My Lovely Liar: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread

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I’m still watching this show. I’m just late in posting my Quick Takes because I was traveling last week. (Crossing my fingers that I’ll have them out today!)

gifs from dramaism’s tumblr

#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;#my lovely liar from we're in this together;source: dramaism’s tumblr

Good job, Solhee! She’s now reinventing her mantra, “If I say so, then it is so.” Previously, she meant that she could detect lies. If she said that the statement she heard was a lie, then it was a lie.

Now, because of her growing feelings for Doha, she has revised her meaning. “If I say so, then it is so” now means that she says that she believes in him and that’s all that matters. She can still detect the lie, but his lie is immaterial for her. Whether or not he actually committed the murder is no longer relevant to her because she believes in him no matter what. It’s not for her to discern his lie, culpability or guilt. She’ll stand with him — like she was at that moment, with her back against the brick wall — to defend and protect him.

Let’s enjoy the show!

6 Comments On “My Lovely Liar: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread”

  1. Kalimera @Packmule3 et al!

    I do hope you are all okay.

    Episode 9 was a lovely episode.

    We found out what really happened in the past and we got to see those two starting dating…Ahem…😅🥰

    As for the violent brother, after all this time, he doesn’t like the truth.
    He was the one who told his sister to have as an only dream Seung Joo. He doesn’t take his amount of responsibility towards his sister as an Oppa. He only wants to find someone else to accuse.

    I am curious to find out more about who really killed that girl.
    Kim DoHa’s mother comes to mind…🙄 She is the most shady right now.

  2. Wait! Is she dead?

    DoHa’s mom is shady but I think I’m going to add the trustworthy manager to the list just because, in kdramas, the least shady sidekick often turns out to be the backstabber.

    And who is it that’s sending love texts to his wife anyway? His brother??

  3. @Packmule3,

    I saw in the preview that they dig in some place and they found the silver ring she was wearing. So, I thought that most likely she is dead and they will find her remains.

    But, can we be sure until they find those remains? If she was killed most likely someone found her AFTER Kim DoHa left her at the beach. So could that be?

    Kim DoHa’s mother could have found out about their fight, if she had eyes and ears at the pub.

    Yes, I agree with you about the CEO.

    Jo Deuk-Chan is indeed acting kinda weird. I mean he basically read that his wife is having a love affair and he didn’t say anything. I don’t think it was the brother aka Jo Jae-Chan because of the name. If I remember correctly, it was Ji -something.

    So, if he had anything to do with this, maybe the ex girlfriend answered to a phonecall? She basically was sending messages to Kim DoHa’s female friends to leave him alone! She was in another level. I don’t like those antics. You either trust your boyfriend or not.

  4. Ah! It was in the preview. 😂😂 That’s why I didn’t see it.

    It’s probably her body then. I don’t think this is a serial murder case.

    Could be the mom.
    Could be the CEO/manager.

    But we can cross off the brother from the list of suspects.

    We need two people anyway if it’s the mom who killed her. I don’t think she looked strong enough to carry the body, dig a deep grave, and dispose off the body in one night. She would have hired somebody to do the dirty job.

  5. @Packmule3,

    I just rewatched the preview. Yes, they will also find some remains.
    So, things will become complicated. Are they going to find DNA traces?

    We need to see where exactly is that place that they will find the remains.
    If it is far away from the beach, then who did she go there?

    I mean just because they found the blouse full with her blood in Kim DoHa’s locker, they should also try to find more information.

    Didn’t the police check the CCTV from the area to see when she apparently left? When her cellphone stopped working? It was 5 years ago. So, they would have tried to find the data, since her brother told them that he received a message from her at 00:15.

    I believe that someone did the dirty job as well. If she died because of blood loss, then someone moved away the body.

    Jae Chan was in the area back then. His CEO brother told him to look for DoHa, so most likely they talked in the meantime…

  6. Kalimera!

    Episode 10. I will post my thoughts for half the episode. When I will have time, I will continue with the other half.

    I am glad that Kim Do Ha is getting back his power and little by little is building up his self confidence. He has a long way, but I bet having someone around him, believing him for the first time is assuring and will help him heal.

    I am also glad that Sol Hee trusts and believes him. Totally. So, she does a fine job when Kang Min is worried to reassure him about DoHa’s innocence. Most likely Kang Min will help them clear his name.

    As for the CEO, we are getting shady vibes from him all the way… o.O

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