132 Comments On “Lovely Runner: Eps 7 & 8 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! I’ll probably sleep first and watch the Episode later.


    BTW, @pkml3 did you see my comment where I gave you the link to the next Rewatch Schedule?


  2. No, @GB. I didnโ€™t see the comment with link. Was it in the last โ€œNineโ€ thread?

  3. Hello! I will try to watch tonight’s episode. If I don’t comment, then I will enter on the thread when I will be able to do so… ๐ŸŒธ


    I enjoyed tonight ๐Ÿ™‚ work was rocky so really needed something that didn’t replicate real life. If you know what I mean @GB ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I like the story, the lack of unnecessary melodrama (so far but we’re almost half way through. fingers crossed they won’t wreck themselves) and I love both the leads.

    I love the absolute well meaning chaos that is Im Sol. She tries her hardest to be there for people she loves, be it family or be it Sun Jae. But she’s very chaotic ๐Ÿ˜„


  5. Now I have no theories about where the show is headed. I look forward to others thoughts after watching episode 7.

    I almost wish I had waited until tomorrow to watch the 2 together.

  6. It was a good episode. Let us see where this will head to…

  7. Spoilers episode 7.

    This episode has given me a better idea of how the time travel is handled. Im Sol can’t know how she arrived in her current job and life, but she seems pretty delighted with how things are going. Her reaction to her shoe collection was appropriate, right? I wonder how she will get up to speed with her job.

    It’s interesting that Sun Jae has an old-style flip travel clock in his watch collection. It seems to mean a lot to him. I guess we’ll learn later how he came to have it.

    We see that Tae Sung’s father brought Sun Jae to the reservoir in time to save Im Sol. But the watch time changes at that moment and she will remember nothing. The charges against the taxi driver won’t be as serious as the OG accident. He abducted her, but his intent isn’t clear and he didn’t injure her as in T0. Therefore, unless other charges from previous crimes were brought against him, he would be able to get released on parole after some time. I think Im Sol should try to find out his status.

    I’ll re-watch because there are some moments that weren’t clear to me on first viewing.

  8. More episode 7 spoilers:

    There are some things besides the taxi driver’s jail term (mentioned in my previous post) that seem to me to be either mysterious or ominous. What do you think?

    Grandmother may know that in another ‘universe’ Im Sol’s legs were hurt. She asks Im Sol to stay.

    Im Sol told her brother that if she hadn’t been hurt, he might still be an aspiring actor. (46.14) He replies, “A door closes and a door opens. There is no happiness without paying a price.” What is he referring to?

    The weather report at 49.58: “Today’s weather is expected to be sunny and clear. The high will be around 1 degree Celsius. In the east, the land is expected to get drier. There may be wind. Please make sure small flames do not turn into fire. Be safe when using indoor heaters. Take precaution against indoor fires.” This weather report seems to have gone on a tangent to include fire warnings, which seems notable. It can’t be a coincidence, right?

    So Im Sol no longer has the watch and she thinks this is the end of the story, but the watch still had one more trip back in history. I wonder who bid on the watch if not her? Will that person be sent back, or will it still be Im Sol?

    I liked how Sun Jae offered to take Im Sol out for a cup of tea in the middle of the night.

  9. @Fern your observations are on point. Additionally, I got scared with the dream sequence. More so because it was very sudden and unexpected.

    I think it’s Sol only who’ll travel again because

    1) The “dream”, is actually her memory. Just like she forgot about the accident in original timeline.

    And later she remembered the accident in bit and pieces which she then put together. Similar to that. Sol still doesn’t know how Sun Jae was involved in her original accident. We saw the whole thing from SJ’s perspective. If she knows SJ was ALSO attacked (and probably killed alongside her if he weren’t so athletic).

    SJ’s involvement is a complete blind spot for her ! She thinks he “saved” her, that’s all ! What she doesn’t know, she can’t change.

    Scary scary scary because the person in blue shirt to be thrown out of the glass window is obviously Sun Jae. How high is that window ?

    2) In current 2023 as of ep 7, Sol never reciprocated SJ’s affection. The photo he has is still of 15 years back. And only one. When Sol time travels again, they’ll be in University and she’s going to return his affection. Then, SJ also knows that she’s time travelled.

  10. The blue shirt out the window? Did I miss something?

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @pkml3
    Here’s the link…


    I’ve done up a schedule for the Rewatch of Signal. So far, the majority of regular rewatchers are fine with this, which includes a 2-week break. Please put this up for the Rewatch Thread of Signal. Many thanks!



  12. My sort of speculation, Sol will realise belatedly that it wasn’t a suicide but a murder. In the final try, she saves him successfully but isn’t able to avoid her own injury in the process. The “cause” is still SJ and she still gets hurt. The “price” she’ll pay for her happiness that is watching SJ be alive.

    I think what will change is her reaction to what happened. Instead of pushing him away, she’d hold him close. She also has a vast experience of handing disability and knowledge of how Sun Jae had loved her across time and possibilities. She’d deal with it better and it wouldn’t hold her back like before – similar to Twinkling Watermelon.

    Or it could go the MMH way where the future is totally different. We’ll see. But somehow I think this writer knows where she wants to go so far.

  13. @Arihsi I am joying reading your thoughts about this show.

    Would you be able to tell me what section of episode 7 The scene of the man in the blue shirt possibly going out a window happens?

  14. @Monmor 31.35 time stamp ep 7. You may want to reduce playback speed because it’s super fast.

    Sol says I don’t think I need to go back (in time) now. It’s all better now. It’s all good. And falls asleep.

    Begin super fast dream

    She’s tumbling around in some dilapidated building – SJ is running towards her in the same way as during accident of T0 – in the PoV his face is a blur but it’s him who else ๐Ÿ™„ – A fight similar to what we now know happened in T0 – SJ is thrown out of a window. The glass breaks and Sol wakes up.

  15. @Arihsi TY I do remember a brief sequence that I could not make sense of. That was probably it. I will have a look

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I was a ‘scaredy cat’ and FFD/skip watched the parts where I knew IS would get caught and had to escape. I’m surprised that she was caught in front of the taxi and not from behind! Was there an accomplice who grabbed her from the front?

    I found Episode 7 highly amusing after IS’s T3 return. I also noted the same scenes as yourself about how the original timeline memories might be with Granny who has dementia. I didn’t catch the part about the perpetrator’s jail sentence and whether he would be let out at this time in the show. What date is the concert now?

    So, we have an interesting change each time IS returns. She’s back some time after the clock time on which she left her timeline. Things that happened in T1 now have taken place later in her return from T3, like her getting abducted and the concert.

    And interesting too that some things stay similar. But it’s consistent. Just as in the past she was hit in the head by a ball regardless of when, so too now, she gets the job after the interview which she could not originally get, her phone is knocked out of her hand again, it snows again although it’s not supposed to.

    The important difference was the basket of yellow flowers and her name card. Loved the iconic meetings on that bridge. Once again, it’s the choice to go forwards or backwards. I trust that both IS and SJ want to go forwards towards more life-giving choices. There’s just that nasty matter of that supernatural watch whose button might get pressed by someone, some time!

    LOL I couldn’t get over how SJ was taking photos of his wet underwear to send to IS!!!!

    It’s not midnight but the wee hours in London, would you like to join me for a cuppa? โ˜•๐Ÿ˜„

  17. What an interesting thought that the grandmother may remember the original time line because she has been unable to make the new memories of the new timelines.

    I enjoyed the scene of the shoe closet and it looked to me like she stamped her feet wearing her new shoes, just the way Dorothy did in the wizard of oz.

  18. @Monmor my bet would be that this did not happen in T0 or T1 or current time (current timeline can’t be her “memory”).

    This happens in T2. Time traveller Sol avoids accident in her second time travel T2 and returns to present once the accident is avoided. But original Sol is still there. I think what we are shown happens to original Sol left in 2009 after time traveller Sol returns in the present.

    The dream is meant to show that the taxi driver is obsessed with her and attacks her multiple times. He is also obsessed with hurting SJ because of same twisted reason. It has happened BEFORE Sol. And it will happen again. History is repeating itself because the cause is not eliminated.

    Another clue for this is the new about indoor fires that @Fern mentioned we’re coming in news.

    Creepy. It’s very hard to save Sun Jae for Sol with so many blind spots. As @cleo says, the writer is cruel to Sol.

    My assumption – he dies again today. I’d be very surprised if that doesn’t happen but we’ll see. She watches him die again and again (the lack of elimination of true cause) because of which ultimately, she’ll be ready to trade her ultimate happiness as of now – which is being able to walk. She’d choose what she can go through and what she can’t – which is a world Sun Jae doesn’t exist in. If this happened, it’ll be a concious choice on her part. She consciously decides to save him.

  19. Can I join you guys @GB ? Tea flows in my veins ๐Ÿ˜…

  20. @GB I think they’re showing her overflowing happiness at being able to walk, drive a car etc because well. Then you’d know how much it meant to her when she traded it. I know it’s a pessimistic thought ๐Ÿ™Š

  21. My heart goes out to her because she doesn’t know SO many things !! When she returns to present, she doesn’t know what’s happening there. When she goes to past she doesn’t know what happening there. She has no clue how her actions will affect the future. And she has a legit terrible memory.

    Add to that so much indirect trauma – abduction 0.0 and 1.0 AND 2.0 (yet to happen – ref. Her “dream”), loosing her mobility, watching Sun Jae die again and again and not being able to stop it because she’s got the causality wrong, learning he’s loved her and pined for her all his life so belatedly, having zero control over her own future because of time travel etc etc etc.

