must have observed the moon while he was sitting outside. I don’t know how he did the calculations. I’m not astronomist; I’m the one who always falls asleep while waiting for eclipses and meteor showers to happen. 😴😴

    I’ve a theory re the ceramic breaking into pieces. But I’ll let others have their say first.

    Agree with you on Eddie Kim. He doesn’t really want the CEO position for himself. I think he feels he has no choice; somebody must step in to protect a) their employees and investors from financial losses, and b)TaeSul’s hard work from going down the drain.

  23. Sorry been busy today and this Ep is packed.


    Night. A Field. Lights from a distant house/shed. Ominous background music…crop circle…I kid…19 years ago. 6Aug 2001. Camera moves inside the shed…papers…tools…flashing gizmo with wires…usual (gross generalization) mess from male habitation…sleeping figure on the couch…buzzing from phone…TSul stirs. He picks up. It’s TSan (at a train station doing maintenance?). It’s nearly 10pm. TSul berates TSan for not waking him earlier. He had to prepare notes for investors tomorrow. TSan says he will be back by midnight. TSul heads to the computer and taps away. He wants his experiment to work. Taps a button and causes a citywide blackout from his failed experiment. The lights go out at the train station too (I guess they don’t have back up generators). A man is discovered on the train tracks at the station (first person from the future?). TSan heads down to the tracks with his flashlight to check on him. The man is holding a photo…it’s of him and TSul standing outside the shed. 😮. Scribbled on the back are dates/entries of the times TSul was attacked (need a screenshot of this for future reference. I wish the person had better handwriting. The numbers are hard to make out. And Netflix only subbed 2 of them 🙄)
    15June 2020 Plane crash (eh??)
    15Aug 2020 Conference shooting
    19Aug 2020
    27Aug 2020
    15Sep 2020
    30Sep 2020
    4Oct 2020(?) or is it 2021?
    2020 year.
    The man wakes up suddenly. TSan falls backwards in shock. There’s a glitch and the man is suddenly walking away with his suitcase further down the tracks. He yells to the man, “who are you?”. And is about to chase him down but sees the headlights of an oncoming train and decides against it.

    Back at TSul’s apartment. For some reason the CB men guarding the property leave? 🤔. TSul and SH leave the apartment donning requisite caps to hide their identity. Someone is watching them.

    Scene change. Park at his HQ. He looks wistful and deep in thought. Heaves a sigh and then heads to a bank to transfer 3million won to “Kim Jin Hui”, rather reluctantly(?). He sifts through multiple ID cards (of himself) and decides to use “Park JaeUk”. He starts as ditzy girl (from AsiaMart who manned the controls to find downloaders from the future) surprises him. She tells him it’s payday. She tries to find out why and who he’s been regularly sending 3million won to and whines that they only get 1.8million each. He tells her to get lost and focus on finding TSul.

    Scene change. SH is decked out in a classy maroon number with sparkly heels. They arrive at the venue in a taxi. SH tells TSul to stop staring at her. 😂🥰. He assures her she looks fine…no…better than fine…pretty. Smooth. She pulls out her gun and asks where she should hide it. TSul rolls his eyes. Yeah I agree, it’s not a matching accessory. The pink isn’t quite bling enough. But she stashes it into her handbag anyway. He tells her he can’t waltz into the party because everyone would recognize him. He hands her the invitation. She’s Sarah Connor. No wait. Wrong movie. Grace Park. He emphasises how she needs to pronounce it properly…not PaHHk…PaRRk…she’s a foreign investment firm employee. She needs to pretend she can’t speak Korean. SH points out she can’t speak English either. TSul tells her not to worry, the way she’s dressed would be enough to convince them otherwise. He spells out the plan again. He will sneak in the back and check out the back and second floor and she’s to check out the first floor, hall and entrance (what?? Did he already forget what Future Jung told them?) 🙄. He tells her again that this is just a surveillance mission (to find TSan), so do nothing that would draw attention…no violent altercations…she’s not dressed for it. 😂. Famous last words. He takes something out of a box, moves closer to her…the sexual tension is building… and we get…

    KDrama Trope
    Sweeping the hair to the side of the face around the ear (tick)… and he attaches an earpiece for communication to her ear. 😂. Their eyes meet and they share a moment. ❤️

    He hands her an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) device. Press the red button and it will black out the whole building which also means it will halt comms between them. One final fist bump and they part.

    CB arrive at the party. CB Chief gives them the shoot to kill (the woman) order and to take their various positions.

    Jazz music at the party. Grace Park arrives and she tells TSul everyone is staring at her. He berates her and says she’s supposed to blend in, not call attention to herself. But TSul, if you wanted her to blend in, you shouldn’t have dressed her up in that slinky number which would attract the eye of every hot blooded male and jealous female in the room? 🙄 Next time, bland no nonsense business black and whites? But whatever. As they converse we find out that TSul owns 5% of the company shares. The rest of the 95% are there celebrating his demise. The old man (Chairman of the Board?) makes the announcement that Eddy Kim is the new CEO of QnT. Eddy makes his first speech at the podium (with Chairman and SJ by his side) while TSul watches from the second storey window…how Eddy doesn’t spot him is beyond me (the lights are on in the second storey and TSul is clearly visible but whatever). TSul spots SH and promises to take her to the amusement park after this was all over. He says he would wait in line with her…so she needs to be careful (code for NOT die). She tells him to be careful too.

