Lovers of the Red Sky: Ep 1 First Impressions

Move over, HP2.

This is the kdrama that captured my interest. Here are the things I like about Episode 1.

1. The world-building

I appreciate the drama giving us the creation myth because I’m not well-versed in Korean mythology. A creation myth is important because it reveals how the characters perceive cause and effect in their world. Instead of events happening randomly, the creation myth gives a semblance of order and connection in their chaotic lives.

In this drama, we’re told that three gods initially lived in symbiosis: the goddess of life (or Samshin), god of death, and god of balance. But the god of death, because of his unquenchable thirst for blood, devoured the god of balance. With balance symbolically dead, chaos reigned. And Mawang, the Demon King who emerged from the goddess of life, entered into human hearts, and festered in the darker side of human nature.

Mawang was eventually banished from the land when a woman sealed him inside a painting she drew. Mawang had killed her lover, so she prayed to the Samshin for help in putting away Mawang. After she succeeded in her mission, she disappeared.

Three comments:

a. Unless the subbers were wrong, it was specifically stated that Mawang was created from Samshin, the goddess of life. At first, I assumed that he surely would have been spawned by the god of death since he wrought destruction. But when I gave it a second thought, I realized that the god of death, by his very nature, couldn’t possibly give life to anything. It made sense then that the goddess of life gave life to Mawang. The goddess of life created both the good and bad.

b. I don’t know if this creation myth is a foreshadowing of the intertwined fates and unhappy end of Hong ChungGi the painter, and Ha Ram the astrologer. I’m crossing my finger that we get a happily ever after.

c. Another interesting concept that we can glean from this creation myth is that since the gods created the chaos, there are bad events which humans cannot control. The conversation of young Hong ChungGi and Ha Ram displayed this concept.

They had just escaped from somebody’s peach orchard, and Ram chided her for causing trouble.

Ram: (jokingly) If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have been chased by someone who’s scary as a ghost.
CG: (moves away angrily)
Ram: Where are you going? (pulling on her sleeve to stop her)
CG: I hate you.
Ram: (letting go) I never said I wanted to steal someone else’s peaches.
CG: You are just like everyone else. Because I can’t see, and because my father isn’t mentally well, and because my mother died when I was born, I have no friends. Everyone points fingers at me for no reason. They say I’m a cursed child. I only wanted to each a peach with you. (sniffles)
Ram: I’m sorry. But the fact that your mother died giving birth to you, that you were born blind, that your father isn’t mentally well, none of these is your fault. So why…?
CG: Why what? What do you know?
Ram: You’re right. I don’t know anything but… you can’t help it. Everything that has happened to you is not within the human will. It isn’t your fault. So don’t blame yourself for things that you cannot control.

Ram: (his tummy growling) I’m even hungrier now from running so much. And that is definitely your fault. (teasing her)
CG: (smiles)

This was a sweet scene. I liked how it began and ended with him teasing her. At first, she was prickly, then she understood his sense of humor.

He bit into the peach, and complained that it still wasn’t ripe. She munched hers, and grinned. She said, “It’s sweet. Tastes delicious.” I like to think that this proved that she wasn’t cursed like she thought she was.

2. Fated Births

I’m relieved that I don’t have to deal with a love triangle here.

Samshin ordained ChungGi and Ram to be partners from birth since their fathers were key players in the exorcism of Mawang. On the night they were born, their fathers were participating in the extraction of Mawang from the body of the old king Yeongjong.

The old king Yeongjong had used Mawang to conquer lands and consolidate power. But when Mawang’s destructive force became too strong even for him to control, he ceded the throne to his successor Seongjo, and ordered the exorcism done on him. In his mind, the only way to put an end to the bloody war was to summon Mawang out of his body and to seal the demon in a painting drawn of himself.

Now, two painters were involved in the creation of the old King’s portrait: ChungGi’s father, Hong EunOh, and Gan Yun Guk. YunGuk appeared to be EunOh’s supervisor; EunOh did all the painting.

