156 Comments On “Lovely Runner: Ep 15 & 16 Open Thread”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL Thanks for the early thread @pkml3! It takes away the stress of waiting. 🙂

  2. Thank you, @packmule3. I hope that you have a great weekend. Do you have BBQ on the horizon, or strawberry picking?

  3. Hey everyone–I’ve finally written up my (final?) list of LR Timeline entrances and exits, as of Episode 14. I decided to put it on a separate webpage so that I could update it, as needed, rather than trying to put multiple comments on different BOD posts as it evolves. If you think any of the dates are wrong, or you have more precise dates for some of these events (like the first SJ/Sol meeting) let me know. Hope this shortened URL works: https://t.ly/uAL-b

    If not the full URL is:

  4. *finger crossed*
    I hope that Lovely Runner will have the satisfying ending.
    Is it just me, or is there anybody else who feels this kind unexplainable sad when entering the last episodes of our favorite drama.
    Like I can’t wait for the closure but at the same time I am sad that it’s gone.

  5. Kalimera @Packmule3 and thank you for the thread!

    Let us see what it will happen today! <3

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @moonstar512, I know I felt that way when I first watched Healer. I was dying to know the ending but didn’t want it to end. My attachment to that drama and its characters was so strong. I really wanted to know how the characters carried on their lives even after the series was over. 🙂

    Hi @Cleo! Let’s see how it goes this penultimate episode and tomorrow!

  7. Hello ppls !! I think a couple of things 🐥

    1) I’d be very surprised if Sol appears unscathed from today’s ep. Could be because this writer has done some out of the box things until now but I’d be surprised none the less. It’s just a kdrama 15th ep thing.

    2) I’m not at all worried about SJ. He ain’t going to suffer any injuries in these two hours. No death, no injury. Even in QoT, much like SJ here, HI was in constant peril for much of the series. But in last two episodes, they gave gun shots + accident to HW to make up for lack of injuries/ risk of death for rest 14 ep. It’s not even a theory… it’s just a very Kdrama thing to do.

    Everyone’s worried that SJ will die for the forth time and bam. Sol dies on HIM. Otherwise, where’s the suspense for the 16th ep.

    3) Although not preffered by some of us, let’s assume SJ time travelled too. It would be absolutely hilarious if he’s the one who video graphed Sol’s song for Tae Sung. Because we don’t know who it was, it’s open for my imagination. I’m LoLing even if the thought exists only in my head 😂

  8. PS. The Burning Sun scandal has hurt me deeply. It was almost enough to steal the thrill of ep 15-16 of LR.

    Was it unexpected? Of course not. Have I not spent enough years on earth to assume these things happen all the time? Sadly, yes.

    It still deeply upset me. Kudos to BBC. May justice be brought to those who suffered these unspeakable atrocities.

  9. Yes,

    That’s all I am going to say for now! 💕🎈

  10. Hello BoDers! I am waiting for your feedback of a satisfying and reasonable ending before I resume my watch (stopped at ep 12). All the best!

    meanwhile, I plan to rewatch a wonderful time travel movie called “About Time”. Does anyone have a favorite time travel movie(s)? I also like “Somewhere in Time”.

  11. Time Travel Films:

    Back to the Future (1985) starring Michael J. Fox
    Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) starring Kathleen Turner
    Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray
    Il Mare (2000) starring Jun Ji Hyun [The 2006 remake The Lake House starring Sandra Bullock is good, too]
    The Terminator (1984) starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton

    Dramas About Time:

    Rebirth: Next (2005) starring Ryu Soo Young, Jang Shin Young, Park Ye Jin
    This drama isn’t about time travel, but about reincarnation/past lives. it’s very interesting.
    Splash, Splash, Love (2015) starring Kim Seul Gi
    Meet Me at 1006 (2018) starring Lego Lee and Nikki Hsieh
    Signal (2016) starring Lee Je Hoon
    Tomorrow With You (2017) starring Shin Min Ah, Lee Je Hoon

  12. Ep. 15
    It was fun to watch Sun Jae fall in love again with Sol. The coffee scene with Tae Sung was hilarious! I appreciated the simple way they handled Sun Jae getting back his memories.
    I hope that Ep.16 will finally take care of the killer once and for all, and then we can have a happy ending for all the other characters.

  13. Thanks @table122000! What a great list of time travel movies and drama. I totally forgot about “When Peggy Sue Got Married”! I’ve watched all the movies you listed and they are good.

  14. @cleo @table122000
    I agree 😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️

    Watching our two leads on Salon Drip 2 is pretty fun too! Glad our leads and show are getting the kudos they deserve.

    @janey – ep 13 felt like a filler before ep 14, peppered with some key moments.

  15. You are welcome @Janey!

    Here is an English subbed preview clip of Ep. 16 I think there will be a lot of cute scenes for the final episode. It gives me hope for a happy ending for all of the characters.

  16. Well Episode 15 was mostly light and breezy. I especially enjoyed the meta scene at the movie company table where SJ says that no one likes the current ending where the couple is separated for the rest of their lives because viewers want a happy ending.

    I think the grandma explained what was going on with her–she’s not a deity but she holds multiple memories at once. Instead of seeing her condition as dementia, she feels that is lost in memories, walking back through and re-experiencing past moments of her life.

    I think most of Episode 16 will be feel-good except that the murderer may still be on the loose, which would be a real bummer. I hope they get rid of him early in the last episode so that the happy ending will last longer than an epilogue or (cough–QoT–cough) a short series of flashbacks and photos.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @BethB, @Cleo, @Table, @Hana, @Janey

    I’ve watched Ep 15. I agree with @Cleo – yes. (I may or may not attempt a review at the very last of the comments of Ep 16.)

    I enjoyed several of those time-travel shows @Table… I’ve a great fondness for ‘The Lakehouse’. So romantic.

    ‘Splash Splash Love’, ‘Signal’ (of course), ‘Back to the Future’, ‘Terminator’… I’ll add to that ‘Kairos, Reset, Someday or One Day/A Time Called You, Nine: Nine Times Time Travel, Queen Inhyun’s Man/Queen and I’. I’m sure there are more but these come to mind.

    A plus for time loops is that we get to see falling in love on repeat LOL.

    I kind of felt that the preview was giving too much away for Ep 16????

  18. I’m wrong again ! This drama has been pure joy for me because of the sheer number of times I and the rest of internet have been wrong in “predictions” based on past drama viewing experience. 😃😃

    I’m so happy ! Only trouble is I don’t get to see a Sun Jae video graphing “Shiro shiro” 😛

  19. @cleo the writer has taken a path you had hoped multiple times including where SJ regains his experiences of all timelines. 👏

    She’s like a muscle memory for him. He doesn’t need concious decision/ concious thought to love her. Such a romantic story!

    As I mentioned above, I enjoyed it so much because I was wrong in every episode. Not just me, but all “internet theorists”. The writer kept us guessing AND serving amazing story.

    One question I’d be glad if they answer is, why is cabbie trying to kill them in every timeline?

  20. @GB The Lake House is my favourite too. I went through a Keanu Reeves phase after that. I think @Fern was going to watch it ? Not sure. Ditto with Healer. Another favourite.

    @BethB I loved the whole meta sequence of her coming up with script, the discussion on the Ferris wheel regarding what is a happy ending and same with the continued sequence in ep 15 at the table. It was very refreshing to see the characters themselves discussing their own opinions regarding their situation and “choice” or “will”.

  21. Annyeong,

    Spoiler Alert ‼️

    On top of the Ferris wheel, IS fainted/running a fever and SJ ends up carrying her out… to his apartment – on his bed… (after he’s already called a doctor? She’s on IV)… he was fixing the blanket when IS grabbed his hand and started mumbling his name a few times then a tear dropped which SJ dried with his finger.

    His manager barged in with the medicine and saw them holding hands.. outside, BIH and his buddies were there too and surprised that SJ has a woman in a no-female zone apartment 🤣. Rescued by the manager-he took them out of there fast 😄

    IS woke up and tried to sneak out of there… and stumbled upon SJ who’s getting out of the shower. He caught her again from falling. SH hijacked her shoes so she had to stay for breakfast. He’s so sweet. He cut up her food- and it brought a deja vu from their first sort’a “date.” The food was delivered as fresh as his image haha. He told her not to quit coz the movie is her dream. But she has another dreams: for the person I love to live a long and happy life.

    He offered to take her home but TS was in the lobby regarding the villain 😱 so she went with TS instead. Back in his room, SJ was so pissed 😤 until he saw the medicine. He thought hard about what to do. He ended up dropping it off no matter how much his manager insisted on doing the errand for him.

    At the sauna, the parents of IS and SJ ended up meeting there – funny how the mom want to introduce IS to SJ and the dad was like- no thank you. That SJ has high standards… If they only knew… haha

    SJ saw IS pushing a baby cart. He followed her to the playground. He found out that she’s only an aunty! Whew! He was amused when he heard her sing the baby to sleep. He tried to sneak around but found himself hiding and then his phone rang. Then he dropped it. 😳 oh boy. Funny when he tried to change his voice; when he was found out, how he slid down the slide 😂 and got up so smoothly 😎
    More funny, when he held the baby to show her how to calm him down, the baby ended up burping on him and he ended up having to shower at her house and using all the shampoo 🤣 lol and he came out of the bathroom half naked and steamy HOT 😳 lol
    Her mom and grandma and niece ha arrived from the sauna…she quickly hid him in her bedroom.
    He freely snooped around her bedroom and found the boxed clock (she supposedly gifted him in one timeline). It fell and broke so now he wants to get it fixed. Just like that.
    When it came time to leave, So cute how she nonchalantly grabbed his hand. He commented about it and made her more conscious. So she quickly let go of his hand.
    When they said goodnight as the door closed, SJ had a Deja vu of them kissing- he quickly covered his mouth in surprise -twice 😳🫢 haha.
    He was so disturbed by the thought… he got caught off guard by BIH and basically described him as smitten, in love 💕or crazy 😜

    Det TS met with BIH and SJ regarding the villain and requesting his black box footage.
    TS ended up mentioning “my girl Sol” which made SJ sound hostile. So when the hot tea came, both SJ and TS were showing off drinking their hot teas while BIH couldn’t even take a sip LOL
    SJ saw the black box footage and had another Deja vu of the villain.

    IG and HJ collected their lottery prize money but it was only 400 million won because apparently when he bought the ticket, he was drunk and blurted out all the winning numbers 😳😱😓 ay yay. So they ended up sharing their winnings with 50 other people 🙄😬🫨 they were so excited though that HJ allowed IG to finally go to the audition 🤩

    At Bon Cinema, SJ proposed a happy romantic ending to the movie. But for IS: she went through so much to untangle their fates. If they fall in love again, all that work will be for nothing.
    Outside, SJ caught up to IS. SJ ended up telling her he’s interested/smitten by her- he thinks of her a lot and worries about her. IS ends up rejecting him again telling him she has someone she loves. SJ backed off and IS wished him well. 🥹

    TS gave her a ride home. IS told him not to have a crush on this noona. After 10 yrs of friendship, TS is feeling something else like maybe he used to liked her (in another timeline) 😆. IS told him about how she’s not over Someone but he doesn’t know who this person is. 🫤

    When she got home IS was surprised that her grandma remembers her name. She reminded her that memories don’t disappear. They all become part of the soul. So even though the head might forget, the soul never does. It holds onto them all.
    IS recalls how it’s clear with SJ and TS- this is the case.

    At Bon Cinema, SJ found out PD Im is no longer in charge coz she’s left the company to study.
    Outside, when his ride came, SJ could hear the song “sudden shower” so clearly with memories of their initial meet up that inspired the song. 🎶

    At the taxi cab company, TS and partner confirmed who the villain is.

    At a cafe, the CEO sent a demo of the song “rain shower” that SJ wrote for the movie 😳🥺😥 IS missed the song and was happy to hear it again. She tearfully sang along with the song 🎵

    TS finally got the warrant to arrest the villain. He also found out KYS had prior record and his dad was the arresting officer in 2008. He was jailed for 6 yrs. When KYS arrived, he noticed they were cops and quickly fled away that started a dangerous chase on the road 😱

    Outside the studio. SJ opened the boxed clock and winded it. His head began to hurt.

    IS leaves the cafe and it started snowing. She opened up her yellow umbrella.

    SJ sees the Memory their first meeting. His heart/chest aches and he got a memory of IS getting ran over and him running towards her.
    He sees a memory of IS and her yellow umbrella across the street. He utters her name and starts walking/running towards her.

    IS hears his voice. She turns around but there’s nobody there.

    SJ stops midway due to excruciating pain on his head -In the middle of the road 😱. The villain sees him and pushes on the pedal. TS sees this and he diverts the taxi cab so not to hit SJ. He falls to the ground 😳😱

    As SJ lay in the cement, memories with IS from past timelines follows. His voiceover: is there such a thing as fate. A certain destiny you can’t change or cross? If that’s true, sol, my ate is that no matter when we meet, the past or the present, no, in any moment in time that I fall in love with you. Sol, I love you.
    He closed his eyes. 🫨

    Preview: Will there be a proposal?

