The Princess Royal: Episode 2 The Go Game

I’ve delayed the write-up of Episode 3 because I’m too lazy to transcribe LiRong and Pei WenXuan’s (PWX) dialogue during the Go Game in Episode 2. Lol. I can’t shelve this task anymore because @agdr03 is going full steam ahead. lol.

I’m using Netflix sub instead of Viki’s.

Here goes….

The Go Game

Li Rong watches PWX walk towards her with concealed admiration.

To me, this moment parallels the earlier incident when PWX hid behind the bushes to observe Li Rong from behind the bushes. He recalled the time when they were 18 and 20 years old. He thought to himself, “That year is the most beautiful memory of my life.” This sentiment is consistent with the feelings he expressed as he lay dying in the snow in the Other Lifetime. Back then, he said, “You are the only weal and woe that I cannot avoid in my lifetime.” “Weal and woe” is the poetic way of saying joy and sorrow, boon and bane, heaven and hell. In both the Other Lifetime, and this current one, he doesn’t deny that despite his tragic ending, he and Li Rong shared a few good times together.

Now, as for Li Rong, she seems hypnotized when PWX saunters on the bridge like a fashion model on a catwalk. She has to give herself a mental scolding to get back to business.

LR: (imperiously) Sit down and talk to me. Whatever you want to say, just say it.
PWX: Your Highness, I think you already know what I want to say.
LR: What’s with this attitude?

She expects him to be nervous by her haughty demeanor, and to stammer a weak response. Instead, he parries her politely. In her mind, his politeness is merely an act to hide his cockiness.

PWX: (looks at her innocently)
LR: (continues to find offence in everything he does) What? Do you think the Royal Family is not good enough for you?
PWX: Not at all. I come from humble beginnings and may initially rely on Your Highness. However, as a dignified man, I also aspire to be the one who is worthy of you, Your Highness. This way, when Your Highness is weary, you can have someone to lean on. And I won’t be a burden living off you. (smiling)

I think he should have skipped the smile here because his smile makes him look cocky. He’s too pleased with his answer.

That said, I do believe in his sincerity. His manly pride doesn’t allow him to perpetually mooch off the Princess Royal. He knows that marrying her will open doors for him and that he can never say that he pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. However, he intends to excel at his royal duties in order to prove to her that he’s deserving of the trust and favor she’s given him by choosing him. Instead of being dependent on her, he wants to become dependable in times of her great need.

I also think he speaks from experience. In the Other Lifetime, he climbed up the ranks, not for personal glory, but to protect her and her brother, the Crown Prince. Unfortunately, she suspected his every motive and action, after she discovered his connection with Zhenzhen, the CP’s concubine. She believed him to be emotionally unfaithful to her because he had a prior engagement to a childhood friend that he hadn’t told her about.


His reply rouses Li Rong’s suspicions because it sounds too serious, too rehearsed, and too well thought out to come out naturally from the mouth of a 20-year-old boy.

LR: You’re just trying to leverage my influence to strengthen yourself. There’s no need for these high-sounding words. Men like you will say anything to ingratiate yourself with powerful people.

Instead of “high-sounding words,” I think the better words here are lofty, fanciful, altruistic. She’s bluntly telling him that she knows that he’s only sugar-coating his mercenary and quite selfish aspirations. But I get why she’s bitter and accusatory. In the Other Lifetime, she witnessed him become the Supreme Chancellor or Prime Minister of the State and she believes to this day that he couldn’t have achieved that position if it weren’t for her.

She also speaks from experience.

She cannot forget the night when she caught PWX cradling the sick Zhenzhen in his arms.

At the time, she had to defend him from the guards but later that evening, when they were alone, she interrogated him about his relationship with Zhenzhen. Though he only admitted being previously engaged to Zhenzhen, Li Rong quickly jumped to conclusions that ZhenZhen and PWX were doomed lovers, coerced to marry into the royal family.

