99 Comments On “Signal: Ep 14 Rewatch Sat, Aug 17”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah! Thanks @pkml3!

    The next rewatch will be for 365: Repeat the Year. A shorter series but pretty riveting. Nothing too earth-shattering about the time travel but there are twists in the tale.

  2. Got it, @GB.

    Am turning in for the night. Good night! 💤🌙😴

  3. My alarm is set, so I can’t miss this rewatch.
    Only things able to stop me are: unexpected internet bug, or… death! 🙂

  4. @WE You mean like taxes?😄

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE and @MM,… yes, did you mean unavoidable things like death and taxes? LOLOL. But we can always do our taxes on Monday!

  6. Hi, I’m here early.

  7. H @WE, am I early too?

  8. I am here this week (finally) though gone again next week. I watched episode 13 again last night to try to be ready for today.

  9. Hi @FF, @WE!

  10. Hi @SD! Long time no see.

  11. Shall we start?

  12. Hi FF and SD, yeah, GOOOOO !

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE @FF @SD Let’s start!!!

  14. Hello everyone happy to be back but having trouble posting because there are two words that leading it all to moderation. Let’s try ****

  15. Hi @GB! We see the victim recounting her painful experience to Hae Young and Soo Hyun.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, Ep 13 was really great for backstory… gets me feeling so much for the child Hae Young, and understanding why there’s this connection with JH in 2015.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, I can see your post.

  18. I thought g**** would be okay but it is not.

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes now we get the backstory from Lee Dong Jin and Hae Seung’s point of view. The Jang brat provoked her and she answered back. He wanted to teach her a lesson … how that became g’r*pe and how more than 1 boy was involved is not clear.

  20. Hi @MM.

  21. The victim is so painful. He’s right. She shut-up and his brother gone in prison and the culcript free. Gggaaahhh, it reduces the empathy I could have for her.

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM we will just refer to the fruit with an asterisk? gr*pe???

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, she was coerced by the police and her abusive father, then victim-blamed instead of given help for her trauma by the police and public. So understandable how a 16-17 year old might be forced to lie.

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We get to know that Sun Woo should never have been thought to have committed suicide, because he was so set on start anew.

  25. @GB, ah yeah, I forgot the “coerced by police” thing. Well, it was a dark tunnel with only one way out.

  26. Her father would have beat her up more again. She had pressure coming from all sides. And she had just been traumatized.

  27. I really like in this episode how the flip between the present (the coffee shop interview with the victim) and the past as she remembers and describes what happens. Very seamless.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Soo Hyun is really a good friend and mentor to HY as well as a colleague.

    Now BB Kim almost kills JH to intimidate him and show how much he hates him. JH has successfully reported BBKim for corruption and the Internal Affairs (IA) are after him.

  29. In the present day she says how the worst thing was the victim shaming. Courageous of her to have gone to see him in jail.

  30. Is Soo Hyun going to hear her own voice over the walkie talkie? No, she didn’t and Jae Han missed speaking to Hae Young.

  31. I am thinking maybe there was just the one boy and the whole post about it Being a group was the beginning of all the diversionary and blame someone else tactics.

  32. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes the editing is good for this Show.

    2000 Soo Hyun arranges an unnecessary stakeout and drags JH to do a stakeout with her. She finally gets him to herself for a period of time. He’s behaving differently since Injoo. He does not joke, he talks less. She’s worried about him.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, no this first time SH only hears HY’s voice calling for JH. They failed to speak to each other due to the stakeout.

    He’s asleep in the car. SH holds on to JH’s head to hold him up and looks at him so fondly.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    In 2015, she holds another man’s face… this time HY’s and she’s listening to him say the strangest things.

    At last she hears the radio without any battery making static sounds. So GREAT that Soo Hyun in both times hears the same transmission.

  35. And he missed the call. Damn it.
    Is it the night he’s supposed to die?

  36. Ahn Chi Soo was digging into Sun Woo’s death, so there is a high chance that Sun Woo did not commit suicide but was killed by someone and made it look like he committed suicide.

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, no, not yet the night he dies. This is still earlier in 2000.

    JH lies to SH that the radio cannot receive transmission or make any sound.

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF Ahn was killed because he was trying to reveal another crime on top of the gr*pe to HY.

  39. This actress is excellent! I just noticed the back to back scenes of her holding JH’s head during the stakeout and looking at him so wide-eyed and loving and then jerking back when she realizes she is holding a fellow-cops head (lol). Compare to her holding HY’s head, very similar, yet her demeanor is of a concerned colleague or friend. And we can immediately tell the difference. She is very good.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY seeks out a bully who used to hang out with Jang. He learns that Ahn had been asking questions too. He hears about the scarf at last. the hidden evidence.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now we get HY finally making the start to the right investigation. I’m surprised he did not look up the death of his own brother or that for the Injoo case, he didn’t notice the missing red scarf. But he may have just put it aside because he’s more a profiler than detective?