However, as soon as the painting was delivered to the ritual site, YunGuk was possessed by an unknown force with a green aura.

Meanwhile, two exorcists were involved in summoning Mawang out of the old king’s body: Ha Ram’s father, Ha SeongJin, and a Shaman lady named Mi Su. Mi Su resented that Ha Ram’s father took over the ritual from her.

But as it turned out, she was in on a plot to get rid of Ha Ram’s father and his people from the Taoist Bureau as soon as the ritual was over. Apparently, the new King Seongjo had aligned himself with Mi Su and her Shaman group.

With the help of the goddess Samshin, Ha Ram’s father sealed Mawang in the portrait, but not before Mawang cursed the people present at the ritual.

To the new King Seongjo, he said, “From this day forward, you will all suffer from drought and famine!” To Ha Ram’s father, he said, “Your descendants will be lost in darkness!” and to ChungGi’s father, he said, “Your descendants will never paint again.”

That curse on ChungGi’s father caused the newborn ChungGi to lose her eyesight. Samshin couldn’t undo the curse, but she blessed ChungGi with a “destined partner” — Ha Ram — who would help her avoid the curse.

Four comments:

a. While all the major participants were cursed that night, two people were noticeably spared: The shaman MiSu and the painter YunGuk who was possessed by Green Aura and disappeared into night. I find YunGuk interesting because his color is different from the others.

SamShin had yellow light. Ha Ram’s father had blue light from his sword. Mawang had swirling black smoke, and red eyes. But YunGuk was the only one with green light and green eyes. We have to keep an eye out for him.

b. The sword. It appeared to have constellations engraved on the blade. No doubt Ha Ram will wield that sword in the future.

c. As for the newborn Ha Ram, Manwol’s curse on him wasn’t instantaneous like it had been on ChungGi. He suffered the effects of being “lost in darkness” only when he was 9 years old and was appointed to lead the rain ritual. While Samshin couldn’t also undo the curse on Ha Ram, Ha Ram was able to circumvent it by learning to read the stars, and relying on his sense of hearing. He was never truly lost in darkness after he became blind.

d. I don’t know the connection but as consequence of Mawang’s curse on Ha Ram, he seemed to have acquired an extraordinary power to locate water. I don’t know how that happened by I wouldn’t be surprised if his father had counter-acted the curse of being lost in darkness.

3. The fated encounter of the children

Frankly, it was the child actors that hooked me in to this drama.

They portrayed the young ChungGi and Ram very well. They didn’t overplay the emotions, and weren’t “mugging” for the camera. It also helped that their scenes weren’t just a filler. I thought the screenwriter did a good job showing the back story and emotional subtext of the future grown-up ChungGi and Ram in this fated encounter of the children when they were 9 years old.

There were many sweet moments, but I’ll limit myself to five.

First, it’s clear that ChungGi was the one to teach Ram to listen to sounds when one is blind.

Ram took her advice to heart when he lost his eyesight. But I think it’s also key that it was ChungGi who instilled in Ram’s mind the idea of charging for information.

Ram: So what are we doing here?
ChungGi: You would not understand even if I told you.
Ram: Come now, tell me.
ChunGi: Do you expect me to answer you for free?
Ram: Do you expect me to pay you?
ChungGi: Nothing in this world is free.

When Ram grew up, he launched the “Wolseongdang” or art gallery. In front of the gallery was a box where people submitted their question. He answered the questions if they paid the price. He became an “information central” who knew everything. The inspiration for this “intelligence gathering” was undoubtedly from young ChungGi.

Second, Ram knew ChungGi’s name. I especially like how the screenwriter subtly ensured that Ram discovered her name.

When ChungGi burst in on the art school headmaster in a secret tryst with the maid, the headmaster shouted ChungGi’s name in shock. Next time she surprised the headmaster again, Ram called her by name to lead her away.

Since Ram knew ChungGi’s name from the start, this would hopefully eliminate any prolonged (and tedious) identity confusion in the story.

