117 Comments On “Nine: 9 Time Travels: Ep 11 Rewatch Sat, Feb 24”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkm3! See you later everyone!!

  2. I forgot again that it is saturday. Easy to do in retirement! I have fun every day. And this morning, I get a surge of excitement. Remembering that it is a rewatch day.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM! I get all happy and excited too when I remember it’s Saturday and Rewatch Party time!

    I’ll be back in 50 minutes!! 🙂

  4. Hi, 3 minutes left.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I am trying to do one rewatch but cannot finish it before we start our party LOL.

    I’ve 10 minutes to go. But lets start the Party on time… 1 minute to go!!!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi! We start now!!!

  7. Hello @GB, @WE, @MM

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So this is the episode where SW is really a jerk towards MY. Poor MY, memories are real to her.

    So the remembering begins in other people and we have to figure out how it happens.

  9. Yep, first scene, she surprise-kiss him.

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD! We begin with the end of last week’s episode… the kiss between niece and uncle and uncle’s rejection of MY.

  11. Hellooooo @GB, @WE, @SD, MM.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, he thought quickly on his feet… he came up with lies to satisfy both MY’s boyfriend and himself but not MY.

  13. As the episode plays out, We understand even more why he is such a jerk. If I am remembering this episode correctly.

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF!

  15. Hi FF.
    Why he doesn’t wan’t to accept now?
    There is all evidence.
    But instead, he’s a jerk with her!!
    (note: ok, it’s more funny like that but…)

  16. The famous line from kdramas:
    “I will do like it never happened”.
    “I will do like I never hear it”.

  17. If he tells her , he is once again playing god , and we know how problematic that is. He thinks he cannot go back. So he has to live in this time line and so does she. He really is protecting her with the knowledge he has. In this case I do not see it as noble idiocy. It is their “reality”.

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes he was being a jerk to try to give MY back the life of the changed timeline. But it was too late. The memories were real.

  19. Hi @FF!

    I think SW has to be ‘a jerk’/firm with her. How can he explain the time travel? He can’t at this point change anything (he thinks), and he knows by now that all attempts (or most since he is still alive) worsen things or at least have unintended consequences. He was willing to suffer, if she can believe it is simply in her mind perhaps she will be fine (or so I am inferring as to how SW is thinking).

  20. @WE, I think SW cannot accept her now after all in this timeline they are uncle and niece. I also think MY is impulsive what if her memory is wrong, she kissed her uncle without double confirming her memory.

    Poor MY she can’t stop crying.

  21. It looks like the same street as in “stairway to heavens” when the SFL rush into the FL with a car.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, at this stage, it was the best choice that he could make… with the limited knowledge that he had. As the episode progresses, only then we see that he realises he cannot make things continue as if the memories were mistakes or false.

  23. @WE Yes, whatever he does now will not satisfy her because she has these memories now.. As you wrote, Too late to fix it. Instead he is causing her pain. But what would explaining it and comforting her have resulted in?

  24. Hi SD & MM. And GB? I said hi?

    His effort is counter-productive. But for the sake of drama, it’s of course better he remains a stuborn wall. Really she has everything to be lost now.

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I agree with you about what SW thought and decided. He did the best with the limited knowledge he had about what would happen with the changed timeline and the return of memories.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF… just wait and see what happens at the end of this episode LOL.

  27. @GB, haha ok I will wait patiently.

  28. 14:00, he explains everything!
    Why she remembers.
    Why he doesn’t want to say to her.
    Rare moment of total explanation in a SJJ drama. LOL!

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Yes, MY has everything to lose now with the return of her memories. I understand why she cannot stop crying.

    I thought this actress did very well here… she’s not so bad in this show.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, anyway, we see that SW is also red-eyed after telling MY off and leaving in the taxi.

    SW is miserable that MY is miserable and that he caused this mess… BIG mess!

  31. But he was stupid to leave some clues before.
    And now she remembers every single of his words.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what clues are you referring to that SW left behind?

  33. Push the limit now. He says she’s disgusting. lolol!

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Sun Woo cuts himself while shaving… he definitely hurt himself and those around him by time traveling.

    He’s living an ambiguous life… he does not want to wish it on anyone else.

    And more memories keep coming back to MY… I wonder why. What triggers more memories?

  35. @GB, the dialogue (we got flashback) where he speaks about her without saying it’s her.
    By the way, good script structure. Either SJJ did that scene after her global outline. Or she did it but had think to re-use it.

