Hospital Playlist 2: Ep 6 On Names

Something funny is going in the fandoms of Hospital Playlist 2.

On one side, the big ships are crazily excited over things that have yet to occur, namely the marriage proposal and camping trip. They seem oblivious to the modus operandi of Director Shin and Writer Lee. Like internet trolls, Shin and Lee have mastered the art of creating scenarios to provoke the viewers’ predictable reaction, only to leave them hanging afterwards.

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Case in point: the mystery of the coffee giver in Episode 2.

IkJun’s camp was positive Ikjun sent the cups of coffee. They rejoiced over the coffee because it implied that Songhwa had second thoughts about rejecting IkJun.

Well, I said we shouldn’t get involved in that guessing game because the director was obviously trolling us. I also said that it was more important to look at WHO Songhwa chose to give brewed coffee to. (Hint: it wasn’t IkJun.)

Four episodes later, and a YEAR later in the story, viewers are still waiting for a follow-up to the mystery. The identity of the coffee giver remains a question mark. What can I assume from this movement — or lack of movement?

One of three things:

A. If the mystery coffee giver was IkJun, he didn’t matter. IJ was still twin-zoned.
B. If the mystery coffee giver was JW, it didn’t matter. JW was dating Jang and Songhwa was willing to wait it out.
C. Trolled!

The coffee mystery is one good reason why a WGer or IkJun fan shouldn’t count her chickens before they hatch. The writer and director are master trolls.

On the opposite side, the Flower Gardeners are paddling their canoe. 🛶

Since psychic ability isn’t our forte, we don’t know what to expect from the director and writer after the two week hiatus. Will Director Shin and Writer Lee capitulate to the demands of the fangirls? Will they make a 180 degree change and rehabilitate Jang’s character into a patroness saint of hospitals? Will they yield to pressure and reduce Songhwa to a weak ninny who somehow “repressed” her feelings toward IkJun?

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We shall see next week whether Director Shin and Writer Lee will cave in to mania or stay the course.

But one thing I’m sure of right now is that Shin and Lee created an insider’s joke, and most of the audience didn’t get it. You see, Episode 6 is very much similar to Episode 5. They both had a motif. 

In Episode 5, the recurring element was the daisy. I told you about the daisies, right?

Here’s the link: Hospital Playlist 2: Ep 5 The Daisy

In this episode, the motif was the name. The director and writer opened the show with a joke about a name. Then, they slowly built up the joke by showing the audience how names created unlikely and unexpected personal connections. After all that groundwork was laid, Shin and Lee delivered the punchline with the naming of the baby.

If the highlight of Episode 5 was JW giving daisies to Songhwa,

then the highlight of Episode 6 was the blending of the names of JW and Songhwa to form the baby’s name.

Both the daisies and the name were unexpected gifts from Shin and Lee that they slowly developed throughout the episode and revealed only at the last minutes. Let me explain.

Shin and Lee began the joke as soon as the twins walked in.

Remember the twins? Songhwa said she and IkJun were like the twins. Meaning, they were close friends because she regarded IkJun as her twin brother, in the same way that Yunbok regarded her twin Hongdo.

The twins ordered coffee.

Sister Yunbok: Hello, I’d like an iced hot cappuccino.
Brother Hongdo: Me too.
Barista: “Iced hot cappuccino”? Hot or cold?
Sister Yunbok: Cold please. (handing her card to pay for both of them)

THIS IS A JOKE | Mario Amino

You see, cappuccino is served hot…steaming hot. First, there’s hot expresso. Next, steamed milk is added. Last comes the foamy milk. Cappuccino is 1/3rd expresso, 1/3rd steamed milk, and 1/3rd foamed milk which you get from heating milk up. For coffee purists like me, cappuccino is served hot.

But Sister Yunbok ordered an ICED hot cappuccino. She befuddled the server so the server had to ask again whether she wanted the coffee hot or cold. Yunbok clarified that she wanted “iced cappuccino.”

Don’t get me wrong now.  Iced cappuccino is a popular drink. But it is an oxymoron, like “nonalcoholic wine,” “delicious poison,” “jumbo shrimp,” “honest thief,” “virtual reality,” and “working vacation.”

It’s a name that gives you pause.

After the twins’ scene,  the name motif was picked up by JaeHak. In fact, that’s the whole point of JaeHak’s observation. Names could be deceiving. He said, “They were just med students up until February 28. But as of March 1, they’re interns. They know nothing but suddenly become interns overnight.”

He meant that the changing of names — or the conferring of the title “intern” on medical students — doesn’t miraculously endow them with medical knowledge expected of their rank. These new interns will still make mistakes because they’re transitioning from one level to the next. They aren’t full-fledged interns yet.  Or to use Uju’s language: these new interns are like cicadas that are molting and nymphs reaching the imago stage.

JaeHak resumed the joke on confusing names when he teased the twins.

Obviously, most department chiefs prefer to have Sister Yunbok in their department rather than Brother Hongdo because Sister Yunbok was the brighter one of the two.

The scene with SongHwa and IJ also carried on the name confusion. Songhwa called IJ to ask what coffee he wanted, and he requested an “Iced Vanilla Latte.”

Songhwa: One hot Americano and one iced vanilla latte, please.
Barista: The regular size?
Songhwa: Ah…

Note: She wasn’t familiar with the size of IJ’s coffee, so she mustn’t have been buying him coffee often.

IJ: A regular hot Americano and a large IVL.

He abbreviated the “Iced Vanilla Latte” to “IVL.” He also called the barista his “in-chin” which confused Songhwa. I’m assuming that slang is a portmanteau of “insider” and “chingu” (or friend).