    CB team jams comms. Eddy Kim makes his way to SH…with classic come on line, “you look familiar? Have we met before?” 🤮 Hands her a glass of champagne. Sleaze overload. “Did we meet at a conference? Atlanta? Sydney? There’s no way I can forget a beautiful woman like you.” 🙄. Punch him SH…he’ll definitely remember then. She replies no they’ve never met. Then he plays the pity card. “Everyone here has congratulated me but I don’t trust any of them, they’ll just discard me after they use me, just like my good friend HTSul. 🙄. You know him right?” Yeah, definitely just punch him SH. He raises his glass to clink with hers. A toast to TSul, the jerk. She tries to ward off his advances and tells him she’s here with a friend. (Take a walk Eddie, the girl ain’t interested). And just as he asks her who, she spies TSan walking past, excuses herself and tries to tell TSul that she’s just spotted TSan. He can’t hear her amid the static (from comms jam by CB). He hides in the study (🙄) as CB man scouts the second storey. On the study table he finds a photo of him and SH taken outside the venue (only moments ago). And he finds a signed document about technology transfer of Quantum teleportation (sharing it with Sigma). Old man walks in and TSul confronts him.

    Downstairs, SH is chasing down TSan with Eddy the Sleaze in pursuit. TSan pulls her away into a dark corridor. Eddy loses sight of her and demands that she be found. Nobody seems to pay him any attention? TSan whispers to SH, “I know who you are. Stay away from TSul.”

    Chairman informs TSul that Sigma is one of their investors and that he told TSul. Chairman receives a text from CB that operations will begin in a minute. Chairman seems to imply that Sigma is a man. So not a corporation? Chairman knows about the time machine and people from the future. Someone injects a sedative into TSul’s neck…and it’s his ex! 😮. I guess that’s what you get for cleaning out her bank account and giving all that money to your new squeeze. SJ tells CB (over the phone), “I have HTSul. Start ops on the girl.” Ehh? Why didn’t she call CB when she discovered them in her office that night? She even tried to call to cops? Or is this the Future SJ? 🤔

    Back in the dim corridor. TSan issues a command, “Kang SeoHae, daughter of Lieutenant Kang DongGi. You’re putting HTSul in danger. This is my last warning. If I see you with TSul again. I will kill you.” 😮. He walks back out to the main party room and disappears. SH is stopped by MIB as she tries to chase TSan. Picks up a fork and takes out CB waiters in her heels and formal attire. That slit in the dress came in handy. She runs outside. In her heels… floodlights. What did Jung say about going outside? 🙄. She stands rooted…why? Just keep running? It’s harder to shoot a moving target? See TSul I told you, you should’ve dressed her in black, no skin reveal. O wait. Maybe TSul thought a sniper would mistake that flash of skin for her head? Good thinking because it worked. She gets shot on the leg. Agent Jung lines up for a second shot as SH yells at TSul, “where are you, idiot?!!” SH recalls the EMP device, pulls it out and presses the red button. Just as Agent Jung is about to squeeze the trigger growling, “goodbye”, lights out. Jung drops his sniper rifle, picks up his handgun and walks out towards a limping SH in the dark. The lights suddenly come back on. CB Chief and his men capture SH. Jung walks up to SH. Cocks his gun. SH gets a flashback of Future Jung’s warning. 🙄😑. Headlights. Expensive sports car pulls up the driveway and door opens…to reveal…it’s Sun! With dark hair. And cashed up from a Lotto win. Somehow SH manages to get in the car. CB Chief yells out the most logical course of action, “drop your guns. Check the licence plate.” Huh? What happened to “shoot to kill”? CB men watch helplessly as the car speeds away. No shots are fired. Probably because it’s such an expensive ride and you know guys and their cars. Check it out. So cool. No scratches allowed on such magnificence, that would be anathema. Instead, they try to run after it like fan boys. SH passes out in the car – probably blood loss. But not before she urges Sun to turn the car around because she needs to get TSul. Screen blacks out with SH.

    🎶Musical interlude. 🎶 Flashbacks of tender OTP moments…okay. We so needed that to gather our thoughts.

    Beeping of hospital equipment. TSul wakes up. Eddy Kim and SJ rush to his side. They ask him how much he remembers. They tell him he was shot at the conference. Eh? They try to convince him that he was in a coma. TSul shakes off SJ’s attempts to check on him. He asks them what they are trying to pull and where SH is. He rambles on like a crazy man about events he remembers. Then SJ says, “today is 19Aug”. 😮. TSul grabs Eddy’s phone and sure enough, the date is 19Aug 9:09am. He gets out of bed and turns the TV on…and the date is 19Aug. TSul continues his rambling amid Eddy/SJ’s concerned looks. He breaks out into a run to try to get away but succumbs when SJ hits him with sedative. He receives more tests and SJ tries to convince him he’s having delusions. Eddy takes him home and makes him a banana smoothie and hands him tranquilizer pills. TSul tells a sympathetic Eddy about the future. SJ has sent Eddy to monitor TSul and to disconnect his internet (cut him off from the outside world?). Eddy leaves but not before telling TSul, “you’ll get headaches from those pills”. Yeah Eddy, he’s not the only one (with headaches). TSul starts to see visions of his brother again. And flashbacks(flash forwards?) of times with SH. He gets a nosebleed (?).