  22. Kalimera Ladies!

    I will try to write some more later!

    For now… @Arihsi,

    When you are killing your ML three times in a script, you need to give the poor character a break. So, yes. Sun Jae needs a break from all that suffering.

    Also, the reason I wrote “Yes” last night was because, I am glad that we got to have an answer from “Heavenly Granny” aka Halmeoni about how MEMORIES are working and that everything that is happening is incorporated in the SOUL (of the people who are interacting in every Timeline).

    I was pretty sure that was the direction the chakkanim would take because that is an organic way to do so.

    As for why the taxi driver is targeting them is simple. If you follow that rule @Arihsi: The taxi driver has a grudge against them. For Sol, because he didn’t manage to kill her and for Sun Jae because he always intervened to save her. Simple as that… *winks*

    More laters!

  23. Unnie,

    Do whatever you like! Kalimera!

  24. @GB, ahh you feel it too.. hahaa, yes!! To some dramas that I feel attached too, it is up to the point where I also imagine on how they will still be friends with each other, hanging out with each other, keep the good relationship, even after the series over. Lol..

    Looking at their behind the scenes, and Salon Drip too.. It feels that I watch the “Second Season” of Sunjae-Imsol but in Hyeyoon-WooSeok bodies. lol.

    I like the Il Mare too for movie.
    For series: Signal (fav!!), A Time Called You, Go Back Couple

    I will go back here after finishing the 16th episode.
    Let’s enjoy the show, and (hopefully) the peak of sweetness between our lovely runners.

  25. FYI,

    Salon Drip 2’s LR Episode is up with English Subs!

  26. Eeee thank you for sharing @cleo ! I’ve been scoring the vast internet waters for the same.

  27. Just one word please. Was it a happy or sad ending?


  28. @Packmule3,

    Kalimera! We are heading to a HEA from the reactions of Netizens on MDL. The Episode is not finished yet.

  29. Thanks, @Cleopatra. 🙂

  30. You are welcome @Packmule3! I do hope you are okay! <3

  31. Thanks. 🙂 Juggling several balls in the air right now, but I’m doing fine, @Cleopatra.

  32. I can totally get you for the same reason, @Packmule!
    Good to know that you are okay! I do hope you will manage to calm down a bit!

  33. @packmule,
    I hope you’re doing fine..
    It is a satisfying happy ending.
    Oh.. my heart feels so warm. Filled with laughter, joy, and happiness.
    Beautiful last episode.
    Smiling from ear to ear now.
    I can sleep peacefully now.
    Will write more later, after reading all your comments.
    Ah I am so happy…. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    1 word: Happy.
    3 words: Such a relief.

    More words later.

  35. Thank you, Truck Of Doom!

  36. I am so very happy! ❤️🎈

    More tomorrow! 🫰

  37. Episode 16:

    Spoilers below.

    Thank goodness, no more time travel! A long and satisfying HEA without miscommunications or unnecessary strife. I don’t feel that the director or scriptwriter could have made it more pleasant, so I don’t feel cheated in any way.

    My only very minor complaint was that I would have liked an explanation on why or how the watch got the powers of time travel and why Grandmother had such abilities.

  38. Woohoo- seems like it’s really a satisfyingly happy ending! Will skip eps 13-14 and watch ep 15 and 16. Cheers!!! 🥂 and cookies for everyone 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

  39. @Janey – I wouldn’t skip Episode 14. Although it starts with a tragedy it has some of the funniest scenes in the whole show. It also repeats an important scene from an earlier timeline. I think it’s one of my favorite episodes.

  40. I turned into a lurker for this drama reading the comments but skipping most of the drama. I enjoyed the final episode even though I missed most of what preceded it. Snow Flower – best comment ever!! Thank you BODers for the lovely and lively commentary.

  41. Episode 16 SPOILERS

    A very satisfying ending. It was nice to see a couple just be sweet with one another and enjoy even simple moments together. There were lots of full circle moments:

    –How appropriate that the killer dies after getting hit by a truck and thrown into the water. It repeats both what happened to Sol at the beginning and also two of SJ’s deaths involving water.

    –The proposal was so sweet and simple, a repeat of something they did together in the earlier timeline (T3 I think), catching petals together.

    –The traveling alarm clock was a time machine of-sorts, as we predicted. It took SJ back in time/through all the timelines without him having to leave the present. It was truly a Chekhov’s gun/object since it was seen in the second scene in Episode 1.

    [I’m seeing theories that Grandma is really a time-traveling Sol. The big clue supposedly is her throwing the watch away at the end. I’m not sure how that would work unless an older Sol was there in Grandma’s body to save SJ again by going back to 2024. But then Sol and Grandma would be the same person. The watch didn’t let Sol enter anyone’s body but her own. So I’m not sure I buy into it. And Sol can’t be her own grandmother.]

    I’m going to miss this show on Mondays and Tuesdays! I never could wait until evening to watch it but would find myself stopping whatever I was doing by mid-afternoons to tune in. That hasn’t happened with me with a kdrama in a long time. And I’ve enjoyed discussing it with you all! I still might work on a full color analysis of the show later as a fun exercise…

    I finished my timeline of exits and entrances (except for one or two dates) but didn’t want to just put it buried in a comment. If anyone is interested let me know and I’ll post it somewhere. Or we could ask @pm3 to create a separate post for just the timelines and timeline exits.

  42. I agree with everyone here. I’ve been smiling since yesterday! I’d definitely be re-watching. I took a long hiatus from dramas earlier but like many experienced viewers here I found LR to be just so comforting. 💛💙

    I especially love how warm and non-toxic the friendships are in this show, including that of TS and SJ. Just ❤️

    I also liked how everyone remembered bits and pieces of previous timelines. For example. In Hyuk (the absolute dear) felt he has seen Sol somewhere/knows her, TS felt he and SJ have been drunk together before etc.

    BWS cried a lot of what I presume were happy tears during the co-viewing party by TvN yesterday. I’m looking forward to his next project!

    I loved sharing my viewing experience with everyone here. Thank you to all the BODers as usual.. you all are the best ❤️

    I’ll be back to see all your detailed commentary and @BethB’s colour palette analysis!

  43. Can also just mention how he “aborted” grand mission proposal because it wasn’t the right “timing” ? Not In Hyuk scurrying around to collect the petals ! I could’ve cried.

  44. Kalimera @Good Twin,

    You have missed all the fun while you skipped the show… Just saying!

  45. Annyeong,

    Spoiler Alert ‼️

    EP 16 ~ finale recap

    TS was about to handcuff the villain when he got away… TS ran after him… and then… the truck of doom. Yes! Hit the bad guy and he went flying to the river. 😱 that’s the last we will see of him. HORRAY!!!

    Now onto our HEA…

    SJ wakes up in the hospital with the mutual confession in sanpo-ri playing in his head… a tear fell 🥺

    In the taxi cab, IS heard SJ call her name… she woke up in traffic… with the breaking news about the death of the villain. She went online and found out what hospital he’s in.

    SJ got out of the bed and started running outside the hospital into the road…
    At the same time, IS exited the cab and started running towards the hospital …

    IS stopped when she saw SJ running towards her. IS was happy he’s ok. SJ wanted to know if she came to see him and why she’s crying. He said: when you’re alone, did you cry like that all the time? While missing that guy who forgot all about you? See? I told you it’s a sad ending. You still don’t want to change the ending? But you see, I think the ending has already changed.
    SJ walked towards her and gave her a big hug. IS tried to pry him away, but he told her with tearful eyes “Sol, I remember everything. Why did you do it? How could you try to erase you from me? How could you make me live without you? Did you think that was possible?”
    IS was sobbing now. He hugged her once more.
    SJ told her “ don’t cry. I’m sorry I’m late. I’m sorry that I forgot you.” KISS 💋

    At his apartment, they were cuddling so comfortably.
    SJ: I wasted so much time not remembering you. I don’t want to be a part again, not even for a moment
    IS: Let’s stick together, even when we are dreaming
    SJ: I am not going to forget anything about you. Even if you try to erase anything, I am going to remember it all somehow, just like this
    IS: *pats his head. That will never happen again.
    SJ: but if I think about it, I don’t think I totally forgot about you. I never forgot about you.
    * he took out the silver necklace with Initial S.
    So, maybe my brain forgot you, but my heart remembered you.
    IS: my grandma said this. Memories don’t disappear. They just seep into your soul.
    SJ: *SJ puts the necklace around IS’s neck.
    It is finally in its rightful place. ♥️

    IS commented that before he was stumbling in putting the necklace around her neck. He must have gotten a lot of practice for the past 15 years. IS is showing some jealousy and SJ just gave her kisses 💋
    They said their “I love you’s” and just love their heartfelt bear hugs. 🫂 omg *this while apt scene is so satisfying ‼️

    TS was visited by his dad. He said: it’s not your fault, it was his time to die. Because he died, someone else might get to live. The dad pats his knee as consolation. Then TS saw SJ’s face on the can 🤣

    ***a month later***

    IS it trying to finish writing her script/screenplay at a café. SJ wanted to meet but IS can’t. So SJ went to the café himself because he missed her so much. So cute when she heard people whispering his name. She turns around and saw him standing by the counter. So cute when he lowered his sunglasses and gave her the cutest wink. But then everyone else who was there thinks he was winking at them ha ha ha. The girls were screaming. 🙀 Lol.
    He sat on another table just across from her. When he ordered a 3 tiered pastry for every table, that was the last straw. * Take picture or it didn’t happen says a fan. SJ was all happy and proud. IS told him she can’t work like this. SJ said to just play with him. That was tempting for a few seconds. IS was not happy.
    IS packed her stuff and left the café and SJ to deal with his throng of fans. *I want that 3 tiered pastry y” all!!!! 😳

    IS went to the library instead but SJ followers her there too. SJ really just wanna be with her. He was good for a bit and then he started poking her nose, her cheeks, her chin. It felt like they were back in college again. They were enjoying having a secret romance.🥰
    But even with a mask on, somebody still recognized him. IS had to pretend he is his brother and called him Oppa. (This happened before). They left the library in a puff 🤣

    Now what?
    Oppa will take you somewhere quiet where she can focus – His apt on the 30th floor. 😄 IS was thrilled 😁 silently, inwardly.

    IG was showing off to his family his first big project as an actor- while my husband is asleep- where he plays the husband- in a coma and all bandaged up in the hospital bed throughout the whole show and then he dies 🤣😂😅 wahahahah. So cute how HJ was so encouraging despite his tiny role 🤩

    At the apt, IS was wondering why SJ was not bothering here. And when she was all finished, SJ was ready to give her a ride home. She wanted to hang out some more. She was pouting. She was trying to linger. When she heard SJ asked, “can you stay the night?” She thought that it was for her so she said “yes, I’ll sleep over” but when she turned around, she saw that he was actually on the phone with BIH. 🤣😂😅 she got all embarrassed and got all flustered. She tried to take it back but SJ Already made up his mind- she is sleeping over – so they could eat something yummy, watch a movie, hung out, talk and … KISS 💋 smile KISS 💋 some more …….

    The next morning, on his bed, SK wakes up and pokes her nose. So cute 🥰 his smile. Poke her cheeks until she woke up. He pretends to sleep. IS draws a ♥️ on his chest and he says “i love you too” 🥺😳🤩 SJ wants them to continue sleeping. But IS started tickling him. He surrenders 🥰 so cute.
    SJ: *takes IS’s hand and place them on his cheek-
    It doesn’t feel real. I feel like I’m dreaming.
    IS: me too
    SJ: sometimes, I get… that you will leave for another timeline. And that I will forget you again.
    IS: *places her palm on his left cheek
    That’s not going to happen anymore.
    (They started talking about the TT watch of SJ and how it has gone missing)
    SJ: you don’t need it anymore anyway. Because we will stay together like this. HUG. *SJ drag the both of them down and under the covers 🥰 so cute !!

    Grandma is standing by the river where IS first Time traveled. She has the watch ‼️ 🙀😳 and it’s all powered down. She tossed it in the river.

    At the apt, IS and SJ brushed their teeth together. While IS showered. SJ made breakfast. IS had to leave right away, but before she got out the door, SJ handed her a sandwich and juice to drink. He also took her curler off and asked for a kiss on the cheek. Then IS said “ don’t we look like newlyweds right now? ‼️😳🙀🤣 SJ was left aghast, cupping his mouth with his hand. 🤣😂😳

    Both of their parents are looking at their phones and reading SJ’s dating scandal. Their comments are Hilarious 😂

    At Acre store, SJ is buying an engagement ring with the help of his manager and BIH. So funny. All their fingers have rings on them. They look impatient. 😂 BIH thinks he recognizes Sol 😂
    So funny when IS called all panicky about the scandal brewing… he almost blurted out where he really was. Funny when he got BIH to sing a song they’re working on – the RUN RUN song by Eclipse.
    BIH’s tip: the most important thing about proposals is keeping it a secret because the minute she realizes he will propose, the fantasy is destroyed! Until you propose, don’t run your mouth just because you are dying to talk. Remember, keep it a secret.