Later, SongHwa enlarged on the subject of names. In the scene with Seongyeong and the motorcycle accident patient, she revealed the importance of names to establish connections.

Songhwa: Seongyeong. It’s nice that you’re checking in on Hwang Duna often but make you don’t neglect other patients.
Seokmin: (butting in) Hey, we have a lot to do. Go organize the charts if you have time. You can sleep one more hour if you do it now.
Seongyeong: Okay.

Seongyeong left. Songhwa assessed the patient’s condition. She noticed the chart: Hwang Duna. Female. Age 18.

Songhwa: Is she a college student?
SM: Yes, a freshman. She’s from Chuncheon.
Songhwa: I guess Seongyeong is worried because he’s also from Chuncheon. I think I used to be like that too.
SM: You?
Songhwa: Yes, I used to be like that. When I saw a patient with the same name as mine, I became all chatty. And I felt a sense of kinship with patients around my age. So don’t be harsh on Seongyeong. Later on, he won’t even feel those emotions anyway.

SM: Okay. But I feel like you were born a professor. Were you ever a stupid intern?
Songhwa: I did a lot of stupid things.
SM: (frowning)

My Comments:

1. The director deliberately made insert shots of all three patients’ cards. Remember: insert shots are meant to draw the audience’s attention to a detail. Because the insert shot allows viewers to directly see what the character is seeing, the director hopes that the viewers will arrive at the same conclusion as the character.

2. In this instance, Songhwa looked at the patient’s card and tried to decipher the connection between SY and the patient. SeokMin clued her in that SY and the patient were from the same city.

3. She felt a kinship with patient with the same name and same age as hers. She could relate to SY and she didn’t want Seokmin to disrupt any sort of kinship that SY would feel for his patient. For her, bonding with a patient is important. It didn’t matter that the link was as simple as hailing from the same city, having the same age, or sharing the same name. These links create “relatability.” Incidentally, relatability is one of the themes the Director seeks to establish this season.

4. This scene ties with that scene in Season 1, Episode 12, when Songhwa observed that the name of a comatose patient was similar to one of her patients when she was a fourth-year resident. That time, Sister Yunbok asked her if she happened to remember all the names of her patients.

Songhwa answered that she had stayed with this particular patient for over a week while getting reprimanded by her professor. She thought her patient would survive but she passed away. Songhwa beat herself up over it, thinking that it was her fault that she died. That patient left an indelible mark on her that even after all the years, Songhwa could still remember her name. Baek Seon Jeong.

Little did Songhwa know that Yunbok was that patient’s daughter. She made such a big impression on Yunbok that she and Hongdo decided to become doctors. They didn’t get to know Songhwa’s name; they only knew her shoe size.

For Songhwa, taking care of that patient Baek Seong Jeong was her turning point. For Seongyeong, taking care of this patient Hwang DuNa was his turning point. In effect, Writer Lee is telling audience that for these two doctors, their turning point in their medical profession is forever linked to a name of a person.

6. I don’t know if Songhwa’s admission that she did a lot of “stupid things” was a foreshadowing but I made a mental note of it.

7. Main point: names matter. They establish a connection.

Names aren’t trivial things to be passed over without a second glance.

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The name was also central to the story of JWan’s resident, Changmin. ChangMin shared a name with his dying patient.

JWan was updating JaeHak on the situation.

JWan: I just told the mother now that Changmin may not make through the week.
JHak: Gosh. Changmin must be devasted too.
JWan: Changmin, the resident?
JHak: Yes, he adores Changmin because they have the same name. He feels as though Changmin is his little brother. He checks in on him even on weekends.

JWan: Yes, I know. But he seemed okay. He seemed calm about it.
JHak: Really? Gosh. I’m impressed.

Now, JW knew about the medical situation of the young patient Changmin. But JWan apprised him of the name connection. JWan explained that people in his department grew more attached to the patient because of the name.

JW: That was about Changmin, right? The kid with TOF.
JWan: Yes. The surgery was difficult because of the severe adhesion. He managed to survive the surgery but ended up with sepsis.
JW: My gosh.
JWan: (extra chatty) One of our second-year residents has the same name, which is why everyone’s gotten more attached to him. And he was the first kid Changmin ever opened up to. We have a great relationship with his mother, too. It’s simple, you know. “The doctor is so attentive to my kid.” “The kid’s mother reminds me of my mom.” Then, you have mutual trust.

Considering that the parents trusted Changmin, JWan thought it was a good idea for him to be there at the time of his patient’s death.

JWan: I explained the situation to Changmin’s parents. I’d like you to make the death pronouncement.
Changmin: (stoically) Yes. I will.

Camera zoomed in on the patient’s chart: Kim Chang Min.

But Changmin couldn’t pronounce the patient’s time of death because he was overwhelmed with emotion. Thankfully, JWan walked in and did the task himself.

It’s inevitable that the doctor-patient bonding would have an emotional toll, too. As JWan said, doctors are human, too.

Thus, the writer showed how names lead to personal connections. To know the name of a person is to pay attention to her, and to recognize that she is a distinct individual from the rest of the world.

But the writer also showed how troublesome it could be when a name is unfamiliar. Take for instance, IkJun. He didn’t know what “imago” was because he wasn’t into camping like his son.

And he didn’t know what a “seleopja” was.

Also, Rosa. She couldn’t remember the name of a “kiosk.”

However, there were occasions, too, when it’s good to feign ignorance or confusion over a name. JW demonstrated this.

He was good at remembering names. He was the only one who could remember the names of the interns.

