Little Women: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread

The thread is open.

Views on love and marriage.

This is Jo with Laurie saying she won’t marry him or anyone for that matter.

#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKS#little women from WELCOME TO DAILYFLICKSsource: dailyflicks’ tumblr

And this is InJoo saying money is needed for love.

#little women from mydaylight#little women from mydaylight#little women from mydaylight#little women from mydaylight#little women from mydaylight#little women from mydaylightsource: mydaylight’s tumblr

See the difference in worldview?

In the LMA’s “Little Women” love conquers all. Meg married a poor man because she loved him. Jo ditched Laurie and married a poor senior citizen (hahaha) because she loved him.

In this kdrama “Little Women,” the *current* mindset is money conquers all.

InJoo and that spoiled sister think money is the answer to all their problems that they’re willing to get beaten up for it and sell their soul for it.

The one-percenter Parks think they can win presidency because they have the money to buy the election.

Great Aunt thinks she can erase her guilt with money.

Choi DoIl thinks he can keep an eye on the money and not worry about his emerging familiarity with InJoo. But the thing is he and InJoo are both outsiders; they have a lot in common; the two have organic affinity for each other.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to predict how their relationship will end. This is kdrama after all.  His greedy selfish motive will eventually be superseded by his desire to protect InJoo at all costs.

Let’s enjoy the show.

23 Comments On “Little Women: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread”

  1. I haven’t started this show yet, but I think this must be a complex and difficult role for Kim Go-Eun. It’s the nearest I’ve seen to a grey character for her. It is certainly a different world-view as you say.

  2. *ep5 spoiler alert*

    It’s in the last part that I doubt the most. How could Park JaeSang literally go to unnie’s apartment and stain his own hands when he’s running for office? He has all the money to order someone but why would he do it himself? Maybe his wife told him to do so since PJS is her ‘manservant’

    Hyorin’s painting also disturbed me. That’s what she’s scared the most but she’s smirking while painting the red shoes. And why did she know that? I’m suspecting that she’s in the car with PJS when he went to unnie’s apartment. Maybe after she took that very suspicious pills. That’s why she’s reviewing the dascam recording. I won’t accuse hyorin as the plot master. It’s still the mother who is the main antagonist for me. And what’s with that Singapore issue between them?

  3. Anneyong!

    I managed to catch up! I am in Episode 5 currently…

    Tomorrow more on the plot!

  4. Thanks, @busygabee.

    Was my First Impressions correct then? That the Unnie didn’t stage her death but she was actually killed by Park JaeSung, and that the Blue Orchid, the main star of the show, was a death note connecting all three deaths of the Unnie, Director Shin and the Bank scandal informant?

    As for Hyorin waiting in the car while PJS killed the Unnie, I doubt it. PJS wouldn’t bring his daughter when he dropped by at Unnie’s place, and Hyorin wouldn’t have entered the place on her own.

    MY theory is Hyorin did NOT see the Unnie’s death. The subject of her painting wasn’t the Unnie but the first Orchid-Keeper/Bookkeeper. She must have seen THAT one. 🙂

    Remember that I wrote about Ms Yang in my First Impressions too. Ms Yang’s suicide in 2011 was a cover-up, just like Unnie’s suicide was cover-up. The killer made her wear red shoes, too.

    Her death was 11 years ago. Eleven years ago, Hyorin would’ve been what? 18 minus 11? About seven years old? She’s probably been dreaming about this since then.

    When InJoo told her that she too had seen that scene in real life, Hyorin asked her if it was her friend’s room and when it happened. She was frightened that her father did it again so she went to the garage to check her car’s blackbox. And her suspicions were confirmed.

    As for Park JaeSung actually killing the Unnie himself, let’s try to keep an open mind here. In one of my posts (or was it a comment to @nrllee), I suggested the possibility that it’s MRS. PARK who plots the killing, and not Park himself. She could be the one eliminating the bookkeepers, Director Shin, and the informant.

