Signal: Ep 6 Rewatch Sat, Jun 8

The thread is open.

The dates of the rewatch:

Ep 6      8 June 2024
Ep 7      15 June 2024
Ep 8      22 June 2024
Ep 9      29 June 2024
Break   6 July 2024
Break   13 July 2024
Ep 10    20 July 2024
Ep 11    27 July 2024
Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The time of the rewatch:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

93 Comments On “Signal: Ep 6 Rewatch Sat, Jun 8”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! It’s getting even more interesting, I believe, with a twist.

  2. Ah sorry to miss this today but will catch up! Enjoy

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Hana, hope to see you next week!

  4. Hello, 1 min to start time.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF! Glad you can make it!

    Yes we start NOW!!!

  6. Hi FF and GB

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, Ep 6 is the sad one… with tragedy before it and in it.

  8. HI @WE, hi @GB.

    Communications started again at 22:23 Park Hae Young time.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the transmissions were definitely more than 1 minute long… so many pauses in between. Around 3-5 minutes each.

  10. Hi @FF, @WE, @GB. Coming in slightly late.

  11. Hi @SD.

  12. @GB, all I know it’s one minute when someone is about to say an important last information, but BACK LUCK, it cuts. 🙂

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We find that first it was HY and now it’s JH who says they shouldn’t have tried to solve the cold cases because something would go wrong. People who should not have died could end up dying in 2015. Ep 6 is the prelude to another one of these situations.

    So the question is… should they or shouldn’t they try to change the past so that the future cold cases will not exist?

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!

    I’m 5 minutes into the show!

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The human, heavily charged emotional moments are wonderful in this show. The look on Oh’s face, on JH’s face…

  16. Hi SD.
    It’s the guy accused to be the great robber, but he’s not. And then in prison in present time?
    If I remember well.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What I’ve fully realised only with rewatching and rewatching, is that the past and the future can both change in this series. It’s not only the past changing the future but vice versa too.

  18. @GB it is difficult to time the conversation because the show does not show the full conversation at one go. It breaks up the conversation into parts by inserting back story of the plot. I am assuming that the back story is not part of the conversation. Hehe @WE steadfastly stick to his 1 minute.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, that’s okay… I’ll stick to my more than 1 minute.

    Now we have the strange case of the kidnapper leaving the mobile phone for the victim to use.

  20. @WE. the guy is released from prison recently and he kidnapped the lady who was also in the same bridge accident with his daughter.

  21. @FF, it’s not MY one minute. It’s the OFFICIAL one minute, estimated by the best expert about that: the hero of the drama, in an OFFICIAL line of dialogue. 😂

  22. @GB, the future changing the past is a difficult concept.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Stress inducing music!!! At least SH pays attention to the words of HY. She heard that Oh is meticulous and wouldn’t make mistakes, but the police need HY to do some profiling to tell them that they are on the wrong track.

  24. @WE, okay the official 1 minute by the taxi driver.

  25. Hey, something not related to the drama, but you could help me about that:
    If EMPATHY were a color, what color it could be?

    BUS Falls and crash. On a part of the bridge falling in water. Will it drown or not?

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the interesting thing about this show is that there is a protagonist who is actively doing things he wouldn’t have done, just because he’s getting info from the future. So the future changes the past, which changes the future.

    The ending is beautiful.

  27. Mmmh, not sure: Eun-Ji is alive in present time?

  28. Just how much trauma can Jae Han take? He lost his love interest to a serial killer whom he failed to arrest and be brought to justice. He witnesses his god-daughter being blown up in the bus accident, he wrongfully arrested his friend causing him to be sent to jail.

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I found the bridge fall and bus falling after it was very well recreated. The bridge didn’t seem to sink so the bus didn’t either.

    Colour of empathy… mauve … not as hot as red or pink but not as cool as blue.

  30. With the father screaming in slow motion and without sound, it’s sure EunJi won’t survive.

  31. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, not everything changes. It’s because Eun Ji is still dead that this episode has this twist.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, you’re right. JH suffered and sacrificed so much to bring justice as far as he could.

    His fellow colleagues could not help him but added to his woes even when they didn’t want to harm him. His boss is the one I called BB Bad Boss Kim.

    Both JH and HY blame themselves for the turn of events.

  33. Really all the shit falls on ‘hero from the past”. Damn, I forgot his name now. Every week I forget. T T

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE… hero of the past is Lee Jae Han

  35. @GB I also noticed that the broken section of the bridge didn’t sink. I thought that it is quite possible, but I am amazed at the speed the fireman and paramedics could reach the broken section so soon.