    SJ is the Chairman’s daughter. She tells her mom not to get sick. They are in kahoots about keeping TSul drugged up and in the dark. SJ visits and tries to convince him it’s all in his head. That none of it really happened. Then she drops the bomb…where is the key? 😮. TSul realizes that she’s poisoning him? Making him worse? SJ and Chairman discuss putting TSul into an asylum. Eddy to them is just a pawn because he’s happy to get managerial rights to QnT. Someone wants the key. Sigma? Without the key to hand over, they won’t have the medicine required to keep SJ’s mother alive. Flashback to actual sequence of events that transpired after SJ sedated TSul at the wedding. When he wakes up, it’s actually 29Aug 2020. They have tricked him into believing that it’s 19Aug. TSul passes out on the floor of his apartment. We see TSul having visions/dreams that coalesce the past, present and future. And we empathize completely. 😂. Use your brain, SJ mocks. You’re so going to regret saying that SJ. Because he does. The space bit of the much touted Space Time Continuum makes a cameo. As the backdrop to SH who with Yoda like aplomb points TSul in the right direction to reorient his time. The wax/wane cycles of the moon. Of course. Elementary. Who needs a watch or calendar when you have the moon? After some quick calculations care of squiggly mathematical theorems which materialize like Star Wars opening credits, TSul works out it’s now 15Sept 2020. ((GASP)) And wakes up just as a mug (?) smashes on the floor. He walks over and picks up a shard, it’s not something that belongs to him? I spy a certain EMP device on the floor next to the shards with the wedding pic attached to it. SJ seems so obsessed with the whereabouts of the key that it never occurs to her that it’s weird that a mug would just smash on the floor and TSul is holding a photo and a device in his hand. TSul flips to the back of the photo and SH has written, “I don’t want to get married either”. TSul laughs. SJ realizes something’s off and calls security. Red button is pressed. Black out. Cool. And just like that, TSul makes his escape.

    SJ heads downstairs and meets up with 🥷 Ninjas who nod at her command to search for HTSul. Eddie pulls up and asks where TSul is. Ninja warriors don’t faze him at all. He tries to dial the Police and SJ stops him. She tells him she’s got it under control. A worried Eddie asks, “why are you doing this?” She warns, “just do as you’re told.” And spineless Eddie backs down.

    Back at CB HQ, Jung is watching video footage of sexy SH at the party taking down waiters. He’s frustrated she got away. CB Chief assures him, “the operation was going to fail anyway.” Huh? He shows Jung a report stamped, “operation expected to fail”. Jung is confused (and so are we). “Why ask me to do it then?” CB Chief gives him an explanation that’s clear as mud. “Would you have done it if I told you?” Jung says yes. Chief replies sagely, “Don’t try too hard. Just do your best.” No Chief you got it wrong. It’s “Do…or do not..there is no try.” Jung is frustrated. Chief leaves with parting words, “just trust me. You’ll catch her. Just wait.” Like hell he is.

    TSul is on the run and they are hunting him. Cue MacGyver music. He uses an analog phone and hooks it up and makes a phone call to SH who picks up? She sounds preoccupied, distant. This is NOT the SH we know. She doesn’t seem to care about TSul at all? He tells her where he is right now as Ninja1 flips out his baton and approaches stealthily (not). She says she’s busy right now then orders him to get down. He does and bam…Ninja1 is downed by a sniper (?) bullet. As TSul walks out he notices that there’s a trail of bodies of Ninjas and MIB from Team SJ. He walks up to a high point (a bridge of sorts) to calm himself only to see SH saunter up, sniper rifle in hand. He smiles goofily at her. And smoke billows up (for effect you know).

    Scene changes to monitor screens with the exact scene above. Someone is watching them. Hello Truman show. Someone who is drawing a dog (?) on a notepad. Okay. I guess TSul did look like Goofy. He lets out a sigh and comments, “this is my favorite part. So romantic. Don’t you agree Mr Han TSan?” Camera pans to a chair next to him where TSan is bound and gagged.

  24. So, maybe Sigma is not a Concept or North Korea.

    It’s… a company. 🙂

    Or a company serving a Concept or North Korea. ^^

  25. @nrllee,
    Give me 2h30, so I rewatch ep 5 and 6 before to read your wall of text ! 😉

  26. ^not wedding. Party. After SJ sedated TSul at the party.

  27. @WEnchanteur. It’s a recap with commentary so nothing mind blowing or revealing.

  28. @nrllee I think it is 9/30/2020 and it says amusement park. The handwriting is atrocious so I couldn’t read the rest, but then had lousy connection today. This is my little contribution for all the great theories here.

  29. Episode 5.
    I saw it again just now, and here are a few comments.

    01:30 – I have a scene at this exact place (bank of the Han river) in my story. Episode 13. My scene is at night. So I can’t take a screenshot from Sisyphus for that. T T

    02:30 – You can feel that the actor is playing in “comedy” mode when he piggybacks Seo Hae.

    03:15 – Seo Hae’s wound is a scratch (9mm gun). Just like Tae Eul’s was. Just like Seo Hae episode 6 will be again, by .50 rifle this time. There are no real alternatives, it’s rather typical of action movies. Preferable to “wounds that heal too fast” from a realism point of view.

    03:50 – When So-Jin appears (in the shadows), there are several good sound effects, to make it disturbing, or cool the blood.

    05:25 – So-Jin plays the comedy here, since we know that she is allied with Sigma later on. She’s good, because we were all fooled by her crying act 😉
    Then she pretends to ask questions to which she already knows the answers.
    Seo Hae suffers from malnutrition, this echoes the end of the previous episode, where Tae Sul tells her that she is too thin and should eat more.

    08:30 – As I watch this calmer episode again, it allows me to appreciate Jo Seung Woo’s acting abilities. The way he interprets his character and makes it consistent on the personality level.

    09:15 – The look on his face when he asks to borrow the credit card! 🙂

    10:30 – He doesn’t want to read Seo Hae’s diary, because it’s sneaky. It gives a character of sympathy. Also, he is not an intellectual hero like others. I think Kang Chul (W) would have read the diary because it’s the logical choice to make, and this intellectual hero is more lout.

    12:30 – I also have time to focus more on Park Shin-Hye’s acting, and what kind of personality she gives to her character.