    Even in the climax, I’m not sure exactly what she’ll remember. Her memory and her POV are extremely unreliable apart from her undying love for a certain Ryu (pause) Sun (pause) Jae (pause).

    Earlier, we thought the writer was cruel to Sun Jae because he pined for 15 years for her and lived with guilt for so long. But what about Sol ? She’s been dealt the worst hand. She watches as she’s unable to prevent SJ’s death 3 times over. (Original, T1, T2 (yet to happen)). Going through it once landed SJ in such depression. Sol goes through it again and again.

  22. I’m really enjoying this show and didn’t feel a need to comment until today’s episode because I have questions and budding theories(!)

    Because they showed the taxi driver glaring at SJ as he was arrested and then in the current time Sol asks about his jail sentence, I’m wondering if he will be the murderer… But then I get caught up trying to figure out if the taxi driver even saw SJ in the original timeline rescuing Sol, so why would he have had a grudge against him and murdered him in the original timeline [is that T0? or T1?]

    The other puzzling thing for me was the female(?) stalker in the white puffy jacket that looked just like the one that Sol was wearing. I hope this doesn’t dip into Marvel movie territory and get into alternative timelines, so that another version of Sol is the stalker.

    BTW, because it’s by the same writer, I’ve been going back through and skimming True Beauty, to see what the conflicts were (i.e., why the couple didn’t just get together in the first or second episode, what roadblocks were set up, etc.). I’m finding some of the same actors here. One of Ga-Young’s bullies is now her sister-in-law. SJ’s manager was the boyfriend of GY’s best friend. And, of course, Kim Hye-Yoon appeared briefly in one of the early episodes, as a meta-reference to Extraordinary You. It will be fun to see if anyone else from TB shows up here…

  23. I am expecting at one point, we’ll be shown Sun Jae’s perspective just like we were shown the accident T0 (I hope as his is the only reliable perspective around here)…

    His perspective cutting across timelines (including original T0) of being loved and treasured BY HER.

    The “what” she doesn’t remember well – half because of her terrible memory and half because of all the back and forth in time.

  24. @BethB welcome to the party ๐Ÿฅณ the alternative timeline co-existing sounds incredible but might get confusing because then do we have 2 of all characters? ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    Good catch with the TB characters! ๐Ÿ˜„

  25. Annyeong,

    EP 7 ~ my recap reactions

    In the bus. IS was napping and SJ didnโ€™t have the heart to wake her up. So he stayed and accompanied her. He was about to wake her up, but his bag was open and his stuff spilled on the floor. IS woke up and immediately exited the bus. ๐Ÿ˜ซ

    At the bus stop, IS almost went inside the taxi until she saw the rope and cutter on the floor. Omg but itโ€™s not over, next thing we see, sheโ€™s knocked out cold in the back of the taxi ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    SJ ran in the rain but by the time he reached the bus stop, IS is gone ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Meanwhile, in the taxi, IS was able to get away by using the cutter to cut herself loose. The villain *V* drove after her. SJ saw her and ran towards her. At the bridge, IS was relieved to see SJ but the V ran over her anyways and she fell on the water. SJ saw the Vโ€™s face as the taxi passed him by and then he jumped to the river to save IS.

    But itโ€™s not over, the V came back and tried to kill SJ coz heโ€™s a witness. SJโ€™s watch broke off. When the police came, the V tried to run away but SJ didnโ€™t let him. Whew!!!

    In the hospital, SJ was sobbing in a chair. ISโ€™s mom and his brother came running to the room passing him by. His watch says 9-1-2008 11:53pm.

    And then weโ€™re back to ISโ€™s 2nd journey back in time – we see her running towards the playground with her yellow umbrella when the taxi stopped in front of her and she saw the Vโ€™s face. She also heard the bells again. IS had a flashback of what happened on the bridge (ep7 first scene) so she realized that what happened to her is NOT AN ACCIDENT. She turned around but the V was all of a sudden in front of her ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    When SJ saw the yellow umbrella, he ran to ISโ€™s house and talked with her brother about her accident and he doesnโ€™t recall any.

    The V took IS to his house and IS pretended to be sleeping. Because of her memory of the accident (Ep7 first scene), she knew what to do to escape. This time she took the car keys. But the V has another vehicle !!! ๐Ÿคฌ IS went away from the road.

    SJ took a taxi and went to the reservoir and proceeded to the police station and the cop was reminded of ISโ€™s request. By the time IS reached the reservoir, SJ and the cop were already there. IS saw SJ running towards her and then she went down in exhaustion -feeling helpless and we think sheโ€™s gonna get hit!!! when another car cut in front of her and the V drove past them like nothing ๐Ÿ˜“ IS is alive!!!!

    We see IS in the Joseon era outfit. ???

    Meanwhile the ISv1 feels lost and does not recognize SJ. She looks at the keys in her hand. Then she faints.

    Back to IS in her Joseon era outfitโ€ฆ we find that sheโ€™s actually in a movie set!!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ back in 2023. And she realized her fate changed and she can walk. And she got the job she wanted ๐Ÿคฉ Then she remembered SJ running. She googles him and was happy that heโ€™s alive. Then she remembered their time capsule date. She went to the Han river bridge but heโ€™s not there. Next, she ran to the location but itโ€™s no longer there. Then we see SJ pass her by then entering his apartment. Somebody is in the bath tub. SJ enters the bathroom and make us think thereโ€™s a girl in there. Itโ€™s just his friend hahaha. SJ pulls him out by the ear ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

    A white puffer girl rings the bell and the security runs after her. She passes IS outside who is also wearing a white puffy hoody sweater. IS gets mistaken for the fan girl and taken to the police station. Omo but SJ doesnโ€™t press charges. But SJโ€™s assistant told him that the stalker works for the film company that handed him the โ€œheroโ€ script that SJ turned down.

    When IS reached her room, all her SJ merch disappeared. ๐Ÿ˜ญ she looks for the watch but couldnโ€™t find it. She figures she doesnโ€™t need it anymore. She falls asleep. When she wakes up, her grandma had painted her face like a bride (just like the first timeline). But now she can wear lovely high heels. ๐Ÿ‘  then her grandma also remembers when she was not able to walk and was stuck in a wheelchair ๐Ÿ˜ฑ she asked her mom what happened to the culprit and she confirmed he went to jail 14 yrs ago, not 15 yrs ago. ๐Ÿค”

    Her mom gave her the car keys and she was ecstatic she got her dream car ๐Ÿ˜„and she can drive ๐Ÿ˜. Too cute. Sheโ€™s full of life as she entered her office building and as she climbed the stairs. Itโ€™s basically like her first day haha. Her CEO wants her to meet SJ coz she really wants him casted. But then ISโ€™s BFF called her screaming coz her water broke and she canโ€™t reach anyone. Outside the building, IS accidentally bumps on SJ and he fell in the fountain . His assistant runs after her but she can only give him her business card. Omg. I feel like theyโ€™re having a hard time meeting up in this timeline.

    In the hospital, IS finds out the husband of her BFF is her brother. I knew it! They ended up together hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚ it only that, this is their 2nd baby. Sheโ€™s an aunty!! Haha

    SJโ€™s assistant sends her the expense for his wet clothes and IS couldnโ€™t believe the price so she thought he was a scammer ๐Ÿคฃ. Funny to see SJ getting miffed that he was caught taking pics of his wet clothes including the undies. Daebak

    We find that SJ still has their photo booth pic. IS is thankful that heโ€™s alive but sheโ€™s missing SJ ๐Ÿฅน

    IS in the police station regarding a restraining orders Omo. Thatโ€™s when she realized that the one she victimized was none other than SJ. She finds out their concert was delayed and so she went there without tickets. She contacted The assistant but he was no help. IS ended up outside again. And when she heard the song meant for her, she felt a pang in her heart.

    After the concert, it snowed and she dropped her phone like last time. So she goes to the bridge with her yellow umbrella. SJ saw her card and met her there. She walks to him and stretches her arms so that the umbrella covers his head. SJ asked her what she was doing there. She said โ€œIโ€™m waiting for youโ€. His assistant calls for him but IS stops him and wants them to be together tonight.

    Preview. Theyโ€™re together in his apartment. She liked him too then. Does she feel the same tonight?

  26. Yes surely itโ€™s more than a coincidence that the female stalker is part of the same fan club IS used to run.
    T2 IS isnโ€™t a fan of SJ any more in 2023! I wonder what happened. She needs to ask her family more questions.

    Has the old watch morphed into the fancy brown one?

    Late night cuppas are the best!

    And what a trusty yellow umbrella! They donโ€™t make them like they used to ๐Ÿ˜‚

  27. Kalimera,

    I don’t have much time to read you all. So, I am just going to write down my thoughts.

    Since, Episode 7 came out, some things became clearer for me. I think we are right about saying that Sun Jae was murdered back in Episode 1. I am talking about the Drama here and not the Webtoon.

    I think that the culprit of Im Sol’s accident is responsible for Sun Jae’s death. Since Sol is having a dream that is not a dream, but most likely is a memory then that means the culprit will target him. He had seen him being present with the Cop back in 2003.

    If I also remember correctly something @Arihsi said in a previous thread about the Webtoon’s plot, then does that mean that the murderer might be time traveling himself?

    For some reason, the person in the concert that knocked down Im Sol’s smartphone (twice) is not to be forgotten. He is a young man and I think that the Show has given us enough food for thought, from giving us tidbits here and there.

    The thing is that 14 years have passed from the incident. If the culprit is time traveling himself for some reason, he should be aging as Im Sol and Sun Jae following the Universe’s order. Only if he is a higher being, he could time travel without aging himself.

