No Gain, No Love: Eps 1 & 2 First Impressions

To watch or not to watch?

This should definitely go on the “To Watch” pile. Both main characters are quirky enough to be interesting to watch as they evolve and grow to like each other. And the story – although we’ve seen plenty of this marriage-of-convenience trope – is executed in a novel and zippy way.

Note: viewers will need to watch out for the dream sequences. The heroine tends to imagine the wildest revenge scenes. They give an insight into her subconscious desire but there’s no warning when they come and go.

Things I like:

1. The female lead Son HaeYeong

She isn’t the typical kdrama heroine. Yes, she’s played by Shin MinAh so we can expect the character to be full of aegyo as usual. But she isn’t very likeable. She makes no secret that a) she puts herself first and b) she isn’t going to lose out on anything.

Her mindset was formed by her childhood trauma. Her mother was a do-gooder (“an angel without wings” is how HY calls her) who regularly took in foster children, much to HY’s dismay. She disliked having to share her mother’s love with the other children and felt that her mother’s generosity shortchanged her.

In her own words –

HY: I’m a stickler for fairness who hates suffering losses. And I was born to angel without wings, an icon of kindness and generosity. Everybody tells me to be kind and upstanding like my mom. But if we’re being honest with ourselves here, I was the one being honest and generous here. Because the love and attention my mom gave away were supposed to be mine. The time and energy she spent should have been mine as well. Even though I never agreed to be kind and generous, I always felt deprived and constantly losing out.

To top it all off, her name is Son HaeYeong. Apparently, in Korean, Son + Hae means “loss.” And Yeong means “zero.” When put together, her name means “loss zero.” Lol. Right now, I can’t tell whether that means she’s cursed to always lose and gain nothing, or she’s destined to win at all times, and never suffer a loss.

So, she grew up, determined to have her fair share and avoid losing out to anybody. It’s ironic then that all her three ex-boyfriends either exploited or cheated on her. For instance, her first ex freeloaded off her, living at her place and using her supplies. Her second ex was selfish in bed, only taking care of his needs, never hers. And her recent ex not only cheated on her, but also got her to fork over money when he invited her to his wedding.

But what really offends her sense of fairness is that she can’t be fast-tracked for promotion because she’s single. Apparently, the chairman of the company was a cheater (serial??) so there’s a ban on single women in leadership roles (or positions that will place them in close contact with chairman). It bugs her that a) she’s losing out on the promotion, and b) her ex-boyfriend/cheater can end up getting the promotion instead of her.

Hence, she invents a fake marriage.

The problem, however, is that the only groom she can think of is the part-time clerk at her neighborhood 7/11. She has formed a love-hate relationship with the young guy. That is, she doesn’t know why he hates her on sight, so she loves to give him a reason to hate her more. Unbeknownst to her, however, he had witnessed her breaks-up with Mr. Freeloader and Mr. Quickie, and that’s how he got the wrong impression of her.

2. The groom Kim Ji-Uk

This is a noona romcom, so age-wise, he’s younger than she is. That said, he was constantly referred to as an angel in the first episode, so in terms of maturity, he’s probably wiser than her, or at least, on par with her.

You have to watch the show yourself to find out more about him.

I must admit that the ending scene of Episode 2 sold me on him.

Can somebody tell me who this deity is?

The times Ji-Uk had been called an “angel.”

Giving the female lead’s aversion to angels and do-gooders,

it’ll be funny to watch her reaction when she finds out that she’s fake-married another angel-wannabe.

3. The pacing

The first two episodes went by quickly. There was never a dull moment. (I hope the director won’t do a bait-and-switch on us, though.)

The dialogues were zippy. It also helps that Amazon Prime had already dubbed the show into English so the conversation sounded natural.

There were tropes, like the umbrella-in-the-rain moment and the wedding gown scene, but they were utilized in a fresh and original way.

The secondary characters have their own love matches, but right now, they don’t distract from the main couple’s story.

There are only 12 episodes in the series, and I think this director and screenwriter will manage the plot well…or at least better than the “Serendipity’s Hug.”

I predict that this drama is comparable with “A Business Proposal” in terms of entertainment value.


Will add gifs later.

This scene is an homage to Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo and Juliet” fish tank moment.

#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessingsource: dramashii’s tumblr

The original with Leo DiCaprio as Romeo. I just love the moment when he cockily raised his eyebrows as if to ask Juliet, “Well, do you like what you see?” That was good acting. You see, he was actually flirting with the camera, not a real person, when he did that.

