Signal: Ep 11 Rewatch Sat, July 27

The thread is open.

The schedule.

Ep 11    27 July 2024
Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The start time.

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

110 Comments On “Signal: Ep 11 Rewatch Sat, July 27”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yay! Thanks for putting up this thread nice and early @pkml3!

    Hmmm… 6 episodes to go.

    Everyone, how’s your stamina going? Do we want to suggest another show to continue with in our Rewatch Parties? Another time travel series to keep us on our toes?

  2. @GB, aaagh, we need to dig again in a list of dramas.
    Of course, if we say right away “time travel”, it gives us a more easy list.

    I published again a short screenplay. Really short! 4 minutes. Here:
    With beautiful and inspiring pictures of nature and animals.
    Then I’ll continue to work on W2.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I read your screenplay and left a comment/question. I liked it. Short and sweet. It seems to have a comment on valuing life over self, even if the life-form is different. An unspoken criticism over man’s evil against man?

  4. @GB, it’s easier when it’s shorter, lol! Almost a peanut here.
    Yeah, it’s about valuing life. But not really any criticism about men. Well, if it’s the case, it’s not intentional. However, you never know what deep psyché content comes with a story. Writer is often channeling things he doesn’t understand at first.

  5. Already to go!

    I Really do not know what I would like to watch next. We have gone through some pretty great dramas. W Comes to mind because I do not think I watched the group watch in the past. I have.
    Not watched circle but I see that it is available on tubi I think.

  6. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, you’re nice and early!

    I was thinking of rewatching Kairos another interesting time-jump sort of show.

  7. I have not watched that drama so that interests me

  8. Hi @MM, @GB, I am ready to start.

    @WE, I also read your short screen play. I especially liked the last lines — kind of had a kdrama sensibility to it, the demureness of it — because of that I laughed out loud (maybe not your intention…), anyway I liked it.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD, great to see you back here! About to start in 2 minutes.

  10. Hi MM and GB.
    365 repeat the year. 😉
    Kairos is excellent, but maybe to close to Signal to watch it now?

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE, 365 Repeat the Year will be interesting to me because I think it’s one of the few I missed watching.

    Okay… we start about now!!!

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)


    With all that unresolved trauma, SH should really not go back to the scene on her own. In her panic she could shoot the wrong person!

  13. @SD, hi. Oh yeah, it’s better to not use sex scene. And if it were one, makes it the most blurry and short as possible. 🙂

  14. I always watch the beginning intro with this drama, not my usual habit. Usually, I watch the initial intro once then figure out at what point the drama starts and skip to that. For this drama, the music and the stills from the earlier time frame set me up for the drama somehow. I am back in the past with it and ready to change from past to present to past. I just find it interesting that the intro can hold so much of the drama and yet not become tedious on repetition (at least for me).

  15. HI @WE, @GB, @MM and @SD. Let’s go!

  16. 49 days is a drama I have been interested in watchi g. Have not been able to find it anywhere.

  17. Good use of sound and image in the opening scene. The weird covering on the door, the music and the door creaking; and SH’s ragged breath.

  18. I usually skip the intro too but I like the opening song, so I let it play.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, this drama is special from beginning to end.

    I like the solving of this case… the solving by JH in the past rather than by the 2015 detectives.

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM ’49 Days’ has an ending that viewers may not like.

  21. 2sD I was watching the intro and thinking the same thing

  22. Oh, she almost shoot her partner.
    Crazy how she stay mad, even after she recognize him.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF. You made it!!!

    They’ve found the Killer’s place of work and his name now.

  24. She should have called for back up. I think instead she was so caught up in a traumatic flash back/ Reenactmentthat she could not think

  25. Hi FF.

    It’s the classic trope: she must get the criminal, to conclude her trauma. The kdrama “Psychopath diary” made fun of lot of this kind of tropes. 🙂

  26. @GB, I was watching the Olympics. Had to sacrifice Olympics for our party.