    13:30 – When Seo Hae says “there will be a war”. This is close-up with a silence and a delay, to make it more dramatic. Immediately afterwards: thrilling background music with an arpeggio, so good one!

    17:30 – I have difficulty understanding the logic of the plot. Seo Hae says that if Tae Sul dies, it will lead to war. That may be true, but after he invented the time machine. How could he die now? For now, I’ll put that aside, it will be better explained when we see what happens next and how the time loop and the events leading up to the war unfold.

    21:00 – It’s hard to see, but many of the people in prison have deformities. One of them has his arm missing, or his arm has been soldered elsewhere.

    22:10 – The head of ICB makes a speech about the indifference of the world in which we live.

    23:20 – Important information! The head of ICB says that the government created ICB in 2002, after seeing the first immigrant of the future they found. This confirms the theory on how time travel works, and the accidental use of the downloader. (scene we’ll see in episode 6). Time travel is not possible before 2001.

    26:40 – First of the many, many times that the very nice ICB chief puts his hand on the shoulder of policeman Jang, like a good and warm family dad. 🙂

    31:30 – Why isn’t there an angry guy who gets out of his car, grabs them, and flanks them out of the middle of the road?! Koreans have a calmness and patience that I admire. ^^

    35:00 – BTS posters. Seo Hae is a woman with a dual personality. The child soldier who grew up too fast and knows weapons. The woman who never grew up and remained a young girl, or who would like to fulfill her dreams as a young girl. The woman who has never really been able to experience what other children have never been able to experience. I read a comment elsewhere that the character was dumb. Whereas it is, on the contrary, very well constructed. It’s this ambivalent character that the actress has to play. We’ve already seen another scene like that, when she shoots at the teddy bear dispenser.

    38:00 – Gunfight scene. Stupid enemies ready to die stupidly in bunches.
    The scene is well shot, quite immersive and nervous, except for the downtime when they hide (is it reasonable to give a can when you should change position instead of staying in a trap?). We feel a slight John Wick type inspiration, but it’s far from the mark. Not as striking as the fight scene in the apartment in Episode 2. I’m not too critical because it’s rare to see a gunfight like that in other dramas.

    44:00 – Seo Hae is too soft to kill the drone pilot. Maybe a later scene in the drama will show that she doesn’t hesitate to shoot this time. But thanks to this scene with the pilot, we will understand her motivation, instead of seeing her as a cold-blooded killer. That’s the usefulness of this scene I think, besides showing the personality of the heroine.

    53:25 – Tae Eul says “the party is tonight”. Now I don’t get it! In the next episode, they are going to spend whole days before the party.

    57:15 – The reason So-Jin doesn’t call the police is not because of Sigma, but rather because of the Control Bureau.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ah I enjoyed that @nrllee. Thanks for your hard work!!

    About the power outage throughout Seoul City,…although it looked like TSul was responsible for it, it might also have been caused by the entrance of the Downloaded guy. Even if the Seoul blackout was not caused by him, it was likely that the railway track lights going out and flickering were the result of the Download. He began glitching like SH and appeared somewhere else too and there was a sound of radiation/sizzle?

    On the Records of Attacks on Han Tae Sul scribbled on back of photo,
    2020 07 15 Air crash was an attempted attack. But the object that hit the plane was his Hyung’s suitcase and Hyung himself … which begs the question, does Hyung want 2020 Tae Sul out of action? Or is Hung being used to get rid of TSul? Considering that Downloaded people usually appear on the ground, coalescing into hopefully human form, the fact that Hyung was flying through the air makes one wonder if he was not a human missile sent to bring the plane down.

    His expression as he flew past the plane, though, was not one of terror, which confuses me.

    I had the same reaction to TSul saying that he’d be checking out the 2nd floor. What the heck… what’s the point of receiving warnings when they are just going to be ignored. Not only that, he had to choose the Study to hide in, which was the no-no place. I can’t blame SH too much about going outside against the warning. There was not much place else to hide.

    Getting SH shot in the leg when the orders were shoot to kill got me laughing. Guess Jung’s gunnery was good when he walks up to the target and aims within 2 meters. Her fainting in the car did not make sense.

    By the very fact that ICB came prepared to jam comms and that the EMP only lasted a few seconds, made me think that they knew exactly what TSul would do and were ready to counteract. It’s weird that ICB is just doing what they know they’ve done before, just because it was the way it was always done, while knowing the outcome beforehand. They certainly don’t want to get caught up in the causality paradox. Unlike SH who aims to change history.

    I don’t see how gaslighting TSul about the date will help since he’d be able to discover the real date before long. The fact that he’s been on medication for a long time means that Seo Jin had already been prepping him for the time when they could discredit him because of his drug addiction and then with his mental collapse.

    I liked the space cameo… in purple, no less. I took a double take since there’d be no space all this time. It made a nice splash behind the figure of SH.

    The other cameo … yes the voice of the man drawing the cat, sounded like Kim Byung Chul, our most scary ghost villain of Goblin and the manager of Pegasus Market. It would be fun to have him around for longer. He’s however not in the cast list, which is a pity. Maybe his name will turn up later?

  31. Well, it’s kinda obvious 😜… he was on a poster… so yeah, drawing cat/dog man is Kim ByungChul. The elusive Sigma?


  32. Thanks, miri13seascape.

    So 9/30/2020 says amusement park? An attempt is made on his life then? Lol. First, it was vomit falling on him from the sky. And now, it’s a hail of bullets. He really should stay away from amusement parks.

    Every little bit of contribution helps!

  33. 😍😂😍😂😍😂🥰😄

    Thanks for your mad-cap, nrllee. I’ve to repost this on the blog with comments.