When it was pointed out that he was the only professor who could remember names, he downplayed his skill, and said that it was only March. Meaning, it was a transition period so it was normal for many professors to forget names.

By the way, NOTE the glaring difference between him and IkJun. JW glossed over the compliment, and didn’t brag about himself. He also didn’t use this occasion to bring down the other professors by pointing out their weaknesses.

Please, tell me again why Songhwa would settle for this guy?

Just like Songhwa, JW was good at name recall. He knew this was Mrs. Kim’s mother.

Moreover, his resident confirmed the identity of the mother-in-law.

So, he wasn’t like the barista who got confused between the hot or cold cappuccino.

He knew who the real mother-in-law was. Yet he still pretended to mix up her identity with the mother’s.

He pretended to mix up the mothers so he could soften the blow of the lecture he was about to give.

JW: This is not your daughter’s fault.

By speaking to her as a mother, instead of a mother-in-law, JW was highlighting the mother-daughter bond. Names form connections, remember? When he referred to her daughter-in-law as daughter, JW was stressing to the mother-in-law that the wife of her son was also a precious part of her family. The daughter-in-law mustn’t be treated as a stranger, but as her own flesh and blood.

JW: No one is at fault here. It just happened. If we must look at genetic factors, I’d say both parents are equally responsible. We have no way of knowing who contributed more.

I like that he wasn’t apportioning blame here. However, I must say these two things:

One, there are birth defects that are genetic, and it’s good for families with a known history of defect to get genetic counseling before thinking of having children. Two, it can’t be denied that certain birth defects are caused by the mother’s lifestyle and/or medical conditions, like age, prenatal care, diabetes, exposure to toxin, alcohol consumption, drug use, and smoking.

JW: Two to three percent of babies are born with some type of birth defect. Our grandchild happened to be born with esophageal atresia, which is one of the congenital disorders. You probably don’t know this, but this is not an uncommon condition to us. The surgery went well, so the baby will be fine.
Mother-in-law: I see.
JW: Your daughter is such a strong woman. She held out so her baby could stay in the womb for a few more days. Give her a pat on the back and please help her out so she can take good care of herself.
Mother-in-law: I will.
JW: Great.

This reminded me of the scene in Episode 2 when the mother of the famous violinist mistook Songhwa to be a resident. Both JW and Songhwa contrived a “mistake” in order to impart a valuable lesson to an overbearing relative of the patient. Their “teaching style” was empathic and nonconfrontational so their words were heeded by their listeners.

To Songhwa, residents are neurosurgeons, too. To JW, daughters-in-law are daughters, too.

Afterwards, the daughter was very grateful to JW.

Mother: Hello, Professor Ahn. We didn’t expect to see you here today.
JW: I come here every day. You seem so much better.
Mother: Thank you.
JW: Uri baby is doing much better too.
Mother: Thank you so much, Professor Ahn.
Father: Professor Ahn, we named our baby.
JW: Ah. that’s right! I just realized we don’t have his name yet. What is it?
Mother: (pointing to the card)

Mother: We just named him after you because we want him to be a doctor when he grows up. That’s all.
JW: (smiling) I see. It’s a nice name. See you later.

My Comments:

1. I like that the director made the mother point at the baby’s name instead of saying it aloud. This subtle move hid the significance of the name from the general audience.

This is an Easter Egg.

2. As I indicated earlier, JW was the last person to praise himself. When the mother said she named the baby after him, he would NOT be the type to brag, “Jeong Won is such a pretty name, isn’t it?”  In another thread, I wrote down a short list of gracious responses to say when somebody tells you that she’s naming her baby after you:

a. “Thank you. I’m flattered.”
b. “Thank you. I’m honored.”
c. “Thank you. I’m thrilled.”

But mind you, JW wasn’t boasting about his name per se. Instead, he was complimenting the fusion of his first name with their last name. The baby’s name was pretty because the first name “JeongWon” blended well with the last name “Song.” That name is a portmanteau of his name and Songhwa’s.

We have lots of Jangs in this drama, and a few Lees, Kims and Ahns.  But Chae SongHwa is unique. Or in the famous violinist’s word, “Impressive.”

3. If the Flower Gardeners truly wanted to be delusional about this….

Then not only did Songhwa and JW have JOINT properties under their names, but now they also have a baby named after them.

a. moving in ✅

b. buying household things ✅

c. naming a baby!!! ✅

Many viewers are going gaga over these upcoming marriage proposal and camping trip but these two events haven’t happened yet. The baby’s name? It already happened.

4. Last of all, in an episode with names as a theme, the writer and director kindly named the Flower Gardeners’ ship for them.

It’s SongJeong.

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64 Comments On “Hospital Playlist 2: Ep 6 On Names”

  1. Name connected! Thank you! 👏🏻

    Can I say too, it’s in the bag! 🥰😂

  2. hik hik hik… Thank you Packmule3. *hearts* Love your final note. 🙂 SongJeong won the day at the end of ep. 6. Next battle up ahead in the upcoming week. Paddling on!

  3. Awesome post as always, @packmule3!!! Thank you! 🙂

    The blended FG ship name … created by the writer herself! 😝 Our little canoe is still going in the right direction, methinks. (Fingers crossed ShinLee will also, as you say, stay the course. Aja!)

  4. What a heartwarming post. I love that the writers are the one who made the ship name hihihi.

    In addition to the joined name, i just saw an additional scene with JW in the front with Songhwa, is this a hint that SongJeong’s turn to be in the front seat while IJ is sitting in the back? 🙂🙂🙂

  5. @sasa13 which additional scene? in YT? could you please share the link here? Thank you

  6. I know that FGers like to celebrate crumbs found here and there in story details, but this time ShinLee didn’t toss crumbs our way, or even serve us a slice, we were gifted a whole cake on a silver platter!