  42. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    First we see that Soo Hyun is bright and chirpy with JH,…. then she meets someone who knows JH and hears about the First Love …. her face drops.

    She finds out as much as she can by buying the guy a meal. She finds out about the radio and why JH won’t watch movies.

  43. I loved the way the basically sleeping JH manages to get an eye open during the stakeout and see the perp running away. Absolutely in the tradition of the best heroes.

    And the seamless blending of the walkie talkie in the two timelines with now SH now pulled into hearing from the future.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    *her face falls (not drops)

    She becomes so distracted all the way at work and makes weird mistakes… just because she is realising that she has no chance against a dead/lost first love. JH has not responded to all her attempts to get his attention.

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL… one of the few moments of humour…. SH walks into the male toilet without even realising it!!! How could she!

    It’s only when she hurts her foot that JH pays her more attention. She’s got only 1 thought on her mind… whether he never forgot his first love.

  46. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    More backstory: We see child HY with his brother’s body and in hospital. His mother comes and is near collapse. The hospital took Sun Woo’s blood.

    They thought he was depressed and that was in line with suicide. Mother didn’t want an autopsy on him. His father had come and taken HY away saying not to see his mother or brother again.

    Because of Ahn’s attempts to check the suicide of Sun Woo, HY is alerted that his brother’s death was likely not suicide.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We are so riveted by the show that we cannot comment LOL!

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hy’s father was really heartless towards the mother and HY. At that time he wanted to distance himself and HY from Sun Woo as much as possible.

    If not for Ahn, a murder would not have been exposed.

    But we first get backstory of Sun Woo.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Sun Woo misses Hae Young. Poor victimised teenager. He was so alone, but he tried to clear his name.

    There’s a blade in the drawer and it’s what was used to cut his wrists later.

  50. The congress man shows up again, this time not eating sushi but raw beef. Bad boss Kim manages to catch his attention again. But this man always speaks in riddles.

  51. The police chief goes to fix his watch at the father workshop: sounds like a threat or blackmail. Kind of: I could kill your father if you continue to mess up with me.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes BB Kim’s coming was an indirect threat and was going to be a bribe… but JH totally refused to be drawn in.

  53. Now that we are clued that Sun Woo could be murdered, I started to think that he is left-handed and could not have slit his left wrist. I could be wrong here, just imagining things.

    Now he mentioned the red scarf as evidence to Jae Han.

  54. Woo! One of the best line here:
    About good or evil, what the police chief says:
    I can spare good and evil, just he choose evil because good leads to nowhere. It’s scary, choose evil, even when you know what good is.

  55. You all are much farther ahead than I though I too get too involved in the story to think about commenting. Every episode.

    I am getting geeked out by the old computers. Usually it is the vehicles on the streets that let you know what era you are in. Perhaps that is true here too although I do not know cars well enough to figure in a 1990s care versus a 2015 car. But the computers for the 90s are spot on, so huge (ha ha).

    After SH leaves a key pressed down, lost in thought about JH’s dead love and her own lost prospects, I am wondering if that era computer had an easy cut/paste for her to get rid of her paragraphs of the same letter (lol)

  56. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I like JH’s retort. JH had rejected Kim’s indirect offer to help his father’s shop. “That first time… that’s how it starts. If one starts falling for money little by little like that I would become like you. A hunting dog that is used and thrown away. An expendable thing that you toss when it gets old and useless. Rather than become like that, I’m okay with how they are. No, I’m okay even if things are really hard and difficult. Living this way is better than that.”

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Since BB Kim could not corrupt JH or bring him in line, he had to find another way.

    He runs to Congressman Jang who treats him like a hunting dog, someone whom he could throw away or beat to death. “I’m telling you to stop running around like a crazy dog.”

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    We hear the corrupt Jang speak about cows … pedigrees or not like Jang. They are raised carefully to be slaughtered and eaten by others… it’s a threat to BB Kim.

  59. @GB, the hunting dog analogy comes right on point in the next scene. The bigger villain makes the police chief understand that if he doesn’t walk straigth, he could be beaten to death.

  60. Haha Soo Hyun confessed to Jae Han in the ambulance? She is so funny and she wails so loudly in the ambulance, so unglam.

    @SD, I think in the 90s the Control C, Control V short cuts are available.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE or BB Kim could be eaten up like the beef that corrupt Jang is eating.

