My Lovely Liar: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread

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#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with mecredit: seoinquik’s tumblr

She found it odd that Doha really wasn’t upset when his car got dinged by her driver. He wasn’t lying when he said “It’s okay.” What sort of guy was he that he that he could be this magnanimous and unflappable? Any normal person would have created a big fuss.

I like that both Doha and Solhee both have a gift of hearing. While he has an ear for music, she has an ear for lies. Because of their unique abilities, they’re able to earn a livelihood.

#my lovely liar from hitomebore08#my lovely liar from hitomebore08#my lovely liar from hitomebore08credit: hitomebore08’s tumblr

Solhee said: “If I say so, then it is.” This is her hubris talking, and such self-assured hubris will lead to her humbling.

Her mother said, however: “Because you can’t hear your own lies, you’re lying through your teeth.” According to her mother, Solhee could lie with ease and no trouble, because nobody was going to call her out on her lies.

Both Solhee and Doha don’t have a warm and fuzzy relationship with their mothers. Their mothers are self-centered However, I find Solhee’s mother more reasonable (e.g., “Do anchovies turn into pigs when you wrap them in lettuce?”), sensible (e.g., to hedge her bets, she prayed to all four gods for her unborn child) and comical than Doha’s mom.

Let’s enjoy the show.

38 Comments On “My Lovely Liar: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread”

  1. Kalo mesimeri @Packmule3!

    I am curious to know what it will happen today…

  2. Same here.

    It should be fun since his mask is off already.

    Seeing his mask gave me Covid PTSD.

  3. I totally understand…

    From the teaser I watched, he will have his mask off with her.
    But let’s see what he will do with all the others.

  4. I don’t care if he wears masks outside, in public. But with her, being unmasked tells me that he has nothing to fear from her.

  5. This is so true… Is it going to be the same with her?

  6. She already told him that she was the “Liar Hunter.” He didn’t believe her though. lol.

    Right now, as she stands, she herself fears nothing. She thinks that she’s in the right about everything. Hence her nonsensical “If I say so, then it is so.” lol.

  7. She will bite her tongue… Oh and we are going to watch it… LMAO!

  8. I’ll join you Ladies on this drama. I’ll catch up on the weekend. ☺️

  9. Kalispera Chingus!

    Episode 3 had some really good scenes!

    I am glad we got to see SolHee being wrong about what she is listening to. Just because someone doesn’t say the truth that doesn’t mean he is lying to his specific other. I think she became miserable because she took her a sip of her own medicine. In the past her relationship failed, and from time onwards she is trying to justify that all the other ones should too.

    At least, she said so to that cheating man (who was the young Turenim helping Seja in Our Blooming Youth) and I am glad Doha came to the rescue.

    Did you see the scene with his music erasing all the noise? That was a beautiful touch!

    At the same time, I am enjoying how their connection is starting to manifest. She doesn’t believe in people. He is afraid of what they could do to him, due to what happened in the past.

    She makes him pull down his walls little by little. The soup scene was very beautiful to look at. In the end of the episode tried to protect him from the paparazzi.

    Seriously, that singer is so stupid that doesn’t know that she is being followed by paparazzi? I think she doesn’t really care for Doha, she has an obsession with him.

    Also, that Manager exploits confidential data for his own gain? Disgusting!

    P.S. @agdr03, we will be waiting for you! 😊

  10. I will watch this later this evening. For the moment I’m watching an interview with Hwang Min Hyun and Suga from BTS.

  11. @Cleopatra,

    Great summary of Ep 3. Thanks!

    You jogged my memory. The cheating ex-fiancé was also in Hotel Del Luna. He was IU/Manwol’s surrogate brother. The one who was killed, triggering Manwol’s rampage.

    I also liked how Doha was assessing whether SolHee was a good person or not. The scene with the weird stranger assured him that she was good.

    But the question is was she really doing good when she KNEW that the man would return her phone and money?

    Doing good for goodness’ sake is when there’s no expectation of reciprocity. Like when she gives money to her mom.

