179 Comments On “Lovely Runner: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread”

  1. 🍪🥧🍦 Thank you, @packmule3. Best wishes for a safe, comfortable and diverting journey.

  2. Gamsahabnida!!! Safe travels!!!

    I am excited for the coming episodes of LR. 🙂

  3. Safe trip @pm3 ! I’m excited too @agdr03. 😃

  4. @Arihsi, I am enjoying this drama a lot. Between this one and Queen of Tears, I haven’t started any cdrama. That’s usually not like me. hahaha

  5. Kalo mesimeri @Packmule3 and safe travels!

    I am lots of busy, so I will try to comment whenever I can!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Cleo! See you when you can write. I notice that many people have fallen off Queen of Tears threads as well. It is the busy period, start of a new financial year!

  7. Annyeong Unnie!

    I don’t have the time nor the mood to watch things that stress me at this period.
    So, I have already paused Queen of Tears. Unfortunately, I get all the spoilers because some people on FB are posting non-stop… o.O

  8. I too am excited about today’s episode of lovely runner.

    @cleopatra I never started queen of tears but I see how well it has been doing. Your comment about it being stressful reinforced My decision to watch it at another time. I imagine it is well worth the watch. I do have fear of missing Out but so far I have avoided most of the marital breakup k dramas.

    I DO LOVE kIm soo hyun.

  9. Notes. Spoilers ahead !

    This drama is so far well directed. It makes you feel what the character is feeling in key moments.

    You are smiling gleefully at the kiss, Sun Jae is in pink of youth apart from a broken shoulder, he has a loving, sane and supportive father (surprise surprise) and an almost girlfriend who worries for him, supports him and cries for him…The summer is bursting with sunshine and flowers.

    And then BAM ! The paralysed almost girlfriend is sobbing in freezing water on a December midnight and he’s being wheeled into Autopsy.

    Although you know he’s dead in the present and Im Sol travelled back in time, it still shocks you right along side her.

    He was right there. Her hand on his cheek, she’s promising to be by his side forever…they were listening to music and Im Sol had a handover… But it was still daylight and sunshine.

    And in a moment, she’s in a world where he no longer exists, freezing cold in the dead of the night and unable to escape.

  10. The original title for this drama was “Time walking on memory.”

    I’m right alongside @cleo in feeling heartbroken for Sun Jae.

    Bonus ! We were right about the watch showing the number of times she can time travel! But there is something that governs her travel forward to present.

  11. @Arihsi,

    Kalispera. It is on the opening credits. The clock and the years she will go.

    Still, I am not happy with the time resets. I mean that Im Sol will leave Sun Jae alone and confused.

  12. After this whole time travel debacle, Im Sol is going to be affected EVEN more by the realisation that he’s dead in the present. Earlier, she was just his fan. A fan and a romantic love are different as the drama reiterates. She doesn’t keep him in dark either. She’s upfront. She keeps saying she’s his FAN, never anything else. And a fan of Sun Jae the swimmer and later Sun Jae the idol. No confusion there. He’s the only one romantically involved.

    But slowly and surely, she’s going to fall for Sun Jae the PERSON. She’s his friend and his lover, not his fan anymore.

    And then to realise that she made promises to him that she didn’t keep. He died alone, the possibility that he ODed / killed himself, that whole graphic resuscitation that he went through also alone (although technically he doesn’t know, but Im Sol does) and now to imagine he’s somewhere on a cold autopsy table still with no one around who loves him. That’s a lot of guilt to carry.

    This makes me heartbroken for Im Sol too. She didn’t mean any of this.

  13. @Cleo for me, it’s the time resets that keep the stakes high. It keeps you on the edge because neither you the viewer, nor Im Sol wants Sun Jae to be confused or alone.

    By the way, did you notice Im Sol said the watch /time travel was unfair? It didn’t tell her the rules and randomly threw her around. I remembered you when that dialogue came 😁

  14. Did IS original show up there at the end and she was the one who ageed to date TS.

  15. @Arihsi,

    I told you the Creator of this Dramaverse is cruel.

    It is hard for Im Sol to realize and accept that. The problem is that Sun Jae is always in the dark…

  16. There is a repeat of the idea that he failed before he even tried, to tell her his feelings. There was a similar phrase in the radio show when he is phoning her.

  17. @monmor yes, that was the original IS who didn’t even know of Sun Jae’s existence. She isn’t cheating him or hurting him on purpose. She doesn’t know he exists !

  18. If the previews are to be believed, Sun Jae won’t be in the dark for long. Unlike the webtoon, the Im Sol of the drama tells SJ that she’s a time traveller and from the future. Although SJ thinks she’s crazy at first, she can eventually build on this truth.

    The drama is rather fast paced till now. Let’s see !

  19. @monmor,

    Yes, when 2023 Bom’s consciousness returned back in 2023, Im Bom of 2008 re-appreared.

  20. @Arihsi,

    I haven’t seen such previews. If she will tell him, then he will be able to distinguish them, when the 2023 Bom traveler goes back to her Timeline.

    Still, it will be upsetting to have someone come and go…

    Anyway, we have two more time travels. If one is completed in the first 3 episodes how they will keep up until Episode 16?

  21. @arihsi In the previous thread you posted a link toa scene where he is watching her from afar. Has that
    Seen featured in the drama yet? Because if it has I missed it.

  22. @arihsi when she realizes he had the photo she will be even more heartbroken.

    I do Not remember if online hate comments were very much.Presented in the first two episodes. There were explicit comments along those lines either in this episode or in the preview. Perhaps this will be explored more.

  23. We see the disappointment here again when she says She is his fan just as he was disappointed when she said that on the bridge in the present time.

  24. @Arihsi, so Im Sol can tell Sun Jae that she’s from the future, but she can’t revel anything that will take place in the future. Awkward, right? The time swap seemed to happen just as she heard his recorded voice saying ‘I like you.’ I wonder if the recording instrument is another device, like the watch.

    So she may have been able to change the outcome of the fire, but not of the shoulder injury? Or maybe everything just got a bit delayed? Rather than the injury happening at the first day of the competition, it happened several days later. Maybe there will be another fire?

    We see that it’s about 2 months until her accident, but she can’t note it on the calendar.

    It’s a relief that his father isn’t a dreadful person after all. I kept yelling, tell him why you want to quit, Sun Jae. He can’t read your mind.

    I was surprised that Im Sol was still in the stream. Why doesn’t she seem cold? I wonder how much time elapsed since the watch took her away the first time?

    @Cleo, yes, it’s tragic for both of them. He will think that she has a multiple personality disorder or something like that. She must be being driven mad by her inability to change things for him. – How she was crying so hard in the hospital waiting room. It must have been so strange for him to watch, but he will remember it.

    I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s episode.

  25. Oh my! The time travel device is cruel! I now understand @Cleo’s comment on the writer of the webtoon. It’s cruel to both SJ and IS! Grrr…

    I was going to say initially “that’s why never do a drunk confessions or a drunk kiss!” But even if she heard in the recording that SJ liked her, with the timing of the time slip, she will be a different person still – IS who does not know SJ exists. What a pickle! Only the time traveler IS will benefit from the recording and hearing that will be so painful because even if she wanted to stay by his side, the time slip “resets” to orig IS who is fangirling TS. How will IS change this in time slip 2.0?

    I wonder if TS actually asked orig IS out? Or was it changed because they prevented the fire together? He got interested in time traveler 3.0 IS but not before.

    That fire was kinda stupid, BTW. BFF and brother were so into their fight they did not notice the fire or smoke? It was not even in a different room. I was rolling my eyes! Great job by TS to use the fire extinguisher.

  26. I love BWS acting here as a lovestruck guy but keeping a stoic persona – his secret smiles on the side when IS talks about him, his hidden fist pump, his dreamy state as he hugged the pillow. So cute but not aegyo at all. It’s good to see this ML POV. He’s close to becoming a favorite actor of mine.

  27. It is my first time watching him @Janey… I cried with him at 44.12 in Ep 3. He is very good !

    @monmor and @cleo I’ll get back with timestamps on the preview!

    @monmor you didn’t miss anything. The scene is yet to air !

  28. Kalimera @Arihsi,

    Okay! I will be waiting…

    Here are the Opening Credits of the Show. Check the clock when Im Bom is being introduced. It gives us info about :

    Im Bom’s First Time Travel in 2008 and also her first return to the 2023 Timeline.
    As it seems, she will return to 2008 again and that it will be her second attempt to go back.

    As I have said last night, if they are adding the first time travel back and forth so early on the show, how they will keep up with 8 more episodes?


  29. @Fern,

    So very true. He will think that something is wrong with her, but Sun Jae needs to realize that she will be different.

    For me, it would be interesting IF SJ’s rival aka Tae Sung will also realize that Noonim / Halmeoni is not the same one as Im Bom the girlfriend he got. 😋


    When I see a setting that something is not right, I say so. Hence, what I have also written about this Dramaverse in the First Impressions thread.

  30. With the fire, I thought it was also strange that the brother brought the BFF to the roof-top rather than down to the street. If the roof was above the fire, I think that would be a very dangerous place. It must have been the first place he thought of with fresh air.

    I think that Tae Sung will be easier to convince that IS is from the future. She has already said some things to him which make him call her Halmeoni. He is bright/quick minded. We know that from his reactions in the initial fight and during the house fire. He is an interesting character.

    Tae Sung will also have a hard time accepting the return of T1 Im Sol. He’ll feel so short-changed because he liked T1.1 Im Sol and didn’t give care at all about the original! I wonder if the girl-friend time swaps will ultimately bring him and Sun Jae closer. Certainly a confrontation will happen.

  31. @monmor 0.03 timestamp in the below extended preview is the scene you’re looking for. He states silently at the automatic lights going off in her apartment as she goes back from meeting him at the bridge. She’s the last person he sees before dying.

    Translation – “Memory. That which I couldn’t forget.”

    @Cleo you’re looking for

    0.10 – SJ – “are you really from the future?”

    0.15 to 0.22 – IS showing the watch “This is a time machine. It’s your watch. It wanted to me come back and save you.”

    SJ – “you are crazy!”

    Also note the number of time we hear “mi-an-he Sun Jae ya” from Im Sol in voice over.

    The extended preview


  32. Pre-release ep 4 is absolutely hilarious. Through the laughs, she continues to stand up for him. Whenever it’s cheering from the stands, sending food to the hospital or headbutting annoying rivals.

    With translation –


    Enjoy !

    PS The teacher must think Im Sol is a master troublemaker 🤭 “smoking”, running away from “punishments”, sneaking into all boys school so often, barging into secret competitions and fighting boys 30 cm taller than her. It’s a lot of trouble for a tiny midget.

  33. @CLEOPATRA, ARIHSI Thank you for the links. Now I am up to speed and no longer in the dark!☺️

  34. So I have more speculations conjectures hypotheses!

    Someone earlier mentioned that perhaps TS Will be the detective on The murder/suicide case. Or maybe his father will be. I also agree with someone else who was wondering about TS Deducing/ Believing she is from the future Because he is perhaps more aware of how different she is.

    I am also thinking that going back into the present may cause all sorts of problems for IM. The photo could become public and then there would be a lot of questioning about the nature of her relationship with TJ And she could become the subject of bullying online Even if she does not become a suspect. Her fellow fans will feel betrayed. This would echo the bullying.She is being subjected to by the girl Who likes TS.

  35. @monmor it’s Tae Sung’s father… The detective who’ll be investigating Sun Jae’s death / something else we don’t know. He is a frequently seen face in support roles just like Kim Won Hae (SJ’s father). It’s not really a speculation because it’s specifically mentioned on MDL cast list.

  36. I don’t think much time has passed from the point of Sun Jae’s death to now in present time

    Sun Jae drowns around 11.15 PM. Im Sol receives the first messages regarding his condition at 11.33 PM. The reason his drowning can’t be much earlier than 11.15 is, the CPR has a time limit till which can bring the patient back. It’s not like patient’s heart stopped at X time and one would expect CPR to work half an hour post that.

    From about 11.35 to 11.55 midnight Im Sol is on her way to the hospital. 11.55 she enters the canal.

    Sun Jae’s death is announced exactly at 12 midnight on 31st December. We know this because the doctor mentions it explicitly.

    Given it would take at least 5 minutes for the news to get broadcast, Im Sol watches the screen of News 24 announcing the death around maybe 12.05 ? We aren’t shown this time. And it is around the same time as SJ’s death that number 3 appears on the watch.

    Now we look at Ep 3 end. When Im Sol comes back to present, clock is 1 minute BEFORE 12 midnight and Sun Jae’s autopsy is being announced on the screen. Im Sol’s present is frozen when she’s in the past.

    I don’t think Sun jae can remain dead for long in the present. The longer he’s dead, the harder it is for Im Sol to bring him back.

  37. Howdy Ladies!

    I will do a rewatch because BWS’s hidden smiles are addictive and I was laughing at his antics, throwing flying kisses and timing of when he wanted to say I like you and props from his friend. LOL!

    No, we don’t do drunk confessions Sun Jae. Andwae! 🙂 But seriously, how could IS drink all the omija drink? hahahhah

    I shed a tear with the the father and son scene. 🙁

    I like IS’s bff. She’s the one with no chinggu from Business Proposal. hehehe But seriously the fire was quite big and both her and the brother was so into the argument that the fire was totally ignored until it was much bigger.

    TS is interesting too. He’s a good rival to SJ. 🙂

    What a cliff hanger!!!

  38. Thanks for the timings, @Arihsi. So the time has in fact moved a bit backwards upon IS’s return to 2022 (things happening earlier) if his autopsy is being announced in T2.1 at a time before his death in T2? If that makes sense. I wonder why? My head hurts.