    There are some things to be noted: The Culprit’s built was not as tall as Sun Jae’s, when they were fighting in the Original Timeline. He was short.

    So, the man that knocked down Sol’s smartphone and the culprit cannot be the same person. Could that person be his son? Because the culprit was already in his 30s-40s back in 2009. 14 years later, he could be in his 50s.

    As for SJ’s stalker, Sol should ask for the CCTV video outside the building to show that she is indeed innocent.

    That’s all for now! Laters!

  28. @Arihsi, when the brother said “There’s no happiness without paying a price.” I got chills. She is SO happy now – living her dream – that something is bound to change.

    In a strange way, in RL I think that if the script ‘cured’ her of her disability it would be a disservice to people with disabilities. I’ve started the C-drama ‘Will Love in Spring’ in which the FL is a very capable person with a disability. Because it’s not a fantasy, it will show how she copes and how society reacts.

  29. Omo! Omo! Lovely Runner giving me what I want from BaekHong! ๐Ÿฅฐ



  30. @Cleopatra, I was thinking the same about the CCtv, but then when I looked at the scene again, both were wearing the same sort of jacket and jeans and the other woman had her face hidden, so unless it showed the two women colliding on the path, Im Sol still might be in trouble.

    And how strange that the sign was the same as the OG fan club slogan.

    I hope that the stalker isn’t time travelling, sort of like the evil shaman in Destined for You. I wonder when we will learn of the origin of the time travel. There must be an incident and a power that made it happen in the first place. I wonder if the grandmother is involved somehow. Maybe she is paying a price as well.

    @Hana, I can’t do late night cuppas anymore, unless it’s herbal. I would be pleasantly awake for ages. Yes, to the yellow umbrella! It is indeed her colour. The flowers in the basket, her winter scarf as well.

    @Growing Beautifully, there wasn’t a mention about the taxi driver/stalker’s prison sentence. I was just surmising that he would get released at some point and probably earlier than for the more complicated crime that he committed in T0. Being a drama, I might expect him to get out fairly soon. ๐Ÿคจ

  31. Omgggggg @agdr03

    *Falls off chair*

    For some reason, the Twitter link didn’t work for me. But “hellobungz” account is there on Instagram as well so I ran off there are goodness am I glad I did !

    If the Twitter link doesn’t work for anyone else but they are curious like me


    Thanks @agdr03… Work was eroding nerves.

  32. My heart rate has soared. Time for coffee. I couldn’t get the X to work either, so thank you both very much. @agdr03, you must be very happy.

  33. Quesion: is this already airing in Asia? How does that sort of video get around? Or was it leaked?

  34. @Fern I think the clue is that the kidnapper is jailed FOURTEEN years back. Not fifteen. If it was for abducting her on September 1, 2008 as original timeline and T2 as well, it should be FIFTEEN years back.

    Also, Sol didn’t talk about her accident. The September 1 T2 abduction was not so traumatic because she was saved in time.

    What she doesn’t talk about is YET to happen for us viewers. It’ll happen in her third time travel. It’s the abduction in the dream where SJ gets thrown out of the window.

    @cleo I mentioned that in the webtoon the watch belongs to a creepy character. The webtoon is unfinished and original novel isn’t available in English so I have no idea really. In the drama the watch belongs to SJ.

    @Fern a time travelling killer is double as scary. It’ll be extra difficult for Sol to keep SJ safe since he doesn’t know either the killer or Sol’s time travels. SJ doesn’t time travel under any circumstances.

    However, the watch has only limited chances. Only 3 even for Sol. So, I’m hopeful that it won’t make the story too complicated.

  35. @Fern,

    If there is CCTV in the corridor and outside the building, they could see that two different people were in two different places. That’s what I am talking about.

    Sol was outside the building for some time, when the female stalker was inside the building and came out when the security guard was following her. Sol didn’t move a lot from her position. So, she could be cleared only from that.

  36. @Agdr03,

    I shouldn’t be watching this… O M O! o.O

  37. It’s on weibo @Fern. Unavailable in my region. People who have it available put it on insta. Usually Asian celebrities are pretty active there. I think it’s a leaked video because it’s nowhere on TvN official sites and it’s yet to air in Korea itself.

  38. @Arihsi,

    I do remember that part, but if that creep has supernatural powers, then he could change identities / bodies etc. Once, in 2009, he could be the culprit, then, in 2023, that man who bumped on Sol.

    Since, we don’t know how the time travel started, we do make assumptions!

  39. @Fern ! Re-watch the clip ! She notices glass shard scars on his hairline ! We are right!

  40. @Arihsi, I get it now. So during the years that current IS can’t remember, there was another abduction – in 2009 – that shows up in her dream, but she can’t remember actually, just as she can’t remember getting hired or that she has a car. Is that what you mean? Thanks.

    (I was a wee bit chuffed in a self-congratulatory way when the fan merch disappeared from IS’s room. I wonder if it will ever re-appear before the end of the drama or has it gone into the time travel bin.)

  41. That would be very scary @cleo. I’d skip that part or watch it with a squinted, half closed eye from under my blanket, shivering with a tea cup in my hand !

  42. I think what I like most about episode 7 is, when they met on the bridge, Sun Jae understands that it’s the right incarnation of Im Sol. It’s the one who remembers him, the one who protected him in High School, and not the T0 Im Sol.

    I think back to what made Sun Jae realise that she ‘dreamed’ things that would happen in the future. When he is looking for her after her ‘second’ abduction he speaks to her brother who said she was determined NOT to go out on that particular day. SJ has a flashback to what she said about him getting injured in the future in the arena. That came true. So he can really believe that something will happen to her at the reservoir.

  43. There are two new timepieces in the drama. One is the nice lady’s watch with roman numerals that Im Sol wears now. The other is the mysterious folding clock in Sun Jae’s collection. Hmmmm.

  44. @Arihsi,

    Regarding what you are saying with @Fern.

    This part she is staring to remember I think hasn’t happened yet. That’s why Sol will return into their university years. I think it is a premonition she has. If that had happened already, then she should have a scar or something her folks to talk about.

    Also, @Fern you are right about what her Oppa said to Sol when they were in the Hospital. I’ve got that feeling too. She will lose her ability to walk and yes I am watching “Will Love in Spring” and enjoying the plot for the reason you mentioned!

    Lastly, Halmeoni is the person who remembers because she has dementia. In a way, she knows that has happened, but had forgotten about it. That was another foreshadow for Sol losing her ability to walk.

  45. Yes @Fern. Sol can’t recollect it but just as current 2023 Sun Jae is not depressed, generally pretty okay, SJ and In Hyuk’s friendship is thriving (unlike T0)… All these changes you can see from Sol’s travels, his scars are also there in 2023 because that event has already happened for him.

    That’s why I want a full SJ PoV (like accident). Sol’s PoV is very unreliable narratively because she has giant gaps in memory due to her time travelling and generally having hard disk of a caterpillar. “Save Sun Jae.” is the only command that fits. No space to remember even her own love for him. Only Sun Jae can tell us how much Sol have loved and cared for him across the decades.

  46. That makes the two of us who feel this way @cleo. I think she’ll loose her ability to walk again too. But this time, just like SHE is the one to put an umbrella over Sun Jae, it’ll be her who’ll save him – and think the “price” was worth it too. The quintessential love story.

  47. @Arihsi,

    That was too obvious for me. Sol sheltered Sun Jae after her Second Time Travel, while in the Original Timeline, Sun Jae sheltered Sol. There are some scenes that are mirroring one another throught the show so far.

    Also, it was her yellow umbrella and not Sun Jae’s blue one.

    If Sun Jae remembers what happened in the past, he will clearly understand who Sol really is. Because the night of the abduction in 2009, she was carrying again that yellow umbrella. So, it is significant. To stir his memories of the past and of her.

  48. @Fern,

    My guess is that Sol’s mother gave that too him as token of gratitude or to make things more stirred. It was Sol’s Halmeoni for saving her granddaughter… *winks*

  49. The reel / all links disabled. It was a leaked video ๐Ÿ˜… TvN staff’s nerves must be eroded trying to damage control ๐Ÿ˜œ

  50. Oh, heavens. @agdr03, good work! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ Sorry for any who didn’t see it.

  51. I am trying to remember the last time.We saw one of the watches. Was it when he was in the waiting room in the hospital after the accident?


    Perhaps he has it Which would suggest he does the third time travel?

  52. You are all welcome Ladies! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a nice heart fluttering kiss. I can’t wait to see it again. And again. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I thought it was a good episode and yeah, the bridge scene at the end just made you feel for SJ and IS. That’s a great reason to get SJ to stay with you IS!!! LOL!!! I loved the way she blurted it out too. hahahah

    I might really end up becoming IS in real life and will have that ‘Let’s grab Sun Jae and Run!’ placard. LOL!!!

    I agree with you @Cleopatra, I thought there must be something about that man who made IS dropped her mobile at the concert in the different timelines. I believe Grandma remembers too about her disability.

    Also, I thought there was another person when IS was running away from the taxi. That’s how she got caught then.

  53. @agdr03,

    You are right about what you have written about another person. I thought the same too, but I have forgotten to mention it before! He was wearing black, while the taxi driver was wearing another color in his shirt.

    That man could be the man who made IS dropped her mobile phone in the different timelines. The thing is the following:

    The taxi driver saw twice Sun Jae in Sol’s incident, regarding the Original Timeline and then how it was played out in her 2nd Time Travel, but the man in black where was he? Is he only an accomplish? Or he comes and goes as he pleases?

