The Princess Royal: Ep 4 The Highlights

The sweet moments aren’t hard to find.

1. Pei Wenxuan grills fish for her before grilling his own. This reminded me of that Pinterest illustration of a grumpy old man holding an umbrella over his wife during a fight.

I like that despite being her victim in the Other Lifetime, he still takes care of her needs first. It would have been understandable if he still bore a grudge against her. Instead, he just nags her.

PWX: I warned you to say away from Su RongQing but you didn’t listen. See what happened? You’re suffering now.
LR: You’re happy to see me suffer, aren’t you?

No, Li Rong, that isn’t his point. I find that she’s quick to show him a bad light. PWX isn’t sadistic; he doesn’t derive pleasure from seeing her in pain. He’s merely pointing out that she should have listened to him.

Ironically, her comment proves that even now, she still refuses to listen to him.

PWX: Tsk. I didn’t mean it like that. Why do you always misunderstand me?
LR: (staring at him seriously)
PWX: (yielding to her) Fine. Seeing the Princess Royal suffer happens once in a lifetime. How could I not be happy?

I think he says this to maintain the peace. It’s rather silly to continue a name-calling game. “You’re happy!” “Am not!” “Are too!” “Am not!!” “Are too.” So, he just gives in to her.

LR: Then, you’re wrong!

See that? She still isn’t satisfied with his concession. After she gets him to admit to something he didn’t actually feel, she pretends to be unbothered by SRQ’s betrayal.

LR: After all, he served me for 17 years. I willingly accepted death at his hands. And you? You’re just an innocent bystander who got implicated. What’s there for you to be happy about?

She can’t bring herself to apologize even though she knows now that she unwittingly dragged PWX into SRQ’s revenge.

PWX: (changing topic for her sake) Stop talking already. The grilled fish is almost ready. Let’s eat. (offering her the fish)
LR: (refusing)
PWX: Take it!

Ugh! To me, she’s making a fuss and refusing the fish because she doesn’t like to be beholden to him. She’s aware now that, not only did she wrongfully kill him before, but she’s now also indebted to him for rescuing and feeding her.

PWX: (taking his seat again) But let me remind you, Your Highness. Your previous entanglements with SRQ would only cause some physical punishments. But if you keep this up now, you’ll be risking our life.

He does like to nag, doesn’t he? He’s warning her that there are more serious consequences than the flogging she received in the Other Lifetime if she continues to insist on marrying SRQ. This time, her life around is on the line.

2. As a gentleman, Pei Wenxuan allows her to have the warm bed to herself while he freezes all night.

Li Rong watches him warm up his hands in the open fire.

LR: Are you cold?
PWX: (not answering)
LR: (rolling her eyes) It’s so cold yet you gave your coat to me. How about—
PWX: I’m coming.

He doesn’t even let her finish. He jumps up to join her.

PWX: Why didn’t you say so earlier?

Lol. Part of me thinks that this was his plan all along. He exaggerates how cold he is, so she’ll take pity on him. But since she can read him well, she guesses what he’s up to. That’s the reason she rolled her eyes before giving in and inviting him to bed.

Then, they have their pillow talk. She asks him what his plans are for Qin Zhenzhen (QZZ). He sidesteps her question, saying that they’ll talk about it later. To me, it sounds like QZZ isn’t his priority. His prime concern is to save Li Rong from her father’s ire and ensure her survival in the palace. Originally, he thought that everything would repeat itself like in the Other Lifetime. He thought that all they needed to do was avoid their past mistakes.

However, to his puzzlement, he discovers that the present is unlike the Other Lifetime. Take their encounter with SRQ, for instance.

PWX: Upon reflection, before we were married, you had nothing to do with SRQ. So, there are still many unknown. We’ll have to take it one step at a time.
LR: I have a suggestion for you. If you’re going to intervene, do it early. The palace isn’t a good place for her. Don’t let her enter the palace.

I like the contrast here. While PWX has SRQ in his mind, she can’t get QZZ out of her mind. She likes to bring her up. She’s obviously still jealous of QZZ. But since she knows that she can’t show signs of jealousy, she’s “sublimating” her jealousy into acceptable feelings. That is, she’s repressing her negative feeling and turning it into positive concern for QZZ’s welfare.

