Lovely Runner: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread

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134 Comments On “Lovely Runner: Eps 9 & 10 Open Thread”

  1. Kalo mesimeri @Packmule3 and Ladies!

    Let us see what it will happen tonight…!

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3!

    Hi @Cleo! I’m doing a super-fast revisit of Ep 8.

    LOL, I notice that IS is the queen of making very suggestive suggestions to SJ. In 2008 she said to him that she wanted to live with him. In Ep 8 she wants to spend the night with him. At least this time he does not hail a cab and run away, but he grabs her car and drives off with her. He’s all grown up now!!!

    I guess if we want to bother to list all the times IS looks or acts like she’s got a serious and improper crush on SJ, it’s a pretty long list!

  3. Thank you, @packmule3. I’m looking forward to tonight’s episode.

    @Growing Beautifully, yes, IS’s mouth works faster than her brain!

  4. Hi! I have a question, hopefully someone can help me clarify it. Is it really Byeon Woo-seok who sings the songs for the band “Eclipse” in the drama Lovely Runner, or is it another artist? Maybe it’s been answered before but I’ve been trying to figure this out and still haven’t found an answer. Thank you very much!

  5. @Key,

    Don’t know about the later episodes, but I think he sang his own songs in Ep 1.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Key, welcome to BOD and to this thread!

    Yes, Byeon Woo Seok sings the songs himself. From the sound of him, he could have chosen to be a singer. He started off modeling and moved into acting. I believe the earliest threads may have links to info on him.

  7. Hello @Key and welcome on BOD.

    If you check the first thread of the series, you will read comments where BWS indeed sings the songs himself. He took swimming and singing lessons before the show started.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hmmm nice one… instead of flowers or snow or rain we get fireflies. Yeah!

    Cryptic, what? Heheheheh!

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m glad to see the plot finally move. I was getting tired of the running.

    Remember to watch the epilogue.

    This time we get a preview.

  10. Tomorrow we will get Episode 10 and as it seems the incident will happen as well. If that is really happening so early, then what are they going to do for the remaining six episodes!?

  11. @packmule3 Thank you very much for your response. Yes! I’m referring to the first episode and the songs performed by Eclipse. Thank you very much for the clarification 😍😍

  12. @cleopatra @GB Thank you very much for the warm welcome 🤗 and thanks for clearing up the doubt I had. I felt like the voice sounded like his, but I wasn’t sure. I’ll check the comments on the first thread of the drama! Keep enjoying this lovely drama 😍 I haven’t watched today’s episode yet!! I’ll get to it after work 🤗

  13. Cryptic spoiler

    I loved the last few minutes of the MT trip. She knows she’s @GB’s Girl who needs to be saved by the Boy she wants to save and often. But she doesn’t WANT to be saved. Not at the cost of loosing him anyway. I daresay it was done beautifully by KHH. It moves SJ to tears although he doesn’t know the head or tail of what she’s talking about.

    I also liked the placement of actors. She’s placed on a higher plane than him. She’s begging him for the noble cause of protecting him at her own cost. Of course she must not be on her knees. Instead, she’s placed higher than him – her sacrifice being bigger. He gets murdered, he doesn’t sacrifice consciously. And to love her was his CHOICE. In no timeline did IS mislead him. But IS CHOOSES to put his welfare before her own consciously. And therefore, she begs from a higher plane.


    Earliest in the drama I and @cleo discussed that she can’t have it all. In this drama’s world, there is a “price” that she must pay. And that price is going to be her much cherished mobility. We’re surely moving in that direction. In T0 and T1 she was devastated that she lost her legs. In T3, she’d probably choose to pay the price rather than to loose Sun Jae for the blooming FORTH time. It’s too much for anyone to bear.

  14. @cleo I expected that we’ll be through by ep 11 with incident/aftermath back to 2023. Because that’s where they need to fall in love again as adults. This drama is following a set pattern of episodes – when the leads get together/ share intimacy, period of noble idiocy, following episode where the lead with noble idiocy is most likely to get in mortal peril (ep 11/12 for a 16 ep drama) etc.

    Also SJ is so far in complete dark regarding why Sol is loitering around in different timelines. He doesn’t know/ doesn’t remember that she loves him. He also doesn’t know/ doesn’t remember that he dies. And that Sol is a noble idiot. That discovery will surely take at least one ep.

    I’m curious as to what will be the climax.

  15. About the songs being sung by BWS himself, all songs under band “Eclipse” (which is fictional) on streaming apps, are done by him.

    The show did this right after Ep 1. All 4 songs together! This affirmed for me that he’s going to be a successful idol no matter what timeline.

    Another surprise is, BWS or the song “sudden shower” is actually charting on all domestic Korean music charts in Top 50/Top 100 which is ridiculous because he’s competing against actual singers/bands and actual musicians.

    Domestic Korean charts such as Bugs, Melon etc are geolocked and can’t be influenced by international streaming. They have a really interesting way of collecting data and count only UNIQUE listens.

    For example, I row to shallow island with @agdr03 and stream “sudden shower” throughout my 50 hours of trip… It’ll have zilch effect on the song’s charting because I’m not a unique listener after the first time.

    It’s super tough to be charting on those things. Not just me, the internet is surprised. Maybe he was born to be a singer like you say @GB. ❤️

    PS –

    I’m going to be implementing this UNIQUE human reach count (we don’t do anything remotely interesting as music) in real life work. It’ll be complicated but thats the real impact.

    Imagine conversation with boss. So where did you get this idea from ? Ummm… Korean Domestic Music charting? LoL LoL LOL 😂

  16. Episode 10 – kinda spoilers, but it has aired, so que sera, sera.

    Dear @Arihsi, good point about the high placement. Im Sol is above Sun Jae in several places in this episode: On the horse statue, when she gets caught by the snare trap, when she’s on her balcony at home overlooking his house, when she’s on the platform of the A-frame at the retreat and when he’s carrying her piggyback.

    *Did anyone notice why the camera lingered on her backpack at the last scene? I can’t figure it out. Is there something unusual about it? I know that Sun Jae later traced her because he found her backpack on 10 May 2009.

    Good ol’ flirty Taesung realises he has found his halmeoni again, but calls her Noona this time.

    So earlier, we have current time Im Sol saying that she wishes she had told Sun Jae that she missed him when he called. She thinks that might have saved him.

    Now that she is back in 2009, she is avoiding him thinking that it is the best solution. She has from March 2009 until 10 May 2009 to find a way to stop the murderer – to divert his attention to her without getting Sun Jae involved. Good blooming luck.

    **And how did the murderer know that the police were after him?

    P.S., I loved how Im Sol went into her ‘halmeoni’ mode about forced drinking at the retreat and scolded the upperclassman into retreat.

  17. Darn. Lost my comment.

    Episode 9. Spoilers sort of, but it has aired so que sera, sera.

    @Arihsi, very clever catch about Im Sol’s high placement. Thinking back, there are several places in episode 9 where she is higher than Sun Jae. She arrives back in time high on a horse statue (sort of like a general!), she is lifted by a snare trap at the retreat, she overlooks his house from her balcony/rooftop, she is up on the A-frame’s platform on the retreat, she is carried on his back.

    Flirty Sun Jae is back and perceives almost immediately that Im Sol is back in halmeoni mode. He is chuffed and is proud to show her that he is doing well.

    Do we need to comment on the Kiss at Kamp superstition? 😄

    Im Sol’s Gran certainly has some power over of knowledge of this situation. She was the one who kept the watch for IS.

    * SJ finds IS’s backpack on 10 May 2009. Is that why the camera lingered on it during the last scene? I couldn’t tell if there was something unusual about it.

    ** How did the murderer perceive that the police were looking for him after a year?

  18. Rant alert!!!

    I’m not done with the episode yet and I’m kinda frustrated why Im Sol is not being smart about this whole time travel and things happening again and again. Noted though she is smart to report out to police for the abduction. Evading SJ is not going to solve the problem. Previous time travels proved SJ will gravitate towards her. I stomping my feet why she can’t still get that – SJ will try to save her again and again. She is putting herself and SJ in unsafe situations that can get them killed (even without the killer). sorry, I can’t stand the stupidity of leaving the camp at night, alone. SJ is not even hounding her. WTH?
    It’s worse than noble idiocy. And she is 30+ yrs old here! With 3rd time travel experience. So impulsive and very emotional. I get it she realized she was the reason why SK got hurt. But she did not even find time to figure out why – because SJ was there one all incidence of her abduction and it’s so easy to figure out the perp saw him, too. And he’s famous in the future.

    Well, the fireflies are lost on me… what a waste! I’ll probably resume watching tomorrow with the other ep.

    Ok, rant over!!! ☺️

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Fern, @Arihsi, @Cleo, @MM, @Janey, @Key
    Despite a kind of weariness that came over me while watching Ep 9, I could not help but appreciate Sun Jae all the more after observing him. I added my thoughts in the Deep Dive thread:

    I’ve not much time so briefly:
    Taking a leaf from @Janey’s rant … I was tired by the ‘lovely running’ of Im Sol. She is in constant flight and panic mode, often shocked to see SJ, at a loss when accosted by him, continually impulsive, without the ability to pause … take in her surroundings … note where danger may lie and then decide carefully what to do.

    I wonder if she can still continue her normal way of doing things even after realising that it was her choices and lack of planning/inadvertent sleeping/foolish way of crossing the road/impulsiveness that led her into situations that threatened her life and SJ’s. Or does she not realise the full extent of the impact of her her choices even now?

    The other aspect that is yet to be dealt with … how is she to get on with her studies if in the jump back to 2009 she’s missing her classes and only thinks about avoiding SJ?

