30 Comments On “Queen of Tears: Eps 11 & 12 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3,
    Thanks for the thread and yes, this show has the adhesiveness of double-sided tape LOL.

    Keep the tissues handy, just in case.

  2. Thank you for the new thread! 🙇🏻‍♀️❤️

    I’ve accepted and taken the title literally because I’ve never cried so much in a drama before. 😭 I am Queen of Tears too. 😂

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi Everyone, Episode 11 was lovely. Healing in the family has begun and are we getting a glimpse of hope for Hae In? I cried happy tears.

    At the same time, menace looms large and near. An exciting 5 more episodes to go!!!

  4. Ep 11 ending… best twist! I had to rewind and make sure that there is no loophole on the car chase scene. Can’t wait for Ep 12 – lovey dovey scenes.

  5. Annyeong,

    Thanks PM3 for this thread.

    @agdr teary 🥲 emotional episode indeed. @gb happy tears!!

    Episode 11. My notes.

    HI and HW locked eyes. They walk towards each other. HI finds herself in a lavender field and drops. I think HW was a second too late to catch her. She’s being reeled into surgery.

    Everyone was shocked by her revelation including her family.

    HI’s inner voice- I never resented you. Thank you for being by my side all these years. I love you. You were the reason I wanted to live even more.


    HW by her bedside all night

    SC tears his talisman. HI woke up. 😄

    First thing she tells HW – saranghe (I’m telling you now before I die- sigh – unspoken words).

    What HW said was not a prayer but a threat per HI. 😂 don’t be sacred. I won’t let you die 😅 HW comfort hug HI. Sweet moment coz she has an amused smile on her face ☺️

    Mom daughter moment by the staircase. I like how drama world shows someone holding on to someone’s clothing by a pinch. Such a small gesture but it grabs your heart, literally Don’t die. Tearful Hug. Lots of sorry. 🥹

    HW’s dad encourages HI’s dad. Love it 🫶🏼 keywords: you’re a lighthouse. Shine your light! Yummy kal-guksu

    HI reading the internet comments with her asst and HW. 😆 Keywords: Juliet. People are watching. HW dotes on her by going on one knee 🥰 HW dotes well haha.

    YES shows up. YES gets punched by HW. 🥊 saying I will stay by HI’s side forever.

    The Hong Baek family out for dinner. HI has a united family support now. So heartwarming 🥹

    HW drying HI’s wet hair. Even curling the ends. So cute. No don’t buy a new hair dryer. That would defeat the purpose. 😁

    Hong MD is awake but has amnesia. Great!

    Everyone’s looking for the secret fund.

    The family goes undercover LOL. SC and his Chinese 🤣

    When HW left HI on the side of the road, that was a red flag. So when she entered YES car, I thought the other car was the bad guys. When HW car ran over the road block and stood in front of YES car- he’s a good driver! Then YES locked the car. Really?!?! Ugh he’s so thick faced.

    Epilogue. Cute. How HW wants to sue them all coz they badmouthed HI and he doesn’t care if people badmouth him. 😍 awww.

    Preview. Looking forward to our OTP lovey moments.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @HK_Lady
    Thanks for your notes. Saved me the trouble to write-up or look through mine!!

    I loved how at the press conference HI ultimately had eyes only for HW and took her steps towards him. The illusionary surroundings turned from a lavender field to a sea with lots of waves… similar to the background design of the stage where Eun Sang had thought to reel her in. Instead HI chose to sink into the ‘sea’ in HW’s arms, able to at last abandon herself in trust to HW.

    What a wakeup call that was to the whole family that they’d taken HI for granted for so long. She’d been so curt, independent and aloof probably because she had been rejected by her mother, and that behaviour also made it seem that her health was impregnable. All the scenes of eye-opening and regret were very satisfying to the righteous viewer in me.

    When semi-conscious we hear …

    HI’s inner voice- I never resented you. Thank you for being by my side all these years. I love you. You were the reason I wanted to live even more.

    She also wanted to apologise to everyone.

    I was extremely pleased the HI followed through with her usual motto which I paraphrase: ‘if one makes a decision, put it into action quickly’. So upon waking up she starts telling Soo Cheol that she’s sorry for everything and LOL he thinks she’s not in her right mind!!!
    But before that SC thought his talisman had suppressed her spirit and that she woke up only because he tore up the talisman LOLOL. Poor, naive Soo Cheol!

