Signal: Ep 4 Rewatch Sat, May 25

The thread is open.

I didn’t know that this series was out on Netflix!

The schedule of the rewatch:

Ep 4      25 May 2024
Ep 5      1 June 2024
Ep 6      8 June 2024
Ep 7      15 June 2024
Ep 8      22 June 2024
Ep 9      29 June 2024
Break   6 July 2024
Break   13 July 2024
Ep 10    20 July 2024
Ep 11    27 July 2024
Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The time of the rewatches:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the show!

83 Comments On “Signal: Ep 4 Rewatch Sat, May 25”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3 for the early thread! This way we don’t get anxious from 12 hours before the Rewatch Party time LOL.

    That’s good news that Netflix has taken on this Show. That way more people might feel encouraged to join us either watching for the first time or rewatching. I feel it’s such a good show, it’s a shame that some miss it because it’s not on their streaming sites.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Won’t be able to join tomorrow, apologies, but will catch up later! Enjoy!

  3. I will not be able to join today either. I forgot I still had one more day of travel (9+ hours of driving – ugh). Catch you next week.

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Hana and @SD, okay see you next week!

  5. Hello!

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It is time to start by my clock so I hope I’m not partying alone… starting NOW!!!

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE! I’m still on the opening credits song.

  8. Hello @WE @GB. Let’s go.

  9. Hi GB, I go, I’m in the resume.

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, yes started … still on the ‘resume’.

  11. Ah the resume was so much needed.

    Hi, FF !!

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Poor JH is frantic! He meets the bus driver but does not know it yet.

  13. The bad father gives him the wrong direction.
    Complicity with murder!!

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So in 2015 they have a fingerprint and a lead to the bus driver.

    I felt Soo Hyun should have been more careful… she turned her back to the suspect… she could be attacked from behind.

  15. It’s past 23H ? So even with time communication device… it’s too late!

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like this investigation because we see all the members of the squad doing their stuff and getting the clues that will help them solve the crime.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what is the exact time of the radio transmission? 11.23 or 11.33pm?

  18. Park Hae Young is slow to catch on, he should have suspected the son when the other bus driver mentioned that Lee Chun Goo had a son.

  19. @GB, I forgot! lol. 11h23?
    But it should be too late now, he already made the call in previous episode? And it’s same night?
    Anyway, now he solved the puzzle, it’s driver son.

  20. @FF, it feels like he’s slow to understand, so we (the audience) have time to put the puzzle by ourselves before. 😉

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I think this is another night and the call has not been made yet. Here comes SH with tension building music for all the slow movements she makes.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    There are some things that a parent should never do for their child. This is one of them.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    While being choked, actresses face really turns red like she’s really being choked. Scary.

    She smashed him with the table lamp.

  24. Ah, it’s cheap, he’s paralized in bed but is able to catch her and have more strengh, when he was stuck in bed during 20 years. lololol, nitpicking mode on!!! Else I like the scene for dramatic impact. 🙂

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I had the same thought. The killer was supposed to have been sickly and now cannot walk, but he’s so strong. Maybe he gets physical therapy every day and built up upper body strength? LOL.

  26. @GB, I tried to match up the days between the walkie talkie conversation in episode 3 but they don’t match up.

    Soo Hyun is so careless to have her back facing the man, she must have thought that he is harmless since he is patient and probably bed ridden.

  27. The chief cop (not big boss but just under), I think I never saw the actor playing anything else but bastards.

  28. @GB, looks like you were right, this night he didn’t make the call yet, but ANYWAY, it’s still too late. T T

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes I thought she was very careless too.

    It’s time for another radio transmission… poor JH is grieving.

    No the days don’t really match up. There were long periods of silence from 1989-1995… I think the radio was more active during a cold case investigation, but for JH those cold cases were not evenly spaced out in time. Might have been a few months or years in between.

  30. Not sure if my message got through. I am still on the road.

  31. @salteddust, I just approved your post.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Funny thing about the scenes with the bus driver… was it an earlier night he saw another corpse and then this night when Won Kyung was killed is another night?