    The paradox of time jumps into the past remains. Which really came first? If SJ in the original timeline died because he was killed by the same killer who is after IS in the 3rd jump timeline, did that only happen because given the opportunity, IS had gone into 2008 twice. In the unhappy sort of loop back in time, did IS create the situation that she is trying to fix, and by fixing it is she making it better or worse. (Readers will notice that these questions do not end with a question mark.)

    So we come back to the mystery of that watch. Why should it be tied to SJ’s life? It seemed to blank out when he was sure to die (or died?) and came back on with a flash when or just before IS pressed it the first time. The first time IS had no choice in the matter. Subsequently, she chooses to return to ‘make things right,’ but perhaps she only delayed the inevitable.

    I will concede that IS has no way to have enough knowledge so as to make really good decisions, and that she’s entirely on her own and ‘doing her best’. But I deplore her running into wild boar territory, never seeing the warnings, or drinking that amount of alcohol when she should know better.

    I’m happy to see Tae Sung again. We know that he’ll have a part to play beyond being the 3rd wheel. If there might be an alternative to IS being saved without it killing SJ, Tae Sung might be the key to unlock it.

  20. Annyeong,

    EP 9 ~ recap n some some …

    IS goes to the hospital and sees SJ’s dad by the operating room doors. She stopped herself. She remembers the watch and her 3rd chance to rewind time. She looked for the watch online and in SJ’s apartment. He has lost the watch a long time ago. *I wonder if the villain found it??

    So IS was kidnapped in 9-1-2008 and it wasn’t reported. The guy held a grudge against SJ ever since 2009.

    IS met with the detective and read the report regarding the evening of May 10, 2009. SJ was a witness. He fought with the villain before the cops arrived. IS concluded that SJ died because of her. She found a picture of items considered as evidence and she wondered if they were returned to her. She frantically looked around making a mess until she found them on her grandma- she had them on!! Daebak! She was safe keeping it for her. I think she knows it’s significance for IS.

    IS finds herself back in 3/17/2009 on top of a horse statue LOL as a university student!!! She falls off the statue and all the guys rushes to save her except only one caught her – SJ 💕 she ran away without thanking him. She’s avoiding him coz she feels guilty.

    She went to the police and reported her abduction back in 2008 naming the culprit along with keychain. The delay was due to memory loss 😂 now that cares of the villain, she hopes.

    She ran into TaeSung and thought he was a bad guy again only to find he actually graduated HS 😂 IS is so proud. He even has a business now. TS noticed the Halmeoni IS is back. He calls her Noona now.

    SJ is in the same university and not in the band. But he’s learned a few chords enough to start writing the song “rain shower”. He also felt something different with the IS that he caught.

    IS has less than 2 months so that SJ and the villain doesn’t meet until May 10. IS has a bag of self defense stuff. Looks like her and TS exchanged bags though coz she ended up with TS’s dad’s underwear haha.

    For the Univ Communications retreat, IS finds herself in the same train as SJ. And staying in the same lodge as well 😁 she tries to escape the drinking games but got caught and ended up losing and dancing in front of SJ and the PE dept 🤣. She ran away in the dark forest and SJ followed her to save her from the wild boars. Instead, she got caught in a trap and SJ helped her get free. Funny when she finds herself hanging upside down. It seems she runs away only to find herself in the arms of SJ 😅 *release the fireflies 💕

    Back at the camp, IS gets drunk and finds herself outside at a tree house. She nearly fell and SJ was there of course to catch her. Tearfully, IS pleads for him to just think of himself and never mind her.

    Back in the eclipse band house, IH urges SJ to enter the contest with his song. He asked if he’s ever shared the song with anyone (like IS? Perhaps). He said no.

    Meanwhile, the cops follow the map that IS drew to locate the villains hideout. When they got there, the house is on fire 🔥😤

    Afraid that the villain will find her and SJ, IS tries to run away but SJ was waiting for him. When he gave her a piggy back ride, she was humming his song. She said she’s from the future. So he asked her how did she know the song that nobody has heard. Is she really from the future?

    Epilogue. When he was making her ride his back back at the retreat, they ended up kissing ** remember the legend? Where if anyone drunk kiss, they will get married but eventually divorce. NOOOOh!! Omg

    Preview – is SJ leaving for the US?

  21. @HK_Lady – I think the legend is that the people who kiss at the camp will marry. The only couple who divorced was because the guy kissed two women at the camp. He married the first, then divorced her to marry the second.

    [BTW I’m working on updating my Timeline of Exits and Entrances in the timelines, but couldn’t find a specific date for her re-entry in Timeline 3. The best I could come up with was around March 2, which would be the beginning of the semester for Yonsei U–did you see March 17 on the screen (maybe it wasn’t Arabic numerals?). Thanks for any clarification!]

  22. @GB and @Janey

    Allow me my two cents 🙈

    Sol isn’t exactly in love with Sun Jae the adult or Sun Jae the teen or Sun Jae the University freshman. 🙈

    The show should have shown Sun Jae from Sol’s POV by now – like they did briefly in ep 7 – Her appreciating him physically for a micro second when they were having a mini-scuffle on his bed.

    Similar to the Sun Jae POV that we’ve seen. Sol as a blasting ray of Sun, Sol as a Sleeping Beauty, drunk Sol, Sol in the spraying shower to show him a rainbow etc. We SEE and HEAR SJ falling in love (the 10 cm song, the sudden showers song).

    This isn’t true for Sol. Her song (Like a dream by minne playing in bgm since ep 1) is about loosing someone she was trying to save. “I call your name again and again while walking down the stairs of my memory”, “I remember your scent”… There is nothing on love.

    Sol is not moved by his physique, his money or his fame in past, present or future. She keeps watching him die and considers herself responsible for it.

    Contrast this with Hei in. There is no doubt in our heads that Hei in wasn’t just in love but found HW physically attractive too. That’s because of the portrayal of her cute reactions when she sees him in suits, sees him with a background blast of sunlight or sees him out of a shower.

    These type of scenes aren’t new to kdramas, are they ? We see them everywhere. But we are yet to see them here.

    For Sol the character of LR, a lot of what she does stems from guilt, sympathy and responsibility rather than love at least for now. There is no evidence that she’s physically attracted to SJ as well.

    The reason is, in her original timelines, she never loved him or at least she doesn’t remember loving him. She doesn’t mislead him either. Everyone knows she “dumped” him though I don’t know if that’s the right word since she never accepted his advances as a time traveller either – show makes this clear.

    She has no truckload of memories of admiring him. No memories of happy times with him or of loving him. She only remembers that he dies. And she was indirectly responsible for it. She doesn’t remember that their conversation in 2023 happened due to love. “I should’ve told him I missed him. then probably he wouldn’t have been hurt.” – she remembers only him being hurt and what she could have done to avoid it.


  23. Sol’s song –

    Translation of lyrics

    Because it’s not like my heart
    I eventually let go of it
    That night from back then comes to mind
    Walking up the stairs of memory
    When I call your name
    It seems to become clear again

    Did I wait for it?
    In the scattered time
    Your scent
    That suddenly approached me
    So it won’t disappear
    I won’t go far away
    I won’t let go of the hands I held tightly

    This moment right now is everything
    With you
    I might embrace you
    Be with you
    My everything.


    She does not remember loving him. The original title of this drama was “Time walking on memory.” Sol is building her memories as she goes whilst SJ has a whole lifetime of them.

  24. I don’t think Sol’s noble idiocy will continue in Ep 10. She’s already breaking under the constant pressure and anxiety of doing stuff that doesn’t result in his death in future, this being the last chance and all.

    I expect her to tell him. She’s already told him cryptically in Ep 9. She told him in ep 8. “I chased you because I thought you’ll die.” NOT I chased you home because I loved you. She doesn’t keep things from him.

    When she tells him, nothing would freeze and he’ll be able to hear her. Reason – in earlier ep (6 I think?) she scolds him for singing for her phone. She says he’ll have insomnia and depression so he shouldn’t care about people’s opinions. But time doesn’t stop because that not true anymore. She had changed the future.

    Similarly, in ep 8 when she tells him he might die today, time doesn’t stop because in reality, he was going to die the DAY AFTER 🙄

    She’ll tell him. And he’ll hear because the time won’t stop. The future has changed because Sol would avoid Sun Jae’s involvement in her accident.

    What’s more important is, she must build memories with him.

  25. @GB that alcohol was for SJ to figure out what he did at the end of ep 9. Without her blabbering, he’d have never figured it out properly and just doubted it 🙈 whilst it was a bad decision as an individual (it always is), I think it was necessary to move the story forward.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, we definitely needed the in vino veritas. I was losing patience. This is one case where the ‘protector’ is the one who constantly needs to be saved by the ‘protected’. With and without the time jumps, it looks like whether IS does nothing, and even if she does something to try to make things right, SJ would still fall in love with her, she would still be endangered in some way, and SJ would likely still be the one to save her. I was trying to think through how it might be if IS never had the chance to time jump, and it looks like ‘fate’ would still dictate events.

    Yes, she has changed the future enough so that what she knows of it might be different from what will be. I hope that she’ll try to tell him more of what she fears will happen. He needs more info too, in order to be safe, himself, as well as to keep IS safe.

    While previously Sol does not ‘remember’ loving SJ, I was thinking that this timeline’s IS after her 2023 kisses with SJ should know/remember that she loves him, even currently and in the future. It’s just that she does not use that as the reason for all the ‘saving SJ’ action that she takes, and because of how ‘young’ they were supposed to be, she does not tell him (at least when she’s sober. I guess she may not even when drunk.)

    Thanks for the lyrics of Sol’s Song. When was it played? Although most of it is ambiguous, presumably the part: “I might embrace you, be with you, my everything” is close to being an admission of love.

    However now presumably past their 19th year, they are considered legally adults, I wonder if she’ll admit to liking SJ as more than a fan and more than a friend, or whether she’ll hold back because she’s 33-34 yo and he’s maybe 20 yo.