    HW at once replies to HW’s question about whether she was okay by saying that she loves him. Now that’s decisive!!! “I’ve loved you from the moment we met until now. I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you better. I’m also sorry that I left you alone with my family. I think a part of me already knew that you wanted a divorce. You put up with us for so long. So it’s okay. Don’t feel bad.” I loved how she covered everything he needed to hear so succinctly.

    We finally get some couple moments which I felt had been promised because there were many scenes of them dating, but we never got to see them properly. Even so… there weren’t enough!

    LOL how HW threatened her to stay alive. The best way rather than pleading with her.

    Kdramas are one of the best when it comes to family reconciliations. The Mum-Daughter scene at last, and finally instead of pushing HI’s hand away, Mum is the one to hold on to her.

    The bromance of the 2 daddies continues and I can’t stop smiling at how HW’s dad encourages HI’s dad. Yes, I loved the ‘lighthouse’ analogy and the advice to shine his light.

    (To be continued . . .)

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    (To be continued . . .)

    I really liked how while the Dads got together, the brothers also did. HW’s brother teaches Soo Cheol to box. Beom Ja also comforted HI’s mum. We get to see that HI’s family appeared distant towards each other but actually had real regard for each other under the surface.

    Similarly, the protocol of boss and secretary was sweetly broken by HI’s personal assistant who hugged her.

    Yes the Hong-Baek family meal was finally a warm, comfortable gathering, so different from their previous meals, and so different from the Hongs in their multi-storey home.

    Loved the Romeo and Juliet scene of HW getting on one knee to look lovingly at HI for all to see LOL. She was quite moved and impressed herself! LOL she had to ask him what he was doing with his left arm before he figured that he could wrap it around her, in front of everyone again!

    While HW drying HI’s wet hair with the broken hair dryer was sweet, I felt sad that while she did not want to get a new hair dryer, still when her illness became worse and she herself was more broken, she didn’t want HW to see her deteriorating. She’s still got that kind of pride. But she also wants him to be by her side always, no matter what,… so what’s poor HW going to do?

    LOL the whole family undercover in dark glasses as if that could disguise them!!! It’s fun to see them all as an ensemble now, with a common goal. The race to find the secret slush funds is the main plot point now. Eun Sang as an individual versus Seol Hee as an individual, versus the Hong-Baek family. ES an SH have lost so much more in their trying to steal from the Hongs, while adversity has enabled the Hongs to gain so much that they never knew they lacked.

    I liked that even Da Hye showed more regard and feeling for HI and for Soo Cheol. She was worried that he’d get an anxiety attack.

    Grace continues to plant her feet on both sides of the fence, but methinks she’s likely to be double agent for Beom Ja for the time being.

    And yes, Soo Cheol’s Chinese LOLOL what on earth was that???? 😆😂🤣🤔

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Selected Conversations
    HI and ES
    HI calls ES over to threaten him: “Provoke me again, and you’ll lose something even bigger.”
    ES : “You don’t know how long I’ve had these feelings or when they first developed.”
    HI: “No, I don’t know, and I don’t need to. Do you remember why I cut ties with you in university? I was grateful for your help when I was struggling. But you were the reason why I was struggling in the first place.”
    The Entitled ES: “Maybe you should have liked me back before I did those things.” (What a warped personality he has. A kind of sociopath?)
    He justifies it: “I only did those things because I couldn’t get close to you no matter how hard I tried.”

    HI: “That’s how you treat others. Look at you even now. You pushed me into a ditch so you could get me out of it. So, who could possibly like you?”
    ES: “Then what about Baek HW?”
    HI: “He’s with me now. He’s with me, right now. Must I explain more?”
    (That was what HI and HW had wanted in their marriage, however both had failed to be there for each other when the going was good. It has taken an impending calamity to bring them and their families together.)

    In the way ES and HI turned out, we see the impact that abandonment or neglect of their mothers had on them. HI retained a core of goodness and desire to be loved and to love while putting on a harsh, bold front. ES seems to think that he suffered and therefore the world owes him.