  39. Looks like we’re going to get some answers on the time traveling rules and how 2023 Im sol can change the past without revealing details of the future.

    Also I’m commenting so I can get email notifications for this post 😅

  40. I wonder if his father was still alive when he died.

  41. After I posted the above comment.I realized I am thinking of him as a real person. Many times in dramas I am Thinking how the person is behaving in a way that moves the plot along and really doesn’t feel like a real person.

  42. @fern arihsi

    I did not catch that about the timing regarding his death. This may be an important detail in understanding future developments.

    I am wondering what you mean when you say.”The longer he is dead the harder to bring him back.”

  43. Okay ladies.

    I need a moment or ten to recover after today’s episode. It was heart squeezing, throat thickening, absolutely can’t swallow. I sat with my fork held mid air for a while before remembering that it had food that was waiting to go in my mouth.

    I have nothing to say (surprise surprise). Except that we’re already where the webtoon S1 ends.

  44. I wish I could have watched it with some or better, all of you guys. It was a bit too much to watch alone 😢 @fern, @agdr03, @gb, @cleo and @monmor and everyone else…pass me the tissue please, or rather the whole box.

    PS Another forkful of food still held mid air.

  45. Hu hu hu hu… My apologies. We are regular drama watchers and rarely so emotional over a drama but please. Someone go watch it so that we can cry together.

  46. @Arihsi,

    I just finished watching, but I am on the run at the moment.

    Told you that this is pure nightmare for Sun Jae… 🙄

  47. @arihsi – hugs!! And tissues! Will watch it as soon as possible. Hang in there.

  48. Thank you @janey for your consideration… Can’t wait to know your thoughts (or cry with you, whichever)

    @cleo, please continue running.
    A 15 year long nightmare is a blooming hell, not merely a bad dream.

  49. So the writers are teasing us with all these accidents. She walked out of the water with his help.So maybe there still is another accident where she loses her ability to walk. We do see another sunjae running towards her.So maybe that is the first time line where she loses her ability to walk but not this time. It is confusing and will get cleared up.I’m sure as we go along.

    The two scenes that were replayed of their encountering each other in other times Were poignant.

    The grieving scenes were painful.

    I have hope. The scene in episode three where they are taking photos in the photo booth. They try three times and the third photo is good.

    Some humorous scenes. I’m sure any of us who are procrastinators identified with this scene where he is returning the Overdue video.

    How she Realizes he is cranky because he is hungry. That is a very maternal realization..

    Also, more reference to timing With his trying to tell her he likes her. And timing related to swimming.

    She makes use of her supernatural power to stop time!

  50. Annyeong,

    Wow so many comments here already.

    My Ep 3 highlights.

    1. It’s not that easy to confess. SJ tried so many times. Even with his friend’s help with the petals haha the timing wasn’t right. I love their Photo Booth pics though. SJ wasn’t into posing except the 3rd shot. Priceless.

    2. Tae Sung helped IS extinguish the fire. What a hero!!! In a motor bike at that. Very Cool.

    3. SJ’s dad after the heartbreaking news was so sweet. I’m glad they have their moment. So funny about the rated R video. Hahah

    4. Drunk IS. The pool moment that led to SJ’s confession and kiss. Omg. But she doesn’t remember. What?? Did she even hear it? Their convo confession was recorded but she got interrupted by TS. Ugh!!! 😩 and then she said yes to TS?? What’s going on?? Even EP 4 looks confusing. She’s confusing me. 😤

    Someone or was it pm3 ?? was right about the 3 chances of changing their fate. 1 down. 2 to go? Waaaaah

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Arihsi, et al,

    For my sanity, this is my way of referencing whom I’m writing about:
    T1 Im Sol is the one who did not time jump.
    T2 Im Sol time jumped once.
    T3 Im Sol time jumped twice.

    I have no time for a leisurely watch and re-watch. What I did manage to gather is that:

    Show has a habit of suddenly jumping to another scene that looks out of place, without much warning, causing us to question ‘when’ we are. I guess it’s giving us a similar experience as our characters when we have to think back and forth to take stock of what we are seeing.

    @MM, the scene of IS once again crawling into the water with the watch while the autopsy of SJ was being aired on the billboard, was one such instance. It was T2 IS in 2023 trying to get back to 2008.

    T2 IS has figured out another clue to the time jump… it happens at midnight or close to it after the watch flashes for a moment.

    Since there is a degree of ranting about the unfairness to SJ, I’ll say nothing much about it. However I like that Ep 4 begins from SJ’s point of view. Finally we know for sure that he remembered T2 IS and was hoping that IS would too. Our problem as viewers is that at different points in the timeline, we are not sure if we are seeing SJ who has met only T2 IS or whether he has also met T3 IS.

    I’m thinking that T3 IS when she returns to 2023 will remember a whole lot more. The 2nd trip or T3 has given her flashes of remembering which T2 never did. She recalls what a foolish fangirl she’d been over TS, some of what went on when she rejected SJ, and how there was another time when SJ was running towards her desperately.

    What the return to 2023 does not do is to bring us to the time before SJ dies. Hence Im Sol has no choice but to change things from 2008, before she gets into her accident.

    Another thing of note is that she says she had spent 2 months in 2008 in T2, but time had stopped for her in 2023 … she had awakened in the hospital in 2023. By the time she returned to 2008, 10 more days had passed, but I’m guessing she spent only 2 days in 2023 after returning since the wake for SJ was still on. So it seems, that no matter how long a time she spends in 2008, she continues in 2023 from where she had left off.

    So far, the only change that she seems to have made in the timeline by her T2 trip, was that her photo was with SJ’s things, and In Hyuk knows her well enough to have her telephone number, and to know that SJ was sorry towards her for something. (At first it sounds like he was sorry he had saved her, since she’d been miserable after she’d become a cripple … however he had seen her as a happy fangirl later, so I’m not so sure about this.)

    After T3, the change will be that her mum does not get burned, TS has a better idea that she has 2 personalities, In Hyuk gets to know her a bit more, and SJ has another opportunity to save her.

    One point that I just remembered, what IS might stop for a time, may take place at a later time, such as SJ’s injury to his shoulder. So what’s saved in T2 or T3, may still fall apart.

    By the end of Ep 4, after his saving her from the water, T3 34-yo IS should figure out that her saviour from the accident that crippled her was probably SJ. That flash of memory of him running desperately towards her is a big clue.

    Also by now, I’d really hope that IS can tell that SJ really cares about her. What guy would travel miles to look for her at night when he had been called by his dad. I always roll my eyes when after all these indications, the other party is still obtuse as to the degree of affection these gestures show.

    There are some strange tics with Im Sol. Not only is she unable to cross the road safely… I can’t believe that she closes her eyes, counts to 5 and just crosses without looking around her. Her mother does not know???

    The other strange thing is that she sleeps anywhere, out of the blue, and so soundly!!! This is not like in “W – Two Worlds Apart” where the heroine gets exhausted and sleeps for hours to recuperate from time travel. She gets knocked out and sleeps, she sleeps on the bus… a dangerous way to live when bus journeys end up in deserted depots.

    Gotta run!

  52. @GB the @Arihsi et al. Made me LoL ! There are some real life published works that are referred to that way 😂

    I know someone who sleeps on buses without a care for the world so it didn’t strike me as very strange. The person I know are very normal and lead a responsible life. They just trust the world (and the driver /pilot / train man ) enough to fall asleep. 😛

    I’m also not surprised that Im Sol’s mom doesn’t know about her road crossing fear. SJ’s father didn’t know he was suffering even in T1 or T2. That’s why SJ tells IS that she makes him uncomfortable because she can see his despair.

    I’m surrounded by adults whose parents have zero clue of their sufferings back in University or even now. I stood outside the ICU for one of them so I know for sure, first hand. The parents have zero idea. And these are responsible children who have grown well. We have families of our own now and take care of our parents too. But nope, the parents still don’t know. So I don’t find this difficult to believe at all.

  53. Did anyone notice the bruising on SunJae’s neck when he was sitting in front of the emergancy room after saving Sol(beginning of ep 4 during the flashback)?

  54. Kalimera,

    I need to recheck the scene but the incident that happened in Timeline 2 in the bridge slightly changed. I think the culprit of the accident was not the drunk man but the taxi driver. They gave us a close up to his red ribbon key chain. I find this significant.

    Anyway, Sun Jae saved her again and Sol’s 19 y.o. memories came back again. In the original Timeline #1, Sun Jae saved Sol but she was so out of it and she was cussing him so badly in the hospital that most likely SJ asked her mother not to mention him again to her.

    Sol lived in a bubble where she was adoring her favorite singer Sun Jae from the group Eclipse, but at the same time, she had caused so much pain to the guy who have saved her and loved her from afar.

    Tell me again, who is cruel? 😛

  55. Annyeong,

    @monmor I hope IS will by TT #3 will not only be a fan to IS but a lover 💗 I like all the vows she has spoken to him

    My EP 4 notes 🎶

    We’re back to the bridge scene (T1 you guys call it?). We hear SJ’s voiceover and he does remember IS. This scene means so much more now that we know their past. Even though this timeline does not show any changes. SJ followed her home. I wanna taste that candy.

    Timeline *TL #2 – IS wakes up at the hospital present day (after she returned from the past). They have their Photo Booth *PB pic from her Time travel *TT #1. Did this pic show up after SJ passed? Or did he have it all these time?

    Poor IS. She thinks going back to the cold river is the door to the past. She opened her memorabilia box and the *PB pic was there. So the change occurred after the death. Baek IH called about SJ wanting to apologize???

    The *TT watch gets triggered at midnight.

    *TT #2- IS is back in the past. IS wakes up during an exorcism 😄 this feels like that other kdrama “a time called you”. so IS from the past gets taken over by IS from the future.

    10 days have passed. The TT1 lasted 2 months. IS introduces herself as IS.2 from the future LOL. Oh no! BF TS to the rescue. He is sweet. Ugh! He noticed the difference with T1 IS vs the ajumma IS 😅 who he considers as cute.

    IS to SJ’s rescue- with that head butt!! Daebak! I’d be reeling. 😳

    IS breaks into SJ’s house and uses the *TT Law to stop time 🤣 and allow for escape. SJ gets home and IS is napping on his bedroom floor?? SJ turns the fan on and watches her in deep sleep. He compares his hand with hers. They touch. 🥰. SJ swats the bug. IS wakes up. They’re face to face. SJ finds out that IS blacked out when he confessed. I wonder if that mp3 still has his confession??

    SJ carried IS out of the like like a sack of rice haha. I feel sad that he has to fake angry with her. 😭

    LOL on the video past-IS made for TS for his birthday. Omg. Too funny. 😂 but cute.

    IS fell into the water. SJ saves her. IS remembers the past. SJ was the one who saved her in the past. That taxi driver was gonna ram into IS. That drunk man saved her from the accident. Daebak! IS remembers and recognizes her savior from the past- then hugs SJ. Feels like their first hug by the Olympic pool.

    The radio scene- SJ did make the call directly to IS. She has no memory of him.

  56. @Ysmac yes ! I noticed! Not just his neck, his lip is busted and his hands are also covered in red welts. He is holding his watch in his hand, probably because the belt broke ? It’s pretty obvious he’s physically injured but not paying attention to it.

    This makes me wonder that @GB is right. This falling in water is not the same as Sol’s accident that paralysed her. And that connects back to @cleo’s observation reg the taxi driver. I also think he’s the culprit but why ? Why would he wants to hurt a random young girl ?

  57. Dear Arihsi et al., thank you for your observations. I have nothing to add. Good catch, @Ysmac. in the T1 accident we saw that IS had an abrasion on her face and now we see that SJ had a bruise, so there must have been some sort of rumble? But what sort of accident was the original, road, water or a combination? Good point also about the red key chain, @Monmor.

    While there were many sad moments in the last episode, there were also many funny ones.

    Props to Tae Sung for his quick understanding that IS has two personalities and not freaking out, rather finding her interesting. It’s obvious that his ego likes T1’s fawning over him, but his mind prefers T2 and T3, even when he’s being scolded.

  58. @HK_lady… So the timeline changed for Sun Jae the moment Im Sol time travelled. So even though the picture appeared AFTER the time travel for us the viewers, Sun jae has had the picture for FIFTEEN years. That’s the reason In Hyuk also recognises Im Sol immediately in the picture and when she’s at the hospital in a wheelchair. He has her phone number in the present 2.0 (present 2.0 is the present Im Sol comes back to post her first time travel). This we know from the webtoon as well. As @cleo says, this is cruel because Sun Jae has lived with crushing guilt and love for Im Sol for that long.

    In present 2.0, Sun Jae is still dead but In Hyuk recognises Im Sol and Sun Jae had had that picture for 15 years. BUT the day before Im Sol’s return to present, she was still Im Sol 1.0 who didn’t remember Sun Jae. Sun Jae dies on this day. Sol returns back to present a day after and can’t save him.

  59. @Fern hee hee. Yes, I think this drama is hilarious whenever it wants to be. The FL is soooo good ! Not only can she deliver comedy, I was so taken by the way she BEGINS crying. Sure, one can have glycerine tears but her beginning makes you want to cry with her.

    You can feel the exact moment she realises that she caused so much pain to her beloved Sun Jae -ya. Not only that, now that she knows the future, the fact that he suffered from severe depression and insomnia all his adult life, she would definitely feel responsible for it.

    But I think @monmor is right! Third time’s a charm isn’t it ? Good catch there @monmor ! Upon re-watch, one realises that in the first pic SJ isn’t smiling at all, he’s smiling a little in the second and completely happy in the third. The first two are with Im Sol. Only she knows how it was and what it took to change the outcome. Sun Jae only has the final output of happiness.

