16 Comments On “Dreaming of a Freaking Fairy Tale: Eps 3 & 4 Open Thread”

  1. Good Afternoon from Texas!
    While the comedy of Cinderella is a little over the top, and could potentially become annoying, the leads seem to have some nice chemistry and there were a couple of laugh out loud moments in the first two episodes. We’ve decided to stick with it for awhile and give it a chance to settle in and evolve. We did that with Behind Your Touch and were rewarded with a great show that we really enjoyed.

    For anyone who is still looking for it, set your VPN to Hong Kong and then you can watch it via VIU.

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! Hi @Late2KDramas,

    I watched Ep3 and 4. It’s still OTT and wacky and played to the hilt by all. They are totally committed to over-acting masterfully LOL. I was wondering if I was getting a little bored and then sexy dream came along LOL. I woke up.



    ML keeps doing the unexpected things, but he still wants to honour his promise to FL and undermine his own interests. FL is doing expected things as fits her Cinderella role but All-knowing Narrator points out her error(s).

    ML’s fiance (who claims she will NOT marry him, hah!) is right … he’s behaving like a boy with a first crush. I wonder if it’s only he who’s in denial over liking FL or whether his fiance too is in denial that she really likes him.

    We get our 4th main protagonist this week… and perhaps a quadrangle of love of some kind.

    Knowing that this is a Cinderella story about a poor girl trying to climb out of poverty by snagging a rich man (preferably one who is overflowing with love for her! LOL that’s what she tells the Wish-fulfilling Lady), I find myself still somewhat disapproving. It’s a grab-grab situation, to get all that she can for herself, but FL has not thought of how she might give back as well.

    I kind of like her relationship with step-mum and stepsisters. They treat her as the younger kid around them, who is still naive, although they may not call her sister.

    LOL the Wrongful Encounter exhibition and party. What a horrible food combination! But mint chocolate is nice!

    The cliffhanger is unexpected as well, although I wonder if I should have expected it!

  3. Hi @GB! I had a few good laughs with episode 3 and 4. The sexy dream made me waaaah! hahahahah

    Yeah, the cliffhanger was good. For him to finally accept that he likes her is good to go on from episode 5.

    I feel a good OST coming up but it was still as a background music in episode 4.

    I don’t mind mint chocolate. I think I would be game to try those wrongful food encounters. LOL.

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heh! @agdr03… I don’t mind watching that sexy dream again! I’m also trying to hear the OSTs, They are really in the background and are not all that clear, but I believe I saw some lyrics.

    It just occurred to me that this Show has both ML and FL having dreams. Her dreams are about her dad being a wuzz or else they are quite down to earth, except when she day-dreamed of walking down the aisle on her wedding day with her dad.

    ML seems to have some great trauma or fear that has him attached to that umbrella, but at least his dream is to ‘Follow Your Joy’ and enable the rich to have a place where they can relax and play. It looks like he is his own best customer in the adult-kiddy playground. My kids used to love to play in the ball pit LOL.

    I’m not surprised we get a 15+ rating for this series. There were also sexy times with the characters in supporting roles in the previous episode and this week we get a sexy button sewing scene as well!

    Still the sexy dream when Cha Min slept took the cake!! …

  5. Logging in for updates. I can’t see the episodes yet.

  6. Hi @GB 🙂

    That’s interesting that the drama is a 15+ rating. I didn’t know about that. That’s probably why I was taken aback with the raunchy dream. hahaha I didn’t mind the sewing button scene too. I’ll happily take this sexy dreams/scenes. LOL!

    Yes to that umbrella, it’s always with Cha Min.

    Oh my kids loved the ball pit play area too. 🙂

  7. @Fern, hi.

    Were you able to watch the current episodes yet? I had to go to my third option of website to watch it.

  8. Maybe there’s something Freudian about the raunchy dream, @agdr03?

  9. What third option? Dramacool?

  10. Hi Queen! How are you? Have a good/safe travel ok. 🙂

    I think your right about the Freudian thingy in relation to his dream. I think his subconscious is really telling him that he likes her. That’s why by the end of episode 5, he saved her.

    Correct me if I’m wrong. 🙂

    I usually go to dramacool first then dramanice then kissasian. That’s my sequence. LOL!

  11. Will try to catch it before I leave. Then will tell you its Freudian connection. 😉

    On a whim, I’ll stay in a hotel named “Sans Souci” — after Queen of Tears.

  12. Please enlighten me. Thank you! 😃

    Hey, nothing wrong with doing things after Queen of Tears. I’d love to visit San Souci too, someday. ☺️

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I never read Freud… just derivatives of his work, and then only in bits. I believe one joke is that practically anything can be made to have a Freudian connection!

  14. This thread attracted my attention! I haven’t watched any of this show yet but I think I will.

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!

  15. I approved your post, @monmor. I don’t have my laptop with me now. Will check when I get home and see what’s holding it.

  16. I watched those two episodes, and return with a feeling of emptiness.
    Not good and not bad. Just, you know, you watch something on TV, and that it.
    Excentric ideas mask a common and cliché plot, set in a so unrealistic situation and place that it hardly make sens.

    Among things that made me smile:
    – Visit to a shaman. What’s quite the main quest of episode, she needs 1000$ to pay for that and “sells” her sister. And shaman says “cupidon often aims badly”.
    – The meta fake drama episode, set in a hospital room, with people kissing absurdly.

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