  27. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, she never had her trauma treated properly. It’s amazing she can keep herself together most of the time.

  28. Hi @FF! Also the actress plays this scene so well. So different from her usual tough-guy cool headed cop. We, the viewers, KNOW she is distressed and should not be there. Definitely adds to the tension. Will she be able to act the way she should to save her life? And the killer is coming!

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM HY was right. She should not have gone in alone. A danger to herself and others!

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, was the Olympics exciting? What sports was on?

  31. She felt that she needed to catch the criminal so that she could have control again Over the helplessness.She had experienced.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Dear me! The killer is doing something different this time. The suspenseful music is overwhelming! I’m so tense.

  33. @GB, the swimming heats is on now.

    I am just wondering wouldn’t the house smell really bad because the corpse will decompose and will take time to end up with bones only is it not?

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF @WE Timestamp 13:00 she has her opportunity to shoot killer.

  35. The killer decided to kill himself, quite an unlikely thing to do for a serial killer.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF I wondered the same thing about the corpse in the home. The smell should have disturbed even the neighbours.

  37. Damn… He will kill himself the same way he killed victims. Ah, I said it: the reason he was a killer of depressive people is because he wanted to kill himself, as a depressive one.

    But it fails: he will have to PAY !!!
    Not such a peaceful escape as death.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF @WE, something changed for the Killer… I think it had to do with the discovery of the body of the girl he liked, without knowing that he liked her. HY plays the music of the last victim. After this maybe he could not kill anymore and so decided to bury his mother and to kill himself.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    He kills the girl and cries at the same time. This really shakes him up.

  40. Oh shit, it’s insane, he really kill her?!!

  41. He destroyed his soul twice as it was already destroyed.

  42. Once again, I can’t stop watching!

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Killer’s mother had been insane too and caused him to become insane as well… made him into a killer by so much ill-treatment and trauma.

  44. He cried after killing the girl.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Strange twist… After the Hongwon-dong Serial murders case was solved om 2015, the radio comes on. HY is not sure that he should tell JH who the killer is. He decides against it. Poor JH has to continue on his own in the past, although Chief closed the case.

  46. Hae YOung decided not to tell Jae Han (ODFTP) who the killer is, for fear of changing history.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes can’t stop watching although I’ve rewatched it. SH returns to work in pink.

    Then in 2015, the winds of change blow and the Hongwon Dong case disappears from the list of cold cases.

  48. He is just a crazy psychopath, Says the evil police officer As he looks at HY. He is saying , why do we need a profiler?

  49. @FF, as taximan said:
    “he loved her but wasn’t aware of it”.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes that’s right. He doesn’t want to upset history too much and cause the wrong people to die.

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM maybe he’s also thinking HY is a crazy person LOL.

  52. @WE, ODFTP is Jae Han.

  53. That’s crazy. The crime was resolved in present time, but now ODFTP will solve it before in the past?

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY is stumped… by the change in history. 1998 records show that the killer was caught. The last 7 victims of the killer are alive.

  55. So, he reads the report about the case, and guess what, it will switch to flashbacks, ahah.

  56. Lee Jae Han went on to solve the case by himself.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I liked that the girl killer liked is alive and volunteering in the asylum.

    Now LOL, SH is dressed up prettily in pink to go on a blind date.

  58. Oops, no. Or not yet.
    We go to see the criminal in jail (or psychiatric).

  59. @GB, ah yes, it was too painful this girl was killed.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY is eating a Subway sandwich – PPL is not so bad in this show.

    HY and SH end up meeting at the forensics place to see the skeleton. LOL HY notices how SH is dressed.

  61. Soo Hyun Looks nice in pink though, nice dress too.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I like how a slightly more experienced SH is questioning the bad guys at the police station. She is so fierce with the guy. She dropped chocolates meant for JH. Her colleagues are pretending not to notice but they are so proud of her. It’s Valentine’s Day the day after the next. JH is so dense!!!

