The Princess Royal: The Kiss List

In this blog, we’re firm believers that love must be sealed with a kiss.

Here’s the compilation of kisses from @agdr03, our RKS (Resident Kiss Specialist). Thank you!!

I’ll add more gifs when I see them on tumblr. Our special thanks too to the gif creators for taking the time to create them.



The Princess Royal Kisses.

Episode 6 – waking up PWX with a kiss.

– kiss on the bridge with fireworks.

This kiss is from a flashback of their Other Lifetime, though.

#the grand princess from soft and fragile#the grand princess from soft and fragile#the grand princess from soft and fragile#the grand princess from soft and fragile#the grand princess from soft and fragilesource: smittenskitten’ tumblr

Episode 18 – He kissed LR on the cheek. He said I would like to give you the joy of the world (is that what it is?😂). So I can repay your favour. Don’t be fooled by Mr Su’s good looks. I can give you everything you want. Whenever you want to be served. I’ll be at your service at any time. RAWR! 🥰 But LR is not having any of it. 😂 You said you’d give him a reward. 😡

Episode 21 – goodnight kiss on the cheek. Poor PWX. He’s such a forgiving man. He said it doesn’t matter if it’s 10 years or another 20 years. He’s definitely incredibly patient like he said.

#the princess royal from Constantly Obsessing#the princess royal from Constantly Obsessing#the princess royal from Constantly Obsessing#the princess royal from Constantly Obsessing#the princess royal from Constantly Obsessingsource: dramashii’s tumblr

Episode 25 – forehead kiss.

– forced kiss on a boat. I didn’t mind this forced kiss because I can tell PWX was very frustrated. He didn’t like that they will need to divorce. He’s jealousy didn’t help either. But LR just spouted all this things at him so that didn’t help either. But again, after asking LR’s forgiveness (it’s good that he did!) they were able to open up with each other again.

Episode 29 – bathtub kisses. Nice! 😍

– kiss before climbing the ladder to go back to her other home which is next to PWX’s.

Episode 37 – forehead kiss.

Episode 40 – a kiss after getting remarried. I didn’t like the angle of this kiss. It didn’t look nice. No movement at all. Ok. That’s enough. 😂

Is this the kiss, @agdr03?

#best boy pwx from love, rosie#best boy pwx from love, rosie#best boy pwx from love, rosie#best boy pwx from love, rosiesource: nunafilms’ tumblr

I wish they’d shown their child though at this last scene.



14 Comments On “The Princess Royal: The Kiss List”

  1. Yes! That’s the one where Li Rong climbed a ladder after kissing Pei Wenxuan. 🥰

    Thank you and thank you to the gif creators! 🙌🏻

    I’ll come back later. Let me do my walk first. 😃

  2. Ooo love this list! Thank you @agdr03 for listing and finding them!

  3. Love it. Enjoyed the kisses early in the morning.

    As for the kids, they have a special episode where they show them. 2 kids. a girl and a boy.

  4. My pleasure @grace and @angelwingssf ☺️

    I looked up the special episode but I can only find a brief preview of it. I’ll look at other sites tomorrow. Thank you @angelwingssf 😃

    Here it is from start to 0:50. CTO.

  5. @agrd03 and @grace ; Here is the 40.5 episode on kisskh.


  6. Thanks for this, @angelwingssf! 👏👏

  7. Waaaa! Thank you @angelwingssf 🥰

  8. I just watched it! How cute are their kids.! 🥰

    I’m not sure about that vase that keeps hitting PWX 😂 but I liked all the kiss flashbacks though. 🤣

  9. Is he still jealous of Su in the Ep 40.5? (Wait, is Su still alive in 40.5?)

  10. I don’t think he is since it’s after 7 years already. But he keeps getting hit by the vase and so his memory is playing up 😂

  11. Hit by a vase? LR hits him with a vase? 🤪

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    A vase gets featured somewhere in the last 2 episodes of the series. It is however not the same vase that magically gets thrown to hit PWX on the head more than once. The Special Episode did not make much sense. It should have just shown the family having a meal or playing with the kids, without the vase!!! My guess is that the kids were added in separately, hence there are no scenes of them with their parents.

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    SRQ does not exist in Ep 40.5/Special episode.

    It’s just a pointless ep showing bits of the marital life of PWX and LR, but mostly focuses on PWX who at different times after being hit by a vase (we don’t see who threw it) forgets who he is or decides he does not like the tyranny of LR. It’s edited for laughs, but I was not entertained.

  14. Ohhh I didn’t know they had a special episode. Thank you for the links.

    I wish they gave us more kisses. They’re such a nice looking couple. Hahaaha

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