    Outside her apartment-
    In his car, SJ was touched that IS was worried about him. He was about to mention the ring when he remembered what BIH said 😂 IS wanted him to stay in the car… until he saw TS on his way out. IS tried to fool TS why SJ was there- but he also read the headlines about their romance LOL 😂
    They ended up eating out. SJ mentioned that he’s the boyfriend and TS is an ex-boyfriend and that they only dated for 2 weeks. (This happened before). TS got confused there. SJ can only laugh it off like nothing LOL 😂

    TS: how long have you been together?
    SJ: 15 years.
    IS: elaborating – actually, we knew each other before. We were neighbors.
    TS: so the guy you said you’d never forget until you die, is this him?
    IS: yes
    TS: I had a feeling. She was drunk and called out your name ever so desperately.
    Then they challenged each other to a drinking match… (this happened before lol).

    They had to call the manager to give them a ride coz SJ got so drunk. Before they left, he was emotional and was very grateful to TS for somewhat catching the bad guy. awww 🥰 so sweet 🥹
    SJ: you ended it for us. The twisted, unlucky fates.
    Funny how he hugged him several times 🤣

    For baby JH’s 1st birthday- they held it at SJ’s dad’s bbq resto in Seoul. When IS found out, she tried to dissuade SJ in coming.
    The parents had a banter again how both their kids have found their match (lifetime partners). 🤣 and that’s when SJ came in. Cute how the grandma called him “my grandsons in law” 😳- the rest of the family was shocked to see SJ.
    Then the grandma straight through went and just hugged SJ. 🤩
    The dad was surprised when SJ offered a big gift basket to IS’s mom and called her “hello Eomeoni” then bowed low. Both parents were shocked 😳 upon hearing that.
    IS quickly went to his side.
    Yes, Sol in the mystery woman in the media 🤣 SJ confirmed it 😂 then IS’s mom told the dad “ I think your son was definitely stunned by my daughter”. 🤣 followed by “ I feels like a family introduction meeting for marriage. Right? Should we just make it official? To which SJ strongly agree 🙀😳🤣

    During the party, SJ ended up giving the baby his first allowance- 1,000,000 won. Daebak ‼️😳 and the baby ended up choosing the money 💰 hahaha
    SJ’s dad was watching Outside Door-he could see how happy SJ looks. It’s been a long time since he has seen him this happy. He actually Can see why SJ was stunned by IS awww 🥰

    Then enters the Eclipse boys 🙀😳 they only agreed to this gig because SJ offered to remodel their studio and buy them new musical instruments 🤣😂
    When they were announced, everyone cheered and SJ just acted nonchalant about it- like he had no idea lol 😂

    The goodbye with the grandma was most emotional 🥺. She grabbed his hand and told him “have a good, long life now. Be happy, laugh” as she patted his chest 🥰🥺🫶🏼

    SJ took IS to a cruise boat where he planned to propose… he almost lost it when IS asked him to pose for a selfie LOl 😆 then IS jokingly asked if he’s gonna propose and he had to deny it.
    Before he could say something, IS blurted out that she’s going to direct her own movie- a short film for a competition- so she’s gonna be busy. She really wants to be a film director- she’s glad she didn’t give up on this dream.
    SJ patted her head and gave her his support.
    Then the countdown for the fireworks began. All SJ can do was cover IS’s ears and hide her in his jacket 😂😆🙀
    SJ tried so hard to stop the guys and abort the plan 🤣
    IS can hear explosions and SK had to scream that it is the sound of his heart exploding! 💥🤣 so sad to see the drone fly away with the question: will you marry me? 😭

    During the filming of “wish” SJ came by with a coffee truck to treat the crew. Sweet 🥰 because he wanted to be a surprise cheerleader. ♥️

    We see IS working hard in the editing room. SJ surprised her by picking her up. Love how he opens his jackets so he can hug her and warm her at the same time. Then he lifted her up and carried her to the car. 🥰 * I like his white sports car 😀

    IS finally submitted her film to the Gyeongju Intl short film festival 💥she was so happy she was congratulating herself. 😀

    IS and SJ are walking holding hands under the cherry blossom trees.
    SJ proposed they make a wish. IS started trying to catch some petals when SJ took her hands and clap them together. They caught several petals. They closed their eyes to make a wish.
    IS: what did you wish for?
    SJ: *looks at her hand… as the petals flew, we can see the engagement ring 💍 in her palms (how did they get there? Pretty good trick!!! There).
    IS: *surprised emotionally- Sun Jae *then looks up at him
    SJ: from now on, be with me all of the time, Sol.
    IS: *stares at the ring on her palms.
    SJ: *while still holding her hands, moved in front of IS. Aren’t you going to give me an answer?
    IS: *she lifts her head and smiled “yes I will. I will be by your side for all my life.
    SJ: *takes the ring and puts it on her ring finger ♥️
    Out OTP is full of joy.
    SJ cups her face and KISS 💋 **they were both shocked by the vision of their wedding day 🙀🥺
    ((((HUG )))

    ****the end****


    Jeongmal haengboghaeyo xoxo

  46. @Snow Flower,

    I laughed so hard when I read your comment last night! LMAO!

    One time, that the truck of doom did the deed right! LOL

  47. @Arihsi,

    In every timeline, In Hyuk is the petal boy! LOL

  48. Thank you BoDers for a great discussion. I too have lurked. Fab show …was so worried yesterday about the ending that I couldn’t quite focus on work. Love the central couple. He is adorable and the actress playing Sol is very gifted. Quick question – how did 2ML make it as a policeman in final storyline without the improving effects of (fake) dating Sol? Did I miss something? I found Salon Drip very funny. Especially the (joke) prospect of the parents marrying and ruining the whole story. Lol

  49. Thank you, @HK_Lady for all of summaries you did. It’s a lot of work and I appreciate it so much.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @HK_Lady, I second @Fern in thanking you profusely. Recapping even in summary form involves a lot of time and effort. Kudos to you for staying the course and giving us fun reads!

  51. @HL_Lady, as @Fern and @GB Unnie said before me, thank you for recapping the episodes. It is much appreciated!

  52. Hello @Kate!

    Good to have you around!

    Regarding your question. In the Second Time Loop, in the first Time Travel we all witnessed, Tae Sung didn’t date at all Sol. They stayed as friends all those past 10 years.

    As I have written throught the Threads, Sol changed TS’s course of life, by coming also into his life when she started the First Time Loop and especially in her First and Second Time Travels. Sol was involved directly with Tae Sung, by dating him and by talking to him about his life and what he should do next.

    In this Fourth Timetravel, to simplify things, Tae Sung’s soul was remembering Sol’s advice to do something good with his life. Afterall, TS’ long lost memories from the First Time Loop were bleed in his soul, even though his self / head was not remembering the past timelines he had experience in the First Time Loop.

    So, Tae Sung’s life became better and he was not a failure, in contract with Episode 1 and how Sol and Hyun Joo were remembering him in their car talk.

    So, while Sol entered the Time Loops and as we have discussed before, Tae Sung was significant to help the duo stopping that ill fated relationship with the taxi driver. I would say that Tae Sung was the key card they wanted and he became that person because his soul remembered what Sol meant for Sun Jae and vice versa.

    After all it was the KIMs that helped them escape their fate. Kim Won Chul was Tae Sung’s father and the Detective in charge when Sol was abducted in the Original Timeline but also in the First Time Loop. It is natural, his son to be the one who catches the taxi driver / killer in the Second Time Loop.

    Tae Sung saved Sun Jae’s life twice in Episode 15-16. By stopping the killer’s vehicle from hitting him on the road when he had that migraine from taking back his memories and by chasing the criminal after he flew away the car chase. The Truck of Doom helped as @Snow Flower wrote above.

    His death was needed in order the Time Loop to burst and Sol with Sun Jae to survive together ure ure… <3

    I do hope that helped you!

  53. Hi, @Kate! Great to see you back here again. The love story ending being un-rushed, rounded yet not full of filler was the best thing about episode 16. 🥰

    Salon Drip was very funny indeed. It was nice to see both the leads on the same show – I was starting to feel that BWS was getting a disproportionate amount of attention, not that he deserves less, but that KHY deserved equal face time.

    As to why TS became a policeman – I feel there were a few red herrings in this drama. I feel this isn’t bothering others, so it may only be me:
    The lack of backstory on the watch,
    Why the killer was obsessed with Sun Jae or Im Sol in the pasts only to have it turn out to be rather randomly senseless because SJ was never a witness and Im Sol was never his victim after TT4,
    Why the focus on the Eclipse manager being dodgy (TT1) with a close-up on his car’s license/registration plate,
    Why the focus on the shaman bells on the killer’s key-chain,
    And finally both Grandma’s semi-omniscient abilities and her dementia v. her lucid but fantastic explanation of how memory works. Grandma’s explanation of memory served as the broom to sweep some of the problematic queries away. 🧹🧹😆

    There are probably other things that I was wondering about, but I can’t remember them now; I wish I had Grandma’s heart memory.

  54. @Cleo. Hello! I haven’t followed the entire discussion. Thank you so much. It sounds as though there is a sort of positive leakage between cycles of the story and not just for the leads. I really liked the story ark of the 2nd lead. I like the way you.underline his significance and that of the Kim family. They have their own saga too. @Fern. Hello too. Like you I would like more on the mysterious access that Grandma has to things that are taking place and how this works. But it is also a pleasing mystery. Wasn’t it moving when our hero could no longer hold back his tears as Grandma wished him/ blessed him with a long happy life? KHY carries and is the main emotional thread of the drama- methinks. Had she not convinced in that role … I missed the other possible plot holes you mentioned. I guess it would be a miracle if there weren’t any!!

  55. I like the way you pepper the summaries with emojis @HK_lady ❤️

  56. @fern, @GB, and @Cleo ~ you’re very welcome ♥🤍💛💚💜💙
    I enjoyed doing the recap.
    It is time-consuming, but so fun.
    I realized it was better to watch the whole show (while i eat my dinner), then come back to it later and recap away.
    Last night, I didn’t get to post it until after midnight. daebak! 😲 I ended up watching it on my laptop so that my husband can watch from our TV. awwww 😁
    i love re-reading it myself (altho there were still mispells 😢 mianhae).

    on the way to work this morning, i was talking to myself about the show LOL. about that awesome finale. omg

    now if QOT ended like that? LOL ugh

    anyhoo, still lingering on the happy-ness with our Lovely Runner OTP ~ 👏🏼 to all cast, crew, director, writer-nim 💛

  57. @Fern and rest of BoD et al.

    Thank you for raising this point.

    I have been feeling very sad for KHY. I have been pondering… What does it mean to be a woman in the Kdrama industry?

    I can’t help but wonder how she feels when she watches BWS sky rocket to fame whereas she is just quietly sitting around. Not just that, she’s expected to deny dating rumours and face flak when she does. But at the same time, she mustn’t be involved romantically (at least publically ) with any X celebrity or co-actor or another human unless she wants to set her career on fire.

    It’s the quintessential essence of being a woman in a man’s world. It is as if there is no right way of being a woman. This is true for all women in showbiz (and dare I say otherwise as well?)

    She worked equally hard if not harder given how much she cries through the series. Apparently, she cried everyday for 10 months of the shoot. Her performance is superb throughout.

    I’m wallowing in sadness for all FLs of kdrama land. I hope she has the strength to hang on. Can’t say there is justice at the end of the tunnel but I hope she gets the strength to continue to pursue her dreams. May she get projects that display her prowess and lead to her increased influence. Enough influence to select projects, stay away from rumours and maintain mental peace. It takes power and money to do that in the industry she’s in. 💔

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hello @Kate! I’ve missed you on BOD. I’m glad you managed to watch something of this show that has a sweet romance.

    I find myself dithering about whether to post my thoughts. In a review, there are positive and not-so-positive things to say, and in the face of so much love for the show, I hesitate to rain on the parades and celebrations over this show.

    Nevertheless, this blog is BitchesOverDramas, hence don’t mind me if I bitch. But first, the good things – and there are good things I do appreciate about this Show.

    Show has a great premise. Girl goes back in time repeatedly to save boy but will not be able to tell him about the future. Time literally stands still while she tries to impart the future to the people of the past… and time stands still in her time when she is not there. Best joke was how she stopped time by yelling out the real life events of 2023 LOL.

    I appreciate this novel twist to a much-used sub-genre of fantasy time travel dramas.

    I really liked that Show never lost sight of the romance which made it one of the best feel-good romances around. The need to repeatedly fall in love was great for us warm-hearted romantics who devoured the sweet scenes. Ep 16 finally had them clinging to each other for great lengths of time. This was obviously going to be a grand romance that survived and thrived even in the face of repeated death, near-death, disablement, amnesia and vehicles of doom.

    There were times it was funny and smart, and the emotional beats provided by the OTP and Tae Sung were wonderful.

    The fictitious band, Eclipse and their original soundtrack sounds soooo good. I loved the concert scenes and would have been happy to have watched more of the concert with SJ strutting his stuff. So charismatic!