    HI gives HW important info that she’s starting to fail to recognise people.
    HI: “Yesterday, I couldn’t recognise Soo Cheol’s face for a few seconds. I couldn’t remember my doctor’s name either. I also lost my way to my hospital room for a minute and just stood still. When my doctor first told me about my illness, he mentioned memory loss, sensory loss, and speech impediment. But I didn’t believe him. I thought that only happened to others. I thought that I was different. But it’s happenin in that exact order. I can expect the next symptom, and it’s terrifying. I don’t want you to be next to me when it happens.”
    HW: “What are you saying?”
    HI: “Let’s be happy with where we are now. And when my illness worsens, I want you to leave me. That’s my wish.” (Although HW nods, it’s likely that he won’t do as HI wishes. His first promise, after all, was to always be with her.)

    Her confession paves the way for us to expect what happens … at the end of the Episode. We find that it is not so much that she does not recognise ES, but that she sees HW’s face (and hears his voice) instead of ES’s and that’s really scary!!!

    Menace Present or Approaching
    * Some strangers are taking photos of HW’s family, like his mum and sister in the garden.

    * Once again HW finds that a car is following him.

    * Da Hye is concerned that Soo Cheol has left the online game. It looks like she counted on being able to connect with him there if at all. She answers the door when the bell rings, but we don’t get to see who is at the door. Her reaction is shock, and perhaps fear.

    More Great People Interactions
    * HW has his lawyer friends backing him up and defending him. They will even help to trace the trail of the laundered 900 billion won. I love how HW has friends. ES only has people he pays off or threatens. He does not even want to be connected to his mother.

    * It’s great that the good relationships HW has forged with all Queens ex-employees bear fruit. They give him enough information for him to start the tracking of hidden funds. They even give him shredded documents that he and HI piece together painstakingly (when did they have time to do this?!?)

    * When HI hears that the ex-employees gave information for the sake of the company that they had dedicated their entire lives to, she asks HW if he also did it for the company. She’s disappointed when he says yes but becomes happy when he says that it’s because it was the company that HI loves. “Because I know how much you love your company.” I like that smile she had.

  9. Hello everyone,

    It has been a very long time since I’ve commented.

    This secret fund that everyone is looking for? Could it be a chip in the ring that’s with HI aunty Beom Ja?

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hello @penguin_07! What fun to have a game of guessing where the secret fund might be!

    1) In the Ring that Beom Ja refused to let Seol Hee wear.
    2) In a Chess piece or the Chess table.
    3) In one of the artworks in the warehouse.
    4) In one of the art pieces somewhere in the Hong home.

    We can add more possible places as more episodes unfold.

  11. Hyunwoo – Are you ok?

    Haein – Saranghae.

    It’s enough for me. 😭😭😭

    PS. Can I have KSH to dote on me too please?

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    That was actually the best conversation!
    Loved how he doted!!

  13. @GB, it was wasn’t it? It was honest and both from their heart. 🥰

    That loving gaze was without blinking. They might as well replaced Hyunwoo’s eyes with a ❤️ emoji.

    It was the best. 😍

  14. Cl, I was a bit drained by ep 11(been crying every weekend) but ep 12. Mahn. Actually didn’t see, (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Stop reading now if you’d rather not know) the death of grandad coming. Good episode regardless
    Looking forward to @packmule’s review of it if she does one. I liked it so much I’ll probably rewatch

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Feyi, welcome to BOD and this thread!

    EPISODE 12
    A great episode with much wringing out of emotions.

    I have to rewatch to get more details but I liked it overall.

    The couple moments that I wanted, did come along, although I could have done with more!!!



    It was sad and unfortunate that Chairman Hong upon regaining some of his mind, made that tragic decision. He said he was being punished. I feel that he was punishing himself for the trouble his foolishness had brought upon his family. In a sense, it was his quickest way to ensure that Seul Hee would be forced to stop tormenting him and his family. I feel a lot for poor Beom Ja. She never had a chance to really apologise to him for her harsh words.

    As hoped, Da Hye made a turnaround. That made me smile a lot and brought tears to my eyes. It took the ill-treatment of the real father of Geon-U to open her eyes. I’m glad that she took that golden statue and ran to Soo Cheol. Loved their reunion and with baby Geon-U in SC’s arms. What a sweet guy SC is to never blame DH for betraying him. His love is true love and forgiveness.

