Hidden Love: Quick Update

@agdr03, I haven’t forgotten my Valentine’s Day promise.

I restarted watching Ep 23 yesterday, and am about halfway done with Ep 24 today. I stopped after their trip to his mom’s cemetery.

Will try to write this weekend.

Patrick Starfish Finger Crossed GIF | GIFDB.com

In the meantime, I found this BTS of their Ep 24 couch kiss.

4 Comments On “Hidden Love: Quick Update”

  1. Yipppppeeee!!! 🥰🥰🥰

    I love the scene at Jia Xu’s mom’s cemetery. It was so natural, the love and genuine assurance is there from Sang Zhi. 🥰

    I thought both Lusi and CZY did excellent on that scene. 🙌🏻

    That bts is so funny especially with the whack to CZY from the director. 😂 But it’s amazing what goes on to try and put in a good kissing scene. The angles, the view, how comfortable it needs to look.

    Wow! You’re almost at the finish line. I’m excited! 😉

    Thank you! 🌺🌺🌺

  2. Thanks, @packmule3. That bts video was so funny. The screaming gopher. And the “What was your motive to stand up?” “To get the posture right.” I’m surprised they could film with straight faces after all of that.

  3. Lesson learned f I’m watching the BTS clip: If you watch a kissing scene in a drama that looks intimate and a natural progression, that’s good acting. Truth is the actors are far from alone at that moment, and their actions are thoroughly rehearsed, not spontaneous. We knew that, but it’s good to be reminded.

  4. When will 24vand 25 episode review will come
    I am waiting

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