  60. @Arihsi,

    I think we have a serial killer on the loose. If Sun Jae was hurt physically after he saved Sol in Timeline #1, that means he got involved with the man. Was Sol almost abused? Did Sol suffer an injury in her back and pushed to the river, in order to die?

    I think she was. Sun Jae came for her and was hit by the culprit. He dived in to save her.

    This time around because the taxi driver didn’t manage to find Sol alone and left, Sol was not hurt and hence didn’t broke her spine or whatever exactly the problem was in the original Timeline.

    Still this time around, Sol realized that her actions caused Sun Jae to be extremely stressed from on and forward. Mostly because it must have sinked to her, that she was also partly responsible for SJ’s depression. Sun Jae suffered deeply all these years and the most heartbreaking part was that Sol didn’t remember him at all.

  61. P.S. I truly believe that we shall see in the following episodes that taxi driver with the red ribbon key chain again.

  62. You’re right @Cleo about that taxi driver. The car was going straight for ImSol except the drunk man was there. The drama made sure to focus on that red ribbon key chain.

    I thought it was a good episode but I felt so embarrassed for IS with her happy birthday video for TS. Like I’d die. 😂

    You can feel how hurt SJ already after IS agrees to be with TS. But how awesome was she to defend SJ to that rival from swimming.

  63. Kalimera @agdr03!

    Yes, I think the focus on the red ribbon key chain is pivotal.

    Omo, I have forgotten the Wifey video! LMAO!

    At least, TS knows that the current Sol is Halmeoni Sol and not his innocent Sol girlfriend!

    I need also to hightlight, TS’s face when he saw the seaweed soup for his birthday was one of disbelief. Where on earth are his parents? His mother is out of the country and his father is homocide detective?

    I do hope that Sun Jae will come to realize it himself, that this Sol is his Noonim Sol…

  64. @Cleo !

    There is something actually called as “Dissociative Amnesia” ! These are SELECTIVE gaps in memory of a person who suffered a traumatic event. This type of amnesia is not from brain injury or tumors or diseases such as Alzheimer’s but rather because the brain wants to protect itself from the trauma. This is a known phenomenon.

    Why didn’t I think of this ? I kept thinking why she SELECTIVELY doesn’t remember Sun Jae when she remembered her family, her school and her friends. Sol could and probably does have Dissociative Amnesia especially if she was abused. And since Sun Jae was a part of that memory, although in the capacity of the saviour, Sol’s brain wouldn’t care. He would be erased with the rest of it.

    What’s more, in my preview, which is fast becoming like a reference text, Sol is being FOLLOWED by a taxi. It wasn’t like she accidentally came into the path of an oncoming vehicle. It looked deliberate! I was thinking what nutcase would follow someone with a vehicle but maybe a serial killer!

    It shows you’re the writer of the group @cleo !!

  65. @ Arhsi, cool idea about the dissociative amnesia!

    @Cleopatra et al, I almost forgot about the seaweed soup. Yes, Tae Sung has absentee parents and if he were younger, it would be like a case for neglect. But we don’t know his family’s whole story. He’s certainly acting out, within limits atm.

    I wonder if, if T1 proceeded without interference, Tae Sung would grow up to become a sort of thug? But IS is there, straightening him out unknowingly, like a good halmeoni. I think his attraction to her halmeoni persona is in part because his intelligence appreciates challenges and new ideas in conversation and interactions, but also certainly that she is filling a gap in his life left by the lack of an older person’s wisdom. Btw, seaweed soup is for birthdays, but there’s another one for hangovers. I get confused, but the recipes are different.

    Hey, if Im Sol was in a wheelchair from shortly after this point in the story until T2, how did she learn to fight so well? 😆

  66. @Arihsi,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it. <3

    Yes, she suffers from PTSD, hence her Dissociative Amnesia.

    The thing is her anger is redirected to Sun Jae and not to her abuser aka the Taxi Driver. I truly believe this was because she was in shock and she truly felt helpless and although she didn't want to die, the fact that she lost her ability to walk made her miserable.

    At the same time, as it seems Sol wasn't able to differentiate where her anger was targeted to. Sol's brain erased the abuser and was only remembering her saviour.

    Sun Jae truly must have been heartbroken. Not only, he had to fight with the abuser and save Sol, but also had to be scolded and called names by the person he saved and truly loved.

    Still, Sol's mother should have talked with her about it, when Sol was in a better psychological state, after that Eclipse radio show and Sun Jae's phonecall.


    Sol's mother most likely was told by Sun Jae not to reveal who saved her. For me this was a mistake. Sol should have thanked Sun Jae about what he did. Such a burden to Sun Jae's shoulders.

  67. @Fern,

    You are right. How does she know to fight so well? I think 32 y.o. Sol aka Halmeoni Sol has guts and she fights back in order to protect herself and those she loves, while 18 y.o. Sol was naive as a 18 y.o. should be.

    Regarding the seaweed soup, it was for TS’s birthday. Yes, we don’t know about his personal story, but I find there is something that caused friction between him and his father, thus making Tae Sung distraught and kinda rebellious.

    I also believe that Halmeoni Sol is changing TS’s life at the moment. I don’t think he would have become a thug in T1. I am certain that in T2, he will become something else.

    Also, the Eclipse’s Label CEO seems suspicious to me.

  68. @Fern I think when it comes to Sun Jae, Im Sol 2.0 is going on pure shameless adrenaline. Much like the FL of MMH, she wants to go all out because she wants to avoid the future outcome at any cost. It doesn’t matter if she can fight or not. She gets a giant red bruise on her forehead. But fight she will. And she has zero shame in sticking by Sun Jae’s side all the time.

  69. WOW Just waking up and I have so many comments to consider. Again?I think I missed some stuff but maybe it’s in the preview. I will need to re watch.

    All along, I have been thinking her problem with her memory.Is because she is in a different version of herself. I was not thinking of it as traumatic memory loss. So trauma could Make it more difficult to recall memories from another Version of one self.

    I have been looking for an icon of someone pulling out their hair and have not yet found it.But that’s the one that I would put here.

  70. @monmor for Dissociative Amnesia, one doesn’t need to be a DIFFERENT version of oneself. Im Sol 1.0 AND 2.0 don’t remember Sun Jae. And that’s because of Dissociative Amnesia. Im Sol 1.0 AND 2.0 remember everyone else in her life including long lost classmates without a problem.

    Time travel has nothing to do with it.

  71. Haha @MM that reminds me of the two girls pulling at each other’s hair.

    It may be handy for Im Sol to find out more about her accident so she has more information to prevent it. I hope it has nothing to do with TS’ motorbike!

  72. Now then one may ask…. Why is Im Sol recollecting Sun Jae’s memories now ?

    Well the simple answer which is both narratively and neurologically beautiful is, he brain is obsessed with Sun Jae’s survival. It’s not an immaturish teen “love” obsession. I’m pretty sure if 19 year old Sun Jae had a love interest, Im Sol would have tried her hardest to get them together.

    Im Sol’s brain has one goal night and day at this point and that is how to keep Sun Jae alive.

    And so fervent is her endeavour that her brain is coming up with memories it erased to protect her sanity. Memories of being abused, possibly sexually assault and memories of being murdered. If this ain’t love, I don’t know what is.

    Not sure what’s it with two Kdramas currently airing showing neurological basis of love. Hae-in will forget everything but Hyun woo. Her only love. The only one that matters when everything is lost. And Im Sol remembering with everything she forgot in order to survive.

    Sun Jae considers himself responsible for her situation. I doubt he’s guilty or “sorry to Im Sol” because he saved her with a disability. He would have been ready to support her for life, the kind of love he held for her through out 15 years.

    Nah. The man had something to do WITH the incident and the reason it happened in the first place. Not rescuing her. The type of devastation on his face in the opening scene of Ep 4 and In Hyuk’s words confirm it for me.

  73. @arihsi @fern @cleopatra I’m not sure if it was already mentioned here but Kim Tar Sung’s father was introduced in ep 2 (I think) as a detective he had to vouch for his son after getting in trouble with the police for fighting. Anyway, I looked up his father’s character description in on the drama’s official website and this is what it said (Google translated ofc 😅)

    Detective Kim
    Taesung’s father
    As a 20-year veteran detective, he has a good natural sense. He takes charge of the Juyang Reservoir murder case and investigates it. He is called ‘Sachin guy’ in the district, but he is not a guy who is crazy about ‘love’ but a guy who is crazy about ‘incidents’. He always put work before his family. His wife, who could not endure this, divorced and went abroad. She left behind only her son, Tae-seong, who had just entered puberty… Afterwards, her relationship with Tae-seong became bleak. I am always worried about my son who always goes astray.

    I also looked up the CEO & the Manager but I’ll post that on here another time.

    It appears that there will an incident involving sol and sunjae from what I’ve gathered in their flashbacks which resulted in sol being paralyzed?! From what we’ve seen in ep4, that creepy taxi driver, and KTS’s father character description there may well be serial killer case in this drama. Kdramas love to fit “based on true events” in their plot.

  74. Here’s the website for the character description in case anyone wants it 😅


  75. Last one, sorry, @cleopatra I also believe that keychain will be the key to knowing who the perp is in the future timeline. We will probably see it again, maybe someone close to the main characters will carry it around, someone who drives? Or has access to buildings? But we will definitely see it again.

  76. I just rewatched episode four. I had missed the preview for 5, I remembered, because I got called to dinner.

    The taxi key chain scenario is certainly suggestive of violent crime. I recently rewatched, come and hug me and the psychopath.There would pick up young innocent girls at bus stops. She is also at a reservoir.Where bad things do happen in kdramas. An identifying key ring Is often a clue in serial murders. I am also watching hide and nothing uncovered. In at least one of them and maybe both[ They are way too similar] A key chain decoration features In the criminal investigation.

    So I am beginning to think it was attempted Murder and not as we all have been thinking, an accident.

    @arihsi. Yes I can see how it is amnesia for the accident/crime. This is an interesting question. I think it is both time travel and amnesia. I don’t think this is a question We will ever be able to Fully answer. Helpful though to keep it in mind as the plot develops.

    Another thought. The reason she does not remember him in the 2 scenes that are replayed are because they are each in different timelines,I believe. That is how I have been seeing it up until now.

    It is evident though within The first time line that she does not recall the circumstances around the accident/crime.


  77. As an aside, When I watch crime shows I am always reminded to not have an identifying license plate, Car color, Unusual clothing et cetera. Not that I am planning to commit any crime!

  78. @Monmor, you just reminded me that there was a close-up on the CEO/Manager’s car’s license plate in episode 1 when he brought the boys to the radio station. So we will see that as well as the red key chain in a future episode.

  79. @fern. Your comment just gave me the idea that the manager/agent Might have attempted to kill IS Because she was getting in the way of Sanjay’s
    idol career. That is pretty far-fetched.
    But the idea came to mind. Someone above had said they thought he was suspicious.

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, it was @Cleo who found the manager suspicious. Well her discouraging his cash cow, SJ, would certainly annoy the manager.

    Accidents and Near Accidents to Im Sol
    I’m not sure if I left out any …
    T3 – she steps backwards and falls down some steps, fortunately not seriously hurt. Hearing it is enough to panic SJ who runs off to find her.

    T3 – stalked by a taxi driver, chased by a drunkard, fell off a bridge into water. Saved by SJ. IS seems to retrieve a memory of SJ in another time, who ran towards her, and of being saved by him when she fell into water.

    T2 – in an argument with SJ, they both fell into the swimming pool. Might this have been a foreshadowing of the T3 accident?

    T2 – while crossing the street she stands like a deer in headlights about to be knocked down. Saved by SJ. She has a memory of standing in the middle of another street in another time (likely T1) and of someone who also ran towards her. SJ in the hospital overhears her frustration at being alive and her cursing her saviour.

    This means that in 2 timelines, she had 2 similar accidents. It feels like no matter when, IS is destined to be in 2 kinds of accidents. One on the road and one where she falls into water.

    At each occasion, SJ was there to save her. The accidents seem to be destined even if delayed, just like SJ’s shoulder injury was delayed. So when IS returns to 2008 a 3rd time, will she be able to avoid these accidents? SJ’is mild reproach: “What am I going to do with you?” is too apt and too mild!

    If she’s never going to learn how to cross the street, or keep herself awake and safe, it seems like IM is just a victim waiting for another similar set of accidents to happen. And if we add to that, a possible stalker, not only does IS have a herculean task keeping SJ alive, but SJ too will also be stretched to his limits to be able to save IS.

  81. Yes, @Growing Beautifully, I like your idea that they are both on a parallel path to save each other over time. Thanks for clarifying the 2 accidents one being a road accident and the other being in the water. I was wondering if one became the other or if they became merged into a road – into – water accident.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, it might indeed be a case of the two kinds of accidents becoming merged together as one. 🙂

  83. Kalispera (aka good evening) @Ysmac,

    Yes, we have talked about Tae Sung’s cop father with @Arihsi and all the other Ladies on the previous threads.

    Thank you for tranlating from Hangul, TVN’s Character Description for TS’s dad !

    I will write this down, even though it might be farfetched. The CEO and the taxi driver creep are connected somehow. I wouldn’t be surprised IF they are the same person.

    Since we don’t know how the incident happened in the Original Timeline, we need to find out if Sun Jae didn’t fight with the taxi driver, but he had a fight with Tae Sung or maybe that shitty guy from his swimming team.

    After all, that quarrel almost happened and Sol head banged that stupid boy for bad mouthing SJ’s deceased mother.

    Back in 2023, CEO’s aura when he was heading to the Hospital after Sun Jae died was pretty weird. Also, he was the one who didn’t want Sun Jae to quit, but he said to the Media other things.