PWX: (agreeing) I know. But it’s rare for you to say something nice.
LR: You’re funny! Don’t you like to hear nice things from me?
PWX: I didn’t say that! I’m just not used to it.

Sigh. These two always get their wires crossed.

LR: I didn’t plan on saying so. But I am a reasonable person. (then, remembering his blotched rescue) Though it was more of a hindrance than a help, I still appreciate you rescuing me.
PWX: I made many mistakes. I should be responsible for that.
LR: Pei Wenxuan. Let’s forget about what happened in the past. Can you promise me that? Let’s not be enemies anymore.
PWX: Mmm.

3. Next, they talk about their regrets.

After asking him about his plans for QZZ, Li Rong is curious about his plans for himself. He answers that he hasn’t decided yet. Ha! I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s hiding the fact that his plans are dependent on her plans.

He turns the question around and asks her about her own plans. She’s ready with an answer. She reiterates the sentiment she expressed to him earlier that afternoon at the Spring Banquet. She refuses to live the way she did before. Since she’s been given another chance to live, she isn’t going to waste it by repeating the same mistakes.

She lists her regrets.

LR: Constantly surrounded by endless suspicions. Witnessing the brutality of Chuan. And witnessing SRQ lose his family.
PWX: (closes his eyes)
LR: What about you? Do you have any regrets from before?

Notice that she doesn’t mention their sad marriage and their misunderstanding. If I were PWX, I would have been saddened by her omissions. To me

PWX: (no answer)
LR: (sighing)

She assumes that he got bored listening to her or that he wasn’t interested in her heart-felt confession.

She doesn’t know that PWX is quiet because he’s seriously pondering about his regrets. He can remember two. First, he didn’t grab the chance to apologize and mend their relationship, and second, he failed to save Li Rong from Chuan’s brutality.

In the first instance, he blames himself for not listening to Li Rong’s maid’s urging.

Maid: Though you have been at odds with Her Highness for so long, you both care for each other. Just admit your mistake and apologize to her. Please make up with her.
PWX: She won’t understand.
Maid: I don’t think so. Her Highness is proud, and this happened for a reason. People are out there saying that she stepped forward to take responsibility of the matter with Consort Qin and helped you out because she was betrayed by her husband and failed to save her reputation. Actually, she just needs a way out.
PWX: If it were that simple, I’d do it. However…
Maid: Prince Consort! Sometimes things are really that simple. Maybe I should go and tell Her Highness you’re here to see her?
PWX: No need. It’s my fault for mishandling things. I feel guilty towards Her Highness. It’s better not to disturb her.

To me, this is one of the weakest plot points in the cdrama. I don’t get:

a) why he’s so stubborn.

b) why he can’t explain to Li Rong that his feelings for QZZ are different from his feelings for her. No woman (or man, for that matter) is that dumb not to be able to differentiate between the past and the present. Sure, he could have felt affection for QZZ, but all he had to do was reassure LR that it was in the past, and that LR had taken over that place in his heart and would continue to do as time went on.

c) why he chooses to make both of them suffer. This one is mind-boggling to me. And reprehensible, too.

In the second instance, I think he blames himself for not averting the flogging. Because he and Li Rong had been estranged by then, he wasn’t around when she needed help to stop Li Chuan. Had he been with her, he could have given her advice or he could have gone to Li Chuan himself and convinced him to spare SRQ.

After reflecting on the past, PWX is ready to admit that he does regret something. But when he turns to tell Li Rong about it, he finds that she’s fallen asleep. So he just thinks to himself…

PWX: In my life, I was loyal to the court and the people. But I failed the Princess Royal.

He then tugs his cloak higher around Li Rong to keep her warm. Of course, there’s symbolism there in that small gesture. It means that this time around, he’s resolved to do better at enveloping her in his mantle of protection.

4. He tells her to be demure.

They wake up to find that they’ve moved closer to each other in their sleep. He becomes embarrassed and clears his throat.