And this scene is an homage to “Temptation of the Wolves,” as I mentioned.

#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessing

This slow-mo of the umbrella lifting to reveal the man’s face has been parodied in other kdramas, like “Reply 1998.”

#no gain no love from Constantly Obsessingsource: dramashii’s tumblr

The original.

25 Comments On “No Gain, No Love: Eps 1 & 2 First Impressions”

  1. I’m in!!! I like the leads here. I’ll have to watch somewhere else because I don’t have Prime anymore. 😃

    What a name, Loss Zero. 😄

    Kumawo! 🙇🏻‍♀️

  2. Dramacool should have it, @agdr03.

  3. Thanks! ☺️

    You’re really breezing through the dramas! It’s amazing. 😉

  4. Taking advantage of the last days of August; it’s back to the grindstone soon.

    For me, Amazon Prime is a useful and necessary service like lawn mowing service and maid service. If you have time to shop, like to shop and/or have access to nearby stores, then you don’t need Prime. Regular Amazon is enough. For me, it’s very convenient to shop online because I can do it even at night, without waiting for the stores to open or rushing because the stores will close, and then I can expect the things to be delivered at my front door the next day. Sometimes, I get stuff delivered before breakfast.

    It’s like having a personal shopper. 😂😂

    It’s sneaky though how Amazon gets the kids signed up for their own Amazon Prime accounts. First, Amazon offers it free to college kids on a trial period. Then, the service is offered at a nominal price.

    By the time the kids are out of college, they’re already hooked on the convenience. AND they have their own accounts, separate from their parents. 😂

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for highlighting this Show @pkml3. After 10 minutes of Ep 1, I’m at the interview for a job at Liter Electronics and I feel like giving all the interviewees the advice to not work at that kind of place that asks those kinds of questions. Basically they were asking what the girl would do if she was sexually harassed and generally abused at work, without giving her a chance to complete her answers.

    The animation of whom the interviewers were, was to the point.

    At the ex-bf’s wedding I felt for Hae Yeong that her mum has some kind of dementia and wouldn’t be able to even do what the mum of the bride was doing (lighting candles) at the wedding.

    Going through the faults of the ex-bfs most appropriately cuts to the putting up of a Wanted poster by the neighbourhood police. And the Saint comes along as the stark contrast to all the losers that went before.

  6. Yes, @GB. The computer graphics during the interview were great. (I hope they didn’t blow the production budget for the first few episodes and run out towards the end of the series.) I wondered which Hindu god that was that deflected all the nasty questions.

    I liked his interview answers, like how he intended to develop his skills, pursue his dreams and payback those people who helped him. I also thought he parried the interviewer’s assumption that his insecurities and struggles would have a negative impact on his work mentality. He replied that a snake converted water to venom, but a cow converted water into milk. His tough life serves as motivation to be good and do good. Smooth answer.

    But I wondered why he even signed up for the interview when he wasn’t planning on working there. He said his professor urged him to apply and that he was working on (researching?) something that nobody knew.

    By the way, the other guy who interviewed for the job was coincidentally also named Bok, like the CEO of KkulBee.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I’m puzzling over that sleazebag of a guy who keeps calling Ji Uk Convenience Store Guy and who wanted to take up on the ad to be a fake groom. I wonder what his relationship is with Ji Uk. He’s constantly outside Ji Uk’s gosiwon.

    I’m guessing that Ji Uk – being an angel – has decided to be the fake groom to ensure that sleazebags don’t take advantage of Hae Yeong. He might have figured that she was in difficult circumstances and getting desperate. I liked that he used the cat needing a home as an excuse or condition for the fake wedding, instead of giving her the real reason(s).

    Hae Yeong is a bit too naive if she really thought he was testing her only on whether she’d be allergic to cat fur. They seem to be incompatible in the normal realm of relationships, since they do not like each other, and he told his granny he would not marry a woman who smokes, but he was testing for another kind of compatibility ie, physical attraction.

    While he claims that he’d be the fake groom only if they did not develop feelings for each other, ie that they could go through a wedding just for a day and come out of it unscathed, they should both know that if lovers could become enemies, it could work the other way around as well.