  33. So, here something interesting we forget as we know the drama, but how the situation unfold: we first see JY upset to build tension and sorrow, and only after, in flashback we see him coming too late and get the point she’s dead. Always interesting to see the choice the writer made about that.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD, I don’t know if you can see our comments, but yes, we read you!!!

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Ah @pkml3, I see… I did see the earlier post from @SD.

  36. @GB, woo, goosebump… Yeah, it’s start with the call because there was much more time for JY, time gap. It’s why we get the death in flashback.

  37. Hi SD and PM3.
    SD, I can see you!

  38. Soo Hyun and Hae Young still do not have evidence to proof that Lee Chun Goo’s son is the serial killer.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE yes, back and forth story telling. I get a bit confused like about the bus driver seeing another corpse.

    Now HY is putting the clues together but only SH believes he is right.

  40. That’s good, @GB. 🙂 I happened to see it as soon as it posted. I’m taking a “quiet” break from family 😂 before I rejoin them for a walk on the beach.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes… because the lousy father of the Killer turned himself in to protect his son. He’s a very bad father as well as bad citizen! His son has to take responsibility and get treatment for his killing urge.

  42. KY using his profiler skill successfully to find a dress.

  43. @B the first corpse that the bus driver saw is the 8th victim Hwang Min Joo bus company employee: 1989.11.05 23:00 In front of Ohsung Daesung Supermarket; time of death 22:40.

    He pointed to the wrong direction when he met Jae Han and that is the 9th victim: Kim Won Kyung 1989.11.07 Time 21:30;

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3, are you at the beach house this weekend? Good weather?

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, in the end HY’s profiling was hardly needed. Now he goes into checking the Killer’s body LOL… also not a profiler’s job!!!

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @FF!! So different nights and different victims.

    Hah, the overly confident police chief was saved from making an ass of himself a second time by SH. He and the other policeman was so smug. So now SH gets to face the press instead.

  47. Big chief let SY to present the investigation result.
    I was surprised by that.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY confronts the bus driver who refuses to admit the cover up. He tries to protect his son til the end. So misguided.

    His female colleague points out Jin Hyung the killer jumped into the bus the day of the killing.

  49. So a girl has doubts, is killed.
    But another girl witness this.
    We guess, a bad girl ready to do blackmail.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, big chief was not prepared to present the new evidence. He didn’t have all the facts at his fingertips.

  51. This lady is should have exposed the killer, but she did not and kept the evidence and use it to blackmail Lee Chun Goo.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, the bus conductor lady was also complicit and a blackmailer.

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    More high stress, suspenseful music for the chase.

    Killer gets to the roof. JH goes crazy thinking of Won Kyung. If the bus driver had told the truth Won Kyung would have not been killed. Stupid driver thinks that if there are no more passengers, then his son won’t kill again. JH has no evidence. He has a choice to be the executioner or not.

  54. What is the bus driver thinking? He knew that his son is the killer and yet he keeps insisting that he is not the killer? I know it is painful but what about the innocent women who died at his hands?

  55. Because informations coming througth time, JH find the killer, chases him, and for sure, the result of the fight is the killer being paralised. It’s strange, because we got the result after the time change in present.

    JH identify driver weakness, threatning the son, as drive won’t say anything.

  56. @FF, I’d resume that by: driver bus is a shitbag. 😀

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF @WE, yes, JH stopped the killing by doing something unlawful. It was the only way at that point, and he was willing to turn himself in, but bus driver refuses to corroborate this. All he thinks is that his son is pitiful, but just because someone is pitiful does not make it okay to commit evil.

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We get some nice person-to-person moments now… being human and establishing friendship. SH tells HY to find a way to destress after dealing with death and crime.

  59. Why does Hae Young go so close to Soo Hyun and even flip the collar of her blouse? Its not appropriate between superior and subordinates.

    Now we see the hand and the blood so I was mistaken, Hae Young’s brother did not kill a woman instead he took his own life.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Kdramas are good for these people moments. We see the backstory for HY’s wanting to be a policeman and profiler. It was because his brother had been wrongly accused and committed suicide.