    The best interactions always are the conversations between HW and HI. He kept from her that he’d had a killer on his heels but otherwise told her the truth. Loved that she was so certain that she’d marry him a 100 times if given the chance. LOL how she tried on the ring again so HW decided not to return it that day.

    I liked also that she told him how she had not been able to tell if he was HW or ES and that was why she didn’t accept the ring. However I feel she could still have ‘taken back’ the divorce!

    And always a fave for me… the whole group gets together to plan and work as one. This time a real family comes together, not a found family or just an ensemble of colleagues or friends as in other dramas, but a ‘real’ family. It took the right thinking, contacts and communication of HW to bring the family together to work on a common goal. He was amazing. He did everything right and at the right time so the family got timely hold of the info they needed.

    And if we can learn anything at all from Grace, it’s how to play on both sides of the fence. she was an amazing weasel who could never be totally eradicated. She always had more to offer if the price was right!

    These 2 episodes, the treatment of HI’s tumour has been put on hold. I guess there’ll be lots of angst coming up in the last 4 episodes.

  16. Annyeong,

    Episode 12. My recap reactions. ☺️

    So HI mistakes ES for HW. And ES uses that mistake to put doubt in HI but HI doesn’t fall for it. I love how HW screams her name. It’s like commanding her – get out of there now. Like a mad parent talking to a disobedient child. But he opens the door for her and the caring question “ gwaenchanh “-ah?

    Did she finally decide on going with ES to verify if the slush funds are there? Not just to visit the grandfather? I feel that HMD is faking amnesia. He knows what’s going on.

    HW got hit on the head. 😳 HW’s life is in danger. ⚠️ who will save him. While HI greats treated to a lavish dinner. HI finds out ES has saved her twice when they were young – the dog and drowning. But it was actually HW who saved her?? HI can’t find the main gate. HW got away from the killer coz he used his lawyer brain 😁 He was able to find HI but HI can’t tell for sure who it is until HW bragged about beating 3 men. Haha. I thought his neck was bleeding in the car. Now it’s just a bruise on his forehead? Did he wash up!? 😅

    DH’s baby father is an a$&. I’m glad she’s leaving him. Omg. I’m hoping that SC and DH will reunite in the end. Omg their reunion came sooner than expected 🥹 *tear. Love it!!! So happy DH came to her senses. Daebak! and SC stands up for his family 🥹 he doesn’t want to part with them despite the parent’s disapproval and DH’s shame.

    HW brought HI to his apartment. I laughed when he panicked at the mess and quickly gathered his dirty laundry on the floor 😅 I laugh at how HW tried to convince HI that life after divorce was uncomfortable esp coz she’s not there 😆 HI looks adoringly at HW as he prepares dinner. Didn’t HI already eat? 😜 I’m impressed that he has grocery. HW can cook. Nice. I want that pot.

    Are those ready to eat rice really good? I’ve never tried them. I see them in the store. It’s like why?? When I can cook my own rice. But I guess it’s the convenience.

    I laughed when HW choked while drinking his water when HI asked if he’ll be seeing other women when she dies. 🥲 I loved it when HI said “even if I was reborn a hundred times, I’d still marry you every single time” 🥰 awww swoon. And HW replies “you know how to make my heart race” 💗

    ES feels used. Mrs Moh finally told him how all the people that have hurt him died coz she’s always known who have hurt him.

    HW is sleeping on the sofa and HI starts tracing his beautiful face 😍 HW wakes up. Grabs her and they sleep some more cuddled up 🫶🏼 sweeeeeet 💗 moment.

    So it was Grace who let HW in the back gate. “Handsome men are dangerous” 😅 she’s a double agent rat. Omg. Is it good for both sides to know the slush funds are in the house?

    HW and HI stops at an overlook and proposes a divorce withdrawal 🥹 she rejects it and confesses that she’s been unable to recognize him and that’s why she ended up in ES’s car. 🥲😭 they’re both crying. Later on HW caught HI in his room and HI has the ring 💍 on. She returns it and compliments his good taste. HW decides not to return the ring 😅

    HMD got caught. He committed suicide. 😱 Nooooo. I was covering my mouth when he was about to do it with a smile on his face. Daebak! Boem is the one hard hit by this loss. is the fam back in the house? Yes they’re in the elevator. They’re in the panic room. 😳

    Epilogue – I knew it. It was HW who saved her not ES that liar!