  36. What are k drama friends for other than to explicate the plot?

  37. @GB, yup SW is so miserable, yet he cannot clear up the mess. He chose to be harsh to her which is making MY even more miserable. The actress cries so convincingly.

    MY is so persistent and continues to press SW for confirmation when she recalls SW’s conversation about his ex who has amnesia.

  38. @GB, yes, he cut himself. The small detail having a symbolic resonance. Like a “missed act”, I don’t know the english word for this.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I remember that scene well when he was looking at his niece as if she was Joo MY, his ‘wife’. Well at that time, he didn’t know it would become a ‘clue’ or ‘evidence’ or a memory that convinces her.

    So we find that in this show’s logic, memories can return from a changed timeline and become clearer. I guess those affected by SW in both the past and present could have a memory recall.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, MY is true to her type, she’s a reporter after all and wants to follow through a lead to the end. In this case more so, since it involves her emotions and real memories. Poor kid probably thinks she’s going crazy.

  41. This Choi Jin Cheol is a snake. The pursing of the lips….. oh so irritating.

  42. This has to be one of the most creative ways to have a fauxcest plotline.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I’m not sure of the right term too… maybe a ‘parallel’ with the first situation, or a kind of metaphor in context ‘A’ but referring us to a similar situation in context ‘B’.

  44. Ok on the rooftop, SW does go a bit overboard: disgusting! Even though he knows it is true. He is very frustrated afterward (bangs on the railing). Life is getting even more difficult. Implied: what if more people ‘remember’?

    By the way: is it really so easy to get up to the roof tops of all these buildings? Happens all the time in kdramas, all the time. You would think the whole building would be up there having private conversations…LOL

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Fauxcest is one thing… it also brings up a phantom brain tumour with real pain. That is interesting! A very creative writer.

  46. A belated “hi all”. A little and much needed tension reliever gave me a chuckle when Sun Woo accused the female anchor of using the Kdrama umbrella trope on him as they were leaving work for a drink.😂This happened right as SW found out MY had gone missing. Just a little detail but good writing.
    Also noticed this during rewatch, a shot of a large clock situated at an odd angle (Dutch angle?) mirroring the distortion of time/memories during this episode perhaps.

  47. @SD, I too noticed that people go up to the rooftop easily in Kdramas. Maybe it is open to staff who needs a puff in Korea.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I just took it for granted that in Korea every building gave access to the roof so that people could go up for a smoke and some sun. LOL.

  49. The teatrical vilain now. With storm lighting.
    Note: we see him watch the video. CUT.
    Then he’s drinking and thinking and remember to watch the video.
    Biblical music, meaning he’s on the way to get time memory too.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @LL, Heheheh… the umbrella trope. I really dislike that female anchor. She’s so intentional in her seduction.

    Yes I noticed that lopsided looking clock too and thought it was a very apt depiction of the effect of time travel. Time going on lopsidedly for some who remember.

  51. @SD lol I just watched a 2000’s melo, and the rooftop plays a big role. A trump has been around for a long time. I am getting a stream of memories of such scenes from k dramas.lol

  52. Hi @LL, we are on ep 11 are you watching this episode?

  53. Ah, he gets water on the shoulder. Umbrella is too small.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, I didn’t think of music in OST as ‘biblical’!! I must pay attention to that music!

    I’m still at the part where he’s getting the video from the guy who set the fire for him. The trigger for Choi’s memory is the video with SW’s face.

  55. @LL, ar you are ahead of me in re-watching the episode. hehe.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the small umbrella that cannot shelter him and the lady anchor… a sign that they are not meant to be together LOL.

    And SW is getting rained on … like MY. He’s going to be as drenched as MY that night… a sign that they are meant to be together!!! Hah!

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @LL @WE, the other lopsided thing I noticed was when SW was speaking with MY earlier and their side by side videos had one up and the other down on the screen… they were not on the same page. He was saying she was disgusting… so the unmatched positioning of their videos was apt.

  58. @GB, aaaahhh, we find truth when we want to find it. 🙂

    There was a nice song when he looks for her, with lot of slow-motion dissolves street scenes.

  59. I am abit lot at the part where Choi Jin Cheol remembers running into SW years ago. I had the same question as CJC, why remember bumping into SW now 20 years later?

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes I’m listening to that song now… He’s getting more drenched running around in the rain.

    Then she calls and he knows exactly where she is when she says she’s at the place where she first kissed him. Proof that he remembers everything too and that he’s been a lying ‘jerk’ LOL.