Third, ChungGi was sensitive about her appearance. I found this cute because hey! the girl gotta preserve her dignity! 

The art school maid noticed that ChungGi had a tear on her sleeve.

Maid: (taking off ChungGi’s jacket) I’ll sew it back together in no time. Wait here for a moment.
ChungGi: (addressing Ram) Did you pretend not to see it when you saw the hole?
Ram: I always get holes in my clothes, so I thought you were the same.
ChungGi: Do you also not have a mother?
Ram: I do.

This brief dialogue made the characters more real and tangible to the viewers.  We get that ChungGi didn’t like to be viewed as different and pathetic, so she was touchy about the hole in her outfit. In her mind, if she had a mother around to care for her, then she wouldn’t look unkempt. (Of course, she wasn’t to know that the hole on her dress is the least of her problems. Her grimy face and dusty clothes were a giveaway that she was a street urchin.)

As for Ram’s response, it showed that he was perceptive of her feelings. He said the right thing to mollify her without sounding condescending.

Fourth, ChungGi drew a circular star on the ground.

Ram said it looked more like a full moon than a star. Then, he took her hand and drew the Big Dipper with her.

To me, they drew the stars in their own unique way. Ram drew the stars as he saw them in the night sky. ChungGi however, since she was blind, drew the star as she imagined it. Her star reminded me of Van Gogh’s swirly “Starry Night.”


Fifth, Ram bandaged the cut on her knee with his handkerchief. She wanted to return it before they parted ways.

ChungGi: Here you should take this.
Ram: (tying it back on her knee) That’s all right. I’ll come to fetch it after the rain ritual.
ChungGi: Isn’t this precious to you?

Ram: This? It is nothing. It is just the one and only handkerchief that my mother gave me.
ChunGi: Are you telling the truth?

At this moment, she finally became attuned to his teasing. Earlier, on the way home, she scolded him for playing a joke on her. He complained that she was being merciless.

She sensed that he was teasing her again when he said that the handkerchief was trivial although it was his only keepsake from his mother. She understood his wry sense of humor.

This tells us that she learned to “hear” his nuance although she couldn’t see his face. This is a good sign that they’ll be on the same wavelength, too, in the future when they meet again.

ChungGi: All right. Come back tomorrow. I’ll be waiting for you.
Ram: Alright. Tomorrow, I’ll go back to Anseong Daek’s peach blossom field and steal more peaches for you.

Then, she asked for his hand, touched his face, and kissed him. They were embarrassed at first but they recovered quickly.

ChungGi: You will go pick peaches with me tomorrow, won’t you?
Ram: Sure, of course.
ChunGi: Fine. That’s a promise.

Of course, the following day, Mawang broke loose from the painting and entered Ram’s body. Instead of sealing him in the painting, Samshin sealed Mawang in Ram’s body. The butterfly “tattoos” that she had imprinted on Ram’s hand and nape acted like the shaman MiSu’s yellow talisman paper. They effectively sealed Mawang in Ram’s body.

Samshin: Ha Ram. You have sacrificed yourself for the good of countless people.
Mawang: Have you used the child as bait to lure me?
Samshin: Mawang, remain in this child’s body. I will take your eyes, the source of your power. You will be powerless until the day you reclaim your eyes.

Then, she flew to ChungGi.

Samshin: ChungGi. You are a child destined to save the world. I shall temporarily entrust these eyes to you. Create the vessel of destiny.

Based on her actions, I’m assuming that the Samshin had a masterplan in mind. She was giving ChungGi time to mature as an artist and draw the divine painting that would exile Mawang for good. Meanwhile, she was also counting on Ha Ram to keep Mawang under control inside of him while ChungGi grew up. In a sense, Ha Ram was the sacrificial lamb.


I’ll end here. Ep 2 will follow tomorrow.


