15 Comments On “My Lovely Liar: Eps 13 & 14 Open Thread”

  1. Kalispera @Packmule3!

    I do hope you are okay, due to the day…

    I just wanted to say that the Jo brothers are awful.

  2. While watching, Episode 14 it is so clear that Deuk Chan has taken serious decisions about his future…

    He has lost so much weight… I am kinda worried about the actor Yun Ji Oh… 😬😔

  3. Hello, @Cleopatra. Yes, the actor looks very thin. He may have done it for the role and is now back.

    My thoughts about the last episode are about the police procedures. Surely, although intended to arrive at the truth, there were things done incorrectly. Involving a member of the public (SH) to obtain a confession leading her to enter a private space illegally to search for evidence? My mind is reeling. Then a police chase without lights or sirens with members of the public in the car used by the police? A crash with at least one possible fatality and perhaps more injured?

    I like that the resolution is clear now. @packmule3 was right. The show could have ended it well at this episode, as far as I’m concerned. Maybe it’s just me; I’m a bit grumpy tonight.

  4. The whole time she was in his office, I was anxious and wondering why the police did not do a search themselves. If they did not have enough reason to do a search sending in Citizen surely was pretty off. I did not even think about what you mentioned regarding the car chase although when they got in the Police car, I wondered why. It does not sit well when the screen writer / director Reach for nonsensical Transitions to get where they want to go. Do you think she lost her hearing or her ability to detect lies at the end after the explosion?

  5. @Monmor, you understand what I mean. No search warrant, no police presence, the police putting pressure on a citizen to find hard evidence. If the CEO was violent, he could have hurt her when he found her in the office.

    Yes, I think we’re heading for her losing hearing or at least the lie detection ability, although why — I don’t know.

    What did you make of Eom-ji’s brother’s laughter in his jail cell? Did he believe the change of culprit or was he laughing about something else?

  6. Kalimera @Fern,

    I do hope that is the case. Everytime I was looking at him in the latest episode, I thought Deuk Chan has decided to die.

    Well, the jakkanim wanted to give momentum to the plot twist and they did a mess with the police procedures.

    The show has done well so far because of the cast. They are doing a great job with the material that was giving to them!

  7. @Cleopatra. Yes, Deuk Chan has no reasons to live. His family is gone, his professional life is in a shambles, he faces a long prison sentence and his love for DoHa will never be requited. If he’s sent to the same prison as Eom-ji’s brother (which wouldn’t happen in RL), he would probably be killed anyway.

    Since the show didn’t end here, there may yet be some twists in the last episodes.

  8. @Fern,

    You are right. I think they will show us what really happened that day after DoHa left Eom Ji.

    From the preview, Eom Ji seems to knew that Deuk Chan was in love with DoHa. She must have found that he had made the couple ring and she mocked him about it.

    Maybe she hit him, because EJ could such a thing to someone who was in a weaker position than her and he tried to push her away? Jae Chan might have told part of the truth about her demise.

    Anyway, we are one week before the end of the show. Although I really like their relationship and how they trusted each other, there were some details that made us question how things were dealt by the jakkanim.

  9. Good twist and I never saw it coming. I was thinking he was Acting out of Some degree of friendship and a desire to maintain his business. In retrospect though there was something Else about his manner Towards the lead. One can think of this twist as a clever way for the nakkamin?sp to Make us reflect On our inner prejudices.

  10. this is in response to Cleopatra

    I took his laughter in prison to be about the irony of his having Attacked killed someone While trying to kill who he thought was the perpetrator. Now he is in jail for a pointless crime.

  11. I can’t believe this show is ending this week.

    I agree to sneaking in places where you shouldn’t or at least be with someone. To confront them too. 😬

    Let’s have our happy ending for DoHa and SoHee.

  12. @Packmule3 Kalimera!

    I do hope you are okay! Can you open the last thread for the show?

  13. Done, @Cleopatra!

  14. Thank you @Packmule3! 🌺

  15. My pleasure. 🙂

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