Signal: Ep 9 Rewatch Sat, Jun 29

The thread is open.

The dates of the rewatch:

Ep 9      29 June 2024
Break   6 July 2024
Break   13 July 2024
Ep 10    20 July 2024
Ep 11    27 July 2024
Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The time of the rewatch:

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

@GB, please try posting something to see if this thread is working. I just encountered an error message on my side, about a plugin (huh?). Thanks.

Enjoy the rewatch.

99 Comments On “Signal: Ep 9 Rewatch Sat, Jun 29”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3, let’s see if this comment works.

    BTW I’ve got a comment in moderation from the Freaking Fairytale thread.

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, @pkml3, the thread seems to be working for me. 🙂

    6 minutes to go!!!

  3. Hello @GB, I am here.

  4. Here, ready! Pipi done in a clean way. 🙂
    Hi GB and FF.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, I sort of guessed you’d be here right on time! Let’s start now!!!

  6. @GB, hmm hmm, what did you say so dirty to make your comment falls in the dark zone. 🙂

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE LOLOL… yes, I thought I should remind you to start a bit earlier with all your prep before our party. 😂🤣

  8. Great we have a resume.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I was not comfortable with some of the message(s) that was given by the Freaking Fairytale show, although I liked the show.

  10. Hi @WE. Yes @GB, we start! I have become predictable … ha.

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I feel that you and I are the very punctual type of people. Heheheh!

  12. Hey, Taximan learns for the first time it’s old-dude-from-past’s talkie?!

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now at last HY discovers that the radio he’s been holding on to belongs to JH and that it was about to be disposed of when it ‘called’ him by name LOL.

    I’m trying to find all the links between HY and JH and why the walkie talkie activated itself when HY was nearby. There were actually several links between the 3 of them… now we hear HY asking Why, why, why he has the radio too.

  14. Confrontation with the killer cop.
    And now the great moment I was waiting.
    Bad cop want to keep the talkie, but taximan for ce his way. I’m a bit disappointed there was not a bigger fight about that.

  15. The puffy eye man speaks in such an expressionless way yet it is so compelling to watch him as if he will drop some serious information about Lee Jae Han but he did not.

    @GB, you are right I like to be punctual.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi-5 @WE, I just said the same thing. Yes, he never knew before this that JH used that phone and it was like his lucky charm. Or even those details that Ahn told him about where it was found.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the Ahn trajectory was kind of sad. He was not a bad cop actually but forced into it somehow.

    So now HY knows that Ahn and Kim Sum Bum are connected.

  18. @GB, it’s smart about the concept. Only the same talkie could communicate with itself thought time.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, but at least Ahn did tell HY some new things about JH that he never knew before and didn’t know whom to ask. I wonder why HY never discovered who worked with JH before and questioned them a bit more. He did ask Ahn once only.

  20. @WE I have been thinking about the “smart concept”, just cannot imagine how that can happen.

  21. @GB, I follow HJ philosophy: just arrest the bad guys. Bad cop will explain his sad life to his attorney on his way to prison. 🙂

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, it makes sense because the instrument of connection is the exact same thing in different times. However, I like that there were links between SH, JH and HY as well, just that they were not aware of all of them for some time.

  23. @GB, PHY tried to find out about JH on his own secretly. I guess he has problem explaining why he knows Jae Han that’s why he is subtle in his research on JH.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE what is HJ philosophy? Who is HJ?

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, that’s true too. He couldn’t explain the walkie talkie to anyone and preferred not to be to obvious about his interest in JH.

    I like this piece of music when SH is doing her stuff to find the mugger. So sad that JH no longer watches movies, after that time when the girl he liked gave him movie tickets.

  26. @FF. In other dramas like that, the supernatural phenomenon often comes from a paradox tied to a psychic energy. See MOTA, it was an incident coming from a contradiction, something that shouldn’t have happened. Trying to kill someone in a zone of the game where killing isn’t allowed, merging reality and augmented one.

    In W too. Sung-Moo is desesperate, but he transmited all his ideal condition to the hero. When he makes him die, it’s impossible for such a guy. And the will of the hero to survive meet the desire of Sung-Moo to be reborn. It’s really beautiful about deep psychology.

  27. @GB, HJ is old dude from the past. ODFTP. 🙂

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We get a light moment in the series with SH chasing after the mugger on her own. She actual runs on top of the car bonnet to jump on the mugger. Luckily she caught the right guy LOL. Imagine if she had been wrong!!!

    JH calls her crazy for dreaming of the mugger.

    In the present, HY is digging for info on JH from SH.

  29. JH cried so bad the last time he went to the movies alone, we can understand why he does not do movies anymore.

    I like most of the music and songs in this drama, kind of old school but very captivating and nicely inserted into the drama at appropriate times.