  61. Ofc, she waits for him in a place from old timeline. He shouldn’t know where it is, and she didn’t said him where.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That street scene is great for showing the regrets SW has for being a jerk. He waits with his lopsided clock showing the time all slanted.

    And her keeps reading the love letter/note from Joo MY.

    More thunder and lightning and MY calls and says that love note was her wedding vow to him.

  63. @FF, it comes from the scene when SW shows him the video evidence. So now he wonders how it could be filmed, and finds some other infos.

    Ok, finally he stops to be a jerk and KISS !

  64. Gosh, same red phone-cabin than QYHM.
    Is it the same place?

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF About Choi remembering I think it was because the trigger came at that time with the video of 20 years ago… it was roughly at that time 20 years earlier that he received and played the video and saw SW’s face. He in 2012/2013 finally received the memory.

    Before the trigger, he said he had not seen SW before.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, not sure if that’s the exact same playground and phone booth… need to rewatch the Queen In Hyun’s Man to see that playground again.

  67. I am still on the scene where Choi Jin Chul has a fit. It might just be the translation on my version of Myasiantv, but he says ‘What the hell have you done with my money! You just nibble your mouths!’. I laughed thinking of how he purses his mouth all the time. Doesn’t quite fit, but still.

    Speaking of clues: I have not figured out why the ‘Bodyguard’ record (and film — it is on a poster in one of the scenes) figures so prominently. It has been a very long time since I watched that film. Any ideas?

  68. About the umbrella trope: I am remembering A scene in a drama Where the lyrics to the song are about the Shoulder getting wet. So this is part of the trope I think.

    I am at the part where he gets the phone call about MY being missing. Even though I start early I still end up being behind. I have not read all the comments yet

  69. @FF, I got behind (text I had to respond to), now I am at the place where CJC remembers SW. How do these people have such good memories! I can barely remember what I had for dinner the night before let alone someone’s face I saw briefly 20 years ago. LOL.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, not sure about the Bodyguard movie and whether it has any relation to this show. Offhand, I don’t think so. It just determines the time … it was a 1992 movie (21 years earlier) … so that might have a bearing, I guess.

    Wasn’t the record sleeve also from the soundtrack of that show? And Whitney Houston’s song “I will always love you” was THE song on it?

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I’m only able to keep up with comments because I just rewatched the episode and have it replaying next to BOD page. I just glance at it to know where it’s at without watching it thoroughly.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, All drama characters have great memories when the plot calls for it!!! LOL.

  73. @FF, @GB I actually rewatched last night because I wasn’t able to begin rewatch with everyone else. I find that I’m able to appreciate smaller details or even notice them in the rewatch. Speaking of the rain scenes here…another widely used trope that I like. I just recently watched Love Rain 2012 for first time. Now a fan of Jang Guen Suk!

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Signal (first choice?)
    Durian’s Affair
    365 Repeat the Year
    I Hear Your Voice (another long one… 20 episodes?)

    Chicago Typewriter
    Jang Ok Jung
    Remember: War of the Son

    Shall we put these shows to a vote? I’m thinking we vote among the top 6 shows and see if we can have a majority. Leave the last 3 shows for later or at all.

  75. Characters remember when you need them to remember, and don’t remember when you need they don’t. ahaha!! I shamlessly use that. For example, I have a big scene:
    My goal is to show some background scenes we are curious about. For that, the caracter is supposed to remember something because he search in his memory. Of course, he doesn’t remember what is looking for, so we have the full flashback montage. And only after that “flash!” he remembers what he wanted. 🙂

  76. @GB, vote 6 shows among 10? It should be less, or we can do it like that:
    3 votes for favorites. One point weight.
    3 votes for “ok”. Half a point weight.

    Is it the full list of dramas? I remember we had talk about few others.
    Like “my love from the star” ?

  77. The playground is not the same as Queen In Hyun’s Man. That playground had a high hill (mountain?), no buildings that you could see easily, and the phone booth was further away from the playground. (or so I remember).

  78. @SD, me too have problem remembering trivia like what I ate for lunch or last night’s dinner. Hahaha like what @WE said the characters remember when the plot calls for it.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I was going through last week’s chat on our Rewatch Party…

    OK added…

    1)Signal (first choice?)
    2)Durian’s Affair
    3)365 Repeat the Year
    6)I Hear Your Voice (another long one… 20 episodes?)
    7)My Love From the Star
    8)Chicago Typewriter
    10)Jang Ok Jung
    11)Remember: War of the Son

    I’m ok to vote with “Fave” = 1 point
    “OK” = half point.

