Signal: Ep 12 Rewatch Sat, Aug 3

The thread is open.

Like death and taxes, the Saturday rewatches led by @GB and @WEnchanteur are permanent.

The schedule.

Ep 12    3 August 2024
Ep 13    10 August 2024
Ep 14    17 August 2024
Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The start time.

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

109 Comments On “Signal: Ep 12 Rewatch Sat, Aug 3”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOLOL @pkml3 our rewatches are likened to death and taxes, but not something to be evaded, but rather embraced!!!

    Every week is great because there’s the Saturday night party to look forward to!!! 🙂

  2. Hey, I don’t want to be compared to the state. 😄
    Is it permanent, or a time loop. Mmmh… 🤔

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE that’s it!!! We are in a time loop helplessly watching/rewatching dramas!!! But it’s one of those loops we are happy to stay in. LOLOL.

  4. I am getting ready to re enter the loop! At least we have some say in it.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, yes this is a nice time loop to jump into. As for having a say, I’m voting to watch 365: Repeat the Year in 12 episodes for our next Loop de Loop Rewatch Party.

    Anyone else would like to suggest a show?

  6. I had a good laugh at the new name of 1our rewatch party

  7. I’m here. Hi GB, MM.

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE and @MM, let’s start NOW!!!!

  9. @MM, sure, there is no doubt it’s a time travel story. 🙂

  10. Hi @WE, @GB, @MM.

  11. Starts with bad cop. About to die, has a moment of redemption and BOOOOOOMMM!!!!
    Flashback of an unseen scene, AWeWwWOooSOME revelation. I hear Jae Han voice. And now confess his crime.

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah! Ahn hears the voice of the detective he killed… haunted by the ghost voice.

    Fortunately HY can understand what Ahn is saying and catch all the details in that stressful situation. I’d be beside myself trying to call for an ambulance.

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF! We just started. Are you okay with 365: Repeat the Year for the next rewatch?

  14. Hi FF.
    Revelation of huge moment hidden in a previous scene.
    It goes without saying I use that to smash guts and faces!

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE it’s only after watching ahead that I realise how many scenes we were not shown yet. The editing was good and the unseen footage was put in at the right time later.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Wow poor Hae Young, so much pressure… interrogated in front of all colleagues, most of whom don’t like him.

  17. @GB, not editing. :-), it’s writer work. 🙂

  18. After, “I put you on this shity affair”,
    The classic “I remove you from the affair”. ^^

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, but still the editor has to decide how many seconds in before he can slice and splice. They get some credit too!!!

    Cold case squad is left out in the cold LOL. But then they are free to investigate and do their own stuff without interference.

  20. good acting by the profiler male lead on the rooftop

  21. @GB, I did not watch 365: Repeat the Year. Let me check it our first before I commit.

    The bad boss Kim is trying to find out how much Hae Young knows about his involvement in the Inju case.

  22. Oops, something fast to do. I click pause 2 minutes.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, you’re at a rooftop scene?

    I’m still watching people on the ground!!! LOL.

    Now we learn that Ahn was a dad with a sick daughter.

  24. None of Ahn’s colleagues knew that he had a daughter. He is so secretive.

  25. Big bad boss Kim stands with his back too.The reporting police officer while he receives all this information so that he does not show his reactions at all to the policeman nor to us

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now we have Bad Guy Kim Sung Bum revealing that HY was looking into Ahn’s background. So BBKim now looks into HY’s background.

  27. Usual cliché “forced to do bad things because kid at the hospital and need money to save her”.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, BBKim has a poker face normally. He has to act like crazy because he’s the one who set the killer upon Ahn.

    SH and HY… they have a bond through working together and because of interest in JK. They can only trust each other.

  29. Taximan is in the shit now. Just when he needs to be free to solve the special case the most important for him. Aahhhh, nothing easy.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Bad Boss Kim always seeks out some weakness where the officer needs money, and then corrupts them that way to get ‘dogs’ to work for him and not reveal all the corruption that goes on.

  31. I’m at the roof scene now.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I thought it is a balcony scene… HY and SH having another important conversation where no one can hear them.

    And now we cut to the past … 1999?

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So we get BBKim and the Injoo Detective also under his thumb and corrupted by him to hide the kids who were involved. All to protect the worst perpetrator.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Poor JH works all by himself. But he still manages to get things done and do a good job investigating.

  35. The student Getting loaded into a car by the police is the same person.I saw carrying the bag with the red scarf in an earlier hospital seen from last episode.

    I am ahead of others because I started earlier. These episodes are long and last time I was late for my next event.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Heheheh! JH comes in time to grab Lee Dong Jin as Ahn tries to take him away. JH is so funny…. he pretends that Ahn was going to bring the boy to the police station. He’s the only boy of the lot who listened to his conscience.

  37. Now I am at twenty two minutes.

  38. I thought BBKim is supposed to expose the real perpetrator? Previous episode when BBKim met the man having sushi meal, BBKim was told not to bury the case? But now BBKim is trying to hide the real perpetrator, is there a double meaning here?