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Yes SH is actually very pretty. the guys notice it. Poor thing, JH spoils it all by saying he does not care for women who give chocs… it’s pathetic and vain.

  64. That’s what men do, pretend not to see and gossip behind her back.

  65. Comedy scene in police station.
    She bought chocolate for nothing! ^^

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I like this next part, JH notices that SH is sick but she has to be the mascot and serve coffee as the showcase first woman office in violent crimes.

    JH takes over to be the coffee guy LOLOL I loved the expressions on all those bosses faces.

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JH scolds SH for losing all assertiveness. “You’re always blinking like that and smiling too much. That’s why they tell you to get coffee!” (LOL he’s blaming the victim).

    “How long are you going to be the “flower”?”

    She says that they told her to be amiable and he scolds her again: “Look, there you go again opening your eyes big and pretty. If you’re in Violent Crimes, you need to have steely eyes.”

    “You’re sick because you go around acting so tender and weak. Look at us! Have you ever seen us sick 365 days out of a year?” (Colleague Kim Jung Hae smiles broadly after hearing JH say that her eyes are pretty). “Don’t you dare be sick again.”

    It’s the first time he’s shown that he finds her pretty and is bothered that she was sick.

  68. Jae Han is quite cool here and he has been consistent in refusing to let Soo Hyun be the mascot. He makes the coffee in her place.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In the present SH and HY wait for results of the DNA test on the skeleton.

    HY is being ignored by SH LOL. they are both obsessed over JH. HY hints that something supernatural is at play. He doesn’t believe it himself.

  70. Cut back to the scene at the morgue after the comedic scene. At least show did not tell us that the corpse is Jae Han.

  71. The way he express love is just crazy cool and right from a kdrama! Damn, high dose of subtext. The guy can’t say something nice and double down on clumsy lines with hidden nice meaning. ^^

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The next transmission… JH and HY talk about the last cold case that is on the list. It’s the one that concerns HY the most.

    HY asks for a favour. That JH finds out and tells him the truth about the In Joo Female Student case in 1999. It will be the last case because after this JH disappears.

  73. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, forensics confirmed it was not JH so SH still has hope that she can find him.

  74. It’s screenplay tip: “make it personal”.
    So now, last case involve HY personal story.

  75. I do like the scene after SH leaves the office with the perp. All of the guys pretended not to see the chocolates and all did, immediately after she leaves the room they break out of their pretended indifference and comment about her crush on JH; all except JH know what is going on. This is part of why this drama is so good. We have the tense thriller action at the very beginning, the unexpected change in the time line (unexpected since HY refused to tell JH about the killer), and then this scene, the comic moment to relieve the tension. Shakespeare did that as well. So good!

  76. Corrupt police chief gets order from…
    …hm, I’m not sure who is this guy, I missed reading some subtitles. Help!

  77. Jae Han switched with his colleague to get into the Inju case team. It is in Inju where he met the puffy eye detective.

  78. I’m not sure about what happens here: corrupt chief is supposed to bury the case? But JH drops himself into it (of course, Inju, from future info).

  79. I enjoyed the scene whereJH Comes into the station All sleepy headed and poorly coordinated

  80. The man is supposed to be a politician or Chief Public Prosecutor, I can’t remember which character but he appeared in one of the earlier episodes. The stupid lawyer who stole valuables from big shots and tried to kill a lady who is an aspiring actress. The lady later fake her own death.

  81. I don’t think the corrupt chief is trying to bury the case. he was instructed to expose the case.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So here we have another loop… did JH get himself on the Injoo case because HY asked him to pay attention to the 1999 case.

  83. @GB, it’s obvious loop here. The scene is precise: JH jumps into the case BECAUSE HY informations from the future.

  84. Ah shit. I missed again subtitles, and I’m confused about what does bad cop (supposed JH killer) in this. He seems not happy to participate in the case, reversing my expectations.