  27. It plays all the time during IS PoV @GB. Right from ep 1 when she runs to him.

    An official release below with the exceptionally delicate looking singer Minnie.

    It also plays with the kiss in ep 8. I was surprised. No happy / romantic bgm was played but they chose this song ?

    The scene with bgm –

    They are playing a song describing how she wishes she’d remember him / how she forgot all about loving him WHEN she’s kissing him ? HA ! Talk about tragic.

  28. Episode 9 / Spoiler theories

    Dear All-Who-Posted-Overnight, thank you for your rants (justified), recaps and interpretations. @Beth B, I agree with your idea that Grandma has some sort of as yet unknown, mysterious link with the watch.

    @Growing Beautifully, I agree that fate will dictate events and they may change a little. The question is, will they change enough? For example, Sun Jae seems to be gravitating towards joining Eclipse and appearing on a talent show; I don’t really think he will go to America for an experimental surgery. So I wonder if this last time jump will be another fail? And if so, then it’s not in the time jumps but in the current time frame that Im Sol will have to find a way to save Sun Jae.

    The only way I can think to stop the killer is for the drama to eliminate him before he kills Sun Jae, but our protagonists can’t do that without justification/proof or else they are the ones who end up in jail.

    Looking forward to tonight’s episodes.

  29. @GB about the love, I think we’d come to know later that she’s loved him back through all timelines including T0. Trouble is, she doesn’t remember. Her hard disk resets either by accident, by trauma or her time jumps.

    She needs to start a diary like HI. She actually does have a diary. When is she going to read it ?

  30. K-pop tangent:

    @Arihsi, thank you for the clip of the OST sung by Minnie.

    I first saw her on a ‘talk/sing show called Lee Mujin Service – where she was the guest in the 01Ep. Her voice led me to look her up. Wikipedia says “Nicha Yontararak (Thai: ณิชา ยนตรรักษ์; born October 23, 1997), better known by her nickname and stage name Minnie (Korean: 민니; Thai: มินนี่), is a Thai singer, and actress based in South Korea.[1][2] She is a member of South Korean girl group (G)I-dle

  31. Kalimera @Arihsi et al,

    Since our Easter happened too, I can say that I will try to be more active.

    I agree with @Arihsi in most of what she had written, but I will like to pinpoint some things that are important to say about Sol.

    Sol never loved Sun Jae in the original timeline, she didn’t even remember that he saved her. She started being a fan after his words in that radio show.

    So, when Sol went back in her First Timetravel, she went there as a fan to save her Idol. During her time there between her First and Second Timetravel, she started to have feelings for Sun Jae herself, but it was her 34 y.o. self who did so.

    On the other hand, Sun Jae keep loving her since the beginning. In the Original Timeline from afar. When she returned from her Second Timetravel, she reciprocated his feelings because she had missed him and she wanted to come clear with him.

    As @Arihsi said, Sol wants to save him. In this 3rd Timetravel, she also has guilt that is palpable, because SunJae was injured because of her. This has bring her a lot of pain that the 20 y.o. Sun Jae cannot realize. He just thinks, she doesn’t love him / doesn’t want to be with him.

    For me a wake up call, will be the girl who is hitting Sun Jae and will be making Sol jealous and in a way Kim Tae Sung because his fate changed because of Sol.

    Lastly, @Arihsi, Sol is also in a pedestral by Sun Jae. She may be above him in order to make her sacrifice, but also for Sun Jae, she is someone he has to love and cherish from afar. So, this scene for me was crystal clear.

    Also, she accidentally kissed him. So, Sol will do the first move about them being together.

    As for the killer, I really think he is time travelling along with Sol.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, do you feel that she forgets that she loves him, but recalls that he will die or get hurt? So it’s selective forgetfulness?

  33. I’m overjoyed to have you join us @cleo 😃 I was missing your inputs!

    Yes ! This occured to me when he sets his Hut on fire.

    Eeeeeekkk a killer who follows her across time and space… So scary. I wonder why he is obsessed with her ? I think he’s the one who kills SJ in T0 as well.

    We haven’t seen much of the CEO yet either.

    I agree 💯 with you @cleo that SJ has no idea of the pain IS goes through.

    He keeps dying on her. IS sees his father grieving alone in both first time travel return and second time travel return each time. She watches as In Hyuk falls apart. She watches as he who had so much promise, was so famed, so talented and so loved by the masses perished because of her. And he didn’t even get to experience her love. He just pinned for 15 years and was murdered one day.

    No wonder she wants to push him away.

  34. @Fern yes that’s what I feel. The show keeps pushing this idea on us that original timeline Sol never loved SJ. She didn’t know him, “dumped him” once time traveller Sol returned to present, never acknowledged him etc. etc.

    However, I feel she forgets. Not selectively… We definitely know she forgets important stuff in T0 which the radio calling SJ wants her to remember. Same in ep 4 beginning. SJ sighs, “she doesn’t remember”. This doesn’t remember is T0 original Sol.

    In both original timeline (she looses her mobility ) and T2 altered timeline accident/abduction shown in ep 9, you can see the relief on her face when she sees SJ. In T2 she passes out when she sees him, presumably because she feels safe. Same happens in the accident she avoids in T2 timeline (ep 7 beginning). She passes out as soon as she’s with him…

    Same in ep 2. She’s on the road, he saves her… And as soon as she sees him, she looses her footing.

    There is something not revealed to us here I feel. It’s too consistent.

  35. And mind you, she might be scatter brained but she isn’t faint hearted.

    She doesn’t faint when SJ is in danger. She doesn’t faint when she sees the same trauma of watching him die again and again. In fact, she frantically springs into action.

  36. Hey @Arihsi!

    It is good to know that I am missed! 😊

    This time around, she is full of guilt and he cannot see past her wall. I think that Tae Sung will give perspective to Sun Jae about Sol.

    Regarding that you were writing to @Fern, Sol is at ease when Sun Jae is coming always for her, because deep inside in her soul, she remembers she loves him too. We could say they are meant to be together, even though they are not so far.

  37. @Cleopatra, I think that Tae Sung is important in this way, too. Even if he doesn’t completely understand why as well, he seems to have a better instinct for it than Sun Jae. Partially because Taesung is extra perceptive and clever but also perhaps because he is a bit more removed from Im Sol.

  38. @Fern,

    I totally agree with you. There is a pre-release clip that is out from TvN and the two boys are fighting over Sol. LOL!

    Also, Halmeoni is rooting for Sun Jae! So, in a way, Sol’s Halmeoni truly knows even though later on she forgets because of dementia and wants Sun Jae to be her future grandson in law…

  39. Now that you mention pre-release, there are some very interesting pre-release images up on both official insta of TvN and their website which might interest @GB and @Janey. We might see the end of Noble Idiocy™️ era !!


  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Arihsi, yay! Thanks for the link to the images. Loved those screenshots of the show. I liked all the intent staring, the smiling IS or smiling SJ. The adult SJ, the teen SJ, SJ in those nice clothes, all photos of SJ!!!

  41. Hi all! Isn’t this fun.

    I agree TS will help our leads. I think the brief glimpse we got of TS in episode 7 outside IS’ flat in 2023 must’ve been on the day the killer was released. He has been following her case and was looking out for her. He will be selfless too.

    How lucky is IS to be surrounded by these strapping, intelligent and selfless men!

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Cleo, I trust your Easter is great and holy! Do you also have 50 days of Easter?

    There were a couple of times that I felt the killer was also a time traveler, but I forget now what it was that gave me the idea. Perhaps he just seemed to know where to find IS each time or he just had some kind of prior knowledge that seemed strange.

    I also believe Tae Sung is important. It was he who helped put out the fire. Im Geum, Hyun Ju and IS didn’t know what to do but TS was capable. I look forward to seeing if he’ll be the one who set things on the right path when all others fail, or the one who sets SJ right with regards to IS or vice versa. Now that SJ has heard IS say that she’s from the future, if he and TS talk they can put 2-and-2 together. 🙂

  43. @BethB I think IS returned on 17th March 2009


    Hmm. *Takes deep breaths*. I’d come back once all of us have had a chance to view the drama because… DEEP breaths. I’ll be here maybe by tomorrow early morning GMT.

    It’s not disappointing. It’s just… Deep breaths.

    PS I’m glad you enjoyed the stills @GB.

  45. @Arihsi,

    So, the second confession is that intense? 😜

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, I might end up going into deep sleep… right now I’m doing big yawns. I’ll see if I manage to stay up to catch Ep 10 and hear your deep breaths or sighs or whatever form your deep intake of breath may take. 🥱😴🤤😪😮‍💨🫨😬

  47. Oh hee hee hee… So naughty of you @cleo. No ! I’m stressed! @GB you sleep please. Watch tomorrow. I’m very stressed.

    People watch dramas to get away from work. But these days you need work to recover from dramas 🙄

  48. @Arihsi

    I have read it on Soompi. It is out and about since this morning…

    Are you that stressed? What is going to happen to Episode 10 again? 😵‍💫

    P.S. You haven’t seen my naughty side, yet… 😜😂🤣

  49. @bethB, thanks for correcting me. guess i have to rewind. i really thought the drunk kiss means divorce. waaaah.

    the date 3/17/09 was the date when she looked at the watch before she entered the police station.

    @arihsi, i haven’t heard Sol’s song yet. i’m stuck with “sudden shower” LOL it’s on replay on my apple music ahhaha

  50. @cleo the confession “out and about” everywhere since morning is what is stressful. Ani wae ? Wae ? 😭

    No Noble Idiocy so at least we’re out of the woods with that.

  51. @Arihsi


  52. @cleo you through with watching?

    *Ugly cries like Sol*

    Family is convinced I’ve finally lost my marbles. They suspected long ago but not they’re sure. None of them watch k or any type – drama or music. So I rely upon BoDers to cry with me.