  7. Indeed. SONGJeong-Won is a huge cake for us

  8. @bulmagoku i find it here

    Of course there is many iksong scenes but i am used to it now and i am not threaten by it lol

  9. @Sasa13: Jeong Won in the passenger seat! 🥰

  10. And the parallelism, IkSong scene sandwiched between JunWan-JaeHak and Rosa-Ju.

  11. Yay …. FG = SeongJeong

  12. Thank you for the post @pm3! Wow. You have beautifully summarized and explained the relevance of names in the whole episode. It really was heavily emphasized all throughout and of course, the highlight was the baby’s name – Song Jeong-Won ❤️

    Also loving the fact that the writer/director themselves gave our pairing a ship name 😊

  13. SongJeong… SongJeong… SongJeong… I like the sound of it. You’d also look like you’re doing ‘aegyo’ because of the movement of the lips. LOL hahahaha

    I was really impressed by how JW told the mother-in-law his thoughts about the patient’s and grandchild’s situations– in a very calm way, probably stating facts, well-thought statements. This kind of ‘lecturing’ would possibly not induce self-loathing thoughts but more of action-geared realizations. (Kudos to the writer!)

    Thanks to this as always, @pm3.
    Continuing to paddle with you!

  14. SONG JEONG WON = “SONG” hwa+ “JEONG” won + “WON” (won is One in korea, so that’s mean for song hwa jeong won as one true pairing) ❤️

  15. @Sasa13, thanks chinggu. That’s really a different teaser that I found in YT.

    @Lovebangwon, thank you for the explanation of Won. Even in English the meaning is winning 😁

  16. I love ep6, it’s my favorite eps in S2 so far, despite the seemingly dearth of FG crumbs. The song, the themes, this is a transition episode. And now I have even more reasons to love it with this post from @PM3!! Thank you for keeping the canoe paddling on track.

    JW earned some good points here when he talked to the MIL and corrected her bias by not being preachy but by being humane and emphatic. SHwa also did this and both are role models in their work. Both are rewarded in a way with baby name (turned ship name)!!!

    I also like that these professors are stopping the cycle of toxic working conditions and unreasonable expectations for doctors, breaking the paradigm that strength can only be bred in this type of environment and with full stoicism all the time. It’s ok to be emotional and be human while being a doctor. Being strong is not being emotionless. And they are good mentors to their juniors and not deliberately make their lives difficult.

  17. That scene where the parents of the baby named him and expressed their desire for him to become a doctor just like PaBo? The one that some weirdo called them toxic (as per @miracle23 ‘s comment in another post)? 🙄. It’s meant to pair up with SHwa. Both of them inspired future doctors. SHwa inspired YunBok (and the link to the shoes – where the Other Ahn gave SHwa an identical pair 😂). And here we have PaBo inspiring the parents to wish for their baby to grow up to be the same.

  18. Old American Lady

    newsstand. Who has Jang inspiredclrofessionally? Rhetorical question-nobody! And her performance in the surgery she so wanted to do, she choked. We know her reaction-find other pekp,people, errors-do not seriously reflect on your responsibility.

    And I wonder how long I a j will have the patience and v time to save her cookies. I think it would make it impossible for Romantic Winter to occur. Whew-we won’t have to worry about Uju having a bad stepmother. Here’s hoping IJ and PaBo will come to their senses.

    Still paddling…

  19. lovely post @pm3. now that shinlee has given our canoe a name, i hope they will go steer and paddle this tiny canoe with us til the end.

  20. Dear @Packmule3,
    I always admire your writings, thank you so much. Yours always give me the light of hope..

    I believe that Ikjun loves Songhwa.. but he doesn’t realize it yet that he loves her as his sister. He himself might be confused with his feeling. Ikjun and Songhwa are meant to be the unrelated twins.

    While Our SongJeong.. WON the compatibility test since the beginning.
    They have the identical souls.
    The true match by heart.

    Oh Let’s enjoy the paddling !!

  21. Too funny, @Lovebangwon. 🙂

    I thought “won” was Korean money, and #1 is “il” or “hana.”

  22. @Janey,

    I think this episode was JW’s turn. Remember? Each episode had put the spotlight on one of the Fab Five.

    Episode 1: SH
    Episode 2: Songhwa the Villain
    Episode 3: IkJun
    Episode 4: JWan
    Episode 5: I don’t know
    Episode 6: JW

    So it was JW’s turn to show what made him a good physician vis-a-vis his patients and students.

  23. Yes, @jwave. The writer/director gave the ship a name, SongJeong, and also described the couple as pure-hearted. They were real superstars. Also IJ said that JW was perfect/perfectionist, and he described Songhwa as a “model student.” That’s why he had to defame them. He thought it was amusing to pull “perfect” people down to his level. So immature.

    And then he had the gall to tell JWan that he remembered all these things so he could call them out on their “lies.” He wanted to be the one to say, “I saw it. I witnessed it.” But wasn’t this the guy who lied about the seleopja?!! Seriously, this guy wouldn’t know irony even if it hit him on the face.

  24. Hahaha, @nrllee.

    “I christen thee SongJeong.”

  25. @Sasa13,

    It would be interesting to find out how JW managed to end up riding shotgun while IkJun sat in the middle seat. Did JW fight for his seat or did Songhwa organize the seating arrangement herself?

  26. @miracle23

    The director went down to the wire with that name reveal. I thought we were going to end up with nothing this week while the WG and IJ folks have the proposal and camping PROSPECTS to be excited about. Phew!

