80 Comments On “Nine: 9 Time Travels: Ep 17 Rewatch Sat, April 6”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! I believe this thread was set to be posted before you went on your trip. I hope you’re well, especially after the earthquake in Taiwan.

  2. Hi here.

  3. No one?
    I can’t say “go”, as I’m alone.

  4. Hi @WE, isn’t it early? I have ~40 minutes to go. Anyway, I have a conflict so I will have to do the rewatch on my own and join you next week. Hope the rest of your day goes well.

  5. @SD, huh? It’s 15:00 here.
    So it’s one hour later?

  6. @WE Greetings! Yes an hour later. It starts at 10AM EDT in US.

  7. Hello everyone I am here on a very sunny spring morning here On the east coast of north america. Starting a few minutes early so I can keep up.

    I am still thinking about how sun wu equates himself to an instant stick. I am looking forward to the final unpacking of this show with the last episodes.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, so should the time be changed to 4.00pm on the notice above? Your Daylight Savings Time must have started, that’s why the time changed.

    Hi Everyone!
    10 minutes to go!!!

    I’ve been watching jdorama “Caution, Hazardous Wife”. It’s gotten from a fun romp from the merely domestic to more serious stuff and crime solving now. Still engaging and smart, although it does cut some corners as in the Wife is super perceptive and figures things out very quickly. But that’s good for the episodic format. Nothing long-drawn out.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @LL, @MM, @SD
    I still can’t see the analogy of why SW is an incense stick. He’s just meant to be burnt down? But if he had not kept lighting the sticks, he’d have retained his own Timeline. He changed it so much that he just had to go!

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK, we can start NOW!

    I hope @WE can come back!!

  11. I just had the funny thought that It would be a real problem if the characters in this show had to take daylight savings time changes into account.

  12. Hi GB, LL, MM..

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I guess they would have to count in Daylight Savings but at least that’s only plus or minus an hour!

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, good that you can come back an hour later. I was afraid you had an afternoon appointment and couldn’t make it.

    Start of with lots of rain (pathetic fallacy again!) and the wedding that should not have taken place.

  15. A mariage in the past, it will fail.
    And we’ll have a correlation soon, with a mariage in present time. And it will fail too. Meaningful links.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Most unhappy looking groom. Shi Ah becomes Min Young when her dad was the other guy, the one who really should have been her step-dad.

    Poor Yoo Jin.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, the correlations are strong in this show.

    I wonder about this part where the priest says the school was looking for Sun Woo at the church. Why should that be? Who would call for SW at the church?

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s fun to see a young Park Hyung Shik.

    Another correlation of the bad guy in the car come to kill the young SW. Later another bad guy in a car to kill adult SW.

    Now SW realises that he has to light the last incense stick in order to save himself in the past.

  19. Hello everyone, I am here.

  20. Did no one teach SW street safety?

    some comic relief in a very tense series of scenes when the villain’s henchman shakes the knife out of the umbrella.

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It’s so thrilling that we’re all watching and not posting LOL.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, glad you made it. We’re at the exciting moment when SW is being attacked.

  23. The groom looks distracted, had his mind on something else.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM A new kind of use for the umbrella… not the tired old trope between lovers but as a defensive device against a killer.

  25. Oh here, SJJ used that in MOTA in another way, but same process: the hero is chased in the past, but as well in present time.
    In MOTA he was chased both in the virtual world (bots) and real world (police).

  26. stopped car in traffic time is paused for sunwoo

  27. Cheating here. He set his watch for 25 minutes, when he have half a stick. Should be 15 minutes. Or I didn’t see well the watch.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m confused by how come cars have come to chase SW suddenly. Did Choi just give an order for his henchmen to fetch SW?

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, SE estimated that Choi only used about 5 minutes of the stick so he set watch for I think 25 minutes.

    Ah now he calls MY and asks if he should change her life… ie stop his brother’s marriage.

  30. nice twist to call on his boss to do him a favor in the past

  31. He ask her if he would return. She agree. I notice here, it’s first time he makes that decision not only himself (until now, he wasn’t listening to other people and only do his own will).

  32. @ GB an hour seems minor compared to 20 years!

  33. SW can feel the pain in current timeline when he was stabbed in the past. Bizarre! Will the killer stop just because he was locked out? Will he try to get into the shop to complete his mission?

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I was trying to figure out what favour he was going to ask his boss for in this present timeline. Another CORRELATION in the past he will also be asking his boss for help.

  35. @GB, thanks, I missed that point. Just looking at the stick, I had the feeling it was a half one.

  36. Suddenly, cars come chasing after SW? What for? My heart is racing together with SW’s car.

  37. Choi makes OOooOOHhhh OOoohhOOhh 🙂 😀

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I was asking the same question about the car chase in the present time… seems like Choi had sent people to keep watch over SW at the mortuary but he got away so they were chasing after his car.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Choi actor keeps doing the OooH with his mouth so much!!! It’s annoying to watch him. He’s better in some other shows.

  40. Hi @GB. Sun Woo is always seeking help from his boss. He’s got a nice boss always obliged to his request for help.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, The boss is the only one who helped him and in both Timelines.

  42. Park Hyng Shik’s audition for Happiness

  43. @WE, yes it is the first time that Sun Woo seeks another party’s agreement to his plans.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, why did you mention’Happiness’?

    The killer sure is determined to finish his job.

    Choi really feels the fear in the present as if it’s his first time. Beccause the memory is actually brand new.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, @WE SW has finally grown to include other people’s interests and to think of them first.