  8. Perhaps Mr Sleazebag is also a grad student/college student like Ji Uk and/orthey have the same Professor.

    He didn’t seem to have money of his own. He was cadging for a cigarette from JiUk bec he was out. (He threw the empty pack on the street and JiUk picked it up.) He was also bragging about his clothes, belt and watch. He said they were presents (from sugar mommies? He can be a gigolo?) but he almost said “extortion,” suggesting that he blackmailed the ladies into buying him expensive things.

    JiUk was spoiling for a fight when he ruined Mr. Sleazebag’s phone. I think his sense of fairness/chivalry was triggered so he acted rashly.

    He was punched in the face for his trouble. HaeYeong didn’t notice his busted lip.

    I like umbrella scene. The scene by itself isn’t anything new. In fact, it was popularized by the movie “Temptation of Wolves,” starring Kang Dongwon. The actor playing JiUn, Kim YoungDae, is often hyped as Kang Dongwon’s lookalike.

    I also like how JiUn said that he wanted to test whether she was allergic to cats.

    I tend to believe his excuse, though, @GB. At this point, it’s too early for his feelings of aversion/avoidance to change into love. But he is curious enough about her to pay attention to her comings and goings.

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    I agree that Sleazebag was extorting expensive stuff from women and might have been a gigolo. He seems to be an unlikely friend of our ‘angel’ Ji Uk.

    Rather than spoiling for a fight, I felt that Ji Uk realised that Sleazebag had contacted Hae Yeong to respond to her ad for a fake groom. Her message to Sleazebag under alias ‘Loss Zero’ came up on the phone screen just as Sleazebag threw his phone on the counter for Ji Uk to use for electronic payment. Ji Uk put 2-and-2 together and realised that ‘Loss Zero’ was HY, and that she was going to be in touch with Sleazebag (his alias was Never Stop).

    I feel Ji Uk deliberately spoilt the phone so that Sleazebag would not have the chance to see the message and go further into the transaction with Hae Yeong. We do see later that Sleazebag was looking at his phone and could no longer find the ad. By that time Ji Uk had taken the role of fake groom so Hae Yeong had removed the ad. Sleazebag never even knew that she had sent him a message.

    JU did it to protect HY from Sleazebag as an act of chivalry. But in order to stop her from continuing with her mission to get a groom (any groom), he waited for her to pass by so that he could do the test.

    When Hae Yeong first saw Ji Uk again, she did point to his face (ie I believe she noticed the busted lip), but he didn’t give her a chance to ask how he busted his lip. He came under her umbrella to see how they would feel about being in close proximity. She lied that she did not have any heart flutters when they stood close together. But at least she also did not show any repugnance. Perhaps JU was also testing himself. Since they were both ok about being in close proximity, he decided to take her ad out of the market by agreeing to be her fake groom.

    Yes, I also like the umbrella scene. It was a great way to check on how a stranger would react to one who was suddenly intimately nearby. I do not think he liked her, but he might have wanted to ensure that neither of them got hurt by faking a wedding. If she had shown that she was affected by his closeness, he would probably not have offered to be the groom.

    I was struck by how HY’s mother kept fostering children, and now HY is asked to foster/offer a temporary home to a cat. Also despite hating that her mum kept paying other children attention in her own home, HY is generous enough to be big sister to the 2 younger girls who now either live with her or keep visiting her as her closest friends.

    I agree that JU is curious about HY. He has been a part-timer at that same store for some 8+ years??? He has seen her through 2-3 boyfriends and knows how she tends to talk down to them. There’s a mystery there too… why does he remain at that job? Perhaps he’s running some kind of research by observing people?

    If this short series can give us good developments and reasons for what these characters do, I’ll review it highly. 🙂

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 @agdr03
    Just some other points that struck me about HY and JU.

    To begin with, HY is not enamoured over the cat, Baby. She tries to find excuses for not fostering Baby (LOL, like her mum used to foster babies). BUT JU seems to know quite a lot about her. He knows that she owns the house, a single-family unit and that she was lying when she said she had a landlord or that she lived in a multi-unit building. She was most unconvincing when she pretended to like the cat.

    He gave her that look that showed he knew she was lying.

    Still, he bothered to look up what he should do as a groom (I laughed at the sound of Tarzan’s manly cry when he came to the advice on erectile dysfunction LOL)

    By contrast, with JU’s knowing about her, HY knew nothing about JU. She didn’t even know his name!!! She just dismissed his age as “I’m sure you’re younger than me” without caring to find out what his actual age was!!! This is such a big ‘No-No’ in Korean culture where knowing a person’s age is important in social hierarchy.