  39. @GB, yes it cuts to past because it’s related to what says HY, so we see it in flashback instead dialog. Also notice how the rooftop scene ends on the most suspensive/emotional moment (focus on SH).

    I’m a bit lost about the plot now.
    Too much informations and I couldn’t rewatch first.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM yes this episode is about 1 hour 18 minutes long. Plus the commenting at the end means we’re here for over 1.5 hours.

  41. LJH Stops the car.!

  42. Scene in the car: wait, who is the boy. Is it young HY? I’m lost here.

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, was it the same case that BBKim was told to expose? I thought he was always meant to hide everything to do with Jang and his family. His job was to protect the guy who gave him money.

  44. It’s “Lee Dong-gin”. No idea who is he.

  45. He’s the boy who witnessed everything, and probably other students were crap rapers.

  46. I am getting a bit confused now too.And it was not that long ago I watched these episodes. Broadly, speaking, bad cup is being influenced by higher up political figures, I guess? Who have relationships with companies involved in the bridge Collap.
    Se scandal. We see howJH No, that these young men in the student counsel.I’ll have parents connected somehow to inju cement

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Lee Dong Jin is the boy whose house Park Sun Woo used to tutor Hae Seung in. I think it was also there that she was raped actually. He knew about it all as he was present. But he was a friend to Sun Woo and felt bad about lying to point fingers at only Sun Woo.

  48. Jae Han is damn good at interogating the boy.
    But the bad police chief is witnessing.
    And maybe the boy knows it, he knows this chief is maybe the father of one of the other abuser-boys.

  49. @GB, I am a bit confused. May have to go back to the previous episode and check again.

    @WE, Lee Dong Jin is one of the student councilors.

  50. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, in Injoo, the Chief is not a dad to any of the boys. The one being protected is the son/nephew of the Injoo Cement tycoon Jang. He became the Congressman.

  51. A painful (politician?) comes to take back the kid.
    ArAArrghhhh, nothing’s easy.

  52. @GB, thanks.

    Now we come back to present.
    With a cup of coffee.

  53. I get it now, BBKim is pretending to expose the real perpetrator but in fact he is searching for a scape goat for the case so that the real criminals can get away with their crimes.

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Unfortunately, because of the interrogation of Lee Dong Jin, BBKim has decided to use Sun Woo as the scapegoat.

    SH is in HY’s rooftop home for the first time. He gives her the file of what he’s been collecting about the Injoo case.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now we come to HY’s backstory with his brother. Actually Sun Woo was his half brother from a different father. They are some 7 years apart in age. HY is around 11 and Sun Woo is 18.

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes, that’s right.

    Poor HY all he wanted as a child was to have a family meal with dad, mum, brother all together at the omurice place. But he never ever had that experience.

  57. Now I am understanding better how h.Y’s brother was Chosen to be framed.

    Time stamp 3138

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY can’t get the police to listen to him. They were unfair and corrupted from the beginning. That’s why he never liked the cops.

    His family gets broken apart.

  59. @GB, yes, the scene with “wanting this simple meal” is really here to make us more sad later, when the dad abandon his son (was it his son or the son of a previous mariage of mother, don’t know).

    Conclude in suicide. Bit cliché. But ok, just makes that a walk in hell.

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes it was all convoluted, the connections between HY and JH and Sun Woo and Soo Hyun.

    Because of the interrogation, Sun Woo was chosen to be the scapegoat.
    Because JH would later help/save SH, Sun Woo dies.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Sun Woo was son by a previous dad. Hae Young’s dad divorced his mum after Sun Woo was arrested.

    I don’t know the name of this guy that HY is accosting and questioning now. I call him the Burnt Hand guy.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now HY hears from Burnt Hand guy that the police manufactured witnesses and witness statements to frame his brother.

  63. The thugh confess anyway the police asked him to lie.
    Young HY is on steroids. Ofc, good fighter, as any kdrama hero, and fighting lot of dudes in the playing zone.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Lee Je Hoon played a boxer in one of his roles before. He had to learn to fight.

  65. @GB I may have missed that they were half brothers. When The father says he is not my son.I thought it was more denying that he could have a son like that than that.He was not literally his son.

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I had the same impression about him being an unwanted son but later on we hear HY say that he had a different father.

    Now we have the boys lying through their teeth. All pointing at Sun Woo – so obviously rehearsed or fed what to say.

  67. This clique of bastards lie like hell and put everything on HY brother. And then, you don’t wonder anymore why so many people buy again HD screens.

  68. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Sun Woo recognises JH from the time he was at the hospital when JH tried to speak with the victim, Hae Seung. He trusts JH because of that.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, what is the link with HD screens?

  70. Jae Han discovered that his colleagues all accepted money from BBKim.

  71. Now I understand an earlier comment about HY’s Youth and how such a fighter delinque tended up As a detective.

  72. The victim too claims that Sun Woo is the first perpetrator! Don’t ever be kind.

  73. The bullshit is pushed so hard in the “injustice departement”. Now they make the victim make deposition against the fake culcrip. AAARAHHH.
    Good thing I bought many HD screens, because I already smashed two ones in this episode.

