Signal: Ep 7 Rewatch Sat, Jun 15

The thread is open.

The dates of the rewatch:

Ep 7      15 June 2024
Ep 8      22 June 2024
Ep 9      29 June 2024
Break   6 July 2024
Break   13 July 2024
Ep 10    20 July 2024
Ep 11    27 July 2024
Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The time of the rewatch:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch.

83 Comments On “Signal: Ep 7 Rewatch Sat, Jun 15”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thank you for setting everything up and posting the threads nice and early for us, @pkml3. We’re having a great time partying 💃🏃‍♂️ every Saturday night.


  2. Hello. I’m here early today.
    Preparing for the rewatch.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, I’m always hovering nearby. Good that you’re early and on the right thread. I was almost going to comment on the wrong Ep 8 thread!!!

  4. @GB, yeah, I hesitates myself about that. 😉

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Let’s start NOW!!!

  6. Hello @GB @WE. I am here, let’s go.

  7. Let’s go with the song, that I don’t like by the way. But it’s ok for the mood.
    Then, fast resume “previously in”.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    After last Ep 6 which contained the tragedy of Eun Ji and Soo Hyun’s deaths, we come to a continuation that makes changes in the future.

    As JH speaks in voiceover, he sounds like a profiler. HY agrees with him.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF!
    You’re just in time to watch the arrest of louse Han Se Kyu. The WINDS of Change blow around HY who is again asleep.

  10. Hi FF.
    Now, HJ has to arrest a culcript, in a way the old mad man won’t kill the heroine with fire years after.

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I liked the background music for all the different moods and attitudes of this Show: the instrumental pieces and the silences.

  12. @GB, HY is always sleeping at his desk in office and then history changes.

  13. The arrogant jerk piss his pants now. 🙂

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We rejoice … Soo Hyun is alive and never knew that she had died in the previous timeline.

    It’s so funny that SH is so badass and always in dark clothes but at home she’s in fluffy pink. Even her bed covers are pink LOL.

  15. @GB, I said it endlessly, Signal BGM are excellent. Indeed, made by same team than W, Save Me and MOTA. 😉
    Maybe I posted already my favorite pieces?

  16. Soo Hyun resurrected!

    @GB I especially like the opening song, the guitar gives off nostalgic vibes.

  17. I feel like I’m an old thing repeating itself, but as other people forget, I guess it should be ok? 😀

  18. Resurection turns into the need for an expresso machine. 🙂

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I cannot remember if there was a time when HY was awake, but I recall 2 times when he was asleep and the wind blew around him.

    Han was arrested but gets away again with a slap on the wrist. Evil continues.

    JH was in prison to see Oh again… now in for murder. Then cut to HY visiting Oh’s grave outside prison. HY realises that even with the change some things stay the same and life is still unfair.

  20. @WE, you may post your favorite pieces again … hahaha who knows you are not the only old thing around?

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, maybe need the strong Expresso coffee to raise the dead? LOL.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, I cannot remember much too, so I have to keep re-watching or re-reading. It’s tiresome but cannot be helped.

    Oh dear, good Boss Kim has been transferred because of Han’s arrest, and Bad Boss Kim (BBK) comes in to continue doing evil cover-ups and to be the bad guy’s ‘dog.

  23. @GB, I think Soo Hyun’s mum dresses her in pink heh. The old man that Oh Kyung Tae killed looks like the man whose daughter he kidnapped but I am not sure. It is sad isn’t it, they tried to get him out of prison but he still ended up in prison.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes the man Oh killed was the father of the girl who survived. He never stopped blaming the victim for not saving Eun Ji first. He should have blamed the crooked/faulty construction company.

  25. @FF, I found that!
    I posted some BGM on this forum:

    As a little miracle, YT links are still valids.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @WE! I usually go to YT to look for OSTs too. I may download Signal OSTs but I don’t think I’ll listen to them while driving LOL.

    Hah, Now JH dares to confront the Congressman Jang who is the dirty one behind the corruption in this drama.

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY has a coffee on the balcony with SH. It’s the place where they have meaningful conversations. He tells her that she was wrong to say that if he gets a message from the past he should do something. After her ‘death’ he feels it would be better to not do anything. Things get more messed up. So he decides it is best to ignore JH’s messages.

  28. @WE, you have listed quite a few. Shall listen to them later.

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JH and HY have what might be their last conversation because HY feels they should not have started talking to each other. He says goodbye by telling him to stay safe. But he did hear JH say that the police should make sure the bad guy gets caught no matter how rich he is.