    Anyway, this scene shows the attitude of HY towards JU. Despite this, JU still decided to play the part of the groom. He went with her for the wedding dress fitting.

    I like the usual way scenes are shot to show a difference in thought or attitude/lack of closeness between characters… there will be something between them so that they appear in 2 different frames. It happens on the train ride to the wedding dress shop. In the train glass doors, we see HY and JU reflected with the vertical sections of the door dividing them from each other.

    The ‘Romantic Feelings’ Conversation on the Train
    They are at odds over the ‘Test’. HY says she thought it was a likability test, while JU claims it was an allergy to cat fur test. HY mentions first that it was a business relationship so “it will make things weird if any feelings develop between us.”

    JU protested: “The only feelings that would develop between you and me are dislike or even extreme disgust.”
    HY: “You’re awfully pessimistic for a young man.”
    JU: “I know too much about you to develop a romantic interest in you.”
    HY: “Knowledge is in the head, and romantic interest is in the heart. You never know.”
    He just gives her a look of disbelief and shakes his head.

    (My question is, how is it that he has so much knowledge about her. Did he research her outside of what he saw in the store? How does he know about her home?

    My other thought is that HY is more correct than JU gives her credit for. He is judging based on his current opinion of her without knowing her more intimately. She’s speaking as an older person who knows that knowledge and romantic interest do not necessarily move in tandem.)

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The Beginning of a Change in JU’s Attitude
    At the wedding dress fitting, HY chooses the most overdone, ridiculous looking wedding dress with deep red gloves (good grief!) to try on. Her aim is not to humiliate JU or embarrasses herself, but to draw all attention only to the bride, so that JU would be forgotten, and his future would not be affected. This consideration of HY’s surprised JU.

    JU: “You are worried about me?”
    HY: “I hate to suffer losses, and I hate making others suffer losses.”

    When JU tries on the guy’s wedding clothes, he hears the voice of HY’s ex-bf and seems to have figured out that he had treated HY badly. At least he had heard ex-bf ask her if she was the only one who could take care of her mother (meaning that he didn’t like that she had to spend on her mother’s care?).

    So, he deliberately made himself look suave and handsome and stepped out to show ex-bf that HY had nothing to be sorry for in losing him. He made sure HY did not suffer a loss in choosing him as her groom. He was becoming more considerate of her after she’d shown consideration for him. HY was stunned by his good looks and dismayed LOL.

    We find out why in the Epilogue. The groom’s good looks would make him memorable, but that was the last thing HY wanted. She says he should be an average Joe and could not be a total stud, but he was!!!

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Names and Secrets and Ad Hoc Thoughts
    The Young CEO of Kkulbee Education, Bok Gyu Hyun is under his parents’ thumb quite a bit. (Kkulbee is also where our main protagonists work, so I expect that all these characters will meet and end up together).

    Gyu Hun’s mother, who is the real overlord in the family does not allow him to have females around him in case he ends up like his dad who fooled around with women (once? long ago?). However, she herself is crazy over the hot love scenes in Nam Ja Yeon’s web fiction.

    Gyu Hyun would have liked to have a female secretary, but chose Yeo Ha Jun, because the name ‘Yeo’ sounds like ‘female’ and gives the impression that he has a girl secretary. Yeo suggested that he should have chosen a girl with the surname ‘Nam’ that means ‘male’ instead, LOL. The play on names comes up more than once.

    I noticed that HY’s housemate has that surname, ie she is Nam Ja Yeon (aka by her pen name, Yeon Bo Ra). She seems to know Secretary Yeo Ha Jun. For some reason when she saw him, she hid herself. Perhaps they had known each other as foster kids in HY’s home? She didn’t want him to know what she was doing at the hotel lobby.

    When Gyu Hun’s mum, Seon A (aka Hajun Love) sees her son at the hotel lobby, she also hides. She does not want him to know that she’s investing in the audio production of the web story.

    Taking these aka names together with how Son Hae Yeong is aka Loss Zero, may mean nothing too significant, but highlights how we need to hide our real names/identities in this world of social media. We have a life outside of our aliases/handles that may be very different from when we interact using our aliases.

    Or it could be that Show is highlighting how we seldom go beyond superficial knowledge to really know a person. HY’s many failed relationships and bad judgment where each time she was taken advantage of and ended up on the losing end is a point to note. She never knew those men that she gave so much to.