  54. @Cleo, I havenโ€™t a clue where this other person came from.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03, @Cleo… that’s the one I asked about. He could be an accomplice but I wonder where he os later on. Yes, the taxi driver was behind her so who was the one in black in front of her? Lots more mystery to solve. And a time-machine watch to locate!

  56. @agdr03,

    I think we will find out. IF this man in black is the real culprit, then we will discover it…

  57. Unnie,

    I really didn’t have time to read your morning messages. I want to do so, when I won’t be in a hectic mode.

    I truly believe that the man in black in the abduction and the one who made Bom to dropped her smartphone to be the same person. Only then it makes sense!


    I feel so bad for Sol. It’s her love for a fragile mortal pitched against the impossible; the powers of fate, inevitability and time combined. No rules are known to her. Her memory is a quilt with huge gaps, and well. They meant it when they said she has a “herculean task”. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    The writer is cruel, but to Sol @cleo. Sun Jae gets his love all right. In fact he gets it 3 times over. He gets to have a love that will fight against powers of time again and again to save him.

  59. Is the time capsule lost forever? Or was SJ able to retrieve it when construction happened to the condo near it where he now lives? Did it contain the old square watch?

    SJ also had a white paper bag he brought in to the condo, in hyuk was curious about it.

    It is clear that IS injury was not accident and getting clearer that SJ death may be murder? There is a villain out there, even in T2 present (from IS dream). It can be the same villain who abducted IS but got paroled same day as the concert?

    Iโ€™ll be late in watching todayโ€™s episode. Will try to read you all later!

  60. I wondered about the capsule as well, @Janey. They buried it near the house but the area was re-developed. I was guessing that the paper bag contained the time capsule, but we don’t know.

    The last time I saw a watch was when SJ was holding one in TO outside of the ER waiting room. It looked like his watch, but it seemed broken in a way so it couldn’t be worn?

    Weird theories follow.
    My question is: did the watch that IS bid for actually belong to SJ or was it the same sort that belonged to someone else and got sold fraudulently as his watch? It may actually have belonged to someone else and the shaman person or someone else bad is trying to get it back. OR, if it belonged to Sun Jae, someone put a spell on it, for good or bad reasons and the shaman person or others are trying to get it back.

    The little folding clock looks vintage, the style is like something that might have come from the 60s or 70s pre-digital. It also looks like a good quality item, the sort of little travel clock that would have been bought at a good jeweler’s shop. But that’s just how it looks to me.

    A phone is also used as a watch these days (ahem, all of my family except me are allergic to watches.) Knocking a phone so it doesn’t work will also destroy a timepiece in a sense.

  61. We don’t need to worry about it @Fern and @Janey. The writer didn’t forget about it โค๏ธ

  62. You guys… You please watch the ep so that we can feel bad for Sol together like we did for Sun Jae. Girl is trying hard. Some may say she misses clues at times but it’s not for the lack of trying.

    Also, she wastes no time.

  63. @Arihsi,

    I will do so shortly!

    From what you are saying and implying, Sol didn’t save him in this timeline, right?

    Whenever we see an incident from another perspective, the recipient of cruelty changes…

    I will be prepared!


  64. @Arihsi,

    I will do so shortly!

    From what you are saying and implying, Sol didn’t save him in this timeline, right?

    Whenever we see an incident from another perspective, the recipient of cruelty changes…

    I will be prepared…!


  65. Oops. My comment got dublicated… ๐Ÿ˜”

  66. I am frustrated at the moment. We don’t get a preview for Episode 9 making it difficult with that plot twist!

    @Arihsi, it is hard for Sol, this time around. It was hard for Sun Jae in the between. As I have told before, the Creator of the Universe is cruel.

    I need to say though, that we are right and right again! LOL!

    And, that we get to see a glimpse of a face I wanted to see again!

  67. The video that all want to see again and again and @Agdr03 gave us in the morning:



  68. P.S. TVN drama has the preview for Episode 9 with no english subs and yes we have Time Travel No. 3 next week… o.O


  69. Oh, what a lot of funny and cute moments in this episode – until the end. Sun Jae practicing what he will say to Im Sol when they meet. And that standee that of course he hides in the bed. Pffffft.

  70. So why, oh why did Sun Jae open the door when he knew it wasn’t his manager? I guess we will get a replay next week with more details.

  71. EPISODE 8

    I like how this writer answers a lot of our questions and doesnโ€™t leave them hanging unanswered until episode 15/16. That means the pace of the show will hopefully stay brisk and things wonโ€™t drag out unnecessarily

    * The stalker is a runaway 7th grader not IS in another timeline (as I threw out as a crazy possibility)

    * The taxi driver IS already out of jail, still obsessed with SJ and IS for some unknown reason (maybe she didnโ€™t actually lose her phone in T0, but he stole it since he was already obsessed with her?)

    * The man who knocked ISโ€™s phone was the taxi driver

    * SJ saved the time capsule before it was lost to constructionโ€ฆ

  72. Thanks all for the warning, it helped me to prepare for the ending. I’m rooting for this couple so much! And yes I do want to see it again and again…


    I love that SJ went back for her whenever he was drunk. Flowers in hand. Would things have been different if he had continued to woo her over the past 15 years?

    What pills was SJ hiding from IS?

    And Tae Sung made an appearance! Did he time travel?

    Off to watch the “making” video…

  73. So happy for this episode until the ending happened.
    Ep 8 started as answer to my question on the time capsule! Yay, our guesses were right! The kisses were excellent! Appropriate for their age and for these 2 who have been pining for their beloved for 15 years. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Those giddy and happy smiles were fun to watch. But not for longโ€ฆ
    And TS is back even if very short. Missed him in ep7.
    But the villain is also back. Arghh! These lovers canโ€™t get a break. Cruel, cruel, cruel fate. For the last time slip, something has to be resolved about the villain.

  74. Annyeong,

    Ep 8 ~ recap n โ€ฆ

    June 2022. Before they remove the garden where our OTP buried the time capsule, in comes SJ with a shovel ready to dig it out.

    Jan 1 2023, SJ is on Han river bridge waiting for IS to show up- date set up 15 years ago. DS, his mngr, called him asking what heโ€™s doing? DS confirmed he got stood up for sure. In his apartment, he opened it and read ISโ€™s letterโ€ฆ thank you for being alive. Her gift to him is an old fashioned clock box โ€œpassing timeโ€.

    After the Concert, the same guy from the first timeline bumps ISโ€™s phone off. Itโ€™s the villain. Ugh!!๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    In the dressing room, SJ confirmed that it has been IS all along -the Bon Cinema employee and stalker all in one- who has been trying to see him. He ran outside but sheโ€™s not there. He remembered the other meeting place. When he saw the girl under the umbrella, he wasnโ€™t sure if itโ€™s IS so he called her phone. She turns around and ๐Ÿ˜ณ thereโ€™s SJ ๐Ÿ’•

    I love how quick minded IS was that she didnโ€™t realize how intimate her proposition is. I love how SJ went with it, got the car making him look like heโ€™s picking up and itโ€™s her car ๐Ÿคฉ

    So funny when they arrived at their destination, it is his fave hotel suite. She kept stopping SJ and finally said she doesnโ€™t mean SEXY night coz sheโ€™s kind of conservative HAHAHAH. Total misunderstanding coz SJ was actually taking her to the lounge bar ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿน๐Ÿธ hahaha

    They both lied about showing up at the bridge on NYโ€™s Eve. IS said she was ok even though they didnโ€™t get to open the time capsule because her wish had already come true.

    The night of the accident is the last time they saw each other. That night, she broke his heart.

    InHyuk calls SJ that itโ€™s all over social media that heโ€™s with a girl. SJ had to exit fast. IS didnโ€™t want to let him go. She wasnโ€™t giving up when she saw the huge umbrella- she grabbed SJ and used it to shield them. SJ saw his Mngr and he shoved him out LOL. This time, sheโ€™s driving. She takes him to his apartment. She made an excuse to use the bathroom. Funny when SJ was trying to hide the sexy anime life sized poster that IH left in his apartment ๐Ÿคฃ

    ISโ€™s mom and grandma had to leave their apartment due broken pipes. The villain is there. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Nooo itโ€™s Taesung. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    she calls IS that theyโ€™re going to his brotherโ€™s house. IS told them thatโ€™s shes with a man and sheโ€™s not going home. Her mom approves ๐Ÿ˜ณ SJ hears this and you hear his heart palpitates. He acts cool but the magz in his hand is upside down ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Itโ€™s only 130am, IS tries to kill time. ๐Ÿคช so she asked for a tour ๐Ÿคฃ. Sheโ€™s wow-ing all over – his closet, the painting, the view, even the fake plant ๐Ÿ˜ณ. Love it when SJ replies โ€œdwaeโ€ to her ideas ๐Ÿ˜„

    SJ prepares ramen for her. She notices her pill bottles. Good thing theyโ€™re just vitamins and supplements ๐Ÿ˜….

    Itโ€™s only 3am, She feigns sleep. She eventually told him the truth that she was afraid he will die if he leaves him alone tonight. Heโ€™s in no danger because heโ€™s not depressed. She gets up but SJ stops her and soup broth ruined her sweater top.

    He lends her his sweater top and lets her change in his bedroom until he remembers the time capsule. Why didnโ€™t he let her change in the bathroom?
    Funny how he tried to cover it with the blanket revealing the anime figure ๐Ÿ˜‚. He could have just hid it in the drawer. So cute how IS is so understanding but SJ keeps denying that it is his property haha ๐Ÿ˜† IS wanted to see it and their scuffle led them to an intimate position- just in time for IH to see them as he passes by. SJ hides IS in the closet.