    So sad… HY shreds all the reports on JH and throws out the walkie talkie.

  30. @GB, HY now feels that it is better to not do anything but Jae Han thinks otherwise.

  31. I watch Signal with an official release and offical subtitles, but made by morrons who don’t even know to write french correctly, doing so basic grammar errors. Gosh, education level fell so low.

  32. @FF, just five on this list. But there are some other on the whole playlist ofc. Just I put links for my fav. 😉
    Fortunately, there are less “best fav musics” on Signal than on W or MOTA. ^^

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I think JH and HY took turns to feel that they should not have done anything because of the messages they gave each other. But ‘fate’ has a hand in making sure that the walkie talkie does not get lost forever.

  34. AAAAHH, and now taximan want to stop the calls??!

  35. For the occasion, he made a real ONE minute call. lolol.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Team Leader Ahn is watching HY and putting SH up to suspecting him over his interest in her sunbae Lee Jae Han.

    LOL, in the past, we find that SH cannot drive.

  37. Taximan looks constipated, as he put the paper in the thing in charge to destroy papers. -_-

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Did you time the call @WE?

    LOL young Soo Hyun is a hopeless driver, but she does not stop trying.

  39. @WE, I never learned French but I think French is difficult.

    @GB, the walkie talkie that Hae Young is using is the same one that Jae Han is using.

    Does Soo Hyun not have a driving license before they let her drive?

  40. @GB, I never time the calls, they are ONE minute in an official way, and I’m blind, deaf and stubborn, so I believe only the official way. 🙂

  41. @FF, you are right. Most difficult langage in the world. But damn-it, french people are supposed to do it well.

    Now a comedy scene about the heroine terrible skills at driving, when she’s a complete cop noob.

  42. Soo Hyun’s poor driving skills is cute isn’t it? And her crushing on Jae Han is so feminine.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like the long flashback backstory of Soo Hyun as a rookie.

    Hahahah! she almost kills her colleagues with the van.

    JH finds fault with SH but she never gives up. I like that he does not want her to be a ‘secretary/waitress’. He is true to his word, later we see that he chooses to serve the coffee so that she won’t have to do it.

    SH takes his scolding but still likes him so much that she gives him a can of coffee. Then she’s the one who pasted the smiley sticker on his walkie talkie. It remains on it until 2015. It shows that JH had regard for her.

  44. HJ can’t see it. Maybe because his ex-girlfriend died. But we want to scream to him: HEY DUDE, here there is a woman loving you!!! No way. First she should be a good cop instead to serve coffee. ahhhhhh.

  45. @WE, Chinese are supposed to be good in Chinese language too but neh …. no that is not true not all are good.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Kim Min Gyu is in this show, in one of his earlier appearances. He’s called “.5” just like how SH had been called “0.5” when she was a rookie.

    I like how the team is finally more comfortable with each other and can talk about food they like to eat.

  47. Yup I like that Jae Han wants Soo Hyun to work like a real policeman not just a vase, a mascot for the police force to show the world that there is no gender discrimination. He is ahead of his peers in this aspect.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    A man bringing in a new cold case walks in … but this cold case is coincidentally linked to the burglary case too. And what a cold case it is… the missing person they are looking for has been dead for 20 years LOL.

    I like Kim Won Hae in this show. He provides all the grumbling and comic relief.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    While we think that there will be no more communication between JH and HY, or no more ties in the crimes, we see that JH has got a lead on the missing necklace, and the girl who brings it in to pawn it is none other than the dead girl that in 2015 has been missing for 20 years.

  50. What I like about Kim Won Hae? Besides his acting skills, I like his hands. He has got plump fingers.

  51. @FF, yep. But what I like: not for ideological reasons. Just obvious and human ones. 😉

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Kim Won Hae is one actor I keep seeing every other show! He plays any character at all, and while he’s never the main lead, he also steals attention in every scene he’s in.

    Now JH has a job for SHh to do. She is eager to please, especially since it’s a secret task. Her driving has improved.

  53. Hi all. Joining very late. I will post any additional comments at the end. I did want to comment on the pink bedding etc.of SH. It is almost like a vestigial remnant of that feminine trainee who first joined the force although it is true her mother dresses her in pink for her blind dates. Still, in one of the later episodes there is a quick pan of the room they all sleep in; one set of quilts is pink suggesting she keeps that up even at the station. Although honestly it is probably a very effective way to make sure she has a clean quilt, lol.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    SH is in pink fluffy sleepwear even in 1995 LOL. She’s so proud that she’s managed to find 5 numbers where women in their 20s might be. She wants to follow JH into the home but they are too late, Da Hye is ‘dead’.