    So, if I could bet who has that red ribbon key chain that will be the CEO. It is a great cover up to have a band to manage. Who would have suspect him?

    The CEO dude may have paused his activities. If you are watching psychological thriller dramas, like “Through the Darkness”, you might know that serial killers do a hiatus from their crimes.

    BTW, Welcome on B.o.D. Feel free to write some more! We will be waiting for your thoughts!

  84. Unnie,

    I also think that we might have a merge to the accidents into becoming one.

    As it seems, some things have to happen, until you manage to escape it.
    So far, Sol was saved twice by Sun Jae, but I think that evil is following her.

    Red as a color means passion, anger and something that will happen quickly. We shall see!

  85. An interesting video proposing the same thing as @GB. It combines learnings from our reference text the preview and what we know till now reg IS accident. Im Sol still gets into the accident because it’s a deliberate murder attempt.


    Now on to @ysmac’s character preview and @cleo’s preposition that it’s a serial killer.

    The detective is investigating a murder on the pond/lake. The same one where IS fell into the water in T3. Who was murdered and in which timeline?

    An interesting idea is that it’s the same “taxi driver” who resulted in IS injury who kills Sun Jae also. And that’s our suspect Mr manager. He is also a major factor in SJ’s exhaustion because he doesn’t let him have a break. The cash cow can’t rest afterall.

    The actor playing the manager was an extremely creepy villan in the recent drama Destined with you with Rowoon.

  86. This video also says the same thing you said in your last comment @cleo. That evil is following IS. No matter in which timeline, Sun Jae is in a race against time to save her.

    Run Sun Jae Run !

  87. @Arihsi

    I didn’t remember that a detective is investingating a pond murder case when I wrote my comment above.

    It is common sense that makes you realize that evil follows Im Sol around. The thing is Why?

    What the innocent 18 year old Sol witnessed that made her a target?

    Because I think that she saw something she shouldn’t have, but she doesn’t actually know is of importance…

  88. My oh My. Maybe the ceo guy is evil. Maybe he did other manipulative things regarding the band’s career. Even if he did not murder Sun Jae directly he certainly had an indirect role in his death. Maybe he even came into the hotel room and Sunjae fell backing away from him. I can see this becoming a plotline.

    Was anyone else able to see if it was TS and his father who were holding on to SJ’s father in the mourning scene at the funeral parlour?

    Also I wonder what the books were that she gave him–mental health themed I would think.

  89. @Monmor,

    It was his band mates that they were holding Sun Jae’s Abonim in his wailing.

  90. @arihsi the original timeline (without the Sol time slip) which is also in the other two timelines she travels back to. I’ve read the manager and the CEO’s character description and it says that the CEO “he has a special affection for Seonjae. But the manager description is this:

    “Park Dong-seok
    Seonjae Manager
    Unlike his cool appearance, he has a twisted personality. He may seem polite,
    but he’s bold, and he seems like he’s watching, but he says everything he wants
    to say. It looks like it’s lying flat in front of Seonjae, but it may actually be on top of
    its head.” Per Google trans.

    He may be related to the original timeline killer?!? Maybe he’s a son?!? But it may be far fetched.

  91. @Monmor if they follow the webtoon, it’s a pill swap ! @Good Twin proposed this first in another thread.

    In the original webtoon, he mistakenly takes a bunch of other pills instead of his usual sleeping pills and antidepressants (whether it was deliberate swap is not clear by S1 end of webtoon).

    I was thinking who could have access to pills of a high profile idol. It’s clear from ep 1 that Sun Jae is extremely successful and at the top of his game. The creepy manager is coaxing him to do one more movie when he can’t stand straight. If he’s indeed the “evil” @cleo proposes, he could easily visit SJ’s room and swap his pills !

    And now, the roles are reversed. It’s the turn of Im Sol to run.

  92. Oooo @cleo… An interesting guess reg Sol!

    I’m having so much fun discussing with you guys ! ❤️

    @ysmac I don’t trust Google translate. I can speak 4 languages to native level and let me tell you, Google needs a lot of work on their LLM (Language Learning Model). That’s why not only Netflix, but sites like Viki or even less privileged HiTV use humans for translation and proudly announce it as well.

  93. @arihsi you’re right Google trans is a wonky. So I download an app by Naver Corp just in case haha and this is what it came up with:

    “Unlike his amiable appearance, he has a twist in his personality. He seems to be polite, but he is bold, and he says everything he wants to say even though he seems to be aware of what he has to say. But he may actually be at the top of his head.”

  94. @arihsi Woops I forgot the CEO’s description.

    New trans:

    “A person who successfully debuted the rookie group Eclipse and rose to the top of the list. After the establishment of jnt, I went to various schools every day with the intention of discovering jewelry, but I couldn’t find the talent that I liked. Then, I found a child that I fell in love with. Sunjae made his debut with Eclipse after joining the company, and since then, he has raised many singers and actors. It is especially affectionate to Sunjae who shared the beginning of the company.”

  95. @GB Yes, that scene felt out of order just as the scene of the candy did in the initial episode. That reminds me.There is The scene in his bedroom where he hides a similar jar of candies.

    Other observations from my episode for rewatch

    There are two other times where someone is given three choices or\ chances. One is when TS Is tending to her after she skins her knee. Her third choice is that he shut up. The other is when her brother is Acting a blind date And loses his tooth.

    There is some bizarre humor, Mostly of the toilet variety. The actor who plays SJ’s Father often has such scenes in his dramas.

    I wonder if it is foreshadowing When his fellow swimmer tells him not to be arrogant.Or he will get punished. Foreshadowing for the fellow swimmer not for the male lead.

    I found it quite humorous when s j’s father says how IM looks just like her mother. Sunjae certainly looks nothing like his father or maybe it is the other way around.

    I enjoyed how both IM1 and 2 Manifested themselves.
    In the birthday scene. Yes how embarrassing to her now as an adult!

    Also it seems like SJ, In the radio broadcast scene, is saying the same thing to her that she said to him In the past- In effect to just let the darkness pass and then it will be less Bleak on the other side.

    I Think it is often the same bridge in different scenes. I wonder which bridge it is. I learned from googling suicide in south korea that there is a Bridge call the suicide bridge. Unfortunately I think all major cities have won.

    I think the biological nature of depression often is overlooked and that is why I am happy to see he is on medication. In the back of my mind, I am afraid his mother may have killed herself. That would speak to the genetic aspect of depression.

  96. Something else I read when I Googled suicide in South Korea was how many idols have died of mysterious causes some of which are sometimes more obviously foul play.

  97. I am listening to one of the pieces of music that SJ Performs. Why would the ceo want to kill him off? Wouldn’t he rather somehow get him under his control? Unless he has lost his reason. Or somehow thinks it would look better and increase the band’s popularity and enable the band to stay together without him?

  98. @MM That is really grim!

    To add to the manager theory…
    The manager was watching IS at school when she was fighting back the girls that were bullying her.

    What was the song IS and SJ were listening to by the pool?

  99. Dear All, Is it possible that the manager has an obsession with Sun Jae – a warped fixation? He can’t stand the idea that Sun Jae would want to retire and be outside of his sphere of influence? I guess we will see.

    @Arihsi, yes, he played a horribly creepy and obsessive guy in ‘Destined for You’.

  100. oh no is the manager also a time traveller? So many possibilities!

  101. @Fern that seems very much possible given the type of roles that actor likes to play. Ew. Just ew. Im Sol, please keep yourself together and run.

    This manager/CEO could attack time traveller Im Sol of the future because of her closeness with Sun Jae / risking the cash cow as we’ve discussed previously.

    Going with @cleo’s theory, although the 18 YO IS wouldn’t have realised she saw something scandalous, 34 YO halmoni IS surely would. It could be simply the manager’s obsession with SJ.

    This could ALSO fit into why Sun Jae would consider himself responsible for her accident. I really don’t think he regrets / “is sorry” for saving her with a disability. This could ALSO fit into why he never contacted Im Sol post the accident. Yes, she hated him then for saving her in that moment of shock but surely he’d have more pressing reasons after a couple of years ? For one, IS mother knew who he was and two, she knew how much IS fangirled him later on.

    We know he never contacted her because of opening 5 minutes of ep 4. Beautiful acting from BWS there.

    Again ew. Just ew.

  102. @monmor I’m 99% sure no one apart from Im Sol can time travel. Not even Sun jae. That destroys the premise of the story which is based in her undying love for him and vice versa. But since he’s dead, she’s the only one who can make a difference.

    If the creepy manager can time travel, it would kill the romance in the story.

    The manager/CEO went around schools “hunting for jewels” per @ysmac’s character description. Meaning he went to high schools to hunt for his next successful idol group. That’s when he sees IS. It’s his normal timeline only. No time travel.

  103. Because of the TV show, “Hong SeokCheon’s Jewelry Box”, the CEO’s practice of ‘hunting for jewels’ at schools sounds both predatory and pedophilic in the context we are discussing. I hope that the show doesn’t go in that direction. To be VERY clear, the RL show “Hong SeokCheon’s Jewelry Box” is not about that, but is a sort of chat show. It’s the use of the word jewel or jewelry that made me think of it.

    But I know that in real life music companies do it at schools, at music events and anywhere on the street because often that’s how idols on talk shows say that they were recruited.

  104. @Arihsi I was not seriously thinking he can time travel in this show. I was remembering his role in Destined with you.

    @Arihsi @Fern I was unaware Of the significance of The manager “hunting for jewels “and its reference to real life. That certainly adds a dimension to my understanding of this part of the show.

  105. @hana There is a link on the.M.D l show page for the nostalgia music in this drama. I don’t recall whether the music by the pool was s j’s or nostalgia music. I remember wondering if she was playing for him.Music that he did in the future.

  106. https://youtu.be/o3xXhzAWzGM?si=oCIM-6O7VTHg46CF

    This is one of the nostalgia pieces that has played already. I think I was getting it mixed up with the other piece.I shared earlier Which also features.

  107. https://youtu.be/pSh9RbmYeNQ?si=xrnTIw-lY7pIO7RT

    this is a more complete ost featuring Eclipse and the nostlgia music.


  108. What I hope to see is that the writer will give us a story where IS alone is NOT the sole reason for SJ to choose life. It is a choice after all. And that’s why I think it can change. Or at least I hope so. Otherwise the writer is painting a world with no agency. I am hoping to see that those around him would be supportive and willing to listen to him. Really listen and not just be bystanders or make things worse by keeping silent about the signs of depression. I am hoping that it’s not the case of them (SJ and IS) just becoming a couple and that alone is enough to help SJ through the dark times. It shouldn’t be that simple. You need supportive family AND friends. It’s too much to ask any one person to shoulder the burden of being the only reason for living for another person. She needs to get his manager and his band mates (specifically Baek In Hyuk because he’s SJ’s bestie from high school) to be hearing SJ out when he asks to retire. SJ never spoke to any of his band mates about retiring. Did they not ask him how he was feeling all this time? His manager was in denial and didn’t want to hear it. So in effect, SJ felt like nobody was in his corner. Yes IS was in his corner (as his fan) but to be honest she’s not with him day and night. His band mates are. And his manager certainly should be around him more than she would ever be. SJ needed to hear what his dad said to him when his swimming career ended (from his band manager and his bandmates). IS should make it her mission to influence these people around him so that when the time comes for him to step away, he can make it with their blessing instead of being pressured to stay on. They literally need to be there to ask SJ right through the whole idol career, “Are you okay?” regularly and be ready to follow up with support and direct him to get the help he needs professionally (eg psychiatric help) to work through issues. To build that resilience so that he, like IS would choose life over and over again even when life throws curveballs at you.

    Hmm…I am not entirely comfortable with the whole evil manager idea. The taxi was definitely suspicious. IS’s paralysis happened on 1Sept 2008. She tried to pen it into her calendar multiple times but it kept scrubbing out.

    Beginning of Ep4 when we see the extended version of events I believe this is prior to T1. There’s no photo on the table at the hotel. We’re just given a view into SJ’s mind and thoughts. His version of prior T1. We saw IS’s version of prior T1 in part in Ep1. It was the original version of events, where
    1. IS ignored SJ and never even knew he lived next door. I would hazard a guess that she never even got his name.
    2. He was secretly infatuated with her after the yellow umbrella incident.
    3. IS was totally infatuated with TS and SJ didn’t register on her radar.
    4. She goes out with TS. They have the date and she makes a video for him at the restaurant.
    5. She gets hit in the face by a soccer ball and has a nosebleed on the same day of the fire. Her mother was burned on her hand in the fire accidentally set alight by her brother.
    6. SJ saved her from the paralysis accident although she never did find out who he was.
    7. She got the phone call from him as she languished in the hospital contemplating slashing her wrist and she didn’t know who he was because as far as she was concerned, she didn’t know who he was.
    8. Eclipse as a group became well known. IS became SJ’s biggest fan because of his intervention in 7.
    9. Concert day. Meeting at the bridge.
    10. SJ at hotel. Pills on table. His suicide.

    After time travel 1
    – if nothing at all, it actually makes things worse for SJ because she waxes hot and cold and he now has many more “what ifs” to work with before she time traveled? 🙄. She now knows SJ’s name and has made many additional encounters with him in June2008. Including the photos. Which makes event 7. worse for poor SJ in the timeline now post T1? In his mind, she has completely forgotten who he was even though she and he had those intimate moments together from T1. 😞

    What’s changed
    1. They shared many more memories together. Evidence – photos. Hence when she went forward again Baek knew who she was and rang her.
    2. Her mother was not injured in the fire. TS was at the fire to help her put it out.
    3. TS has a lot more interactions with IS as well. Her interactions with him seem to be giving him food for thought. Likely that it will change the path he will take in the future? Somehow I feel like he will be the key to helping SJ (and IS) through the tough times later. He seems more streetwise than SJ and notices how IS seems to have a duality about her. Prior to time travel, we know he never graduated (he wasn’t in the year book), he was told to leave quietly because of some incident at school.