    IH comes back with the Photo Booth pic of SJ and IS. Why is he not over her first love and has remained single all these time?? he reminds him of the times he got drunk and always ending up where IS used to live. 2012. 2014. 2019. Awww ๐Ÿ’”SJ ended up carrying IH in annoyance and dropping him in the tub ๐Ÿ˜†

    IS found the clock she put in the time capsule. ๐Ÿ˜ณ SJ takes IS home. We find out that the reason the OG IS stopped seeing him is due to the trauma of the night of the accident.

    Before SJ left her, IS confessed that she liked him too and sheโ€™s sorry for hurting him. IS proceeded to go to her apartment. It took awhile for SJ to follow. He ended up taking the stairs. He caught up with her at the door. He asked her โ€œwhat about now?โ€ IS couldnโ€™t answer. She pulled SJ inside the apartment. SJ bent down to kiss her but IS stopped. SJ looked disappointed. Then IS tiptoed to kiss him instead. Followed by another steamy kiss ๐Ÿ˜˜ IS let her purse drop to the floor as they continue to kiss. ๐Ÿ’‹ oooh lala. This makes up for all years he waited for her. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ I love their happy smiling faces afterwards. IS noticed the scar on SJโ€™s forehead. She touches it and SJ kisses her again. So cute.

    Then the security guy rang the bell and disrupted their kissing rhapsody LOL. SJ left with her yellow scarf and called him OPPA ๐Ÿ˜ his brother lol. As he left the parking lot, we see the villain sees him too ๐Ÿ˜ก

    That day, our OTP are acting infatuated. ISโ€™s reason behind the wind up clock box giftโ€” I hope that your time would keep going without stopping. ๐Ÿฅน SJ told her that all these time he felt time stopped and itโ€™s moving again now that theyโ€™ve reunited. ๐Ÿ˜

    After work, IS realized she left her car at his apt. She called SJ but he was in the shower. She was about to drive off when another car almost hit the stalker girl in front of her car. The girl ran and IS ran after her.

    SJ calls IS but she was too busy with the stalker girl. IS caught her and found out she was a runaway. She took her to a restaurant and fed her.

    SJ gets a call and mistook him for his manager? Coz the guy was asking for his room number??? His door bell ringsโ€ฆ and we are brought back to that night he fell off the balcony on EP 1.

    Meanwhile at the restaurant, the news broke that SJ has been attacked by the 2009 culprit. Nooooooo ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿฅต IS dropped the tin cup in her hand and in total shock fell on her knees. Waaaaaaah IS needs another time travel yo!!!

    No preview ๐Ÿซฃ

  75. @HK_Lady, thank you for the recap. I somehow missed Taesung and can go back.

    We get more foreshadowing: when Im Sol visits Hyun Joo in the maternity suite at the hospital, she asks her a hypothetical question. ‘If you could travel back in time, would you have married my brother?’ Hyun Joo thinks a bit then says she wouldn’t change anything because she has children now and loves them too much.

    I’m not sure it’s a response that helps Im Sol personally. She changes things in the past because it’s her chance to try to protect someone she loves. (But she will know not to interfere with Hyun Joo’s relationship if she returns, and maybe can tell the brother to ask her for money instead of doing a risky investment.)

    I wonder how the next time travel to the past will work? Only one more chance. Fate keeps cruelly switching the timings just a bit. An hour different, a day different. Just when she thinks things are safe and leaves, Sun Jae dies. How can a mortal cope with that?

    Sun Jae says he is fine, but it’s true that he didn’t tell her the contents of ALL of the pill bottles.

    We see in a flashback that Im Sol did thank Sun Jae after she got hurt and she says it’s too hard to see him because it just makes her remember. But she does it well, so he should understand. So my question is, is that the time traveller Im Sol saying this or the one who remembers nothing – the one who is left not knowing Sun Jae or remembering anything about the abduction in the 2nd time travel? And was the show saying that current Im Sol had a flashback, or was it just for our information because of what In Hyuk said about IS never thanking Sun Jae?

    Also, if the taxi driver was in jail for 14 years, not 15 as after the first time travel, does that mean that he got away the first time and struck again a year later? The only thing pointing to him is the keychain, because Im Sol remembers nothing of the abduction. He switched to driving a van at the time with a different key, so he may have been released for lack of evidence?

  76. Ooo @Fern I’m so glad I waited till your additional comments…

    My heart breaks for Sol. She’s the one who needs debriefing and counseling right now.

    She tries SO hard and her anxiety around his wellbeing is noticeably more than it was at first time travel.

    She anxiously waits on the bridge praying that he doesn’t come, right off the bat gets in to how are you doing? How are you feeling?, She doesn’t believe it when he says he’s fine and immediately gets into overthinking of whether he’s lying. Not only does she want to stick to him through the night anyhow, she gets anxious when she sees his medication. She wants him to sue all his stalkers and keeps asking him to let everyone around him know if he feels something is wrong EVEN after she feels the threat is past.

    What makes this a heartwarming watch is, Sun Jae gets her anxiety. He doesn’t call her crazy or write her off. He doesn’t question what she was doing for last 15 years. He calls her a bulldozer and takes her home, patiently explains that the rumours are not true. He shows her the medicines (something incredibly private), tells her he’ll call her, and tells her that he likes that she takes care of him. He doesn’t shut her out at all.

    She tells him… “I think you’ll die”. And his reaction is still measured. “Why do you think I’ll die?” He asks gently instead of making her feel that she’s lost her mind or that she has no right to ask all these questions given how he suffered after she ghosted him.

  77. I forgot to add, even in the heat of some fervent kissing, Sol notices he has scars on his hairline. Her smile immediately fades and he tries to distract her with some more kissing. She’s super anxious. Poor thing.

    About the medications, I’m a bit confused @Hana and @Fern. Did you folks notice that the famed glass cannister full of ultra famed white candy that T2 Sol gifted Sun Jae when he had shoulder surgery is lying right next to his medicine stash ?

    I’m not sure when he side eyes, Is he looking at that cannister and feeling weird that he has a container full of FIFTEEN year old candy ?

    Lots of people noticed that he doesn’t show all meds. So maybe you guys are right @Fern and @Hana. But if he doesn’t show it all, what could be the remaining – most likely something for depression/ insomnia given the story keeps mentioning it ?

    My guess would be, he doesn’t tell her because as I note above, he knows it’ll just skyrocket her anxiety. Touching, given they haven’t seen eachother in 15 years.

    We’ll come to know soon if he actually skipped some medicine purposefully. The writer has answered our questions so far, thank goodness.

  78. Now for some speculations… We’ve been right more than once now ! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

    Sol’s anxiety and the causative onus on herself for Sun Jae’s death is going to lead us to, brace yourselves ladies, the dreaded ***noble idiocyโ„ข๏ธ.

    She’ll love him in University days and gently let him down just before the time she returns to the present. She knows when that will be. She’s keenly aware that he’s loved her all his life thanks to In Hyuk and his love for bathing. She’s super anxious about his mental health as well. But I think she’ll let him know, and let him go. She’ll tell him not to wait for her.

    Anyway she gets really excited when she comes to know that he’s so loved by fans, keeps enticing anime women cutouts under his bedspread, gets lots of gifts etc. she’s the definition of non-toxic.

    I’ll add to the climax that we’ve been predicting…. Ah so much fun !

    She returns to the present after third time travel but this time unlike the previous two travels, she doesn’t approach Sun jae. Steers clear of him and doesn’t let him know who she is. The era of official noble idiocy. But she continues watching him keenly and looking out for the murderer. She’ll successfully predict his plan at the climax.

    The criminal gets away from jail or anyhow gets access to SJ. The third murder attempt of the taxi guy is going to be guns ! Because

    Car of doom / accident aka hot and run /drowning โœ…
    Stabbing โœ…

    Which leaves us with gun shots. Convenient as well if Sol has to put herself between him and harm’s way.

    I fully expect her to run hard since she is the “lovely runner” to take the bullets for him. And we’ll hear her justification, a description of her attempts to change his fate and her wishes for his long and happy life in voice over.

    A shocked SJ who’s somewhat put their history behind this time around (tho no love triangle) holds her and comes to know that he’s been loved all this while.


  79. @Arihsi, if there is a final fatality for either of them, then I quit. I could accept one of them becoming lame because that was the OG story.

    So how could he have the cannister of sweets if history has changed and the T2 bridge scene with her in the wheelchair hasn’t happened? Because he became fond of the sweets and kept buying them in the following years? Or was it in the time capsule, too? Or is there another wrinkle – perhaps he dreams the things that happened in timelines that have now disappeared?

    I feel that Sun Jae somehow understands that, in his experience, Sol goes in and out of a shared reality. Sometimes she knows him and other times she doesn’t. He does recall how other ‘dreams’ came true, so maybe he thinks she is somehow clairvoyant or something. He accepts that. When he greets her on the bridge, I think he knows right away that she is the Sol who shared many events with him.

    Sol tries desperately to stay with him through the night, although she plays for time until dawn by s-l-o-w-l-y having a house tour, asking for food and pretending to fall asleep. Lol. And still they end up in each other’s arms back at her house. They could have stayed in his place! ๐Ÿ˜‰ And then she could have told him to NOT answer the door. Lol.

    What about Tae Sung and his re-appearance? It will be interesting if/when he greets his halmeoni in her real state. He obviously wants to see her. I wonder why he took so long to look for her. Of course, we don’t know much about what happened in their years since they were all 19.

  80. @Fern, interesting that you should mention this.

    Couple of things here

    – This particular cannister was given to Sun jae at the time of his shoulder surgery in the hospital by T1 Sol. That is, Sol’s FIRST time travel. After his surgery, he kisses a drunk Sol by the pool. Sol returns to the present where Sun Jae is dead the next day.