    Let’s see what the director and writer have for us next week.

  27. I forgot to mention this, @nrllee.

    We just got one form of “neutralizer” in this episode: IkJun’s attempt at rewriting history.

  28. @packmule3 really? How so? I haven’t rewatched the ep and frankly my brain cells are a bit tired. The forgetting and already one year ties in really well. They chose to release these 2 OSTs today. Which is odd because Let’s Forget was sung in Ep4(?). And Already One Year was in Ep5.

    They released them together and just after the “intermission”. Coupled with the new teaser release which I am told is not just for Ep7 but for the 2nd half (Ep7-12)? This lends more credibility to our neuralizer concept and the mysterious timeline gaffes in Ep2 of both seasons.

  29. Such an insightful post as always, packmule. I didn’t catch the significance of the name until you wrote about it. Songhwa and Jeong Won are hitting all the relationship checkmarks without the “label” of a relationship (and without the romance…for now). They’re have a long-standing, deeply committed friendship. They’re in a professional/passion project endeavor together. They’ve bought and furnished a house. They’re supportive of each other and they listen and take care of one another. To me, Song Hwa’s advice to her Neuro resident, Seon Bin, was also advice and a reminder to herself. Song Hwa isn’t the type to be pushy to get what she wants (unlike Jang). She doesn’t want to have to convince Jeong Wan that’s she’s the one, she wants him to come to that conclusion himself. That’s why she’s moving along with her life, building a foundation for the both of them (through daddy long legs and their long-standing friendship)… Because she knows that if she’s patient, something might finally happen.

    Also, the Mr. Burns GIF had me laughing!

  30. Well played @Packmule3, well played… *Applause*

  31. @cheekychu good observation! It is safe to say IJ is like the Jaehak to songhwa’s Junwan. He cheered her up and she likes having him around but that’s it 😅

    @bulmagoku no problem! I thought that it will be on ep 7, but since there’s so many new scenes i suspect it’ll be for the following eps

    @nrllee love the parallel between SongJeong 💓 yes he is an inspiring doctor. That scene almost made me forget him of all the stupidity he did this season.

    @OAL the only thing Jang inspired is a lawsuit. Such a concerning doctor. I wouldn’t feel safe with having her as a doctor🙄

    @pm3 i am dying to know too!!! Will JW blow up like the ticking time bomb he is over IJ, or will Songhwa step in to show how JW is her fav? She looked apologetic the last time so it is possible for her to take the first step forward too🥰

  32. Old American Lady

    @packmulr3,you have restored my faith in the end game. I am so happy that you are able to interpret the motifs and signs leading up to our only conclusion.Especially grateful for the name theme. The canoe was set adrift,no thanks to the dangerous Jang rapids, but thanks to your wise words has once again been set on course. Looking forward to calmer waters ahead but do expect some turbulent patches, but nothing that can’t be overcome.Paddling away.

  33. @pm3 I honestly could not go on reading the second half of your review before commenting because it’s driving me nuts.

    How on Earth are you catching these motifs?? Every episode I’m blown away by 1 or 2 of your insights, but this one is seriously doing me in. It’s like you were put on this Earth to impart unto us plebians your gift of sight.

  34. Ep 5: I don’t know … LOL! I called ep 5 “lame” in previous comment threads.
    And yes, ep 6 is JW, finally. Song Jeong Won signed (loan), sealed (christened with a name) and soon to be delivered!!!

    The neuralizer light at the end credits was the chandelier while the band was singing. I hope that’s when the group was singing the bridge of the song:
    all the things that stressed you out
    All the sweat and tears you have shed
    Let’s have a drink and FORGET all about them

    It turns out to be good timing to take a break with HPL2. @PM3 is on vacation (thank you for the 3 posts!) and we get to focus on the Olympics (shown here on US west coast evenings). There’s also drama and lots of cheering there. 😉 I hope everyone got to watch and enjoyed cheering for your countries (and home countries).

  35. @pm3 My mistake 😂
    I meant “one” will be sound like won (when korean ppl say that word)

    I remember watching ha ji won drama “the time when we are not in love”
    Female lead name: hana
    The guy: won
    There is conversation between lead, that mentioning their name have same meaning = ONE.

  36. I completely agree with this post. When I saw the earlier tweets on Ep 6 I was like “what the efff, they are literally butchering Andrea’s character as just a loverboy izit?, and “If at all there really is Iksong, it can’t happen this early”. Turned out when I watched this episode, I felt like I have watched a different episode altogether.

    Moral of the story: it’s okay to be uncommon because had I followed the majority, I wouldn’t appreciate the beauty of this episode and how Andrea saved SongJeong(Won).

  37. Old American Lady

    @Fly,the beauty of BOD and ,@packmule3,nrlllee,Miracle, Cleopatra and the discussions is how there are points of view based on facts, serious observations that are like what is seen in good science and all of the cultural references(world music, literature, languages, mythology, medicine).You get respectful, fun, informative discussions that don’t follow the crowd. And in the HP posts there is great knowledge about how the Shin Lee partnership actually works and maps out their dramas. There is a lot to enjoy here and you’ll have the fun of learning things about the significance of the baby,’s name that you won’t get anywhere else. And most important of all it’s a safe in place to express in theories, ideas because @pm3 does her all to prevent toxic behavior from invading this site. It is sometimes hard to moderate but @pm3 finds a way.

  38. A very eloquent piece for our HP2 library. What a thoughtful connection. As someone above said, you must have been born to teach us how to make these links. We are talking about names, but I just forgot who wrote about it. (** remembered now – April 🥳)

    The writer director brought the name to the forefront and after reading your article, I believe that we also have a closeness to someone from our town, area, neighborhood, or our name or that of our siblings. It is our own way of connecting with a new / unknown person.