  34. He was on a poster?!!

    Lol. Where do you get these bits of info?

    I only guessed it was him because of his voice. He has the airy, breathy voice that creeped me out in Pegasus Market. And Goblin.

    Plus his right ear looks like it has undeveloped anti-helical fold. Or maybe it’s malformed. 😂

    (Which reminds me. I love the Grandpa’s voice in “Hello, Me.”)

  35. @packmule3 shh…if I told you my sources I would have to…err…you know…silence you. I kid. The big S forum.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @nrllee for that tip about the poster. I never bother much about the ads, previews, etc, therefore I’d no clue. Hmmm… if he’s got a poster all to himself, then he should be important enough to be in the cast list, no? Glad to know that @pkml3 and I could recognise the actor’s voice and way of speaking.

    I’m saying that this actor is Sigma, for the simple reason if we’ve already accounted for everyone else who’s after TSul, then to have an unknown guy popping up in the middle who isn’t Sigma is all sorts of wrong. There are 3 groups out for TSul’s blood already. If there’s a 4th who’s Sigma and this other guy who isn’t, that makes it 5 parties after TSul which is really overdoing it in a drama. LOL.

  37. @packmule3 I wanted to comment on your post about the man on the tracks but for some reason, I couldn’t see the comment box. I really wanted to know what was written on the back of the photo, too. I couldn’t make out all the handwriting so I searched for it on Naver and plugged it into a translator.

    2020년 7월 15일 비행기 사고
    2020년 8월 15일 컨퍼런스 저격
    2020년 8월 19일 월드컵대교 추격
    2020년 8월 27일 김한용 저택 연회장
    2020년 9월 15일 공구상가 저격
    2020년 9월 30일 놀이공원
    2020년 10월 4일 차이나타운
    2020년 희망보육원

    2020 July 15 airplane accident
    2020 August 15 conference sniper
    2020 August 19 World Cup Bridge chase
    2020 August 27 Banquet hall at Kim Han-Yong’s residence
    2020 September 15 Sniper at Tool Shop
    2020 September 30 Amusement park
    2020 October 4 Chinatown
    2020 Hope Nursery School

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Much thanks @royangi!! it’s amazing how you could read that writing! Yes the dates for the first 4 in Aug are right. Now we are in the know about when and where more attacks will take place in Sept onwards.

    So good to have such great, resourceful Bitches!

  39. Thanks for this, Royangi! Good work!

    I must have turned off the comment box. 🤦‍♀️ Will fix it shortly. Thanks.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WEnchanteur I’ve finally gotten down to reading again and more slowly and found that I feel the same way about those kdrama wounds that are there one day and gone the next. Complete healing without a scar, most of the time (and so I want the magic plasters and medication they have over there!)

    However, I’ve been noticing in this show, that while SH gets hurt and recovers like nothing much happened, TSul has had that plaster on his ear for some 4 episodes already! He’s taking a long time to heal. Even in the hospital where he was gaslighted to think it was still 19 Aug, the plaster was on his ear.

    I too noticed how ICB Hwang keeps using his hand on Jung to hold on to his shoulder (and drag him into the team). By contrast, SH is not comfortable with her hands touching other’s hands. She didn’t want to shake hands for long with TSul, and he caught on by Ep 6 and gave her a fist bump instead. She also told him when they were hiding in his wardrobe, not to stand so close to her. It might be linked to the fact that she’s a woman-child still.

    Yes, I agree with you. She’s portraying a young woman who had a truncated carefree childhood and had to grow up quick, take up arms and now fend for herself entirely alone, except for TSul. She’s still got the lost childhood thing, with naivety and uncertainty about what’s ok and what isn’t. So maybe too much handsy-ness is something she’s not sure about.

    Now that we’ve watched Ep 6, it puts Seo Jin’s reluctance to talk to the police on the phone in a different light. She knows that the ICB will be listening in, but she has her own agenda, and does not want them to interfere until she’s ready. She’s retaining some control while appearing to be cooperating with ICB.

  41. Episode 6.
    I saw it again just now, and here are a few comments.

    01:29 – 09/08/2001. We see the downloader. The device was not designed for time travel. Why exactly? I don’t know. For quantum teleportation?
    The important thing here is that the device will accidentally serve as a receiver for the uploader that will be created later. This explains why time travel takes place before 2021, and cannot take place before August 2001, when the downloader is put into service.
    Once the first time traveler probably has the plans for the downloader, and will therefore make another one, in case the current Tae Sul downloader is decommissioned. The proof being, the broker Park also has a version of the downloader (unless it’s a device just for tracking downloads). How did Broker Park get this device?

    03:20 – Tae Sul says “it’s going to work this time”. On 09/08/2001 at 22:00, it’s the first time the downloader is operational. And that’s probably why the first time traveler arrives at that same time. The uploader having been used the first time doesn’t choose the date of appearance. At least not this time. It positions itself on the oldest accessible date. Maybe afterwards, the uploader works with a time differential that is always the same.
    Here, I make this supposition, the uploader is in use the first time on 09/08/2021. Then, each time the uploader is used, it will teleport someone exactly 20 years back in time.
    Seo Hae arrives in 2020, so she would come from the year 2040. If she was 8 years old in 2020, it means she is 28 years old at the time she uses the uploader. This seems to match about the dates.

    03:18 – Commissioning causes a general shutdown for the whole city! I don’t think it’s the pumping of electric current, but rather an EMP. I don’t know why the first attempt at time travel causes this, except… Rule of cool.