    Continued …

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Continued …

    While @Arihsi enjoyed making wrong guesses, for me it was fun to see that the guesses made over the mutual sheltering of each other from the rain or snow really did pan out. We just knew that they were meant to keep saving each other, and we were right.

    I’m glad that the prediction that Im Geum and Hyun Ju would get together panned out. I’m chuffed that they have a family by the end of the series.

    I’m pleased that the ending that I was hoping for has come to pass. This is the fairytale one where everyone survives, IS can walk, IG and HJ are married and everyone is happy, even Grandma has moments of clarity and SJ’s Dad accepts our OTP.

    Almost equal in my rating of happiness is that I’m extremely glad that Killer dies and stays dead LOL (yes @Snow Flower … thanks to TOD). I’m traumatised by those dramas where the bad guy is almost invincible and immortal.

    Rounding out the ending … it is so right that we see them running towards each other. A great improvement on how previously only one or the other of them did the running. Having that flash-forward ‘memory’ of their wedding day was unexpected but a nice gift for viewers. We at least get to see them in wedding dress together. Most generous of the Show!

    And of course, kudos to the actors who did great and for the nice production value.

    Continued …

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Continued …

    The less positive part of the review …

    @Fern… you are not alone.
    Since or even before I became a Bitch on BOD, I’ve become a different kind of drama viewer. More bitchy? LOL. I know what I enjoy and at the same time, I know when I’m watching something when it could have been better.

    I’m not looking for a perfect show (well I am, but I’m not expecting that with this drama) but for one where ‘issues’ don’t slam me in the face so that I can overlook them.

    The points you (@Fern) brought up struck me as well.

    Where the Plot was Weak or where We Are Left Guessing
    To be fair, loads of kdramas do the same … they give us some supernatural contrivance without ever explaining how or why.

    So… why does the watch offer time travel for 3 times (not more or less?) and how does IS get to different times in the past without being able to choose which time? This sort of thing is obviously because the plot calls for it. A clear logic is lacking.

    How long she will get to stay in the past before she is returned to 2023, is similarly not explained, and I guess for the same reason.

    Was it only dementia that Grandma had or was she tapped into her soul memories more than others. So all the flashes of visions that IS had and SJ too were just their soul memories of past and future? Again, the time for the flashes of visions are not explained and are seemingly ad hoc, but they are placed to move the plot. When ‘we’ need SJ to stand in the middle of the road (like IS used to) ‘we’ give him a memory flash with pain (when he had not suffered any such thing before). When ‘we’ need IS to do something weird like jettison SJ on the train, ‘we’ give her a vision of the Killer in the location she should have left. ETC.

    Scenes that led nowhere – @Fern pointed this out too.

    There seems to be no significance to the villain/guy who knocked the phone out of IS’s hand… That scene was played out more than once hence I feel misled as to its importance.

    I hoped that IS’s inability to cross the street would be addressed since Show seemed to focus on it … showing her counting to 5 and crossing deliberately but foolishly without looking to left or right. I expected something to have been made of it, but no. So I take it that it was the means by which to have her saved by SJ. I like what @Cleo was saying about how the difficulty in crossing reflected her body reacting to the trauma of her accident that was going to take place … but again, Show does not make this evident and hence a great little idea falls by the wayside.

    I fancy that Writer had great ideas which were sprinkled into scenes here and there and which could have been developed. Possibly there were reasons that they weren’t, which was a pity.

    Continued …

  61. @GB yes, it is indeed BoD isn’t it ? The reason I feel it’s okay if I express my sadness at how women are treated in the k-industry and left behind when it comes to success and fan support. 😞 Where else could I do that ?

    Please bitch away. I agree with the good points. And I’m sure would agree with the negatives as well.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Continued …
    Characters – I guess I thought it would be a balanced character-cum-plot driven drama but it was mostly plot driven in the end. More could have been made of the lovely characters so that they might have been less flat. Their relationship dynamics were partially shown but not enough to develop them.

    Grandma would have been a great character to have a small arc of her own. However her role was kept cryptic. At least she got to be the less than objective judge to the 2 family’s dispute over SJ and IS spending the night at the video store.

    SJ’s dad was mostly comedic relief. Scenes between Im Geum and Hyun Ju were played for laughs. There were not many between IS and her mum. My emotional investment in the ensemble sadly diminished. I didn’t really get to know them.

    Killer – He was merely a plot device: totally one-note. He was essential to add tension and because the premise was that SJ has to die and IS had to keep trying to save him.

    There was one editing issue in a scene with Killer, because Killer was in his car and IS was running from him but next thing we see, he’s in front of her and kidnapped her. We were wondering if there was an accomplice, but there wasn’t. It was confusing.

    Main Characters
    TS – is almost the only one to get a fuller character trajectory.

    SJ and IS began as characters who were such good persons that they hardly changed by the end of the series. They could not be improved.

    Sun Jae – SJ was a sweet character in many ways, but he existed mainly to save, be saved and to justify the time jumps. He may have changed occupations from swimmer to singer to actor, but his personality was lovely from the start, with just a touch of pettiness and jealousy, and he remained the same at the end.

    Im Sol – I began by really liking her character. I enjoyed her positivity and natural exuberance in the face of setbacks. I liked that she grew out of her despondency and despair over the loss of her legs and became an avid fan of SJ and an upbeat adult who was job hunting. I like that she’s proactive and really tries her best to prevent SJ’s death.

    However, I disliked that Show also made her have the quirks or weaknesses that repeatedly brought trouble upon herself and others. Because these quirks were repeatedly used, IS became someone careless, ditzy, more a source of problems than a solver of them. She went back in time to save SJ but ’caused’ SJ to save her over and over again, and (I’m not sure, but could it be because of that time Killer saw SJ as he passed in the car) in the process the Killer began to target SJ. Perhaps if SJ had not originally saved IS, the original murder of SJ from the hotel balcony would not have taken place. (The paradox of time travel… which came first? SJ’ s death that started the time jump or adult IS’ time jumps that led Killer to target both her and SJ???)

    It’s good that IS pursued her dream to become a movie director, but after the initial get-up-and–go, IS’s character becomes rather flat. I couldn’t see that she’d grown much personality-wise, and as an adult, she unfortunately remained about as scattered and chaotic/messy as before.

    = = =

    Despite this, it was a fun watch. Without the filler it could have been 14 episodes. If I never noticed anything except the sweet, exciting and great story parts, I’d give this Show an ‘A’!

  63. Unnie kalispera!

    I get your frustration and @Fern’s. I didn’t comment on those subjects at first, because simply my take is kinda different from yours, without taking away my pleasure.

    I truly believe that scriptwriter left these things unanswered because the Webtoon is a Work in Progress. That means the Production didn’t have a clear light how to proceed with the killer and the Halmeoni by the Webtoon’s Chakka.

    As far as I concerned, I didn’t want to know more about the killer. He was a baddie who abducted and killed people. Whether that changed over the timelines, that didn’t change. It was also his core.

    Also, the killer’s device and usage was to take Sun Jae’s fate in the end and stop the Time Loops from happening.

    As for Halmeoni, she could be a Deity or she could not. What is certain is that in Episode 16 she had Sol’s watch that had 0 time travels in her hands.

    I would love to have an explanation about her, but I believe that Webtoon’s chakkanim will give more info about them. So, I am okay with that as well. Halmeoni or Heavenly Granny was Sol and Sun Jae’s supporter and that is what matters to me.

    As for the Main Characters, I have said to @Arihsi, since the beginning that the Creator was cruel and I haven’t changed my opinion on that. The setting and their Modus Operandi is his / her fault.

    I am glad that for another Dramaverse, another thread of discussion was fully discussed and maybe fangirled.

    I am grateful that we can enjoy something or become bitches about it. Simple as that!

  64. Very aptly put @GB. To extend your character analysis with my thoughts reg women in k-industry, it extends to the story arcs they are offered.

    Males are written in an overwhelmingly “glorious” or “unreal” fashion. They are almost tailor made to suit hopes and fancies of a large female audience. Rich, drop dead gorgeous and perfect in every way, having the attention of many females but loyal to FL only… list is the same.

    On the other hand, unless you’re looking at a niche genre with actual strong female presence / non- romantic genre a la some of the works by KGE, you’re stuck with an FL that falls short of impressive. Mostly because they aren’t the spotlight in mainstream romance entertainment.

  65. I would love to know your thoughts @cleo on this given your background. Do you feel MLs are written in a certain set “desirable” mould across the board ? Do you feel the FL arcs leave much to be desired in most of the mainstream K-works because they aren’t the focus anyway ?

  66. @Arihsi,

    First of all, I would like to say that I am very careful when I write things on B.O.D.

    I live in a European country. I have a different culture altogether, and also our society is very different from an Asian one. I also haven’t studied as much as I would like about the ethics, the culture and the sociology of S. Korea, because we are watching K-Dramas, aren’t we?

    I have gathered some evidence as they are shown to their Sageuks and more political dramas. A rom com is not a society’s marker, although it hides in plain sight some attitudes sugarcoated with romance.

    We do know that there is glass ceiling for women. This is not something unknown to us. I have done an essay for my first degree some 15 years ago.

    This conversation is not to be taken lightly. I am partly Historian and I cannot begin writing something, without having studied it, in depth.

    So, all I can say is that some women scriptwriters write Female Leads in a childish and stereotypically way.

    The last woman / FL who was on fire, was Song Kyo Hyo’s Moon Dong Eun from the Glory.

    If we take this further then, we will see that Kim Eun Sook writes her Female Leads in a very different way from other scriptwriters.

    KES always have a Strong and Independent woman like Jang Tae Eul in TKEM or should I go to Goblin’s Kim Sun aka the Goryeo’s queen.

    For me the problem stems also from the women chakkanims who don’t try to change the narrative from the stereotypes. A man simply won’t do that. A female can, but is it easy to do so?

    I think, in some areas some things need their time, because the general public is not ready for such change nor wants it.

    I tried to keep it light @Arihsi. This matter is huge and not easy to talk about when you don’t know all the aspects of a society. I have heard about the Burning Sun scandal too and I want to watch BBC’s documentary. I know that it won’t be an easy watch…

  67. Thank you for your prudent thoughts @cleo. I’m born, raised and live in Asia. Sometimes, I become very emotional regarding these issues because they hit so close to home and heart. Yes, we must know history and through context of what we are talking about before giving opinions but in my case, I’m aware of both in addition to my own life experiences in the same societal context.

    When I was younger, I used to become angry. Now, I’m just sad. I am aware BoD isn’t a platform to discuss societal nuisances. But I couldn’t help myself in the light of the profound sadness I felt in wake of watching the documentary + @GB’s character analysis which would hold true for FLs of many a drama I have watched – a sort of flat, clumsy type of arc… An FL in need of constant saving ? Something like that anyway. Pardon my emotions in this regard please.

  68. @Arihsi,

    First of all I want to give you a big HUG. I totally understand you. You and your anger, sadness and frustration.

    We don’t live in an angelic world. Unfortunately, we are witnessing violence in many areas of our lives.

    Since I have grew up in a different manner, but with fundamental issues with you. I totally get you and I am sad at times for several matters that happen in my country or the world.

    I try my best to be a better version of myself and empower my fellow friends. I truly believe that we can do wonders first in our houses, then in our friends, work and so on.

    Society needs to change within and we are the society. We are also adults who need to take the responsibility of their actions.

    Not everyone understands that and I don’t want you to hide your tears and frustration from me.

    WE ARE B.o.D’ers. We belong in a Community and we are friends. Although, some things cannot be said from this outlet. We can still be the ones who look after one another.

    Sending you love, my respect and just remember: you are not alone… <3

  69. @Arihsi and @Cleopatra, It seems to me that BWS feels a similar way about the attention he is getting compared to KHY because at each chance that he can he mentions her artistry and abilities. We can only add our support in comments. I was so glad to see them interviewed together and I hope that more duo interviews happen for them from now.

    There is a similar gap in public attention with the leads for the Cdrama ‘To The Wonder’. Everything is about the ML, Yu Shi. Not that he doesn’t deserve the praise he receives, but there is almost nothing I can find out about the FL, Zhou Yi Ran if I search for her on the internet. Of course, it could be because I’m using English rather than Mandarin to do the searches.

  70. @GB, @Arihsi, @Fern, @Cleopatra,

    Thank you for very constructive comments. I found the show very enjoyable overall, but I agree with your critical insights.

    Now I want a spin-off show about Tae Sung finding true love.

  71. We can possibly look at the depictions of FL and ML from another angle. Many more women than men watch rom coms and thus the male lead is frequently constructed to be the almost perfect guy… the fantasy women can indulge in. The kind of guy that would be wonderful to date/marry in real life.
    The FL can be more realistically depicted. It is easier for us, the female viewer, to relate to a woman who makes some hasty or less than stellar decisions as we do in our lives yet successfully wins the love of this wonderful male.
    The make of the audience of romcoms would be a factor as is our purpose for watching…escapism.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @LL! Yes, you are correct. Many shows are written with the viewers in mind, most of whom are young girls/women and pander to their fantasies (I hear that about cdramas). That is a possible reason for why the ML is so ‘perfect’ and the FL is made less so. Yes also to the comment on how females (sometimes no matter how independent or ‘strong’) are often shown in the end to need saving by the ML. It is what it is in many dramas. We know it… and to an extent I’m fine with it. I just like my main characters to have grown somewhat after all that they’d been through.