    Her motives? Jealousy? Protecting her husband’s political ambition? Setting her husband up for an epic fail and national humiliation at the election? Divorce? Vengeance for her father? Atonement for sleeping with the man who caused her family’s downfall?

    Remember two things that I already said:

    One, the theme of this show is betrayal. Ariadne = Mrs Park. She betrays her father and country, and Theseus betrays her/she betrays Theseus.

    Two, the opening credit showed the manicured hands of a FEMALE master puppeteer. Mrs Park could have told her husband to go to the Unnie’s place, and he obeyed her. Sure, he was captured in the blackbox entering the house, but entering the house didn’t mean he killed her. For all we know, Unnie was already dead when he walked inside. 🤷‍♀️

    That said, it would require great strength to hang a dead body. I don’t think Mrs Park is physically capable of lifting a dead weight.

    Note: I didn’t watch the whole episode. I just fast-forwarded to two scenes: the scene when InJoo confronted Hyorin about her painting, and the scene when Hyorin was found in the garage with the dashcam.

    I’ll still have to look for the scene when she took the pill. What’s the timestamp?

  5. Skimming through the episode again…

    Is Mrs Park color blind? How come she couldn’t see the green dress? And did she leave it behind in Singapore? It wasn’t in her suitcase when Park JaeSung rifled through her suitcase. Weird family.

  6. @Fern,

    If you’re going to watch this for Kim GoEun, just be prepared to watch a very dumb, stubborn, reckless and unreasonable character. Instead of a kick-ass character, she’s playing one whose ass I feel like kicking.

    I used to think that damsels-in-distress, manic pixie dream girls, and dumb bunnies are the worst female stereotypes in kdramas and Hollywood movies. But Kim GoEun’s character and her sisters are on a whole new level. 😂 They’re foolhardy, with the emphasis on fool. They seem to have thrown common sense and judgment out the window.

    At least, if the character is a ditz to begin with, I can make allowances for her lack of foresight. But these girls INSIST on the rightness of their decision while exposing themselves to danger. It’s a most frustrating thing to watch because I can’t relate to any of them.

    The characters are giving me a headache.😵‍💫

  7. @packmule3 I agree with your sentiment about these sisters. I can’t relate to any of them and I don’t like any of them either.

    What’s most frustrating is that the characters of the two older sisters aren’t consistent. (In-Hye does seem consistent: her hyper-focus is on getting away from the despair/destruction of her family and being a successful artist; she does seem to have loyalty to Hyo-rin above all other people and I don’t think/I hope she wouldn’t betray her, even for money).

    If In-Kyung truly never really wanted to be a reporter, why is she putting her life on the line to pursue this story? We also see a lot of scenes where she is doing all the necessary research to follow the dirty money, showing how competent and methodical she is. Then they show her doing things spur-of-the moment and irrational (like questioning Park Jae-Sang about his father’s wealth at a public event without having looked into where the $ went). Plus who in their right mind would climb a streetlamp drunk and yell for their sister in front of a large party–knowing how humiliating that would be for her younger sister and how vulnerable it would make her to this evil family, which could exploit her public drunkenness. You’re either rational and intelligent or you’re not, and being drunk really doesn’t excuse it or make someone a totally different person. She was able to perform her job as an alcoholic, so I don’t think a glass of soju would make her throw her rationality out the window like that. The scriptwriter just needed to get her on that streetlamp to move the scene along (and push In-Hye further into the Park/Won family). It seemed like lazy writing.

    As for In-Joo… She has shown a deep distrust/cynicism in the world, so I can’t believe she is stupid enough to think she can win against this family, with all the monetary and human resources it has at its disposal, and its history of corruption and evil deeds. Or that she would work for a family that employs the thug that wanted to beat her up for her jollies. Or why she puts any trust into Choi Do-Il. (I still can’t figure out how he convinced her to work for Sang-A or why Sang-A wanted to hire her, knowing she had kept the 2 billion won Hwa-Young had stolen from her).