    She hated to lose so why did she end up in those relationships? Did she somehow inherit her mum’s penchant to foster needy people, the way she took in those ex-bfs? Which brings me to The consideration of HY – While she appears to be a calculating person, HY’s higher motives are not clear to the other party. We find that (Episode 1, timestamp 48:40) when she broke up with Ahn, she did it so as not to be a burden to him because he did not want to keep supporting her mother. She bothers that JU should not be memorable on their wedding day so that his bright future would not be tainted.

    Might there be a significance that HY came from a mother who is an ‘Angel without Wings’ and ends up marrying JU who is also called an ‘Angel’? Might the angel be HY as well?

  13. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Names and Secrets and Ad Hoc Thoughts Continued…
    The next thing to change in JU’s and HY’s relationship will be how they address each other, at least in public. I did not catch what she calls him… maybe ‘partimer’ or she has never called him anything at all? And he calls her ‘client/guest/ma’am’ (soong-nim). I wait to hear them calling each other by name or using some endearments.

    The one who does not have (or need?) an alias is Ji Uk. HY, like many of us, is so used to the concept of not getting close to passing acquaintances well, that she never bothered in 8+ years to find out Ji Uk’s name. Even the Sleazebag just calls him the Convenience Store Boy, which sounds like a term of derision.

    In Episode 1, there is something that JU is doing which is a secret. He says his Professor put him up to go for the job interview. Later (Ep1 timestamp 13:55) he tells the other interviewees that he’s doing something no one knows about. We don’t get to hear what it is. In Ep 1 (timestamp 42:05), he receives a message from Yu Kyung (whom we have yet to see) asking why he never answered her calls. She said she missed him. So, there are more secrets to unravel here.

  14. The direct translation of this show’s title from Korean into English (per my Papago app) is “I Don’t Want to Lose Money.” The title No Gain No Love reflects the FL’s perceived calculating nature, not only in regard to her romances, but her relationship with her mother and her foster siblings. Son Hae Young defines herself as being loss adverse. Yet by the end of Episode 2, we see that she is capable of sacrificial love. I think she did deeply care for her third ex, but she says in a voiceover that she gave him up because she didn’t want to be a burden to him. That also means she chose her responsibility for her mother’s care over her own happiness. HY also hid her mother’s dementia from the roommate she calls her little sister. We haven’t seen her backstory yet, as we have with the romance-writer roommate, but I assume she was also fostered by HY’s mom.

    I suspect the ML, Ji UK, isn’t as impoverished as his part-time work, goshiwon housing, clothing and upbringing suggest. He intentionally broke the gigolo’s phone in order to keep him away from HY, and gave the gigolo a new phone in replacement.

    Clues are being dropped about Ju UK, and in due time we will be given the information to make sense of them. We learn he’s knowledgeable, committed, and successful at community policing. He has moral convictions, and is brave without being foolhardy. He does not act or speak to impress others. He has a phenomenal memory and a great grasp of detail. He slipped and said something to his police officer friend about “my neighborhood” when he didn’t appear to be a resident there. He seems to have ongoing interest in what HY says and does inside and out front of the convenience store, and knows a bit too much about her living situation. He loved and respected his grandmother, and was grateful she raised him. He hates the smell of cigarettes, but bought a pack and gave one to HY to comfort her, staying seated next to her as she smoked it. I believe he dislikes cigarettes because his grandmother was a smoker and died of cancer. That’s why his grandmother cautioned him to not marry a woman who smokes.

    For those who are watching on Amazon Prime, I figured out how to air the show with dialogue in Korean and English subtitles. Pause play, and a line appears. Above the line to the left are three icons. Click on the right-hand icon, which is Audio & Languages. Scroll until you see Hangul letters, and click on that line. Back out of that screen. Pause play again and click on the middle icon above the line: that’s Subtitles. Select English. Back out of that screen and resume playing.

    I watched most of both episodes dubbed in English, then rewatched in Korean with English subtitles. In my opinion, the dubbing failed to properly convey the feel of the show; compared to the English subtitles, the dubbing also misrepresented content in a number of places. I’m so glad to be able to hear the Korean and not only recognize words, but also the timbre of the voices of actors with whom I’m familiar.

  15. @Packmule3, in the comment I posted above, I shared how in Prime Video to turn on Korean language (the original audio, not dubbing) and English subtitles. I wonder if it would help others for you to clip that paragraph and pin it to the top of the NGNL threads.