    It wasn’t this on it’s own that bothered me. It was just in addition to what sort of gets my goat and lost my goodwill – I had a lot of goodwill to begin with. I started to suspect that Show felt that if there were flaws, no matter how noticeable, that Viewers would be okay with it, or blind toward them or at least forgiving of them because Show served up the goodies that we like to watch. The moment I start wondering if Show is not respecting the Viewer, I give it time to unfold and prove me wrong. It did not.

    Well, it is also possible to enjoy a hate-watch or just to enjoy reflecting and commenting, therefore no regrets.

  73. @Cleopatra – yes I totally missed out. But I did enjoy the everyone’s commentary. I am patting myself on the back though for mentally picking out BWS in Record of Youth long ago as the actor to watch. It’s been fun to see his career invert so spectacularly from the failed actor he portrayed in that drama. @kate huzzah!! (I’m not even sure I used that Britishism correctly) but I’m so glad to see you were a fellow lurker. You’ve been missed! Have you watched To the Wonder? It’s enchanting! And also short – a quality I like in dramas these days. @Everyone since I skipped most of the drama why did Sunjae fall from the building in the first episode? Was it the evil taxi driver?

  74. HA ! @Good Twin ! We watched the whole drama but we don’t know why he fell. Perhaps he killed himself and they didn’t want to show it because it would be controversial? Who knows ?

    My guess – If the story was that the cabbie killed, they would have shown it. But they don’t allude to it at all. So the viewers are free to guess. A major hole if you ask me. But it would be very risky to touch the subject.

  75. Hello again. Hi @GB.

    Very good to be talking about the FL – both in this drama and more generally.

    @Fern, BWS was ineed very humble and forthright about all the help the more experienced FL gave him to create all that chemistry.

    I liked Lootie Lyn’s point about audience identification with the FL’s glitches. She was also courageous and quick witted and persevering in her determination to fix things. Witness her grabbing the travel watch on SJ’s wrist as he was wheeled into the ambulance following the third fatal accident. I share some of @GB’s frustrations with the FL character ark. Her main flaw was taking everything on herself weighed down by guilt-induced responsibility and burden bearing. SJ could not reassure her on the various arks that he wanted to work it out with her. She was smart and impulsive but not always best advised on her plans.

    I found that so frustrating and yet in view of what was at stake she was doing her best to right things. He kept moving towards her. She was terrified of being the indirect cause of his death…with no further options on the table. This fear didn’t always bring out the best. Yes, she could well have grown up more. I wonder if character development had to be sacrificed as @GB was saying – and anyone else apologies if missed – in the context of the plot complexity. Perhaps the audience need for character consistency amidst all the flux and the central romance required subtle rather than big changes.

    Smartphone is giving me the narrow screen of death to clear typing so almost done.

    @ Good Twin. Hello. I will be watching To the Wonder this weekend. Am enjoying Midnight Romance too!

    Yes, it was the evil taxi driver!

  76. Hello @Packmule! I have a comment awaiting moderation. It may be in your outbox. Hope all well with you in all the busyness.

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Good Twin, hi there! Since Show never makes it explicit, I believe that all along the only reason for SJ to die was because he was murdered by the taxi driver Killer. We were given misdirection and left to guess for ourselves. I suppose that’s okay too… if we wish to believe the IS really made a difference in SJ’s life and that she prevented his suicide, we can do so. However I prefer to take the overall view of how the doorbell rang before SJ fell to his death… and how on the other occasions of his dying, the Killer was actively involved. I’d say he was probably murdered.

    Despite how the Show painted Ep 1 SJ as depressed and somewhat rejected by his friends, as quitting Eclipse and taking meds,… there was no indication that he was the suicidal type in the other time lines.

  78. @GB I agree with your comments re respecting the audience. Plot holes or too many coincidences weaken the overall result. My previous comments were meant more to address the fact that SJ has garnered more adulation than IS.
    The time travel never made complete sense and the phone getting knocked out of IS’s hand can only be considered a red herring.

  79. @LL hello !! Yes, you’re 💯 right regarding target audiences. My sadness is more related to working conditions, working opportunities, gaining results of a drama that performs well etc for women compared to men. It’s like both I and a male colleague work equally hard on a project and have equal contribution but the company can only see him whereas I just quietly smile and clap from the audiences.

    KHY actually said something to that effect like she watches BWS rising…Whereas she didn’t receive any schedule calls. PMY (much ahead than KHY probably) once said she keeps a “heart of stone” because it is what it is.

    Much like mentioned by @Fern. Both work hard but only the MLs are seen. Audience share would definitely play a role here but yes.

    It’s more the overarching theme all around us, you know ? The so called glass ceiling. We all know it like it’s nothing new but sometimes it gets you.

  80. @GB I’d have liked the show to clarify it. Since I’ve read the webtoon, I’m not convinced that he was murdered in the first timeline.

  81. For me, it would add on to what you said about respecting the audience @GB. A lot of the audience must’ve read the webtoon. It was the main “suspense factor” and should have been addressed properly.

    Probably like @cleo said, they didn’t know how to handle that part which is so far unknown in the original story so they kept it unanswered. But based on the original work, it would be hard to accept it as a murder.

  82. Kalimera Ladies!

    I just read an article this morning, saying that Kim Tae Sung’s character doesn’t exist at all in the Webtoon. The Scriptwriter Lee Si Eun created him and the Webtoon readers know about this. I didn’t.

    So, this adds more to what I was saying yesterday to @GB Unnie that some things are not final for the Webtoon, so the scriptwriter didn’t have the freedom to deviate herself from the Original material that is not finished yet.

    Unnie, as you can see Tae Sung’s ARC was created from LSE. That’s why TS has a beginning, middle and ending. You can see his growth in the end of the series.

    While for the Main Leads there are problems, as you have discussed above, because rom com is mostly the usage of the archetypes of the Prince and the Princess from the Fairytales distorted with a modern touch here and there.

    And to be honest, there are not Princes or Princesses in real life, except from those that held such a title.

    If women still want to see themselves as damstrels in distress, I just don’t know what else to say. We are more than that…

  83. Hey my dear @Fern,

    Yes you are right. BWS have realized this. He is not oblivious to the different treatment his co star KHY is getting.

    That’s why I am saying I am happy for both of them! Kim Hye Yoon has worked really hard all these years. I have noticed her in a trailer for the movie “Bulldoger” and it made me notice her because she is tiny but in the clip she was fearless.

    I haven’t watched yet “Extraordinary You” and I will do when I have time, but when I see talent and hard work I am going to respect and applaud that.

    The same applies to BWS. He has worked hard for so long and he was noticed at last. The first I have seen him, it was in the pilot of “Moonshine” that I have started but didn’t continue.

    They are both very talented, hard workers and continue to work for their passion. It is not an easy road but it has paid a lot.

    BTW, KHY has been added to my Top Actresses List. I will follow her around from now on!

  84. *throws away the whiteboard marker she’s using to address a room full of sullen looking men and runs out to hug @Cleo*🤗🤗

    Yes ! We’re much more than damsels in distress (or rather anything but damsels in distress) and it’s time the entertainment industry starts portraying that. No more clumsy arcs please!

  85. And yes ! I’m really happy for BWS also ! I don’t think he expected this drama to blow up like this. After all, he took up a role rejected by many in a production plagued by many challenges and no sponsors.

    He’s been around for so long not getting the recognition his work deserved. Equal appreciation for work really means equal support irrespective of gender. The fact that he never forgets to acknowledge his co-worker indicates he’s a good colleague 🤗

  86. @Kate, I approved it already. ✅

  87. Thank you @Packmule!

  88. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Dear Doensaeng @Cleo
    Thanks for the info. It’s good to know that left to herself Writer Lee Si Eun will create more rounded characters. I’m not sure but I guess it depends on every team of writers and directors/producers and original creators (like the Webtoon writer) just how much freedom they may have with adapting characters for the live action format. What worked as a flat, OTT webtoon character would have been far better rounded out for a live action drama.

    Always one to give things a second chance, I don’t mind trying another Lee Si Eun drama. I’ve watched True Beauty before and went back to see what I said about it. I believe there was the same issue of needing filler to make for 16 episodes according to contract. Still I’d be interested to watch a new drama of hers, maybe preferably not adapted from a webtoon, and see how it delivers.

  89. @packmule3, thank you for the Lovely Runner threads which let all of us BoD followers to enjoy the outstanding romance together in discussion. I appreciated all of the comments, especially @Cleo and @Arihsi who explained so much to me.

    @Growing Beautifully, thank you for your eloquence and for expanding on my concerns.

    I went into this drama expecting an unusual romance between a celebrity and a disabled person, so you can see how much my expectations changed by the end of this fantasy drama! As Lootie Lyn wisely observed, the screenplay was made to fit the viewer demographic. I wonder how I would feel about the drama if I were physically disabled and began watching, hoping for something that would empower or support the disabled community as some of the recent k- and j-dramas about deaf people might have helped them get understanding and empathy from their communities? But this is speculation on my part and perhaps also overthinking. I would like to see a well-written drama about that, however. Maybe later, in real life, an Im Sol character would have been offered a desk on the ground floor.

  90. Hi all, I think our FL – despite some missteps is so much more than a damsel in distress. Look at her embarrasing determknation to alert the male lead in her first visit to the past. Observe her courage and determination as she attempts to get back to 2008 after the first ark. Look at her quick witted reaction as she grabs her final chance to go back in time via SJ’s watch – as he is wheeled into the ambulance having died for the third time. She has grit and keeps going, even as she makes big mistakes. We know she is a sunny and impulsive character and the story works around that. I did find her inability to work with rather than for the sake of SJ frustrating. She was clearly carrying a lot of guilt for her indirect role in his death. I agree with @GB re character development, that said. But it would be a very different show with fully realistic character arks.

  91. @Kate, so true. When people were blaming her in some of the time frames, I felt so bad. She was doing her best with the information she had and the limitations she was under – couldn’t reveal things without time standing still and disbelief on the part of listeners. Once she could communicate with SJ however, it would have been nice for them to work together, but as you say, it would have been a different show.

  92. I very much agree with GB’s review.

    The biggest misdirect of all Was the initial presentation of his death as suicide related to his mental health issues which were being treated. As we had discussed in early episodes, A number of us wanted to see mental health issues addressed. That was Totally left as a Loose end.

    If the writing of the script was affected so much by the source material not being completed, I think that is a problem with the initial conceptualization of this drama And the contract that would have been drawn up to buy the rights to this story. I would expect the source material to be Fully adapted To the k drama format, But then I Do not work in the industry So I do not really know how these things are done.


  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hello @Kate, I suppose IS was still a typical webtoon character, and she did her best while still fixated on keeping SJ from dying. Her only method was to keep him away from her when Killer might be near. Yes it was frustrating that she didn’t ever consider taking the risk of getting him (and others) on board to face Killer as a team.

    It’s a pity that sticking to the source material may have meant that IS’s character was written to never have the option to figure out other ways to succeed at her quest. At least she did ask the police for backup and sounded them out on the possibility of catching Killer at a certain time and place.

    It was also a shame that she felt that she had to play into the hands of the Killer that last time in T3 while acting as bait, as if it was a guarantee that SJ would not get hurt. We see once again that it was a vain hope/expectation of hers. Ultimately, it seems that IS’s battle was actually against FATE and nothing she did would change the outcome for SJ.

    Perhaps we can say that it was right for her to finally change the trajectory of SJ’s life by staying out of it in T4, since all earlier attempts when he knew her had failed.

    From T4 the change is that Killer saw SJ by chance and recognised him (not that he was stalking IS) and that he ultimately might have rammed into him just because he was standing there on the road. It was quite random overall, and I believe was just a necessary plot point because of FATE. No matter what or where or when, Killer would try to kill SJ when given the chance.

    If SJ had been killed on the road in T4, it really would have had nothing to do with IS, and she should not be wracked by guilt. In any case we can say that IS, by changing the trajectory of SJ’s life in the last 15 years, gave her peace. So thanks to Tae Sung who was never in the webtoon, and thanks to TOD, our couple managed to beat FATE once and for all. 🙂

    After dramas with disappointing finales, we can look upon LR as one with an ending that brought on the smiles.

  94. Kalo mesimeri Unnie!

    The settting of the Dramaverse was a big No No for me since the very beginning. Especially when @Arihsi gave us the heads up about what happens to the Webtoon.

    Some might say I am strict, but I strongly said back then, that the Creator of this Dramaverse is Cruel. He / She had Sun Jae in unrequired love for 15 years, while Sol in the Original Timeline didn’t remember anything at all.