    03:52 – One detail though: Tae Eul looks around once he’s outside. You can see a lot of high voltage power lines. So we can assume that the downloader did not spread a remote EMP over the city, but caused a temporary shutdown on the high voltage lines that supply the city.

    04:05 – New plan on high voltage lines, to make sure the viewer understood. Useless for morons like me. I only just understood by watching the episode again and being attentive. 🙂

    05:14 – The header of the text on the back of the picture says “list of attacks against Tae Sul”. I notice that the plane crash is mentioned, not as an accident, but as an attack! This clarifies this scene, since I remember that in addition to Tae San and his suitcase, there is indeed another piece of debris that comes from the sky to ruin the plane’s engine. Did Tae San go back in time to help his brother escape the attack? Sacrificing his life in this way? Or was he sent against his will to be killed along with his brother?

    05:43 – Visual primordial! We see for the first time a timeshifting effect in a quasi-explicit way.

    07:50 – Broker Park makes a 3M deposit in the name of Kim Jin-Huy. He has several ID cards on him, including a certain Park Jae-Uk. Maybe false identities for his clients. Date of the card: 20/02/2005. To whom and why is he sending this money? The scene prompts the viewer to ask these questions, since Park’s assistant is there and is also very curious about it.

    11:45 – The romantic scene of the episode. Tae Sul puts the earphone on Seo Hae’s ear, then strokes her hair. Intense gaze. Seo Hae is confused. AH AH! This scene will appear on all MVs put on youtube 😉

    12:12 – We see the gadget that Tae Sul was making at the end of the previous episode.

    13:15 – Rotating and aerial shot above the villa. Just to remind, even if I don’t always do it, the incredible accumulation of different sets, with a lot of extras, used by the drama. Cinema quality. Compare with Start Up, which turns much more easily with a building for companies, some work rooms, the grandmother’s house, and the roof of the old company. Like many dramas using the same set of sets in small numbers. On Sisyphus, this is constantly changing, the redundancy of locations is very low.

    21:30 – The contract is a technology transfer. So, for Sigma to benefit from the time machine. At this stage, it is difficult to say who is the first to have sent someone into the past. Sigma or Tae Sul? If the head of Sigma comes from the future (the man on the subway tracks), he reproduces the events that led him to acquire the time machine, and to send himself into the past. Until then, the time loop remains unchanged and without paradox.

    22:56 – Sigma is the investor of the Tae Sul company since the beginning! Since he founded his company! (I don’t know in what year). I don’t know how much Seo-Jin and his daughter are accomplices with Sigma. Or if they fear Sigma above all.

    29:00 – Seo Hae saved by the young guy Sun. We don’t know why he is there. Maybe he won his car in the lottery. Another possible suspect for the man on the subway tracks. This plot-twist is cut in two phases: first, Seo Hae uses Tae Sul’s gadget to turn off the lights (first plot-twist), but is then caught. Then, finally saved (second plot-twist).

    33:00 – The setup! The nice Eddie is in on it ! All against Tae Eul. What is their motivation ? To protect Tae Eul from sigma by taking him out of the game?

    35:00 – This scene is strange because Tae Eul is not there, but he is playing the game. All this plot-twist and series of scenes are brain-twisting. There are even the journalists who appear in front of the PEXCO building, making us believe in reality, but then we see them on the TV screen (a montage). It’s supposed to be 4 days after the attack, on the 19th. While the real date is… I forgot. LOL!

    35:50 – The infamous So-Jin sneers at Tae Eul and makes him believe he imagined everything since the PEXCO attack.

    37:30 – Eddie gives “vitamin E”. Certainly a psychotropic filth prescribed by So-Jin. Psychiatrists are often psychophaths or serial-killers in dramas.
    This bunch of bastards forbid Tae Eul to go on the internet (check the date, they can’t tamper with any internet). It’s light as an explanation. How could he stop Tae Eul from doing that when he’s at home?

    40:10 – Cowardly Eddie is going to lie to his Friend, eye to eye, ah ah! It’s ugly what you’re doing Eddie…

    40:25 – Eddie bends over, contracting his eyebrows, perhaps with brief remorse…

    44:46 – Flashback. So-Jin gives more dirt in the form of a pill. Then she manipulates his memories. What a horrible psychiatrist! She even dares to put her hand on Tae Sul’s hand.
    In the name of an “experimental method”, she takes the opportunity to question him. As soon as the drug takes effect, she becomes even more horrible. And finally… WHERE IS THE KEY.
    SO-jin, I hate you !!!! Next step, send Tae Sul to the psychiatric hospital, makjang classic.

    48:30 – Eddie doesn’t know what the medication does. He may be manipulated by So-Jin and his father and may have participated in the scheme “for Tae Eul’s sake” and help him to get better.
    We learn the motivation of So-Jin and his father: to save their mother. A blackmail from Sigma? The key against care? Or what?

    49:40 – A flashback revealing the plot! In the end it wasn’t a time travel! I had a hard time retracing the chronology of all these scenes. Was Tae Sul hospitalized before or after the interrogations?

    50:38 – Huge shocking twist with a sequence of two brutal scenes. Wake up afterwards.

    51:44 – Again this superb background music while Tae Eul hallucinates on Seo Hae and looks at the moon. Very nice scene.
    Tae Sul discovers that he was drugged and locked up for about two weeks by this rotten clique.

    All this complicates things, and there are now 4 organizations.
    Broker/Sigma/ICB/So-Jin family and henchmen.