  53. *now they’re sure

    * K of any type.

    @HK_lady thank you for your trusty recaps. I’m going to need them next week. I am NOT risking it till I know what’s going on.

    I also liked “Sudden shower” a lot but now it’s just making it more stressful.

  54. @Arihsi,

    On Viki, it will be available for us in 31 minutes. Unfortunately, I got to see spoilers here and there… 😵‍💫

    I will let you know when I get to watch it… 🫤

    *pats you on the back*

  55. Thank you @cleo. *accepts pats but continues being upset*

    I don’t know how @HK_Lady will do a recap of that ! I’m not ready to discuss or theorize at all for the whole of next week 🤧🤧

  56. Sounds like a stronger drink than coffee is needed. I will watch in about 2 hours.

    Thank you for holding onto the suspense for all who haven’t seen it yet.

  57. All of us are of age here, thank goodness. Viewers of a tender age, look away now.

    I’m ready for anything in the alcoholic range @Fern. Nothing else will do. On the rocks is better. 🤧 Is it past 5 PM already in Britain? Then it’s an appropriate time to get inebriated. @GB would disapprove but ok.

  58. Things are changing rapidly… 🥺

  59. P.S. @Arihsi don’t be afraid. It won’t happen…

  60. Author @cleo to the rescue! ❤️What scared me was the last clip? The 2023 situation if you will. @cleo thoughts?

    ⚠️ Speculation on criminals

    There is speculation going on the internet that there are two criminals, not one. What ??? This comes from the camp of people who believe Sol is the only time traveller.

    But in contrast it could be what you suggested @cleo that the original murderer can time travel. So you’re kind of correct there that there are two entities, same individual with time travel or two different individuals without time travel. Very creepy.

  61. My dear @Arihsi,

    I figured it out, hence my comment before.

    I don’t want you to worry. Yes, things have changed again.

    Sun Jae might not be on Eclipse in the future. I also think that they will encounter the killer back in 2009. But things have changed in the past as well. Tae Sung is becoming more active in Sun Jae and Sol’s life.

    My theory so far is this:

    Sol’s halmeoni is also blaming herself about what had happened to Sol. We could say that she lost her mind literally because she was the one who said the address to the killer. So, she has dementia ?

    I believe that she is rooting for Sun Jae. Her interference when Sol’s mom was praizing TS is very interesting. Sol’s Halmeoni said good words only for Sun Jae.

    Also, she said: “We are all going to die.” I take this to be a foreshadowing of shorts. They all going to die, IF they won’t become partners against the killer.

    As expected by a lot of us, Tae Sung made Sun Jae to realize that Sol is indeed in love with him too. Also, that guy who talked about that kiss that didn’t happen. And Sun Jae for going to unearthed that time capsule and realized Sol’s fear.

    So, now that Sun Jae finally realized the truth, things in the future changed.

    Are they going to encounter the serial killer?

    Yes, that is not going to change. I truly believe that Sol might lose her mobility this time around. Sun Jae might be injured, that might happen. Is Tae Sung going to be involved? Yes, he will.

    I also don’t want TS to die, because I have read some theories about him sacrifising himself for Sol, instead of Sun Jae. If someone has to die, then that should be the culprit’s fate. Afterall, he needs to be punished somehow. He is an evil person.

    Sun Jae and Tae Sung will become best friends. Sun Jae might not become an Idol, but a PE and we should be prepared.

    I am not afraid we will have a sad ending. Afterall, they kissed in their first retreat so according to the legend they will get married!

    I do hope you are feeling better now @Arihsi!

  62. Unnie!

    We have Σαρακοστή / Sarakosti that means a period of 40 days from Clean Monday until the Sunday after Christ was ressurected. Yes, it was!

    I have discussed this with @Arihsi before and after Sol’s second time travel it became more apparent.

    The killer went to 2023 twice and bumped onto Sol that made her break her smartphone. The first time, she was in her wheel chair but the second time, she was standing and walking.

    Both times, happened AFTER the band’s concert.

    Both times, he went after Sun Jae met Sol to SJ’s hotel room. The first time, he pushed SJ from the balcony and the second time he hit him with his knife. Sun Jae was hit TWICE in that Hotel.

    But, what sealed the case for me, is that the killer the third time Sol time traveled, he put the hut on fire deliberately, because HE KNEW that they caught him for the evidence found inside the place!

    So, we have a man who targets Sol and Sun Jae, regardless WHEN in time repeatedly. At first, it was because Sun Jae saved Sol, but after that he just wants to finish the deed with Sol and punish Sun Jae for interrupting him from doing so.

    Now, that Tae Sung is also in the know. He will be involved as well. As I have written ton @Arihsi, I don’t want him to lose his life. I want them all in 2023 alive and kicking and being good friends!

  63. P.S.

    The more I think about it, the more I tend to believe that the scene with Halmeoni saying “We are all going to die” is actually a foreshadow for how the incident with the culprit will play out.

    Sol went to shut down the electricity switch, in order for Sun Jae and especially Tae Sung not to be electrocuted.

    Halmeoni was also there witnessing the thing.

    The 2009 incident after the Second Time Travel it was only Sol and Sun Jae. Sun Jae fought with the culprit too and he tried to choke him. Sun Jae also got the scar in his forehead.

    Now, we are actually in 2009 and it is Sol’s Third Time Travel. The Culprit is changing his Modus Operanti (MO) in the now 2009.

    We saw in Episode 11’s preview that the culprit is using a drug most likely a sedative, that I am pretty sure he actually used when he stabbed Sun Jae his second attempt, after Sol’s second time travel.

    So, @GB Unnie, if that is correct that means he is from the Future and he is coming back changing his MO to capture Sol this time around. He might even drug whoever comes into his way.

    @Arihsi speculates that he will use a gun this time around. I think he is not into guns, but knives. If Sol loses her mobility again that will happen because she will fall from above.

    That’s all for now… *winks*

  64. Episode 10 Spoilers:

    What an interesting episode. I may be in the minority, but I kinda miss the idea of Sun Jae being a K-pop star. If he doesn’t go to rehab and doesn’t join eclipse, what will he do?

    Yeah, Grandma is team Sun Jae.

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    EPISODE 11

    SPOILERS of course

    I woke up, made a more complicated breakfast and then watched the episode. Yes!!! That’s what I was kind of hoping for in the previous episode … give the guy enough information and you can be a team to keep each other safe. IS was bungling about on her own for far too long!

    The timing was right for the revelation. What would we have done without great coincidences in dramas! SJ would have never checked on the time capsule if he’d not seen the poster with the words that reminded him. If he hadn’t checked the time capsule, would he have figured things out? I think not.

    It took the convergence of Tae Sung’s assurances that IS wanted him to protect SJ, with the cryptic words of IS and the time capsule for everything to make sense to SJ.

    I’m glad that Tae Sung really stepped up past the pettiness of ex-bf/ex-gf childish nonsense to be the protector of the ‘SJ-IS couple-ship’.

    I was thinking that SJ’s dad would be so upset that everything he’d prepared for SJ to get rehab was thrown out the window just like that. Done in a true-blue, dramatic, last-minute change of direction style.

    It’s interesting that Eclipse passed the Superstar K auditions without SJ as their vocalist. It was his song that got them through, but not his voice? Or did he join them remotely?

    Now that IS is finally not all alone in trying to keep everyone safe, and with Detective Kim and Tae Sung helping on the side, things look more hopeful. 🙂

  66. I think I’ve taken my color palette idea as far as I should (I think we’ll see more/divergent colors from now on–for one thing TS is wearing green now instead of red!), but I will post my attempt at kiss/color analysis first!

    COLORS DURING THE KISSES (as of Episode 10)

    As I mentioned in my comment on the Episode 7 & 8 post, the color palette in this show is mostly blue and yellow with some red, often as a highlight or contrast color. In the four kisses so far, the scene is mostly shades of blue with yellow coming into the frame, usually as some kind of light. I don’t know if some of these colors were added digitally, or if the production designer just placed/found objects that were these colors, or if it was a combination of both.

    • The first kiss was at the pool (Ep 3), during the first timeline. The whole scene was blue–blue water, blue walls–with squares of yellow light coming through as yellow squares on the upper windows, with some yellow light reflected in the pool as yellow circles.

    • The second kiss, in the (altered) present (Ep 8) is after IS spends the night at SJ’s. It is just before dawn when he drives her home. The scene looks like it has been colorized, first a deep blue, then lighter shades of blue as they stand in the parking lot and dawn breaks. IS enters her apartment and SJ follows her. She is wearing a yellow scarf. They stand together in front of a red dream catcher(?) that is hanging on the inside of the door. As they kiss, sunlight bursts in through the windows, a yellow-white color, becoming whiter.

    • The third kiss, in the third timeline (Ep 9-Epilogue): IS is on a platform painted with aqua/blue trim. There are yellow lights strung everywhere around them, with a wall of round yellow lights behind IS. (There are also red flowers hanging behind IS on what looks like a doorframe.) Behind her the yellow lights form a blurred wall of round lights just before she falls over and accidentally kisses him.

    • The fourth kiss (Ep 10)–after SJ sees a blue poster in the airport about time capsules, he goes back to the neighborhood and opens up the (blue!) time capsule and finds IS’s note (decorated with YELLOW) flowers (with a tree with red flowers above him). Then he runs to her. There are more round yellow lights just behind IS while he is kissing her. The light on her face is also a yellow tone.

  67. I’m wondering if the entrances that IS makes into the three timelines symbolize anything. Or maybe it’s the levels she is on (from a desk to a upper floor to a high statue) represent the different levels of love?

    • In T1, she wakes up in a classroom, her head on the desk. This is when she is approaching SJ from a school girl crush. She is there to save him as her favorite idol, but she doesn’t remember him from her adolescence at all.