    At the same time, I haven’t read the Complete Material in order to change my mind about what I am saying. Still, when you are setting a Cosmos there are things to be addressed, the WHYs, HOWs, WHO and so on.

    Also, every character has to have a trajectory.

    For Sol, the chakkanim made her a bubbly invidivual who tried her best, but had to fall in the endless hole of self guilt, especially when Sun Jae was injured after her First and Second Time Travels.

    We all do remember what happened in the end of Episode 8 when Sun Jae was stabbed after her Second Time Travel, her anxiety levels were on the rooftop.

    There was noone there to calm her down. She had to do it by herself. Yes, she was 34 y.o. but how much a person can overtake in a short period of time?

    It is one thing I have always said when I am commenting: Let us be in their shoes for a minute.

    Would we do the same? Would we have reacted in a different way?
    Is it that easy when you are emotionally involved?

    But that was decided for Sol. She was written with those parameters and she couldn’t change by herself.


    she could, then that would be META and so “Extraordinary You”.
    She would have broken the 4th Wall as in “W: Two Words Apart”.
    And that always comes with a prize for the person / character involved.

    Since Lovely Runner is one show that I finished, while others felt too slow or not that good for me. I must say that I have been enjoying the story, knowing exactly the limits that the Creator applied to his / her charactesr, and being okay with it, while knowing that my objections are my own and won’t change the outcome… *smiles*

  95. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I do believe some of us were hopeful for a thoughtful treatment of the circumstances that persons with mental health issues/depression, and/or disabilities and/or dementia have to cope with. However, I believe we were expected to watch with a webtoon lens in place. Its focus was elsewhere.

  96. @kate and @fern I’m also biased a bit to support IS 🫣 I felt very bad when she was being bashed. This is a common occurrence too. All FLs get bashed at least at some point in their dramas. And I’m sure it’s the overwhelmingly large female audience doing the bashing.

    @GB the voice of reason. Hee hee. Yes, the finale was good.

    @Monmor so nice to see you back. 🌸

    As I write in comments before, I’m right there with you that a MAJOR point in terms of his death in ep 1 was left completely unanswered. In fact, after ep 4 I was sure he suffered from depression as shown in news/pills in the drama and that’s the direction they were taking. They just left it completely hanging and never touched his mental health issues.

    Whether it was suicide or not, they made it very clear that he was deeply unhappy, had insomnia and depression. Nothing came out of that arc.

  97. I just saw your comment @Arihsi!

    Of course we are more that what they make us to be. I just hope that more women will realize this. As Viola Davis said in video recently to her daughter: “You are the Love of your Life”.

    You need to find this and watch it! VD said it all!

    *Hugs Back!*

  98. I wrote a lot regarding how sad I was feeling that KHY got sort of “left behind” in being hyped / gaining fans and schedules yesterday – and how this extended to women in general in industry and elsewhere. Blah blah. I ranted a lot. Thank you for bearing with me.

    But humans never fail to shock me.

    I get up today and lo and behold. BWS is being mobbed and threatened ! He is being followed in person relentlessly. WHAT !

    Am I a clown to expect reasonable behaviour from fellow humans ? Why would one mob him ? Why would one purposefully make him feel afraid ? Is one a “fan” or is one a criminal ?

    Apparently it’s become so bad that his agency is threatening legal action to people who compromise his safety, follow him and his vehicle relentlessly etc. They have issued long official statements regarding legal consequences of targeting him.

    Sigh. I’m absolutely ancient. Decrepit almost. Because my way of conveying I like an actor/actress is to click the “like” button on YouTube and Instagram on their content and watch their works. It also involves hoping they are happy much like the grandma.

    I shall dedicate today’s “worry about people I don’t know” section to BWS in addition to other ongoing wars and atrocities in the world.

  99. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, oh dear… I’m so sorry for BWS and all celebrities who face such terrors, scrutiny, lack of respect by so called fans/sasaeng fans or even anti-fans. What a price to pay for fame and success, to lose one’s peace. I hope all our celebrities manage to still be peaceful within themselves, although they are accosted from without.

    You are more advanced than me. I don’t even look for online vids/pics etc or even click ‘Like’ on much. I’m far older than you!!! LOL.

  100. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Dear doensaeng @Cleo, I’m glad you were able to enjoy this show through and through. I hope we get another show to watch together with loads to analyse and talk about!

  101. @Snow Flower,

    You are welcome! I am also with you about the spin off!

    I really like Song Geon Hee from “Missing: The Other Side S1”. If you haven’t watched it, I recommend it!

    I am glad he is getting more attention as well!

  102. @Arihsi,

    *facepalm* WTH is wrong with people? 😵🥴

  103. Unnie,

    Yes. I have become a bit picky viewer. I don’t have enough time to watch many shows and If I start something and it is not that good, I am dropping it pretty quickly.

    Let us see what it will catch my attention.

    The only other show I am watching at the moment is “The Atypical Family”.

  104. You are welcome @Fern,

    As I have said, such stories are my cup of tea. I do hope that we will talk in another thread shortly! <3

  105. Hi @GB, love your analysis – especially the point re the chance quality of the final ‘crunch’ scenario. I hadn’t reflected on that but it did lack the contextual tautness of all the other fatal events and – as you put it – at that point we have to lean to a bigger understanding of fate. Grandma’s role seems to me to be symbolic here – there is something so random about the watch and her role, her insights and her final disposal of the ‘time slip’ watch. She is the unexpcted, wise old woman isn’t she?

    Hello @Fern and @Arihsi! I wasn’t aware the character of the FL was getting criticised. The more I reflect on her, she went through the biggest upheavals in and out of these Time travel sequences. After the first time slip, she was the catalytic agent behind each re-run. That is powerful and a tribute to an understanding of free will against a backdrop of disappointed hopes.

    It’s a kind of game where she goes up a level each time with new degrees of difficulty. She never gets to that omnisicent place where she has a clear roadmap from start to finish.

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    My dear @Kate, you understand me. I like your use of contextual tautness. I put it very simplistically. 15 episodes of SJ and IS risking their all to save each other, but it’s all solved at the end of ep 15 because TS and TOD happened on the scene. And SJ and IS were nowhere near each other at that time. By rights, there was no real reason the road SJ and Killer were on, had to be the same road either, except, FATE. LOL

    I like what you say about Grandma … symbolic or a deus ex machina too. @Fern did mention her gesture with that watch amounting to sweeping a load of questions under the carpet. However we can continue to ask our questions and have fun thereto. 🙂

  107. Hello all! Thank you for your thoughtful discussion and reflections above.

    I applaud the cast and production team for giving us one of the most enjoyable kdramas in a while – for the script (inconsistencies and all), shots, music, wardrobe, lighting, props etc. I’ve enjoyed the team’s camaraderie in the “behind the scenes” videos too. Especially Kim Hye-Yoon/IS joking with Heo Hyeong-Gyu/evil taxi driver/killer about how the villain is really a lovely person inside, who offers rides to the cast in his white truck.

    I’m glad the legend from college camp came true!

    SJ wound the old-fashioned clock anti-clockwise to retrieve his past memories. The clock started ticking again from 20:23.

    Our leads’ wishing on the falling cherry blossom petals in spring, with 10cm’s song “spring snow”, was the perfect setting for the proposal, fulfilling their cherry blossom wishes from 2009 T3.

    IS’ response to SJ’s proposal, “I will be by your side for all my life”, echoes her promise when they first kissed by the pool in 2008 T1, “I’ll… be by your side. I’ll stay by your side your whole life”.

    I think the taxi driver knocking IS’ mobile phone out of her hand in T0 and T2 2003 served to add to her sadness and sense of deja vu.

    I’ve enjoyed the show so much with all of you, thank you all for being part of the journey, to @HKLady for the fun recaps, and to @packmule for hosting us. I hope we’ll find another show to fill this gap soon.
    @BethB – I will miss anticipating Mondays and Tuesdays too. I’d appreciate your timeline!

  108. Ep. 16:

    A very satisfying ending to a nice romantic comedy. I appreciated all of the funny and sweet moments. Episode MVP: White Truck of Doom Thank you, TOD, for finally getting rid of the killer permanently, breaking the cycle and allowing our leads their happy ending. I don’t really like time travel shows, and the time travel elements of this drama were one of the weak areas for me. It’s a testament to the cast and crew that I continued watching every week despite the time travel element. That’s how strong this show was. Special kudos to KHY and BWS for their performances as the main leads, although the whole cast did great. I’m sure this drama is going to be on many “Best of 2024” Lists come December. It will definitely be on mine.
    Thanks to everyone here for your insightful comments and sharing of links, clips, GIFs, etc. I enjoyed watching and discussing the drama with everyone here at BOD.

  109. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Table, yes indeed, particularly to a romantic comedy.

  110. hello all BOD member,
    it is very nice to read all your comments.. I like how you appreciate this Show, but still logical enough to put space in our mind to acknowledge the lack in this too. No drama is perfect anyway, but I am glad that we can embrace both of them (the positive and negative sides of a show).

    I believe that everyone of us has area of interest whenever we’re watching a drama. For me, in this Show : the main casts. As for the story itself, some of you have explained it all clearly.
    While I am very grateful that I could watch the perfect happy ending of a romantic comedy (according to my dreamy imagination standard), I am not shy to say that there were some unanswered puzzles or illogical flow of the story..

    I am discussing what you’ve been concerned about female actress in Asian entertainment industry a lot with my friends too. I also gasped when I know how sesang fans approached BWS in front of the place of private interview (The one that the fans should have not known). My friend said that these kind of fans usually are very rich, and don’t have anything to do (like work.. or study..) so they stalk the actors/actresses. It is crazy, but sadly, it is happening.

    I read KHY and BWS interviews because they are very dear in my heart as the persons, I feel kind of sad when this lovely runner project ending so I am trying to understand them better through interviews. I know that it might sound weird, but I do hope that they will still be friends and support each other in a loooong time. Their energy when they are together is so overflowing, I got the energy from them too.

    What I noticed in the interview that, I think KHY feels inferior in a way. I mean with all the greatness that she has, she still has that kind of inferiority because of how the industry system works. But as I discussed with my friends, it is not an easy thing to change. It’s been there in our society for years, even longer than the period of our existence in this world.

    But I believe no matter how slow it would be, we can do something about it.

    note: for the first time in my drama journey, the Truck of Dooms = the Savior. Hahaha I love how the production team make a joke about the kdrama trope..

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @moonstar512! I’m glad it was a fun ride! I also like how we’re able to appreciate both the positives and negatives together. That makes our discussions richer and more challenging at the same time! 🤩🧐🤓🤪

    You’ve picked out one of my most fave things about this show… the correct and proper use of TOD!!! That was the most fun twist in tropes I’ve seen!!!

  112. Hello @moonstar512 ! Welcome to the discussions please.

    I want to reply to a ton of people but first, what do we mean by “seasang fans” ? Please educate this ancient person.

  113. Hello there @moonstar512!

    Long time long see! I am glad you are contributing your ideas about the things we discussed with @Arihsi the other day.

    I think it is for the best people who are from Asian background bring forward the knowledge regarding how female actresses / singers / models, etc are treated because you are more aware of the problems in every country.

    I can comment because we know the root of the problem, but it would be from a place where I will get the info first handed!

    So, thank you for what you are writing!

    As for what you have noticed about KHY, I think she had a very tough time reaching out her dream that she doesn’t conquer yet how to accept herself as she is. I believe she truly shines and she is a very bright individual. I do hope she will understand that she can do her best and she is not lacking in anything at all. I truly wish her all the best!

    P.S. @Arihsi Saesang fans are the obssessed ones, who are also stalkers!

  114. Reg noticable low-key appearance that most K-actresses maintain or VERY noticable personal feeling of inferiority seen in public responses of KHY –

    @moonstar512 – you’ve hit the spot for me. THIS is why I felt so sad after watching her interviews but couldn’t quite place my finger on the reason apart from the general situation of women in showbiz.

    When I saw her laugh in some interview, the phrase that my brain came up with was not how cute but rather “Oh. Now that’s a Monalisa smile.”

    Apparently, she didn’t find any work post extraordinary you. She seems to expect the same post LR too. Her MLs suceeed a lot and she gets left behind due to whatever reason. Anyone will feel inferior if this type of thing keeps repeating.

    Why KHY ? Kim Ji Won (much much more influential than KHY) didn’t get selected for awards for QoT whereas her ML is winning left right and centre. Another example is Nam Ji Hyun. A gifted actress but doesn’t really fit into K-beauty standards. If you search Instagram with her hashtag, her most popular content is still her and JCW together from a drama donkey’s years ago. Why ? She’s done ample good work after that.

    Nam Ji Hyun has quit rom coms. She now does work close to the likes of KGE. Female centric arcs without much romance. I hope KHY is able to enter that genre of SHK, KGE, Jang Nara etc if she doesn’t find many MLs who want to work with her instead of feeling as if she doesn’t deserve a good career.

  115. @cleo… That sounds a bit scary, no ?