    You’ll recall that Sun Jae STILL has this cannister in his bedroom when Sol goes for SECOND time travel. This T2 Sol sneaks into his bedroom to gift him books that help with depression. His surgery is already done, he has already recovered. Therefore Sun Jae already has this cannister.

    Now, Sol returns from her SECOND time travel into 2023 after her narrowly missed abduction/accident on September 1 2008.

    Pretty much like before, Sun Jae STILL has this cannister which T1 Sol gifted him in the FIRST time travel. It’s meant to show that all changes Sol is making in time travel are reflecting in Sun Jae’s life. Reason is, for him, time flows LINEARLY. No confusion.

    Same with his depression. Present Sun Jae of Ep 7-8 does not have depression because Sol prevented her accident in T2.

    TO and T1 Sun Jae had depression and insomnia (as shown by close up of pills both times) because Sol failed to prevent her accident and therefore his associated trauma. But T2 Sol prevents it and the SJ we return to in ep 7 is at a much better place mentally.

    But T2 Sol didn’t make any changes in events during her first travel around his shoulder injury. So he still has the cannister.

  81. By the same logic @Fern, he has scars on his forehead. He hasn’t removed his shirt till now because the show is keeping it for sort of a “revelation”. In Sol’s “dream”, he’s thrown out of the window and glass is everywhere. I’m sure we’ll soon get to know that he’s covered in scars.

    I don’t think anyone will die @fern. This is a guaranteed good ending/happy ending drama. The original novel also ends very well.

  82. Basically, time flows LINEARLY for Sun Jae and everyone else including Sol. She just travels back for short periods to avoid a specific event.

    Allow me to illustrate.

    Let’s think of it like a rail track. Sol knows where all an accident occurs so she tries to CHANGE the direction of the train of SJ’s life by switching tracks of the train. However, she can only do this after an accident had already occurred in a certain possibility of timeline. That possibility is destroyed once she changes the path of the train.

    SJ’s life journey reflects those changes in tracks but he’s unaware of all the previous possibilities where the accident occurs. Because he’s never travelled those paths. Those possibilities were destroyed by Sol’s interventions.

    Sol who travels back stations to change the path of his train is aware of all accidents that happened in all possibilities.

  83. Her being called a bulldozer is a meta reference to her movie “girl on a bulldozer”

  84. Okay, @Arihsi. I though it was the sweets she gave him on the bridge, not at the other times. So it makes sense now. But he doesn’t eat them, just keeps them for 15 years.

    Can’t wait for next week’s episodes.

  85. @Arihsi – I like your train analogy of SJ, interspersed with IS coming in and out of the station and changing his track. I admire SJโ€™s one-track heart in loving IS despite her erratic and seemingly โ€œbipolarโ€ personality due to the time travel. And maybe thatโ€™s the attraction, too. Even TS canโ€™t resist to fall for time traveller granny IS. IS exudes different energy when she time travels – more purposeful (but not necessarily mindful though), strong-minded bulldozer. I hope 3rd times the charm to make a difference in SJโ€™s life/death.

  86. Thanks @Fern and @Janey…

    My nerves (and blood vessels) are eroding more today that combined world erosion due to climate change. I hid in ladies room at work and watched reels of SJ and Sol’s silliness till I regained composure. Whoever tells tele wastes our time and reduces PRODUCTIVITY needs a reflection session.

    As a bonus of mindless scrolling, I saw BWS looking ultra fine in some event he attended recently.

    I’ll surely re-watch all the nice parts later. I’ll tinkle in if something catches the eye !

  87. Is there a heat wave where you are, @Arihsi?

    We have had a strangely cool spring and had snow at the end of March.

  88. Yes, definitely @Fern. It’s a tiny bit better where I am. But climate change is here and how. I travel a lot and everywhere it’s the same. Germany had some ridiculously windy days last month! It’s not normal !

    For me,

    I dream of rain.
    I dream of gardens in this concrete land.


    LR has been amazing in keeping up my morale because work has been eroding nerves and blood vessels as I write above. I await the next episodes eagerly too @Fern.

    Run Sol run. Achieve your target ! ๐Ÿ˜œ

  89. It rained ! Oh goodness. Finally! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ They are extremely late for my region but okay. I’ll write that I’m waiting for rains everyday on BoD ๐Ÿ˜› It a good omen it seems.

  90. Here on the east coast of canada we have had more rain in april than any other april ever. We never really had a winter. Yes the globe is in trouble.

  91. Howdy Ladies! Iโ€™ve watched episode 8 but Iโ€™ll rewatch later. I really liked it. ๐Ÿฅฐ

    Meanwhile, Sun Jae can dig up my โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..

    backyard anytime!!! ๐Ÿคฃ


  92. I love hearing all your thoughts and recaps!

    @agdr03 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    @arihsi this couple is definitely therapeutic.
    Cue “sudden shower” ๐ŸŽถ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESWcsKySnNs

    What a special song for our couple.
    The directors, actors and editors have done such a fabulous job. The kissing scene was executed so thoughtfully and expertly. Did anyone enjoy the behind the scenes video as much as I did?

    I did not notice the candy, thank you! hopefully that was all SJ was hiding.

  93. Peopleeesss

    Chaos follows Sol in all timelines ๐Ÿ˜œ

    She decides to walk the dreaded path of noble idiocyโ„ข๏ธ and avoid Sun Jae (because of the creepy cabbie killing him).

    BUT because she’s Sol, she lands straight into his arms, in a princess carry no less, as soon as she decides that ๐Ÿคฃ

    Omg ha ha ha. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ What fun !



    And what’s more ? It’s not some minor trip. She falls from a blooming statue. No wonder SJ has his hands full in all timelines and all possibilities.

    One has to toil continuously to keep her alive. ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜…

  94. @agdr03 I LOVED ep 8. Already re-watched โค๏ธ

    I’m ready to join you again for a re-watch of the re-watch ๐Ÿค—

  95. @Arihsi, IS on top of a statue reminder me of Kim Tae Riโ€™s photo in college. see link here for the picture.


    โ€œHer most well-known university tale? A photo of her โ€“ perched atop a lion statue when she was a student โ€“ went viral online. She eventually explained the story behind the snap in a V Live session in January, saying that, according to university legend, if someone successfully climbed onto the statue, they would be able to start dating someone on campus. But she said that wasnโ€™t her motivation โ€“ she made the climb simply because she could.โ€

    Maybe itโ€™s the same legend in their uni. But for Sol, the Time Machine made her do it. And she will โ€œdateโ€ in her college era. LOL!

  96. Ooo @Janey thank you for sharing!

    Most weird and strange things keep happening to uri Sol-ah. I can imagine why Sun Jae never forgot her even after many years. It’d be difficult to forget someone who appeared so scatter brained, klutzy and needing rescue every second day.

    In Sol’s defence, it is because she’s continuously brain storming her situation and where she is in space and time. More importantly, how to save Sun Jae-ya. Quote, “Do I die like this ? Oh no ! I need to save Sun Jae-ya before I die !” She has zero sense of self preservation because all of her brain capacity is occupied in thinking about another’s wellbeing. ๐Ÿ˜„

  97. @Arihsi, thanks for the clip.

    What a place to wake up in a time shift! Yes, absolutely. She appears ditzy because she is constantly trying to fix things when with Sun Jae. (Not to mention when in a job she doesn’t remember getting and anything else that may have changed after her train has changed tracks again.) I wonder if her statue climb was related to a superstition, like at Kim Tae Ri’s university?

    @agdr03, you had me spitting my morning coffee. Saucy!

  98. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03 Yeah, Sun Jae can dig up any part of my yard. Just as long as he’s within 10 meters of where I am, and I get to hang around to watch. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜

  99. @GB ! I was waiting for your take on ep 8… Did I miss it ?

  100. I am having difficulty reading this Thread. I find that anything In the comments that references future events in this drama such as Previews, References to webtoon or novel, or Photographs, spoils the episode for me.

    Any hint about what is going to happen sways me in some way when I go to watch the show And the drama loses its novelty and surprise factor.

    Of course, we all speculate and that is fine, but when the speculation is based on A preview, I do not feel that I can participate.

    I can see that others are enjoying this conversation. I will Check-in every once in a while but avoid watching or reading anything that might be a spoiler for me.

    Someone earlier in another thread was asking for rain. I do not want to rain on anyone’s parade.

  101. I think as a policy per se, the owner of this blog @pm3, does not mind discussions that involve what has happened in any episode or any preview or any speculation based on same. That’s the entire reason she opens threads for us. If @pm3 comes up with a policy for spoilers, I’d be happy to abide by it as I enjoy this community.

    Until then, if I alert the reader as to what the clip I’m sharing contains, I feel I have done the needful.

  102. I request @pm3 to please let us know her thoughts on it. Her opinion is the most important because ultimately, this is her space.

    I really do not want to worry whilst posting each and every time if I’d be offending anyone by mentioning what has happened in some tele show. It’d be best if the expectations are clear here.

    As I mentioned above, I’d be more than happy to abide by any rules or any policy. I want to continue being a part of the community here.

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Oh dear @Arihsi! You were? No, you didn’t miss anything of mine … I’ve been (and still am) pretty tied up and watched it in bits with much speeding up or skipping.

    On one hand, I thought with over 90 fun and insightful comments on this thread already, I could just lie low and read as and when I had time. On the other hand, I didn’t really want to repeat what’s been said already. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฅธ

    I will just say that I really loved all indications of SJ’s grand love for IS. He was like a homing pigeon, going to IS’s old home when drunk, even during the redevelopment of the area, and always with sunflowers or yellow flowers of some kind, missing her.

