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Thank you, dear @pkml3! It’s been rollicking good fun!
Hello dear fellow rewatchers,… I’m actually about but I don’t know for how long and when I might have to up and go fetch someone from the hospital. A little bit of an emergency led us to decide to play it safe. If all’s well, I’ll be back here in time to start with you, or I might be in and out at odd times.
As you know, if I’m not here, please start without me!
Yes, @GB. With the elderly care, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Prayers for your family.
Thank you for your note @pkml3. Yes, MIL has diabetes as well, so any little wound that looks as if it will not heal well, sets us off to look for medical help. Much thanks for your prayers. I really do appreciate them and you. 😇 🙏 😄
Well, I’m back and will be here at 10pm. 😅
Oh no I already posted. And it did not go through so I will try again. I would just post the same thing
OMG , It’s Saturday!
Hi GB and MM.
Hi @MM! I’m here! Let’s start NOW!!!
Hi @MM, @WE, @GB, yes we start.
Ok. After this episode we’ll be at half the drama.
Hi @WE, @GB, @FF, @MM. Starting.
We get to see Sun Woo in 1993. He’s waiting for his 38 year old self to visit him again.
We find that our understanding of the logic was a bit off last week. The young SW remembers and the adult SW also remembers the time travel…. but the adult SW is no longer sure what his younger self is up to. Sooooo interesting!!
I started ahead and i’m at about thirteen minutes. I am recalling, if I am correct, That this is a rather painful Episode.
Hi Everyone!!! The past SW doesn’t just sit back and watch or wait. This is an unexpected result of knowing about the future.
Choi JC is getting the hospital from Jung Woo. The actor is over-doing the facial expressions!
I wonder why Sun Woo is not aware that his brother is getting married, and he was informed through the housekeeper. Did his brother not visit him at the hospital? Do they not communicate with each other?
@GB An extension of that thought is that he needs to read the journals to know what he was up to.
@MM well memories of their past love came back to both SW and Min Young… we’ll see what happens.
@FF, after SW went to the restaurant and beat up his brother, they have not met. Only once SW criticised JW over the phone.
Hi SD, hi FF.
He won’t only read this, he will remember he wrote it. 🙂
@SD Interesting question. Remember the scene in the hospital where it it’s clear. The older brother is feeling badly. Perhaps he is avoiding sun woo And their mother is in no shape to know what is going on.
@MM yes, the journals… that means new things are taking place in the past and the adult SW did not do them… the 18yo SW is like a different person!!! I think actually, he is different. The going back and forth in time seems to have done something to the person… split him/duplicated him?
@WE, Does he start to remember that he wrote it? I didn’t see that.
The fish mouth pursing of Choi Jin Chul, whenever he is pleased with his nefarious actions. We immediately know by this that he is up to no good. Especially when the JW’s seal comes out as he is surrounded by older men.
@GB. I think the logic still holds. The present self (here SW) knows only what his past self knew at the time exactly 20 years later. But because at a young man he was clever, he can read what he recorded and get some idea of the thought process (although I think also 20 years later?)
I think SW is supposed to have a scar on his forehead after the fall that night when adult SW met the teen SW. But I don’t see the scar on the adult this week!
@GB, I see they cut ties after the scene where SW almost strangle his brother to death 20 years ago. SW beating up his brother in the restaurant took place in the current timeline I think.
Hi @SD.
Wahhahahahaha… She send him the wedding dress photo.
@SD, today SW mentions a few times what remains and what is different. He too is trying to figure out the logic of the time travel. He discovers that getting rid of the incense sticks did not erase memories or items he brought back from the past.
Oh, now there is this other journalist, trying HARD to seduce him. Heals the little booboo.
@SD, I am irritated by the pursing of his lips too.
@FF, yes you’re right. I’m getting the timelines mixed up.
She touchs him at every occasion, hahaha.
Sun Woo does not have brain tumor in the current time line but he is still getting headaches.
+She plays cute. No one can resist such a woman, lol!
@WE, I can’t bear that woman anchor. She’s too over the top pursuing SW.
Now we hear that SW’s head pain remains although the tumour is not there. He remembers having a brain tumour before and how the pain felt.
@WE, the female anchor is not sultry enough to seduce.
Fortunately SW wrote in a diary every day. The younger SW is changing his own current and future and older SW can’e keep up with what might be in h is own young mind LOL.
@FF, no no, no need to be more gorgeous.
I think she has a good technique. ^^
Wait, what this crazy thing now.
He can’t remember what he did?!!