#the princess royal from soft and fragilesource: smittenskitten’s tumblr

LR: Why are you so nervous?
PWX: I’m not nervous. I’m just trying to think of what to say to prove my innocence.
LR: What innocence?
PWX: I’m thinking about how to tell you that I did nothing last night.
LR: I know. If you did something, I’d definitely feel it.
PWX: (frowning) Li Rong. You’re a princess. Can’t you be a bit more reserved?
LR: Why would I pretend to be innocent at my age? (leaving him)

Humor aside, Li Rong’s nonchalant (but flirtatious?) comment that she would know if he attempted something “carnal” tells me three things.

a. she isn’t – and wasn’t – indifferent to him.

b. she still remembers their marital relations when they first got married, even after 17 years.

c. she gets some sort of perverse enjoyment from shocking him. Last night, she accused him of being happy to see her in turmoil. This morning, she proves that she feels happy to see him flustered and flummoxed.

#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosie#the princess royal from love, rosiesource: nunafilms’ tumblr

5. Pei WenXuan asks her again if they should marry.

He sees her hiding her cheek from him with her fan and deduces correctly that her mother, the Empress, slapped her, leaving a red mark on her face. I like that he has the sensitivity NOT to call attention to it further and embarrass her. Remember, she’s very proud and won’t appreciate pity from him. So, he sighs softly, and tightens his lips. He’s determined to step in and block her mother’s aggression.

PWX: Do you think we should marry again?
LR: Are you feeling sorry for me?

Of course, he is. He remembers hearing her lament that her father had used her like a pawn to manipulate the noble family but her mother abandoned her to protect her noble Shangguan family. Nobody was on her side, not even her husband and her brother. She bore the suffering all alone.

This time around, PWX isn’t going to let that happen, so he outlines his plan to her. Remember? Just last night, he said he didn’t have a plan for himself. Now, he’s complicating his future with her affairs. But he must do this in a manner that won’t hurt her pride and dignity.

PWX: Your Highness, there are ways to help you out. I don’t need to feel sorry for you. You are probably different from the Princess I used to know. Starting over and knowing each other again might not be a bad idea.
LR: (relieved) You do have a point. Then let it be so.

See that? He gives her an out. He’s saving her face. He lets her believe that he’s merely exercising logic and reason to solve her crisis. He doesn’t want her to see that he’s stepping in because he can’t stand seeing her in distress all by herself.

First, he makes his demand.

PWX: But I cannot tolerate Your Highness’s honored guest.
LR: Ha! Nor can I accept your beloved, Mr. Pei.

Then, she makes her demand. I like that both of them stipulate conditions before their “new” marriage. This way, they’re consciously avoiding the problems they had in the Other Lifetime.

PWX: (smiling) It seems we have reached an understanding. Then, let’s settle our marriage. Let’s put up with each other for now. After a couple of years, when you hold more power, we can get a divorce.
LR: (not answering him)
PWX: Then, we can seek revenge and settle grievances. What do you think, Your Highness?
LR: Alright, let’s make do for now. But if you want to marry me, you’ll have to show your capabilities. (nodding towards the direction of the Empress’ palace) If you’re not capable, I won’t marry a useless man.
PWX: Rest assured, Your Highness. I will certainly ease your burden.
LR: Then, I’ll wait to hear your good news.

Meaning, he will have to beard the lion in the den, aka her mother in the palace, first.

6. He confesses to the Empress his true feelings for Li Rong.

The Empress wants to know why he is going through much trouble to rescue the Princess Royal.

Empress: You’re just an eighth-ranking official. Why are you willing to be embroiled in royal intrigues?
PWX: If not for ambitious dreams, why not retire and return home? Aren’t all those in the court striving for the same thing?

Lol. Isn’t he rephrasing one of Jack Ma’s philosophies? “Go big or go home. Otherwise, you’re wasting your youth.”  This is an exhortation to boldness and bravery. Similarly, PWX is saying that he isn’t a weak or timid man. He isn’t scared of getting involved in royal intrigues as royal intrigues are part and parcel of court life.