    I enjoyed again, this drama’s knack of giving viewers a Comedy of Misunderstandings that are contrived and yet rather well done.

    SJ gets all hot and bothered about IS staying the night, but he has to pretend he does not know this. So while IS is seriously asking him if she can have a tour or ramen, he’s seeing her asking in ‘aegyo’ style and he just can’t say ‘No’. LOL.

    Loved the misunderstanding about IS finding the scantily clad standee lying suggestibly in SJ’s bed. It’s precisely when IS protests her being most understanding about SJ’s needs that she misunderstands him the most. LOL.

    Thank heavens for In Hyuk’s barging in and mouthing off all the occasions of SJ’s lovelorn shenanigans, we finally have IS admitting that she liked him too.

    Loved how the two of them were giddy lovebirds for one day, and how SJ wanted to just dump everything and go to her. It is at least one more ‘memory’ that IS can now bring with her into her next timeline.


  104. I donโ€™t mind spoilers, @Arihsi. Iโ€™ve said this so many times already. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I donโ€™t mind theories, predictions, hypotheses, speculations, connections, guesswork, either. My โ€œFirst Impressionsโ€ are always full of these, anyway.

    Iโ€™d rather that we engage in critical dissection of the shows we love to watch (and itโ€™s okay to get some things wrong) than to just watch shows with idle minds and lazy eyes โ€” or worse! โ€” go with โ€œfeels.โ€

    If readers, posters, and lurkers find the spoilers troublesome, theyโ€™re free to skip the blog for a while.

    Weโ€™ll always be here.

  105. Are we back on the alternate 2023 timeline now, @GB?

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    Repetitions to Note:
    SJ says twice that IS just does not change at all. The thing is that this is truer than SJ knows because to IS, it is not 10 or 15 years that have passed… she’s the IS from yesterday that happened to have been in 2008 or 2009. She had jumped back into 2023 without remembering the intervening years. The person time had stopped for in this way was IS.

    I liked IS’s gift of โ€œtime that passes againโ€ and I feel that it’s something both of them need. Although IS gives her interpretation of this gift, there are a few ways of looking at it, and for more than one person.

    * One interpretation is that SJ does not die like before, but continues to live, so that he can pass the time alive.

    * The second interpretation is what I mentioned above about how IS never passed time but jumped it! Time had jumped back and forth for IS instead of passing normally. IS had gone back to 2008 twice instead of living with awareness the passage of her life into 2023.

    * Yet another interpretation is โ€˜time on repeatโ€™ – IS remembers making more than one pass over 2008. It could refer to the chance to re-live some parts of life, to go back in time, to make things right.

    * The most likely interpretation is that SJ’s time had stood still when he was in depression in 1 timeline, while in this one, he admits later that his time had stopped (I believe in his not getting past missing IS).

    * SJ was also living โ€˜time on repeatโ€™ โ€“ he had been looping back in space to IS’s old home, just to be back where he’d had some good times with IS. Loved how he had yellow flowers with him every time!

    Their conversation:
    IS: โ€œI wanted your time to keep flowing instead of stopping.”
    SJ: โ€œThatโ€™s odd. Now that I hear you say ‘that’, my time which was standing still until now is finally flowing properly.โ€ (So now he won’t be stuck in time, going back on repeat to IS’s old home).

    The gift of time that passes was the hope that they could move forward in time… (I add โ€˜alive and togetherโ€™!).

    And when it comes to โ€˜time on repeatโ€™, I really wish that time would pass for the Killer who returns for a re-run on IS or SJ’s life. Killer really needs to get a life of his own!

  107. To be clear I am not offended. I am also enjoying participating in this forum And value everyone’s contributions. I thought I would Express how I am Feeling so that I can continue to be a part of This particular thread.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, yes to the alternate timeline in 2023 in Ep 8. It’s super lovely until near the end.

    BTW please see my note to you on the amendments to be made for London and Athens time in the new Rewatch thread. They are one hour ahead (I think!!!) Thank you my dear!! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

  109. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I perfectly understand how you feel and it’s good that you do express it. I do avoid posts in between when I scan the threads, and don’t read further if I really don’t want to know what’s been said.

    Do come back after each episode and give us your take as well. The threads are all the richer for them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  110. Ok, I can begin watching it on the long drive tomorrow to the beach house. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope everything’s going well in your corner of the world. Isn’t it infernally hot right there now?


    Done, @GB. ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 Thanks! I just saw it after I posted above.

    Yes, the humidity is stultifying, the sun is in full force and the buildup of heat is broiling my brain … I know my electricity bill is going to go sky hight this month!!!

    Have a great break at the beach!! Do you still bring along some easy romances to read?

  112. You mean the chick-lit romance books? Not for a while now. And maybe not this weekend either. My hubby and I promised that we wouldnโ€™t bring work with us but itโ€™s election year this year so Washington DC is moreโ€ฆ whatโ€™s a diplomatic word here?โ€ฆ โ€œhecticโ€ than usual.

    Hey! Youโ€™re lucky you have electricity in Singapore. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Other places have rolling blackouts.

    Speaking of bills, I saw ours. You know, our biggest housing expense is not electricity, water, and gas (or utility services) but the internet/wifi/cable/phone/roaming service. ๐Ÿ˜“

  113. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, yes, I meant those books… the Georgette Heyer type. I’m struggling to read books (non-fiction) properly. I can only manage a few paragraphs before my mind is out somewhere else.

    True, true, I’m more fortunate that not only do I get constant and good electricity and wifi, but still somewhat affordable. I’ve gamely let the husband take care of wifi bills and mobile phone bills too, hence I don’t have actual figures in mind, but these are definitely not ‘cheap’.

    My commiserations over your ‘hectic’ times over there. I can look up, to some extent, how hectic they are from over here. Have a nice break and rest.

    Enjoy this show. It’s sweet and mildly frustrating at the same time. Girl thinks she has to save boy, and I guess she does at least once, but she has to be saved so many times herself!!! In the end it’s a case of whether girl can stay alive long enough to save the boy, … and when boy saves girl, he (and she) don’t realise that he’s likely endangering himself!

  114. Thank you @pm3. โค๏ธ

    Thank you @GB for sharing your thoughts. See ? You had the clock points which I hadn’t thought of at all ! Now I feel Sol is the one who’s most stuck here.

    I love your summary of Boy saves girl who thinks she must save the boy. I think the girl has realised now that him saving her is what leads to his demise. I expect her to work in that direction.

    We still have 8 episodes to go. I expect to see some other twists ? She’s already in her third and final time travel by ep 9. I expect conclusion of her success in saving Sun Jae in 2023 by end of ep 11/Max ep 12. It is certain that she will succeed otherwise the whole point of the drama/story is rendered moot. I’m curious as to what comes after ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Somehow, just like HI surviving her illness or not was not the final climax of QoT, I don’t think Sol’s success in saving SJ will be the focus of climax of LR. Reason being, it is already expected by the audience that she will.

  115. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, thanks for your kind words. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Adding on to the clock idea … I feel it’s significant that IS chose for SJ not another digital wristwatch run on batteries, but what looks more to me like a travel wind-up or mechanical clock. It will only tell time accurately each day if wound up properly the night before (I believe) and it’s in a protective case so that it can be safely stowed in luggage during travel.

    This gives me the idea that the clock could be a metaphor for the lives and the romance of our OTP. They cannot run like clockwork unless they take the time and make the effort to wind up the spring (mechanism?) regularly. It’s because they have each paused in their own way and not been winding their clocks, that their time and romance paused too.

    I’m happy to see that In Hyuk has relayed the SJ lovelorn news inadvertently to IS so that the clock winding gets underway.

    IS, with the knowledge of 2023 is the one who initiates the process, by giving the clock to SJ. In the same way that she gifted the clock to SJ, she has also gifted him with her presence/absence, concern, care.

    The winding up of the clock is carried out by SJ. He faithfully keeps on in his linear time, never knowing what to expect from IS in each period of his life. If not for the deliberate attacks on IS or SJ, the clock could have kept on ticking.

    If the original watch does not turn up, I wonder if the new means to time-jump might be IS’s clock. Perhaps as a travel clock, it can time-jump back with her?

  116. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, we can have more twisty twists between now and the end. After bringing us through three timelines, Show had better do a good wrap up in the present 2023-2024 when the time jumps should stop, both SJ and IS get saved, the Killer (and whoever else IS may be the accomplice, if any) gets apprehended, Tae Sung makes a proper comeback and the OTP with their families are also shown to us to continue on for the indeterminate future.

    The issue with Queen of Tears was that after many episodes where the OTP were apart or at odds with each other, the ending’s ‘happier’ interactions did not balance out the angsty ones. The viewers were waiting for the tears to end so that they could have proper closure with smiles and laughter, with the ensemble of families who had grown closer, together, but were instead not even shown the faces of the OTP. We were expected to be happy with the sight of just their feet walking and blur shots of an aged HW’s back and profile, and then death.

    That nullified all the buildup of expectation for a visually happy ending. At least the ending should have stopped with the OTP being alive. That writer believes in keeping couples apart in some form, and the only recourse to being together forever is after death. While I subscribe to that in real life, I don’t need it in a drama.

  117. @GB I think a happy ending was foreshadowed/predicted in the first episode when Sol’s grandma painted traditional bride’s red dots on her face while she was lying next to a pillow of Sun Jae!

  118. @GB I completely agree about QoT ending and use of hazy cinematography. Although I didn’t watch the drama per se, I kept up to date with what was going on and the general sentiments of the internet are exactly as yours.