@GBI noticed last week that the scar was not there and I thought it was a continuity error. Perhaps not.
I was also thinking that there is some kind of splitbetween the past and present Self. What made me start to think about That is the number of times we know he is going to travel in the future and how wrong it’s going to go. So the issue of some kind of discontinuity between his present and past self is a good idea to hold on to As we try to understand the logic. Perhaps this is the risk in this show of meeting one self in the past.
Here comes Min Young and uncle is unhappy. She gets disappointed that uncle is not coming for her wedding. She’s being rushed into marriage by the crazy doctor boyfriend. I wonder why he’s in such a hurry.
SW also realizes his boss does NOT remember the brain tumor. SW mentions it as a quick one liner as the boss buttons his shirt. So SW is here discovering one of the tenets of this time travel: Only the people who know about the time travel remember the now changed past. It is as though they share the memories since they share the knowledge of the previous time and the fact that time travel occurred.
The torture continues…
He sees her with the maybe-boyfriend now future husband.
SJJ is pushing the limit.
It’s fortuitous that SW chose to give MY a sound system for a wedding present. If not for that, would today’s episode be full of angst?
@SD, Min Young will later remember her past with Sun Woo but she is not aware of Sun Woo’s time travel trips.
@MM, hmmm a continuity error or a deliberate break and split between persons. The reason I think it’s a split is because I recall the ending.
This adult version of SW played God. The younger SW did not. They could be 2 different persons, sharing the same memory from time to time.
So petty, he doesn’t go to her mariage. haha.
Starting from now he will be more and more jerk with her. ^^
@SD, I’ve to think about that. We see later that MY will slowly remember. She was triggered by something. So perhaps those who forgot just never experienced the trigger.
@WE, you mostly seem to remember what a jerk he was LOL. I cannot recall that. I do recall the kiss and the end more or less.
@GB, I missed the trigger during my last rewatch.
So, let’s see this carefully. (::monocole guy)
She admit she marries because she feel forced.
Nooooooo……… She need a brain… and a heart!!
LOL @WE 🧐🧐🧐 here you go!!!
This week we see the trigger. It’s come up already. I really dislike this almost husband doctor boyfriend.
I am confused. The brother’s wife is talking about son woo beating him up. Was that not in a different time line? At what point do the timelines branch off?
The trigger includes the writing again the same words… the action seems to slowly bring on the memories of a past timeline.
Here’s jealous almost husband. Glad he showed his true colours and she gets angry.
What trigger? I must watch carefully too.
Mmmh, maybe the trigger is the disk.
What did he saw on the cover?
Good morning all, I rewatched last night as I have trouble rewatching, reading your comments and thinking about what I’d like to write.
This episode does show the persistence and curiosity of SW as a youth, but I have trouble with his etching messages throughout the house and why they weren’t visible until 2012.
The discovery by unlikeable boyfriend of MY’s love message to SW does serve two great purposes though…he will be eliminated as her groom, and she is awakened to her love of SW. We get moving scene at end of SW denying her new reality, and she pushing back with a kiss! Hard to believe there are 10 more episodes.
@MM, we are in the same timeline as from before. The only main difference is that the tumour did not grow so SW survived.
Ah the writing is the trigger to memory recall.
SW had this disk cover, but he didn’t changed?
It comes from an alternate timeline now.
How strange.
@GB, YH remembers. When they are having drinks just after the first broadcast, they discuss this. You are correct, SW does not remember and has to read the journals, YH remarks that this is strange since he remembers. But of course, on the previous timeline SW would be dead by now. Maybe that is part of it. Also SW is the time traveler. Once he interacts with himself the new young SW would be a different person. A weird looping effect?
Also, yes, I wonder too if the other characters had triggers, would they remember the time travel and their previous selves buried somewhere deep in their memories.
Yes @LL… 10 more episodes.
What shall we rewatch after this series ends?
EVERYONE… Are you all game to continue with more rewatches?
@WE, we are all the time in the same timeline. The Adult SW is the same one who brought back the disk/record from 1992.
sslssrrrupppprurrlrlrlruppp scene + biblical music!!
Does Adult SW hear the scratching on the wood as young SW 20 year earlier scratches words all over the house?
The strange appearance of words only now is the amazing thing about this SJJ version of time travel.
@GB, I’m lost here. He brought back the disk from 1992? But she didn’t signed it yet?! She signed it in Nepal, in a now rewritten reality/timeline.
@WE, He brought the disk back when he was in Nepal. At that time Joo MY spent the night with him. She saw the disk and wrote on the sleeve. We’ll see this soon.