    We see him pay SH attention not as a subordinate but as a person. We see the backstory of why SH is so fond of JH, and how she passes on to HY what JH taught her about coping with death.

  61. Flashback, moving moment of complicity SY and JH.
    With sad piano music.

  62. Hi all, joining late as just returned from getting some luscious fresh veggies and first quart of “real” strawberries of 2024 at our local farmer’s market.
    During the interrogation the bus driver keeps repeating that his son has paid for his crimes because of his paralysis. This goes to show how rationalization enables the slide down the slippery slope. HY clarifies that the “bill” is not paid in regard to the victims’ families. The bus drive doesn’t get to decide, the justice system does.

  63. @GB, what’s nice, it’s not linear. Doesn’t get HY backstory unpacked out of nothing, but only a moment when it’s matter. Note that I’m not against unpacking, but just here it couldn’t fit. So it’s focused little unpacking at right point.

  64. @GB, yes Kdramas are good at such kind of touch points.

  65. Hi LL.
    So now, the drama press on the wound.
    What I call… I don’t remember… But kdramas do that: a shock is shocking but doesn’t create sadness, so it needs after-effect scenes, to make crying. Then, the flashback with JH and his dead girlfriend.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @LL! Glad you came even if late.

    Bus driver rationalised and excused his son and himself for something inexcusable. In the end he also became a killer.

  67. Two tickets of cinema, shit, the writer want us drowned by tears.

  68. Hi @LL.

    @WE, I thought it was to back Hae Young’s point that it is not his first time seeing a dead body?

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE yes so touching.

    We get the conversation of HY and JH… at last JH gets closure knowing that he contributed to getting the right criminal arrested. Such nice full circle. Then the radio dies.

    Episode 1 and 2 resolved the crime that was hanging over HY’s head. He was in it full circle at the beginning and the end. Episodes 3 and 4 resolves the crime that hangs over JH’s head… if he had found the right Killer, Won Kyung would not have been killed. We will also get an ending resolution with first HY and then JH meeting Won Kyung’s aunt. It’s strangely so fitting that she remembers JH and attributes the success of the catching the killer to JH who gave the taser to Won Kyung.

    Younger JH is so cute as he gets Won Kyung’s number as part of his job and follows her home to keep her safe. He’s kind of stalking her though!

    Just as HY left flowers in the school in Ep 2, here in Ep 4, JH will get the movie tickets that Won Kyung bought for them and watch the movie alone.

    Great plot movement, great moving scenes, suitable music and so much suspense then relief and emotion! Tears at a funny movie while everyone else is laughing… so poignant.

  70. I like the song at the cinema scene. Jae Han crying while the rest of the people are laughing.

  71. Now he goes to cinema alone. Everyone laugh at the movie and he cries like crazy. I’m divided in two about I hate the writer and I love her for doing so good.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Even JH’s father sheds a few tears and SH is there to pass him a tissue. Really emotional episode!

    I have to watch Ep 5!!!

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what is the reason to hate the writer? Hate her for being such a good writer?

  74. @GB, bah, you know. She want to hurt us badly. Uses below the belt blows. 🙂

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, ah, I see… you cried LOLOL. Great writer!!

    I’m jumping into Ep 5 now … will it be a case that helps to resolve something for SH this time?

  76. It is so true when Hae Young told Jae Han that the evidence cannot prove that Lee Chun Goo’s son is the killer during 1989.

  77. I need to go now, have a good week.
    I’ll come to report my actual watching on the “what you watch” thread.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, even with the taser, they would not have been able to link it to the killer so definitely because they did not have DNA testing and matching yet.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK @WE, bye!

  80. Bye @WE and the rest, see you next week!

  81. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @FF!

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Here’s a bit of news that I missed.

    It will be strange to have Signal Season 2 without any one of the 3 leads!

  83. Hmnn yes sounds like they’re aiming for a return with all three leads! That would be fun.

    That was an emotional episode! Thanks all for the fun discussion

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