    • In T2, she finds herself on shaman’s straw mat during an exorcism on the upper outside level of her house. Her feelings for him at this point are transitional–she still idolizes him but now has T1’s experiences with him, so she has experienced a love that’s more like friendship. [I have no idea how to tie this to the exorcism or the shaman!]

    • In T3, she wakes up on a tall horse statue. She is here to save the day, but she is facing backwards, clinging to the horse’s rear. In the altered future, she had recently confessed her feelings to SJ as a man not an idol. This is romantic love, but also a kind of noble love, where she is willing to sacrifice herself for him. (But her landing on the horse’s rear end points to noble idiocy.)

  68. @BethB Thank you for helping me see the kisses in colour!

    @GB I am rather worried about the 23kg check-in luggage too. All that food. How would his dad react?

    I hope Sol clocked the truck’s registration number, but she may have been too distracted.

    Without SJ in Eclipse, will they re-release the songs with In Hyuk on vocals?

  69. Annyeong,

    EP 10 ~ Recap n stuff… 😬

    IS tried to explain time travel to SJ by using the movie “Terminator” 🤪 he questioned how his watch became a Time Machine 😅 he was surprised how she got it and that it cost her 3 mill won in an auction. Like who would buy an old watch?!? 🤣 IS wants to give further details but it just stops time. She did explain to him that this is her last trip and that she doesn’t wanna give him mixed signals. To help ease IS *and her excuses- SJ suddenly blurted out that he’s leaving for the US even though he had no plans in doing so.

    IS was shocked to hear about SJ getting rehab in the US but it’s a good thing -so she spoke with his dad and her support for his decision. Ooopsie.

    Eclipse made it to the 1st round of the Superstar K contest but it comes with a condition- that SJ is the lead singer. He went to SJ’s house to convince him but IS got ahead of them 😅

    At the Gangmook Police station, IS was able to give them more info about the Villain’s 2nd vehicle. Good thing the fire did not completely destroy evidence. They found blood dna to match one of the victims and how he’s wanted as a murder suspect. Yay 😀

    Back at the University, SJ is also in the “music & film” class as IS but some girl is flirting with him. Is IS jealous or sad coz she has that forlorn look as she looks at him repeatedly during class, in the dark.

    HJ and IS were at the same karaoke bar as SJ and friends. To catch a coin that went under their table, IS witnessed the flirt confessed and what she saw as a kiss (NOT). Of course her phone rang giving away her presence. she escaped out of there with a trash can over her head 😂 SJ tried to run after her after hearing HJ shout her name across the room omg. 😳 his buddy gave SJ the impression that IS likes him and she just be feeling jealous.

    IS and her bro are venting/ranting – and getting drunk on the rooftop 😂. Very funny. Then IS kicked her shoe in frustration and it flew right where SJ was standing 😆 by the street. SJ tried to confirm a few things: 1. Was it you who ran out of the karaoke bar with a trash can over her head? 2. Did you see it? He didn’t say kiss. She confirmed it when she replied “I don’t secretly watch other people kiss” 😅. 3. How do you feel? Are you upset? Of course she is but she feels she doesn’t have the right to get mad 😭 4. Do you really feel fine about me leaving? She can’t answer. She just bows her head in agony. 5. To me, the last you and the future you- it’s all YOU- In all the times you’ve lived, did you ever like me? Not even for a second? 💔 IS’s inner voice – I don’t deserve to like you. And she denies her feelings 😳

    He goes to his room and opens the window. She goes to her room and starts crying. 💔

    IH shaves his hair to show how desperate he really wants SJ to sing with the band. He didn’t even get to show SJ his haircut coz he already said YES 🤪 lol

    TS visits IS in school with a bag and flowers 💐. SJ sees them. He’s imagining a drama in his head and he’s frustrated 😩 lol. IS realizes that TS is the detective’s son ☺️ she asked him a favor- to tell his dad in 2023 to protect SJ and not her. She also told her she’s from the future. 🤪 TS is proving to be a good detective. He may be one in 2023 and he doesn’t have to tell his dad coz he will do it 👍🏾

    SJ is still questioning how IS knows his song 🎶
    SJ’s dad tells him he already got the plane ticket for him to leave on… ??? April 10 !!!

    TS walks IS home and they find SJ helping her mom with a leak? 💦 it was the grandma who called him for help 😬 it seems TS was there during the flood and now he’s here during a flood haha. So cute seeing both guys holding up bowls to catch the leak 😁 IS just wants them to go home. The mom supports TS and the grandma, SJ. 🙌🏼

    Now the guys are showing off their muscles 💪🏼 they’re getting petty. Sure enough, they started fighting and creating a fire hazard. ⚠️ the grandma had to yell at them 😩 good thing IS turned off the breakers in good time aigoo 🥸 ahhh these boys.

    Instead of TS sleeping over, SJ told them he will sleep in his room 😱. Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? 😎 before they go to bed, TS told him he’s being clueless or blind – to how IS really feels – she cares more for SJ than herself. Told him not to waste his energy on being jealous of him. Told him to Take care of himself.

    Eclipse entered the audition without SJ coz he’s at the airport but they passed with his song!! They’re so grateful they went down on the floor facing west LOL 😆

    IS heads home and she noticed the villain’s truck and as it started towards her, she runs then she stopped – SJ stood before her. The truck just drove past them. It has to be the villain. She’s freaking out but SJ didn’t care. IS weakens and SJ catches her before she fell down. SJ hugs her. IS starts to sob. SJ keeps hugging her and declared “you like me. I know everything. So I came here to hold onto you” then he showed her the “clock in a box” (while at the airport, reading an ad mentioning “time capsule” reminded him of their time capsule and he left the airport to unearth it) omg 😳 he opened it without waiting til 2023!!! Go SJ 🙌🏼.

    💕 I love this part… SJ placed her big hands and cupped her face covering her cheeks saying “stop running away from me. You can just like me. If I die saving you it’s ok. I don’t care”. Tear drops fall off her face. His face. And then he went in to kiss her 💕 under the street lamp 💡

    We get a glimpse of 2023 like time stopped and things changed. Instead of the attack on SJ, there’s news of their 5th album and it’s entitled “Destiny” – so apropos

    Preview- omg we get precious moments – that will last one month and to be continued in 2023!! 😍 they better catch the bad guy in 2009!!!

    Ahhhh can’t wait.

  70. @Fern and @Hana yes ! I’m sad that SJ is the future is not Eclipse Vocalist though it seems to be some type of misleading element because his vocals are everywhere in real life streaming under the same “band”.

    Additionally, his song for Sol has a very important place in the story. It helped Sol realise that she was his first love and it helped SJ realise that Sol is from the future. It helped In Hyuk realise that the song is for Sol and presumably it is the song that got them into the competition. It will be super weird if the whole thing just disappeared.

    The production haven’t released these songs under BWS but rather as a fictional “band” Eclipse on all streaming platforms – surely it’s a concious choice – If he doesn’t sing in 2023, real life 2024 songs in his vocals are just weird. Maybe the future will change again.

  71. I’ve been thinking why I was super sad last night about the confession. 🤧 The internet seems relieved. BoDers are analysing as per usual. Most people are positive. I’m sitting with a tissue box. 🫣

    I think it’s because I understand Sol’s anxiety and identify with it. She DOES NOT want him to die for her. He is not listening. She is not swept off the floor with his grand declarations of love.

    She wants him to stay alive and healthy. It’s as simple as that. She’s justified because want is one month anyway? She knows once she returns to the future, the original Sol will forget SJ, he’ll be alone again.

    She knows he waited for her for 15 blooming years… Waiting and pining. He fell into depression and insomnia in one timeline and coma in another followed by certain deaths in both. SHE was indirectly responsible for his suffering and his death(s) and she knows this ! She doesn’t want that anymore. She wants him to have a happy and healthy life. Is that not love?

    At the airport, she says she is sorry to not reciprocate his affection but she’s more scared of loosing him once more. She wants to avoid loosing him endlessly. SJ says he’s okay to die for her but what about Sol’s wishes ? She doesn’t want a world where he doesn’t exist.

    “How do I explain? The day you left this world? That horrible day” she notes in ep 8.

    I don’t know. Stay alive and healthy in love. I’m with Sol. Poor girl is out of her mind with valid anxiety given she repeatedly watches him suffer for long periods followed by death.

  72. Kalimera Ladies,

    I just came across a video with the last scene on FB and the tiny information we missed last night and it is vital.

    Sun Jae called Sol, “Noona”!
    Like Tae Sung does… *winks*

    More here:

  73. @arihsi
    I didn’t realize that the 5th album does not include SJ. There’s only 3 guys. All I cared was to see eclipse and 5th album LOL

    Wow that is weird.

    But you’re right – things will change again. I’m sure

  74. Oh my god ! @cleo ! Yes ! It’s a vital detail… He indeed calls her “Noona” meaning he’s aware that her conscious is 14 years older to him 😳

    I think we missed this detail because the translations didn’t pick it up. Translation across the board picked it up as “You like me.” but it’s too important to be missed. Thank you for picking it up ! It should have been translated as “Noona I know you like me.” similar to how they’ve started translating “Hyung” as it is. Translating “Hyung” to character name doesn’t capture the emotion.

  75. Episode 10:

    Kalimera, @Cleopatra. Thank you for the clip.

    @HK_Lady, thank you for the recap. Yes, Sun Jae’s hands are big enough to cover Im Sol’s entire head. But my goodness, all of the tears.

    @Arihsi, I agree. Whilst they are now a team, still it doesn’t take away Im Sol’s anxiety.

    Regarding Sun Jae’s absence from Eclipse, there was still the fact that he is studying music and film. It isn’t too late for him to go solo as an actor, singer and songwriter.