    I shall circle back to worrying about BWS probably next week. Hopefully, people would lose interest by then and he would be free to loiter around streets of Seoul much like when your friend saw him @cleo.

    One thing I appreciate is his PR team. I’m reading interviews too and his PR team is doing a phenomenal job of drafting answers to tricky and potentially controversial questions. They along with Varo are also never behind on supporting and praising KHY.

    As an extension of my weirdness I’m thinking how nice it would be to be coached by such experienced PR people who are always walking on the line of fire. Sometimes I receive queries as part of work that demand this type of skill.

  116. Hi to you all, Ladies! I’m ready to say goodbye after rewatching the last episode twice. 🙂 I enjoyed it very much because it had 6-8? kisses, a lot of fluffy stuff, hugs, closure for everyone and it really made me laugh. I watched it first time late at night the other day and I had to stop myself from laughing hard because hubby might wake up. LOL.

    It wasn’t a perfect drama and to be honest I did get lost in the different timelines and the questions that’s been asked here already but it didn’t bother me that much. I enjoyed the ride and thankful that Taesung ended up being the hero.

    Sol’s voice over are so…………….me? Hahaha. You should just be thankful that your bf really left you in peace and made you finished your work. You should say thank you. But I want to say thank you to you too because you and SJ gave me a looooong kiss and a waking up/morning bed scene which I thought was really cute. 🙂 Oh but the first proposal was a dead giveaway, you didn’t have an inkling? LOL!

    I thought the meeting of the families was funny too.

    I think KHY and BWS did great in this drama. KHY with her long dialogues and crying scenes, wow! She really is a very good actress. This is my first time watching her. I didn’t watched her other dramas but there’s no question that she is very good. With BWS, I think the extra attention on him now is because he showed another talent and that is singing. I have enjoyed the drama’s OST for real.

    As a pair, I can’t think of anyone else playing Im Sol and Sun Jae. They clicked for me and it really was the drama that I needed after QOTs.

    I have read the vast difference of success for them too during the drama airing and yeah I feel for KHY. I read somewhere that BWS will release his post interview with about 100 media outlets. Wow, ok. While no one is asking for KHY for appearances. I can only pray that this will change one day soon.

    Thank you Ladies and thank you Im Sol and Sun Jae for the journey and the laughter. I’m sure our couple will have 4 babies. 😉

  117. @agdr03 ❤️

    I’ve been lamenting about it on BoD since 2 days now. @pm3 is yet to throw me out and I’m so thankful for her along with having all you ladies who understand this. 🤗

    Mind you, I’m too ancient to be anybody’s fan. Usually I re-watch dramas as an escape and start a new one once in a while. Like most here, this was my first KHY or BWS drama so naturally I haven’t been following any of them.

    HOWEVER. I made the huge mistake of looking at interviews this time. It will be the first and last I did that.

    In one of her only two appearances, she said “I’ll make sure to watch his (BWS) back as he rises higher and higher. He has drifted away so much higher (than herself) already.”

    This was followed by the story of how she never found work post EY while her ML has some 5 dramas post that.

    Annnd post that she went on to explain that her agency did nothing wrong, it’s just that no one called her for anything.

    I don’t know anyone who’s close to movie industry of any country forget SK.

    But something about this honest explanation felt SO personal. As if she was narrating a story I knew too well.

    I am unable to cry in dramas anymore. But I started crying real tears here. I know it sounds completely crazy. I think watching the Burning Sun documentary added to it significantly too.

    Two days were enough I suppose. I need to move on not from LR but from this feeling.


  118. Annyeong,

    Still not over this show… seeing so much posts in FB, IG, Threads – just awesome support and appreciation ♥ so much love.
    Even my Aunty in Canada is talking to me about the show LOL 💗

    @Hana and @Arishi – thank you for appreciating my recaps and emojis haha

    I wouldn’t match re-watching Ep 16 again, and again 😁

    Good reads, BOD. Thank you!

  119. If you ladies want, you can have a rewatch of Ep 16 here as a group on Monday next week. 🙂

  120. I posted what I thought was my final comment about this show earlier on this thread… but truth be told I’m still thinking about it on Friday, three days after that final episode. One of the reasons that it has had such a hold on me, that I can figure out, is that the “final” couple represents a balanced, thoughtful relationship, who provide home for one another.

    For example, that scene where SJ finally remembers everything and rushes to Sol and they end up back in his apartment. If this had been an American show, then cue sexy music and give it only a few moments before they would be tearing off their clothes and all over each other (not that I’m opposed to that, when appropriate!). Instead, what we see is him just hugging her, holding on tight to her. It showed his was a patient, calm, steady love. I think this is what appeals to female viewers. We like to see a woman not be just an attraction/sex object but to be truly seen, respected, and deeply loved.

    I confess that I’ve already rewatched the final episode 1.5 more times, so I’m probably not up for a rewatch at this point.

    As for the difference between the career paths this point forward for BWS and KHY–having people mob him and call him “Sun Jae-a” everywhere he goes sounds kind of dreadful. I’m hoping she can keep quietly moving forward in her career and make meaningful dramas. If I were a director in SK I would snatch her up for another show right away. Hopefully one where she won’t have to cry so much!

  121. Happy Friday BoDers! Great discussion as usual, thank you for that! I plan to finish the episodes this weekend and will see if I can add further insights.

    I do want to comment that @GB got the right word I was looking to describe IS as a character – she became a DITZY person (a description only associated with females, BTW!). Which apparently is a rom-com trope and couple that with noble idiocy is quite off-putting to me. In my mind for this story, IS should be the hero(ine) – she is the Lovely Runner afterall with time travel powers! But up to ep12, it was not running into that direction. Will reserve further judgement as I watch the rest of the eps.

    I do love both the OTP actors and TS, they did very well and the production including OST were good. And a great use of TOD trope for good! 😊

  122. I can’t do a re-watch. I was sure I was going to re-watch the whole series immediately.. I enjoyed it that much during its run. But now, I can’t look at it without feeling a sense of injustice. Too emotional, I know. And as I write above, I want to avoid feeling that – it’s very non-productive.

  123. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @BethB. I notice that I can access your post in email but that it does not appear here on the thread. I was also able to access your posts in Medium, but since I didn’t sign up, I could leave a ‘Like’.

    Your meticulous recording of time entrances and exits and where they happen in the episodes is much appreciated!!!

  124. @GB thanks! I never saw the comment I posted that had the link. (I put it on that website because I could put it up somewhere anonymously. I couldn’t figure out a way to do it on Google docs without my full name showing.) If anyone is interested, I can post the timeline here as well as the list of the exits and entrances. Perhaps that should be a separate post?

  125. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    🍘🍡🍮🧋🥛🍪🌭🧆🫔🍵 🍘🍡🍮🧋🥛🍪🌭🧆🫔🍵

    @pkml3, @BethB had a comment with a link to her Timeline Entrances and Exist up to Ep 14, but it may be lost in SPAM?!? Please check, thank you!!!

    🍘🍡🍮🧋🥛🍪🌭🧆🫔🍵 🍘🍡🍮🧋🥛🍪🌭🧆🫔🍵

  126. @GB and @BethB,
    I saw it a few hours ago in my spam box (I suspect it had something to do with the links) and I approved it already. Didn’t it show up on the Eps 15 and 16 Open thread? Will look for it… wait a second.

  127. @BethB and @GB,

    Here it is. @BethB submitted it on 5/26/2024 at 1:49pm but I only saw and approved it tonight 5/31/2024 at 9:17pm when I cleaned up my spam box. To spare you from sifting through the comments to find it, I’ll copy and paste it here. Sorry about that, @BethB.


    Hey everyone–I’ve finally written up my (final?) list of LR Timeline entrances and exits, as of Episode 14. I decided to put it on a separate webpage so that I could update it, as needed, rather than trying to put multiple comments on different BOD posts as it evolves. If you think any of the dates are wrong, or you have more precise dates for some of these events (like the first SJ/Sol meeting) let me know. Hope this shortened URL works: https://t.ly/uAL-b

    If not the full URL is:

  128. Awww @Arihsi, hugs to you Chingu. I totally understand where your coming from but like you said, we can only watch and listen from a distance. It would be nice to have a personal communication with our fave stars huh? We can just tell them how we feel, how to boost their self esteem, tell them that they are a good person etc. and for sure us here from BOD, we would definitely know what to say, not something useless or stupid. 🙂

  129. Thank you for the offer of a rewatch Queen. I’m all good from my rewatch. 🙂

  130. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you @pkml3! For a moment there, I thought we were in a time warp! Yes, I received the email after you approved it. The time you mentioned is about right. But it didn’t appear in the thread.

    LOL, I’m watching too many time travels shows … I’m feeling like I’m in a twilight zone of my own!!

  131. @BethB thank you for the timeline!

    I think after T4 Sol returned to January 2023 (where she’d left). She used the return trip of T3. Hence her watch showed 1:00 when she pressed SJ’s watch (showing 3:00) to make the fourth time travel. Hence many seasons had passed after her return to 2023, between January and December 2023, during which she wrote her script.
    The watch showed 0:00 when Granny disposed of it in the river – presumably after Sol used up her return trip.

    @Arihsi I hear you. I’m a little more reassured for KHH knowing that she can hear the love for her through social media. KHH’s mother liked a post praising KHH’s acting on one of the fan accounts on instagram. She’ll also be on a variety show, airing on 4 June! I hope she earns an acting award. She deserves it!

    I think Sol’s character is incredibly strong – through her tears and misadventures, she chooses time and again to protect SJ.

  132. Thank you to everyone, @cleo, @adgr03, @Hana, @BethB and everyone else (if I forgot to add someone) who wrote their thoughts in support of how women (and in our particular case KHY) are sometimes (mis) treated in showbiz. It made me feel so warm. ❤️ Thank you @pm3 for letting us digress from dramas.

  133. And now in today’s gaffes that we all could have done without….

    *Drum Roll*

    The director of LR HIMSELF has gone and kicked the hornet’s nest.

    My dear man… Whatever were you thinking? Where is your PR team ? Either fire them or send them to BWS’s PR team for a crash course. Because I don’t believe for a second that you don’t have people who draft answers for you. And if you don’t, please, it’s time you get someone who knows what they’re doing.

    If you can’t still, read BoD 😛

    Refer comments before you invited this disaster upon yourself.

    One Ms @cleo has stated that one has to be very careful of what one says EVEN on a moderated blog with relatively niche audience. Another Ms @agdr03 has expressed confidence that readers of this blog will know what to say and never say something silly to anyone (unlike yourself). AND A TON of comments on unfair treatment of actresses. Why man why ? Why would you say something like this on national media?

    PS – He said (on National media) that he doesn’t think KHY has the required “VISU*LS” / adequate beauty for rom coms. She needs to “work” on the same. – There are different interpretations of what he said and did not say of course but the sh*t has well and truly hit the fan.

    It beats me. Did he not cross check with anyone before giving these comments? It’s IMMATERIAL if he meant it or not. It has been interpreted as such and now there’s no going back. There is such huge flood of flak that he turned off his comments section.

    The iron was already red hot due to large numbers of people feeling the difference in treatment of KHY vs BWS including all of us at BoD. Now he’s gone and hit it with a huge and heavy hammer.


  134. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Arihsi, *sigh* … thanks for the information. I try not to get into all these news. I don’t mind hearing about them 2nd hand over here, but I’d get upset if I stumbled upon them myself. No energy.

  135. Yeah. I’ve learnt that the hard way with LR @GB. First and last time I make the mistake of getting involved with anything outside of the drama itself. Yesterday, I spent an hour changing my SNS preference settings so that it won’t show me any LR related content anymore. It’s very hard because like @HK_lady mentioned, it’s everywhere!

    I keep stumbling upon these things because my SNS thinks I love feeling bad. But yesterday was the last straw. I don’t think I’ll come across these “news” things anymore.

  136. Hi @GB,
    Yes indeed it was a fun ride. I am feeling a bit nostagic reading the post about lovely runner, because the discussion about drama here is deeper than anywhere in internet world. (I miss reading BOD so much 🥲🥲)
    Lol, yes the correct use of TOD!!! I will anticipate the PD + Writer nim next project to find another twist for kdrama trope (maybe, even more hillarious than in this show)..

    Kalimera @Cleo,
    Yes it’s been too long. I miss you and GB depth analysis, like the ones (if I remember correctly) I followed diligently was in Doom at Your Service.. 😅😅
    After pandemic era and I started to work at office again, I find it so exhausting in commuting. My energy has been drained everyday.. I still watch kdrama from time to time, but I missed the opportunity to share my opinion here (if any). I applauded for all of you who still manage time to share your analysis over dramas between your busy schedule. Hahaha.
    Sometimes I go here, reading the analysis, smiles, and get inspired. I really miss you all. I hope that we have better dramas (and for me : I have enough energy💪🏻💪🏻) to be discussed in the future!

