My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread

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gifs from goyoonjungs’ tumblr

#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with me

Was the word “Coke” computer-generated??!!!

#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with me#my lovely liar from still with mecredit: goyoonjungs’ tumblr

I found this scene inconsistent. If Doha was so afraid to be seen in public without a face mask, then why did they pick a table right in front of a picture window. Huh, director??

Or is this supposed to represent his growth?

They were sitting in front of the picture window but back in Episode 3, they had dinner in front of a tiny window in a  poky restaurant.

What’s in store for them, then? Dinner in an outdoor tent (or pojangmacha)? Lunch al fresco? Outdoor picnic by the Han river? She’s obviously teaching him how to live like a human being, and I’m looking forward to more gastronomic scenes.

Let’s enjoy the show.

17 Comments On “My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread”

  1. Kalimera @Packmule3 et al!

    Let’s see what will happen today!

  2. I’m waiting for the current episode too. ☺️

    To be honest, I didn’t like that she took off his mask when he was passed out. I know she apologised but yeah.

    There was no hesitation when he helped her with that dude at the bar. Without a mask/sunglasses too! 😊 He’s definitely drawn to her.

    I like that he says he doesn’t eat out but he comes out anyway when she asks him. ☺️

    I’m excited to see them get more closer and I’m excited too with this triangle for once. 😃

  3. After watching the dorama, “Shitsuren Meshi” (or “Heartbreak Meal”), I’m really into these food scenes as a sign of nurturing and caring. I hope to see more of these food scenes with different settings.

    Agree. I was a bit annoyed when Solhee took off his mask while he was unconscious. NOOOO! Don’t touch him! (That’s why I approved of Jiaxu when he stopped himself from touching the unconscious Sang Zhi’s cheek in “Hidden Love.”) But I understand. The character had to do it to move the story along.

    And I guess, from the screenwriter’s perspective, Solhee made up for it when she hopped like a bunny and put his mask on for him. He was momentarily paralyzed with fear so her quick action saved him.

  4. Kalispera Everyone!

    Episode 5.

    It was an interesting episode, since SolHee made DoHa more proactive. I mean he was taking blows in every step without fighting back.

    There was a problem with a guy who claimed that he was Kim Do Ha in order to expose the plagiarism in the music department of J Ent.

    Of course he wanted to expose the other awful composer guy who we saw since Episode 1 and he wanted to find out more about Kim DoHa.
    Yes, that one who paid SolHee in Episode 2 to come to their secret meeting with the lie deterctor beeper. We knew he was a plagiarizer but that had to come into light for the rest of the world.

    Anyway, let’s go back to DoHa.

    He used to be very different before he dated his ex girlfriend back in high school. Their relationship was not only toxic, but also made him lose faith into himself.

    I am glad that SolHee acts like a beacon of light to him, making him remember who he truly is, what he really likes and that he should try and protect it at all costs.

    As he told him five years ago, he became a pushover.
    Not intentionally. I guess that is what you get if you are in a toxic relationship full of gaslighting, victim blaming and in incident that made him have lots of regrets. Imagine what else he had experienced that he actually became a shade of his previous self.

    I am talking here about the clingy and controlling ex girlfriend based on the plot of the drama.

    Along with all these, his own mother traumatized him as well. She is truly a politician. Saying lies between her teeth, laughing like she doesn’t care about her son at all. After that flashback, my guess is that she is a psychopath indeed.

    So, Kim DoHa was in an unhealthy enviroment for so long, that he has bottled up all his feelings inside. – Not my words, his psychiatrist told him that.

    I just want him to handle what is going to come, fighting back with all his might.

    The only negative thing? The violent brother saw a picture of Kim DoHa and recognized him and goes straight to do damage.

    P.S. The ex boyfriend is visiting the tarot cafe, in order to take coffee, he doesn’t even drink, making him clingy.

    I read somewhere but I don’t know where they have read this, that he had cancer back then. That’s why he lied to her?

    I don’t know where they have read this, but if that is the case, then he should have said the truth.

