Are You the One: To Watch or Not to Watch?

As some of you can probably guess by now, I’m on vacation so I’ve time to pick up and binge-watch these cdramas.

This drama “Are You the One?” has just began its run and as of today only seven of the slated 40 episodes are out on Viki. If you’re impatient to watch more episodes, other sites like dramacool already have a few more episodes subbed.

The pros and cons of watching this drama.

1. Pro: Beautiful actress and handsome manly actor

Like a magpie, I’m attracted to bright pretty little objects. The actress in this cdrama, Wang Chu Ran, is one of the most luminous actresses I’ve seen in a cdrama. When I saw her in that Yang Yang cdrama, “Fireworks of My Heart,” I thought she looked washed out so I dropped it. But in this costume drama, she looks positively radiant and I’m instantly hooked.

As for the actor, Zhang Wan Yi, the fans of “Lost You Forever” (LYF) would know him. He was one of three men vying for the female lead’s affection. To me, his looks were average in LYF but I attribute that to his role. He played a mean, overbearing relative of the heroine and mean guys can’t be the handsomest of the bunch. (That’s cdrama logic for you!)

He still doesn’t look spectacular in this show, but at least, he balances Wang Chu Ran’s classic beauty with his masculinity.

#are you the one from Untitledsource: justajacky’s tumblr

Anyway, I know I won’t be bored watching them interact.

2. Con: the length of the cdrama

40 episodes?!! No. I won’t be able to watch them all.

3. Pro: Fake marriage and cohabitation

The story doesn’t beat around the bush. We know that:

a. Liu Mian Tang (LMT) has amnesia as a result of a head injury. Lord Huaiyang discovered her unconscious in the mountains, and brought her back to his residence.

b. From some yet undisclosed reason, he knows that LMT is the concubine of his enemy, Lu Wen. Since Lu Wen is the leader of the bandits he’s trying to eradicate, he intends to use LMT to lure Lu Wen out of hiding.

c. LMT mistakes Lord Huaiyang (aka Cui Xing Zhou) for her husband, Cui Jiu. Her last memory is off traveling to meet her groom on their wedding day so she has no idea what he looks like.

It’s noteworthy that the name Cui Jiu has three meanings in the story.

First, it’s the name of LMT’s husband.

Second, it’s a moniker for Lord Huaiyang, too. His close friend (and the physician who treats LMT) coins the nickname, saying that it’s an apt one. After all, Cui is Lord Huaiyang’s last name, and Jiu, which means nine, refers to his official rank.

Third, the name sounds like a Chinese term of endearment. It’s repeatedly translated as “Honey” on Viki.

When LMT wakes up from her coma and calls Lord Huaiyang “Cui Jiu”, he’s nonplussed at first because a) he realizes that she lost her memory, and b) he thinks she’s calling him “honey.”

LMT: Cui Jui.
Huaiyang: What did you call me?
LMT: (weakly) Cui. Jui.

Lord Huaiyang looks back at his friend (and her attending physician) to seek confirmation that LMT is indeed suffering from amnesia. But he sees the golden opportunity for his military campaign. He looks at LMT and then decides to call her “Furen.”

Now, I’m not Chinese but I do know that “furen” refers to a married woman. In usage, it’s like “Madam” or “My Lady.” However, in this instance, when Lord Huaiyang calls LMT “Furen,” he validates their (imaginary) married status. He isn’t merely confirming that he’s her husband, but he’s also reciprocating her term of endearment for him because his “Furen” signifies “dear.”

Now, I like the subtext of their petnames. Cui Jui = honey; Furen = dear.

You see, every time she says his name, she imprints on his mind that they’re husband and wife and reinforces their imaginary relationship. As for him, I’m sure that his decision to call her “furen” will come back to haunt him. In the future, he’ll remember that he exploited the situation and took advantage of LMT when she was the most vulnerable.

4. Pro: the premise of the story

Lord Huaiyang (okay, I’ll call him Cui Jui from now on) constantly finds himself caught up in complicated situations because he lies to LMT.

Ever heard of this quote? 

Let’s take Episode 1 as an example.

Spoilers ahead

Cui Jui sets LMT up in a house in the village with a plan to parade her daily in the marketplace so his enemy Lu Wen will discover her whereabouts. She’s told that they had to move to a new (and cheaper) residence because he lost half of his fortune paying for her medical expenses. He expects her to recuperate and spend her time in new home like other married ladies: shopping for trinkets and food. Meanwhile, he has his men pretending to be street vendors and following her every move in case Lu Wen appears or she tries to contact Lu Wen.

But LMT feels guilty that her long illness caused their reduced circumstances. She devises a plan to launch a business selling porcelain to regain their family wealth. Without Cui Jui’s knowledge, she buys two stores and a kiln, and hires employees.