    She falls into the water and she remembers her accident which also involves falling into water afterwards? That’s what I think anyway. We see her fall in the water and she’s in her school uniform https://i.ibb.co/tsY27x5/IMG-8537.jpg. If you look closely here https://i.ibb.co/JyhprrM/IMG-8538.jpg she has the same scar on her right cheek as when she first wakes up and discovers that she can’t feel her legs. SJ when he dives in seems to be wearing white so I assume it’s his school uniform. He was the one who rescued her from the car(?) accident (and potentially subsequent fall into the water). She never met him in person before. She was unconscious when she was brought into the hospital. When she came to and wakes up, she sees her mom and grandma and tells them she feels strange because she can’t feel her legs. Then we have another scene subsequently where she knows about her paralysis and she screams that she would rather have died that day than survive without the use of her legs. SJ was outside to hear it so he never spoke to her afterwards. I am not sure why he looks so beat up there. Did he sustain those injuries as a result of the rescue? Or afterwards? Presumably she took a while to wake up after the accident? So he could’ve sustained them elsewhere? 🤔

    We know that post T1 he’s still opted to take his own life. As witnessed by a returning IS. The photos and her brief interaction and the events that flowed on from that wasn’t enough to change the tide.

  109. My way of understanding is that ,for SJ, IS from the future has already influenced him in the past. I do not think we have seen a T1 SJ other than the scenes where he becomes attracted to her, like the burst of yellow scene when she mistakes him for a delivery man.

    I am also not too keen on the posible murderer scenario but I am beginning to see how it might fit in without detracting from the mental health theme.

    I think the scriptwriter/director are walking fine lines with this show. One of the mental health consequences of celebrity suicide is copycat suicides, the so called Marilyn Munroe effect I believe it has been called. What happens in this show could have some unintended more widespread effects in real life.

    Complexity! They are tackling an immensely difficult topic. On the other hand it is an artistic creation that can be enjoyed as such.

  110. @nrlee My head is spinning again. If the present day Sj is the original there would have been many other factors that affected him other than his unrequited infatuation with her. I find it difficult to believe that unrequited infatuation would have rendered him so depressed and suicidal. I can Only understand its connection to her if he had had somewhat more of a relationship which she did in T1.1.

    My head is spinning so much I am not sure whether I am agreeing with you or not or whether I understood what you said correctly.

    Thank you for so much to think about.

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks so much @nrllee! You’ve saved me a whole lot of time in laying out what happened chronologically and highlighting the changes after the time jump if any.

    A question that does crop up with time travel shows is whether the going back in time ever really did more good than ill ultimately. Since Shows often need to have a happy ending, the time travel seems to be justified, however the greater pain suffered by other characters as a result of someone’s time travel is generally never fully acknowledged or redressed.

  112. https://x.com/CJnDrama/status/1780853774783009078?t=Lepx2hK9RMupoLCK2uuR8Q&s=09

    A cut scene that is all in Korean But the key part is understandable from my knowledge of korean from watching dramas. Very cute scene of the time when he was trying to tell her he likes her.

  113. I posted two comments about the music. One.
    Had a link to YouTube of a Fuller o.S t. I do not see these here?

  114. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, I can see 2 comments of yours with links to the OSTs.

  115. Oh I am so sorry. I double checked on my phone and my tablet. I Forgot I had posted them before a number of other posts. I see them now.

  116. @GB Are you still thinking that the sJ we see In the scenes in episode one is SJ 1.1? If you are then I think I have a grasp on it. If not I will need to revise my understanding.

  117. @nrllee an eloquent note on all that has happened till now. Just like @GB’s note on IS and her accidents.

    I agree with both @nrllee and @GB that their intimacy in T2 created more ill than good. Sun Jae lived with that sole photo, guilt and unrequited love for 15 years. What’s more, Im Sol is crushed because IS of T3 knows this. She saw the photo at the scene of his death. She heard In Hyuk saying how sorry SJ was. So yeah. Not a successful time travel from SJ’s perspective.

    @nrllee summarised this so effectively.

    HOWEVER she manages to save her mother from the fire. There is a theory that she has three chances. One to save her mother, one for herself and one for SJ. The climax will likely be when she has to choose between using the opportunity to save herself or SJ. She sacrifices the chance to have her legs back for SJ. Like Twinkling Watermelon, she’s still disabled at the end but happiest with a Sun Jae who’s alive, thriving and together in love with her.

    Given how disadvantaged she is due to her disability and how desperately she wants to walk again, it is like an ultimate sacrifice in love. Kdramas looovee this type of setting.

  118. Thank you so much @MM, that’s exactly it! True nostalgia 🎶 I think it’s also the song that was played when IM came bursting into SJ’s life with her yellow umbrella.

    Did the pills disappear from the table during T2? It was too blurry a shot to be sure.

    I’m hoping that T2 IS’ words to SJ – the same words he said to her in T1 – about living another day and waiting for the rain to pass, would bring him comfort and build his resilience, as it did for her in T1. Would hopefully make him treasure the loving friends and family he has. I think a key is for him to not isolate his best friend and bandmates.

  119. Reg the depression setting @nrllee, this drama is walking on a very tight rope. Given the unnecessary backlash and calls for cancellation of broadcast they faced PRIOR to airing, I wouldn’t blame them if they changed the possibility of suicide to murder. MMH did the same thing. In the original story, Ji Hyuk commits suicide. The drama changed it to accident.

    It’s even more sensitive here given its about an idol’s suicide. CJENM had to issue an official statement that this drama doesn’t depict any real life idol story. Imagine.

    I’m happy the drama is finally receiving the attention it deserves now and people have realised that it’s not about any particular idol’s suicide or “disrespecting” them at all. The drama will still steer away from controversial plot points.

    About Im Sol using ways other than her presence for a better outcome of SJ’s mental health, she gives him books, she talks to In Hyuk to support SJ in ep 3, she protects him from bullying, she distracts him etc. she has a pretty wholesome approach so far. They’ve already shown that he was under actual medical treatment multiple times. That in itself is a rare tick-mark for kdramas. I’m pretty satisfied with how tenderly the drama is treating the issue even after depiction of SJ’S death. They’ve been very sensitive so far.

  120. @Hana I re-watched and screenshot the moment to zoom in post your comment just now. It’d have been so interesting if the pills disappeared ! However in the scene ep 2 epilogue/end,the pill bottles are very much there at the time of appearance of the couple pic from what I can see.

  121. @arihsi I agree with you About The tight rope this show is on. I had wondered the same thing- Are they moving away from it being Suicide to it being murder as a way of Avoiding controversy.

    Even if this is the case I think this show has already made some very good POINTS about issues related to mental health. And the theme will continue to be there.

    I was surprised to read about a number of Korean celebrities who have died under mysterious circumstances. If they do move away from it being suicide, then the story still reflects an issue for Korean celebrities.

    That he is getting medical treatment is a great message to get across.

    I did not realize that Marry My husband had that significant change made to the script

  122. Not that I think there is a serial murderer IRL. 🙂 More likely what really happens is obscured somehow.

  123. This writer penned True Beauty and there was a suicide depicted there too howbeit more removed because it wasn’t the ML but his friend that took his own life. Must’ve been extremely painful for Cha EunWoo when it happened in real life 😢.

    The premise of this drama was all about what ifs. Or that’s what the synopsis mentions. So I would imagine they would be attempting to send a message to be more proactive and mindful of loved ones. What matters is NOW. Make that phone call. Write that note. Talk to that person who is feeling down. Still, I can understand why it would be touching raw nerves. When MoonBin passed my daughter was hit pretty hard.

  124. @nrllee I agree 😢 the show is dealing with difficult topics. Suicide, depression, disability…

    @arihsi thank you for clarifying! I do like your theory about three chances to change three events. Perhaps one of the events has to do with TS – IS is selfless like that.

    I’m enjoying the OST, especially the throwback “I know I did it”, thanks to @MM. They don’t write songs like they used to!

  125. *Edit – I think I did it

  126. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    To re-visit my timeline references with an edit. For ease in referring to the same characters in different times, I’ve named the timelines like this:
    Timeline 2008 before time jump = T1
    Timeline 2008-2009 and onwards after SJ meets T2 IS = T1.1

    Timeline 2023 after time jump = T2
    Timeline 2023 before time jump = Before-T2

    Timeline 2008 after Im Sol’s 2nd time jump = T3
    I expect there’ll be Timeline 2008 after IS’s 3rd jump = T4

    @MM You said:

    @GB Are you still thinking that the sJ we see In the scenes in episode one is SJ 1.1? If you are then I think I have a grasp on it. If not I will need to revise my understanding.

    My short answer based on how I’ve reworded what T1.1 means, is ‘Yes’. 🙂

    Let me elucidate … I believe that SJ (so far, and probably always) never time-jumps. In Ep 4 we get his point of view and see that he remembers both T1 and T2 Im Sol since 2008.

    Hence Sun Jae is continuing his life into adulthood as T1.1 and regardless of whether he meets Im Sol of T1, T2, T3, etc.

    So far, it seems like SJ’s watch that got sold to his fans, and which IS bought, is the physical link between them, and the ‘time machine’. Show has not (yet) explained the particular significance of that watch in terms of SJ’s attachment to it, or whether it was gifted to him by someone important to him. I hope future episodes give clues as to why that watch should work as a time machine upon SJ’s death and bring its new owner into the past.

    This begs the question though, should the watch have remained in SJ’s possession all the time, would he have been the one to time jump back into his own past to change his own fate? More food for thought!

    As it is now, we assume some ‘god of fate’ is giving IS 3 chances to change SJ’s fate. In the process, she will change many other people’s experiences, but at the same time, some things may not be changeable, only delayed.

    I agree with @Arihsi’s comment that if this Show is about giving 3 chances to change the fate for 3 persons (her mum, herself, and SJ), then the last chance will give IS the task of deciding whom to save. She sort of wasted the first chance since she was only fixated on how to stop SJ from swimming, but she got to meet Tae Sung as halmeoni … so although she didn’t save anyone’s life, she affected TS’s future, which might lead to him becoming the unexpected future saviour! More food for thought and possibilities!

    In the 2nd chance, T3 IS saves her mother, and continues to affect TS.

    In the 3rd chance, I suppose there will be a T4 IS who will choose whom she will save. There may be a plot twist where SJ saves her instead. Or TS intervenes and changes everyone’s fate!

    Wouldn’t we all love the most fairytale-like ending of all where everyone survives, IS can walk, IS’s brother dates her BFF, and everyone is happy together?

  127. @GB TY. I will sleep on it!!!! More soundly, now that I am reassured I have been on the right track.

  128. As I am chewing on this thought…. The Time Machine watch is like a genie in a bottle – “grants” 3 wishes to change the course of the future but every time jump, a memory is lost. This is far fetch but maybe IS’s grandma will be involved here. She has dementia during before-T2 and she was wearing the watch in ep1 on Dec 31, 2022. Crazy thought, I know.

    I wonder if TS and IS became an item during before-T2. My hunch is no – It seemed like he was a forgotten crush (yearbook discussion with bff). IS has major fangirling tendencies, even when she was young. That happy birthday video was embarrassingly hilarious.IS really goes all out when she likes someone. I was laughing as well when TS opened her eyes and asked IS T1.1 “where did the hearts (in your eyes) go?”. TS was actually very intuitive.

    It’s not Sep 1 yet, right? So the crippling accident is yet to happen. I wonder if that will also change the future. @GB, SJ was holding the watch during that scene at hospital when he saved IS and she was spewing hate to her savior. That seemed fresh after the accident as SJ was wet and bruised. If that was Sep 1, 2008, what happened in before-T2 that brought her back to hospital during the eclipse day July 22, 2009? Seemed like a long time gap, no indication of coma unless there was a follow-on surgery?

    Apologies if I have more questions than answers.
    Thank you everyone for all the posts. I’ll rewatch again this weekend.

  129. @Janey It could be it took her a while to wake up from the accident and then she stayed in for rehabilitation. When we first see her on eclipse day 22Jul 2009, her mom mentioned that it was sunny outside and lying in bed all day wouldn’t do her any good so she suggested going for a walk. She also said the doctor thought it would be good for her to practise using her wheelchair? In which case, it would appear that she hasn’t gotten the hang of using the wheelchair on her own? So it doesn’t sound like she got out of the hospital after the accident and was re-admitted? Had that happened, she wouldn’t have needed to practise using her wheelchair because she would’ve used it after leaving the hospital. That’s my take anyway.

    When he first saved her, he was wet and dripping and looked beat up? When we see him standing outside listening to her rants, he looked all better and was no longer dripping wet. So I think he visited her during her stay in hospital after she woke up but listening to her blame him for saving her was enough for him to stay away and not see her face to face. I think her mom knows who he was but probably never did talk about it (maybe because he asked her to keep it from IS?)


    This was IS’s conversation with her mom after she came home from the concert and telling her how she met SJ on the bridge. It has more significance now that we know more about what happened. Her mom is folding laundry and IS is telling her about her night.