    56:35 – Eddie asks “who are these people” when talking about henchmen. This is confirmed, poor Eddie doesn’t understand anything and is being manipulated. In the rest of the scene, So-Jin crushes him, “do what you are told to do and become CEO, ok? something to add? no? so obey and shut up. “… short version

    01:01:00 – MacGiver scene! This is confirmed, the drama tries to put at least one per episode. ^^

    01:03:40 – Here is our heroine ! How is she ?
    A pink sweat shirt with a drawing of cute cats + a sniper rifle. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    01:04:40 – Sigma boss, probably. The voice could match Eddie’s in timbre, but the way of speaking is completely different.
    Is it the same man as on the subway tracks? An unknown face or a character we already know?

    Now I can read more of your comments. 😉

  42. Thank yoh packmule3 for the pegasus market clip. Yes i remember him now. He also played in Sky Castle as the twin’s father 😂😂
    And i just know that he is in the series poster too..

    And thank you @royangi for the translation.

    I almost thought that the first person who used the uploader is Han Tae Sul himself. And then I told to myself maybe not, because he ran away from Tae San. And i’m glad that packmule told us that it is not tae sul.. haha
    And if i remember correctly, the head of control bureau said that the first use on uploader was in 2002. But no.. it was actually in 2001..

  43. @moonstar512,

    ICB don’t say it’s the first use of downloader.
    They say it’s the first guy from the future they caught.

  44. @nrllee,

    It’s true that it wasn’t very clever to dress Seo Hae like a diva.
    He should have given her a garbage bag as clothing, lol!
    But the spectator, do you think about it?

    Your description of Eddy’s flirting attempt was funny.
    Don’t be too hard on him! This guy has little originality, and you can see that he can’t speak in public. He does what he can! It’s true that he’s slippery and messy, but I’m sure he has a good bottom. 🙂
    It’s easier for him with So-Jin. I’m thinking about how So-Jin is mistreating poor Eddy now, when on top of that, she has had sex with him. Ugh! Horrible So-Jin, I love to hate that character. She’s a good bitch for drama. Among my favorite kind of characters. I hope we’ll see her bothering poor Eddy again and doing dirty things.

    Sun Car: You’re right, no man can shoot such a beautiful car. 🙂
    I like very much the humor traits you put in your summaries.

  45. @packmule3 @GB @moonstar512 Happy to contribute some info if I can. 🙂 I asked a native Korean speaker and they thought the October 4 incident said Ja-ae Hospital, not Chinatown. Searched again and found another list which says it’s the hospital https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=sisyphus&no=3612.

    July 15th Plane accident
    August 15th Conference sniper
    August 19th World Cup Bridge chase
    August 27th Banquet hall at Kim Hanyong’s residence
    September 15th Sniper at Tool Shopping Center (Hannam-dong, ending episode 6)
    September 30th Amusement Park (Seohae’s birthday)
    October 4 Ja-ae Hospital
    Hope Nursery School in 2020

  46. Greats comments and posts! I’m just here for the ride and “the rule of cool 😎”. Thanks for this phrase @WEnchanteur!

    Yippee for Sun winning the lottery!!! What was he doing in the party and waiting in the wings? I realized I am more of a questioner than a theorist. 😀

    I don’t look at character descriptions of kdramas so I missed that SeoJin is the daughter of Q+T chairman until the party as she stood beside him. I would have been more dubious on her actions since her dad is in collusion with CB. And apparently in partnership also with Sigma, who is a long time investor of the company. She’s been grooming TSul to be an addict!

    Spineless Eddie! Why would he agree to gaslighting TSul and change dates and be in this elaborate subplot because SEoJin says so? I do not read him to be a greedy person and he seemed to be sincere in the friendship with TSul but if that was me, I would question SJ’s motives more.

    henchmen with SJ – they have scars or seem to have deformities maybe because of faulty downloads, just like the Busan sniper. I think these are Sigma guys.

    The guy in front of the screens as the first time traveler. Oh, he has a poster! Since he has the list of events when TSul gets attacked, he knew what to watch. I agree, that reuniting scene on the bridge is romantic… and stupid since they are exposed. LOL. I’m just glad they have 5 days of respite (hopefully) before amusement park attack. And May the fighting happen after SH does the pirate ride!

  47. @GB,

    While I was re-watching the episode and taking notes, I noticed that you yourself noticed many similar details.
    I also have difficulty understanding the times when ICB tries to take someone alive or to kill them. Or even trying to take someone alive, but still trying to shoot them. LOL!

    The warnings are not for the characters, they were there to make the audience salivate 😉

    Thanks for the explanation of the end scene. Atmosphere “Truman Show”.
    The only reason why the big bad is watching this scene lost in the middle of nowhere… Of course, he knew it would happen there. Does this mean that Sigma is not trying to kill Tae Sul and Seo Hae? Because he already knows the time loop, so they will survive? And on the ICB side, what do they know about it?

  48. Thanks.
    Will update.

  49. @GB, good point about SeoHae being a woman-child! I was wondering why TaeSul gave her a fist bump. It was such an “ahjussi” move. lol. He noticed that she was awkward holding hands unless it was a holding-hand-while-running-from-enemy-fire thing.

    That’s also why she wasn’t embarrassed when JaeSun undressed in front of her or ashamed to take clothes off his (warm) body. She did find Taesul weird for wanting to spend a day at the swimming pool to ogle at the opposite sex. lol.

  50. It would be interesting to make a list of all the references contained in the drama.

    The striptease scene: a parody of the scene in Terminator 2, when the cyborg gets clothes.
    Eddie makes a reference to this movie in a dialogue of episode 6 as well.
    The scene where Seo Hae looks at the families in the gardens, knowing that they are going to die is also an allusion to this movie.

    The stunt on the cable: maybe a reference to one of the last scenes of the movie “Back to the Future 1”. Or another movie as well, because it’s a kind of stunt that happens quite often.