To be honest, I thought this dialogue is one of the stupidest miscommunications in a cdrama that I’ve ever seen. Li Rong rushed to judgment without waiting to hear the whole story from PWX. And PWX didn’t insist on being heard and correcting her misinterpretation. Sure, it’s hard for him to come up with the right words, but he should have at least tried. To me, they gave up on each other too easily and it showed that they didn’t think their marriage to be worth fighting for.

As these memories come flooding back to Li Rong in a flashback, she’s filled with rage. PWX has to jolt her back into the present time.

PWX: Your Highness!
LR: Bring over the citrons!

PWX is allergic to lemons. They both remember the time PWX told her about his rashes, and Li Rong instantly ordered lemons to be removed from the menu. Now, she shows him no mercy.

LR: Eat it.
PWX: (grimacing) Your Highness. If I consume citrons, I’ll get rashes all over my body.
LR: You still have to eat it. That’s my order.

PWX takes the plate and asks if he can eat it later as he’s already full. She grudgingly allows it. Then she orders the Go board to be set up so they can play. As they make their moves, they being to sense something’s off.

PWX: (to himself) Why are her tactics the same as the ones she used when she was 38?
LR: (to herself) Why are his strategies the same as when he was 40?
PWX: (to himself) Li Rong might seem arrogant and spoiled, but she actually acts very methodically. She doesn’t pick a fight for no reason. However, when I first met Li Rong, she humiliated me in front of Su Rongqing. Back then, the 18-year-old Li Rong wasn’t like this.

It dawns on him that Li Rong intentionally goaded him all day. He’s like a bull and she’s like a matador waving Su Rongqing like a red cape to enrage him.

LR: (to herself) I remember the 20-year-old Pei Wenxuan was more or less immature. On the day of the wedding, though he appeared calm on the surface, I could see from his eyes that he was in a state of panic. But now when he sees me, he’s not just calm and composed, he looks at me like he knows me very well.

They both look down at the Go board and notice that they have made the same moves before in that Other Lifetime.

LR: (to herself) This Go game turns out to be the final one we played before living apart and it was unfinished.
PWX: (to himself) That unfinished game was a stalemate.


LR: (to herself) No wonder he dares to talk back to me like this now.
PWX: (to himself) No wonder she knows that citrons will give me rashes.
LR: (to herself) It’s either him being truly audacious or…he has lived an extra 20 years.
PWX: (to himself) She has lived an extra 20 years.

Finally, they are on the same wavelength.

LR: (to herself) If so, everything would make sense.
PWX: (to himself) If so, everything would make sense.

I like how the director gives a close-up view of one face then the other. It gives the viewers a sense that Li Rong and PWX are playing a different level of Go – a 4D Go. Even in a game played in their head space, their skills are squarely matched.

I like this camera shot, too. The waterfalls in the background, the pavilion, the pair of maids standing like a statue, and the bridge. The setting seems surreal, just like the swirling emotions of Li Rong and PWX.

PWX: (to himself) Li Rong hated me to the core before. Last time, it was her order that had me killed. The fact that she could control the urge to kill me immediately shows her extreme forbearance. Fortunately, I have no intention of getting entangled with her again.

Here, I sense that he’s back-pedalling. He would have been fine reconnecting with Li Rong, if the slates were clean and if she had no recollections of the past. But picking up where they left off is a no-go for him. He’s so traumatized by the past that he doesn’t want to relive it, much less pursue it. Hence, his face freezes up at the idea of getting entangled with her again.

LR: (speaking up) Let me ask you again. Why did you stop me from choosing other men?

Note that his stammer is back, just as if he was 20 years old again, nervous in the presence of the Princess Royal. He can’t think of a plausible explanation.

LR: Because you feel guilty for what you had done to me!

Note that she doesn’t give him time to explain. She jumps to conclusions again, just like she did when she accused him of emotionally cheating with ZhenZhen almost 20 years ago. Ugh!

I’ll continue with Episode 3 tonight.