    IS – the one who saved me when I had the accident…(Camera pans on mom who looks startled that she raised the topic…she’s dodging for sure)…do you remember his or her name?
    Mom (looking guilty then looks away as she replies) – No. that’s so long ago…why do you ask all of a sudden?
    IS – it’s nothing. Because I met the person who made me live. I feel bad because I didn’t thank the person back then.
    Mom (looks up from folding laundry. Is that a faint hint of a smile I see? She blinks and looks like she’s weighing up her options with IS’s question – should I tell her? She decides not to but looks like she’s feeling guilty about hiding the truth from IS).

    Also I went back and checked if there were any differences with Ep1 hotel balcony scene and Ep4 hotel scene. Ep1 hotel scene as SJ is standing on balcony…door bell rings once and then twice…then camera cuts to poolside with female hotel staff. Ep4 hotel scene…door bell rings once…SJ registers and seems to contemplate answering it…then twice…SJ turns around and looks at the door… is that a subtle change? Or is it just because we didn’t see him turn round in Ep1? 🤔

  130. I noticed this difference too @nrllee !

    It’s more visible in these official screenshots shared by TvN


    He visits her again after a while. Meaning he knew her. If one takes someone one doesn’t know to a hospital merely as a good Samaritan, one wouldn’t go again to visit them.

    At the Radio station,

    He had her phone number by heart. They very clearly show this end of ep 4. He dials her number from memory. Do we by heart random phone numbers ? Nope.

    He calls her sol-ah in the original timeline. At the radio show, when he was running towards Im Sol to save her in T1 and 15 years later. We know too well that in kdramas -ah and -ya is only used when the person is really dear to the character. Else at times they keep using full name till the end even if -ssi or -nim is dropped.

    And what’s even more surprising is, he EXPECTS her to remember him. It’s almost like a silent plea.

    Do I expect my random neighbour to remember me ? Not even tomorrow, forget few months or few years later. Why do I not expect? Because they DON’T KNOW me. They don’t know I exist. It would be crazy of me to expect them to remember me.

    Now to the expectation that she should remember him merely because he saved her.

    Once upon a time, I fell from my bike on the road. It wasn’t serious but I was helped. Two fellows helped me put my bike on the side, sat me down and asked if I was ok. I don’t remember them ! Would they remember me ? 100% not ! Does that mean I’m not grateful? No ! I just didn’t know them, we never interacted later on and it was blooming long ago !

    Similarly, I helped a lady who had fainted once. Do I remember her ? No ! I’m sure she’s glad it wasn’t a creep who found her but I haven’t received words of gratefulness from her. Because she DOES NOT know me.

    Whereas here, Sun Jae gives all those sighs and little gasps of pain and defeat. He whispers to himself… “Sol-ah..” *15 years* again “Sol-ah”… *Defeated sigh* “she doesn’t remember”.

    Now even if you saved someone and even if you had some minor crush towards them, you would not expect them to respond to you in a way Sun Jae does for Sol unless they KNEW you and we’re close to you.

    There is definitely something more to it and for me, her time travel is making things infinitely HARDER for future Sun Jae not easier.

  131. Kalimera,

    Ella made a FMV for Lovely Runner that is ultimately the essence of the drama.



  132. Ladies,

    Regarding what you are talking to, Sun Jae fell in love with Im Sol in the original Timeline. Sol didn’t even know his existence back then. The accident happened. He saved her. She lost her ability to walk. The Radio Host called her and Sol thought it was a joke, she was furious because she thought they were doing a prank. Until Sun Jae persuaded her to start living her life and that she did. Then the original timeline proceeded with Sun Jae being in love with Im Sol but watching her from afar, while she was his Number One Fan.

    After Sun Jae died Im Sol managed to go back in 2008. Just because she managed to intervene with him more, she changed the Timeline making it even harder for him in the Present Time, i.e. the photograph they took together after his gold medal and the candies.

    We know those things. When something is changed in the past it might change for good or for worse.

    Sol changed some aspects of the present / future as well.. She is influencing both TS and she changed the outcome of the fire in their house, that had as a result her mother’s burn scar and losing the building they owned.

    As I have written from the beginning, the Creator of the Universe is Cruel.

    In Episodes 3-4 we also got to see that Sol’s accident was foul play, whether the culprit is a random bad guy or the Manager, it is remained to be seen. I said that I believe is the latter. The Manager might have an obsession with Sun Jae.

    In the original timeline we don’t know WHY Sol was targeted. I even wrote that the innocent 18 y.o. Sol had witnessed something, that didn’t know it was of importance and I still believe so.

    Still, we do know that someone is targeting her and this will continue to be a threat in her second Time Travel.

    @Arihsi I read about Sol’s three options – three Time Travel and I agree with you. The ultimate sacrifice for her is to lose her ability to walk and Sun Jae to be alive. She is alive as well.

    I don’t want to overthink things. Less is more. I prefer to convey simple, yet effective plot devices. That’s for me is something successful. 🙂

  133. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Cleo, @Arihsi and @nrllee
    I’m glad I held back posting and have now come back to read you. See if this makes sense.

    I was still questioning by the end of Ep 4, if the SJ we see on the radio show had known T2 and T3 Im Sol or just T2 Im Sol, or just T1 Im Sol.

    A point I noted about Ep 4 when SJ in 2023 meets IS on the bridge, he recalls her in hospital, shouting at him immediately after he had saved her. I found it strange that he is not shown to also remember the sweet times they had. Ie the SJ on the bridge in 2023 might have been the SJ who had only met T1 IS.

    That night in the hotel, he’s on the balcony and we are shown the coffee table without the photo. This makes it more likely that this SJ before the doorbell rang was the one who had not yet met T2 IS.

    However when the doorbell rang a 2nd time, he turned and looked at the door. This is something we were not shown in Ep 1. Could this change indicate that a change in reality has taken place as well???

    Next thing we see is IS waking up in 2023 after having been in the cold water of the canal ie T2 IS replaces T1 IS now… and I believe the timeline or reality is updated now and the photo of SJ and IS does appear because now In Hyuk has seen it and the detectives have it.

    HOWEVER, at the end of Ep 4, the SJ in 2009 who calls IS and hopes that she remembers him, and who calls her Sol-ah, has definitely met at least T2 IS, and maybe T3 IS as well.

    How can this be possible that 2023 SJ has not met T2 IS but 2009 SJ has? In a drama-verse where time jumps can happen, time may not be linear. Or just as there were 2 of the SAME watch, there might be more than 1 instance of SJ … which will later merge into 1. I am also affected by the logic of Nine: 9 Times Time Travel where the change made in the past only kicks in later, exactly 20 years in the future. The memories of that past also came later.

    In Im Sol’s case, she too only remembers later both what happened in 2008 and in 2023.

    In any case, I’m just putting this out here for fun. It may be totally off, but I had it in mind when I started wondering why we are shown the table without the photo. 🙂

  134. Unnie,

    You are right about the slight differencies that are occuring between The Original Timeline, the First Time Travel Im Sol had and the Second Time Travel.

    For me, Sun Jae’s POV in the beginning of Episode 4 showed that he hadn’t met YET the first Time Travel Im Sol. After his death, the photograph appeared because in meantime, his 18 y.o. self in the past, had already met Sol who first time traveled (Sol T1 as you say) back to 2008.

    So, when we see the second door bell and Sun Jae turning and looking at the door, that means what some scientists are saying and you also wrote:

    Time might not be Linear.

    Instead, when things are currently happening in the Past, it takes some time to alter the present aka 2023 Timeline and specifically the night Sun Jae passed away.

    I believe that Time is happening simultaneously (in past + present + future), and hence the minutes we see that are changing, when Sol returned to 2023 after her first time travel. Sun Jae still died but it happened some minutes earlier than before.

    Regarding the ending of Episode 4, the Sun Jae who is calling the bedridden Sol and calls her Sol-ah, most likely has met the Original Sol, Sol in her first Time Travel and most likely Sol in her Second Time Travel. I am not that sure about her third attempt because we don’t know if she went back to 2008 or somewhere (a year or years) after that.

  135. @cleo I agree with you. The Radio call was made by SJ who knows T1 and T2 Sol. Perhaps that’s why he keeps hoping that she’ll remember him ? After all, she promised to stick by his side and protect him forever.

    The edit by Ella is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing @cleo !

    PS @GB yeah… Maybe it takes some time for past events to reflect. But I’m glad the drama didn’t go in the tangent of IS being implicated in SJ’S death / suicide. That would have been VERY unnecessary and annoying.

  136. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I meant to post this a couple of hours ago…

    I agree with your take on the state of SJ at different times when he went to the hospital. IS might have been in and out of the hospital, or had stayed on in the hospital for rehabilitation. In any case some 8 months? later she’s there on the day of the eclipse.

    In both times when we see SJ underwater to save IS, he had been wearing his watch. The time when he saved T2 IS, and the time when in flashback she remembers him after she’d also fallen into water as T1 IS. It’s interesting that both of them were wearing the SAME watch in Episode 4, when he saved her.

    = = =

    Now I’m wondering about the logic for the return of IS to 2023.

    The morning after SJ confesses that he likes IS and kisses her, Tae Sung is provoked into ‘dating’ IS. He goes to intercept her on the path outside her school at the same time that SJ sees her and runs after her.

    TS gets there first while IS is listening to SJ’s voice that was recorded in the MP3 recorder. TS interrupts her, so she fails to hear the part in the recording where SJ says that he likes her.
    TS: “We met at the perfect timing, Granny.”
    IS removes the ear buds from her ears to hear TS better. SJ watches from a few steps away.
    TS: “Would you like to go out with me?”
    IS: “What?” The recording has SJ’s voice saying that he likes Sol.

    The watch suddenly comes on at number 03:00 then flickers and the numbers jump until 02:00. (I can’t tell what triggered this. Just as IS can never tell 2008 about the future, SJ’s confession never seems to reach IS’s ears.)

    T2 Im Sol is suddenly back in the cold water of the canal at 12 midnight on the night of the concert. The clock’s minute hand moves forward to 1 minute after 12. In that one minute, she’d spent something like 2 months in 2008!!

    Back in 2008, TS is telling T1 IS that she had said she liked him: “Why? Do you not want to go out with me?” SJ clenches his fist and steps forward, only to be bowled over by T1 IS’s agreeing, with a smile, to go out with TS.

    So what triggered the watch? Was it merely that 2 months had passed and that constituted 1 minute in 2023? Does that mean that IS can only travel at 12 midnight for 1 minute in her time, but for 2 months in 2008?

    If so, then T3 IS will come to the date of her accident (1 September 2008) in her 2nd time jump.

    Even if she is able to prevent her accident at that time, will that guarantee that she won’t meet with a similar accident later?

    In my attempts to list the number of accidents that IS had, I left out one more… quite an important one. She got hit in the forehead by a ball by So Bang Gwan in 2008. At the same time she remembers that she had also been hit by a ball also by So Bang Gwan in T1 and that had been the day of the fire. The circumstances had been a little different, but she had met with a similar accident in both timelines.

    While she prevented her mum from getting burned, she may not be able to prevent her own accident. And if she had to choose between herself and SJ, T3/T4 IS would probably choose to save SJ.

  137. Dear @Cleopatra et al, thank you for more interesting theories. I feel like you all are doing the thinking for me. My mind is bent now, and so early in the day. 🤯 Thanks. I will need a second cup of tea.

    Thank you for Ella’s video. Such a good edit!

    @Growing Beautifully’s et als’ thoughts of things changing for Sun Jae, yes it seems that way and I’ll have to try to fit that into my perception of the story. He has their photo, he calls her Sol-ah, he turns towards the door when the bell rings.

    In episode 4, it seems that, when Sun Jae saved her then, she had flipped back to her OG Im Sol persona where she doesn’t know him and not T1.1 or T3. So only he remembers because he is now affected by her time travel. His reaction to her there and on the bridge in episode 1 isn’t just his memory of his local unreciprocated crush, but actually of their close interactions. Do I have that right?

    I’m still getting confused as to what time line we’re seeing when we see some flashbacks from the past and repeats of T2. I need colour coding, I think. 🤦‍♀️ But we’re hooked, right?

  138. Okay, I posted at the same time as @GB. Yes, the episode 1 bridge scene is what is stumping me because it takes place before the time slip, before any relationships with T1.1 or T3 IS.

  139. Do you all remember that cooking video that @packmule3 sent of the handsome Canadian guy – as an example of good editing, of course 🤨? I saw a recent video of his and the Spam scene is how my brain is feeling.


  140. Kalimera @Fern,

    I don’t want to fry my brain 😛 Enough is enough! 😛

    Still, I am glad you liked Ella’s video! @Arihsi I am also talking to you too. 😁

    I will write some more whenever I can!

  141. @GB beautifully put. You and @nrllee have a cool way of untangling this drama. 🍩🍩

    I need another tea or four too @Fern.

  142. A quick thought before breakfast.

    If time is not linear, then the first scene on the bridge in the present day Could be with SJ Who has already met IS T2 and/ or T3. Even though she has not yet gone back herself so she is still the original.

    I have rewatched all episodes and This time had a much more emotional reaction to the beginning of episode 4 scene on the bridge And the balcony /pool Which included the new scene of him watching her in her apartment. Yes so sad, tugging on the heart strings.

    Also there are two other scenes that seem to differ one from the other. It seems to me.There are two scenes where she is shouting her anger at him for rescuing her. In one he is standing outside the door and in the other he is sitting In a waiting room area.

    The other scene which was not explicit shows her bringing food to him in hospital after his shoulder surgery, Saying she is his fan. I did not notice her giving him a candy jar but I think she must have because we see it later in his room when she knocks herself out. I had thought she had only given him the single candies in the past. I am beginning to think that extra scene in the Van of him with the candies before she gives them to him On the bridge is representing that. It seems to me.It is only inserted as a clue and does not seem to relate to the scene itself or even to his memories? Maybe it is a memory but the sequence of scenes still seems out of whack.