Now, her actions have unintended consequences which Cui Jui doesn’t see coming. As far as he’s concerned her business enterprise is a win-win situation for him. She’s out of his hair as she’ll be preoccupied with her new venture. And more importantly for him, she becomes more visible in public. This will surely get Lu Wen to come out of hiding and seek her at her store.

Thus, Cui Jui highly approves of her new plan.

He has no way of predicting the headache that ensues from her opening a porcelain business.

For one, LMT captures the attention of the wrong sort of men in town because she’s beautiful.

An aside: It’s quite telling that Cui Jui is blind to LMT’s beauty. He sees her as bait only.

As her husband, Cui Jui is forced to defend her honor and file a complaint before the magistrate of the land. But as Lord Huaiyang (and Prince), he is the de facto magistrate and highest officer in the province. He’ll have to hear her civil complaint personally.

Do you see his problem? His secret identity will be blown.

For another, as Lord Huaiyang, he’s also called upon to settle disputes between LMT and the town’s guild of porcelain makers. As she’s the lone female business proprietor of a porcelain shop, the guild opposes not only her membership but also her movements. (Yes, they’re sexist.) 

Furthermore, Cui Jui cannot have foreseen that LMT’s perspicacity will earn his admiration. When his nanny (and spy) reports to him of LMT’s activities, he begins to see her as more than just bait and his enemy’s concubine. He’s impressed with her organizational skills and shrewdness. By the end of Episode 1, he commands his nanny to give LMT more money, so she doesn’t have to bow and scrape for business or for anyone. He wants to preserve her dignity.

This tells me that he’s learning to sympathize with his captive — in some sort of a reverse Stockholm syndrome. lol.

Note: His sentiments are mirrored by LMT in a later episode when she overhears him fawning over somebody (it’s all staged by Cui Jui, though). She gets upset because she doesn’t want to see him bowing and scraping for anyone for a living. She tells him that she’s taken on the management of the porcelain business because she wants him to devote his time doing what he wants. In short, she wants his dignity preserved, too.

Now, there’s another funny example in Episode 2 when a complication occurs because of Cui Jui’s deception.

To cover up his real identity and mission, Cui Jui feeds her lies that he’s a porcelain merchant who needs to travel to sell their products. But when she discovers that he has zero knowledge of porcelain, he has to invent more lies and pretend that he’s an absolute lazybones who shirks his responsibilities and palms off his duties to his hapless wife LMT.

This scene is funny because Cui Jui goes home ready to interrogate LMT on suspicion of using her martial skills. Cui Jui has a reputation for being a relentless inquisitor. But as it turns out, LMT has an innocent answer to all his questions, and it’s he who ends up on the interrogation chair being tortured by LMT for lying about his porcelain business.

To me, Cui Jui is digging himself a hole every time he deceives her. I’m salivating to see his comeuppance.

End of spoiler.

5. Con: the gaslighting

I can’t help feeling sorry for LMT because Cui Jui is constructing one ginormous false narrative with everybody’s cooperation. LMT is the only one in the dark.

6. Con: the angst when the truth comes out

For sure, there will be fury, tears, recrimination, revenge, separation, and groveling when LMT discovers what Cui Jui has done to her. As of Episode 7, she still makes excuses for everything he does because she believes that he has her best interests at heart.

Poor dear. She won’t know for sure when he’s faking it and when he’s for real. That’s a terrible feeling.

source: numerodix’s tumblr

I hope the story won’t go down the tedious “makjang” route.

7. Pro: LMT is a formidable heroine.

She’s mentally strong and stable. She isn’t reckless and helpless. She’s very feminine. She’s a problem solver. She isn’t a shrinking violet. And what more, I think she’s the assassin.

In the opening scene of the series, Cui Jui is almost killed by an arrow aimed at his throat.

source: dangermousie’s tumblr

The identity of the archer is unknown because she (or he?) is wearing a mask. But I should note that she hangs her face mask up on a stand beside a dressing table. The table has a mirror and cosmetic jars on it. And behind the table hangs a floral painting. The bedroom looks decidedly feminine.

Fast forward a few scenes, and an unconscious LMT is discovered and brought home by Cui Jui. Her tendons on both her wrists were severed.

I find the shift from archery to porcelain very intriguing. I’ll have to think about this some more….

Let’s see if her character changes halfway through the drama.

That’s it for now. Will edit this when I’ve time.  Dinner’s waiting.

I intend to watch this show along with “The Princess Royal.” I hope you’ll join me.

17 Comments On “Are You the One: To Watch or Not to Watch?”

  1. I can’t edit from this ipad so I’ll add here.

    The pink pouch (or sachet) dangling from Lord Huaiyang’s belt was the reason LMT mistook him for her husband Cui Jui. She vaguely remembered bringing a pink pouch with her on the ride to her wedding. I guess it was either part of her wedding outfit or a gift she was going to give Cui Jui when she met him. But her bridal party was ambushed by bandits.