    Dear @Arihsi,
    Oh I am so sorry, for your feeling towards the brutal condition in the Showbiz. ☹️☹️
    I don’t know about other western or european country, but with my limited knowledge, the patriarchy culture in Asia became the main reason as to why thing like this happened. Like I’ve said before, it is not easy to change this culture overnight. And sometimes, I think that the reaction from fans seems made it worse too. I heard that fans of KHY became angry towards the management, because they think that the management didn’t do enough promotion for their idol (compared to BWS schedule). KHY herself had to explained what really happened on some interview (i think to calm her fans down 🥲). The last I heard that there are controversial commentary from the PD nim about visual of KHY resulting anger from her fans (again). Some of the fans even pray bad for the next project of this PD nim. I kinda feel the fans are insecure about KHY, but I think this anger is not the right and elegant reaction. I think KHY needs even more support, kindness, and love from her fans. Like @Cleo said, she is a bright individual, so I will continue to support her and believe in her self-confidence development along the time. I remembered that I watched Extraordinary You because of her. I didn’t know about Rowoon or other actors at that time, so I didn’t really care about them. I first acknowledge her acting from SKY CASTLE (she was so scary here, therefore I think she acts very well).. and As to LOVELY RUNNER, I put it in my watchlist because it is starred by KHY too. I know that for her fans it seems unfair, why is it happened, why it always the KHY co-stars that got extra attention and appreciation. This might sound weird but, it is like what I feel about the actor Nam Joo Hyuk. In several dramas that he starred as the male lead, he somehow elevate the female leads to shines even brighter than him. So I think there are some actors / actresses that have this ability to help their co-star to shines brightly. However, for me it doesn’t mean they were left out. I think the analogy like: these kind of actors/actresses are already placed in the different pool compare to their co-stars, let’s say the “next big thing” pool. While their co-stars were placed in the “just great” pool. What happened was that they pull the co-star from the justgreat pool into the nextbigthing pool, so that they got more hype/attention from public in general because they seems more “fresh” 😅😅. KHY said that she doesn’t want to be number 1 (the first rank), she wants to be the only one. Well, I hope that she will have the opportunity to seize her dream, to star a movie or drama that will give her the infinite spotlight.
    P.S: Saesang Fans have been explained by Cleo (thank you @Cleo). To add, what I know the craziest that they could do are as follows : booking the hotel where their idol stay, booking the plane where their idol fly, etc etc. If you watch Park Min Young drama HER PRIVATE LIFE, you could see better about what sesang fans could do. It is portrayed by one of the characters named Cindy to her idol Cha Shi-An. When I first learn about what crazy fans could do toward their idol, I secretly wish that the future children or teenagers will got lessons on how to be a healthy fan. I see a parallel here, that someone could be obsessive in loving their significant other to the point they hurt them (of course it is not healthy). The fans feeling towards their idol also sometimes could lead to unhealthy Parasocial Relationship that will destruct not only the fans but could harm the idols too. Oh well, it will be long if I want to talk about this, I am sorry if it is too much information for “P.S”. 🥹

    @BethB, ohh wooow here are sweets 🍪🍩🍪🍩🍪🍩🍪🍩🍪🍩 for you for creating a systematical and clear timeline. Reading this timeline was what I needed (my old engineering student self would be so enlightened!) I think, It would be easy to understand for new viewers. I saw several people create the timeline on the internet, but not as easy to read / understand as yours!!! I am in the process to push my sister to watching this drama hahahaha. I know that she could be lost somewhere in the middle.. so yeah thanks it would be very helpful!!
    Additional note: my question also that whether Im Sol actually aged through the years.. or she travel back to the future.. ??? 😂😂
    if she traveled back to the future, I can’t remember at what point? It must be after Im Sol and her family moving out from her old house (the Gold Videos).

    All in all, I think LOVELY RUNNER is one of my best watch in 2024. And it absolutely become my top ten Romantic Comedy Kdrama of all time. I am so happy to be with you all in riding this unforgettable journey.

  137. All I can say is thank you to all shows that have both the leads on with equal time, like Salon Drip or the ‘What’s in my bag’ (GQ?). KHY with her hand-sewn bag by her mother was adorable. I guess I wasn’t the only one and I’m glad that KHY’s fans are speaking up for her. Yeah, the director is misguided. Prob. has a crush on BWS’s visuals, given things he said and how he acted in the bts.

    I’ll play devil’s advocate and say it’s the shows’ right to cast whomever they want – I imagine that they have to pay a hefty price for an actor’s time and they may base the choice on algorithms. However, the principal of the thing is what bothers me. To me, in acting and in visuals, the two complemented each other which is why this drama was such a success. And for that director to say anything not positive about a lead’s looks which may make it less likely for them to be cast in the future – that’s unforgiveable. Let’s hope that the furore dies down so between the fans and the director, KHY doesn’t get grey-listed. Let’s think positive.

  138. Ahh… Sharing the same flight you say @moonstar512 ?

    That certainly got me dreaming. Although I ain’t got no idol. The only person I want to share a flight with is my husband. We both travel a lot for work, our destinations can never match and we’ve been 5800 miles apart… It’s been a while. The flight better be the Singapore to New York non-stop and
    they better have some good wine onboard. There will be no work calls and no emails that can be answered. What a blissful 18 hours that’ll be ! ❤️

    You also mention booking the same hotel ? That doesn’t seem like such a bad idea either now, does it ? 😉

  139. Thanks for your comments on my Timeline of Exits and Entrances. I updated it after some of your input.

    I started a Timeline for the entire show of all the notable/significant events, but it got difficult when events changed but dates stayed the same (how do you note that in an elegant way?). I’m happy to share it here if anyone else wants to take a look at it and add their info and edits.

  140. Time Magazine, US product, proclaims Lovely Runner as the best K rom com of 2024 and includes very positive article stating why.
    Check is out if you can. I’ll try to forward to this website but not sure if I’ll pull it off🤪

  141. It’s indeed a good read @Lootie Lyn ! Thanks !

    For those interested


  142. @Arihsi, thanks for the link. It mentions some of the imperfections we raised but also the reasons for its success.

  143. @Fern… You are most welcome. Some morning tea ☕ with cookies 🍪?

    The reasons for the directors comments have come forward with release of hers AND the male lead’s “look-concept” with previous director (one before the current one). That vision did not work in favour of either of the actors at all !

    I must admit, the new director made a sea of positive difference. His comments look like they were misinterpreted. THAT’S exactly the reason why I feel he needs to either train his PR team or hire someone competent if he doesn’t have any.

    It made me feel so happy that he has actual evidence to demonstrate how he changed the entire feel of the drama and the “look-concept” of FL was a part of it – he might have been discussing it as a factor contributing to the success of his project rather than an attack on FL’s “beauty” as was interpreted.

  144. Kalimera Ladies!

    I do hope you are okay! I read Time’s article about LR. I didn’t have time to read all your comments. I will try to do so!

  145. Just read the discussion re the director’s comments. It sounds like he was focused on her transition from teenager to mature woman and the ‘glow up’ that required for a k-drana. Almost too like a modeling job. Our ML is a model/ ex-model so will.have known about the best angles etcetera. It was incredibly insensitive to talk in the way he did but it is probably what happens routinely to stars of idol.dramas. There needs to be a level of unreality about their ‘visuals.’ She is very natural and outgoing and focusing on looking beautiful will have been something she didn’t lean towards naturally.

  146. *looking screen beautiful* I should have said rather than naturally so off-camera.

  147. Dear @Kate,

    I understand how you feel… *Hugs*
    I think most of us here do as you’ll see with the comments. Yes, it is horrible to mention these things on media EVEN IF the intention was something else.

    But you know what’s wonderful? What’s wonderful is that now we can CALL IT OUT. No one thinks such behaviour is acceptable anymore. Like @hana mentioned, lots and lots of people said very sweet things to KHY on social media. Not just that, the director/agency etc whomever involved in differential treatment were called out right away. People thought it was nauseating that such things were mentioned about the FL.

    In a fairly recent past, as recently as middle of last century, this would have been impossible even in developed / first world forget the deep patriarchy of Asia. She would have been expected to not just take the abuse but deemed as “deserving” of it. She and her mistreatment would have been invisible. But no more.

    There is a beautiful children’s book on poverty and marginalization by Tom Percival. It’s called “Invisible”. It talks about how a social problem can’t be solved untill it’s “invisible”.

    We, the women are no longer invisible. Maybe the future will be better. Maybe.

    PS. If you need to watch women supporting women to feel a bit better , please watch the phenomenal Meryl Streep talking about Cher.

  148. … Contd.

    You know what else is wonderful? The fact that she didn’t change a SINGLE THING about her appearance. She’s made about 3-4 public appearances after the debacle and remains cooler than cucumber at least one the outside. Wearing her hair in the same way, same minimal to no makeup, same style of clothing, no accessories, no fancy watches. What confidence must she have ? You’d see her joke about smelly hair, having body odour, are there boogers in my eyes ? etc in BTS. It speaks volumes about just how self assured she is.

    She also doesn’t give any defence/any “apology”/ any communication at all in favour of unnecessary “self-improvement”. Heart of steel as PMY says.

  149. part #3

    About last week when this discussion first started of differential treatment/fan base / schedules between ML and FL,

    @BethB mentioned something. She said what BWS was going through sounded dreadful. Being mobbed around continuously, facing damaging fans, being strongly labelled by his character etc. she said she hoped KHY would quietly succeed and make meaningful dramas that made her happy.

    At that time my first reaction was, No ! I want any deserving FL to have that type of fan base too ! But today, nope. @BethB is right. It’s thoroughly dreadful and scary.

    The ML’s agency have released yet another request to fans (this time in a less legally threatening more vigorously requesting tone) to not throw stuff at him (gifts are stuff. No to throwing them on anyone), not to follow him everywhere, not to stalk his residence etc etc list is very long. Those “seasang fans” that others mentioned are in the news for disruption of his daily life.

    His co-cast of the drama are also seen mentioning people to calm down a bit as their colleague is overwhelmed. So strange to suddenly have this level of obsession follow one everywhere.

    Not to mention, such obsessions are often short lived. Humans move on reallllllly fast from things. Like Meryl Streep says,

    “Fame is 7 seconds of fractured attention these days.” So what after that ? So many dramas come and go. His next one may not do that well… It’ll be crumbling pressure to deal !

    Against that, one can see just how calm things are around FL. She doesn’t need any security detail. She can calmly walk down to work place, no mobbing, no crowding, no damage.

    Yup. I’m with @BethB. I hope she quietly succeeds a lot. I hope her work makes her heart soar with happiness. Rest is noise anyway. ❤️

    PS. Nothing against BWS. I hope he’s getting proper support to deal with the madness.

  150. This is so telling and interesting @Arihsi. I can only respond briefly because I am on a mobile phone and not great at texting (smile). There is a kind of manufactured objectivication of men – with one type of outcome – and women – with another. For the ‘idol economy’ to work sacrifices are made. Good for our young actress. She will- as you say- probably be happier in the long term being an actress rather than a fully-fledged cultural idol. Thank you for your further reflections. Appreciated.

  151. @Arihsi
    hahahaha, sharing the same loooong flight with husband would be wonderful!
    go book your ticket, and enjoy your flight…

    by the way, I just saw clip BWS arrived at Taiwan airport and the crowd was insane! For extrovert maybe it is great, but for introvert it is like a nightmare. hahaha..
    I also wish the same like BethB, I wish KHY quietly succeeds a lot. Her work makes her heart soar with happiness, I had a feeling that introvert like KHY would be very exhausted receiving that overflowing attention.. (haha)

  152. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now that the Show has been over for a few weeks, here’s an interesting review about what bothers some about the way the body possession happens in this Show. This link comes to us through @MM who pointed it out to me.

  153. @GB – interesting. I occasionally listen to her podcast. It is the element in One Day or Some Day that makes it interesting because it shows the person being held in a four walled cell of sorts observing the pod person live their life. I always find time travel shows to be thought provoking.

  154. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Good Twin, yes, time travel shows keep me in wonder for some time, trying to figure out the time travel logic.

    Some are well thought through, with happenings that make sense.

    There seems to be so many time travel/jump/slip shows. One of the best, I feel, is Signal. While not exactly a time travel show, (since the people don’t travel, but it’s a time merge through a device), show manages to somehow show how disparate individuals are actually connected. Besides the great character interactions and growth, there’s also satisfying solving of cases, saving of people and a logic that somehow works.

  155. It interests me to learn more about the different ways Time travel can be written and the challenges that come with different premises.

    I recently watched moon lovers, Scarlet heart, And dreaming back to the qing Dynasty. They are all about the same period in history And highlight a female protagonist going back in time. For the most part the time travel is not very complex And seems to me to be a good plot device to highlight the differences in historical and cultural times, Particularly for women.

    I particularly noted, in the above video that GB
    Shared, The Challenges that arise in time travel scripTs when the characters move back and forth between the present and the past.

    As I see it, Time travel in lovely runner was a plot device To create a romantic exciting Drama, not really a time travel drama, nothing like signal or nine times nine in the quality of the time travel scriptwriting And adherence to the philosophical ideas of time travel.

  156. @GT And Some day one day for another quality time travel drama.

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