    (Early on In-Joo showed she was a fool when she walked around with all that money in the old backpack. Any sane person would have buried it or put it in different purses or at least bought a new backpack!)

    I’ve watched all six episodes and at this point I’m bewildered about what’s going on. They keep throwing in more and more mysteries/puzzles, not only about the blue orchid/the orchid society, or all the mysterious deaths around the Jeong-sang(sp?) Society. But also why is Hyo-Rin’s father being cruel to her–smashing the TV she was watching, prodding her about her mother’s absence to initiate a panic attack, possibly even letting her witness a murder. (Maybe he isn’t her father??)

    Meanwhile, I’m caring less and less about any of the characters and am not sure I will go on with it. The only person I was vaguely intrigued by was the great aunt, but it looks like she won’t be around anymore… So I’ll probably just follow the comments here on future episodes.

  8. Sigh I have to agree with you there @packmule3, about the sisters being fools. Even IK who is supposed to be the voice for “justice” and morality. NJH is just not fiery enough to give any weight to the character. Her showdown with PJS at the auditorium full of press personnel just fell flat. When she delivered her take down shocking reveal questions, all I saw was petulance? 😑. Like a child swimming amongst the sharks.

    Ep5 reveals
    1. IJ did in fact physically accompany Unnie for a Singapore trip 4 years ago. Her flashback in Ep4 which I thought was just in her imagination was actually reality. When Unnie’s mother died, Unnie took IJ to Singapore. Thereafter, Unnie used IJ’s identity whilst in Singapore.

    2. PJS’s father who was supposedly “poor” and had suffered consequences of “Agent Orange” was actually competent enough to acquire a massive property portfolio. So all his talk about being the poor chauffeur’s son was a lie?

    3. Great Aunt looked visibly shaken after a visit to Ik’s work. IK is now a director of her company (she was fired from her job). IK looked through the books and felt that the company’s balance sheet wasn’t healthy. Great Aunt assured her that in 5 years, she would turn over a profit regardless. Was Great Aunt erroneous in her calculations?

    4. IJ is now living in the Park residence and witnesses scary PJS’s fits of rage. The marriage is a sham. Mrs Park used to be an actress. She even confessed to IJ about how she plays the perfect wife. She looks to be a lonely woman who feels trapped by her circumstances (hence her Singapore escape trip). Is she though? Choi seems to imply that she is just pretending to get IJ on her side.

    5. Choi’s past is revealed. He used to be in JongDo’s College? Murky past. Rumour mill had him being taught money laundering even back then. There was a car accident where his gf (?) was killed (of all places, Mazatlan where he mentions holidays for the rich drug lords). An SUV drove off a cliff. They found an injured Choi but due to bad weather the Korean American woman wasn’t found. JongDo filled in details of gossip going round the College then. That the Russian money launderers didn’t approve of Choi’s gf and wanted her gone. So JongDo and IK think Choi faked the accident to cover her death by other means? Choi’s mother killed someone in a redevelopment project. After that incident, Choi was sent to US to study funded by Gen Won (Mrs Park’s father).

    5. New identities are mentioned again. Choi promises to buy IJ a house by the Aegean Sea. Mentions Mazatlan. Where Mexican drug lords vacation. Claims that those are the “safest places in the world” so long as you have connections. Tells her she can be “born again”. With a new identity and a new face (here we go again). Tells her she can just move from one safe house to another and escape the consequences of bad decisions.

    6. Gen Won isn’t dead. He’s in a coma in hospital.

    7. HyoRin has anxiety and self harms. Poor child is living in hell walking on eggshells all the time suffering the effects of the volatility of her parents’ relationship.