    Same thing with love and her new client.

    Loving someone for his sake is taking that person on trust and hoping for the best. There are no guarantees in love. But SolHee bailed out on her fiancé because she could hear his lies. She didn’t hear him out or give him a chance to explain. She just said, you lied, bye-bye.

    I said that her “I say so, ergo it is” attitude is her Achilles’ heel. And there you go.

  12. As for the kpop idol and the manager, I guess we need villains to move the plot, so I ignore their shenanigans.


    Hurry up and join us. 😂

  13. Yes Boss! 😂

    I’ll try to catch up this week. 😉

  14. The male lead reminds me of @nrllee’s fave, the guy from “True Beauty.”

    I’m not expecting much from their first kiss. (The guy doesn’t look like he can slurp oysters.) But I look forward to the girl flustering him and upsetting his well-organized life.

  15. Cha Eun Woo, you mean. 😍 He’s too good looking for me. 🥰

    @Fern and I were emailing about him just the other day. 😂

    But Hwang Min Hyun is handsome too. ☺️ Let’s see how he does his kisses then. 😄

    You made me miss our Tale Of Nokdu couple. 🥰

  16. Oh yeaaah. Kim SoHyun and Jang Dongyoon kissed well in Tale of Nokdu.

    I think her kissing scenes are decent. They don’t look sordid but they don’t look virginal either.

    Yes, that’s the guy! Cha Eun Woo. He could have been the male lead in this one, too. Acting-wise, Hwang Min Hyun hasn’t put his stamp on this drama yet.

  17. Kalimera @Packmule3,

    I am glad I jogged your memory. In the beginning, I was trying to remember where I watched him. I haven’t watched yet Hotel Del Luna. I need to give it a go though.

    DoHa after what happened to him with his ex girlfriend, chose to become reclusive. He doesn’t commute with people, because he is afraid of what they will say to him. His only way out is his musi.

    That’s why he changed his name and doesn’t want to be seen. He doesn’t want to be regognized and we get to see that he is also having panic attacks when he sees a lot of cameras.

    So, when SolHee took off his mask he was afraid that she will recognize him and spread anything about his whereabouts. When she apologized and witnessed first hand the scene with the weird stranger, he realized that she is a good person although gullible – he doesn’t believe about her secret weapon yet.

    As for SoHee, she has trusting issues because she didn’t grow up in a lovingly way. I mean her mother is scamming people, her father is absent – we don’t know where he is.

    Her mother asked all known deities to give her daughter a special gift and she was the first to gave up on her. She was a child when she was fooled by the other lady and her mother put her a lot of guilt on her shoulders. SolHee is not responsible for what happened. Her mother is that chose to become a scammer.

    As for the ex boyfriend the police officer, the way he was ghosting her for some time, made her revive her trauma she has from her mother. That’s why she didn’t hear him out or gave him a chance to explain. To SolHee, at that moment he was not saying anything to her to calm her down, he became another copy / projection of her mother.

    I am going to ignore the manager and the kpop idol too.

    Let us see what it will happen tonight.

  18. Hopefully Hwang Hyun Min will put a stamp on it. ☺️

    Yes, KSH can do nice kiss scenes. I love her kisses with JDY. 🥰

    I’ll start this tomorrow. I just need to go to a morning tea fund raising with some Mom friends of mine. 😊

  19. I’m getting increasingly confused by the audio cues. There’s a bell chime when people lie, but in episodes 3 and 4 sometimes it will ring when someone is telling the truth. How are people able to distinguish between the two?

  20. @agdr03, I hope that the fund raising tea goes well.

    I just watched episode 4. Much happens, more flashbacks and some new tangles have come to light.

    Sol Hee is now verbally lying to protect Do Ha and he lied in a mis-leading, acting way to protect her when she is confronted by her ex. Twice Doha recommends to her that she make things clear with the ex.

    I liked when the baker returned Doha’s wallet that he dropped. Then he recognised him and gave him a bag of doughnut twists to apologise for the other night. Unfortunately, the tap on Doha’s shoulder gave him a flashback to when he got beaten by a group of vigilantes.