Empress: Then why choose the Crown Prince?
PWX: I can’t bear to see the Princess be humiliated.
Empress: (shocked) You adore my daughter?
PWX: I’m eager to assist and protect Your Majesty and Her Highness.

Who can resist this declaration? He’s formally pledging his service, loyalty, and protection. The Empress may be royalty, but as a mother, she must be thrilled to hear this avowal from her future son-in-law. She has no more reservations about his marriage to the Princess Royal.


I must stop here. There are other sweet moments in this episode, but these are the six that stand out for me.

Two other things worth mentioning.

In this episode, Li Rong is struck by how innocent her younger brother is. It’s hard for her to reconcile this man with long-lasting image she had of her brother’s cruelty. Also in this episode, PWX suspects Su Rongqing of having been reborn too like him and LiRong.

6 Comments On “The Princess Royal: Ep 4 The Highlights”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! While I generally liked this couples push and pull, I found LR too annoying in these earlier episodes.

    PWX was a saint through and through, constantly thinking of how he could get closer and be of help without awakening her defensiveness.

    Yes, it’s from this early on that PWX and viewers are getting clues that SRQ had also traveled back in time.

  2. SRQ time-traveled too, @GB? 😂😂 I’m not there yet.

    What about Li Chuan? He seems innocent though so he can’t have time-traveled with the others. He won’t be able to fake those puppy eyes given that he died hating Li Rong’s interference.

    I’m trying to catch up with the latest episodes “Are You the One” but there’s 20+ out now. Yikes.

    Will read other comments tomorrow. Was just checking if this post went through or not.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)



    Only RWX, LR and SRQ time traveled back 20 years. Everyone else did not. Confirmation on SRQ’s time travel comes much later in the 2nd half of the series.

    The actor for Li Chuan is not bad. I was quite impressed by how he pulled off the older, crueler ruler role as well as the kid brother role.

    Even SRQ’s character actor… I found him a bit boring for some time, but he does show more range later which was refreshing.

  4. @GB and @packmule3

    I did not like LR for a lot longer than you might have and I felt that PWX was too accomadating to LR. That said, I guess he had to be because LR was the princess and the King was also quite clear in his words and actions of the way he was indirectly protecting his daughter. The king practically hated the Shaugguan family because they were much more richer and powerful than him and he did want to put them down and in their place.

    LR and PWX figure out that SRQ also time traveled past mid way when PWX is fulfilling the concubine’s request (I think! – Memory is fading away)

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks for your confirmation @angelwingssf. Yes, my memory fades fast especially if I don’t make notes (and I did not make any for this show), hence I will not remember what happened exactly when.


    The thing about the younger brother king abdicating the throne and letting the older sister take over feels familiar. I know it happened in the kdrama, Goong, but I feel that I’ve seen it before in some other period drama. It’s the best solution when the female sibling is the one with the better head to rule and does not mind doing it, while the brother is hopeless or just wants to be free outside the palace.

  6. After I watched this series, I was flabbergasted as to the manipulations and machinations that everyone around does it to gain favor with the King. Thank god I was not born to some such family and a normal family as LR wishes. My parents loved both me and my brother to bits and sacrificed many things for us to have a better life. That said, my father passed away on Father’s day this year and the sadness and feelings of emptiness still lingers as of today.

    The brother was not a good fit to be a king. He did not learn or have an aptitude for Kingship, and might have learnt or been a good king had he been groomed for it. Instead, he was constantly stifled, demeaned, and self doubt himself to the extent that he felt his own father wanted to throw him to the gutters as his mood fancied. No wonder he was a wreck in his life as the king (first one), where he as asked – no told to produce a heir just because he had to. He told LR that there was no difference between him and a courtesan which is absolutely true. Would one want to bed someone they hate? Hope not. I clearly remember how dejected he was when the King was praising the 2nd son. But the King wanted to control him and poisoned him and they brought an imposter to replace the 2nd son and wanted to rule the kingdom. I think instead of that he should have groomed both of them properly with out the influence of their respective mothers who were nothing but greedy worts.

    I think I went tangential. Sorry about that.

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