    8. HyoRin painted a woman hanging herself with red 👠. She can’t remember why it’s a scene embedded in her mind that gives her nightmares. Just like IH painted her dead sister. How would HR have known that? IJ finds the painting and asks her about it. The ep ends with HR going to her father’s car and checking the dashcam footage. IJ and IH find her in the car and IJ watches the footage. PJS had driven to Unnie’s apartment that night. In the footage, he walks out of the car, pauses and then looks back at the car. Was he just checking that there was no one around? Or was he looking at someone in the car? Mrs Park? It couldn’t have been HR. Why would he take her there? That would be ridiculous. Mrs Park assured IJ that PJS would NEVER harm HR because he loves her. How can she be so sure? How can he love the child and not her mother? Is she really HR’s biological mother? Was HR a love child of PJS? Whose mother possibly committed suicide and HR witnessed it as a very young child?

  9. @packmule3, if the character is that much of a loser, I wonder why Kim Go Eun chose the drama? Just for a change of pace or for the challenge, perhaps.

  10. @Fern,

    Offhand, I think she chose the role because it demands a wider range of emotions: one minute, she’s gullible and innocent, another minute, she’s fierce and ranting, then another minute, she’s getting beaten up. As an actress, she can grow more here. It isn’t like “Yumi’s Cells” where she’s blank-faced a third of the time because her cells are processing her reaction to the stimulus or she’s alone on the set, staring at the camera, doing a monologue. Here, she can interact more often with fellow actors.

    Also, her character’s bound to have a redemptive arc. (At least, I hope so. She can’t be this maddening till the end. lol)

  11. I’m slow clapping here for you, @BethB. You nailed it.

    I just don’t like any of the sisters for the reasons that you mentioned. InKyung bugged me from the beginning. I know people on the job who are high-functioning alcoholic so that character flaw of hers didn’t bug me as much as her crying on the job did. Ugh! I wanted to smack her when she began tearing up. I don’t know if I commented about this already (or I deleted my comment afterwards) but I wouldn’t want her kind on my staff because I demand that rules of decorum be followed. Tears are a no-no, especially if you’re a female attorney. To me, if InKyung can’t help taking things personally or she can’t emotionally distance herself rom the case, she’s out.

    And that streetlight scene? What I hated about it is that she deliberately got drunk for Dutch courage. She intended to create a scene to get her sister out of the place, but she didn’t have the courage to do it without soju. And as you pointed out, a person who could drink a bottle of tequila a day and still perform work should be able to handle a bottle of soju since tequila is stronger.

    I just googled it: Soju is 20% alcohol while tequila is 40%.

    And I don’t like the lazy writing either. I’m calling it as I see it. It’s lazy writing. It started with the blue flower that JongDo (the Laurie variant) picked up. It bugged me that the flower just happened to be on the side of the road and that he brought it home.

    Same thing with the USB that was left by the informant to give to InKyung. If he had the USB, then he should have just emailed the video file to IK Getting killed off on the way to a drop-off point is so old-school.

    I was also annoyed when InJoo walked around with that backpack big enough to carry a chain saw, machine gun, and a snow blower. She entered a high security psych ward and the guard didn’t even bother to inspect at her backpack. For all he knew, she could’ve been an assassin.

    And that beatdown in the hands of the campaign manager? That alone was enough to blackmail PJS with.

    I don’t get this writer really.

  12. Thanks, @Nrllee! You saved me the trouble of doing a write up!

  13. Ep6 highlights (or lowlights 🤷🏻‍♀️😑)

    1. HR refuses to hand over footage of dashcam to IJ. IH sides with her (huh?). They bury the chip in the orchid room.

    2. HR revealed on the night Unnie died, Mr and Mrs Park had a huge fight. Mr Park drove off in his grandfather’s old car (something he had never done before). Mrs Park also left the house. Re the painting of the lady with the red stilettos, HR says it’s not the first time she’s seen it in her head. She claims she would get “vibes” and the scene would pop up in her head. But on the day Unnie died, the scene was clearer than before. IH immediately said, “the orchid. I also saw something when I painted there. I saw the death of that girl InSeon (their dead sister)”. O dear God don’t tell me the orchid is somehow responsible for subliminally sending signals to those more sensitive? 😑

