Knight Flower: Eps 1 to 6 Open Thread

The thread is open.

I’m not sure if you will be interested in another period drama set in the Joseon era with a widow as a heroine so soon after “The Matchmakers” but I’m opening this thread anyway. I think “The Matchmakers” is better written but this has three things going for it.

One, the leads are visually pleasing. This is a must-for me because I see ugly things at work all day.

It starts Lee HaNae (40 years old actress but very well-preserved), Lee Jong Won (29 years old newbie actor) and Lee KiWoo (42 years old actor). If you watched “My Liberation Notes,” then you would recognize Lee KiWoo, He played the boyfriend of the oldest sister. Also, the secondary actors are familiar to us. The king in this drama is played Park BokYou actor in “My Demon.” The mother-in-law is played by our favorite mother, Kim MiKyung (“Healer,” “Death’s Game” “Welcome to Samdalri”).

On paper, Lee HaNae’s character suits Lee KiWoo’s character better. She’s been a widow for 15 years, and he’s the prim-and-proper, upstanding Royal Secretary of the kingdom. But she’s going to be matched with Lee KiWoo’s adopted younger brother, Lee JongWon. JongWon is the newly appointed captain of the Capital Garrison.

So, this is going to be a noona romance…which brings me to my second item.

Two, I said that this year I was going to try out different dramas. I’ve always disliked revenge drama, but I’m watching “Marry My Husband.” I’ve also avoided noona romances, but I’ll give this one a try…at least for a couple of episodes.

Three, the premise of the drama is easy to follow. Like in “The Matchmaker,” the widow lives a double life. She’s a meek and mild widow by day, but she’s a lean and mean ninja warrior at night. She helps the common folks in the stealth of the moonlight.

Hence, the title, “Knight Flower.” I think there’s a play on words there. She blossoms like a flower at nighttime to protect the citizenry like a dark knight.

The drama is only 12 episodes. It’s televised by MBC every Friday and Saturday. It’s on Viki.

Let’s enjoy the show.


15 Comments On “Knight Flower: Eps 1 to 6 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @kml3! I was thinking I might try this show because of the double life part and Lee Ha Nae (Honey Lee) still looks so sweet (like honey!) after all these years. Also… more Kim Mi Kyung, my fave ahjumma!!! So thanks for the thread. I don’t know when I’ll have time to watch or how much I’ll manage, but it’s good to know I can drop by here to read and comment.

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It seems I may be the only bitch watching this show. It’s been rollicking good fun. Here’s where we can come to be entertained with Lee Ha Nae (Honey Lee) in her element. She’s one feisty 41 year old if she does some of those stunts on her own! *applause*.

    The story is simple with more than enough moments for the couple to accidentally meet and a nice message about how human beings are to be valued. It’s great that the OTP actually have the same values, although they go about doing stuff in their own way.

    I will watch for the entertainment value and to see if Honey can get the better of the rigid rules of her time, and get fed!!

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’ve watched 3.5 Episodes. The 4th episode suddenly stopped streaming (the link died?) so I don’t know the end *AARGH*

    Show is growing better. It’s funny, the leads are smart, there are enough opportunities for them to interact even though one is a hidden away widow and the other, an officer. They have some innate understanding of what to do when confronted with baddies, and end up teaming up well, albeit inadvertently.

    The key word for this show is that it’s FUN and that’s mainly what I signed up for! 🙂

  4. I am thinking about giving a try.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Oh please do @Snow Flower.

    The Hallelujah ‘chorus’ had me in stitches in Ep 4. I just can’t!!!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Oh and watch the epilogues. Every episode seems to have one. 🙂

  7. @GB,

    I like the half smiles of the ML. Lee Ha Nee is a great comedienne and a joy to watch!

  8. @GB and @Snow Flower

    I’m going to join you for this drama viewing🙌 I like Lee Ha Nee’s dramas and her comic timing, and I enjoyed the first two episodes of this drama, especially because of her facial expressions.

    I also like the underlying social commentary on the plight of widows in Joseon times and how our FL chooses to revolt against unreasonable societal expectations.

    As it is a short drama, I’m happy to continue watching this, as it would not take up too much of my time. I’m only watching ‘Marry My Husband’ together with this, and this is a perfect laughter watch to complement the heavier emotions and drama going on there.

  9. @GB

    Thank you for the tip on epilogues😊 I had completely missed them, will go rewatch!

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Snow Flower, yes, isn’t she! I like her dimples and expressions too. As long as the show does not go into slapstick but is genuinely funny, I’ll be happy to laugh along. Those heart shaped petals or whatever though!!! Their very own cherry blossom snow!

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Phoenix, Yay that you’re joining us! I trust this Show to be loads of fun, First or Second Left or Right Minister, nothwitstanding. LOL

    As it’s not long, even if it tails off a bit, the agony will be short!

  12. I’m enjoying this show too. The leads are likeable with great comedic moments. Fast moving too, which is a plus. Lots of similarities with The Matchmaker, with the addition of fun action scenes.

  13. I just started this show and am really enjoying it. I’m all caught up now (to episode six). The FL is a hoot. She was especially funny when she dressed as a man at the pub/brothel(?), pretending to be puking drunk.

    I agree that it’s also a commentary about the horrid life of the Joseon widow. You’re supposed to mourn a man the rest of your life that you never even met? And/or follow him to the grave?! How insane is that and what a waste of a life.

    One thing the show has been good at so far is twisting my expectations of who is good and who is evil. The worst people appear to have had the gentlest manners! I’m not sure I’m going to have a lot to say about it, but if @packmule3 wants to break the posts about it into two parts, say for Episode 1-6, and 6-12, I’ll try to come back and talk about it some more.

  14. I just finished Episode 5 and continue to enjoy the show. I like how the writer balances the sharp social criticism with comedy. Lee Ha New is indeed great, but I like the rest of the cast too. And the little epilogues are just perfect!

  15. Pingback: Knight Flower: Eps 7 to 12 Open Thread – Bitches Over Dramas

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