    I like the song they’re playing in this episode. Is it “falling”?

    Preview- HI is wearing the ring. Lots of tears.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @HK_Lady! Yes so many tears… happy… because something was touching … sad. I believe this episode gave us a chance to feel many of the common emotions all in that 1+ hours. Fear, suspense, worry, relief, hope, anger, resentment, disbelief, joy, pathos, satisfaction. That last one is crucial or I get annoyed. It was a sad but understandable, and a somewhat appropriate resolution up to Episode 12.

    I believe that HI only cut the steak when ES tried to wine and dine her. She may have nibbled a bit but was more interested in seeing her Grandfather. Now she has to retrieve the pen that she left there to record whatever took place in that room. I’m sure Grandpa left her a message (we’ll have more tears). So I’m guessing that she’d be hungry by the time she got to be with HW. She was also more relaxed and comfortable with him and able to eat. I loved how she kept looking at him, drinking him in, so to speak.

    Her ease when with HW is translated to her being able to sleep well. It’s nice that she wanted to be with him when she woke up and they had a few minutes snooze on the sofa.

    Now that Chairman Hong is gone, his son HI’s dad/Beom Jun, has to man up and take control. He can also invite back his older brother to be part of the family. I feel from that brief glimpse of the older brother, Beom Suk, that he’s more capable. Pity Chairman Hong would not forgive him.

    I didn’t have time to watch the Epilogue, so thanks for confirming that it was all along HW and not ES who saved HI. I had a feeling the minute the mothers were looking at the old photos and they had recognised the beach. It’s actually pretty confusing though about that drowning incident, because HI thought it was her older brother who had saved her and drowned in the process, but now we find that HW and ES were also on the scene.

    I hope we get more family scenes, more SC with Geon-U scenes and more couple scenes with Beom Ja and neighbour. All the good characters seem to have a life of their own and I’m invested in all of them. I’d even like to see HW’s sister-in-law properly with the family. We only got to see a short scene of her in flashback!! and I hope HI’s white blood cell count hits the 4,000 mark so that she can get treatment. I’m guessing she has only a month left!!!

  18. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @HK_Lady

    I just realised that the post below did not get posted!!! This was for EPISODE 11 and had a continuation that is way above in the April 14, 2024, 1:04 am post!!! Oh dear. Hope you can read the 2 posts in sequence now.

    = = =

    Thanks for your notes. Saved me the trouble to write-up or look through mine!!

    I loved how at the press conference HI ultimately had eyes only for HW and took her steps towards him. The illusionary surroundings turned from a lavender field to a sea with lots of waves… similar to the background design of the stage where Eun Sang had thought to reel her in. Instead HI chose to sink into the ‘sea’ in HW’s arms, able to at last abandon herself in trust to HW.

    What a wakeup call that was to the whole family that they’d taken HI for granted for so long. She’d been so curt, independent and aloof probably because she had been rejected by her mother, and that behaviour also made it seem that her health was impregnable. All the scenes of eye-opening and regret were very satisfying to the righteous viewer in me.

    When semi-conscious we hear …

    HI’s inner voice- I never resented you. Thank you for being by my side all these years. I love you. You were the reason I wanted to live even more.

    She also wanted to apologise to everyone.

    I was extremely pleased the HI followed through with her usual motto which I paraphrase: ‘if one makes a decision, put it into action quickly’. So upon waking up she starts telling Soo Cheol that she’s sorry for everything and LOL he thinks she’s not in her right mind!!!
    But before that SC thought his talisman had suppressed her spirit and that she woke up only because he tore up the talisman LOLOL. Poor, naive Soo Cheol!

    HW at once replies to HW’s question about whether she was okay by saying that she loves him. Now that’s decisive!!! “I’ve loved you from the moment we met until now. I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you better. I’m also sorry that I left you alone with my family. I think a part of me already knew that you wanted a divorce. You put up with us for so long. So it’s okay. Don’t feel bad.” I loved how she covered everything he needed to hear so succinctly.

    We finally get some couple moments which I felt had been promised because there were many scenes of them dating, but we never got to see them properly. Even so… there weren’t enough!

    LOL how HW threatened her to stay alive. The best way rather than pleading with her.

    Kdramas are one of the best when it comes to family reconciliations. The Mum-Daughter scene at last, and finally instead of pushing HI’s hand away, Mum is the one to hold on to her.