    Still happy that the writer gave us a big cake to celebrate in the form of SongJeong Won to keep our canoe moving. We are not paddling in a canoe anymore, but more of a deck boat or a bow rider boat?

    I will have to go and rewatch ep 6 for this neutralizer that you guys are talking about. Wondering and thinking what he could have neutralized this episode?

    Keep on paddling ……..

  39. Upgrading our canoe to a House boat – They already signed a lease on a home and they have a child named after them….

  40. @angelwingssf I think I get what @packmule3 was trying to say when IJ tried to “rewrite history” by pretending it was PaBo’s mistake as an intern with the seolapja incident. So he was trying to alter everyone’s perception of the event. In essence, that was a “neuralizer” moment because in MIB, that flash makes you forget the past (alters the events of the past), which effectively rewrites history.

  41. I wonder how and if this changing history will be further used in the subsequent episodes and their effects to present days i.e. changing history, changing the future.🤔🤔🤔

  42. When you think about it, a lot of the events have been precipitated by IJ’s meddling. WG. Dove couple split up. Posturing between IJ and ChiHong. Really the only couple he hasn’t touched has been Bear couple. He was going to but SH wisely dealt with everything himself. He didn’t want IJ’s meddling. Even when his ex came back.

    It can’t possibly all be in IJ’s head? Surely? I can understand the WG Christmas kiss but this is a whole new level? We have had a whole year? Even the cast when they watched all the WG moments. They were aghast like us? The comment was they kept kissing? 😂. So we’re not the only ones thinking it was just off putting? So I don’t know how ShinLee are going to tie it all up. Is “forgetting” just metaphorical? As in, put it all behind you and start afresh? Or will they pull an Oliver and Claire and wipe the slate clean and go back a year to that fateful night when WG first kissed? And give us the alternate version? Where nothing happened. Or Jang kissed IJ instead. Because he was working that night. According to IS he always worked on Christmas Day.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @nrllee, your comment is so interesting. I agree that IJ, by his changing the story of who was the pabo over the seolapja was altering perceptions of reality, just the way the MIB will narrate to the neuralized people an alternative explanation, as they flashed the neuralizer.

    Yes @miracle, we have seen the Shin-Lee change history and they may change more backwards in history and forwards in the future.

    @nrllee It’s a scary thought, but it’s possible we are just watching the alternate reality that’s been playing out in IJ’s head!

    It seems to be taking trolling a step too far, but it’s such an intriguing possibility!!!

  44. Thanks @nrllee about “rewriting history” or a neutralizer event. Probably all this is a drama playing in alternative reality, when all they are interested in is making up. Will the director even erase all the good things that PB did with Shwa, like getting a loan, buying a house that happened in AR?

  45. Old American Lady

    I never thought that IJ could be a gaslighted but here he is making a classic gaslighted move. In the immortal words of Mr Knightley in Emma, “Bad Form, Bad Form” That squarely makes IJ a much more suitable partner for the disingenuous Jang. PaBo, even in his stupidity remains pure.IJ here shows no another bad side of himself. I would ship him with.Jang but have my doubts because I don’t want Jang coming near U-ju.(Silently screaming).

  46. @angelwingssf no I think some of the scenes are the other reality. So we are seeing 2 realities/timelines playing out? PaBo seems to be his old self when talking about DLL and he’s certainly his old self when he’s with patients. But he’s weird when he’s with Jang or talking about his relationship.

    Who knows? It’s hard to tell which is which. I hope there’s a plausible explanation coming up in the second half.

  47. Plausible explanation in the second half — Amen to that.

  48. The name!! SongJeong – they won. 😛 Like @lovebangwon writes, they are one. I’m quite mindblown here…… I knew the name matters in this episode but now that you highlighted it. Oh yeah!

    And like @OldAmericanLady I cannot imagine Jang taking of Uju. I don’t think she has the maturity to take care of a child just out of the blue. Even if she is not with JW, I don’t think she should be with IJ either.

    And noo…I cannot imagine an alternate reality in this show. But JW and Jang’s r/s seems quite disjointed from the rest of the story. Because they are keeping under wraps, whatever happens to them won’t make a big impact? So it is someone’s imagination?
    On another note, there must be something between SongHwa and JW in that past that they are not revealing about.

  49. Old American Lady

    @grace,It was Jang’s idea to keep her “romance” secret except for Minha. Was We’ve never been given a good reason for it.Weay learn the reason for it in the second half.Jsng is not really modest but pretends to be. Her actions show that she wants to o be admired and superior. As a fellow she made a big deal about taking her interns out to lunch.Her secrecy surrounding her relationship in seems out of character. You would think that she’d want everyone to know about her connection to the great,rich professor,if only to support her overriding ambition. We don’t know if she he’s cheating on someone or if she has somebody else in mind. We haven’t been shown the latter yet if at all.My gut tells me that no matter what, the WG shippers will be disappointed. Gotta find my paddle but zi truly think we FGs need a huge catamaran. 🚢 O

  50. @nrllee and @OAL, good points on IJ’s faulty meddling in others’ lives. I recall this has been repeatedly discussed in previous threads. But I only get to absorb what everyone means, now that I am rewatching S1.

    This time around, I noticed that it was really IJ who planted the “WG seed” in JWon’s mind in S1. (This S2, meanwhile, IJ unwittingly influenced the Bidulgi couple’s breakup.)