    3. PJS is pissed that all the media attention is now focused on his undisclosed assets due to IK’s reveal at the Press Con. Great Aunt is worried and arranges for a meeting with PJS. Honestly if he were so bad, all he needed to do was to threaten IK with IH (harm to her) and she should shut up? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whatever. Great Aunt realizes that PJS has been working behind the scenes to make life difficult for her businesses. So she brokers a deal with him. She apologizes on behalf of IK. Great Aunt reveals Gen Won owes her his life. She also tells him his father came to her before he died. Requesting for some anti diarrhoeals. His father had bowel problems when he got nervous. Which Great Aunt deduced meant that he was in deep trouble. As she walks out of the residence, Mrs Park is watching from her window. She looks nervous.

    4. IJ finds out that someone destroyed evidence at Unnie’s apartment – the dashcam footage from a car in the alley was stolen. The town elder? Some old guy living in the alleyway. She confronts Choi about his dead gf. Turns out he was the one who released the article about the car accident. Gf is in fact alive. Living under another identity. He shows IJ her social media on his phone.

    5. PJS holds a Press Con to clarify his late father’s assets. He claims he knew nothing about it and the real estate was actually Gen Won’s. He had used PJS’s father’s name to purchase the assets. PJS tells the press he had used all the funds for his foundations (charitable). IH sides with the Parks and turns from her sister IK. IJ shuttles IK out of there back to Great Aunt.

    6. The 70bil won that Unnie stole was supposed to be used for PJS’s political campaign as he moves towards the Blue House. Choi needs IJ to stay mum about the dashcam footage. PJS needs to be in a winning position before they can strike a deal with him about the secret ledgers (they will barter the ledgers for PJS to let them have the 70bil won).

    7. IK confronts Great Aunt about her relationship with the Parks and the murky deals she made in the past in partnership with them. Great Aunt had gotten IK fired from her journalist job to “protect her” from PJS. Great Aunt tells IK to stop digging or she will be in danger of causing the demise of her company. IK refuses 🙄

    8. PJS, Mrs Park, Mean lady, Choi talk. PJS wants IK out of the picture. Mean lady agrees to “set up scenarios”. Brings up IJ. Mrs Park and Choi both defend her so mean lady has to stand down.

    9. The orchid trade. As spoken of by Mrs Park. It’s akin to high end art trading. And it all happens in Singapore. Unnie used to trade orchids on her behalf. Now she wants IJ to follow suit. Mrs Park believes that unlike Unnie (who had no family), IJ can be “managed” because she had sisters to worry about (is that a threat? 😬). Mrs Park gifts IJ with a blue orchid. And tells her to sleep with it. It will help her “see what she really wants”. Huh? Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Mrs Park tells her she can keep 10% of what she makes in the orchid trade in Singapore. Plus bonuses. Okay it’s getting really weird now. Apparently the blue orchid only survives long term on that Father tree. The one in the Park basement. It requires special microorganisms only present on that tree to thrive. 🙄. “You’re one of us now,” Mrs Park purrs mysteriously. Us being The International Orchid Society (Jeongran society). Like it’s the floral equivalent of the mafia. 😑🤔. Scene changes and IK is peering at an old photo. Looks like PJS’s father and mother were in the pic. Along with a young PJS. The back of it is written, “JeongRan Society 1973”. Choi sees IJ with the orchid and tries to take it off her telling her it’s dangerous. IJ insists on keeping it because she wants to sleep with it so that it will reveal her innermost desires. 🙄😑.

    10. IK finds out that a loaf of the people in the photo of the JeongRan society are dead. The only ones alive are Gen Won, Another 2 people and Great Aunt.