  62. Oh shit. Kdrama romantic thing: he saves her life and takes the knife blow. Damn kdramas. 🙂

  63. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF IKR? She was such a kid in the ambulance, wailing and confessing her love etc….

    In the end JH felt enough for SH and went along to help because she had hurt her foot.

  64. What leads to the love confession, maybe not the right moment? Or the right moment, just the guy is so blind!

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, if not for JH, SH would have died as well as his first love. Now SH gets hysterical LOL.

  66. Sun Woo was sedated before they kill him!

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE it’s because she thinks he might die and she wanted him to know it quickly before it was too late.

    She does not want him to die even if he will not like her LOLOL. She is embarassing him so much he turns away LOL.

    Juxtapose that with the calm, SH of 2015.

  68. Makes me realize than in W s2, I have 3 scenes where the guy take a wound for the girl. Maybe more? Not sure, but at least the ones I remember. Ah ah! I respect the kdrama romantic rules: 😀

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The cold case squad have quickly figured out that the evidence which was key had been hidden. It’s nice that HY is finding this out on his own while his colleagues are also working on it and finding the same clues.

  70. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, you’re more a kdrama writer than a French scriptwriter LOL.

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So good also that when the Squad considers that Ahn had called HY to the Injoo Hospital, HY is really there and remembering the call from Ahn and what he heard from the hospital. Just using his amazing memory, he can figure out where Ahn went.

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY gets the blood sample results. Sedatives in the blood make it very likely that Sun Woo was killed, because how could he get sedatives by himself.

  73. @GB. In fact, I’m in the same line than older french stories, which are in line with kdramas (historicals) about values. It’s why I like kdramas. 😉

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY and SH finally meet up in the corridor. They now know that Sun Woo’s murder was being exposed by Ahn.

    Another missed call… poor Sun Woo had been waiting for JH. Jh was out cold after the surgery. That gave the killer time to get to Sun Woo.

  75. She should learn soon that the walkie-talkie is time-travel communication?!

  76. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes, soon she finds out about the transmissions …. first she asks HY about the radio and what HY means about saving the victims in the past.

  77. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Jump back to the funny scene in the past in the hospital … JH wants to go to the toilet but cannot get SH to wake up. LOL… he sees that the face of her watch is very cracked after the fight earlier.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Fortunately JH is up and able to get the transmission from HY although he missed the call from Sun Woo.

    Soo Hyun is stunned and cannot believe her ears.

  79. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY is finally telling SH about the time changes due to the transmissions. That history was changed and people ended up dying or ruined when it should not have been the case.

  80. Next kdrama classic: Even with a biiiig wound, the hero quit hospital to go to save the day! 🙂

    Now scene when she have to accept the truth about the talkie-time-travel-com thing.

  81. @WE, I was just thinking in that scene with the water cooler JH acted far more like a Western hero. Ignore the FL, then cry for help, checks her foot, but does not force her to go to the hospital, ignores the water cooler she dropped, then on the way out, angrily puts it in place. A kdrama hero would have done that immediately after checking on her (before he dragged her to the hospital).

    But you are right, the kdrama rules must play out even in the most hardened of kdrama heroes (LOL)

  82. I’ve to quit right now!! Good week everybody!

  83. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @WE!

    SH still cannot accept that she heard JH’s voice.

  84. We have come to the end of the episode, see ya next week! Need to zzzz now.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JH is still alive through that radio.

    His spirit of justice lives on in that radio and deliberately linked JH to HY to right the wrongs in the cold cases that JH could not solve.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @FF!

  87. Bye @WE and @FF

  88. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, how many more minutes do you have left to watch?

  89. I will be back with more comments but need to do my groceries now. So good.

  90. @GB, I now have 10 minutes left. I stopped and got myself a late breakfast and am back online to finish it. I am at the hospital scene with JH just waking up to find SH asleep with her head on his bed.

  91. I’m at the end. Classic shot of hero from police drama’s running, shot from slightly below, face of the hero set, jaw firm, hero set on doing what needs to be done no matter the cost. Excellent homage!

    I will watch next week’s episode in time to join you all on the 31st.

    I am fine with 365:Repeat the year. I have not yet seen it, but have been seeing a lot of drama’s lately with a chance to redo or change things: Perfect Marriage Revenge, Marry My Husband, Scent of Time, and Double (not time travel, but a do-over of a sorts).

    See you in 2 weeks.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    See you @SD!

  93. I have A chance now to post a few comments.

    I really liked How, Despite so Many heavy reveals We have the humorous sequence of h.S telling j.H.
    She likes him, Is crying so Girlishly that he might be dying, And then the scene where she is asleep at his bedside and he needs to go to the bathroom. So funny! All preceeded by the scene where she is crying by the watercooler and he just walks by her and puts the bottle in the cooler. His discomfort in all these scenes is just so palpable And endearing.