    The final scene of episode 6 : Truman Show, but more.
    Sigma appears as a big bad, all he needs is a white cat on his knees. A reference to James Bond “You only live twice”.
    However, instead of a white cat on his knees, Sigma draws a white cat. The same cat that is on Seo Tae’s pink sweat shirt.

    Tae Sul tricks : Mac Gyver.

  51. Ahh thanks @WEnchanteur for the info! So in 2002 ICB first caught the guy from the future..
    it makes me more curious about true purpose of the Control Bureau.. how many people that they’ve caught and what will they do to them.. I mean, they supposed to report to president or someone higher, no? But they seem to be too independent like a private organization.. and what do they know about Sigma? …

    Ahh it was fun to read all your posts !!

  52. @moonstar512,

    As you come late, I summarize what we found from previous episodes :
    Number of downloaded people : 250000.
    10% death during the unstable process.
    Then 5% caught by ICB.
    Should be something like a total of 10000 to 12000 people killed or jailled.

    It’s almost sure it’s an official organisation. Or ICB chief lie of the way, not plausible. They have official authorizations, HQ, can shut down media, access to CCTV cam.
    Their operation make too much mess to be unoticed by official authorities. So they are official organization. It should be a special branch of NIS (Korea secret service), as ICB boss present himself with a NIS badge.

  53. Opps, I wanted to say :
    Only 10% survive from the unstable process.

  54. As per CB head, the govt created CB in 2002 and being funded by the Lottery Commission.

    Shouldn’t CB go after Sigma? They transport those scarred henchmen. My hunch is that Sigma manages the uploader portal from the future (legally or illegally).

  55. @WEnchanteur to add to your references to other shows, the car chase. It’s a nod to Bourne Identity (little red car and stairs). Marie was shot when she was driving a car in India. The car went off a bridge and Jason tried to rescue her but she was dead. And Bourne was shot jumping off a balcony at the end of Bourne Ultimatum. The fist fights that happen with SH remind me of how they filmed the Bourne fights. I loved Jason Bourne. Watched the series a few times. Especially the first 2. He was the ultimate assassin.

    https://youtu.be/2ETruidd5lQ (car chase in Paris)

    https://youtu.be/DrIsPRZL578 (Marie is killed in Goa) 😭 – I loved the dynamic between Marie and him. I was so sad when she was killed.

    https://youtu.be/tXp79rAS5JQ (jump at the end)

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 It was something that @WEnchanteur said that clicked with the idea of the woman-child. I noticed her childlike-ness in the way she reacted to contact and even the questions she asked her dad. I imagine that she was brought up mainly with just her parents for company after the war, no longer had access to ‘entertainment’ (no smart phones, etc) and how to socialise as an adult, and has been finding her feet when back in 2020. She didn’t even know that she had to pay the cab driver for the ride in Busan. Didn’t consider the security as something to go through, because she was in a hurry to stop TSul from being shot. She still likes her girly stuff and does not think it seems weird to decorate her gun with pink stickers. LOL.
    :: ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ ::

    Thanks @nrllee for the links to Bourne. That Paris chase was really nerve racking!!

  57. Thanks @royangi for the translation

    So assuming those dates are record of attacks on TSul, how was the plane incident where he saved himself.  But how was the plane incident and attack on TSul?  They sent TSan crashing into the plane?  Is that how?

    July 15th Plane accident
    August 15th Conference sniper
    August 19th World Cup Bridge chase
    August 27th Banquet hall at Kim Hanyong’s residence
    September 15th Sniper at Tool Shopping Center (Hannam-dong, ending episode 6)

    September 30th Amusement Park (Seohae’s birthday)
    October 4 Ja-ae Hospital
    Hope Nursery School in 2020

    Some have already “occurred” in the drama.  Next up would be an attack at the amusement park.  Ja-ae Hospital is the one SJ owns?  I saw the sign when TSul was trying to make his escape.  The one they took TSul to in Ep6 and pretended it was 19Aug.  

  58. @nrllee Oh, you’re right, sharp eyes! We’ve already heard about the amusement park and the hospital, but the nursery school remains a mystery…

  59. Wow! I love the twists in Ep6 and thanks ladies for sharing all your thoughts here!

    TaeSul’s nose was bleeding. Was it because he was in contact with more time travelers without knowing or did he somehow do time traveling himself? I assume SH visited gim and left him the picture and the device to block communications and black out while he was unconscious

  60. I managed to watch Episodes 5+6.

    I am totally pissed off with the whole gaslighting Tae Sul had to endure.

    Also, Seo Jin is NOT a doctor. She tried to make Tae Sul a vegetable.
    She violated Hippocrates Oath…

    I will write more tomorrow…

  61. Annyeong everyone.

    @nrllee, i do love your side commentaries/mad cap also. TSul’s heart is definitely melting for SH. but because of her diary, i feel in her heart, SH knows this man is the love of her life even though he is “single by choice” ~ which kind’a became their inside joke (being misogamists/anti marriage).

    i am amused when you mention Laura Croft or Sarah Connors as other names for SH.

    @WEnchanteur, i like your mention of SH’s dual personality as a child soldier who grew up too fast and as a woman who never grew up as she obviously have not outgrown her cutesy girly pink stuff. which is kinda like me. still loving Hello Kitty stuff, even my RAV is nick named the kitty car haha. yap, staying young at heart over here <3

    this goes to what @GB dubbed SH as a woman-child. so apropo indeed.

    i appreciate you noticing all the McGyver scene in every episode. i wasn't counting. but i love that TSul is the asian McGie haha.

    @Janey, i can relate to you being more of a questioner than a theorist. i feel the same, rather i'm more of a responder, reaction, commenter haha

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