6 Comments On “The Princess Royal: Episode 2 The Go Game”

  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa! 🥰🥰🥰 I’ve never shouted at a tv before urging a ML to run and beat the SML in bringing an umbrella to the FL because it’s pouring!!! I was soooo happy he got there!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂

    I’ll come back tomorrow coz I want to post the dialogue of the 3 scenes that I love. ☺️

    I’m up to episode 19. I’m flying! 🤣

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @agdr03 @pkml3, I caught a glimpse of Princess Royal. I’ll probably FFD and join you for a bit.

  3. Howdy! These are my fave 4 scenes from episode 4-18. Please excuse the looooong post. 😃

    – Episode 11. I thought the confession scene in the rain from PWX was nice. He just wanted to be honest once and for all and especially to clear the misunderstanding with Qin Zhenzhen. Here’s what he said. It’s a very long one.

    PWX – Li Rong, I’m telling you now. From now on, before you tell me to do something, you have to ask for my consent. What kind of person do you think I am? What do you think I want? What do you think I should do? You must at least met my consent.

    LR – so you’re confronting me now. Sure. Tell me. What is the misunderstanding that upsets you the most?

    PWX – I don’t like Qin Zhenzhen.

    LR – I know. You haven’t gotten over her cancellation of your marriage. It has been many years, so perhyyou don’t love her as that much now. But

    PWX – There’s no but. Whether in the past or the present, I never fancied Qin Zhenzhen. I don’t miss her. I don’t care about her. Everyone tells me that she’s meant to be my wife and that I need to treat her well. Therefore I thought I liked her. Until I met someone, when she was sad, I became nervous. When she smiled, it felt like every day was a good day. If she fancied a hairpin, I’d make sure I remembered what it was like. If the weather changed, I’d be worried if she was soaked in the rain. If she left home for a few days, I’d pine for her. I wanted to write her a letter daily to tell her how much I missed her. I’d wonder how many kids we would have. I’d also wonder if we would grow old together. Li Rong, I don’t have any regrets about Qin Zhenzhen. If I do have regrets, they’ll only be of you. The one I loved and lost was only you Li Rong.

    LR – I know you used to love me but you don’t like Qin Zhenzhen?

    PWX – Because you never tried to understand what I want. Once you make up your mind, no one can persuade you otherwise. Shangguan Ya always behaved herself, yet you never discerned her duplicity. Su Rongqing’s family was murdered, yet you never discerned his thirst for revenge. Li Chuan lost his father and wife, yet you never discerned his heartbreak. What about me? Li Rong, I loved you. And I lost you. Do you really understand what I want and what I desire?

    LR – I will think about it.

    PWX – You could have scolded me, given me your advice, loved me, hated me, or. It shouldn’t have been this way. You shouldn’t have been indifferent to me.

    – Episode 12. After PWX’s confession, I like that he really wanted to put it straight to LR that things should change between them. I love that.

    PWX – From now on, you manage your affairs and you need to do as I say when it comes to mine. I also have a request. In the future, whenever something is troubling us, we must express it. Moreover we’ve been given a second chance by Heaven. Why suffer alone?

    – Episode 12. PWX really knows what he wants. He’s clearly thought or through. I love what he said in this conversation. ❤️

    LR – Why did you bring the topic of the Inspectorate Office to Chuan? This gave him trouble from last time.

    PWX – It’s precisely because I know this that I brought it up. Instead of letting His Majesty establish it and we accept it passively, why not take the initiative? I’m giving you the chance to choose.

    LR – Is this really giving me a choice? If you already said that, do I still have a choice?

    PWX – Of course you do. You can give up the power and not set up the office. You can even ignore His Highness. This way, you’ll still be my wife and Princess Pingyue.

    LR – I find you won’t be at a disadvantage anywhere. You’re planning everything perfectly.

    PWX – Your Highness, you’re flattering me. Speaking of which if we have power, we can protect people like the Qin Family who are devoted to their country and have clean hands. We can also protect His Highness. However the Inspectorate Office is directly commanded by His Majesty. Once established, it will offend the Chancellors and the Six Ministries. What happened to the Qin Family today could happen to you in the future. Your Highness, you need to think carefully about this.

    LR – What did you say about me having nothing again? I’m still your wife?