    The pace and general feel of LR indicates that it wouldn’t have extended periods of angst. We’re already at ep 8 and even ep 9 promises to have elements of romance and hilarity.

    @BethB hear hear ! It’s a win win for all. BWS gets his wish of a record breaking multiple death(s) of his character in the same drama AND we get a true happy ending ๐Ÿ˜… The audiences would approach his future dramas with a lot of caution if he kept doing sad endings only.

  119. @bethb I love that! โค๏ธ

    Was the puffy coat stalker the same friend of Hanaโ€™s from episode 1?

  120. For my own viewing pleasure–because I love figuring out the mechanics of a drama–I’ve been rewatching the earlier episodes to try to figure out the timeline(s). There is a lot more to the show than first meets the eye!


    * The production designer/colorist has applied a primary color palette to the characters–their clothing and their surroundings:

    –Sol’s color is yellow: her umbrella, the pillow she’s first seen sleeping on in the present, the yellow scarf she wears to the concert on 12/31/22, the shaman’s platform she’s lying on when she enters T2. She also wears green a few times when she is with SJ.

    –SJ’s color is blue. Almost all the posters of him in Sol’s bedroom have a blue background; he wears a lot of blue jackets; he carries a blue umbrella. And, of course, he swims in a pool that is blue. When he is shown on 12/31/22 on his hotel balcony he is lit up with an eerie blue light.

    –When Sol and SJ are at the pool when she is drunk and he is making his first confession the blue pool and the blue room are lit up above with three or four windows showing a yellow light shining through. (I wonder if a colorist added this digitally?). The pool dividers also are yellow and red.

    –I’m not as sure about the color red: The shaman’s key ring is red. Tae Sung wears a lot of red jackets, or shirts with red on them (I hope that doesn’t mean that TS is going to turn out to be evil). There may be other red that I haven’t noticed?

    This color scheme may drop as the characters alter one another and the past/present, but it was fun to note it in the earlier episodes!

  121. (in regards to color) — I forgot to mention that when Sol is shown in the hospital room at the beginning of Ep1 there is almost no color in that room. It’s all gray and white. But in the next scene, on the day of the concert, the yellow has come back into her life.

  122. (more notes from my rewatching)


    As someone noted before, water is an important element to the show. Once you look for it, you see it in the significant moments.

    –the swimming pool(s)–SJ’s high school pool and his hotel pool
    –the reservoir where Sol’s accident takes place
    –the Han River where they meet on the bridge
    –the stream where Sol’s watch drops and which she crawls into to retrieve it, making her first timeline exit
    –the waterway sparkling in the background when SJ makes his second confession to Sol in the past
    –the unexpected rain on Sol’s first time travel entry (requiring the need for SJ’s umbrella)
    –the snow on 12/31/22

    I’m sure there are more!

  123. @Beth B, I really like the thought that when Sol was with Sun Jae at one point she wore green – a combination of blue and yellow on the colour wheel.

    Yes, a lot of water. Very good point.

  124. @Beth There were yellow daisy like flowers in the vaws before it broke, In the hospital room.

  125. @Monmor – and the flowers she brought Sun Jae for the January 15, 2023 concert were also yellow! She brings sunshine (Sol) into his life!

    I remembered two more bodies of water:
    โ€ข the fountain that Sol accidentally pushes SJ into (ultimately causing him to send her pics of his wet undies!);
    โ€ข the hot tub in SJ’s suite

  126. While working on the Timeline for the show, I first separated out the Timeline exit, entrance, and re-entry dates. I’ll update this list after her final time travel:

    TIMELINE EXIT AND ENTRANCES [with places noted]

    T0 = original timeline
    T1 = first time travel
    T2 – second time travel
    T3 – third time travel

    EN = entrance; Ex = Exit

    Exits from Timeline 0
    โ€ข 1st exit (Ep 1): 1/1/2023 12 am – [Sol in the stream after seeing news of SJ’s death]
    โ€ข 2nd exit (Ep 4)- 1/2/2023 12am–(or 1/3 — one or two days have passed) [Sol in her bedroom]
    โ€ข 3rd exit (hasn’t happened by 8th episode)

    Timeline 1 (lasts almost 2 months, according to Sol in T2)
    โ€ข T1/EN (Ep 1)- June 2008 [Sol in class]
    (month shown on her mom’s store calendar; could not find the exact day)
    โ€ข T1/Ex (Ep 3) – July 19, 2008– [Sol in front of school with Tae-Sung]
    (this date was given by Sol when she came back in Timeline 2 on 7/29/08–she said it had only been 10 days since she had been gone from the past)
    โ€ข T1/re-entry (Ep 4)- January 1, 2023, after 12am – Sol wakes up in hospital

    Timeline 2
    โ€ข T2/EN (Ep 4)- July 29, 2008 [Sol on shaman’s platform, at her house]
    (date shown on her cellphone)
    โ€ข T2/Ex (Ep 7)- September 1, 2008 – at scene of accident
    (accident date has been marked in her diary/calendar)
    โ€ข T2/re-entry (Ep 7) – alt/T January 1, 2023, 12am – Sol re-enters dressed in hanbok at Yongcheon Outdoor Set; runs off to find SJ at Han River bridge

    Timeline 3 [still to come]

  127. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @BethB,
    Thanks very much for noticing and putting down here, the colours associated with the leads, and especially for Im Sol’s Entrances and Exits on the Timelines. These will come in helpful when we want to figure out what SJ knows at different times as well. He seems to be on just the one timeline he’s always been on which sees IS change back and forth between the time traveled and the non-time traveled IS.

    We were conjecturing that the different coloured umbrellas could indicate the state of mind of the person carrying it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In any case, both IS herself and SJ associates her with yellow or yellow flowers. SJ carries yellow flowers constantly when he gets drunk and misses her. The most outstanding were the huge sunflowers that he held on to drunkenly while he called out her name.

    So, I guess, we are hoping the colours will merge by the end of this series? … We want to see yellow + blue = green in lots of clothes and props, by Episode 16, don’t we??? LOL

  128. Ooooo I love this colour analysis @BethB๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป

    And the list of how water is important in the show. I did notice it when the trailers came out. It rains a lot and they spend a lot of time near water and snow.

    Interestingly, many of these scenes were shot in the Korean winter (unlike the drama/story season which is summer). The actors were super cold during some of the shooting.

    @Fern had noted way back that it must feel wet and cold to be in the water for so long. Add to that peak of winter ! They’re literally shivering in spite of all the care by filming crew !



    I’d surely forget all the dialogues ๐Ÿ™„ I can’t bear even strong air-conditioning when I have to make important presentations. I carry light jackets everywhere. Planes, trains, board rooms, auditoriums… ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ I surely wouldn’t remember a single line if I’m this soaking wet without any winter gear in -20 c.

    Additions to the water scenes

    – Ep 2 end, when he saved her from being a roadkill. She’s standing in the middle of the road and he pulls her away from a car. It’s raining heavily and we discover that IS is SJ’s first love. A key moment in the drama.

  129. Also, the water IS sprayed from the garden hose to create a rainbow for SJ ๐ŸŒˆ

  130. I have rewatch the first 3 episodes.And here are some of my additional thoughts.

    Just how much the music Lyrics reflect the themes and emotions of the drama.

    How in the radio show scene SJ is offering her a metaphorical umbrella.

    Toenail cutting scene. Gross and sickening. I think it represents her spinal injury and her mother’s protective Response stopping the bleeding and wanting to paint her nails yellow.

    The vase that breaks is blue and the flowers in it are yellow. She also has blue on her hospital pajamas.

    I really feel for the mother and she mutters.Something about having had enough.

    This time I noticed that she had a s j With a lollipop pillow next to her during the wedding paint scene. Someone previously had noted this. I had the thought that the grandmother might have the watch in the present now.

    Does anyone know the reference to sam doo chul…? Part of the scene referring to hotel de.Luna.

    Some relevant lyrics here. Fly to the sun and round and round save me. Not sure exactly which scene but around the first meet on the bridge scene.

    I am thinking now that the SJ We meet
    In the radio scene and on the first bridge meet is the original SJ. That does make the show easier to understand. Particularly in the bridge scene, if it were another version of him he would be surprised to see her in a wheelchair. I would really like to know what others are thinking about this.

    How painful it is to be the last person to see someone before he or she Commits suicide.

    I think the light on the watch goes out at 11:33 So is this when he dies? Or when a certain event we do not know of yet happens relating to his death?

    I have now confirmed with my own eyes that it is probably the same person knocking her phone out of her hands In both timelines and that it is the malevolent cab driver from the past.

    I have learned some new korean- The words for ghost and hell.๐Ÿ™‚

  131. Thanks for this, @BethB!

    So do you think that she has 3 timelines (aka chances?) to correct the situation or that she’s allowed 3 exits/re-entry per timeline?

  132. Iโ€™m assuming she will be allowed three time travels because the watch originally had โ€œ3:00โ€ on it, and after her first time jump it said โ€œ2:00โ€. However, since she no longer seems to own the watch, I donโ€™t know if she will still be limited as to how many number of times she will go back, or if sheโ€™ll even be able to go back with that watch or if it will be something else (travel clock?!)

    One thing I noticed in re-watching the earlier episodes is that the travel/swim watch had been sitting in a box in her room. What may have animated it was that her grandmother took it out of the box and wore it while she was painting red circles on Solโ€™s face like a bride. Being in the water that night, as it had been when SJ swam with it, ultimately animated it as a time machine

    If she time jumps again in episode nine, as the previews have let us to believe, I donโ€™t know how the last few episodes will go. Sheโ€™s going to run out of the past to go back into!

Comments are closed.