    If you are proposing to someone to be together for the rest of your lives, you cannot lie or don’t reveal the truth if your health is detoriating that much.

    I don’t find this romantic, nor I think that he is a green flag, because he wanted to protect her, as some viewers are commenting.

    Here are my honest thoughts about it:
    If you cannot be honest, then something is definitely wrong…If you don’t understand that is wrong, then your heart will be broken. Not because someone wanted to protect you, mostly because your specific someone doesn’t trust you with something so important.
    Yes, some people will call it off, but those people are not your people. Some people are stronger than others, while others are not.

    Dunno, why I am writing this, but while I was reading those comments, I felt that I should repeat that these are fantasies that don’t apply in reality. Don’t make yourself believe that such behaviours are the right thing to do, because it is not.

    That’s all I wanted to write right now…

  5. It was funny when Solhee was doing the bunny jumping to cover DoHa. 😄 I think that’s when he started getting attracted to her. 😆

  6. I still can’t figure out how Do Ha’s ex’s brother figured out that he is Kim Do Ha if the police and others haven’t figured it out.

    I’ve watched 5 & 6 now. It was sad that Sol Hee had to ask her mother if she loved her but the mother didn’t answer, possibly because Sol Hee could tell if it was true or false. Both Sol Hee and Do Ha think that their mothers are afraid of them.

  7. I’ve seen episode 5 and 6 but I might rewatch episode 6 tomorrow.

    I’m taking it back when I said Do Ha was drawn to Sol Hee, I think it’s Sol Hee who was drawn to him first. ☺️

    There’s nothing like home truths from Sol Hee and Do Ha starts to get his life back. I liked it when he took off his mask, looked at her, smiled and played the piano. It really made her his inspiration. ☺️

    I think he didn’t peel the prawn as nicely but he still got a heart shape from it. 👍🏻😂 But why did he take off his shirt when he was still in her house? I’m like ‘dude!’. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    I think it’s just me but I’m getting shy in seeing his chest and back. 😂 I’ll get used to it for sure. 😄

    When he brought the umbrella for her, 10 points. 😍

    With the ex, I feel he’s still trying to gauge if there’s still a chance for him.

    I’m confused with the Mom. Wasn’t she the one who asked for Soo Hee’s power before she was born?

    @Fern, the Lionesses were solid in their game. They deserve the final spot. Congratulations. 👏🏻

    I realised that I should have ironed my hair before the game. I looked like Mufasa so I was going for them instead of the Matilda’s. 😂

  8. Kim So Hyun is one of those actresses that’s very easy to like. ☺️

    She reminded me of Sang Zhi with her pony tails in the tennis scene too. 😃

  9. I’m hoping that the policeman ex-boyfriend doesn’t go bad. I don’t think he is bad now. Just testing the waters still because he loves her. Some commenters are saying that he’s stalking her, but I don’t think he’s at that point. When he say Do Ha coming to greet Sol Hee, he backed off. I didn’t understand his scene outside of the hospital. There was a funeral but it wasn’t clear how and if he was involved. I guess we’ll learn more later.

    Yes, @agdr03, the mother asked for gifts from the Gods, but now she’s hating it. She blames Sol Hee for her unhappy first marriage and for ruining this potential second marriage. Can she not take a bit of responsibility?!

  10. I liked the jazz scene. The song when he removed his mask was so upbeat and sparkling. Whoever is doing the playing is wonderful. I can’t find it on the internet yet.

  11. @agdr03 – I guess chest scene was so we could see his stab wound along with his muscly back muscles? 😅. @Cleopatra – I think you’re correct that the police officer ex boyfriend had cancer – the hat he was wearing outside the hospital in the flashback was likely to hide hair loss from chemotherapy. She dumped him so quickly when he lied so maybe that helps explain why he didn’t tell her? But I agree with you – no excuse for not telling her even if that were the reason and him not doing so reveals a weakness in him or in their relationship.

    The two leads are gradually unmasking/revealing themselves too each other – he knows about her super power and her scam artist mother now – and will have a much stronger relationship as a result.