Now MY is practising her writing and starting to recall how she sat and wrote on the sleeve. She never remembered before today.
@WE, huh? The writing happened before Sun Woo started his time travels or just after his first or second time travel. I think it is a current timeline event before he gave his brother’s phone number to young Min Young.
SW lies to her that he wasn’t at Pokhara, etc. He’s so tempted to tell her but thinks it’s wiser to lie.
“You weren’t my uncle”… she’s stunned that they were lovers.
Now we see the memory of what happened… MY is seeing it clearly now. She was so in love with SW who was not Uncle.
She asks him if she’s MYJ.
She’s totally lost because of new memories.
But this jerk says her she drunk too much.
I told you, he takes revenge now. 🙂
I don’t know why he doesn’t want to answer with honesty.
She isn’t wrong when she said that he is not her uncle. @.@ she kissed him!!!!
@WE, SW lied to keep her life from going crazy. So she remembers and goes crazy any way. She kisses him!!! Her uncle!!!
Is this kiss another trigger to remind her of all the kisses they had before he changed her future/history?
@GB, FF.
I vaguely remember a scene in a disk store.
So yes, it should be that, he took the disk from the past. Then she signed it in present. But maybe this disk is a special item now, so it escape the law of rewriting timeline. It explains why the words are still written on it.
Follow a kiss scene with new memories.
@WE, you think Sun Woo should tell Min Young the truth about his time travel and changes to history? Will he appear as if he is schizophrenic?
These timelines are more convoluted than I had originally realized. Can it still be the same timeline Where only one thing has changed like his not Having had the tumor develop?
I am thinking that if we look this closely, we are going to find plot Holes in the time travel. For now , though I will continue to try to understand it so that it holds together.
Awesome numbers of set-up to lead to the current situation. Disk from the past (early in the drama), then give a sounds system as gift (with box of records). Here we get a script very well outlined. Whole plan start to finish.
@WE, This disk is the one SW took back when he went to get the incense sticks. Remember the guy in the motel chased him out and someone threw the phonograph record at him? He caught it and then the incense stick burnt down so he returned to 2012 with the disk/phonograph/record in his hand.
@WE you jog my memory. The disk store the one manned by Min Young’s mother. Ya I vaguely remember something about that too.
@MM, I don’t see plot-holes for now, but maybe, if we think more about a realistic butterfly effect, maybe. Could he had done exactly same things? Like accusing the bad guy in the TV show? His new life is very similar to the previous. But I won’t nitpick.
@GB, I remember that scene too. My memory is getting all messed up.
@MM, The thing is it is the same timeline with changes made to it. JW did not die. Joo MY becomes PMY with JW’s marriage. The tumour does not grow.
The changes remain and so too do memories and the pain and the things he brought back or left in the past. This part seems consistent.
Why Min Young remembers while others don’t,… I’m guessing is because she was close to SW in the unchanged timeline… and her memories were triggered by the writing.
@GB, I’ll rewatch the scene. But so far, it’s excellent!!
I use also this kind of tricks in my story.
Something you forgot in episode 3 or 7 and BOOM, episode 36, you get the point. 🙂
LOL @FF, welcome to may world of messed up memories!!! That is the reason I do rewatches!!!!
@FF, we are watching even slower than ordinary release (2 episodes a week). So it’s normal we forget a lot.
@WE, yes, I love that the whole plot was worked out well to get all these situations bringing in the conflict at the right time. In the nick of time, MY can call off the wedding. What a relief! LOL.
OK back to my question… any thoughts on what to Rewatch next after this series ends?
Speaking of that, I start to control more MidJourney and V6 is out. Now I can make consistent pic with character continuity, look at this one, of the “princess Dong character”, awesome quality, like a real kdrama:
@WE, very nice! So realistic. She’s not really that large though… you blew her up more!!!
You may not remember this list… I saved it.
Time Travel Rewatch Options
Chicago Typewriter
Durian’s Affair (I have not watched this yet)
Tunnel (maybe…)
Any more to add?
The duel screens is not only effective, but necessary here as we get to watch the young SW scratch on wood and the 20-years-later SW see the words come to life in ‘real time’. I do not remember now but I think there was one time earlier in the drama where SW heard sounds from the past as he does with the wood scratching (maybe with the pager?). Without the sounds the current SW would not have seen the scratches; they are too faint.
@GB, we have time but I can say for sure: not Chicago typewriter. I like many parts of it, but somehow, I lost touch with the drama, now on involontary on-hold.
A drama I’d be happy to rewatch: 365 repeat the year.