  46. If only there were mobile phone then, SW would be able to make a call for help while in the record store.

  47. Hi FF.
    @GB, young SW is same actor than Hapiness (and strong girl bongso).

  48. I laughed Choi’s scream … why does he look so comical when expressing fear? Next second he is smiling because he knows Sun Woo’s location.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, this show is predicated on the wired telephone. So SW has to find this alternative way to find out where his young self was. Smart move of his. And all within 10 minutes. He still had to get to where his young self was from the hospital.

  50. @GB, FF, I was thinking this point makes the last time travel work for everything (except he dies of course). But anything is solved because he stops doing things only by himself. Or at least, it outlines that.

    So, the amazing twist to solve the suspens-action situation, he goes in past and save himself. Crazy.

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, this is one crazy loop into past to save self.

    He’s running out of time. He still has to stop the wedding.

  52. The split screen between the Sun Woo at the record shop 20 years ago and the current timeline Choi is quite impressive. It is like talking to someone in the future while in living in the past.

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We get the upside down image of Jung Woo as he comes to take SW’s call… it’s going to turn his world upside down.

    Young SW is on his way to the police station with the video tape on his father’s death and it’s going to implicate Choi as well as Jung Woo, and change the future.

  54. @GB I did not catch it the first time that SW is actually threatening the villain in the present as well.

  55. @FF, I liked a lot the split-screen of Choi in his car/office in the past. 😉

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, we’ll get exactly that when we rewatch Signal!! Lots of speaking with the past.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, SW threatened Choi at the hospital as JW lay dying. From that time on Choi was trying to find a way to kill SW in the present. However in the past he also came to learn that SW was going to be a threat, well SW told him. So that spelt trouble for SW in the past.

  58. @GB, I remember the buzzing of the walkie talkies. So cute to see Sun Woodress the wound of his younger self.

    The brother is a sad figure in every timeline.

  59. Choi downfall, amazing scene with the camera turning around him and people vanish. Coming at the end of episode, of course.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the meeting of Boss and young SW … just as in the present JW walks away from the wedding and disappears … just as SW in the past waits in the phone booth and Choi tries to get into SW’s car.

    I like this part where Choi is desperate to break into SW’s car to stop the incense from burning. And just as he is about to smash it, everything starts disappearing.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, This was the most exciting of episodes. Kept me on the edge of my seat. And I loved the ending… what a great twist. So good!!!

  62. Yes @GB, this episode is exciting. I already said it makes my heart race.

  63. @GB, unexpected and sudden/quick marriage. SJJ reused that in W. 😉

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now everyone starts remembering new memories… and the best change takes place with Min Young. From the mother being the bride, the daughter replaces her.

    The endless rain is replaced by a bright, sunny day and another wedding. Great correlation! Everything falls into place.

    12 noon like a reverse Cinderella… all the sad stuff disappears, and Cinderella finds herself in her ball gown/wedding dress. Loved this ending!!! And the bell music.

    What a fantastic twist. By going back the last time, SW finally made everything right. But then …. heh wait for the next episode.

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, another SJJ element that she adds to her works.

    One of my replies to you went missing. Nevermind.

    About SW saying that he’s an incense stick… next week? Or the week after? I felt that the time traveling sticks were an aberration, not meant to be. By using them, SW also became part of that aberration and made things worse. He changed the timeline so much that he and the sticks had to be got rid of.

  66. @GB, ah ah. Next episode and next-next one, as I was surprised that the situation is splitted (and kinda draggin in 19) about that.

    See you next week everybody. bye bye.

  67. Usually we have a runaway bride but this case it is a runaway groom.

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @WE!

    How’s everyone else? Finished this episode yet? It’s just so enthralling that we are glued more to watching than to commenting, LOL.

  69. Oh Min Young gets to marry Sun Woo! Nice twist but the episode ends here?

    Bye @WE.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, true,… a runaway groom. And then there’s also a similarity like this when it comes to MY’s wedding LOL. Poor brides.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, this is another cliffhanger of sorts. Wait for the next 2 episodes. More twists and turns.

  72. It has been a while since we had an exciting episode. @GB, yes it is difficult to comment and watch at the same time. So I hit the pause button at some points when commenting.

    Thank you for the company, see you all next week!

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @FF! Bye everyone!

  74. neat transition from one timeline to another when the funeral bow turns into a wedding hairpiece.

  75. wow this screenwriter is such a tease!

  76. I’m back, and it’s almost noon here. Last comment I can see is the 34th one at 10:19. Others probably will pop up eventually.
    Again in ep 17, Choi’s facial expressions were just too much, ugh!
    Surprise of seeing Min Young in wedding dress at end of ep, but where is SW?🤔
    I’m guessing he is stuck in past, but my memory of first watch has faded into murky region of many other viewed Kdramas😂

  77. @LL You and me both until.I couldn’t wait any longer and watched to the end.

    @GB I mentioned “happiness”because there was so much hype. It is not a genre I normally watch although I do sometimes enjoy such dramas. I have been thinking that having such a great young actor like park young sik Was like the icing on the cake of a great drama.

  78. The scenes of Yung Wu being chased by the villain’s henchman Had a horror feel to them.

    I particularly like the last move where the hammer gets caught on the shelves and the villain grabs the young sun wu’s hair with the other hand Just before the adult version rescues him.

  79. @SD I was scrolling through last episode’s comments and got a good laugh when I saw your comment about the irony of Son wu wanting to be able to pray, then Wanting to murder.

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, I too couldn’t wait a couple of weeks ago and watched until the end to refresh my memory. So you know which kiss I was referring to now, when I mentioned that great kiss scene. 🙂

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