    Just vote for 3 so that we don’t have to count like crazy???

  80. About the movie the body guard. I looked this up recently and couldn’t see a connection either other than as a marker of time. The record sleeve is the soundtrack to the movie the body guard. I think we see this clearly initially , but not in subsequent scenes where it is blurred. I am going to go and listen to that whitney houston song.

    @GB. I guess this is one of the great kisses you referenced earlier in our discussion.🙂

    Yes it seems memories from other time lines come back with a trigger. For MY, She recalls incidents from the current timelime and the past time line to puzzle togather her memories.S W Confirms her understanding by showing up at the park And kissing her. I don’t remember a playground near the red.
    Phone booth in The queen and I But there were always children around in the scenes , so perhaps it is the same location.

  81. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, there’s ANOTHER kiss that was pretty great. Wait for it!!!

    I just listened to Whitney singing “I’ll Always Love You”… sooooo powerful! Yes it’s the song from that movie and Joo MY used that song title to write her love note to her ‘husband’…

  82. The red phone booth keeps appearing in dramas but when I visited SKorea, there ain’t that many red phone booths around.

  83. It is the next episode that is so painful
    When others Infer their relationship.

    It will be hard not to watch the next episode now in follow up to that kiss.

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I think red phone booths were more ubiquitous 10-20 years ago. Now they are props in dramas LOL.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, it’s always hard to stop with so much more plot to go. Always dying to know what happens next.

  86. Ah, it’s nothing to count, and we aren’t 24.
    3 vote for fav = 1 point.
    3 vote for ok = 0.5 point.
    That way I’d be happy to vote for the ones I’d still like, but less than my fav. 🙂
    Because obviously, with such a list, my heart will decide first. ^^

  87. My vote:
    Fave: Signal
    Ok: Chicago typewriter, Tunnel.

  88. @GB

    Chicago typewriter
    all 1 point

    Hear your voice
    My love from the star
    All half points

  89. @FF, no, you have 3 votes for fav, then 3 votes for Ok ones. 6 total votes.
    Any fav one is 1 point when counting the whole vote.
    Any Ok is half-point vhen counting the whole vote.

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, can I ask you to please do the vote count for me? You have any good way or just manually count?

  91. @WE, yes sir!

    Fave: Signal, Tunnel, Chicago Typewriter
    Ok: Durian’s affair, 365 repeat the year, Kairos

    Tunnel and Chicago typewriter just got upgraded.

  92. Do others find these rewatches exhausting? I totally need to Reorient myself to my Reality after one of these watches.

  93. @GB, I’ll just put the drama list in a excel sheet, then add the numbers. 🙂

    Fav ones (1 point):
    – Jang Ok Jung
    – Iris
    – 365 repeat the year.

    Ok ones (0.5 point):
    – Kairos
    – I hear your voice
    – Remember war of the son

    I can just vote for my fav with Kim Tae-Hee, I can rewatch them endlessly. Then add 365, short drama.

    I wanted to put Signal in OK. But I realize I like a bit more Kairos, and think I’d have more fun to watch War of the son villain and beautiful ending, than Signal.

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @MM… I believe we keep one foot in reality no matter how the Rewatches take us to dramaland.

    It can be exhausting if we have things to do… so the next question is whether to continue immediately or to take a short break etc. I think I did mention this before, (maybe it was in passing), but it sounded like most of us were okay to just continue. We’ll see in a few week’s time.

  95. @WE, Kim Tae Hee did a cameo for Welcome to Samdalri! The last episode.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heh! I knew you’d do something like that when I suggested that you do the count.

    My vote:
    Faves: Signal, 365 Repeat the Year, Kairos

    OK: Durian’s Affair, My Love From the Star, Chicago Typewriter

    Happy tabulating and letting Excel count

  97. I very much want to continue these rewatches. Just watching these shows is so immersive and then on top of that , we are thinking, Commenting and responding. I Was commenting on how I feel immediately after the show is over and not in the long run. Nothing having another cup of coffee won’t fix.

    About the phantom head pain. Yes so creative to have it Happening in another timeline.

  98. @MM Yes, the shoulder getting wet song is from Love Rain. I have been going back to some earlier dramas that were popular before I even knew Kdramas existed. Also, I enjoy shows with balance between sexes, I am not fond of the female centric trend such as Knight Flower.
    My vote is Chicago Typewriter, My Love From a Star for 1 point and Signal for .5 point.