  85. Why is it the corrupt officials are always snacking on sushi when the toadies come in? Here his lip smacking makes him seem particularly odious.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Shock and horror that boss Ahn has been attacked and will die. I forgot that it was HY in 2015 who found him.

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Intense stressful music!!!

    Okay…. back to what to watch next after his series ends.

    Vote for 365 Repeat the Year or name another show. We will probably still stick to the time-travel/time-jump genre.

  88. Hae Young will become the killer suspect.

  89. Damn it. I missed something and don’t understand why JH killer is now dying in present day. T T

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, the explanation will come in future episodes so we have to watch patiently to know why Ahn is killed.

  91. @GB, I’m rewatching 365 just now. So I can give a clear opinion. But in my memory, it’s the ultimate fast paced drama packed with plot-twists to the brim.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, that sounds like the kind of Show we like and can dissect together!

  93. I’ve to go cook something now.
    So I wish you all a good week!

  94. @WE, Ahn’s daughter died and Ahn no longer has to be the bad Chief’s underling and he quits. Bad Chief is angry that Ahn is quitting and is taking side with Hae Young. I think Ahn’s death has something to do with the bad chief Kim.

  95. I just noticed something I did not notice before. In the scene where they are going to visit the victim in a hospital of the inju case We seeA man who looks like the cereal murderer carrying a bag with a red scarf. This will be relevant later. It is not cereal murderer , but it looks like him so that had confused me in past watches.

  96. I am continuing to Olympics, thank you for the company have a great weekend!

  97. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @WE and @FF!!

  98. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes that bag with red scarf is crucial to the solving of the Injoo case. The man carrying it is none other than Police Chief BB Kim, I believe.

  99. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes, BB Kim sent a killer to silence Ahn who was no longer toeing the line with him. Ahn was going to give HY info that had been hidden for 20 years.

  100. BB Kim! I like that moniker for the evil boss.

    I had noticed at the beginning of this episode, after they had captured the killer and while they were standing around looking at the killer in the interview room, BB Kim makes a statement about a poor childhood not being a reason to kill. HY gives him this steely-eyed stare as if to say and what are your reasons to kill someone (although I don’t think he would know yet about BB Kim’s role in his brother’s death or anyone’s for that matter). Probably my imagination filling in the gaps as the actor often adopts that stare.

    As usual, I enjoyed the rewatch. I will miss next weekend as I will be attending my son’s graduation ceremony. See you all in two weeks. Although I will catch up with the comments.

  101. That was a super long episode. Now I need to rush. Thank you everyone and see you next week.

  102. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @MM!

  103. Bye all!

  104. Huh, for some reason it did not post my comment about BB Kim! I just said I like that moniker for him. I think I will use that from now on.

    Also, I will miss you all next week as I will be attending my son’s graduation ceremony. See you in two weeks.

  105. @GB and all

    I am good with either 365 days or Kairos. I have not looked yet though where I will be able to watch either of them.

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I have yet to watch 365 Days, but I’m always game to start and there are 5 weeks to go.

  107. @GB 365 repeat the year is on Viki and stars Lee joon hyuk Who I enjoyed in stranger and in city hunter. ALso stars Nam Ji Hyun. It is not long- 24 thirty five minutes Episodes. I will put it on my to watch list.

    I have started lost you forever. I think I am being seduced by this show. Just starting episode four. So time will tell whether I can disengage long enough to watch anything else Other than fluffy filler.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Thanks for the info on 365 Repeat the Year. I’ll definitely check it out when I finish Only For Love.

    I found that Lost You Forever totally sucked me in. Loved the world it showcases, the powers and beings. The props look artificial but still very acceptable. Some scenes are beautifully shot. Loved the interactions and all scenes with Yang Zi. She truly carried a lot of the show although her colleagues did a fine job too. She was in so many scenes. It’s one of those shows that I could rewatch, although not yet. My plate is too full!!!

  109. Sorry @salteddust, I just found this.

  110. And this one, too, @salteddust. It was in my spam box.

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