    It’s interesting that the jazz musician/jazz bar owner has already twigged that DH is interested in the ‘girl next door’. So has his manager, who appears to have given Doha an alibi at the time of his ex-girlfriend’s disappearance.

    I wondered why the manager’s brother would volunteer so much information about his own misbehaviour. I expected him to lie about some of it or play it down. He knows about the alibi, but he doesn’t seem at all trustworthy. It made me feel that there are many things that can go wrong in Doha’s life. All it would take would be one or two things to come out in public.

    I understand why Doha’s mother would say he is in Germany. It’s misleading but she wants the public to think he is away because with his history, it’s awkward for her to follow her political ambitions. But why Doha’s mother would actually say to the ‘Chairman’s wife’ that Doha’s ex’s body would never be found and has fed the fishes – that puzzled me. How is she involved to know that? Why would she say something so risky? The other woman clearly picked up on it.

    Finally, Syaon is also putting pressure on Doha, attempting to manipulate him into a relationship by threatening suicide. I don’t think she realises her actions mirror those of his ex and are the worst possible thing that she could do to him. I think the manager was very awkward with his revelation to Syaon that Doha wanted to sever professional ties. Syaon is another risky character.

    Doha and Sol Hee have eaten together 4 times by the end of episode 4: the hangover soup restaurant, the apple (reminded me of Sleepless in Seattle), the doughnut and the spicy braised monkfish. He came to her apartment to hide from the journalists. He may have been her first guest or one of very few. They are experiencing new or long-denied social habits with each other. How convenient that the drama on Sol hee’s television is about a woman with supernatural sight!

  21. Yes, me too. I also find the sound of the bell to indicate a lie inconsistent. Sometimes there’s one, sometimes there’s none, sometimes it’s high pitched, sometimes it a low pitched, like the clanging of a church bell.

    In Episode 4, however, it was consistently one bell so in the ending scene, when she heard that one bell, she knew that a lie had been said.

    When you look at the whole episode, it’s practically a given that it’ll end in DoHa lying. Why? Because SolHee had been begging him to tell her a lie.
    He even said that she needed an “excellent liar.”

    Solhee: I tend to let people go as soon as I feel that they’re not the one.
    DoHa: When do you know that they’re not the one?
    Solhee: When they start lying to me.
    DoHa: Then you need someone who is an excellent liar.

    Tadaaaaaa! As I observed in my Ep 3: Quick Takes, Doha doesn’t tell untruths and falsehoods but he’s definitely lying. Lying by omission, and with intent to misrepresent. SolHee couldn’t catch his lies because he either skipped the the words or dodged a direct answer that would incriminate him.

    I don’t think he does it with malice, however.

  22. @Kit, I agree. In the first episode it was easier to distinguish between the ‘lie’ sounds. By episode 4, SolHee says it’s getting harder to tell. She told her friends that and her driver, knowing that she can’t tolerate a relationship with liars, said that the gods may have sent her a man whose lies she can’t perceive.

  23. Regarding the final scene in episode 4, from one of the first episodes we saw a flashback that Doha was interrogated but refused a lie detector test. Could it be that he feels responsible for the disappearance/murder of his ex even though he didn’t kill her? He said in episode 4 that he didn’t drink because at one point he drank enough for a lifetime. If he were drunk at the time he might not remember what happened.

    In this episode Doha also tells Solhee his real name, Kim Seung Ju. The first time she hears a chime, so she asks him to repeat it. The second time she hears nothing. So not only is he unmasked around her — @Cleopatra says that shows his level of comfort — but he has already given her his true identity. I was surprised by that.

  24. Hello everyone…!

    Episode 4

    I am kinda late in the party, but I managed to watch it today.

    Wheel of Fortune

    This is the tarot card Doha picked up when he entered her tarot card reading store and SolHee was with her ex boyfriend. Most likely after their talk.
    When they were outside the apartments complex, he gave it to SolHee, so yes Doha is an unexpected person in her life. But the same applies for DoHa, SolHee is an unexpected person in his life.