  16. Will do, @Welmaris, on the Open Threads. Thanks. 🙂

  17. It is very handy and fast delivery alright. It’s great you have your personal shopper then. 😄

    I don’t have it but yes, they have the free trail here too. I think Prime is $10 a month here if I’m not mistaken.

    Please give us a heads up if you’ll be away for work ok. Thank you. ☺️

  18. I’m rewatching Episode 2 in Korean with English subtitles, to catch what I missed of this episode from the dubbed version. For instance, I gathered from the first watching that Ji UK’s parents weren’t dead, but non-custodial. I also got that Ji UK’s mom had him when she was young, but I didn’t catch that the father “who wouldn’t even claim them [mom and baby] as his own.” This is a Kdrama, and birth secrets are a trope. We also know the Chairman of Kkulbi had an affair long ago, but is still married to his first wife; their son, Bok Gu Hyun, is CEO of Kkulbi. Who wants to bet that Ji UK and Bok Gu Hyun are half brothers?

    This screenwriter drops a lot of hints as foreshadowing, I believe. The confrontation between Kkulbi’s Chairman and CEO in their garage about the company’s declining performance, with the dad’s taunt about birth records and company inheritance, makes me suspect the plot will get messy in that regard. Who has proven himself as an idea man? It isn’t Bok Gu Hyun. We’ve seen and heard that Ji UK comes up with, and implements, ideas that improve community safety (police posters on the carts of the scrap paper collectors) and sales in the convenience store (grouping together low calorie drinks). Is Ji Uk’s secret project to prove his paternity? Will he show up at Kkulbi waving his birth records?

  19. wow First ten minutes and this show is right on. It could depict The
    Experiences of many girls growing up in nineteen fifties north america.

    I have watched many South korean t v dramas and wondered if they had any human rights laws. I was so pleased when the male lead brought that up in the interview.

  20. I am about halfway through episode three now.

    @GB I had thought he knew about her house because he Could tell she was lying and is able to judge from her personality what her living situation might be.

    The third boyfriend was being then she was. He was so happy when she did the work of breaking up with him. Perhaps he was being difficult on purpose Because that is what he wanted.

    I have sympathy for
    The female lead character. Others may call her calculating, but perhaps she really is just trying to get her fair share in an unfair world And is smart enough to use her brain. We do see many instances of her being kind to others. She does not seem to have any idea how to talk with her boyfriends in a way that would smooth out their differences and help her get what she needs.

    I had missed the comment about the one boyfriend being unsatisfying In bed. So now I get a better idea of why all those condoms got dumped on the counter in the convenience store.

    Two lines I found particularly funny:

    Marriage I would have done it if I could do it alone.

    I think it is when her sisters are talking about the wedding plans.
    And upping the budget, She?
    Says something about finding her groom at the convenience store. So we don’t have to spend too much money.Here was the implication.

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The greatest joke of all is that you can get almost anything from a convenience store, including a husband! I’m not convinced that merchandise at a convenience store is less expensive than at a bigger store, however the convenience part makes up for the price.

    Possible SPOILER

    I loved how Ji Uk deliberately prevented Hae Young from getting a ‘husband’ through an ad she put up in another store. It inadvertently became a competition between the little mart and the big supermart.

    You’ll have to wait a bit to know how JU knows about HY’s home, and also to know more about HY. Her reasons for breaking up were different from what she told the ex-bf.

  22. @GB You can even get BWS at the convenience store😁

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM IKR?!? 😆😂

  24. I’m trying to watch a bit, but the way it is, I doubt I will continue.

    Still a good scene when ML interview for a stage.
    Else I find that quite boring.
    The worst are little sound effects detroying comedy scenes.
    But I guess there is nothing really funny when they need to add that.
    It destroy my nerves, faster than fake clapping and laughter.

    I’m starting episode 2.
    First scene was a bit better, thanks to flashback showing FL is a jerk.
    I found her a little too sweet in episode 1.
    There is also a gag already used in a previous drama, about a guy with a name sounding like “fuk-you”, but I don’t remember the name of this drama.
    It wasn’t really funny as a gag, and is even less funny when copied-pasted.

  25. Yo. I watched 2 episodes.
    It’s a bit empty. Kind of new dramas we have now.
    I grab the little I can of good moments I can find.
    My ECG is mostly flat.
    My hooking level is minimalistic to just try the next episode. 😑

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