    She made the connection between Lord Huaiyang and Cui Jui because of that fragment of memory.

  2. Another satchel from another cdrama. 😂

    I’m not sure I can watch this too with The Princess Royal. It really depends on my mood and my me time. 😁

    40 episodes is a lot. 😃

  3. Watching all these costumed cdramas makes me want to buy a hairpin for myself so I can stab somebody if I need to. 😂😂 There must be a special technique of brushing the hair. I dont think my hair will stay up.

    Yes, “The Princess Royal” also has 40 episodes. I don’t have 80 hours so I’ll have to choose one or do a lot of fast-forwarding with both.

  4. Hahaha at what you want to do with a beautiful hairpin 🤣

    My hair is like Mufasa’s so yeah, enough said! 😂

    I’m only up to episode 3 of TPR and I really want to binge watch it. Hopefully this weekend will give me some time. 😄

    Enjoy the holiday! ❤️

  5. Oh! Episode 3 of TPR is funny especially when they were fighting like cats and dogs. This is when I decided that Pei Wenxuan is a saint to put up with Li Rong. 😂

  6. Yes! They were bickering once they found out they came back to the beginning after 20 years. 😂

    I was checking out some kisses yesterday but I kept getting interrupted. 🙄

    Must be a sign to just wait patiently. 😂

  7. Not a lot of kisses on TRP. The female lead in “Are You the One” is more — how do I say this? — more lustful? more wifely? more interested in getting intimate with her husband. In TPR, Li Rong kept putting the kibosh on Pei WenXuan’s amorous intentions. 🤣

  8. But wasn’t there a bath tub scene? 🤔😆

    Maybe it was just PWX’s dream? 😂

  9. Bath tub scene? With the two of them in the tub? Hmmm…I haven’t reached that episode yet. In Episode 1, LiRong was in the tub. Then in some later episode, PWX was in the tub preparing for a hot date with her that never materialized. There was also a tub scene when his alter ego appeared and berated him.

    But I read somewhere that there’s scene involving a forced kiss. I haven’t watched that one yet. Usually, YouTube highlights (or short clips) of the drama pop up on my feed, but that (in)famous scene hasn’t yet.

  10. Yes there is! I just checked and it was in the trailers. 🥰

    Hopefully it won’t be cut or I’ll be very disappointed. 😂

  11. I started watching Are You the One on a whim and am really enjoying it. She’s a total surprise to him at every turn and he is a coward who is unworthy of her loyalty. The comedy is fun and watching these two navigate the fallout from his deception should be entertaining.

  12. Glad you’re enjoying it. I think this show is better when you’re watching it with somebody at the same time. What episode are you currently on?

    Have you seen the episode when his friend the doctor brought her to the artist’s home? He’s funny when he’s bitten by the green-eyed monster. He suddenly becomes childish. So unlike a Prince.

  13. I tried watching this drama, and I would say the comedic scenes are not hitting as it should, and the background music is not doing it for me. I can’t continue watching this because it’s too much for my heart waiting for the ML’s eventual comeuppance. Wang Churan does look gorgeous and ethereal, especially in costume dramas. Maybe I can watch her more in another costume drama, not this drama because the angst and anxiety is too much for me TT.

  14. Same here, @LeeDale9198, same here.

    I like to think of the scenes when he gets trapped in his own lies are his daily doses of karma or punishment, so I find them funny.

    But I’ve temporarily shelved this drama (I’m at Ep 10?) till the episode when she finds out about the deception is released. I want to see her reaction and plan of vengeance first before I continue. It *IS* 40 episodes long so I don’t want to commit unless I can see a reasonable payback.

    Yes. Wang Churan is lovely in this cdrama, isn’t she? That’s why I don’t mind watching this.

    I’ll keep you updated.

  15. Packmule3,
    We are current, so episode 15. The time watching this show passes very quickly and I’m impressed by how much they squeeze into each episode before we realize it’s over. Our ML is getting deeper into his lies, but now it’s very clear, even to him, that he can’t leave her. The intrigues surrounding his appointment to the fort is also starting to come into focus, so there are other interesting plot points developing. Definitely enjoying it so far!

  16. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, @Late2Kdramas.

    Me, too. I haven’t been bored by the show. Every time I thought the game was up, he’s saved by the skin of his teeth.

    I was hoping I’d watch some new episodes today, but I was bogged down with “Snowfall.”

  17. I’ll just look forward to your final review or recap @packmule3 when you get back to watching this drama. I’m settled with just the recaps and comments made by those who watch this drama or read the novel.

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