    PWX – Did I say that? You will know when the time comes.

    LR – The cost is too high. I think it’s better to know nothing about it.

    LR – Are you going to attend court? Go and get changed. I need to think it over.

    PWX – Your Highness, as your husband, no one can do anything to you unless they step over my dead body. As your ally, I’ll stand in front of you even if everyone wants to kill you. So whether we are a couple or allies our fates have long been tied together. Just choose a path you like.

    – Episode 16. LR asked PWX to gather the evidence so they can prevent the execution of the Qin Family. I just love how PWX is really fulfilling his role as a Prince Consort and taking on the task that LR gave him. He really loves her. What is the reward???

    LR – The journey might not be safe. So you must be careful.

    PWX – If I leave the capital, and investigate the accounts of the grain depots along the way, it won’t just be unsafe. It might get me killed. But it doesn’t matter. I’m at your Highness’s beck and call. I would always die for you without hesitation. I will set out immediately.

    LR – PWX, I’ll wait for your return. There will be a reward if you handle it well.

    PWX – take care.

  4. On their fallout due to Zhenzhen:

    The drama didn’t go deeper into their conversation which would have helped us understand how much this was so complicated.

    And honestly the drama could have done a better job with that miscommunication thing they had. I also felt like it was such a classic I-don’t-want-to-hear-your-explanation and they I-shan’t-explain-it drama moment.

    Later on, did PWX explain to LR, his struggle with his feelings towards ZZ and LR?

    This was what was in the novel, I will quote some parts and you can read more if you are curious.

    (LR’s thoughts)Although Pei Wenxuan quarreled with her for many years and even killed her in the end, Pei Wenxuan still had one particular merit.

    He never lied to her.


    (PWX thoughts) In truth, he didn’t even know what kind of feelings there were between him and Qin Zhenzhen, whether it was love or merely responsibility. They grew up together as children, and he only had her in his heart and hoped to live with Qin Zhenzhen for the rest of his life, but he could not do so.


    She turned her back to him and asked: “Do you like her?”

    Pei Wenxuan stood at the door. He actually intended to say no, but he felt that it would not be completely truthful, so he replied honestly: “I can’t forget her.”
    (This is a worse explanation than the drama’s “We were childhood friends explanation)

    After a while, Li Rong seemed to calm down. She turned her head, stared at him and only asked: “Will you betray me?”

    “No.” He answered immediately. He looked at her, “You’re my wife.”

    “I’m not your wife.”

    Li Rong looked at him with a serious expression: “I’m just your ally.”

    These words stunned Pei Wenxuan. Li Rong turned and looked out the window and calmly continued: “In this marriage, you and I had no choice and only did it for power. Truthfully speaking, there’s not one bit of love between us. You have someone in your heart, and I have someone in my heart. It’s just that we didn’t make it clear before and had some misunderstandings. Now that it’s clear, it doesn’t matter.”

    Pei Wenxuan stared blankly at her. He wanted to deny it, but he felt that Li Rong wasn’t wrong either. There was no such love between him and Li Rong because it was impossible for a person to truly love two people at the same time. He already had Qin Zhenzhen in his heart, so how could he make room for Li Rong?

    I liked the part where PWX smirked when she put the first Go piece. He recognised that she is the same as always.

    Also love the scenes of the playing Go throughout their lives and seasons.

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @agdr03 and @Grace for the scenes and the info from the book respectively. The novel makes it clearer that PWX was honest to a fault when speaking with Li Rong.

    I suppose they just never got around to differentiating what kind of love they had for different people. Having someone in one’s heart does not only mean romantic love, but a committed concern of some kind. 🙂

  6. @agdr03,
    Those words PWX tells LR is to swoon over. I really love those too! We all know he is sincere in what he says.

    I like that in the drama, the PWX came clean completely that he didn’t like QZZ. It is one thing to keep it in your heart and another to speak the words directly to the person. That confession “I don’t like Qin ZhenZhen” was what LR really needed to hear isn’t it? He should have said it earlier and very decidedly in their first life!

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