  143. @GB that’s bugged me too 😂. What was it that triggered her return to the future? And if we are to believe that IS will only get to the accident (1Sept 2008) and no further with time travel, then SJ will always encounter the same clueless IS that doesn’t recognize him in the phone call, the same IS that is starstruck in her wheelchair on the bridge. He won’t ever hear her reciprocate his love in 2023 when he most needed it? Still, how did he get past his disappointment and depression when he lost his dream of becoming a professional swimmer? IS kept repeating that she was his greatest fan in 2008 (and friend zoned him 😂). Just like she is now. That hasn’t changed. What he did have was his father, and his best friend In Hyuk in his corner. So I feel like what needs to shift are those people in his life for him to choose life in 2023. In 2023, In Hyuk was enraged that SJ made the decision to retire without consulting the band members and he had to hear it from their manager (?). Their relationship was so good back in high school? What caused it to deteriorate so badly that SJ couldn’t even bring himself to talk about his disappointments, anxiety to In Hyuk? Same with his dad.

    @Arishi @Fern yeah. That’s why I say it sucks for SJ. With all those additional moments because of the time travel, the hugs, the kiss etc, for her to say over the phone “who?” when he was deliberately trying to jog her memory by repeating his name SLOWLY over the phone…Ryu (pause) Sun (pause) Jae. 🙄😕, that would’ve hurt big time. TS said it right when he thought she had a split personality 😂😂. Because to those closest to her with the time travel interactions that would appear to be the case.

    It would be nice if right at the end we get a chronological time line before time travel and then one which includes all the time travels merged.

  144. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    About the bridge scene:
    Yes. We have no clear indications if SJ had met T2 and T3 IS yet, however all we see him remembering was her anguish after the accident. I felt that if he’d met T2 and T3 IS, his memories would have been more positive.
    = = =
    About IS shouting at SJ scenes, here is a paragraph from my notes as I watched/re-watched:

    There were at least 2 times when T1 IS is shown to have shouted at her saviour. The first immediately after she’d been saved, and the 2nd time perhaps later when she’d known he was outside her room. She had smashed a glass in his direction, and shouted at him. But she’d never seen his face.

    I take these occasions as being a few days apart in time, as the injury on her cheek is evident in both. However, if these are flashback memories by Im Sol, then the situation might be very different! We might have been shown 2 timelines in which SJ rescued her and in which she was angry with him for saving her. But this adds a further complication since we do not know of yet another timeline where she lost the use of her legs.

    She remembers this after he saves her from drowning and upon recalling how she’d behaved towards her saviour, she asks herself: “Was it my memory that I lost? Or was it you?”

    The answer, of course, is both. Or at that time, she did not care to know her saviour, and hence had lost the chance to know SJ better in T1. We do not know why or how SJ died, but the pity is that if only she’d been grateful to be alive then, SJ might have been that much less depressed. If only she’d gotten round to thanking him then and gotten to know him, he might have been less lonely. She does say to herself when she finds the photo in her old diary, that if only she’d remembered SJ the night he died, he might have still been alive. However, she had been T1 Im Sol that night, hence she’d never have had those memories.

    So I agree with @nrllee that one message of this Show is to not delay in being thankful or caring, in showing it, in making that call or sending that letter. We never know what a difference it would have made if we’d reached out first.

    Similarly, the whole concept of confessing one’s love at the right time… it brings in unnecessary delay when knowing this earlier would have changed things for IS and SJ.

    Now that T3 IS remembers that SJ had been the one to save her before, she’s beside herself with chagrin that she’d been so ungrateful.
    = = =
    About the candy:
    Hospital scene – SJ was in hospital because of his shoulder injury but IS did not visit him. Instead IS left loads of food for him to share, like a true fan. Among the food were the candies. He kept waiting around to meet her, but she managed to slip in with food without encountering him. (I wonder why she was so embarrassed to meet him!)

    Bridge scene – here time was linear ie SJ met IS, received the candy in a jar, was holding it in his hands in his own car as he followed her home. He watched that she got home safely and then left.

  145. Another thought I had Is that the scene where he expresses ambivalence about quitting swimming, I think it was the locker scene room where he is crying, Might foreshadow a resolution Regarding his wanting to quit being an idol. With The right understanding and support, perhaps he really would prefer to continue as an idol.

  146. @GB I don’t understand why you are saying that we do not have clear evidence in the scene on the bridge That He has not met T2. I thought the candy jar was telling us that he had met her.

    I am making an assumption that the original SJ Has only been In the show when he was falling in love with her as in the yellow burst scene. Because of that assumption, I don’t understand why others are saying that her traveling back in time has had negative effects. To me, We have no idea what would have happened otherwise.

  147. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @nrllee, I understand what you mean about being stuck with the clueless IS. My thought was that fortunately, the time jump does not seem to result in the true-blue time loop: the kind where a person has to relive the exact same events from the same point in time, over and over again. At least the clueless IS will be in a different situation each time rather than repeating the situation.

    So far, any repeat events are shown to us only as memories and are not complete duplicates or loops in time. Also, T3 or T4 IS will hopefully intervene in 2009 so that SJ does not only have T1 IS to hurt him.

    What or when the time jumps seem to bring our characters is to a forward moment in time compared to when they left off. Hence, in between jumps when IS is back in 2023, SJ will encounter T1 IS but in new and different situations than would have resulted partially or mostly because of T2 IS.

    For instance, the Tae Sung dating event would never have happened if T2 IS had not p*ssed of the ex-gf and impressed TS. TS would never have asked T1 IS to date him because she was not his type. However T2 IS had gotten under his skin and he wanted to make use of her to get rid of ex-gf.

    Im Sol will time jump back to 2008, but likely to a few days after the date when she’d left 2008. Hence SJ will have a respite from T1 IS.

    I’d like to think that enough changes would take place by the time 2009 comes around, so that circumstances will not be a replay of what we’ve seen. Perhaps by then, IS will have heard SJ’s confession on the MP3 recorder and can reciprocate.

    He managed to bounce back from his disappointment over losing his swimming career, possibly because In Hyuk and brought him along to the idol auditions and he’d been selected. He became preoccupied and busy, but perhaps he should have had a longer cooling off period in which he’d mourned the loss of his swimming career properly, before being plunged into new experiences that distracted him from grieving.

    That could be why he was as depressed as he was, especially after 15 years of non-stop work.

    Yes, I hope that In Hyuk, his dad and any other friends can be there for SJ, if he is stuck with T1 IS who only has eyes for TS. Perhaps the changes T2, T3 or T4 IS will bring about, are not that she can directly affect SJ, but she might influence In Hyuk or SJ’s dad to pay more attention to SJ’s mental health.

    And Yes!!! to having a coherent, chronological timeline, including all the jumps, laid out for us by the end of the show!

  148. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I was just saying to @nrllee that there’s no full time loop as in a complete do-over and over again of the same events, however there are partial loops.

    The candy is one of those things. Chicken or egg – which came first? Does 2023 IS give SJ candy because he likes it, not knowing that she had been the very one as T2 IS, to give it to him in 2008, thus getting him to like it? My guess is that he only liked the candy because the girl he liked gave it to him, on the day she was bursting with yellow. That was T1 IS, not yet T2 IS. She did not recognise that the ‘delivery man’ she’d passed 2 candies to was SJ.

    The candy jar in 2023 is also given by T1 IS. It does not give us evidence that he has met T2 IS yet.

    The negative effects that IM brings when she time jumps is that she inadvertently, emotionally attached SJ to herself more and more deeply. Hence each time she is replaced by T1 IS who reject him, he is that much more deeply hurt as well.

    Also, her care for SJ has been as a fan, … not as a love interest, hence when he was trying to tell her that he did not want her to be his fan, she interrupted him to say she’d be his friend. That was more hurtful for him, because when he’s friend-zoned, it’s clear that she does not have romantic feelings for him. He got over that, however when In Hyuk pointed out that she had not rejected him (yet).

    But we all know what happened after the confession to a drunken IS. She forgot all about the confession and the kiss. Poor SJ.

  149. I am confused about the scene When She gives him the candy jar after his surgery. I thought that was IS2. I remember she gives him single candies in the original timeline. That is why I am thinking the jar of candy’s reflects his knowledge of T2. As someone else suggested, perhaps she had already gifted him.A jar of candies as a fan. Maybe he knows she has been a fan?

    I feel like I am trying to solve a mystery without all the evidence. Unfortunately, I cannot go out looking for more evidence.I have to wait a whole week as do all of us,! Or keep rewatching which is getting rather time consuming.

    I think once all the evidence is in We may Each of us have a different understanding from one another. We will see

  150. Talking about looking for more evidence.Is there a way to identify a preview?Which is not someone else’ Narrating a version of what is happening.

  151. If she Does not react angrily towards her savior
    As a subsequent version of Herself Then they may maintain a relationship or even have a romantic relationship from that point, Both scenarios could well change the future. Or at least he would not be as devestated and we May see a romantic reunion in the present.

    I agree that there is much more That could change in his relationships with other people that would improve his mental health. Perhaps the resilience that @arihsi Was referring to Will Be more likely to be present and he can have better relationships with others rather than closing himself off, Which I am assuming is part of why he is so isolated and not supported.

    So it may not be the accident itself that changes
    But her reaction to it.

  152. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, at the risk of confusing ourselves even more,… my thought as to why 2023 SJ had not as yet met T2 IS is based more on the fact that the photo had not yet appeared on the coffee table.

    Because time might not be linear… it does not matter that in 2008 T2 IS had already been a fan and he’d met her. Somehow when we meet SJ in 2023, the photo was not yet on the coffee table, until after 12 midnight, when IS time jumped. The reality of his past with T2 IS seems to only have caught up 1 or 2 minutes later, after he died.

    Now that brings on another thought … was it only because he died at 12 midnight that the time travel could begin? Henceforth, IS or the owner of the watch would be able to time jump but only at 12 midnight.

    This means (sadly) that no matter what, in 2023, IS will not meet SJ alive again unless she brings about the right series of changes from the past, that can help SJ stay alive.

  153. There may be another explanation for the photo turning up on the table. Perhaps he goes back into the room and takes the photo out to look at. Perhaps he has had it in his wallet for fifteen years.

    The way it reappears on the table, though, belies That theory. Also, it makes more sense that the photos that show up in her diary are newly there.Otherwise she probably would have known they were there.

  154. Hello, @Growing Beautifully et al. Just a few random theories here:

    I had initially assumed that IS gave SJ the jar of candies on the bridge as a fan gift only and that perhaps, as idols do, he had said in some interview that they are something he likes (but doesn’t give a reason.) If you look up idol specs online, you can find out all sorts of things – history, blood type, MBTI as well as likes and dislikes. This is just a simple theory of how she knew he liked that sort of sweet, so I’ll have to wait to see if it’s something like that.

    SO, if Im Sol will be in the 2008 accident whilst she is not completely 18, but in her 34 YO spiritual state (her halmeoni state as TS calls it), I think history might change so she would remember Sun Jae when she wakes in the hospital, *unless* she has the dissociative traumatic amnesia that @Arihsi mentioned before. So even if she can’t avoid her life-changing accident and may not remember him for years, she might recover from the amnesia by the point where he meets her at the bridge. Or she may be able to remember him at any point from waking in the hospital to ask after him and change things early on.

    This reminds me of the recovery from amnesia of the FL in the Jdorama First Love Hatsukoi – which occurred when she listened to a song on an old MP3 player. Such a great touch.

    I’m still wondering why SJ said he wanted to apologise to her. Was he feeling guilty for saving her when she didn’t want saving in the first place? And if she didn’t want to be saved, why not?

  155. @Fern my guess about IH’s cryptic statement about SJ being sorry is either
    1. As you surmised, saving her from the accident and thereby condemning her to a life sentence as a paraplegic. If we are to believe that his last encounter with her was when she was ranting about her “wasted” life now (a guilt that he would’ve carried with him with no resolution), then his chance encounter of her on the bridge in 2023 wound’ve brought all those memories back. Yes she looked dazed and teary (she always seemed to be crying when she saw him 😂) but she was still in the wheelchair…and stuck on the bridge…all alone. He wouldn’t have known that she was grateful to be alive and had wanted to thank him for saving her (as per her conversation with her mom folding laundry).
    2. That he never said he liked her back when he could. If this show is about what ifs, then we could also ask what if for him. IH kept telling him it’s all about timing when it comes to asking a girl out. Is it really? The best time is NOW. SJ had plenty of opportunities to actually say it but he kept putting it off. But who could blame his 17yo self for thinking that everything had to be just so for his confession? 😂.

    Somehow I don’t think we will get an IS that remembers SJ at the bridge. When she reverts back to original IS, she just has her 17yo self with her original memories and with memory lapses in the times that she’s time travelled. That’s why they got the shaman in for the exorcism ritual in time travel 2. IS was back to her 17yo self and seemed to have “lost her memories” and thought she was “possessed” for the 2 months prior (when she was 30+yo). She doesn’t remember anything in those 2 months. None of her interactions with SJ. She was 17yo IS again for 10 days in time until she time travelled again back to July2008. People encountering her would’ve gotten whiplash. Can you imagine poor SJ when she popped downstairs to see him again in time travel 2 and she gets a flashback of her 17yo self calling him a pervert after telling him she had a bf? Her 17yo self remembers him (he was not in his school uniform both times) as the delivery guy she gave candy to and the guy who borrows Basic Instinct (R rating) at the video store who then shows up at her doorstep again like a stalker all in black with a black cap with an ominous “Let’s talk” only to be met with her hitting him with her handbag and calling him a pervert. 😂😂😂 For him though, he remembers her as the IS who hugged him at the pool, had a cute lunch date with him and took the photos. So for him to get a reception like that would’ve been startling and confusing to say the least 😂😂😂.

