Signal: Ep 15 Rewatch Sat, Aug 24

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You’re almost at the finish line, @GB and co! 🙂

penguin GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYWhat runners can learn from penguins about dealing with snow and ice -  Canadian Running Magazine

A rookery of rushing penguins is so cute to watch!

Ep 15    24 August 2024
Ep 16    31 August 2024

The time.

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
10:00am Caracas
3:00pm London
4:00pm in Paris
5:00pm Athens
10:00pm Singapore

Enjoy the rewatch!

112 Comments On “Signal: Ep 15 Rewatch Sat, Aug 24”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! I feel as enthusiastic heading into the Rewatch as those penguins. Pity I’m not that cute!

  2. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m around but I may be a bit late because I’m also watching The Princess Royal and it’s getting exciting!!!

    I’ll be back!

  3. I have been trying to decide on my next watch. You just sold me on princess royal.

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @MM, LOL…. but I must warn you that I almost dropped it. The romance is slow in that the girl/wife is not giving the guy/husband much chance to move forward. I didn’t care for the noble families’ shenanigans and was FFDing or skipping after the first 11 or so episodes.

    However, @pkml3 and @agdr03 are watching, so I thought I might as well continue too and be able to chat along with them. It’s gotten a bit better at Episode 21.

    It’s a bit tiresome that the romance only starts to take off more than halfway through a 40 episode series… you know LOL. But by all means, come watch along with us!!

    The wife is smart in politics and interpreting intrigue. Their way of thinking through the logic of peoples’ motivations blows my mind. The conversations can be pretty good. I’m watching it more for fun and not like the way I watched Lost You Forever where I analysed a lot more (which was also fun but hard work as well). So it’s all good!

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi Everyone, it’s time!!! Let’s start!!!

  6. Just in time.
    Hi GB MM.

  7. Hello, let’s go!

  8. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF, @WE! Yes, I’m going full steam ahead. This music is causing me so much stress…. I’m at where poor Sun Woo is waiting for JH.

  9. Hi @GB, @MM & @WE.

    Suddenly Hae Young is arrested for suspected murder of Ahn? There are even witnesses.

    The show did not start with last episode’s ending where the Hero runs out of the hospital in his blood stained shirt.

  10. Hi FF.

    I just got this idea:
    About rewatch party with vocal. I mean a soft like skype. But maybe it’s a meh idea, as the drama make sounds. In another way, we mostly read subtitles and don’t have to follow the language so we can put down the volume a bit.

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I feel so sorry for Sun Woo. He was victimised over and over again, by an adult who should have been protecting him, and he was just 17-18 years old.

  12. I am a little ahead. Hoping sun woo Does not give up the evidence to kBj

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, show is getting there. It is showing us a bit of what’s happening in 2015 at the same time.

  14. He is victimized every time he has something to do with the police. All he does is walk into the Police station and someone over.Here’s him looking for our hero.

  15. I just found if I stand up and look at the screen from above, the streched image of flashback become almost right proportions.

  16. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, but we might not be able to hear each other and understand each other over Skype while also listening and reading subs! I find it easier to type and read/listen/watch.

  17. Bad boss Kim turns up at Sun Woo’s house instead of Jae Han. He manages to get Sun Woo to talk! Why is Sun Woo so easily taken in by Bad Boss Kim. One look at the man we know he is a baddie!

  18. *overhears him

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE you really are bothered by the elongated proportions on screen!

  20. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Horrible BB Kim is trying to get himself out of the Internal Affairs investigations, so he resorts to murdering a youngster. He deserved his end.

  21. Scene with the police chief and brother:
    Full use of dramatic irony. We know he’s evil and the brother doesn’t know. So each of his questions have subtext. Next he puts poison. ButI don’t remember if we know the issue.

  22. @FF What a trusting soul after having been framed and incarcerated! Some cynicism would have served him well. HY Has that cynicism?

  23. @WE, skype? uh I am not sure if you will be able to understand my Singlish. 😀

  24. I was.
    Wondering if b b kim carries tranquilizers around as a matter of course?

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM I think HY now has more cynicism and definitely less trust in the police than his brother. He’s dying to know if his brother survived after the warning given to JH but he can’t get to see the police report.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, my thoughts as well! And I might not understand English in other accents!!! LOL. Whole time I’ll be saying eh? Say that again? I don’t understand you. LOL

  27. Oh yeah, we know. I remember know. Brother supposed to die on suicide. But it was the police chief: first use a somnifere to make him sleep, then he cut the wrists. It’s a nasty vilain we have here. One more.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, I don’t know about BB Kim and tranquilizers but the music and poor HY as an adult and as a child…. going to discover his brother’s murder. Soooooo sad.

  29. @MM, Hae Young used to trust the police force but after several disappointments he distrust them totally but ended up as one of them, though a profiler. So ironic.