    11. IJ talks to Great Aunt and tells her about the ledgers. And her desire to take down PJS. And keep the money in the process. IJ sleeps with the orchid. 🙄. Choi is worried and stays in his car outside Great Aunt’s residence. He sees Great Aunt’s butler (?) drive out.

    12. IH has a psychotherapy session in the Orchid Room with HR. HR remembers as a child walking up stairs. They find the same staircase in the house and start up it to investigate further only to be stopped by Mrs Park. In a parallel scene we see IJ walk as if in a trance up stairs in Great Aunt’s home.

    13. IK returns home to Great Aunt. Finds IJ on the floor cradling Great Aunt in a pool of blood. There’s a bloodstained poker beside her. The fireplace is lit. IJ looks dazed.


    Comments – my patience is starting to wear thin. Too much mystical stuff. I feel like this writer has taken elements of Parasite and Squid Game and tossed in some fantasy to add mystique. But it isn’t done well. The audience is left wondering why the protagonists are so irrational. Maybe it’s the orchid. They are all on it. Hence it’s playing out like some bad dream. 😂. I don’t know how much longer I can stay watching without throwing in the towel.

  14. @nrllee, “The International Orchid Society (Jeongran society). Like it’s the floral equivalent of the mafia.” This made me laugh so hard. Are we really speaking about orchids here, or are they a symbol for narcotics, given the effect they have?

    BTW, I received a ‘blue’ orchid as a retirement gift. Maybe I should put it in my bedroom — or not.

    P.S. I know that organisations can get very competitive and it’s interesting. It reminds me of the small town murders Agatha Christie or other mystery writers might come up with. Someone needs to write a ‘Chelsea Flower Show Murder’.

  15. @Fern given the hallucinogenic nature of the blue orchid and how it was illegally acquired by the General, I couldn’t help thinking it’s like weed (cannabis) cultivation. The General had an elaborate basement room set up with misters and presumably artificial lighting etc to keep the orchids thriving. The plot itself is full of holes. I couldn’t believe IJ actually accepted the orchid from Mrs Park. She knew that it was associated with death. Despite Choi’s misgivings, she stubbornly persisted in sleeping with the enemy (orchid). I was waiting for her to come up with the line, “the orchid made me do it (kill Great Aunt).” 🙄. But if we had to blame someone else, then it would be “the Butler, in the lounge room, with the fire poker”. If all the sisters die in the end I couldn’t care one bit. They brought it on themselves.

  16. @Fern,

    I agree with @nrllee.

    a. It’s had the vibes of “Parasite” (e.g., the secret staircases and doors, and the poor On sisters taking over the rich Parks’ family) and “Squid Games” (e.g., the On sisters doing anything for money).

    b. It’s like the boardgame “Clue” (or “Cluedo” for you, @Fern). I just scanned the ending so I saw the bludgeoned Great Aunt in IJ’s lap. But I knew it couldn’t her because there are no blood splatters on her shirt.

    But thanks to @nrllee’s highlight/lowlights on Ep 6, it’s clearly the “Butler, in the lounge room, with the fire poker.” LOL, @nrllee! He’ll be paid for by Mrs. Parks.

    And sure enough, there’s the Blue Orchid left as a calling card. — Lol. Didn’t I say that this Blue Orchid is the main character of the drama?

    c. The plot is too contrived, and the screenwriter is no Agatha Christie. Dame Christie is a genius. With her mysteries, the readers are left guessing whodunit until the end. This one? There’s not much mystery. I’m only watching how everything unravels but it’s clear who’s pulling the strings.

    d. But I don’t really want the screenwriter to be an Agatha Christie; I just want her to be herself.