    The bromance of the 2 daddies continues and I can’t stop smiling at how HW’s dad encourages HI’s dad. Yes, I loved the ‘lighthouse’ analogy and the advice to shine his light.

    (To be continued . . . see comment April 14, 2024, 1:04am)

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Rewatching Episode 12…

    I like how Hae In inadvertently gives Eun Sang ‘hope’ … like when she agreed to do the press conference, and this time, she chooses to get back into ES’s car to go home. He’s so full of confidence and triumph but she bursts his bubble each time (Yay!) by going off with HW in the end, after accomplishing what she wanted to do. In a sense, she also used ES and he let himself be used. He’s a lot demented over a girl who cannot even remember him (until he reminded her) and never liked him. He was so smart, so successful in covering up his crimes, and all foolishly for a woman who loves someone else.

    Chairman Hong was also that dumb, but he lacked the brains to do more than launder money. He signed away everything to a non-family member, trusting that Seul Hee loved him. But in Hong’s case, Seul Hee had actively deceived him. In ES’s case, HI had repeatedly rejected him but he was too proud/entitled to accept it. Needless to say, I was happy to see ES brought down a few pegs and told off by his mother.

    I was also pleased to see that HW really did manage to come and pick HI up and bring her to his own apartment. The long-awaited sweet couple times are too few and far between!

  20. I heard that this drama will have 2 more special episodes extending its run until May. Apparently, there are rumors circulating that QoT has a sad ending and the fans are upset. Hence the special episodes in response to massive appeals of fans who want a happy ending for the sake of their mental health and happiness. Lol

  21. Tears, tears and more tears.

    I thought when HW was chasing ES and HI, it was raining. But when they all got out of the car, it wasn’t.

    What’s with HW’s Dad’s comment about HW being too liberal? That was funny.

    If we’d known ES only wanted to eat with HI and he won’t do anything else then we would have allowed him breakfast, lunch and dinner with HI. 🙂

    How quickly did the comfortable living in the apartment became uncomfortable?. hahaha But I loved HI’s honest admission that she will marry HW every single time if she were reborn a hundred times. If I were HW, I would have kissed her then instead of replying. Sigh…. There’s only been 3 kisses and we only have 4 episodes left. Do I need to cry for it too?

    Loved how HI put her feet up straight away when HW pulled her in to sleep for 5 more minutes in the sofa.

    More tears at the divorce withdrawal request. 🙁

    More tears at SC, DH and GN’s reconciliation. GN is such a good and cute baby.

    How big did HW’s eyes become when he saw HI put the ring back in the box. LOL! Loved her excuse and HW having some hope, so no refund. Cute HI punching the pillow.

    I felt so sad for Imo BJ. 🙁 Grandpa took his own life so the power of attorney will be null and void.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)
  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03, I also bemoan the fact with you that there are so few kisses!!! I want more hugs and cuddles too!!! Here’s a couple brimming over with love and chemistry, been married and been pregnant for a while, but they are so shy about skinship …. sheesh!

    I like the signs of their tremendous regard for each other. Like how HI is so comfortable with HW that if it’s with him, she’ll say she’s hungry and wants to eat something tasty. But in the face of her fave food and wine in the presence of ES, her hunger evaporated. She might have eaten just a bit to appease ES, but she was only hungry and eager to eat again when with HW.

    The Confession That Should Not Fail – the Desired Rejected Ring
    HW and HI stop the car to watch the sunset .
    HW: “Everyone confesses their feelings here, and no one has failed so far. Your love comes true if you confess it here. And it’s worked every time.”
    HI: “That’s absurd.”
    HW: “Not only do you get a beautiful sunset, but the light also gives your face a warm tone, which makes you look more gorgeous. You look beautiful right now.”
    HI: “Is that so? So will you confess your love?”
    HW: “It’s actually a kind of a request.”
    HI: “What kind?”
    From his big coat pocket he had prepared a diamond ring in a box.
    HW: “A divorce withdrawal. … Asking you to marry me again would be too much. So could you at least take back the divorce?”