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM yes there is backstory to how HY became a detective.

  75. Terrible injustice makes good dramas. And people a bit mad too. But real world injustices are really worst. And rarely someone to save the day.

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    It terrible when the police manufacture a perpetrator just anyone who has no influence or power.

    Now we come to the old colleague of JH’s who also worked with SH.

  77. Scene with “best friend of Jah Han” and SH.
    The emotional lines are so big in this drama.
    Awesome work. Damn writer.

  78. Hahaha Soo Hyun being sarcastic to Hae Yong telling him to go into the house after he gets the search warrant.

  79. another willow tree

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Best friend can’t give anything away. Only clue is that JH never stopped investigating. That was why he died.

  81. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY sees the car that Bad Guy Kim enters… he remembers seeing it pass him by on the way to see Ahn at the hospital. So now Kim Sung Bum is a clear suspect to be the killer.

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL only cops like SH from long ago can break into a home without a warrant! Modern day cops can’t pick a lock.

  83. Is Hae Young going to find Jae Han’s corpse at the house?

  84. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes. HY recalls that Ahn said he checked under the stairs after he heard JH’s voice on the radio. He couldn’t believe that JH could still be alive but he had to go to check.

  85. @GB, inspector Harry vibes. 🙂

  86. The police did not look at the evidence at the alleged crime scene? Jh finds the butts and alcohol bottles.


    I was confused on first watch About whether there was one crime or two?

    There is the rape scene we see in a subsequent episode. And there was a gang rape as well?

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I have not watched any Inspector Harry shows. Good investigating.

    They check if Ahn came past the toll gate that we saw just now. Since he did, they can start digging to make sure there’s something under the stairs or not.

  88. SH and HY on the grave of JH. But HY will say:
    … we can still save him, it’s not too late!

  89. That song at the end of the episode never sound so sad until this episode.

  90. Well, not in this episode, it was the cliffhanger.
    See the ID of ODFTP. 🙂

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE LOL great irony, that! In the grave and can still be saved.

    I like Kim Hye Soo’s acting here. She’s so stoic normally but with JH, she’s full of emotion. Her eyes turn red, etc.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Very sad. Love the background music that augments all the moments of suspense.

  93. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    A great subdued emotional ending. HY and SH were grappling with the remains of a dead friend. So much pathos. More pathos next week and the next… we get more of HY’s sad story.

  94. I’ve to go now. Have a good week!

  95. I still have 20 minutes to go and my most meaningful comment.Got moderated because I used the word cigaRette Bu**.

    I think I will leave it here for today.Or my husband will go shopping by himself.

    Thank you everyone.

    I hope my comment makes it through for some discussion. Also the rest of the episode.I think will help me understand my questions.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @WE and everyone. I’m going to sleep. Have to get over an itchy throat and cough.

  97. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I thought you were ahead of us. How did you end up behind?

    I’ll come back to read your comments here so just post whatever later.

  98. @GB I start early and I’m ahead for a while.And then inevitably end up going late.☺️

  99. 🍌🍓🫐🥝🍇🍆🥑🥕@packmule
    a comment of mine went to moderation-signal rewatch thread

  100. Seems odd to me that he would be buried with his identification tags.

    I really want to know what happened in inju in 1999! Obviously there was corruption and fabrication. How much was fabricated is my question.

  101. I approved it, @monmor.

  102. I approved this, too, @GB.

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. I believe I’ve been not even noticing sometimes if the comments get lost somewhere LOL.

  104. @GB,
    I caught the banned word that sent your comment and monmor’s to the moderation pile (and WEnchanteur’s too!). It’s r-ape.

  105. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3. Oh THAT word LOL. should we change it to gr-ape? LOL.

  106. haha

    I thought it was bu** as in cigarette bu××.

  107. @GB I see that we both made comments about the same plot point and were moderated.

    I am hoping this time around in the rewatch.It will be clear to me.

    I remember the upcoming scene of the grape In the house where the young girl is being tutored. I am confused about whether There were other perpetrators or whether all the other perpetrators were fabricated.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I admit that I didn’t take note of whether ‘grape(s)’ took place in just that 1 place where the tuition was given, or whether there was 1 or were many perpetrators. I’m under the impression that there were a bunch of them egged on by their ‘leader’. Since only one of them who had a working conscience posted the info and mentioned that there were at least 7 and then 10, I’m guessing he’s more truthful.

    From the looks of the interior of the abandoned building, it looked like it had not been used by anyone for a long time and was not likely the scene of the crime. Since it does not impact the main story, I’m not bothering to rewatch those parts to know for sure.

    The last few episodes keep getting better… I’m desperate for SH to talk to Sunbae JH. She’s so different with him than she is with her squad. I recall also wanting desperately for JH to be alive in 2015.

  109. The next episode or two may clarify of this.

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