  36. KH tries to cross the street. Pure madness.
    I’ve read somewhere that in SK, drivers are mad and just rush. No wonder why so many people dies from a white truck.

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes it didn’t occur to me about how fast the rescuers were on the broken part of the bridge.

    I was watching this episode earlier and found several ironical things. Will post them at the end of today’s rewatch so that I won’t spoil it for those who are watching for the first time.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I saw another instance where the Truck of Doom actually was not used to kill anyone… a real twist in that trope!

  39. KH profiler skills are now usefull, he guess it’s death from fire, and not from cold.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    And here we get one great big twist in the death of Soo Hyun, due indirectly to HY giving JH the idea that he should check for fingerprints on the mailbox.. I couldn’t believe it when I first watched it.

    Cue poignant music… Horror in slow motion.

  41. And now the heroine dies.
    Really a bad day in Signal.

  42. Is that Soo Hyun on the stretcher? :O

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, this was one of the ironies I was thinking of … Oh’s daughter died of an explosion and because of fire … but he freezes the daughter of Shin in order to get Shin to reach the freezer truck and die a fiery death.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes. I said above… saddest most tragic of episodes with death beginning and middle and JH plus HY blaming themselves.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes Soo Hyun died.

  46. @GB, sure, the so called “innocent man” have lot of reasons to be in grief and want justice, but anyway, in the end he just uses blind revenge, killing an innocent girl and an innoncent cop.

    Now, with a time com concept, we guess the writer will save the heroine. It’s a bit an obvious idea from the start to make a main character dies then resurected thanks to the high-concept.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So quickly they are clearing Soo Hyun’s desk. Just one day later. Even the desk has to disappear.

  48. uh…. resurrect….. waiting eagerly.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, it’s a pity if time jump/warp shows don’t make use of their high concept well. Nine: 9 Times Time Travel used it differently but still the hero came back alive.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, resurrection … that will be next week I think.

  51. @GB what? Next week? That is too long a wait, I will continue to watch it tonight.

  52. What Signals does have though is suspense and high drama; you cannot stop watching even the most painful scenes and we have two in this episode. I wonder if the number of comments we make is shorter for this drama. I sure cannot stop watching in some of these scenes to even think about a comment

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We see HY trying his best to put SH’s advice into practice. Even crusty Gye Chul takes pity on him and gives him the ‘missing’ file. I wonder if he kept a copy of it all this time and deliberately says someone threw it away… That’s what HY needed to find the common thread that linked the burglar to the cases.

  54. File on burglary miraculously appeared.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, that’s what I did too. Couldn’t stop at Ep 6!!! Ep 7 onwards are less tragic until we come to nearly the end.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes we are posting fewer comments with good reason!!! Every scene is compelling!

  57. @SD, yeah, GB pointed that just before, but what striked me the first time I watched the drama is how intense it is on emotions. Thanks to lot of close up on characters face, and great background music.

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the other instance of the future changing the past is that now JH knows that something bad happens to him on 3 Aug 2000. HY has informed him that he should not go to the Seonil Mental Hospital on that night.

  59. @SD, exactly that is why I try to pre-watch before the re-watch otherwise I cannot make any comment.

    @GB, I will look out for that.

  60. JH have to confront a fukin annoying rich jerk.
    How you feel the need to slap this asshole?!!

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like the intercut of scenes so that when the culprit Han Sae Kyung says “It’s me!” to get the person inside his house to unlock the door for him… it also sounds like he’s admitting that he’s the criminal, in reply to the other scene that came just before.

  62. 50:27, awesome transition “it’s me”.
    The jerk answer to the phone.
    But transition make we understand he answer to the previous dialogue about who is the culcript.

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi-5!!! @WE… you and I both pointed out the same “It’s me!” scene for the same reason!

  64. @GB, hahahahahha. We have antenna and are connected. Sorry for you, no one should be connected to my insane mind! 😅😂

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what makes you think I’m not more crazy than you?

  66. @GB, @WE “It’s me” is a good one.

  67. @WE @GB equally insane. haha

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Okay I love this situation… Oh is still alive in 2015. In 1995 Oh will not speak with JH, but in 2015 HY manages to speak with OH and what he remembers changes the past.

    But it also changes the timeline and creates a new 2015 in which Oh is no longer alive!!! Freaky!!!

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @FF, @WE and I have been communicating too much on time travel shows until we are equally warped.