    This is when the fiance in mourning sees SH and actually remembers her!!

  55. Soo Hyun can now drive on the road, but she still veers off her lane when distracted. Oh secret mission assigned to her by her crush.

  56. Fastidious work, she has to try all combinaisons with the last two numbers.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!! Glad you could join us for the last bit. Yes, that pink bedding and her jammies… so unlike a hard-nosed cop. She retained her feminine side.

  58. Hi SD, your comments are welcome please post them.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    As usual Gye Chul puts his foot into his mouth when he says that no one will remember someone for 20 years (unless money is owed), but SH remembers JH for 20 years and is still looking for proof of his death.

  60. Hi SD.
    @GB, yeah, the scene in the truck was funny. She’s so proud, but he keeps the distance. 🙂

  61. Now, taximan should just think “shit, I need this walkie-talkie”. STUPID DUDE!!

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, she was so proud and so girlish, trying to draw his attention by putting her hair behind her ear.

    Now this same SH goes against the team to choose to do the Da Hye case. Voting 2 vs 2 but Rookie 0.5 gets to vote as well LOL so they will investigate.

    But now SH and HY are finding out that they both have ties with JH and SH is wondering what HY is hiding.

  63. Who is holding on to the walkie talkie now?

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I thought that the Da Hye case would be solved solely by the 2015 team because there was no more walkie talkie. It did happen that way for a change, but JH never stopped investigating at his end.

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Ahn has the walkie talkie. It will pop up again later in Ep 8, I think.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JH is also on the trail of Shin Da Hye and the missing necklace.

    More backstory of how horrible Han and the rich boys were.

  67. @GB, it’s a process similar to 9, when a previous time change triggers something more later. 😉
    Even without contact, JH changes further the timeline.

  68. Thanks @GB, so the puffy eye man took it from the waste bag.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    SH is so observant that she can recall the blue book Da Hye held as she read at the window. Immediately with a fingerprint we get evidence that the fiance is right. Da Hye is alive.

  70. Realistic fingerprint taking.
    I like that!
    Hey, I just goes out of a short screenplay I made with realistic facts about spacewalk!

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I like the changes that will take place in Ep 9 and 10… lives will be saved.

    So we end with a mystery about why a dead girl is alive.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you added a trip to space in your screenplay?

  73. @GB you have already watched Ep 9 & 10? I am going to watch 8 after this.

  74. @WE, do you do lots of research for unfamiliar topics before you include them in your screenplay? Like research on space walk?

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I watched til the end and went back again to earlier episodes because so much happens and I cannot recall the sequence. I even make some notes but not complete enough.

  76. @GB, I posted it here, but maybe you missed it.
    I participate in a screenwriting challenge. Short story. Mine is 12 minutes.
    I posted it on my blogs:

    I just did an upload yesterday for a 4th draft.
    Even it’s short, I worked a lot on it.
    It shows where I am with screenwriting now.
    Lot of progress since the many years I started. 😉

    The story is: WOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!! Of course. ahaha. 😀

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Heh! If you say it is WOOOOWWW that must be true!!!

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’ve got to go now. See you all next week!

  79. @GB, well, anything I do is always “wow”, lol. ^^
    I’ll go too.
    Will come back later, or maybe post on the only drama I’m watching now.
    About the “dreamin freakin fairy”. 😉
    Have a good week!

  80. The first viewing of this episode I missed the import of the comment by Good-Boss Kim (love it @GB) telling JH the exact connection between the faulty construction of the bridge and the robberies (via the new development the young kid steals accidentally or on purpose). Clearly a common theme throughout Signal: the profound difference in the treatment of the poor and less well connected and the wealthy and well-connected. The corruption runs deep.

    @GB, Good-night. I will not be joining you all for the next two weeks as I will be abroad (for me) and busy — joining a amateur choir group to sing Mozart and Hadyn (well beyond my capabilities – oh well).

  81. @GB, you are hardworking making notes and all. Bye, enjoy the long weekend.

    Bye everyone, thanks for the company and see you all next week!

  82. Spoiler alert*
    Ah, I just realized that Congressman Jung Young Chul (owner of the blue necklace) is the same guy as in the later episodes pulling the strings that gets Bad Boss Kim fully hooked. I definitely missed this one on the first watch.

  83. *or I guess the translation is ‘Senator’ not Congressman

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