My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 Quick Takes

1. That was a good use of flashback to give the viewers a recap of DoHa’s relationship with his missing Ex. They began dating in high school. Everything was going fine till she started exhibiting the “octopus syndrome.” She wrapped all her tentacles around him and wouldn’t let him go to Seoul.

I was annoyed when she threw his car key into the sea. If that had been a smartkey, it would have cost him $250+ to replace.

2. Interesting how DoHa and SolHee have people missing in their lives whose absence still continues to loom large in their lives. Doha’s ex-girlfriend has been missing for five years, but he still suffers from PTSD. SolHee’s dad has been divorced from her mother for 10 years but she still gets flak from her mother because her mother blames her for it.

3. SolHee heard DoHa mumble, “I didn’t kill her,” and she knew he was lying because he heard the bell. HOWEVER, she thought he was referring to SYAON whom he had just rescued from the beach. She was still in the dark about Eunji and Kim Seung Joo/DoHa’s involvement in that murder case.

Thus, she assumed that her lie detector must be out-of-whack again, and she dismissed what she just heard DoHa confessed. When he woke up, she assured him that Syaon was okay and that Syaon never intended to kill herself. She thought she was assuaging his guilt for not getting a handle on Syaon’s emotional distress sooner.

When her friends asked her about it, she didn’t know what to think of it.

Driver: How did it go with that guy the Deity of Truth doesn’t visit?
SolHee: It means nothing now. The Deity showed up.
(Meaning, DoHa lied, and the Deity of Truth detected it)
Driver: That’s even more fascinating. That means he wasn’t lying all this time then.
SolHee: Forget it. I’m not interested in him anymore.

She was lying here. She was upset because DoHa told her to keep her distance from him and to pretend that they didn’t know each other. Her pride was hurt. If he wasn’t interested in her, then she wasn’t interested in him, too.

4. It was interesting that when Doha dropped his insomnia medicine, he had a mental vision of his ex helping to pick up the bag he dropped. He imagined her smiling kindly at him. Is this a sign that he was finally getting over her?

5. I’m glad that DeukChan, the company CEO, seems to genuinely care for DoHa. I hope he doesn’t change and become the bad guy.

6. MooJin is fired from the J-Entertainment company. I think his story isn’t finished yet. If he, EunJi’s violent older brother, and DeukChang’s brother should band together, then they can take down DoHa. But for now, they’re doing their own petty schemes.

7. I don’t think SolHee’s assessment of DoHa was correct, but she was right that DoHa needed to fight back.

SH: Why did you turn your phone off?
DH: I didn’t want to be bothered.
SH: I’m much more bothered because of you, Kim DoHa. I met Jo Deukchan earlier. Some weirdo showed up at my café, too.

She meant Moojin, of course. But she couldn’t reveal to DoHa that Moojin hired HER to check if DoHa was a plagiarist.

SH: Everyone is talking about you all over the place. So it’s more bothersome to me, and I get worried.
DH: Who’s talking about me?
SH: Are you completely unaware of all the chatter?

She meant the chatter on social media. She made him listen to the video made by the fake Kim Doha regarding ghost-composers.

DH: I’m sure the company said he’s not the one. And even if people don’t believe that, I can’t help that.
SH: This is so bad. You have to say he’s not the one. Not the company.

Meaning, the denial should come from him. He should refute the preposterous claim himself.

SH: It seems like you have a habit of putting off your responsibility to others.

Not true. He did show up at the dinner with Moojin to handle the situation for his CEO Deukchan was in a bind.

DH: Leave now.
SH: Forget other things. I thought you’d get angry about things that concern you. Isn’t music the only thing you know how to create? You can’t even eat out or take off your mask. If you can’t even do that, what will you then?

She meant that she knew that he was in a music slump. He couldn’t create music in his current mental state. But if he couldn’t create music, what else was there for him? He hid behind his mask; he couldn’t eat good food; and now, he couldn’t even create his music.

SH: Are you able to live a good life with the money you earned thus far?
DH: I said stop it. What do you know about me?

Note: this was the same question he asked of her on that Hakcheon bus.

SH: Of course, I don’t know. You don’t tell me anything, how would I know? I don’t know much, and even I know that you wouldn’t plagiarize. I know you wouldn’t even dream of using a ghostwriter or whatever. But it’s natural that people who know less than me would misconstrue.

Meaning, he would need to exert effort to clarify things. He couldn’t afford to let things slide just because a) he didn’t want to be bothered about it, and b) he had Deokchan to handle the situation. This is so like SolHee. Remember on the bus trip home, she scolded him too for letting EunJi’s brother beat him. She told him, “Why didn’t you fight back? If you simply take the blows, you look like you’re a cheater.”

This time around, she was telling him to defend himself. Otherwise, he’d look like he took part in this plagiarism scandal.

SH: Why did you decide to quit drinking last time you got so wasted? You can set your mind to it like you did back then.

In other words, she had confidence in him solving this problem on his own.

SH: (sigh) Call Jo Deukchan please. He’s extremely worried about you. (then exiting)

8. Because SolHee told him to speak up, he finally found his voice to turn down Syaon in no uncertain terms.

SY: What is it? Tell me.
DH: I don’t like you. I like you as a singer. I like you as a friend, too. But not as a woman.
SY: Oppa…
DH: I’ll cheer you on as your fan.

Overall, if I ignore the boring music controversy about Moojin and this misunderstanding trope between SolHee and DoHa, this episode was good enough.

One Comment On “My Lovely Liar: Eps 5 Quick Takes”

  1. Thanks, @packmule. Yes, good point about the baddies. I think it’s sort of inevitable that Moojin and the brothers of EunJi and DeukChan will join forces as bad guys. Something will happen and DoHa will be blamed. I don’t think DeukChan will become evil (hint: showing him with his adorable toddler) but if something happens to his brother or his child, he might not be able to be impartial.

    Spoiler alert:

    I wish DH could find a way to tell DeukChan that his brother has been blackmailing him before it’s too late because it provides a motive.

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