    Jae Han fails to save Sun Woo.

  30. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes that’s right.

    PAUSE to read if you like.

    My notes: The great dilemma for JH … knowing that on 18 Aug SW would be murdered all the way in In Joo and not knowing how the woman he’d come to care for would fare on her own with injuries in the arrest of criminals.

    It was a choice between being there to help SH who was injured and meeting SW to get the evidence… However it was also a choice between keeping the woman he had come to care for safe versus going all the way to Injoo to ensure that SW would not die.

    The REASON the three of them were tied together by fate in the form of the walkie talkie that had a life of its own, was because they were linked by the cold cases, by emotional attachments and by decisions that affected their lives and deaths. All 3 of them ‘died’ and came back to life.

  31. What a lovely insertion of the Scene of the older brother carrying the younger brother and then tutoring him.

  32. Guys, I just understand why it’s important Taximan goes in prison right now. It’s because it will force the heroine to use the talkie instead of him! 🙂

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF The modus operandi in how HY is framed/accused matches how his brother had been framed. Same style… no evidence except from witnesses.

  34. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Yes, that’s the trick. We need Soo Hyun to talk to JH herself, at last….

  35. @GB, and the bad boss Kim says Hae Young will die like his brother! Same style, same way!

  36. A rather obvious parallel being presented right now just dawned on me. They have both been framed by the authorities.

  37. @GB, you say Taximan will die too?
    In this episode?

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF I like that Gye Chul also figures it out later. He notes all the same MO.

  39. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, both brothers framed by the same person. All same style. Nothing creative about HY’s frame up.

  40. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I can’t remember this episode or the last one…. but I was looking for the links between the 3 of them, and that is one of the links.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    JH confronts BB Kim. This is also a step that will ensure that JH gets killed. But all the time he was talking to BB Kim, he was observant.

  42. And j h was framed with the money in his drawer, for bribery

  43. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM if you reach 23:23 you can see the corruption of BB Kim. He’s the dog trying to save his own tail by framing innocent people to help powerful criminals escape justice.

  44. I realize in dramas the good people will always tell the bad people their plans and what they know. This gives the bad people an advantage to make things worse for the good people. And this makes us the drama watchers feels so angst!

  45. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Yes, precisely. Same MO for JH’s disappearance too. Planted evidence and maybe bought witnesses as well.

    So sad, JH feels so bad about Sun Woo and now he has to speak on the radio.

  46. He knew it but couldn’t save the brother.
    As he cries… Talkie incoming message.
    And now…
    How is it?
    I bet it’s heroine on the phone.

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    True @FF, LOL.

    25:59 TRANSMISSION – Poor JH is full of emotion about the loss of SW that he has to report to HY, but he’s confronted instead with an emotional Soo Hyun and becomes speechless.

  48. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes it’s Soo Hyun on the radio. She sounds so different speaking with him compared to when speaking with HY. She’s like a little girl.

  49. Of course it’s him, you have only one minute, stop asking obvious things when you have to save people, ARRRRRGH!!!

  50. Finally, Soo Hyun gets to speak to Jae Han.

  51. I am sure the first time I watched this drama.I couldn’t relieve the scenes where they depict him as being the murderer. Of course , now I realized they were depicting the fabrication.

  52. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE you made me laugh so long…. yes we are in angst over here but the talk on the radio takes a long time saying unnecessary things.

    JH just cannot answer her about emotional things. He cannot speak about liking her. Instead he asks about HY.

  53. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere, because she wasted time, she couldn’t say “you’ll die here”. AAh AHHHA AHH.
    I remember a bit the end of the drama and this fool goes to this psychiatric hospital by the way. T T

  54. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes what we saw was the fabricated story that the bought ‘witnesses’ were told to tell. It was far better than just talk-talk-talk… we were shown instead of told.

  55. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, HY knew that JH would go anyway despite the warning. Later he tells SH that it did not stop JH from going. But, it did prepare him.

  56. @GB, notice one thing about the scene: how long time spendt before we hear her voice. Writer manages the effect here.
    And about “wasted time”, it’s an obvious tactic from the writer to wreck our nerves. ^^
    Just to be sure she don’t have time to say “you will die”. Yeahhhhh, I see that in a lot of makjang. I even did a parodic scene from that in W s2.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    2000 SH discovers a gift of a watch on her desk and that JH has asked for a transfer.

    The watch is appropriate in more than 1 level. JH’s father ran a watch repair shop, so she could always get it repaired there (and she did!), he still held on to the memory of his first love after 10 years… he still needed time, and he had heard from HY that SH would become the team leader in time. A watch might also mean to wait patiently… one often looks at one’s watch when waiting.

    He can’t tell her that he likes her, but he tells her not to die or get hurt/sick.