    @Growing Beautifully, yes, @SJ’s Dad will be super upset. Price of ticket, negotiations for the treatment – not to mention the festering suitcase, which will be symbolic of his dreams for Sun Jae. BTW, I looked up the stem cell treatment for sports injuries and it is indeed a thing, but I don’t know if it was in use back in 2009.

    @Beth B, thank you for the colour analysis. I missed much of it on first view.

    The Grandmother’s reactions in episode 10 were so interesting. She did get the guys to stop fighting, which led to Sun Jae pulling, or attempting to pull Tae Sung out of danger. A truce that will turn into a friendship of sorts. We will see.

  76. I just saw this BTS for episode 10 on YT. The water leak scene is so funny. No translation yet.

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, @Cleo, my ears heard “Neo na joha sa na” or ‘you like me’. It does sound closer to noona, but I listened to it 6 times and it still sounds like (literally ‘you me like’ or) ‘you like me’. Further on in the same conversation he calls her Sol-ra. I figure if he starts calling her noona, then he should call her noona consistently, but that’s not the case.

    @Fern thanks for the BTS link. LOL how granny grabbed the opportunity to hang from that muscular arm.

    I love SJ’s imagination going overboard each time he thinks of Tae Sung alone with IS. That was so OTT ridiculous.

  78. Kalimera Unnie,

    You are more trained to Hangul than me, so maybe I heard wrong. Still, @Arihsi is right. They don’t transate Hyung or Noona and so in some cases, and that makes a difference in some scenes.

    Still, the thing is we shall see how they will fight against the culprit from this time onward.

    I also liked what @Fern said above, that Sun Jae can be a solo artist. I was thinking the same, that Sun Jae can be a solo singer and songwriter or even an actor.

    But @Fern, he is not studying music and film per se. Sun Jae’s primary major is PE that means Physical Education. He is taking as a module Cinema because he likes movies. He can also choose to take a module about Music too.

  79. I think for the continuation of the story, he’d have to sing at some point even in an alternative career timeline due to all these already existing songs in his name in real life.

    Perhaps he takes a hiatus from singing to star in the horrendous drama series “Hero”. 😂

    That would be the funniest outcome.

    The alternative is, he dies before reaching 2023 – the suspense the writer may want to create but unlikely as such. @cleo points out the same. Most of us think this.

    Second more dramatic alternative is he takes a break (also indicated in ep1 ). This time for a rehab but the rehab is for SOL. This will suit his temperament a lot. Drop everything and run the moment Sol-ah needs him. Why does Sol need a rehab ? Perhaps she gets a chance to walk again after her spinal injury from fall from height/bullet/other items of mortal peril.

  80. @Arihsi,

    Regarding what you are discussing above. Sun Jae died in the Original Timeline and After Sol returned from her 1st Time Travel. In her Second Time Travel (2TT), he was injured badly but he was alive in ICU.

    We need to take these things into consideration. Sol returned to the past in her third time travel attempt BEFORE we could find out what happened to Sun Jae after her 2TT. He could recover from his injuries, but we won’t find out.

    So, since Sun Jae injuries are changing, we should go to no injuries at all. This is the logical scheme the chakkanim should follow.

    Also, we now have Tae Sung in the team. Sol is not by herself any longer. She has herself, Sun Jae, Tae Sung and Detective Lee who is TS’ dad to count on.

    So, I think the outcome won’t be that bad. We will have a dramatic episode, that’s for sure, until we find out what it will happen in the end.

    P.S. @Fern I cannot watch the video yet… o.O

  81. @Cleopatra, kalo mesimeri. I hope the Episode 10 BTS clip will be translated for us. It’s still funny without a translation. There seemed to be an increased coverage of the directors giving instructions to the leads and how the leads interpret the scenes afterwards.

  82. Kalo mesimeri @Fern!

    Yes, that is true. They get advice every single time, in order to express the character in that exact moment aka the scene we get to see. As we can see, they have all bonded with each other. It is so good that they are laughing!

  83. Absolutely wild given he’s not a singer and they’re not a band.

    They’re charting in top 10/ top 30 domestic Korean!

    They’re also charting on global itunes top 100. @HK_Lady will be so happy to know! 😁

    Hashtag data is life.

    PS I read the list of difficulties this drama faced during production and later on. Add to that no big names anywhere, no international streaming on Netflix, prime etc and earlier TvN wasn’t promoting them as much maybe because of low expectations. it’s so cool the way they’re knocking it out of the park in every way now !

    Hashtag believe data not your prejudice.

  84. @Arihsi,

    I am currently listening to Sudden Shower. I was also listening to Minnie – Like a Dream earlier the day! I have read that it had entered Korean Charts that other artists cannot enter!

    Wook Seok’s voice is really beautiful and believe it, because he had no training at all, until Lovely Runner happened. So, for that only he gets High Fived from me! *grins*

    I am really happy that fans created another hype for this show. We – the International – fans are included of course! 💖💥

  85. BTW, while we are at the subject!

    Here is the Official Video for Sudden Shower with English Subs!

    Sun Jae Hwaiting! <3

  86. ❤️❤️❤️

    Kdramaclub_ has been doing a great job of translating snippets of the BTS clips

  87. Ella posted another FMV…


  88. @cleo – yea, totally missed the “noona” in his “i know you like me” – i love that. he’s realized she’s not the Sol of T1. she’s the Sol of 2023! haha.

    @arihsi – itunes top 100 – wow! Daebak! that’s awesome! so happy for the show!!! 🤩
    i used to buy music in itunes, now i have apple music so i just download it – tee hee.

  89. Hello, @Arihsi. Hashtag_Data_Is_Life would be a good name for a scientist. 😁

    I am amazed that BWS has had no training as such. I wonder if he sang casually in school groups. Of course the music is produced, as is all music these days, to a high degree but you can’t deny a decent voice. His agency must be ecstatic and agencies of other well trained groups and soloists must be grinding their teeth.

    @Hana, thank you for that link!

  90. @Cleo, thanks for the link by Ella. Very moving and certainly shows Im Sol’s anguish.

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for the link to the FMV @Cleo! I feel so much for poor IS.

  92. Kalimera Ladies!

    @Fern and @GB Unnie you are welcome ! I really love Ella’s work!

    @HK_Lady, @GB Unnie says she hears something else above. In any case, we shall see if he calls her Noona from now on!

    Thank you @Hana for the info!

  93. Unnie,

    Her life is in a rollercoaster for the past 5 months. So, yeah. I totally get her.
    At the same time, since Sun Jae is taking his life in his hands, she needs to trust him and also trust Tae Sung. They will get it right this time !

  94. I want to reply to each one of you something but work is calling… I’ll be back asap !

    As a quick hello please find below official pictures of our favourite sequence of ep 10

    Scroll to the last picture. It is a very unusual shot that I haven’t seen as a PICTURE so far in any drama. It’s a common occurrence during the drama but uncommon to see a special shot of it.

    It is a shot of Sol’s tiny hand gripping Sun Jae’s jacket with all its might.

    It’s a beautifully lit shot. Her hand looks eerily human and delicate against everything else that is black. As if she’s trying to achieve something impossible by holding onto the man who’d willingly die for her.

    So pretty. I notice that this Director gives a ton of importance to hands to convey the character’s situation right from ep 1. I want to make a list !

  95. Dear @Fern

    – thank you for sharing the background on the beautiful Minnie. She has this ethereal type of delicate beauty. I struggle to look delicate even with an elevator full of well built adult males. Oh well. 🙄 Her Korean is fluent too given she’s Thai ! Koreans are able to understand her Korean ! When I speak German, Germans request me to use English 🫣

    – For a scientist, or even for me hashtag data is life would require the essential addition of RELEVANT. Work erodes nerves when it’s all over the place. Error bars are the bane of existence.

    – Regarding BTS clips, the director seems thorough, isn’t it ? He puts BWS hands on his own face to show him how he wants it to look. And BWS hands can conver the whole of the director’s face too 😂

    – Yes, the tears… 🥺 At one point, she wants to give him some excuse and deny that he might die. But she can’t get any words out because she’s so overcome with guilt. She just hangs her head and sobs. It’s not silent tears, it’s not gravity defying tears. It’s proper sobbing crying in deep sadness. As a viewer, you can really feel her overwhelming emotions and KHH performance is so convincing. 🤧

  96. In the BTS clip it seemed that there were 2 directors. I looked at the cast list and indeed there are. So interesting. I wonder how they share the vision and the workload.

    I keep getting BTS clips from the drama. It must have been very cold at the time it was filmed. BWS is shown holding a hot pack on the front of his throat. When they have to take their big coats off for a scene I feel so bad for them.

  97. @Fern yes the actors did so well to act in those cold conditions.
    I appreciate the directors’ attention to detail.

    Did you see the director’s comment about how SJ looks good from every angle (360 degrees)? I, of shallow island, agree…

    Young SJ also has a way with words. How about his declaration of unequivocal love for IS, “To me, the past you, the future you, it’s you all the same”. I will save the rest for shallow island 😊

    He does say “You like me.” 너 나 좋아하잖아.
    I think Noona will be reserved for cheeky TS.

  98. By the way ladies ! I noticed in the beginning ep 10, timestamp 1.44 minutes, when Sol is explaining to SJ reg how she bought his watch, time stops when she talks about him being part of Eclipse and singing Sonaki !

    Does that mean it still holds true in the future of third timeline? Because as we’ve noticed, when the future changes for a particular timeline, time no longer stops if Sol talks about it.

    Example – when she scolds him for singing for a phone she says he’ll get insomnia but that wasn’t true for the future of that timeline so time didn’t stop.

    Same with “I chased you home because I thought you’ll die today.” Time didn’t stop because he wasn’t going to die that day.