    SolHee wants him to be her haven so bad that DoHa replied to her :

    S.H. : What do you think that’s like?
    If there was a girl who lost her ability to see ghosts whenever she was with you.

    D.H. : I couldn’t make any mistakes.

    S.H.: (laughs) Right. It’s a lot to handle, seeing ghosts.

    D.H.: No. I can’t promise to stay with a girl who can’t be without me. I’ve tried, but… I couldn’t help having a change of heart.

    S.H. I guess you must have tried hard.
    I tend to let people go as soon as I feel like they’re not the one.

    D.H. : When do you know they’re not the one?

    S.H.: When they start lying to me.

    D.H.: Then, you need someone who’s an excellent liar. Because there’s no one who doesn’t lie.

    I am glad that they get to have a common ground where they talk about things.

    I was so appealed with what Sayon did in order to see DoHa triggering at the same time his Past Trauma.

    We get to see that DoHa’s mother is involved in the disappearance of the ex gf’s body. She was so sinister with what she said to that Congresswoman.

    Re. SolHee’s ex boyfriend. He didn’t lie only, but changed his address as well, along with his phone number. Not that innocent in my eyes without explanation… And all that within a month of his proposal?

    A Big Red Flag… Even if he was undercover.

    I need to revisit episode’s 5 preciew, but my guess is that this Manager who is the brother of President Ji, will bring havoc to Kim DoHa for his egoistical reasons.

    I do hope that DoHa will open up to SolHee…

    That’s all for now.

    P.S. I haven’t read any comments yet!

  25. @Cleopatra, I like that Doha is practical about human failings. He told SolHee that all families have problems and later he told her that everyone lies. I’m thinking of all of the people in this drama who lie or don’t lie. SolHee is one of the biggest liars, tbh, but what a difference to lie to protect someone as opposed to lie to trick or trap someone as Syaon did!

    We should maybe keep track of how many times Solhee has taken on the role of girlfriend to Doha. The first time being in the bus a few years back. She said it to the journalists. She told her ex that she had a boyfriend. Now Doha has taken the role of boyfriend by holding her hand in the presence of her ex and even afterwards.

    Yes, wasn’t Do Ha’s mother sinister?! I’m used to that actress playing empathetic roles, so it’s strange to experience this character. She gave me goose bumps. There are so many bad or potentially bad people in this drama.

    Solhee’s boyfriend only had to say to her, I’m doing some special work (or whatever) which means you can’t contact me. Because he said nothing, it was open to her and our interpretation. I can’t judge yet if he is good or bad or somewhere in between. SolHee does seem to be gaining enemies through her work and attitude. As @packmule3 pointed out, she shows hubris. It will only take one public error and her reputation will be gone.

  26. Hey my dear @Fern,

    You know SolHee could be in trouble if she takes DoHa’s side about not killing his ex girlfriend.

    I mean we saw the violent brother, those vigilants and the passerbys who did nothing when he was being hit.

    And someone – most likely – President Jo’s brother will make that video to uncover DoHa’s identity… He is that stupid jeopardizing his brother’s label…

    SolHee actually saw him before midnight in Episode 1 and the ex girlfriend sent her brother a message 00:15 according to what he told the cops.

    Also, DoHa’s mother was sinister indeed.

    As for the singer, she doesn’t love Doha, as I said she is obsessed with him.

    A sane person couldn’t try to commit suicide – even as a joke – to bring someone who doesn’t want to be near them for any reason, to save them…

    Mental health is not a joke. DoHa suffered from panic attack.

    As for the ex boyfriend, I agree with you. He could have said anything at all to ease her mind and he didn’t…

  27. Good points about SolHee seeing him before midnight! Thanks for the times, @Cleopatra. But SH only drove past him on her way to the hotel. Is she a credible witness? How would she even know it was him? She saw his face only the next day on the bus. It was an eventful World Cup night when South Korea was knocked out, right, so perhaps there is some way the memory and connection will come to her?