  30. Ouch, I’ll be late, I need to rewatch the moment when the heroine arrest a guy. I missed that, I was writing here.

  31. Taximan with his fake smile tries to get information from her. aahhhh. Dude!!

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you’re referring to File Transfer Protocol?

    HY is shocked that a new link to JH involves the 1999 case that led to his brother’s tragedy.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I particularly like the music that comes on for Soo Hyun.

    Now we come to another comedic scene … a very long one for a change, with SH’s mother. That woman is an opportunist… before HY can go she really milks his presence and muscles for all that they’re worth. LOL.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL Soo Hyun’s mum sits back and admires HY’s arms and strength. She’s out to get a boyfriend for her daughter. Korean women seem to like to see the veins on men’s arms LOLOL.

  35. Scene with the mother is good comedy.
    She’s a bit abusive in a cute way.
    She’s like “I’ve found the perfect son-in-law”.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We find that such a long scene with SH’s mum is not irrelevant after all because now HY finds JH’s notebook and gets the memo kept in its back cover.

  37. SH’s mum is falling for Park Hae Young, the way she pretended to hurt her back then admire HY’s back view and his (np choice) kindness. Still not forgetting to promote/market SH to HY.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    26 minutes into the episode and we finally get into the crime and the case. Oct 1997 and a very sweet looking Lee Sang Yub (actor) watches the woman at the convenience store.

    This week we get JH moments again which we didn’t get last episode.

  39. @GB, sorry, I’m lost about FTP. Don’t understand.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, SH’s mum was so cute and so naughty!! If only SH knew. I think she never found out.

  41. Oh, already 26 minutes before the case?
    Yet, I didn’t feel any boredom.

  42. Oh Lee Sang Yoeb! Think this is the first drama that I saw him in, is he a serial killer here?

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you mentioned ODFTP… is it referring to “The Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) is a protocol created in 1986, used for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between two communications business partners.”

    You know what??? Data transfer between 2 comm partners sounds very appropriate for HY and JH!!! What a coincidence?!?

  44. Ah. Shop employee (or owner). This good actor, often getting bad dude roles, like in “while you were sleeping”. But was the nice guy in “Eve”.
    Turns out is a serial killer here?! Sadist one.

  45. @GB. lololololol!!! I said it in the sentence.
    ODFTP is: Old Dude From The Past. 😀

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, the sweet Lee is the killer here. So sad. His story is sad too.

    Now HY checks that JH never spoke to anyone else (ie not Ahn) over the walkie talkie in the last 2 years.

    JH gets to hear that his notebook is with HY in the future and that he left a memo in it. Now the notebook will be another means of communication between them.

  47. Data transfer via walkie talkie.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE LOLOLOL. OIC (Oh I see!)

    But it was so apt, the data exchange between communication partners.

    Now JH sees who the witness to the finding of the corpse is and does his own side investigation. Luckily his lousy Bad Boss Kim lets him run wild and free like this!

  49. Taximan’s smart: he first checks bad cop didn’t get a call from ODFTP. So no bad surprise from that.
    I love the dynamic between the two guys when they speak thought the talkie. Expressions, way to behave.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes precisely!

    Now data transfer from the witness to JH… only through the witness does he find out that it’s a serial killing.

    More circular time warp stuff … The interesting thing about Hongwon-dong case was that if HY had not told JH about it, JH would not have investigated and found out that the case was a serial murder case. But the only way HY knew about it was through the note that JH had written and left in his notebook. So which came first???

  51. @WE, you have given Jae Han a new name.

  52. @FF, so it was JH? lol. 🙂

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL after ODFTP, JH finds he has to deal with young SH in the present who wants to get involved in every case that he’s interested in.

    SH now comes to see skeletal remains again but the photo of the victim gives her a PTSD reaction.

  54. @GB, chicken and egg question but I will JH wrote the note first.

  55. @WE, yes ODFTP is Jae Han. I know you can’t remember his name and the other guy Hae Young is taxi man or taxi driver haha.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, so intriguing… JH wrote the note but it came after the chat on the radio with HY.

    LOL now our Gye Chul is speaking in a higher and higher pitch to get the team to investigate on what he wants.

    But suddenly SH mentions the same case that HY has mentioned to JH. So good that show gives us the basic info from 1997 and then the coincidence in 2015 that brings the Squad into the investigation started by JH again.

  57. Gye Chul has so high pitched screams. The guy is like a crazy bird here! 🙂

  58. Gye Chul breaking his voice and still not getting what he wants.

  59. Well, I wouldn’t be so foolish seeing hand bones.
    Calm down, tourists!

  60. I remember the police will start to find many corpses buried in the mountains.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I really like Gye Chul actor, Kim Won Hae.

    We see SH hugging herself over the similarities of the killings. And in the past, JH finds out that the victim was quiet and did not talk to people. People did not like the victim who was depressed and hard to get close to.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, I believe in the next episode they find the corpses in the mountain… the police of the past did such a bad job that many cases became cold cases.