    But at 1.44 ep 10, time stops when she says he’ll be a part of a very famous group Eclipse and that’s how she knows Sonaki because she was his fan !

    I think this is an important clue !!

  99. It’s a pity Sol can’t write the events. The note disappears if the events are going to happen in the future.

    Otherwise she could come up with a simple spreadsheet noting each event and colour code it based on whether time stops when she talks about it or not. Then she can proceed to arrange it chronologically followed by annotations of the difference her actions make. All that remains then is to write a couple of python scripts and et volia! She’ll get the exact analysis of how to save Sun Jae along with a statiscal prediction of consequences for her.

    Narratively, it might put people to sleep. Our resident author @cleo would be aghast.
    @Hana would be left without shallow island worthy 360 degree views of SJ but it’ll be efficient and effective 😉

    PS. This we know why I never majored in Litrature. 😜

  100. Now that I’m thinking…. Would the algorithm consider the fact that he is willing to die to for her ? Oooo the possibility.

    Is a machine capable of understanding his undying love ? The sacrifice? I have a feeling it’ll give more weight to death vs disability. However, in WHO manuals both are considered almost at par given the consequences for Sol of loosing mobility completely. Oooo… I’m almost tempted to write the program myself now to see what the algo will come up with !

    End of craziness. But really. How exciting.

  101. Kalimera @Arihsi!

    I saw what you have written and I wanted to say that your logic is half way right.

    When Sol said to Sun Jae about the future and time didn’t stopped in their Uni Retreat, the following variables were not inserted into the mix, aka

    1. Going to rehab in the USA.
    2. Eclipse going to the Music Contest
    3. Sun Jae finding out the truth and taking some decisions about himself and his future.

    Those things happened in a later time aka some days later. So up until the retreat Sun Jae was going to sing for Eclipse. After the above variables came into the mix, things have changed again.

    Yes, Sun Jae decided for himself to accept his fate let’s say and said so to Sol, in order to just love him in the now without REGRETS, but at the same time, this opened another window of opportunity for him and her of course!

    “Sudden Shower” became the song that took Eclipse in the next phase of the competition. Are they going to be four in the next phase or they will play as a trio? It remains to be seen!

  102. @Cleopatra and @Arihsi, I was thinking that even though Sun Jae is a PE major, his other interests are music and drama. It wouldn’t be the first time someone’s elective courses/favourite hobbies become their career. I guess we’ll see if Sun Jae becomes the 4th member in the future or sticks with PE.

    Hmmm. What if he branched out to physical therapy as is common in this country? He wouldn’t be as well to do, but goodness what an inspiration he would be to his patients, she muses shallowly.

  103. Thanks @cleo. I agree. @Fern hee hee. I don’t think it’ll be nearly as normal as that.


    I saw some serious spoilers everywhere about which I WILL NOT talk here. So if you are on insta / fb / YT and algo remembers your searches, a word of caution.

    All I want to say is, Sol, sweetheart, we stand with you BUT. Please. Per favore. Gather your act. You’re at ep 11 ! If not now, when ?

    And Sun Jae… People are making entire fan clubs. TvN is planning a special post wrap up “fan meet” of Eclipse+Sol. Can we drop that scary blue shirt + white undershirt combo ? I’m sure there are other colours around here. You’d look ravishing in them all.

  104. Yes, very inspiring indeed! *nods*

    Baek In Hyuk sings our couple’s special song so perhaps eclipse will continue as a trio for a while

  105. Has anyone counted how many time SJ has saved Sol’s life at this point? It was possibly at least twice during these two episodes: catching her off the statue, and (maybe) in the last scene with the white truck. I checked the license plate of the truck the murderer was driving towards her near the reservoir in T2 and it was the same as the license plate of the truck at the end of Ep 10: 52-9409.

    BTW–what’s with this guy’s obsession with Sol? I can’t believe it’s just because he saw her at a bus stop on a dark road one night. I’m beginning to wonder if he has some kind of vendetta against her family. Do we know what her father did?

    I’m still a little fuzzy on who he murdered at the reservoir–was it the drunk man/hobo who was wrestling with Sol? So he killed him because he kept him from murdering Sol?!

  106. @BethB I’m glad you mentioned this ! I’d like to say she needs endless toiling but ok. I think there is a pattern.

    In each timeline, a set pattern of events repeat themselves.

    Most of these events involve water. In each timeline,

    1) SJ saves her from being a roadkill like ep 10 – she looses footing after it same like ep 2 (I think this happened in T0 as well which I suspect we’ll see) +

    2) fall from height + into water which involves the taxi driver.

    Does Sol remember that Sun Jae has a permanently damaged shoulder? Because at this rate, his shoulder is never recovering.

    That’s why I suggest Sol uses machine learning. The code will get better at predicting with each repeat because the machine will learn whereas Sol is not. In her defence, the time and place of the event keeps changing but ok – machines are good at that.

    I really want her to gather herself. I understand her anxiety but at some point, that anxiety should serve its evolutionary purpose of heightened attention and protection of self.

    I’ll be very disappointed if she isn’t able to achieve this by the quintessential grim reaper episode of kdramas aka ep 11/12.

  107. @GB wanted this from Sol right from ep 3-4 I think. Now it’s ep 11, Sol-ah. Jebal. What’s the point of your time travel if in each timeline he has to toil in same way again and again to keep you alive nevermind what happens in the future?

    PS – @BethB I’m very curious too as to why the cabbie is so obsessed with killing her that he’s ready to kill anyone (namely SJ) who stands between him and her murder?

  108. @Hana, thank you for the music clip; I really like the voice of the singer who performed there. Had to check him on Wikipedia and this is what is listed for him:

    “Yoo Hwe-seung (Korean: 유회승; born February 28, 1995)[1] is a South Korean singer and musical theatre actor known for his work as a vocalist of the South Korean band N.Flying.” It also said that among other roles, he played Mozart in “Amadeus.” He has an impressive vocal range.

  109. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, Yes, I want to be able to see the growth in characters who are lacking in some ways in the early episodes. If IS is struggling on her own, finds that her rushing around impulsively repeatedly creates a mess (like butting poor SJ into the water outside the hotel) or that she gets drunk/falls asleep anywhere and can get into trouble as a result, then I’d like her to have reflected on it and avoid doing the same thing again.

    Now she has told 2 people that she’s from the future. I hope this is a sign of progress and that she’s not going to go off half-cocked to ‘save’ without telling anyone or planning it with others. After going around alone so much and finding herself in danger or in fear of danger, why doesn’t she do what a normal person does ie ask a friend to keep her company or even just talk on the phone with someone while walking alone at night?

    @Arihsi, you mentioned something about this before … What’s with her collapsing into a faint after being rescued or finding herself about to be saved? She seems to have a certain limit to how much adrenaline she can manage, before its levels fall off drastically and she drops into a faint, unable to help herself. In the case of ‘W – Two Worlds Apart’, the collapsing happened because the jump back and forth to the webtoon world and the elapsed time took its toll. That is not made clear here … but rather it happens after she’s been in deadly fear of death or injury.

    I looked it up online: “Before fainting, you may experience presyncope. Usually, there is a strong adrenaline surge that brings about a hot flush, cramps, shortness of breath, palpitations, feeling weak at the knees, dizzy, etc. It happens when your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen due to the change in blood flow.” (,the%20change%20in%20blood%20flow.)

    Perhaps that’s what she has. It’s a pity and a great annoyance that our heroine can only save the day or cause a mess to a point and then collapses in dire need herself!

    We can appreciate all her good intentions but perhaps she has caused most of the trouble that she is now trying to prevent. I hope that she does manage to prevent the bad stuff and not alone.

  110. It seems that sometimes our FL has great presence of mind – when she took the taxi keys for example. But as has been said here, other times she gets in trouble because she is not vigilant or she faints when the stress gets extreme. I was thinking about this and it seems sort of average human nature.

    Im Sol returns to the past into an existence that induces anxiety from all directions: she has to cope with things that are different or modified from what she remembers both from her past and from her changed future; she has to act normal under everyday circumstances; she has to try to protect her friends and family while being unable to explain how she knows events in their futures. Every now and then she relaxes or gets distracted and it seems that it’s in these moments of flow that something bad occurs. I would think that staying vigilant during all waking hours would be a super-human task. It would be for me. 😜 (Not to mention going back to my maths classes in secondary school – I used to wish I would black out!)

  111. This writer is really good.


    There was a huge scandal in 2004-2009 Korea (I was in middle school so I didn’t know about this). It was related to fake stem cell therapy and caused a huge stir.

    I was very surprised when they mentioned stem cell therapy because even as of 2024, apart from certain specific cancers of the bone marrow, we are FAR AWAY as a human race from stem cell therapies of any type. So I searched a bit and et volia! The writer is referring to a HUGE scandal of the time.

    The writer mentioned US but actually she’s referring to the scandal at Korea’s national university.

    Hashtag Be responsible. Don’t lie with you data. Someone can lose their life.

  112. @Fern whilst I 💯 agree with you as someone who suffers from anxiety (it’s become worst after working in healthcare space. Everyone I love is incredibly fragile and I am reminded of it 24×7), I think there is something more to this.

    I think she’s been through some pretty intense trauma and that’s not her abduction in any timeline. She tries to escape, run away, scream etc in each timeline when abducted. I think she SAW something that her brain has blacked out because it’s too traumatic. Much like @cleopatra has been predicting.

    I think she saw the murder being committed at that lake. A T0 IS presumably lesser than 18 saw it this impacting Sol in every timeline. She also saw the murderer’s face which could be why he’s after her. This has been @cleo’s guess since the beginning and I think it fits. The only trouble is, IS herself doesn’t remember it. This could also be the reason why the murderer is after her ?

  113. @Arihsi, I searched under stem cell therapy for sports injury and it said that it is in practice, but using the patient’s own cells as using others’ cells may result in undesirable ‘side effects’.