  156. Another possibility is that someone will tell her In the present timeline. what happened In the past. Or the criminal Investigation will reveal something. Perhaps that will be when she goes back to a third trip to the past

  157. Maybe the scene that changes of him on the balcony and turning to look back when the doorbell rings relates to The time of his Death appearing to move earlier when she returns from her time travel. And this is somehow Connected to changes resulting from the Time travel. This may become important in a later episode.

  158. More conjecture

    About the watch(or watches) Perhaps his mother gave it to him or IS herself at a yet undisclosed time. Also I thought it odd that he just accepted the watch from her when they were on the bridge without much of a reaction but he may have just been too distracted by talk of death, ghosts and living together. When he goes home he is surprised that his watch is on his desk(as are we).

    I am still wondering if SJ died in the original timeline(or is in some cold dark place) after he rescued her. That is why I was wondering why others were thinking he is worse off from her time travel. Maybe her time travel allows him to rescue her without his dying. That makes me wonder how the scenes of her being angry at him fit in the timelines. I recognize that this is very speculative.

    About her anger at being saved After reviewing others’ comments I am also thinking that one of the themes of this show is to show you love or care for someone and to not wait. There is no perfect time as SJs friend scares him into thinking. On the other hand expressing anger could result in a situation where there is no opportunity to reconcile with the other and it could have long-term consequences. This is where I am thinking that if she does not express her anger when the Sept 1 accident occurs in one of the new timelines she may remain paralyzed but hold back her anger or at least modulate it( I can certainly understand why she is angry and expresses it inappropriately) and change the future this way.

    So I thank everyone for helping me untangle myself from the weeds,( as interesting as the time mechanics are) the themes are the broader picture.

    Only 1 day to go!

  159. @nrllee I firmly believe he has more role in the accident than just saving her. Maybe he feels sorry for being late ? Maybe feels bad for a bad decision that turned out in this outcome?

    But again, 15 years is a long arse time to feel so guilty.

    Whilst we are discussing the importance of “timing”,

    We must understand that she’s an 18 yo who now can’t use the restroom by herself. Her anger is extremely natural. She should have been given MORE time to mentally and physically recover. She tells SJ in ep 3 beginning after he rescues her from oncoming vehicle Ep 2 end

    “It was 15 years ago. I was in so much pain. But I don’t remember anything so maybe it was for the good.”

    She KNOWS she has Dissociative Amnesia.

    And we do see that she isn’t crazy. Once she’s mentally recovered, she wants to thank the one who saved her.

    SJ should have allowed her more time instead of plunging into despair. Love is about allowing more time sometimes. More time to heal, more time to come to terms with reality and you really gotta hold on when that ask for more time is valid. In Im Sol’s case, it is extremely valid.

  160. I forgot to tag @GB in above response. @GB I feel instead of deriving the misunderstanding that she isn’t thankful that he saved her and she’s “forced to live as a paraplegic”, he should have given her more time to recover.

    But he’s 19. I don’t blame him either.

  161. Ah @nrllee that Ryu (pause) Sun (pause) Jae (pause) followed by his defeated and quiet lowering of eyes made me want to cry fresh tears.

    The entire internet is united in crying for Sun Jae.

    Also, upon re-watch ep 1, just like @monmor, I felt my heartstrings pulled during the concert part. She right there Sun Jae ! Only a bit on the outside ! Cheering for you with all her might.

    This opening ep 1 was a very good decision for more than one reasons

    1) it made the CGI of vast audiences very convincing. If you had a real IS hanging around CGI audiences, it would have resulted in a bad effect. What happened to QoT in that wild boar scene. Both actors were real but boar was not. So resulting CGI was less than perfect.

    2) it showed that she is OUTSIDE of his sphere. She believes he’s out of reach like the stars but in reality, she doesn’t know what he’s going through.

    I felt even sadder during the whole sequence where they do repeated failed attempts to revive him because like IS, we the audience now know SJ as a PERSON.

    Before that as well, since I believe it’s IS ringing the doorbell, an “open the door, open the door” chant started in my head involuntarily.

  162. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank @Arihsi, yes I agree about giving both more time. Pity there was no counsellor or someone to help both parties. What I was putting into words might have been what torments Im Sol now that she remembers the past and knows the future. The way she embraced SJ and cried at the end of Ep 4, embodied her deep regret. It’s often the case of ‘if only I knew’. But all we have is what decision we can make and now.

    I like the analogy of IS being outside the stadium and still participating as fully as she could as a member of the audience. It’s the analogy of how even when they are together they cannot bridge that gap of not being able to share what they know and feel, because of the crack in time and memory. No matter if they were in the same space, they would remain somewhat separated by what they could not share.

    I noted that I was impressed by how much the production put into bringing in enough extras for the crowd outside the stadium, and into the Eclipse merchandise and marketing. It really looked like a full-blown concert of a thousand people.

    The debut song that SJ sang solo got me tearing up, now that I believe he’s speaking of IS in those lyrics (I posted it before). He met her as a summer shower and wanted it to last. He didn’t want their meeting to be just a drizzle. At the end of the song, it started to snow. IS said that SJ likes snow. It was at least a sufficiently lasting snow, since there was enough time for SJ to meet IS, speak with her and give her his umbrella. However we know that rain and snow can’t go on forever. They need to forge a relationship outside time and based less on things that come and go!

  163. Thanks everyone, I’m having so much fun enjoying this show with all of you!

    I’ve drawn a diagram of the timelines: https://pasteboard.co/XadmqaSdNNYF.png
    (Contains spoilers)

    For example:
    2008 T0 = original timeline
    2008 T1 = after IS’ 1st time jump
    2008 T2 = after IS’ 2nd time jump

    I think it’s really cool that IS in 2008 T2 can remember what her 19-year old self did during the 10-day gap between the first and second time jump (2008 T1) – events that did not occur in 2008 T0. For example, 2008 T1 IS planned TS’ birthday surprise and rebuffed SJ’s advances.

    The director revealed that we will see our leads as 20-year olds in college in the interview below (available in S Korea). Love auto-translate!

  164. Dear @Hana, thank you for that timeline. Colour coded and all! Brilliant.

    The link doesn’t work in the UK -, so I’ll look for it later on YouTube if that changes and thanks again. Darned Uploader.
    “Video unavailable
    The uploader has not made this video available in your country”

  165. @nrllee, thank you for your comments clarifying why Sun Jae may have asked for forgiveness. I was thinking it could also be that at some point she asks him to believe her about being from 15 years ahead, and that she otherwise is back to her normal 18 YO self who can’t remember, but he can’t or doesn’t believe her or understand at that point in time.

    –But yes, Sun Jae saving her is more likely to be the answer.

  166. @Fern I got the same message. However, I can help you out 😁

    Please find below an image that refers to them 20 and in University.


    It is a fan clicked photo. He looks SO SO happy that his eyes have disappeared. It’s going to hurt so bad if she forgets him after THIS.

    We are not out of the woods with respect to the accident as yet. Please refer to the link below


    We can differentiate between IS time travel based on her hairstyle.

    Original 18/19 YO IS – very weird short cut bang type style as in video for TS and where she’s shouting at SJ post accident.

    T2 and T3 IS – soul of 34 YO in 19 YO – Halmoni IS – smooth, nice bangs and flowy open hair

    The IS in University photo has same style in both the photo and the reel which are different from original style and T2/T3 style. The bangs are cut differently, longer and hair has waves.

    Thus, either it’s a T3 IS who has grown a bit or T4 IS with her last chance to go back. Her last chance will be climax so I don’t think this is the last chance.

    People of the internet are speculating that in THE accident, here in the reel


    Either SJ saves her in time or gets hit himself thus altering their entire life trajectory.

    Shall we have tea together over this @Fern ? 😜

  167. @Arihsi you’re probably right about there being more than just the guilt of saving her.

    How is it possible even without the time travel, that IS would NEVER have bumped into SJ next door? I mean…how could you miss a handsome face like that? 😂😂😂. And it’s not like he’s average height and would blend in a crowd? He towers above most people? 🤔. Pretty sure my 18-19yo self was checking out all the handsome dudes wherever I was. At the bus stop. Out shopping. Walking home. Delivery man. 😂😂😂 Even if I did have a crush on someone else, every other handsome dude would definitely have piqued my interest (no matter how slightly) 😂😂😂. And you can be sure that if I had a massive fan crush on a boyband member later in life, I would’ve remembered his face or having met him somewhere in the past before. Unless he’s had plastic surgery 😂😂😂

  168. Hee hee hee hee… But that has changed and in a BIG way for IS, isn’t it @nrllee… 😛

    Also, just like I think SJ’s guilt is not about saving IS with a disability, IS and SJ have a connection greater than a saviour and saviee (does such a word exist? Probably not)… Because of how SJ keeps expecting her to remember him.

  169. So what I thought was very speculative- His dying when he is rescuing her in the original timeline Is a speculation others have.

    About what he wants to apologize for. Could it be what@GB @fern and others Were getting at- That he did not ever have the courage to Contact her After the accident and her angry outburst Other than Using a radio show as a somewhat cowardly cover.

  170. @Arihsi, thank you very much for the links. If it’s he who gets the brunt of the car’s impact, I will have to swap tea for something stronger because it will seem that there is a horrible punishment for the time travel if all the result is to switch who gets the injury.

    @monmor, I didn’t intend at all to imply that Sun Jae wasn’t courageous enough to contact her after hearing her rants against him. Indeed, it may have been insensitive if he had, or asking for more hurt. I thought it was smart to use the radio show as a cover because he was instantly able to gauge her frame of mind. Also, we might find out that he tried to apologise, but was kept from contacting her directly by someone else. It could even have been her mother ‘protecting’ her, thinking that it would make things worse.

  171. @ GB I Was not clear about what I meant in putting it the way I did. I have vaguely formulated ideas that SJ Has backed away
    From interactions with others- That that is something he needs to change. Some of my evidence for that is that he did not push through and tell her that he liked her when they were out on their date. The deleted scene I posted above is where he does.Tell her and she thinks it is part of the word game they are playing Over lunch. Very funny! He does not clarify and I understand why he is not sure of himself.

    You are right, there may well be many reasons why.
    The two of them never talked after the traumatic incident.

    Following through with my theory about the way the past might change with her not expressing her anger so much is that he may also deal with her anger differently As someone else has suggested above, Maybe you, That he could have given it some time or a therapist might have helped.

    I am rushing off now to do those Saturday morning groceries. I hope my comment is clear.

  172. sorry that was for @Fern

    I agree with you that the radio show phone call was a good way to test the waters. He allowed it though to Keep him from Following up with saying what he wanted to say, As We find out in the present time line.

  173. @Fern I think BWS loves dying in dramas. He said so himself in an interview. He dies in both his breakthrough works.

    Taking the cab/taxi/car (not a TOD thank goodness) instead of IS would give him a chance to die twice in the same drama since he’s already died once in the present. It is like a golden opportunity for BWS… he’d be thrilled at the idea I’m sure.

    PS I get suspicious whenever I see leads wearing light coloured/all white tops or shirts in kdramas. It’s usually to enhance the appearance of blood loss.

  174. @arihsi fern He was wearing white clothing when he was running towards her in her memory on the bridge in the scene where she falls in the water. I was not sure if it was the same clothing as in the preview scene presented above.

  175. @monmor in this reel that I shared


    Sun Jae is wearing same white tshirt and a light white jacket as Sol’s original memory.

    This incident is different from the original incident because the TIME and PLACE of the incident has changed. This has happened due to Sol’s time travel. Just like her being hit by basketball, Sun Jae’s injury and fire to her house got changed coz of her time travel. Hitting by basketball and Sun Jae’s injury got delayed and place of incident changed whereas damage due to fire and her mother’s injury Sol could prevent.

    Similarly, the original fall in water and spinal injury of Sol took place near the pond. She still falls in Ep 4 at the pond but no injury and timely save by Sun Jae.

    Now, her the stage is STILL set for her accident in alternative timeline as we see in the reel. SJ is wearing same clothes he wears in the original timeline.
    But, just like Ji Hyuk intervenes in a definite “fate” handed to Ji Won at his own cost, Sun Jae might do the same alternating both their life trajectories.

    This would also transfer the causative onus and guilt to Im Sol.

    And what does THAT achieve my dear ladies ?

    Elimination of Sun Jae’s giant leap towards a dark mental space because of Im Sol’s accident that we’ve been discussing ! His 15 year long pining ! His unsaid (and undying) love to Im Sol which he could never confess! His guilt ! And ironically, Sol’s biggest success in preventing his descent into depression.

  176. All this in addition to BWS getting the opportunity to have his character die TWICE in the same drama.

    @Fern we can share whatever “stronger” beverage of your choice 😉

  177. @Arihsi, “This would transfer the causative onus and guilt to Im Sol.”
    I’m drinking coffee this morning in anticipation.

    So thinking of the timeline – if her accident happens during her 2nd visit and not on the last one, she will still have time to try something else — but what pressure on her!

  178. @Arihsi Fern

    This time it is the yellow umbrella that is lying open on the ground rather than the blue one in the first crossing scene where he rescues the time traveller Sol. I wonder if there is significance to this.

    The college age previews have me suspending my conjecture until there is more data. Tomorrow will come soon now.

    According to an alternative title Tomorrow’s Best I think we can look foward to a happy ending. With the posibility of infinte number of timelines anything can happen and we can still end up with a HEA just how are we going to get there??

  179. I was tryig to reassure myself but then remembered she only has 3 chances to change the timeline. Yes premonmorssure is on!

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