34 Comments On “Lovers of the Red Sky: Ep 1 First Impressions”

  1. The “Move over HP2” struck my heart anew 🤣🤣🤣 I read the first para and I am honestly intrigued. Thank you! Hmm…. maybe this is the one excuse I need to get back on track? Should I jump into it?? 🤔🤔🤔 I will sleep over this and come back to finish reading your review if I decided to give it a try in the next few days.😉

  2. I got a bit confused about the creation story as well and am wondering if we lost something in translation. Because Sam Shin also means “3 god(s)” in Korean? Where “Sam” is 3 and “Shin” is god.

    English subs for creation story
    “once upon a time, there was a time where humans and creatures of the earth lived in harmony with unseen beings. Among them was SamShin* (goddess of childbirth), 3 gods merged into one body. The first god blessed life. The second god controlled death. The third god maintained the balance between the 2. One day, the god of death who thirsted for blood gobbled up the god of balance. Once the balance between life and death was broken, the world fell into terror and chaos. From then on MaWang the demon king was severed from the body of SamShin and lived within the dark desires of humans. One day a woman who lost her lover to MW’s rampage created a painting. SamShin responded to her prayers and became one with the painting. MW who had caused chaos in the world was sealed in the holy painting and the woman disappeared without a trace.

    So SamShin (3 gods) was generic 3 in 1? MaWang was severed (and came into existence as a separate entity) from the original 3in1 god who really now really is just the “HanaShin” – one god (because god of balance is no more). 😂

    And the Korean title for the drama is actually “Hong CheonKi” (name of the FL) not Lovers of the Red Sky. I thought that was interesting. That the story was about her. Not him.

  3. And the interesting thing about WolSeongDang? They used Chinese lettering on the postbox (WolSeongDang)

    Literally translated it reads “Moon Star Hall”. A nod to their childhood encounter which obviously left a deep impression on HaRam.

  4. I love the “Move over HP2” comment and the gif 😂😂 Thanks @pm3!

    The first two episodes had indeed been interesting. I too am hoping that the creation myth was not a foreshadowing of an unhappy ending. As you have pointed out, even in Ha Ram and CheonKi’s short encounter, they both have left a deep impression in each other. We see traces of CheonKi’s influence in Ha Ram’s present life, and CheonKi is still searching for the handkerchief’s owner even after several years had passed.

    I rewatched the part where the other painter, Gan Yun Guk was possessed by the green aura, and noticed that the moment he was shown with green eyes, there was a note onscreen and in English subtitles it was “Hwacha: A goblin that lives on the energy of paintings”. I’m assuming that it was the Hwacha that possessed him. So aside from Samshin and Mawang, we also have a goblin – Hwacha. This creature’s role in all these however was not yet fully explained.

    So it was Samshin who cause Ha Ram to become blind and CheonKi to see again. Since CheonKi was only temporarily used to store the eyes, I am wondering if in the end, CheonKi would have to once again lose her eyesight and if Ha Ram will ever regain his. If ever, I feel like it will be little sad for CheonKi.

  5. Kalimera,

    I am glad that I was waiting for these Series!

    I was late but I wrote my analysis on Episode 1 in the “LOTHRS E1-2″thread” and just came here to read and I am so happy right now!

    @Packmule3 we agree in several aspects for our first impression!

    At the same time, my heart breaks for HaRam. He is the sacrificial lamb indeed!

    I don’t think we will have a happy ending per se and if we do it would be an open one…

  6. Thanks for the info on the Green Goblin, “Hwacha,” @jwave. I didn’t see that notation on my subs. 😕

    For now, I’ll assume that only ChungGi’s father knows about its existence but he’s gone loco, and it’ll be there to attack ChungGi too when she creates (or restores?) the divine portrait.

    Judging from the original writer’s previous works (“Sungkyunkwan Scandal” and “Moon Embracing the Sun”), I think she’ll have a happy ending for this drama, but not before the two main leads go through the wringer.

    The screenwriter, who adapted the story for the drama, did “Be Melodramatic” and I believe that was a happy ending, too.

    We’ll see. I’m crossing my fingers that this drama will stay entertaining.