    Here is an article. It also says that it’s not covered by most insurance companies. So the treatments back in 2009 might have been experimental and Sun Jae may have been part of a trial. Risky.,directly%20into%20the%20affected%20area.

    There are other websites as well, and there is a mention of very famous athletes having it, but I don’t know if they are perhaps sponsored by companies promoting the idea.

    How interesting that in this drama, the stem cell scandal has been punted across the Pacific to America. 🤨

  114. @Arihsi, I looked up ‘stem cell therapy for sports injuries’ and found several websites that mention it being in use with autologous stem cells. Famous athletes are named, but all more recently than 2009. One website ( said that few insurance companies cover it and it made me wonder if the other websites are sponsored by for-profit medical companies. It is an interesting topic.

    I just found this, too, on our National Health Service website: “Spherox, a new therapy that could help people across the UK currently living with knee pain, is now available on the NHS.” Apparently, although costly, it may be less expensive than full knee replacement further down the road.

  115. Interesting that the drama punted the 2009 stem cell applications across the Pacific to America. If they were going to punt, I wonder why they didn’t just say ‘overseas’?

  116. Gosh, I double-posted. The first didn’t come up on the thread, so I thought I had deleted it!

  117. Apparently there was/is a Netflix documentary about the Korean research you mentioned above. King of Clones. Here is one article about it:

  118. Omg you are so cool @Fern… Bravissima ! Good finds ! So “stem cells” in the way I mean is cells those cells that haven’t yet taken on a matured identity. Such as cord blood stem cells or embryonic stem cells. Those are definitely risky even as of 2024. Those are the ones involved in the 2004-2009 Korean scam.

    Wrt to the note you mentioned, “using patient’s own stem cells as against those of others as using others is risky” how do we know? Because we did it of course!

    “Stem cells” mentioned here as used by famous sports personalities or people for other injuries are mostly what are called hematopoietic stem cells which are gathered from patient’s blood / bone marrow. They aren’t embryonic/cord blood. They are in fact pretty matured cells and safe for use whenever approved.

    Looking at for profit stem cell area, it’s a black hole I’d rather not fall into on a blog meant to discuss dramas 🫣 Please look up politically and financially unmotivated sources (for ex. NOT the website of a stem cell bank) to see whether cord blood should be banked at all from purely scientific perspective.

    @Fern it may interest you that there are many board certified UK doctors who do lots of public education in this area.

  119. This writer is good part 2 😱

    The pocket watch in orange case that Sol put in Sun Jae’s time capsule as a gift appears on Ep 1 ! WHAT !

    Please see time stamp 34.23 minutes Episode ONE of all things.

    Sol opens her tresure box where she keeps all Sun Jae stuff. In there, nestled in the safety of large pom pom balls, below his relatively modern black watch, sits the orange case of this pocket watch ! 😮

  120. Oh, I shall have to look for that folding clock, @Arihsi. Many thanks.

    Ref: stem cells, yes, I don’t want any problems with anyone there.

  121. Hee hee not at all @Fern. These doctors explain very well as to why not 😜 They go to great depths to explain to the public where we actually stand wrt stem cell research.

    There are many good people still left on Earth 💝 People whose souls pinch them when they see incorrect data floating around and harming the public. I’m sure related to this scam too, some soul must’ve sat through nights and found out that all this was a lie. And they probably took the very risky personal decision of going public with their findings.

  122. Oh, I see the case you mention, @Arihsi. So does that mean that the folding clock in the OG timeframe was something precious to her somehow relating to him, or precious to her for another reason?

    To me the style is vintage, like early 2000s or even the 1900s. It looked like something that wasn’t the sort of cheap clock that a high school student could afford. I wondered earlier if it was her father’s or grandfather’s because it looked old.

  123. I just binged on Episodes 1-10 and I am looking forward to joining the open thread for the next episodes.

  124. @Snow Flower, welcome to the discussion. The time travel logic just keeps unfolding – I am trying hard to keep up. It’s not as easy as some for me. I love the characters.

  125. @Fern, each time travel drama has its own logic and sometimes I mix the time travel rules from different dramas. I have a soft spot for Kim Tae Sung.

  126. Welcome @snow flower… So cool that you joined in 😀

    @Fern thank you for your confirmation.

    I’ve been re-watching because it’s a travel weekend.

    The more I pay attention, the more I feel Sol is doing enough given the severe lack of information and resources she has. She informs the police and TS of everything she can given the constraints. She informs SJ the best she can and does the one thing she feels will surely work.

    Still, this has been the prime challenge she has as a character – How to save SJ because 1) she doesn’t know exactly what will happen when and 2) he doesn’t WANT to be saved. 🙄

    As many of us have noted, the moment she relaxes and feels the crisis has been averted, Sun Jae dies on her.

    The only option she has as character development is to overcome her fears and become superior at crisis RESPONSE. Because she can’t avert it. This we know with our 3x repeat. She can’t PREVENT it. She has to respond to it.

    The only thing in her hand is her immediate response. Pushing SJ away from her when danger strikes because as he has shown again and again, if given enough time and space, he WILL intervene.

    Her prime challenge is equal between the murderer and Sun Jae himself.

  127. @Snow Flower, if you have read my earlier messages, I agree with you about Tae Sung. Sun Jae may have been first to fall for Im Sol as a teen, but Tae Sung perceives and appreciates her adult soul in all of her time travels. In some ways IS’s time travel benefitted Tae Sung as much as Sun Jae so far. Thanks to her ‘elder scolds’ he seems to be on a better path – she filled the gap in his family situation and inspired him. He could easily have laughed that off and walked away.

    Of course Tae Sung won’t get the girl because Sun Jae likes her in all of her incarnations. 😁

  128. Good afteroon, @Arihsi. Maybe Im Sol needs to take an online crisis management course if she is to win at this game. 😉

    Gosh, I’m waiting to see Sun Jae’s father’s response when faced with the waste of an overseas ticket and a 23kg suitcase full of rotting food. Sun Jae might be grounded forever. Unless the news about the stem cell science comes out in time! 🤣

  129. @Arihsi, I’m still thinking about Im Sol’s little box of treasures. If they are not all related to Sun Jae, the clock may have been the first thing there, from someone else. If they are all related to Sun Jae, I wonder when she got the travel clock? Perhaps he sent it to her soon after he spoke to her on the radio show, to give her inspiration?

    You and others have mentioned that Im Sol might have seen something related to the first murder that her subconscious is hiding from her — probably something to do with the shaman and human sacrifice? I’m guessing the victim was the drunken man although I didn’t catch anything in the captions to confirm that. There must have been some extreme injuries or the person was left tied up, otherwise it may have seemed like an accidental drowning rather than murder. 🤔

    I’m waiting for these reveals! But hoping the latter won’t be too gory. 🙈

  130. Dearest @Fern,

    That person has to be very close to Sol for her to be so traumatized that she doesn’t remember anything from that event.

    I think Sol’s father is the key character here. We know from our experience of viewing Kdramas across years that parental/ close family death or abandonment related trauma is almost a must factor in a large proportion of dramas. Either the parent / sibling is horrible or they die.

    Sol’s father looks like he was a loving father and Sol was close to him. We can see this from bicycle riding scenes and ancestral prayer scene. Rest of Sol’s family is very sane and loving towards here as well. Even when she’s a paraplegic, her family’s support is evident in Ep 1.

    We don’t know about SJ’s mother but he doesn’t seem traumatized by her presence or absence either.

    His father is very loving and kind. In fact, we see the father completely devastated in each time travel return of Sol where she fails to save Sun Jae. She springs into action after seeing the distraught father in both timelines. At his death in T1 and when he sits outside the critical care in T2. Sun Jae is dearly loved by his dad no matter his success or failure.

    That leaves only Sol’s father as the source of this whole close family member related trauma troupe. Since he’s not a bad guy either, the only possibility left as the source of trauma is his death.

    In conclusion, I think what young Sol saw, and doesn’t remember at all is her father’s murder at the lake.

    The only catch with this guess is the police or Sol’s mom don’t know??

    Also why would he be killed, I have no idea. When, I have no idea either. It’d have to fit the timelines if this guess is true.

  131. Kalimera Ladies!

    I just came to say Hi! 🙂

  132. I just finished reading your comments.

    As for why the killer is targeting Sol:

    @Arihsi, I don’t think that Sol’s father was killed by the lake. If the MO of the killer was the same, then he would be found years earlier.

    Sol’s father could have had an accident or he could have been sick.

    Sol might have witnessed something she doesn’t remember. It could be with her father or maybe not.

    You have told us that in the Wetboon the killer was targeting Sun Jae because of the watch. I don’t know if they will follow that here, but IF the watch is a present of SJ’s late mother, then it could make sense.

    The questions we need to answer here is:

    Where did Sun Jae find the watch in the first place?
    Was it a gift from his late mother?
    Was is found somewhere else?

    Only then, we will know exactly why the baddie is targeting Sol and Sun Jae.

  133. No no @cleo… Maybe I didn’t make myself clear… Sorry for the misunderstanding but the webtoon has no reference of why SJ was killed. It DOES NOT even make clear if SJ was killed or committed suicide. It ends at return of Sol T1 which is as early as Ep 4 here.

    Why SJ was targeted is NOT mentioned in webtoon. It has only S1 and nothing more.

  134. @Arihsi,

    It’s okay. Even if that is not revealed on the Webtoon, it’s a nice hypothesis.

    We see the clock and its usage. We have not seen one clock but two. So, the clock is significant.

    If the killer is targeting Sol as a witness and Sun Jae because he had helped her escape, it is a logical explanation. What is pretty sure is that he is keeping an eye for both of them. So, it is like a kind of time loop but in different timelines.

Comments are closed.