  99. I have only watched Durian Affair and My Love from the Star (both of which I would be happy with). I read the quick synopsis of the others from MyDramaList; some have been on my list for awhile. I am perfectly fine watching a few episodes ahead of where we are on the rewatch.

    Fav ones (1.0 point):
    – Hear Your Voice (18 episodes)
    – Signal (16 episodes)
    – Durian Affair (16 episodes) — would be interested in hearing others thoughts on this drama. The perspective of the two women coming forward in time is delightful. Fate has a bigger role in this one than time travel.

    OK ones (0.5 points):
    – Kairos (16 episodes)
    – Tunnel (16 episodes)
    – Chicago Typewriter (16 episodes)

    I have watched My Love from a Star many times as it was one of my gateway kdramas. Happy to watch it again, always.

  100. @MM, rewatches are not exhausting except when is falls on festive seasons. We can always re-schedule or space out the episodes accordingly. I don’t work hard for re-watch, I will just watch, comment and enjoy reading others’ comments.

  101. @LL I have not watched love rain so there is another show that also has those lyrics.

    There is so much that happens on those rooftops. Bullying, Bombs, Breakups, Almost reason to death, Murder and suicide. I’m sure there are others that are just not coming to mind. Oh another one -helicopter scenes.

  102. Here the spreadsheet:

    I put 2 and 1 point instead of 1 and 0.5 because it’s easier to fill.

    LL votes are missing.
    MM, you can have one more “ok” vote if you want.

  103. Bye everyone, see you next week,

  104. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @FF!

    Wow @WE you’re fast! We can see at once that Signal is ahead in the votes. And that the next vote may between the ones that are tied at 5 points each.

    So we don’t have to wrack our brains thinking of what shows we like to see again.

    Thanks @WE!!

  105. Yep, nothing that complicated.
    Still check I didn’t made an error while copy-paste your choices.
    I’ll complete later with LL choices or any other rewatcher.

    I have to go now, have a good week!

  106. @WE TY I will add jang o k jung which I have not watched but have wanted to watch.

  107. The shoulder getting wet scene that I remember might be from “my roommate is a gumiho.”

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM you’re so cute… still thinking of the tropes! So is the one shoulder getting wet a sign of love ie guy covers the girl with the umbrella and gets wet in the rain?

    In Nine:9 I’m suggesting it means that he’s not meant to be with the lady anchor.

    See you next week!

  109. I can’t stop thinking🙂. The other piece of clever Scriptwriting In the kiss , scene is to give us more context for the relationship in the original time line. It is reminiscent of
    Other scenes where they are together which we have already seen But probably dates back further.

  110. @GB Your reply has triggered other umbrella scenes in my memory. The frustrating part is not remembering which dramas😊

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, your comment got me thinking that the final scene kiss was the culmination of all SW’s own emotional upheaval. He’d been holding back so long with regards to MY, and he regretted being such a jerk when he had been the one to cause her the distress… somewhere along the anxious search and waiting for her, he decided to just let go of the social inhibitions and let her know that she was not crazy. The ending kiss totally made sense.

    By turning up in the playground he was admitting that he’d lied to her that he didn’t know what she was talking about … the kiss was to confirm that her memories were true and that he was sorry for making her suffer. Of course, it was also because he had been wanting to kiss her for ages but couldn’t as ‘Samchoon’.

  112. @WE Sorry , I didn’t list 6 dramas…2points for Chicago Typewriter and My Love from a Star and 1 point for Signal. Thx for taking on vote tabulation.
    See all of you next week.

  113. @GB Also , he probably realized that not telling her was leading her into actual physical danger from her distress.

    samchoon is now engrained as part of my limited korean vocab.

  114. Back on the rooftop. Sounds like the name of a song.

    Like a previous Poster I am enjoying observing the tropes in earlier dramas. In “save the last dance for me” the female lead Almost freezes to death on the rooftop.

  115. oh and fireworks and BTS I will stop getting carried away now.

  116. The umbrella case. Depends on the stance.
    A guy close to the girl and taking raing means he take care about she not take the rain.
    But here in 9:
    He gets wet because he tries to be distant, while she gets wet as she try to get closer. 🙂

    Spreadsheet updated with recent MM and LL choices.

  117. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you @WE!
    Signal is in the lead with 9 votes with Chicago Typewriter next with 8.

    We’re still happily in our time travel/time jump rewatch!

Comments are closed.