  58. When JH enters the death scene of sun Wu and we hear sun wu’s voice saying how he can only trust J.H. I don’t know @GB
    If you may have mentioned this previously, But this is a strong theme that connects them.

  59. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes the suspense was well created by the long pause before we hear SH’s voice. HOWEVER, she did manage to tell him that he came back to her dead. So, he knows that he would die on 3 August at Sunil Hospital.

  60. “a detective has to be always focused”.
    Very good scene here, and fantastic acting ruined by the stretched image. It’s the worst crime in this drama.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, you mean the theme of trusting JH? I feel it’s JH’s spirit of seeking justice unrelentingly that drew his spirit into the radio to connect with those who had some connection with him.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, first time HY told him not to go to Sunil, this time SH tells him not to go … so there’s a change in the past?

  63. The actress is damn intense in the prison cell scene.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    HY had told SH that he’d saved someone who was dead (that was her!)

  65. @GB, I don’t remember HY told him not to go there. It was the first transmission? Then it’s a time loop. Else, I don’t know. Do you remember this transmission?

  66. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE … The main actors are very, very convincing. The right about of intensity and not overdoing it.

    Here we see Gye Chul noticing how similar the cases are. Now they are onto Kim Sung Bum, the killer of JH.

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I can’t really recall that transmission either, but JH is the one who is asking HY why he told him not to go to Sunil that night. So I’ll have to look up my notes and see if he really had done any time-loop telling beforehand.

  68. The cold case team trying to help HY after noticing how suspicious the witnesses are and appearing one after another with matching statements.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, yes I like the Cold Case Squad. They are very sharp.

    Kim SB now has figured out that he’s being tracked by BB Kim. He tries to make a call. Guess who he is calling.

  70. I am
    Only at thirty minutes. I just cannot keep up🫠

    So many good comments to read. No time much less to reply!

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So exciting that none of us can comment!

    HY gets the message from KSB. He gets the key to release the handcuffs from SH. How is he going to meet Kim SB?

  72. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM Read and reply later!

  73. @MM, I’m a bit lost in the plot, as I didn’t rewatch this episode before the rewatch. T T
    on 365, I will rewatch everything before during the week.

  74. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, 365 is not so complicated, it’s easier to watch and comment. Also easier to rewatch.

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I was thinking… this time it’s SH who says she won’t give up for HY and JH. She had joined the ranks of JH and HY the “never give up group”.

    We get the present and past events… the kidnapping of the little girl, the first case where HY was involved as a child. While HY as an adult is running for his life and going to meet Kim SB.

    Once again there’s a clash of things that JH needs to do. He wants to turn the evidence of the scarf over but is delayed by the kidnapping.

  76. Taximan escape, now they are all-in.
    Without serious backup from the past, they are done.

  77. @GB I remember In one of the first episodes. You drew our attention to the scene in the precinct office where he tells her to wait and we just saw that scene again. At this point I am thinking that scene has not yet happened.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, the scene where he tells her to wait is going to come up. It will be different.

  79. Now the plot is more easy to understand, as they put hand on the guy who had JH corpse in his home. They have to make him speak anyway.

  80. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yes @WE, easier to understand. It took me 3 rewatches and paying attention a lot to get it more or less down… but I’m still unsure of some of the timing in past / present.

    Now we see what happened to JH. The last TRANSMISSION.

  81. Corruption and evil is so huge in “democratic” Korea that you have to use time-travel communication device to defait the bad guys. Facepalm! T T

  82. @GB, the last transmission is also the first!!!
    I mean for taximan.

  83. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE. So since no one has this kind of radio, the corruption continues.

  84. Is HaeYoung going to die? Nooooooo!

  85. OH see here, the other guy (I don’t remember his name), the one with the corpse in his garden: I wash his hand. It’s Ponce Pilate reference to how Christ was condamned.

  86. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, it’s the 2nd transmission for HY. The first was at the hospital.

    HY listens to KSB’s tale and feels guilty. “It was because of me that JH kept going over Injoo and got himself killed.”

    He had been the one to tell JH not to give up so that there would not be those cold cases. He had asked him to investigate Injoo and had asked him to save his brother on 18 Feb 2000.

    Now HY gets shot.

  87. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I bet it’s really hard to not just go on to watch Episode 16, right? LOL.

  88. Ah shit. He dies in the cliffhanger. Woo!

  89. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Pontius Pilate washed his hands and sent Christ to the cross… but I don’t think that gave him peace.

    So much suspense, can you leave off watching Ep 16 immediately?

  90. @WE, the last transmission is also the first for Hae Young. That’s the part that puzzles me. It is like a timeline on the X-axis, Hae Young is moving on the 0 to + side and Jae Han is moving on the o to – side.

  91. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I guess it’s a loop back at least once.

    The last transmission is actually the 2nd transmission for HY. HY first got the transmission when JH went to Sunil Hospital.