    You guys are right when you guys quote JWon saying, “IJ will kill us all.” 🤦‍♀️🙃

    Apart from Emma Woodhouse’s well-meaning but disastrous matchmaking schemes (good comparison, @OAL!!!), when I rewatched IJ “influencing” JWon to see how great Jang is, I was also reminded of Deoksun’s well-meaning but clueless girlfriends in Reply 1988. And like Deoksun, I believe JWon (naive and confused) was easily misled into pursuing things without realizing what his heart deep down really wants.

    I forget the actual scene now, but there was a scene in S1 where it was said that IJ wasn’t really thinking through someone’s POV; instead he was really talking about himself.

    That fits well into IJ’s personality. He is hyper and extroverted, and such prevents him from internalizing through another’s POV.

    For example, he advocated Jang’s good qualities to JWon because to him (IJ), within his context, Jang was awesome.

    This was also the case when he kept teasing Capt. Ahn to IS. Initially, in his mind, it was inconceivable that Capt. Ahn was really just platonic friends with IS, because he himself liked SHwa and didn’t see her as a mere friend.

    So like Emma Woodhouse, while he has good intentions for the most part, IJ (equally a social butterfly) has agenda and advocacies that are narrowed by, and skewed to, his biases.

    I dont know how it will play out in the upcomimg episodes (everyone’s theories are all fairly up in the running). I am hoping that the consequences of IJ’s meddling/noseyness will be untangled. 🙂

  51. I was thinking back to our first season when IJ was singing Pick Me to Jang. We thought the song referred to his strictly professional reasons because he wanted a resident and because he was married at that time. However, perhaps he subliminally was interested in her without admitting it.Maybe that’s why he was encouraging PaBo; so IJ could live vicariously through him.It’s a stretch but now IJ is divorced and Jang seems available although IJ suspects something and Songhwa seems to be his default setting. Do you think he would accept no for an answer, even if he really likes Jang. (I keep thinking poor Uju-that’s why I hope this ship sinks too).

  52. @pandamilktea, I agree with your observation that IJ “advocates Jang’s good qualities to JWon because to him (IJ), within his context, Jang was awesome.” We have seen that to IJ a good doctor is a good technician. All the praise IJ heaped on Jang to JWon focused on her working long hours without complaint, and scrubbing in on lots of surgeries. In the recent episode when Jang choked as lead surgeon and needed to be comforted afterward, IJ again focused on her developing technique through observation and practice. IJ never considered JWon’s or Jang’s overriding perspective on life to gauge their compatibility, and I doubt he even thought of it. He may have discovered that JWon is DLL, but did he put that together with JWon being short on cash most of the time because he funded it out of his own pocket until he got the proceeds from the VIP suites? I doubt IJ gives a passing thought to how important charity is to JWon, to the point he’ll impoverish himself and rely on his friends for his personal needs. What about Jang? At least about food she’s very selfish, grabbing more than what’s fair and refusing to share with others even when asked. That’s evidence of a larger character flaw. IJ nags at SHwa about what he considers her gluttony, which is actually just her eating her own food fast, but doesn’t say a word to Jang. He’s got a blind spot when it comes to Jang’s gluttony.

  53. @OAL I think IJ actually did like Jang. And his weird “what would you do” question to SHwa was actually him asking her if he should confess to Jang. What threw many (and I have my doubts too) was when he said he knew this person a long time. He had gotten to know Jang for a year and a year is exceptionally long by IJ’s standards? The reason I think that is because not long before when IJ was heading to SHwa’s office and bumps into the line of men asking for her advice, Shin was playing Vivaldi’s Winter as IJ was walking towards SHwa’s office. Which meant he was thinking about Jang perhaps? Then SM revealed to IJ that he was there asking for dating advice?

    But you are right. I don’t think any of us here would want Romantic Winter to sail because of UJu. So I think whilst the hints are there for this pairing. It’s not going to eventuate because IJ will remain a single dad and return to his Universe UJu.

  54. @nrllee, I particularly remember you mentioned this theory earlier! And so as Season 2 and more tiny hints of Romantic Winter unfolded, I really remembered you and wondered if maybe ShinLee was trolling all of us all along! 🙂

    I do sincerely/objectively believe there are Romantic Winter crumbs scattered all over both seasons’ episodes. I don’t know why ShinLee dropped these, and if these crumbs matter in the final overall story (or are just red herring). I agree with everyone though that Jang is nowhere near a suitable stepmom figure for Uju.

    Her current character revamp still hasn’t turned her into a warm, caring, selfless, maternal person/doctor, though. (And on this important note, how will this character be a suitable “Mommy Long Legs” to JWon’s many children in his children’s hospital? 😒 If she can’t be a suitable mom figure to Uju (just one child), fans can’t say she’s a suitable Mommy equivalent to DLL. 🤦‍♀️)

    My personal preference is same as @nrllee’s — IJ will remain single and go back to his universe, Uju. Maybe Romantic Winter will be open-ended? Hanging and open to an optimistic interpretation???

  55. Old American Lady

    @pandamilktea, I’m having a hard time seeing a Jang character revamp. She choked at the surgery she so much wanted to perform solo and all she wanted to be comforted is to find out about others’ mistakes which in the end were m inor and humorous. She was unable to stop the bleeding and was clueless about cancer protocols after spending somuch time scrubbing into surgeries during her residency where she was shown to do little but observe. Is she really any different from the competitive, ambitious, phoney shy, phoney plain Maggot of the first season. The only difference I see is that she’s kissing PaBo and feeding off of him. She is our fellow former resident parasite, whose nickname to us will continue tobe Maggot.