What else… many dramas with Kim Tae-Hee. Iris, Jang Ok Jung, Love story in harvard. Well, no one is better for love stories.
Can be also a solid Park Hye Ryun drama, I hear your voice, While you were sleeping.
From Now On, Showtime! is sure a good one to have fun.
Yumi Cells, to force into SJJ ones like crazy.
Kairos, just because I’d like to rewatch it. There is a situation in the kind of SJJ can do at one point, but I forgot, so I’d like to rewatch.
Remember: War of the Son, because the villain is too annoying, so awesome.
It is the next episode that is so painful where they have to face up to the judgment of others about their relationship.
Signal and chicago typewriter would be my choices. I also really enjoyed tunnel. I have not watched the other two.
Chicago typewriter would be my first choice.
@SD, The scratches were too fine to be seen? However they appeared clear before SW’s eyes.
@GB, It’s the “princess Dong-hee” from my drama, not the other one “Dong-Yi”. And it’s during year 18xx, not before. So a different character. It’s a fat princess, spoiled, her father the king buy her everything she wants. And she get troubles when she meet Wang Shin, the hero of Queen of Darkness manhwa. 🙂
This pic should be around episode 20, a scene at morning on a path in the country.
Good list of shows @WE.
Noted on the shows @MM. 🙂
@MM, I forgot Signal. A very rewatchable drama, high on emotions.
Maybe some problems (plot-hole?) with the concept. I’d be curious to check that. AMAZING background musics (same team as MOTA, W, Save Me).
@WE, I prefer your queen of darkness.
I have always wanted to watch jang okay jung. That is the one with yoo ah in right?
@WE, so with the AI rendition of characters, and your script, you are practically giving us a show to read and see!
@WE, @MM, I’m tending towards Signal as my first choice.
@GB, I have only watched Signal before but I don’t mind watching the others too.
Noted @FF. At least for you Signal would be a rewatch. The others would be a first watch unless you watch it once beforehand. It’s OK either way.
All: Durian’s Affair is as much about fate as time travel. It does not have all the twists and turns of Nine: Nine time travels. But the conundrums of the two women going into the future are well done. It is also beautifully filmed.
I have not seen any of the others. But I don’t mind a rewatch of something I have seen a short time ago. That is what I am doing now.
Re: MY’s memory. I wonder if it might be because she touches an object brought back from the past, which she previously touched. That would allow for some consistency.
@WE, background music :p will they trigger @GB like “my heart is you”?
Also I have not seen and would not mind ‘rewatching’ The Three Musketeers if we wanted to stay on an SJJ theme.
@GB, for now, I’m testing, and doing pics I could reuse. My goal is to end the rewriting (now half ep41, and everything else published up to ep38).
I’ve many episodes without pics (or not a lot), so when I end rewriting, I’ll put pics in these ones. But it’s variable, for example there is a lot of pics in ep37 and 38. Maybe not many in 39 40, but sure a lot in 41.
I juggle with direct screenshot, photo-montage, and now AI generation. I could use a lot of pics from historical dramas, but the problem is to find them. For example, I remember a scene in a tavern from Dong Yi. But what episode? Could be between ep 10 and 50. So, I’ll lost too much time to find it. It’s probably better to use AI generation for this scene.
@FF, queen of darkness was made on DallE. I’m unable to generate it on MidJourney, the AI doesn’t understand the prompt. It has a “illustration” feeling I don’t like and all DallE images are the same about that. But it’s ok for this character. Anything else, I’d prefer MidJourney, you could see the sample, it’s realistic.
@FF, background music is different than OST (a song). So no triggers! 🙂
@SD, the 3 musketers is very good, intense, plot twists. But it was supposed to be 3 seasons, so the last episode is rushed (I think SJJ got the information there will be no 3 seasons and tried to conclude), and the last scene is awful (revenge from the writer?).
@SD I think it is something about the twenty years. That is why the etching only shows up now in the present. It is not how I am used to thinking about time travel. The time travel line does not Diverge at the time something is done differently. This idea would also explain how
The timelines do not
Completely changeinto something different and are only affected By the one event. So does that mean there is no butterfly effect? Perhaps this time travel logic is a way to get around the butterfly effect.
Here, I posted my 5 fav background music from SIGNAL.
Listen to that, even without watching the drama, the music alone stands like crazy.
@WE, haha you are right BGM does not equal OST!
Time to go!
I wish you a good week all of you. See you soon, bye bye.
Thanks for the music links @WE and bye!!
Good bye to everyone too! See you next week!