  12. True that @Good Twin ☺️ it’s about that scar. It’s probably only half his fault with the showing of chest and back because the other half was because Sol Hee’s mind was somewhere else. 😂

  13. I enjoyed the music too @Fern. 🥰

    Funny how they were both anticipating the football watch but they dressed up nicely and not as casual. 😃

  14. @Good Twin, I think he thought she was passed out and wouldn’t see him. But yes, I’m sure the director will want to show his back as often as possible. It’s twice now. We can keep count. 😆

    Yes, they will bond over their respective dreadful mothers. 🤦‍♀️ Maybe I should start watching this as a comedy.

    I didn’t get the hat=cancer, but remembering other K-dramas, you are probably correct. Also the hiding of cancer from partners and family, as in Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol and others seems to something that isn’t unknown culturally in Korea. The scene makes sense for me now, thank you. He probably thought he wouldn’t make it and chose to spare her the funeral scene over getting his own comfort from her. Personally, it seems cruel to both parties to me and I agree with @Cleopatra, but I’m in the West. This event will highlight her hubris and the way she broke off without letting him get a word in.

    @agdr03, yes, I was surprised at her Chanel-type jacket for a footy date at a pub. They had the same mindset. I guess Koreans don’t throw their beers at goals as happens sometimes here. 🍻🍻🌊💦
    I thought he would wear his H M SON shirt since we saw him trying it on and it would make her remember the first time she glimpsed him. Later, I guess.

  15. Kalimera Everyone,

    I just managed to watch Episode 6. You have written a lot of things and I won’t write much.

    The thing I don’t like is how Sol Hee’s mother is talking to her. She cannot even love someone besides her self, but all she wants to do is scam them. And she continues to do so, for so long…

    I mean she always says that it is Sol Hee’s fault, but where is her fault? She was the adult. If her husband was broke for any reason, she should find a job herself. She is not taking responsibility for her actions who haven’t stopped at all. If any she has become worse.

    We are talking about Sol Hee and hubris, but the Hubris started with her mom. She was praying to every god to give her a child with powers and when she got it, she continues to do her thing and blame her all the time, but Sol Hee is not living her mom’s life, she does.

    Sol Hee’s mother made me sad today…

    As for the ex boyfriend. I find it awful that he had to pass cancer on his own, but if you cannot share something like that. It means you won’t share anything in the long run.

    Yes there are cultural differences, indeed. Still, when you are sick you should say so. Your loved ones will take care of you. Or that is what I have learned from my culture.

    Anyways… I see that a lot of people don’t understand what they are doing. I saw from the preview that Sayon will try to manipulate again DoHa. We get to see people who won’t take NO as an answer and that is a shame.

    In “My Lovely Liar”, we get a setting that is actually a reverse. Mostly this happens to women and not men. But here, we have a man suffering for his ex girlfriend’s actions.

    We have Mothers who act so awful to their kids, and not Fathers.

    Although, it is a reverse image of our society, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It does.

    There are people who shouldn’t become parents. They treat their children badly. People who have issues that don’t know how to share or they believe they are in love, when they are obssessed and are hurting other people.

    These are the themes behind “My Lovely Liar” and beside the comical elements of the show, it is actually sad.

  16. You are right, @Cleopatra. These themes are sad, but we may be being led into believing some emotions that aren’t real or aren’t going to last.

    Another drama that touched on the subject of a man being traumatised by an ex-girlfriend’s rejection was the wonderful “Love to Hate You.” It’s really good to acknowledge that men can have a difficult time with their mental health after break-ups.

    The other thing I’m wondering about in this drama is, where are the fathers of Do Ha and of Sol Hee? Sol Hee just gets random photos of nature, no locations or selfies. Is her father a fugitive? The actor is well known, so it’s unlikely that he would take such a tiny cameo. I expect we may hear more about him later.

  17. Kalimera @Fern,

    Yes, I have watched “Love to Hate You”. I also love Teo Yoo because he portrayed this part pretty good.

    The thing is that there are some things that are happening and we should pay attention, because they need to stop.

    As for the fathers I am curious myself. We see none of them around.

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