Love Next Door: Ep 4 The Past Perfect

Episode Title: Past Perfect ➡️ Present Perfect Continuous

I see two interpretations of the title: the non-grammar and grammar perspectives.

a. From the non-grammar perspective

SeungHyo’s and SeokRyu’s memories of their long friendship have been idealized, thus SeungHyo isn’t going to throw a wrench into their relationship and confuse or unsettle SeokRyu (SR). In other words, their past was perfect, so he must stay the course and continue to treat her like a friend if he wants the present – and future – to remain perfect.

To me, this interpretation explains well the final moment of this episode, when SeokRyu (SR) wraps her arms around his neck tightly, but he doesn’t hug her back.

Actually, his action here mirrored his action back when he visited SR in the US while he was backpacking. He displayed restraint when she hugged him exuberantly. He must have been aware that she was inebriated so he gripped his hands to stop himself from returning her hug.

Most likely, he didn’t want to take advantage of her, and the situation, and end up regretting the momentary loss of inhibition.

#love next door from so fly, moonlight.#love next door from so fly, moonlight.source: mostlyfate’s tumblr

What a gentleman unlike that 2nd male lead in “A Business Proposal”!

b. From the grammar perspective (reminder: I’m not a grammarian)

Past perfect is a verb tense that’s useful in showing the sequence of past events. It indicates that one action happened BEFORE another past action occurred. The past perfect verb takes the form of “had + past participle of the verb.”

Unlike in the non-grammar perspective, the word “perfect” in “past perfect” doesn’t mean amazing, flawless or ideal. The word “perfect” in this instance means completed, ended, or finished.

FYI. Another term for Past Perfect is “pluperfect.”

It’s easier to understand the concept with examples from the episode.

1. SeongHyo forgot that he had promised to confess his feelings to SR in his twenties.

The simple past: forgot
The past perfect: had promised

He first made a promise to himself, then forgot about it as the years went by.

2. When he wrote his letter, he had just discovered his feelings for her.

The simple past: wrote
The past perfect: had discovered

He wrote his letter after he discovered his real feelings.

3. At the swim meet, he realized that he had always liked her.

The simple past: realized
The past perfect: had liked

He liked her from the beginning but only realized it later.

4. There was never a moment when he hadn’t been in love with her.

The simple past: was
The past perfect: had been

He loved her up to a certain point in the past.

5. They parted ways before he had confessed his feelings to her.

The simple past: parted
The past perfect: had confessed

I think this is a special form of past perfect using the word “before.” The first/earlier action (confessing) wasn’t completed when the second/later action (parting) happened.

As for present perfect continuous, this is a verb tense used to show that one action began in the past and continues at the present time. It is formed by using “has/have + been + present participle of the verb.”

Again, the easiest way to understand this concept is to see examples from the episode.

1. SeokRyu has been bullying him since they were children.

2. She has been fending off his bullies since they were children.

When they were kids:

#love next door from kateknowsdramassource: kateknowsdrama’s tumblr

When they’re 33 years old (international age).

#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas#love next door from kateknowsdramas

source: kateknowsdrama’s tumblr

3. From the photograph, it’s clear to see that he has been bottling up his feelings and waiting for her to un-friend-zone him.

4. She has been misconstruing his actions and words since forever.

For instance, back in high school, she misunderstood the reason he gave her his medal.

She was waiting for him after the swim meet.

SH: Hey, SeokRyu! Why did you come here? Didn’t you have the mock test today?
SR: It’s just a mock test. This (however) is like your entrance exam.

She meant that their two activities couldn’t be compared. In her mind, his swim meet was more important than her mock test. She prioritized him over herself.

Naturally, SeongHyo was curious to know whether her gesture was a sign that she liked him more than a friend. So, he sounded her out.

SH: What about getting the best score for a new phone?
SR: You won, so that’s enough. Besides, I don’t need that fancy swivel phone. It’s fine. Who needs a two-megapixel camera? It would just show freckles. It’s okay.

To me, she was making too many excuses.

SH: Well, I don’t have much to give you.

He took out his gold medal and hung it around her neck.

SH: You can have this.
SR: What’s this? Why would you give this to me?
SH: You said today’s White Day. Go and trade it for some taffy or whatever.

I like SeongHyo’s attempt to downplay the significance of his gift. Although he would certainly feel hurt if she had traded it for candy, he didn’t want to pressure her or make her feel awkward.

White Day is March 14. In South Korea, Valentine’s Day is celebrated differently from the rest of the western world. Instead of men giving chocolates and other tokens of affection to their loved ones, it is the women who present the men with gifts on Valentine’s Day. A month later, on March 14 or White Day, the men reciprocate the women’s romantic gesture by offering them presents.

If SeokRyu had her wits about her, the significance of the gift would have been instantly obvious. But as she had friend-zoned him a long time ago, she couldn’t figure out his reason for giving it to her.

SR: (looks confusedly at him) Surely…
SH: (waiting for her to put 2 + 2 together)
SR: Did you…just tell me…to get lost?

In SeokRyu’s defense, he did ask her what she was doing there, and he did say that she should “go and trade the medal.” She assumed that he found her presence there a nuisance and wanted to get rid of her fast.

SeongHyo could only sigh in frustration. Her comment was a sign that she couldn’t imagine him doing something sweet and romantic for her. She still viewed him as a thorn in her side. So, to fulfill her expectation of him being a pest, he hung his sports bag around her neck with the medal.

SR: (protesting) Hey!
SH: Carry this, too. Let’s go home.

Now this incident was a flashback to their high school days. In the present time, she’s still too suspicious of his actions.

She wants to know what his letter contained.

SR: What does yours say?
SH: Nothing much.
SR: Let me see it. You read mine. Show me too!
SH: (moving it out of her reach) I said it’s nothing!
SR: (suddenly suspicious) Why are you hiding it?
SH: Huh?
SR: Did you bad-mouth me?
SH: (not answering because he’s too embarrassed to say what he had written in his letter)
SR: You did! I’ll kill you. (pouncing on him)

See that? Just like in the past, she continues to misread him. She has been misinterpreting his words and actions towards her.

5. He has been concealing his feelings for her because he never wants to ruin their friendship. His reason hasn’t changed all these years.

His buried and unearthed letter —

“Ten years from now, you would’ve told SeokRyu how you felt, right?…My mom and dad didn’t come to my meet, but as I looked at that girl who skipped her exam for me, I realized that after meeting Bae SeokRyu, there was never a moment when I didn’t like her. But I don’t have the courage to tell her because I don’t want to ruin our friendship. So, instead of now, I’ll do it when I’m in my twenties. After we become adults, I hope I’ll be able to tell SeokRyu how I feel then.”


Have to go.

One Comment On “Love Next Door: Ep 4 The Past Perfect”

  1. I’m guessing that at some point SR gave the medal back to SH because he seemed to have it in his drawer at home.

    I agree with @packmule’s guess about the child Mo-Eum met in the park. SR’s mother and Mo-Eum’s mother admire Kang Dan-Ho when he stops at the real estate office, but Mo-Eum’s mother clearly doesn’t think him appropriate for her own daughter. She doesn’t explain, but I suppose it’s because he has a child, is divorced, widowed or all of the above. Now he lives next door to Mo-Eum. Their paths cross continually. I agree with @packmule3 that this actor takes brave choices in his roles and I hope that he can get a lead role before long.

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