  92. @GB, yes I can leave off watching ep 16. 🙂

  93. @GB, really? Gosh, I’d need to rewatch all.
    SO it was a scary timeloop?! Because, who could say him about the hospital? He said it’s taximan who ask.
    I’m curious about the season2 of this drama, now in the book, by the same writer. It’s incredible, 8 years later, a season 2. I always said W couldn’t have one because it’s too late. But who know? I need to end the script fast and send it to Song Jae Jung. LOL !

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Great @FF, did you see some of my longer posts? What do you think of the links between the 3 main protagonists… what is the linking thing that gets the radio connected to them?

  95. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, so now you’re inspired to really make W2 happen faster? LOL.

  96. @GB, it would probably be difficult about budget. As I don’t have to think about that, I just put anything cool I could imagine. But now I think about it, some scenes could cost a lot. But with CGI, I still think it’s managable. And even, some produced dramas cost lot more. Like Moving for example, or even Kingdom, by “Signal” writer.
    I have to end this writing, but I’m currently in a “no-motivation” phase. T T
    I started to rewrite episode 43, and have the new outline for it.

  97. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, well, motivation and inspiration. I wish you both and soon!

  98. I wish you a good day or night everybody.
    I’ll prepare a pizza now. Yeah, with my own hands.
    Not a pizza you buy in a supermarket. A true human made pizza!

  99. @GB, you ask a tough question. I guess unresolved attachments that leads to a cycle of events (I couldn’t pin it down but it seems like there is time loop somewhere). Jae Han’s regret that he failed to save his love interest hence his hope to save Sun Woo; Hae Young who failed to save his brother whom he loves deeply and Soo Hyun’s longing for Jae Han and her sticker on the walkie talkie?

  100. @WE enjoy your pizza. @GN @MM, see you next week!

  101. I am at the scene where h.Y is shot. This show is more clever every time I watch it!😉

  102. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I almost made a pizza too, but only partially. LOL Bye @WE!

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, it actually gets better with each rewatch and review! I understand more. There’s so much going on in the timelines and how they merge and cross.

  104. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye @FF. I’ll gather my different posts on the links and see if I can make sense out of them.

  105. @GB, I wish I have the time to sit down and makes notes for this drama but I am always buzzing around busy with those daily nitty gritty things and so ended up with no time for making notes. Good night.

  106. I had understood the last sequence of events leading to j.H’s death this way.

    He goes to the mental hospital, Is hit over the head And Taken to the scene where he is given his supposed last chance to not die.. He then fights back and escapes. He is bleeding a lot from his heand then get shot.. The actor played the character who shot him to the good job.

    This is how I understood it when I watch this episode. I had been puzzled about the connection to which crime resulted in resulted in j.H’s death.

  107. @ GB On how the walkie talkie is embued with JH’ s spirit. In the scene where JH finds SW’s body, I swooned at the intensity of his conviction to do the right thing and thought how I could entrust my life to him. A pillar of strength! Then he cries so painfully.

    I do not think I saw him as a hero on my first watch but I sure do now.

  108. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM since there is a bit of a loop going on (at least 1 loop) I’ll just specify that the version you wrote about is the one where JH is shot and dies after escaping with a stab wound (I think it might have been the old stab wound which re-opened). Ahn was the one who pulled the trigger. Kim SB hides JH’s body in the yard of his mum’s house. So he is definitely tied to the murder. This is the first timeline.

    The case that resulted in JH’s death was the murder of Sun Woo, because JH refused to give up on pinning the crime on BB Kim. It was still considered suicide so it was not a ‘case’ as such.

    The case that brought JH and HY together was the Kim Yoon Jung kidnapping case. The timing was just when JH had transferred but BB Kim heard from the Prosecutor that JH had evidence against him, so he deliberately left Seoul to go to the precinct where JH was and took over the Kidnapping case. He needed to stay close to JH to steal the evidence. He snooped and found the report

    Wait next week for the loop and 2nd timeline. 🙂

  109. There are a few comments at the very end of last week’s rewatch that address the timeloop in this drama.

  110. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes actor Cho Jin Woong is amazing in this show. He’s so full of conviction, so straightforward and honest. He trusts the law and was totally shocked to find out that the Prosecutor was ‘in bed’ with BBKim. I feel so much in his scenes.

    He’s a real hero because knowing the possible cost to himself, and seeking no personal reward, he goes against his own boss and colleagues to find the truth and obtain justice for the victims. He does it for the greater ideal that there should be justice, that evil should not be allowed despite the bribery and threats.

  111. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes, I should gather all my scattered comments, but maybe by next week. I’ll go to sleep now!

  112. Thank you. Yes, this is the first time he dies.We have yet to know what happens in subsequent time lines.

    I think I can wait for episode 16 next week.But i’m not sure I can wait very patiently for season two.

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