    She’s borrowing ideas from books (“Little Women” and “Count of Monte Cristo”) and movies (“Parasite” and “Squid Games”), and I’m not impressed. There’s not a whole lot of originality coming from her.

    e. @nrllee, I saw that scene yesterday when Choi DoIl wanted to take the orchid from InJoo — for her own good — but she refused to give it. That’s why I wrote to @Fern that the women in this drama are the must infuriating ever. I don’t mind a ditzy heroine because she can’t help being stupid. I can’t really get mad when somebody’s not mentally or emotionally capable of good judgment. Kinda like I don’t get mad at a puppy when it fails to do a trick expected of a mature dog.

    But this InJoo…grrrr! I thought she was smart? A competent bookkeeper? Why isn’t she thinking?

  17. @packmule3, I only mentioned Agatha Christie because of the unique settings of some of her and later writers’ books. Her Devon house isn’t too far from where I live. As to Cluedo, I had a difficult time with that name when I moved here. Monopoly is still Monopoly here, Life is Life. It must have been some copywriting glitch.

    Watching the funeral on a side panel. Feeling sorry for those enduring the long periods of standing in the church and the parade band which has played non-stop for ages.

  18. @Fern I loved Agatha Christie. Hercule Poirot and Ms Marple. She was magical when she penned her murder mysteries. I remember how I always guessed wrong 😂. Murder at the Chelsea Flower Show would’ve been a hit 😂😂😂.

    @packmule3 my constant face when watching this drama 🙄😑. One other nod to Count of Monte Cristo (I had forgotten a lot of it so I had to Google this) – the island treasure. Singapore is an island where the promised treasure is for IJ. Is the treasure the 70bil? Or is the real treasure the rare blue orchid (which I am sure orchid enthusiasts would pay a tidy sum for).

    How did Edmond (Dantes) become rich?
    Edmond soon suggests a stopover and trading of goods at the small island of Monte Cristo, during which he confirms that Faria’s treasure exists. On this and subsequent visits, Edmond becomes wealthy.

    I only discovered how crazy the bidding can get in the plant trade when the pandemic hit. My brother got into plants and sent me this article. I was aghast.

    PS Choi revealed that he helped his “gf” escape with a new identity by faking her death. She was his “first client”. Was Unnie another client of his? If so, did he fake her death too? 🤔

  19. Thanks for that link, @nrllee. It is indeed an attractive plant. Here I had been dissing monstera plants as ‘common’. 😄

    It also reminds me of the Tulip Mania in 1600’s Holland, which is used as a classic example of a market bubble. I have never read it, but Alexandre Dumas also wrote a book called “The Black Tulip” about intrigue and deception in the tulip market.

  20. aNNyeong 🌼

    Thanks @NrLLee for the recap 😄 love it.

    i agree, the characters, our 3 little women, are exasperating. but i’m still rooting for them. it’s like watching a horror film. @NRlee, if all the girls die in the end- they deserve it. i wonder if this show will end so unhappily. just coz they’re all in the wrong path. i remain hopeful.

    interestingly enough, the mystery and suspense/thrill is keeping me on the edge of my seat. and wish i could binge-watch this instead of waiting every week. but i’m glad i have you all to read in between.

    yea, i don’t think inJoo killed the aunt.
    @PM3 and Nrllee, the butler did it. waaaah, the traitor. and i don’t like the mean lady, the campaign manager.

  21. Hmm… I was wondering why there was so much hype about this drama and why seasoned actresses have signed on. Turns out the writer is the same one who penned The Handmaiden which won quite a few awards. I watched the beginning of it a while ago but the explicit sex scenes put me off and I never finished it. So I can’t vouch for her story telling ability.

  22. Good to know, @nrllee. I wanted to watch episodes tonight, but I’m too sleepy. Jetlag is catching up with me.

    What’s “Handmaiden”? It isn’t another adaptation of “Handmaid’s Tale,” is it?

    Will open a thread tomorrow. Good night.

  23. @packmule3 The Handmaiden stars Kim TaeRi. I think it was her break out role. It’s not the Handmaid’s Tale (dystopian).

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