  7. @Nrllee,

    “HanaShin” sounds funny. 👍

    Wasn’t Mawang also the name of Seo InGuk’s character in “Doom at Your Service”?

    Yes, I read somewhere that there was a bit of confusion as to who should get top billing: Kim Yoo Jung or Ahn Hyo Seop. I saw that their names were side by side in the opening credits. 😂

  8. @packmule3,

    Myul Mang was the name of Seo In Guk in DAYS…

  9. Ahhh. Thanks, @Cleopatra.

  10. Pingback: Lovers of the Red Sky: Ep 1 On the Second Prince – Bitches Over Dramas

  11. @packmule3 if they are using the Chinese equivalent, then Wang sounds a lot like King in Chinese. I need to work out what the Ma is. At the moment a lot of the writing is in Chinese, not Hangul so I pick things up. So I imagine some of the phrasing during their speaking and words would also be similar to the Chinese equivalents. Hence the name of the Hall where HR resides with the Chinese lettering (Moon Star Hall – he still remembers the blind girl CG). Also there was mention of ZhuGeLiang who as a very famous (highly intelligent) strategist statesman from Chinese history. HR (as his alter ego masked man) was likened to him. He was (still is) much loved by the Chinese because of his strict adherence to strict clear laws (he refused to be moved by power or indulge the elites). A bit like the Chinese Solomon. His name is synonymous with wisdom and strategy.

  12. Thanks for the background info, @nrllee. I assumed that Chinese characters would be unavoidable given that particular time in history.

    Great catch on the “Moon Star Hall”!

  13. I went ahead to find out which Chinese character they used for Ma in the MaWang and it’s the character for Demon. So Demon King is the correct translation. SamShin is as I thought. It is 3 gods in the Chinese characters.

  14. @Packmule3,

    Myul Mang in Korean literally means Doom.
    Since @nrllee is giving us intel that in Chinese Ma Wang means Demon King.
    It is good to remember things here and there.


  15. MaWang, wasn’t it the name of Cha Seung-Won in A Korean Odyssey? I’m bad with names.

  16. Sayaris,

    Kalimera. I just checked on MDL:

    Cha Seung Won
    Woo Ma Wang / Woo Hwi

  17. I can confirm that SamShin in Chinese is literally “3 god(s)”. This is on the TVN character profile page.

  18. I just finished episode 1 and I’m shipping the young Ha Ram and Chung Gi but their adults now. LOL! I don’t think I’ve every shipped the younger version of the main pairing ever. 🙂

    But the young version of them did a great job. Tops! I felt their connection and Ha Ram knew how to listen to her and take care of her. Sweet!

  19. Oh I thought it was the old king who ordered the killing of Seongjin and not his son. The king now doesn’t seem like a bad person. He didn’t want anyone sacrificed for the rain ritual.

    I like the actor playing the second Prince who wanted the throne but his a baddy now.

  20. Same here, @agdr03.

    It felt odd to “ship” for kids but just this once, I’ll go along with it.

    I thought the moment when they first kissed was well-done. The Director chose NOT to show the two kids kiss but he implied that they kissed with the shot of her feet going tippy-toes.

    That was very thoughtful of the Director. He didn’t exploit his young actors.

    Yes, young Ha Ram was very sweet, wasn’t he? I liked how he teased her and she finally wizened up. I can imagine the adult Ha Ram doing the same thing to CheongKi.

  21. @agdr03!

    Welcome onboard to our “Lovers Of The Red Sky!” thrills!

  22. Yes! Just this once. 🙂

    I’m glad they didn’t show the kiss too. They are still very very young at 9 years old. 🙂

    Ha Ram was so sweet, carrying her, describing the stars for her and giving her his one and only handkerchief made by his Mom. He’s got me.

  23. Thanks @Cleopatra! mwuah!

    It was a great first episode. I’m excited to watch the adult Ha Ram and Cheongki.

    I’ll watch episode 2 now. 🙂

  24. @agdr03,

    I know, right!? Last week I was so impressed and excited myself!