    I am hoping we get a scene where she has a bad encounter with Uju that shows IJ who Jang actually is. But I doubt that will happen because IJ is character blind towards her.

    I also hope that Songhwa hangs tough and rebukes IJ’s advances- twin zone for me. And again, no Romantic Winter.

    One other far out idea has to do with the Bear couple and Ang. Minha is Jang’s “friend” according to Jang. Will Jwng do something bad to Minha that somehow gets back to the other four, changing her dynamic with PaBo and IJ. And will the secrecy of the Maggot Pabo relationship make for an easier break up. Imhave more fantasies but I’m really hoping for medical malpractice because Jang is a lazy bad doctor with zero bedside manner.

  56. @AOL, I don’t think ShinLee will go to malpractise route seeing the worthless efforts they have made for this character to be acceptable while at the same maintaining how useless she is among the others. For all we know, it’s very clear as day and night that she is benchmarked as the Don’ts in doctoring whilst others are written as the Dos i.e. how well they cope with their mistakes and learn from their teachers – they grow positively, unlike JGU who keeps being shown the opposite of growth and how shady is her personality as compared to others. Her fans are blinded of this fact because they were fed what they want the most, that is the all physical romance of it, the fairytale they projected unto themselves. Is this slice of life? It’s not. It is the fantasy – clueless young girls to score a rich guy like PG. For this point, ShinLee have given a wrong impression of what a slice of life is. Although looking at a different point, they showcase what a poor relationship WG is i.e. all physicality. They don’t find it necessary to show WG discuss about themselves, their dreams, their personal problems because those do not matter to WG. What matters to WG is the physicality of their relationship, their hormones not their brains or hearts.

    I watched R88 last weekend and I found that Bora x SW meal dates are all filled with substance. They talked. Really, really talked about their personal lives. They shared and discussed their personal issues. I can’t say the same with WG whose main conversation revolves around hugging and kissing. *shrug*

    As mentioned before by @nrlee and others, this secrecy of WG relationship kept me thinking that their breakup, if ever, would not be missed by others at Yulje (besides the 99ers and Minha) because to them WG is basically non-existent. Perhaps this is the other convenient reason behind making WG a secret affair i.e. it is not for the long term and it can be wiped out easily.

    This PG also reminded me of DS whom as of Ep. 9/10 (R88) onwards, writer-nim wrote as having kindled a feeling towards Junhwan and pursuing him while concurrently writernim continued to show Taek’s interest towards DS and DS caring towards Taek.

    We have never seen the boys gave Shwa any gifts worth noted, right? Just buying her coffee and pay for her birthday cake (i.e. Ikjun). But PG gave her daisies, buy strawberry that she likes, served her meals. And Shwa in return did a number of things for him as well. She gave him her car!! *roll eyes* Why would they show all these if they were meant to be nothing? This question keeps warring in my head. Shouldn’t they focus the effort on showing more of the ‘confirmed’ pairings instead of wasting screen time on something that is not worth anything, no?

  57. @miracle23, Amen-especially the car!

  58. @miracle23 I agree. Because they’ve kept it secret to the public. Their break up would not affect anything in the grand scheme of things. Nobody believed they were going out. None of the GS Profs did. Neither did the motley crew plastered up against the panes of the window of ER watching Jang get into PaBo’s car. They just thought he was being a gentleman 😂. ShinLee put that in for a reason. It would be like Dove couple. Nobody knows. So when FG sails, SB would be like, “yeah I saw it coming all along”. Jang was never in the picture. 😂

    I am still wondering about the US flag Jibbitz on IJ’s Crocs. So random? Is Jang going away? Shin did mention her moving away in SHB’s interview? And he was brutal in that MV for SechSkies which featured her as the central character. I can’t see him having her die though? Moving away would be a nice compromise 😂. Maybe something to do with her mom? She’s ill and needs treatment in the US? Inserting that conversation (between Jang and her mom) during the whole with the abuse case was odd. I know WGrs were surmising that she was the subject of abuse but I don’t think ShinLee would go there? Or would they? 🤔

  59. The way ShinLee are going with WG is the same like everything else in their story. Touch and Go. WG was created by touch and go term. No need for deeper understanding of the person is or respecting ones dream , passion and belief. Look at JGU herself. She was proud to date a saint. But does she understand that this person is her boyfriend whom she actually doesn’t even know deep down, doesn’t care what he likes or what his dreams are? That he sometimes misses his meals because of overwork? Shinlee didn’t find it important to show how she cares for him. Instead we were shown how she ignored it, time and time again.

    While PG requested her to be opened with him and tell him everything, she only needs daily dose of his hormones. She said it herself, (physical) affection once a day. Forget about taking her home, prepping meal for her or taking her out for dinner. That is not her definition of affection. His hormones are. So she got what she wants the most from him while she pours out her heart to Ikjun on her problems. She is rowing two boats. Only time will tell if ShinLee’s gonna further address this. I don’t write all these weird WG/JGU plots. LWJ did. I have no idea what is in her mind or what is her objective. I am only taking it on face value that LWJ just wanna show how bad an example JGU is and the mistakes PG makes.

  60. Talking about names:

    SONGJeong won

    What about JunJang for them 😁😀

  61. I was reading episode 8 comments trying to figure out if we were out of March. Then I remembered JC and the Ides of March and decided to come check to see if the baby Song JW was born on March 15 😈 beware Jang. Alas, the birthday seems to be 3/10.

  62. We are still in March 2021. At least the Tteokbokki lunch the calendar still had March 2021 on it? Feels like we’ve been stuck in suspended March for 3 eps now.

  63. So it still isn’t full spring. When do the cherry blossoms bloom?

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