    HI takes the ring and puts it on herself, noting that he remembered her ring size. HW says he should be the one to put the ring on her finger, but she returns the ring to the box and says he should get a refund.
    HW: “Why? You said you wanted to marry me every single time.”
    HI: “That’s if I was reborn, but not now.”
    She finally tells him that she mistook ES for him the previous night and that’s why she had followed ES.
    HI: “I told you that we shouldn’t be together when my illness becomes worse. But that time came sooner than expected.”

    She agrees that the sunset made HW look more handsome. She cries that she’s no longer sure he’s HW or if she’s dreaming and cannot make promises to him anymore. We end with tears, but this is later balanced out by the funny scene over the diamond ring.

    HI thinks HW has gone to work and tries on the ring again, noting that it’s just right for her and the type of diamond cut that she likes. HW walks in on her, so she hides her hands behind her in embarrassment.
    He has come to take the ring back to return it, and takes the box, not knowing that it’s empty.

    She heads to the door first but comes back to return the ring to the box in HW’s hand much to his confusion.
    HW stares at HI.
    HI: “Why?” She blinks. “What? What is it?”
    HW stares at her, eyes big and round.
    HI: “I just tried it on. It was a new design. I wanted to study the trends. I can’t slack off just because I’m taking a break. “
    HW still looks confused but nods his head: “That’s true.”
    HI: “I liked the ring. You know that rings suit me awfully well. You have a good eye. I’ll give you that. But it’s just that. So don’t misinterpret my actions.”
    She turns to go but he holds her back: “Are you sure you’ve finished analysing the trends? Maybe study it more.”
    HI: “I’m done analysing it. I’ll get going then.”
    HW stares after HI and laughs to himself.
    HW: “HI, I won’t return it. I’ll leave it where it was before. You need to analyse the trends, so wear it whenever you want.”
    HI pounds her pillow and screams into it in embarrassment LOL.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HW’s Silver Tongue and HI’s No-nonsense Honesty
    Although HW can fight, he also uses words to win his battles. He talks ‘Scammer and Would-be Killer,’ Pyeon, into testing ES’s sincerity and into keeping his crimes less serious. He saves his life by speaking, and lives to fight more battles.

    HI doubts herself whether she’s seeing ES or HW as HW approaches her. He has a bash on his head but to her questioning he tells HI that he does not get beaten up… that he can handle 3 guys on his own… so she knows from the boastful talk it’s HW.

    It’s so cute that HW convinces HI it was not all that comfortable in that small apartment because she wasn’t there. He wondered how it would be if they had lived there as newlyweds.
    HW: “At times, I wondered how it would feel if we had lived here as newlyweds. I would have been nice to live in a small place like this even after arguing with each other. My mind would wander like that, and I’d miss you. I did.” HI looks touched but as usual says something else: “I’m hungry.”

    When HI gets a chance to eat HW’s cooking she praises him. Although he says that no one would want to marry him (because he had been criticised for being clueless and leaving his ex who loved him so much that she saved him)

    HI: “What kind of woman wouldn’t want to date you? You’re handsome, kind, smart, but not arrogant. Plus, you’re a good cook. There’s no man like you. Even if I was reborn a hundred times, I’d still marry you every single time.” This leaves HW blinking in embarrassment. HI does not see why she should hesitate to speak the truth. LOL

    (This also sounds like she’s telling him that after she dies, she’s going to come back in another life and look for him! LOL.)

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hmmm I wonder if I posted this already? I thought I did.

    @pkml3 sorry if this is double posted. Please check when you can!!! Maybe I did post it and it’s in spam.

    I like the parallels and juxtapositions.

    The Confession That Should Not Fail
    HW and HI stop the car to watch the sunset .
    HW: “Everyone confesses their feelings here, and no one has failed so far. Your love comes true if you confess it here. And it’s worked every time.”
    HI: “That’s absurd.”
    HW: “Not only do you get a beautiful sunset, but the light also gives your face a warm tone, which makes you look more gorgeous. You look beautiful right now.”
    HI: “Is that so? So will you confess your love?”
    HW: “It’s actually a kind of a request.”
    HI: “What kind?”
    From his big coat pocket he had prepared a ring in a box.
    HW: “A divorce withdrawal. … Asking you to marry me again would be too much. So could you at least take back the divorce?”