    SH takes matters into her own hands and sees the info on the case.

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    This episode had a lot of funny bits before the scary part… Gye Chul’s voice was really squeaky cute and so frustrated LOL.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    SH walks in the footsteps of the victims and even listens to the sad kind of music they may have listened to.

    She goes to the same convenience store.

  65. @GB, so she will meet the killer?!
    Gosh, she won’t die again?!!
    (crazy to say that, lol)

  66. The killer sees her and is like:
    “wow, I found my perfect next victim”.

  67. Is SH trying to lure the killer by acting like the victims?

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, she’s stubborn and gets scolded by JH… she’s not qualified to do the job and shouldn’t do it alone since the victims were all women too.

    Fortunately JH is the one who followed her, and fortunately she’s a survivor.

  69. @FF, I don’t think. If she did that, she wouldn’t listening music and be unable to hear a potential threat.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, you’re right… it’s this episode that they find all the remains of victims.

    I think SH was trying to figure out the routes of the victims and put herself into their shoes, listening to the same kind of music etc. I don’t think she expected to lure the killer immediately.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Soo Hyun will finally tell her team about her own experience as a victim, but Show lets us see what happened. Such a good show!!!

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Jae Han gets worried that SH is not back at the precinct yet. She’s too foolhardy. She should have gone back earlier. The little dog seems to be a great lure to get victims.

    JH goes in search, thank heavens!!!

  73. After taximan hides information, it’s now her.
    But she reveals it. Not the kind to hide.

  74. Damn. A dog as cute as the one in “Where the moon rises and other historical drama words like sun, flower, river”.

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m at the part where SH manages to get out of the house and runs. At least she has the ability to think what to do. But she’s been badly traumatised.

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    What great timing… just as SH says she thought there were no more victims, the shout comes that they found another one. And another… and another …

  77. The killer got her, Jae Han searching for Soo Hyun. No wonder her reaction when she saw the photos of the scene and state of the female corpse that was discovered.

    She managed to escape from the room.

  78. ODFTP finds her.
    It was close to death by lack of breathing.
    But maybe she was able to breath a bit because the bag was badly closed.
    For sure, a traumatic experience for her.
    High emotion.

  79. Soo Hyun keeps bumping into the lamp post. Luckily Jae Han found her.

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes this episode was well balanced … we get past and 2015, we get comedy and tension and lots of high emotion at the end as cliff hanger.

  81. @GB, yes in screenplay logic and continuity, it’s what is perfect! And not so easy to get.
    It creates a natural flow, so you are hooked and keep watching. Great TV screenwriter job.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I think the last time she ran into the wall and got knocked unconscious.

    She didn’t know where she was going.

  83. How many corpses are there?

  84. As we have a cliffhanger in today time, I see the writer chose to switch to a quick flashback scene for the very end. For emotion.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Yes, in this show, the writing is very well done. Can’t find a plot hole.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, 9 corpses in the mountain, 2 before that in 1997. I guess there were 11 victims at least.

  87. I hope Season 2 is as good as season 1.

  88. @GB, it’s kind of scene we get in W, ep6.
    Yeon-Joo: something is preventing the manhwa to stop.
    Soo-Bong: but what?
    Yeon-Joo: (close up on her face)
    Then a mystery scenes. We don’t know if it’s a flashback or real time.
    The killer stand up on the bridge. We immediatly understand he’s preventing the end.

  89. @FF, done by the same writer. I’m confident and right away choose to trust her. 😉

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I like that we get to see the 5 members of the team together at least once. If only Ahn could get away from BBKim, he would have been a good team leader.

  91. @GB, the corpses are all buried long ago coz they have become skeletons. I wonder if there are any more recent killings. Maybe we will find that out in the next episode.

  92. I didn’t rewatch next episodes, but thanks, we get a break.
    So I’ll have time to watch. Ahhhh, relieved.

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Yes, I hope so too… I’m glad at least the same actors are coming back. At least Lee Je Hoon is!

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, with the break in the party (2 Saturdays) maybe some others can catch up and join us later.

  95. Dears, I enjoyed a lot this rewatch with you.
    But as usual come the moment to go.
    Have a good week, see you during the break, maybe on any various thread here or in PM.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I like the ending of this criminal case. It’s very satisfying or satisfactory. Finally this one case worked out well with HY and JH both on it.

  97. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @WE! I may get back to you on the writing you did.

    Bye @FF, see you in 3 weeks’ time!

  98. @GB, with great pleasure, you know I don’t have a lot of feedback or readers. 😉
    I want to finish W2 this year to propose it without people suffering waiting for episodes not rewritten yet. I mean, for now, you get until ep42 and “what’s next?”.

  99. Bte @GB, @WE, see you guys in 3 weeks’ time.

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