    Enjoy Episode 2… !


  25. I *THOUGHT* it was the new king, but I checked it out again, and the Shaman specifically said that it was the “abdicated” king who chose the Shaman Bureau over the Taoist Bureau. So you’re right.

    However, in Ep 2, the royal guard claimed that it was the King’s order that Ha Ram’s father be killed and the son taken away. And he was referring to King Seongjo because he was the one in power for 9 years already.

    I like @nrllee’s idea (or was it @Welmaris’?) that the King Seongjo coveted the young Ha Ram for himself and didn’t want the father exorcising the demon. The King seemed mightily superstitious. He probably considered Ha Ram’s power beneficial. Ha Ram could channel Mawang/water demon/monster but the King had Ram as an ally.

  26. Last week, @Cleopatra, you were all excited about the show all by your lonesome self. 😂 So I decided to join you.

    Hopefully, the show continues to be fun. I’m all for cheap thrills nowadays. Even the small scene in Ep 3 — with the confusion about her name — had me smiling.

  27. @Packmule3,

    I don’t know if they truly know what happened with Ma Wang in that river.
    I believe that Ha Ram’s father didn’t have time to understand that inside Ha Ram was the dormant MaWang, not anyone else for that matter.
    The Nari seal came back to its place after you know what…

    That’s why the Second Prince is looking for him along with that Shaman lady Mi Su.

    I believe though that the King wanted to have Ha Ram near him, in order to have the ally that changed the famine and drought. In other words, to appease the Gods to be with him.

  28. @packmule3,

    I am aware! LMAO! :-p
    I also made a fuzz on the gr fora and some of them started watching it!

    I want that too, but so far my little experience says that we are going to need tissues at one point…

    That Hong-Hong-Hong scene is amazing! I also enjoyed the conversation between CG and Ms. Gyeonju, especially the “are you really sure he is not married” part!

  29. Oh! I see. I haven’t seen episode 2 yet. Let’s wait and see if this King is good or bad. I want him to be good because I’ve seen this actor in mostly bad characters. I like him. hahahaha

    I think base on the credits, it’s a happy ending because I’d be heartbroken for young Ha Ram and Chungki if they don’t end up together.

  30. Annyeong,

    love your Ep 1 first impression, @PM3 🙂 thanks for sharing. great to read your thoughts. daebak! 🌟

    that move over HP2 gif – i know that scene from “blindspot” show that i watched all to the way to the end 🙂 funny.

    @agdr03, i like the 2nd prince too even tho he’s a baddy. kwak si-yang is his name. i liked him in “Oh my ghost” even though he’s not the ML. i liked his character. he played a bad guy in “Chicago Typewriter” though. his face changed on this show so i had to research him and make sure it’s the same guy hahaha. his face is more manly looking here. i like. 💙

    i was surprised that the young CG was so bold as to steal a kiss on HR. daebak! haha. wonder who will initiate the 2nd kiss? hmmm HR already recognized the adult CG. when will the adult CG recognize the adult HR? sigh.

    MaWang – Myul Mang… sounds the same. Demon King – Doom. hmmm.

  31. Pingback: Lovers of the Red Sky: Ep 4 On the Red String of Fate – Bitches Over Dramas

  32. I was immediately hooked from the first moment I started watching the drama. I also agree with the children’s portrayal. It was sad that they only had such short time together. I am loving the supernatural elements. I finally found a drama that is truly interesting to watch.

  33. Woahh you guys’ comments make me more excited to watch ep 5 next week.. I was also confused which king that asked the royal guard to kill HaRam’s father. And I also noticed that there’s another goblin which is with the green aura that’s so mysterious. I wonder if he’s bad or good since he didn’t kill anyone but just disappear n left me hanging. I still wonder whether ChunGi will lost her vicious and HaRam will get back his eyes..or SamShin might give her/him viscous so they would see each other’s face

  34. Welcome to the blog, @sy_faa. I’ll be posting something new in a bit.

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