    HI takes the ring and puts it on herself, noting that he remembered her ring size. HW says he should be the one to put the ring on her finger, but she returns the ring to the box and says he should get a refund.
    HW: “Why? You said you wanted to marry me every single time.”
    HI: “That’s if I was reborn, but not now.”
    She finally tells him that she mistook ES for him the previous night and that’s why she had followed ES.
    HI: “I told you that we shouldn’t be together when my illness becomes worse. But that time came sooner than expected.”

    She agrees that the sunset made HW look more handsome. She cries that she’s no longer sure he’s HW or if she’s dreaming and cannot make promises to him anymore. We end with tears, but this is later balanced out or juxtaposed with the funny scene over the ring.

    HI thinks HW has gone to work and tries on the ring again, noting that it’s just right for her and the type of diamond cut that she likes. HW walks in on her, so she hides her hands behind her in embarrassment.
    He has come to take the ring back to return it, and takes the box, not knowing that it’s empty.

    She heads to the door first but comes back to return the ring to the box in HW’s hand much to his confusion.
    HW stares at HI.
    HI: “Why?” She blinks. “What? What is it?”
    HW stares at her, eyes big and round.
    HI: “I just tried it on. It was a new design. I wanted to study the trends. I can’t slack off just because I’m taking a break. “
    HW still looks confused but nods his head: “That’s true.”
    HI: “I liked the ring. You know that rings suit me awfully well. You have a good eye. I’ll give you that. But it’s just that. So don’t misinterpret my actions.”
    She turns to go but he holds her back: “Are you sure you’ve finished analysing the trends? Maybe study it more.”
    HI: “I’m done analysing it. I’ll get going then.”
    HW stares after HI and laughs to himself.
    HW: “HI, I won’t return it. I’ll leave it where it was before. You need to analyse the trends, so wear it whenever you want.”
    HI pounds her pillow and screams into it in embarrassment LOL.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Other instances of parallels and juxtapositions

    – HI is hungry and wants to eat something tasty, but only with HW. When she finds she’s with ES, no matter that the food and wine are her favourite types, she is no longer eager to eat. But when HI is with HW, she tells him she’s hungry and likes all the simple food he puts on the table.

    – ES mixes lies with truth. He tells HI that he met her before and had saved her from a dog, during which time he had picked up her necklace and locket. Then he takes credit for saving her from drowning, as well. He seems to think that being the first to have met and developed feelings for her gives him ‘rights’ or entitles him to possess HI instead of HW.

    But Show interposes the scene with the 2 mums looking at photos of HW and we hear how he had saved someone from drowning at the beach that HI’s mum finds familiar. So we can guess that ES is gaslighting HI who is already confused as it is by her illness.

    – While ES is busy smashing beautiful plates with expensive food cooked by the staff, HW is carefully placing tofu in a simple pot of stew that he cooks himself. HI finds the pre-cooked packed rice and simple food more delicious with HW than steak with ES.

  27. Hi, I can’t read your comments because of spoilers.
    I plan to watch this drama, maybe binge-watch after airing.
    I’m just here to say this drama is a new record about rating.
    More than 20%, what is close to Crash Landing on you, about TvN top rating. 😉

  28. Old American Lady (OAL)

    @WEnchanteur, No spoilers here. I am hooked on this drama. The leads,Kim Ji-won and Kim Soo-hyun are fantastic. I became a fan of hers for her work in My Liberation Notes. She is heartbreaking here. And I think Kim Soo_-Hyun proves here that he’s worth the big money that he is paid. There should be c equal pay for her. These two are great scene partners. Their work is seamless. And I find myself tearing up in these episodes. I don’t want this drama to end. And I would be remiss in omitting our villain played by Park Sung-hoon who strikes the right balance e between seeming normal but being nasty. I hope we get a satisfying ending. I don’t want our leads to die.All around this drama is a treat. And also, I love the supportingcast from his and her parents on.No wonder this drama has earned great ratings. It’s a winner r.

  29. Hi OAL. I hope you’re well.
    First, thanks to not give any spoiler. 😉
    The drama is on my watching list, but I’m out of time.
    Currently, I’m rewatching Signal, to prepare for the soon “signal rewatch”.
    I’m in GB-serious-work-on-dramas mode about signal! 🧐
    And anything else of my time goes into W season2 rewriting. 🙂

  30. Old American Lady (OAL)

    Hi @WEnchanteur, Signal is on my ever lengthening to watch list.

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