    The other scene that was so well done was when We see 2 scenes side by side in the 2 different time frames When the Walkie-talkie is ringing and HS Is in both the past and present scenes. There are several times we anticipate her answering and/or hearingJ h’s voice And it does not come to pass.

    And the conversation between j.H.
    And the bad cop leader about Doing the right thing. That was a good zinger when j h said he did not want to end up like kim bom soo.

    I Think all these points were recognized in comments above, As well.

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’ve truly appreciated the moments of levity in this Show. They were perfectly in context, consistent with the characters and not things which were just added for comedy. Even Gye Chul’s character who can become a bit of a laughingstock, fits in well and contributes to the plot.

    So unlike her business-like and seldom smiling demeanor in 2015, we get confirmation that SH is really a girly-girl who somehow wanted to join Violent Crimes. She likes her pink clothes, has stuffed toys in her room, keeps smiley stickers and has her girl’s crush on sunbae JH which grows into real affection.

    LOL JH had no clue how to deal with her girliness, love confession and tears. No wonder he cannot envision her to be a Team Leader. I like though, that although he was uncomfortable with SH’s attachment to him, he took it in his stride and didn’t try to avoid her.

    From our viewing, it is obvious to us that JH was very torn about whom to give attention to. On the one hand he wanted to clear Park Sun Woo. But at the same time, he found that HS just next to him was injured and sent out to accost an armed criminal.

    He didn’t know how little time he had left to get to Sun Woo, after he had taken the stabbing for SH. He failed to receive SW’s call but HY’s transmission got him leaving the hospital to try to save SW.

    I believe that if JH had not gone with the team to save SH, she would have likely died. Because he saved SH, Sun Woo died. Before this, JH had already made a connection with HY as a child by ensuring that he had meals and by calling the restaurant ahjumma to check on him. Since then, all three of them, HY, JH and SH, had become invested in what happened to Sun Woo, and to each other, they became even more connected through time and the radio.

  95. @GB H s would have been The innocent who died if JH had chosen to go to SWs Because of the walkie talkie transmission, instead of on the police call with HS. I had never thought of that before I read your Comment above. This kind of detail and respect for the plot on the part of the writers and directors is what makes this show so great on rewatch.

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, the logic in this time connection/time-loop(?) show has always intrigued me. I wanted to rewatch in order to understand why the walkie talkie became the significant article, why Hae Young was the one it selected to transmit to, how it all started when at the first transmission for Hae Young, Jae Han spoke to him like they had known each other for years and how Soo Hyun came into this connection.

    It turns out that the 3 of them had many connections that spanned 1989-2000 and then 2015. By Ep 15, we will see that all three of them met occasions of death. We know that JH’s body was found, SH had been in the detonated truck and later something will happen to HY. Either by means of the walkie talkie or otherwise through the help from each other and the communication they had, each survived their ‘deaths’.

    Season 2 is supposed to tell us if JH survived his as well.

    Ultimately one of the strongest messages is to never give in to corruption and to never give up on working towards justice. If there had been detectives like JH who persisted, there would have been fewer cold cases, and fewer victims. Possibly, JH, SH and HY would not have met their ‘deaths’.

  97. @GB At this point in this story, are we supposed to understand How What seemed to be the first transmission was not. I guess if it is a time loop , there never was a first transmission?

  98. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, My sense of it is that the walkie talkie chose the one time that HY would be near enough to hear a transmission to reach out to him. It was to do with the kidnapping of the little girl early in 2000, after JH had transferred to Ilsan Precinct.

    JH’s radio turned on as per normal and he started calling out to HY as usual. But for HY it was the first time in 2015. When JH realised that HY was hearing his voice for the first time, he would later tell HY to convince him about the transmissions from the future. There would be a loop back to 1989.

    So I guess for HY there was a beginning in 2015 and for JH there was a beginning in 1989. Both the cases in 2000 and 1989 were significant. The 2000 case was the kidnapping of Kim Yoon Jung, that HY as a child, himself had been trying to tell the police about. He had bumped into JH without knowing him then and dropped the clue he had written on paper.

    The 1989 case was the South Gyeong-gi Serial Killings, in which JH’s first love died, and in which the transmissions could have saved her, but he’d been locked up and could not get out in time. The walkie talkie must have become his ‘good luck charm’ after that.

  99. I got the Supernatural shivers reading your response. Yes that makes perfect sense. Now I get What j h was referring to when he said please convince me. It had to do with the death of his first love. I think it is all the interconnections And their significance That stun and amaze

    That’s stun and amaze.

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