    We can know that he is probably innocent from these timings, unless someone else had access to the ex-girlfriend’s phone to send the message.

  28. @Fern,

    She is a credible witness, since she didn’t know him back then. He was wearing his favorite Footballer’s t-shirt.

    I think that the ex girlfriend was alive up to a point and then something happened that even DoHa doesn’t know.


    his mother was involved withouth DoHa’s knowledge, that means she or someone she paid made the body to disappear, so she is the only one who knows where it is.

    The way she talked in such a callous tone, reveals that she indeed knows where the body is and she was not bluffing or joking.

    If I was watching a psychological thriller I would say she is a psychopath and a killer herself.

  29. I didn’t notice but two different sounds when she was listening for lies…a bell if it’s a lie, and a softer, almost chime sound if it’s not a lie. I think the chime is supposed to represent the absence of the bell, but maybe the director didn’t want there to be just silence, but some kind of sound to differentiate between the two. I dunno, just guessing here.

  30. @Fern,

    Agree. That mother’s comment about the Ex-GF’s body being fish food was a bizarre thing to say, especially when she was speaking with who was that?? The chairperson of the search committee for the next gubernatorial candidate?? It was like her filter suddenly malfunctioned at the mention of the ex-GF. She must have disapproved of that relationship from the start.

    It’ll funny when she finds out that SolHee’s mother was jailed for fraud. But the question is who committed the worse con job? SolHee’s mother or this politician.

    I think SyaOn will be rehabilitated. Won’t she end up with SolHee’s driver?

  31. @packmule3, The other woman hid her feelings pretty well. I could see that what Do Ha’s mother said clocked with her, but I was not sure whether she was horrified or impressed, depending on the type of person she is herself. Yes, I had the feeling that Do Ha’s mother was almost bragging about disposing the body thoroughly. As you say, what will she think about a relationship between Sol Hee and Do Ha? It might be interesting to see the mothers square off. What else might this mother do to further her career?

    I was thinking the same thing about Syaon and Baek Chi-hoon the driver. But she really hurt his feelings by not remembering him (or the by now disgusting egg) at the fan meeting. He was the only person who thought that she seemed sad or upset and asked her about it. They will meet again, right?

    What do you make of Sol Hee’s father sending her pictures of scenery but not any of him or anything personal to him? Is he on the run, too? Or even more, might someone else be sending photos on his behalf and he isn’t even there?

  32. Thanks @Fern.

    It was weird when the driver took out the egg and showed it Syaon and Syaon thought it was a fan-gift! If I were Syaon, there was no way I’d accept that. Who knows what germs, virus or drugs were injected into that innocent-looking egg! But yes, he was the only one who could read her emotions with just one look at her face.

    I missed that scene about SolHee’s father sending photographs. Which episode was that on? I was wondering where he went. Thought he was dead or in hiding, too.

  33. I don’t read all, I’ve ep04 to watch yet.
    I watched until this point:
    The same restau, SolHee meet a woman wanting a check about her future husband. The background image isn’t anymore Van Gogh but something else (I don’t remember what).
    SolHee says she just give the truth and doesn’t care about the feeling.
    However, soon after, she detects the husband is lying. Only, as she doesn’t care about the feeling, she can’t guess the reason why he’s lying. And soon after, the future husband create a happy surprise for his future wife. So he was hiding that. SolHee gets trouble after that… She could just say there are lies, but not guess the truth.

  34. Thanks, @Cleopatra. Isn’t she cute? I noticed that the actor was adopting the “manner legs” stance to accommodate their height difference.

  35. @Packmule3,

    Yes she is! I am glad they are comfortable around each other. Yes, I saw that too…He is a gentleman.

  36. Just catching up on this drama – I see his mother’s comment has been discussed. I think it will turn out to be a red herring but who knows?

  37. Hi, @Good Twin. Yes, I also think it is so blatant that it may well be a red herring. But if she’s not the killer, she may still have had a hand in disposing of the body if she thought her son was responsible.

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