  70. @GB, it’s true that you are a bit crazy about serious drama analys. 🧐🤓🧐🤓🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

  71. Speaking to @WE’s comment on empathy: you see a lot of it in this episode, but subtly. The way the lab tech guy pats HY on the back and the careful handling of HY at the scene of the freezer truck fire. Even the background extraneous interactions are well done in this drama. And the scene with the mother of SH grieving, crawling on the floor; she loses her slipper, so common in these dramas but just a side-note here, subtly placed for effect, showing her grief, her absolute breakdown.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I like that kind of crazy!!! I used to be upset that shows I thought good were actually not good… (ie I learnt that from reviewers) and so I wanted to be able to catch what was wrong with shows before saying that they are good or not. Only way to do that is to analyse like CRAZY!

  73. Only thing I would say to the director is: make the guy have white hair, so we better get the idea he’s present time. It’s ok for this interrogation scene, but before, there were other scenes where it could help.

  74. @SD, I just need the color you feel is right about empathy. It’s for an alien entity in a short screenplay I’m finishing. 😉

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, Yes I really respect this Show for it’s plot and great balance of intelligent investigating, smart criminals, action, reasonable time switches that bring about logical changes…. AND on top of that, the very good character development, the emotional beats, the development of person-to-person ties and getting us to be so invested in the well-being of our characters.

  76. @GB, I thank a lot terrible dramas I disliked so I can make analys of the why I dislike. And it helped me a lot to improve my writing and even make changes in my scenes, so I don’t reproduce such an horror. 😅

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So now we see how the fingerprints ended up on the mailbox… and just because the brat was annoyed, he pointed the finger at the innocent Oh Kyung Tae. So much tragedy erupted from the brat’s crime and deliberate lie.

    HY needs to give JH hope… he does not tell him that the brat is doing very well in 2015.

  78. @WE, colour of empathy would be turquoise for me.

  79. @WE, re: color for empathy. I originally thought blue. But then I thought ‘No, blue is associated with sorrow or depression or being pensive’; my next thought was yellow, maybe a pale yellow, to symbolize warmth.

  80. @GB: put INJUSTICE, and it’s always jackpot.
    Nothing makes audience more mad than this.

  81. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I find that lots of viewers like badly produced shows, so I don’t go by whether I like or dislike. I’m like most viewers… I just watch and enjoy and so I like a show. It was an eye opener to me to see why others said the show that I liked was bad. It made me stop and rethink about what I was liking and whether it was really well made.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I at first chose turquoise too… but then felt it was too cool. I wanted empathy to be warmer… so I changed it to mauve.

  83. Turquoise, mauve, yellow.
    My first thought was pink.
    Damn, I don’t know what to choose.

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes injustice is a great plot mover. Too many shows have revenge as the main objective of the protagonists. Or bringing people to justice. Once you get your audience angry, you’d better give them a chance to be satisfied and cool off.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, pink and mauve are related. It’s a colour that has to be warmish but not too hot.

  86. @GB, my first thought was orange but I thought it was too strong too vibrant empathy feels softer so turquoise was my final choice.

  87. @GB, I like to read comments/reviews on MDL. Even bad comments about shows I love. There is bullshit, but also comments that make sens. I already said it, but I think audience feedback is even better than another screenwriter feedback.

  88. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Soo Hyun in Episode 5 was sleeping or playing a corpse while her nephews were chasing each other with guns around her. She gets up and is told that she should lie still because she’s dead… anyway she does resurrect.

    In Episode 6 she really dies.
    In Episode 7 she is not dead.

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, I like the reviews where the writer can back up what they say with the scenes in the show.

    I was saying I wanted to post some IRONIES in this episode…
    It was an Irony that HY had met Oh Kyung Tae in 2015, after a failed attempt at murder, had gotten info from him that helped to throw light on the burglaries, but then it changes history so that in the new timeline, Oh Kyung Tae succeeds in killing someone who never should have died.

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Another IRONY
    It was an Irony that HY in finding out the info from the past (through JH who cares about Soo Hyun) to help the investigation into the kidnapping in 2015, HY can pass on the info to Soo Hyun and Soo Hyun gets killed.

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It was an Irony that Oh ends up dying in prison himself before 2015, ‘after he had met HY in the earlier 2015 timeline’. I’m not sure what it was that changed that caused his death though.

    Similarly it was an irony that JH had solved the burglary case because Oh had given info to HY, but then Oh still ended up in prison again, a few days after being released. By getting Oh freed from prison, JH had inadvertently gotten another person killed. In Ep 7 the reason Oh is in prison will have changed slightly.

    Episode 6 is full of ironies and tragedies.

  92. Ah, I rewatched this episode several weeks ago, and it’s already too late.
    Couldn’t get all the irony, not enough concentration.
    I’ll go now. Bye bye, have a good week!

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Have a good week too @WE!

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